Readers Recommend Top A-Listers: 2012


2012 A Listers Alphabetically by Nominator

NominatorSong TitleArtistTopic
9hairs9knotsDon’t You Just Know ItHuey “Piano” Smith & the Clownscall and response
9hairs9knotsLast NightThe Mar-Keyslast night
9hairs9knotsKentucky SkankThe Upsettersrecipe songs
9hairs9knots5 Cardiff CrescentVin Gordon & the Upsettersaddresses
9hairs9knotsSecret Agent ManDevosecrets
9hairs9knotsAcapulco GoldRealitygold
9hairs9knotsCantaloop (Flip Fantasia)Us3best bass lines
9hairs9knotsThe MessageGrandmaster Flash & the Furious Fiveanger
AbahachiMr. XUltravoxphotographs
AbahachiThe Man-MachineKraftwerkbooks
AbahachiGeorge Square Thatcher Death PartyMogwaiScotland
albertasaurusSo SorryFeistregrets
alexitoPorcupineNature Zonerodents
AlfieHisselfAround the World in 80 DaysStraybooks
AlfieHisselfRace with the DevilGunspeed
AlfieHisselfMidnight RamblerThe Rolling Stonesanger
AlfieHisselfLong Distance RunaroundYesanger
amnesiacsanonFreedom Come All YeDick GaughanScotland
amnesiacsanonSpirit of the FalklandsNew Model Armythe army
amnesiacsanonSpit on a StrangerPavementanger
angryirishpunkSpotlight (Oh Nostalgia)Patrick Stumpsongs for your teenage self
ashenfaced supremoDo Not Go Gentle into That Good NightJohn CaleWelsh songs
ashenfaced supremoChocolate JesusTom Waitschocolate
ashenfaced supremoChocolateSoul Controlchocolate
ashenfaced supremoFilipino Box Spring HogTom Waitsrecipe songs
ashenfaced supremoWhy Can’t We Live TogetherTimmy Thomasgreat riffs
BalloonistererA Girl Like YouEdwyn Collinscall and response
barbrynThe Book of LoveThe Magnetic FieldsValentine’s Day songs
barbrynJunk Shop ClothesThe Auteursclothes
barbrynThe President’s DeadOkkervil RiverUS presidents
barbrynIn Bed with Your Best FriendAt Swim Two Birdswithout a chorus
barbrynHell Broke LuceTom Waitsthe army
BeltwayBanditI Threw It All AwayBob Dylanlosers
BeltwayBanditDueling BanjosEric Weissberg & Steve Mandellcall and response
BeltwayBanditThe PictureLoudon Wainwright IIIphotographs
BeltwayBanditThe Ferris WheelAlvino Reyfairgrounds
BeltwayBanditHitting YouLoudon Wainwright IIIregrets
BeltwayBanditIn Paradisum (from Requiem)Gabriel Fauré (performed by La Chappelle Royale)angels
BeltwayBanditGaudi ParkTangerine Dreamparks
BeltwayBanditMelting PotBlue Minkrecipe songs
BeltwayBanditLast Time AroundThe Del-Vettsgreat riffs
BeltwayBandit6 Six StreetLouisa Markaddresses
BeltwayBandit53 Summer StreetTurquoiseaddresses
BeltwayBanditSaturday Night at the Duck-PondThe Cougarsclassical songs
BeltwayBanditAir on a G StringThe Jacques Loussier Trioclassical songs
BeltwayBanditMy DoorbellThe White Stripesdoors
BeltwayBanditLa BièreJacques Brelbeer
BeltwayBanditThe Man Who Loved BeerLambchopbeer
BeltwayBanditFamous Blue RaincoatLeonard Cohenclothes
BeltwayBanditRunning AwayRoy Ayers Ubiquityrunning
BeltwayBanditCan the Circle Be Unbroken (By and By)Carter Familycircles
BeltwayBanditSpiegel im SpiegelArvo Pärtmirrors
BeltwayBanditRabbit ActionJimmy Haggettrabbits
BeltwayBanditThe TransfigurationSufjan Stevensmiracles
BeltwayBanditTwo Little Fishes and Five Loaves of BreadSister Rosetta Tharpemiracles
BeltwayBanditCall MeAretha Franklintelephones
BeltwayBanditSave My SoulWimple Winchbest bass lines
BeltwayBanditNothing But Blue SkiesJackie Wilsonsky
