Laura Barton - Laura Barton
is a feature writer for the Guardian and the first
substitute writer when originating writer Dorian
Lynskey took a short vacation in 2006. Her only
Readers Recommend column was on
Work. You can find
her other Guardian features
Maddy Costa - Maddy took over
Readers Recommend from founding writer Dorian
Lynskey on April 18, 2008 with songs about anxiety.
A young mother of two, Maddy is a busy woman juggling family, career and
her favorite pastime - dancing. She is a
member of the
Actionettes dance troupe which performs
around London. The members of the troupe have
nicknames ending in "ette" and Maddy goes by
Corvette. She contributes to the blog as
misscorvette. You can see a list of her recent
Guardian articles
Jon Dennis - Jon Dennis has
been a Guardian scribe since 1999 and presenter of
the Guardian's daily news podcast since 2007. And of
course, he has been the Readers Recommend guru since
it moved from being a print feature to being an
online feature in January 2011. His first topic,
appropriately enough, was
You can find Jon's Guardian articles
here. And check here for his
Podcasts. Before joining the Guardian, Jon
played in the Indie band
Blab Happy in the late 80s and early 90s.
Rob Fitzpatrick -
Rob Fitzpatrick took over the Readers Recommend
column on Feb. 13, 2009 when Maddy went on maternity
leave. He's Contributing Editor at The Word magazine
and writes for The Guardian and The Sunday Times.
Rob is also the co-author of
Gods of Rock. Be sure to click on the
preview tab for some generous excerpts of this
fascinating collection of music trivia. You can find
Rob's Guardian articles
Sophie Heawood - Sophie
Heawood is a contributing writer to the Guardian and
filled in for Dorian Lynskey on two occasions in
2006 for the topics of
Inspired by
Film and
Fashion. You can find her other
Guardian articles
Holmes, Matthew - Matthew has been the host and moderator of Readers Recommend since Feb. 11, 2016. Matthew is a community and social editor at the Guardian and you can find his work here.
Peter Kimpton - Peter Kimpton is a multi-faceted writer for the Guardian covering such diverse topics as travel, cycling, film, books and music. He is also experienced at advertising and brand copywriting. Peter took over hosting Readers Recommend in January 2014 and continued through to December 2015 when the Guardian decided to discontinue the feature. In February 2016, Peter launched his own independent version of Readers Recommend called the Song Bar even as the Guardian, responding to reader requests, continued with RR, albeit in a slightly altered version. You'll find Peter's Guardian articles here.
Paul Lester - Paul Lester is
a contributing writer for the Guardian for many
years, most notably for his
New Band of the Day feature. He has been a
Readers Recommend guest columnist on two occasions,
for Please
and Thank You Songs on 2008 and for
Old Age in 2010.
You can find his other Guardian writings
Dorian Lynskey - Dorian was
the founder of the Readers Recommend series which
launched on Sept. 16, 2005. At the time, he declared
his intention was not to make playlists of the most
popular or best songs recommended but, rather,
"to create a diverse and engaging
listening session". As he put it, "the song at number one isn't
necessarily the best song on the list:
just the best choice of opening track.
The idea is to introduce everyone to
some more obscure pieces of music,
reaffirm some old favourites and satisfy
my own capricious whims, all at the same
"I take into account how many
times a song is nominated, but I don't
just choose the most popular
recommendations. Nor do I select songs I
already know: each week I seek out some
of the more intriguing recommendations
and include some that I've never heard
before." In early 2008 a collection of
his columns was published as
The Guardian Book of Playlists.
Dorian continues to write for The
Guardian and you can see his recent articles
here. |
Paul MacInnes - Paul took
over the column on May 29, 2009.
He is the entertainment editor
of He was
the public face of Operation
Clark County, invented the Fiver
and hosts the Music Weekly
podcast. He is both a lapsed
ginger and a lapsed Catholic.
You can find his Guardian
Dave Simpson - Dave
Simpson is a music critic for
the Guardian and has filled in
for vacationing and otherwise
occupied Readers Recommend gurus
on a number of occasions. He
made his debut as an RR writer
Sweet Foods on May 7,
2008 and also contributed
Noise and
Brands the same year.
After a three year absence, he
returned as a guest RR columnist
in 2011. You can find all his
Guardian articles