
An ex-pat Brit, Andrew Morrissey has been living in Madrid, Spain for many years where he is a teacher. He joined the RR community in September 2009 as Makinavaja and goes by just Maki on the Song Bar. Not surprisingly he likes to nominate a lot of Spanish music. Maki first took the guru chair for Hands on Jan. 3, 2013 and has taken the guru’s chair 30 times now.

1Jan. 3, 2013HandsThe GuardianColumnBlog
2May 23, 2013MagazinesThe GuardianColumnBlog
3July 11, 2013Capital PunishmentThe GuardianColumnBlog
4May 7, 2015Mexico & Central AmericaThe GuardianColumnBlog
5May 5, 2016SpyingThe GuardianColumnBlog
6Mar. 1, 2017Chance & CoincidenceSong BarColumnBlog
7Apr. 19, 2017Hidden TracksSong BarColumnBlog
8Sept. 14, 2017AdversityThe GuardianColumnBlog
9Nov. 1, 2017Bread, Cakes, Pastry & BiscuitsSong BarColumnBlog
10Dec. 7, 2017EducationThe GuardianColumnBlog
11Feb. 22, 2018SpainThe GuardianColumnBlog
12June 26, 2019Lost and FoundSong BarColumnBlog
 13Feb. 5, 2020 Stubbornness Song Bar Column Blog 
14June 10, 2020Wide Open SpacesSong BarColumnBlog
15July 22, 2020EyesSong BarColumn Blog 
16Oct. 28, 2020Written CorrespondenceSong BarColumnBlog
17Jan. 27, 2021Edges & LedgesSong BarColumnBlog
18Nov. 3, 2021Outlaws & RebelsSong BarColumnBlog
19July 6, 2022The ImpossibleSong BarColumnBlog
20July 27, 2022OwlsSong BarColumnBlog
21Jan. 10, 2023Songs That Give You GoosebumpsSong BarColumnBlog
22Mar. 22, 2023IllusionsSong BarColumnBlog
23Dec. 13, 2023Board GamesSong BarColumnBlog
24Feb. 21, 2024Blessings & CursesSong BarColumnBlog
25Apr. 17, 2024Collective NounsSong BarColumnBlog
26May 1, 2024TautonymsSong BarColumnBlog
27June 12, 2024D-DaySong BarColumnBlog
28July 10, 2024Freedom of ExpressionSong BarColumnBlog
29Dec. 18, 2024PedantrySong BarColumnBlog
30Jan. 15, 2025Lyrical SymmetrySong BarColumnBlog