BeltwayBanditA Rainbow in Curved AirTerry Rileysky
BeltwayBanditTornadoGallon Drunkwind
BeltwayBanditJamaica HurricaneLord Beginnerwind
BeltwayBanditFriedrich NietzscheKlaus Schulzephilosophers
BeltwayBanditI Hate ScotlandBallboyScotland
BeltwayBanditRisePublic Image Ltdanger
bethnoirThirsty DogNick Cave & the Bad Seedsregrets
bethnoirSeason of the WitchDonovangreat riffs
bethnoirHaunting at 1300 McKinleyThe Black Angelsaddresses
bethnoirChristina the AstonishingNick Cave & the Bad Seedsmiracles
bethnoirPrimaryThe Curebest bass lines
bethnoirThe Wind That Shakes the BarleyDead Can Dancewind
bethnoirThe Wind BlowsSkeletal Familywind
bishboshSomething Wicked This Way ComesBarry Adamsonbooks
bishboshSpeedBran Van 3000speed
bishboshFasterJanelle Monáespeed
bishboshQueen of DenmarkJohn Grantqueens
bishboshQueen of the SavagesThe Magnetic Fieldsqueens
bishboshCaribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run)Billy Oceanqueens
bishboshCowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each OtherWillie Nelsonsecrets
bishboshTortoise Regrets HareJames Yorkstonrabbits
bishboshImpeach the PresidentThe Honey DrippersUS presidents
bishboshHe’s on the PhoneSaint Etienne ft Étienne Dahotelephones
bishboshLOLLittle Jackietelephones
bishboshUnder African SkiesPaul Simonsky
bishboshQui sème le vent récolte le tempoMC Solaarwind
bishboshLetter from AmericaThe ProclaimersScotland
bishboshThis Is a Rebel SongSinéad O’Connoranger
blackshadowNew Year SonThe Amazing Broken Mannew year songs
blackshadowI Would’ve Liked Me a Lot Last NightArab Straplast night
blackshadowNever Say Nups to a NepaleseManWelsh songs
blackshadowI Should Have Known BetterYo La Tengoregrets
blackshadowMonkey on Your BackClinicmonkeys & apes
blackshadowNobody Told MeJohn Lennonsolo Beatles songs
blackshadowEmbarrassmentThe Exembarrassment
blackshadowCrying to the SkyBe-Bop Deluxesky
bluepeterThe Minstrel BoyPaul Robesonbravery
bluepeter(Something Inside) So StrongLabi Siffrebravery
chinhealerGuns Don’t Kill People, Rappers DoGoldie Lookin ChainWelsh songs
chinhealerDoctor, PleaseBlue Cheerdoctors
chinhealerThe Real MeThe Whodoctors
chinhealerI Want It NowJulie Dawn Colechocolate
chinhealerJumpVan Halengreat riffs
chinhealerI Will SurviveGloria Gaynorbravery
chinhealerB.Y.O.B.System of a DownUS presidents
chinhealerTelephone Dhoon MeA. R. Rahman ft Hariharan & Kavita Krishnamurtytelephones
chinhealerCrucifyTori Amosembarrassment
chinhealerA Blaze in the Northern SkyDarkthronesky
chinhealerJohnny, Come HomeFine Young Cannibalsforgiveness
chinhealerHosanna in ExcelsisSabbatthe army
chinhealerMouth for WarPanteraanger
Chris7572St. StephenGrateful Deadphilosophers
Chris7572Shiny Happy PeopleThe Fatima Mansionsanger
cosmicsouthSweet EmotionAerosmithbest bass lines
cretissEndorfinTaner Yücelfairgrounds
CynicusCuratorisCànan nan GàidhealCatherine-Ann MacPheeScotland
d33pf1xTeenage HeadFlamin’ Grooviesteenagers
d33pf1xLet Me Roll ItPaul McCartney and Wingssolo Beatles songs
DaddyPigHeart of the CityDave EdmundsWelsh songs
DaddyPigGood TimesChicgreat riffs
DaddyPigI Whistle a Happy TuneBing Crosbybravery
DaddyPigMaybe I Can Paint Over ThatGuy Clarkembarrassment
DaddyPigWings of ForgivenessIndia Arieforgiveness
