Songs for Driving and Roadtrips

April 12, 2023
Writer: pejepeine

A List

TitleArtistNominated by
1Solid RockDire StraitsParaMhor
2Ghost Dog ThemeRZATraktor Albatrost
3Hot n ColdKaty PerryMarconius7
4Tell Me When My Light Turns GreenDexys Midnight RunnersUncleben
5Ventura HighwayAmericaBanazirGalbasi
7T3.3Carter Tutti VoidMussoliniHeadkick
8Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G majorJohann Sebastian BachChris7572
9Separated by MotorwaysThe Long Blondesvastariner
10Keep On Truckin'Eddie KendricksAltraEgo
11Aire (Bulerías)José MercéMaki
12Village of the SunVillage of the Sunjostu
13DuurkaDur Dur BandDiscoMonster
14The Beautiful DarkRobb JohnsonTatankaYotanka

B List

TitleArtistNominated by
1King of the RoadFu ManchuTatankaYotanka
2Gear JammerGeorge Thorogood & the DestroyersSweetHomeAlabama
3Coma SummerWeekendDiscoMonster
4Union City BlueBlondiehappyclapper
5Crosstown TrafficThe Jimi Hendrix ExperienceGeorge Boyland
6BlindnessThe FallSongBarLandlord
719-2000 (Soulchild Remix)GorillazMussoliniHeadkick
8Point of ViewDB BoulevardPop Off!
9Two Lane HighwayPure Prairie Leaguemagicman
10Readin', Rightin', Rt. 23Dwight YoakamTatankaYotanka
11Ocean DriveLighthouse Familymagicman
12Call of the WildJimi TenorUncleben

Youtube Playlist