
Marco den Ouden joined the RR community as Marconius7 in January 2008 and got his first A Lister for Albedo 0.39 by Vangelis for Science. He is one of our international players, hailing from Canada. After a couple of years playing the game, he launched this website as Readers Recommend: The Complete Index. One of the regulars started calling it The Marconium and the name stuck. Marco first took the guru’s seat in March 2013 for Stupidity and has held down the fort 46 times now.

1Mar. 7, 2013StupidityThe GuardianColumnBlog
2Jan. 30, 2014Decisive SongsThe GuardianColumnBlog
3June 26, 2014MurderThe GuardianColumnBlog
4Sept. 18, 2014JusticeThe GuardianColumnBlog
5Jan. 15, 2015HotelsThe GuardianColumnBlog
6June 4, 2015Songs That BuildThe GuardianColumnBlog
7July 2, 2015CanadaThe GuardianColumnBlog
8April 6, 2016Specific or Obscure PlacesSong BarColumnBlog
9May 18, 2016Curves & SpheresSong BarColumnBlog
10July 7, 2016RootsThe GuardianColumnBlog
11Sept. 21, 2016Starting OverSong BarColumnBlog
12Dec. 1, 2016Iron & SteelThe GuardianColumnBlog
13Feb. 8, 2017Immigrants & RefugeesSong BarColumnBlog
14April 20, 2017GasesThe GuardianColumnBlog
15June 7, 2017PropagandaSong BarColumnBlog
16Aug. 31, 2017FlagsThe GuardianColumnBlog
17Nov. 8, 2017GuitarsSong BarColumnBlog
18May. 10, 2018YouthfulnessThe GuardianColumnBlog
19July 4, 2018SubstitutionsSong BarColumnBlog
20Nov. 14, 2018DeterminationSong BarColumnBlog
21May 1, 2019Impressive VideosSong BarColumnBlog
22Aug. 21, 2019EmpathySong BarColumnBlog
23Dec. 25, 2019FurnitureSong BarColumnBlog
24Apr. 8, 2020The BrainSong BarColumnBlog
25Aug. 12, 2020Steel GuitarSong BarColumnBlog
26Dec. 22, 2020KnotsSong BarColumnBlog
27Feb. 24, 2021Zombies & the UndeadSong BarColumnBlog
28June 23, 2021Switches, Buttons, Knobs & LeversSong BarColumnBlog
29Aug. 4, 2021WingsSong BarColumnBlog
30Dec. 22, 2021TraditionSong BarColumnBlog
31May 11, 2022Higher Education & GraduationSong Bar
32June 29, 2022PunctualitySong BarColumnBlog
33July 20, 2022EyewearSong BarColumnBlog
34Dec. 14, 2022Winter Sports & PastimesSong BarColumnBlog
35Feb. 7, 2023Rare EventsSong BarColumnBlog
36June 21, 2023Stomach & GutsSong BarColumnBlog
37Aug. 23, 2023LegacySong BarColumnBlog
38Oct. 18, 2023PioneersSong BarColumnBlog
39Jan. 24, 2024Tyranny & DictatorshipSong BarColumnBlog
40Mar. 20, 2024Gaelic SongsSong BarColumnBlog
41May 22, 2024Legs and PantsSong BarColumnBlog
42June 26, 2024Finger Snapping, Toe Tapping & Foot StompingSong BarColumnBlog
43Oct. 2, 2024The Frozen NorthSong BarColumnBlog
44Oct. 30, 2024Castles & PalacesSong BarColumnBlog
45Dec. 11, 2024DetectivesSong BarColumnBlog
46Feb. 12, 2025Roman EmpireSong BarColumnBlog