dampowlKarussellMichael Rotherfairgrounds
DarceysDadRat in My KitchenSleepy John Estesrodents
DarceysDadMmm Mmm Mmm MmmCrash Test Dummiesembarrassment
daysinsurreyDoors of Your HeartThe Beatdoors
daysinsurreyWas a FriendRobert Wyattforgiveness
debbymHow to Make GravyPaul Kellyrecipe songs
debbymHanging on the Old Barbed WireChumbawambathe army
dothe bathosphereShutoutThe Walker Brotherslast night
dothe bathosphereTrust Me I’m a DoctorMomusdoctors
DrDorrHe’s a High Class PhysicianMarion Williamsdoctors
emmajay333It Don’t Come EasyRingo Starrsolo Beatles songs
evaks31Tongue TiedWanda Jacksonembarrassment
Fintan28Y Blodyn GwynMary HopkinWelsh songs
Fintan28Turn Back the Hands of TimeTyrone Davisregrets
Fintan28Space MonkeyJohn Prinemonkeys & apes
Fintan28Back Street GirlThe Rolling Stonessecrets
Fintan28Sunny AfternoonThe Kinksbeer
Fintan28Band of GoldMel Cartergold
Fintan28Wade in the WaterSoul Stirrersbravery
Fintan28Moment of ForgivenessIndigo Girlsforgiveness
Fintan28I Dreamed I Saw St. AugustineBob Dylanphilosophers
Fintan281917Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harristhe army
Fintan28Boogie Woogie Bugle BoyThe Andrews Sisters with Vic Shoen & His Orchestrathe army
fredflinstoneYour Secret LoveLuther Vandrosssecrets
fredflinstoneIn Remote Part / Scottish FictionIdlewildScotland
fredflinstoneMurder of Liddle TowersAngelic Upstartsanger
frogprincessPut It Off Until TomorrowDolly Partonprocrastination
FuelNew Year’s DayAtlas Soundnew year songs
FuelDrop the BombTrouble Funkcall and response
FuelPlastic LinesNo Bird Sing ft Alicia Wileyphotographs
FuelRound and RoundAriel Pink’s Haunted Graffitifairgrounds
FuelYou Get MeThe Broken Family BandValentine’s Day songs
FuelL-O-V-E (Love)Al GreenValentine’s Day songs
FuelViime yönäBarry Andrewsin Diskolast night
FuelA Night and a DayPepe Deluxébooks
FuelThe WaitressAtmosphere ft Tom Waitsregrets
FuelGet AwayYuckprocrastination
FuelIn Ear ParkDepartment of Eaglesparks
FuelLullaby (2, West 46th Street)Moondogaddresses
Fuel127 Orange StreetPrince Busteraddresses
FuelScheherazadePanda Bearclassical songs
FuelI Heart BeerThe Physicsbeer
FuelJams Run FreeSonic Youthrunning
FuelPupu TupunaRistorabbits
FuelMiracle?Kristoff Kranemiracles
FuelWe Will All AsphyxiateMoney Can’t Buy Musicphilosophers
glasshalfemptyNew YearThe Breedersnew year songs
gordonimmelW·O·L·DHarry Chapinlosers
gordonimmelPhotographRingo Starrphotographs
gordonimmelNo Matter WhatBadfingerWelsh songs
gordonimmelSavoy TruffleThe Beatleschocolate
gordonimmelSmoke on the WaterDeep Purplegreat riffs
gordonimmelKiller QueenQueenqueens
gordonimmel14 MirrorsBilly Mackenziemirrors
gordonimmelThe Diary of Horace WimpElectric Light Orchestrabravery
greenstringsI WishSkee-Lolosers
happyclapper2Kindsa LoveJon Spencer Blues Explosiongreat riffs
happyclapperJudgment, Rage, Retribution and ThymeMudhoneymirrors
happyclapper(Drawing) Rings Around the WorldSuper Furry Animalstelephones
happyclapperEdinburgh ManThe FallScotland
happyclapperBloodsport for AllCarter the Unstoppable Sex Machinethe army
harrysmalleyRock Bottom RiserSmoggold
helenf888My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)Regina Spektornew year songs
helenf888This YearLoudon Wainwright IIInew year songs
