Loud Atlas

Matt, AKA Loud Atlas, became an active member of the community in July 2020. His first A-Lister was Dire Wolf by Grateful Dead for the topic of Steel Guitar on Aug. 12, 2020.

He was born exactly 10 years after Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours was released and grew up a keen pianist and guitarist. He enjoys a wide spectrum of music and tries to educate his offspring in all manner of weird and wonderful tunes. His claim to fame is appearing in the music video, albeit as a small dot in the background, for Coldplay’s Fix You. He lives in Devon with his wife and two children.

His first stint in the guru’s seat was for Stereotypes on July 20, 2021. He’s taken the guru’s chair 24 times now.

1July 20, 2021StereotypesColumnBlog
2Sept. 15, 20219/11ColumnBlog
3Dec. 7, 2021CrowdsColumnBlog
4Feb. 23, 2022PerfectionColumnBlog
5Apr. 27, 2022FairytalesColumnBlog
6June 8, 2022AwkwardnessColumnBlog
7Aug. 24, 2022Double BassColumnBlog
8Sept. 14, 2022Vertebral ColumnColumnBlog
9Oct. 20, 2022Steelpan BandsColumnBlog
10Nov. 9, 2022Fear of Missing OutColumnBlog
11Jan. 25, 2023Memorabilia & SouvenirsColumnBlog
12Mar. 29, 2023CircusColumnBlog
13June 14, 2023Artificial IntelligenceColumnBlog
14Aug. 16, 2023LibrariesColumnBlog
15Sept. 27, 2023Id, Ego & SuperegoColumnBlog
16Nov. 22, 2023CelloColumnBlog
17Jan. 31, 2024CoolnessColumnBlog
18Mar. 27, 2024Physical GesturesColumnBlog
19May 29, 2024FootballColumnBlog
20July 24, 2024Close Shaves & Near MissesColumnBlog
21Sept. 4, 2024BrownColumnBlog
22Oct. 23, 2024UnderdogsColumnBlog
23Nov. 27, 2024Defined or Redefined by TelevisionColumnBlog
24Jan. 22, 2025Tickets, Passes & InvitationsColumnBlog