
Jocelyn Rose (treefrogdemon), an avid Tom Petty fan, joined the Readers Recommend community in November 2007. She took the guru’s chair at Readers Recommend and the Song Bar 19 times between 2012 and 2019.

1Sep. 27, 2012Songs for Your Teenage SelfThe GuardianColumnBlog
2Feb. 7, 2013BellsThe GuardianColumnBlog
3June 13, 2013JesusThe GuardianColumnBlog
4Sep. 12, 2013GlassThe GuardianColumnBlog
5Feb. 6, 2014Geometric ShapesThe GuardianColumnBlog
6May 29, 2014Can’t Live With or Without You SongsThe GuardianColumnBlog
7Aug. 21, 2014Precious StonesThe GuardianColumnBlog
8Jan. 8, 2015AgesThe GuardianColumnBlog
9Apr. 2, 2015Orchestral String InstrumentsThe GuardianColumnBlog
10Oct. 8, 2015Discovery (co-guru with DarceysDad)The Guardian ColumnBlog
11Nov. 5, 2015Songs Featuring OrganThe GuardianColumnBlog
12Feb. 17, 2016Moving OnSong BarColumnBlog
13Mar. 31, 2016YorkshireThe GuardianColumnBlog
14May 11, 2016Wanting to Be Someone ElseSong BarColumnBlog
15Aug. 10, 2016Men’s NamesSong BarColumnBlog
16Nov. 2, 2016YellowSong BarColumnBlog
17Feb. 15, 2017OneSong BarColumnBlog
18May 31, 2017ManchesterSong BarColumnBlog
19Aug. 23, 2017The ObviousSong BarColumnBlog
20Nov. 29, 2017Sitting & StandingSong BarColumnBlog
21May 2, 2018Immortality & LongevitySong BarColumnBlog
22Jan. 9, 2019Fixing, Repairing & SolvingSong BarColumnBlog