helenf888I Lost My Heart at the FairgroundGlenda Collinsfairgrounds
helenf888AnyoneJoan as Police WomanValentine’s Day songs
helenf888Fold the ClothCate Le BonWelsh songs
helenf888Ground SpeedEarl Scruggsspeed
helenf888Egg CreamLou Reedchocolate
helenf888Angels on Your BodyEd Harcourtangels
helenf888Telephone and Rubber BandPenguin Cafe Orchestragreat riffs
helenf888Purple Rose MinuetSusumu Yokotaclassical songs
helenf888A Groovy Kind of LoveThe Mindbendersclassical songs
helenf888Look at MeJohn Lennonsolo Beatles songs
helenf888My Door Is Always OpenNoah and the Whaledoors
helenf888Black DressEd Harcourtclothes
helenf888Black GoldFoalsgold
helenf888House of CirclesMr. Gnomecircles
helenf888The Lion (Gaiende)Youssou N’Dourbravery
helenf888Black SwanThom Yorkebest bass lines
helenf888Flowers for AlgernonKathy Marrodents
helenf888Northern SkiesI Am Klootsky
helenf888The Sky Is CryingJohn Martynsky
HoshinoSakuraNothing to My NameCui Jianbravery
HoshinoSakuraPerfect SkyBonnie Pinksky
JapantherHeavy DoctorThee Oh Seesdoctors
JapantherSky BellowerEttricksky
JessegaronSend Me Your PictureBobby Mitchell & the Toppersphotographs
JessegaronLast Night Was Made for LoveBilly Furylast night
John91FlimAphex TwinWelsh songs
John91Who Knows Where the Time Goes?Sandy Dennyspeed
John91Road to JoyBright Eyesclassical songs
junksDeadThey Might Be Giantsprocrastination
lambretinhaC is the Heavenly OptionHeavenlysongs for your teenage self
lambretinhaRatsPearl Jamrodents
lambretinhaGerbilStephen Lynchrodents
lambretinhaThe Sporting LifeThe Decemberistsembarrassment
lambretinhaTo ForgiveThe Smashing Pumpkinsforgiveness
lambretinhaPlato’s Fucked Up CaveMarnie Sternphilosophers
littleriverKing of Nothing EverEast River Pipelosers
littleriverLe FotographieEnnio Morriconephotographs
littleriverDocteur Jekyll et Monsieur HydeSerge Gainsbourgbooks
littleriverGuardian AngelsJohn McLaughlinangels
littleriverCould It Be MagicDonna Summerclassical songs
littleriverLost SongJane Birkinclassical songs
littleriverDidn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)The Delfonicsdoors
littleriverGolden Apples of the SunTerry Calliergold
littleriverUna voce allo specchioEnnio Morriconemirrors
littleriverToi jamaisCatherine Deneuveforgiveness
llamalpacaMars BarsThe Undertoneschocolate
llamalpaca7 TeenThe Regentsteenagers
llamalpacaGet Innocuous!LCD Soundsystemgreat riffs
llamalpacaThe Queen Is DeadThe Smithsqueens
llamalpacaQueen of HeartsDave Edmundsqueens
llamalpacaComing UpPaul McCartneysolo Beatles songs
llamalpacaSolid GoldCornershop ft Katiegold
llamalpacaMirror in the BathroomThe Beatmirrors
llamalpacaLady EvilBlack Sabbathbest bass lines
llamalpacaFit But You Know ItThe Streetsembarrassment
lonniejJack the BearDuke Ellington & His Orchestrabest bass lines
lonniejEulogyFrank Turnerwithout a chorus
loyatemuCirclingFour Tetcircles
magicmanWhat Is LifeGeorge Harrisonsolo Beatles songs
magicmanThe BroadcastWingssolo Beatles songs
magicmanGive Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)George Harrisonsolo Beatles songs
magicmanFreakum DressBeyoncéclothes
magicmanNo More Runnin’Animal Collectiverunning
magicmanRabbit in the LogBashful Brother Oswaldrabbits
magicmanObama NationLowkeyUS presidents
magicmanAmazing GraceAretha Franklinmiracles
