
Alaric McDermott is a retired lawyer (not the nasty kind) who lives in Oldham because someone has to. He has a wife, two children, a dog, four cats including one that has no hair, and a lifelong affinity with trad folk and protest songs (which can’t be very good for him). He has never been arrested, even given that thing with the chocolates and the kangaroo, and he occasionally gets compliments during karaoke sessions (but only from people he knows). He doesn’t have a star sign, because he was born before they were invented.

Alaric joined the Song Bar community in 2021, initially as Alaricmc, and made his debut as guru on Aug. 24, 2021 for the topic of Liverpool and Merseyside.

1Aug. 24, 2021Liverpool & MerseysideColumnBlog
2Dec. 15, 2021North East EnglandColumnBlog
3May 18, 2022BeesColumnBlog