magicmanWhat a Wonderful WorldLouis Armstrongmiracles
magicmanBastardBen Foldssongs for your teenage self
magicmanGive Up the Funk (Tear the Roof Off the Sucker)Parliamentbest bass lines
magicmanMuskrat RambleLouis Armstrong & His Hot Fiverodents
magicmanYou’ve Got to Hide Your Love AwayThe Beatlesembarrassment
magicmanAll Is ForgivenJellyfishforgiveness
magicmanThere Is a MountainDonovanphilosophers
magicmanSpace OddityDavid Bowiewithout a chorus
MaharishiMikeMy Back PagesThe Byrdssongs for your teenage self
MakinavajaFlirtin’ with DisasterMolly Hatchetspeed
MakinavajaPaquito el ChocolateroGustavo Pascual Falcóchocolate
MakinavajaGeneralifeEnrique Morenteparks
MakinavajaOpen Up Your DoorRichard Hawleydoors
MakinavajaEl Circulo MágicoManuel de Falla (pianist: Alicia de Larrocha)circles
MakinavajaVivo CieloJosé Mercésky
MakinavajaTangos del CerroEstrella Morenteforgiveness
Mark68Taillights FadeBuffalo Tomlosers
Mark68King Midas in ReverseThe Hollieslosers
Mark68Now My Heart Is FullMorrisseybooks
Mark68Dr. AbernathyScritti Polittidoctors
Mark68MacArthur ParkDonna Summerparks
Mark68A Walk in the ParkBeach Houseparks
Mark68Dark End of the StreetThe Flying Burrito Brotherssecrets
Mark68Find a Hidden DoorThe Misunderstooddoors
Mark68Behold the MiracleTeenage Fanclub & Jad Fairmiracles
Mark68At My Most BeautifulR.E.M.telephones
Mark68Stand by MeBen E. Kingbest bass lines
Mark68My Pet Rat St. MichaelMark Eitzelrodents
MegadomO CarolineMatching Moleregrets
miserlyoldgitI Saw My Death in a Dream Last NightThe Barracudaslast night
miserlyoldgitSea DiverMott the Hoopleregrets
miserlyoldgitSitting in the ParkBilly Stewartparks
miserlyoldgitSummer WineNancy Sinatra with Lee Hazlewoodrecipe songs
miserlyoldgit13 Chester StreetThe Pretty Thingsaddresses
miserlyoldgit24 SycamoreWayne Fontanaaddresses
miserlyoldgitOpen the Door HomerBob Dylan & the Banddoors
miserlyoldgitSilence Is GoldenThe Tremeloesgold
miserlyoldgitBruces’ Philosophers SongMonty Pythonphilosophers
MnemonicDr. BakerThe Beta Banddoctors
nilpferdEverything Happens to MeThelonious Monklosers
nilpferdBedazzledPeter Cook & Dudley Moorecall and response
nilpferdWaltz for a Lovely WifeStan GetzValentine’s Day songs
nilpferdWhat’s NewHelen Merrillregrets
nilpferdSome Other TimeTony Bennett & Bill Evansprocrastination
nilpferdATRAtari Teenage Riotteenagers
nilpferdMi Ni Non KpoOrchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonougreat riffs
nilpferdAutumn SweaterYo La Tengoclothes
nilpferdCircleMiles Daviscircles
nilpferdBarbary CoastWeather Reportbest bass lines
nilpferdNight of Chill BlueThe Chillssky
nilpferdDon’t ExplainBillie Holidayforgiveness
NoodsyJesus Was Way CoolKing Missilemiracles
NoodsyDon’t Let the Sun Go Down on Your GrievancesDaniel Johnstonforgiveness
oldgoldDr. BeatMiami Sound Machinedoctors
oohgetyouElizabeth My DearThe Stone Rosesqueens
oohgetyouSecret Lemonade DrinkerRoss McManussecrets
OwlyrossSong Without a ChorusButch Walkerwithout a chorus
PairubuLonesome TownRicky Nelsonlosers
PairubuTell HimThe Excitersprocrastination
PairubuRace with the DevilGene Vincent & His Blue Capsspeed
PairubuI Want Two WingsRev. Utah Smithangels
PairubuLife of CrimeThe Weirdosgreat riffs
PairubuSecret SideNicosecrets
PairubuHermit the FrogMarina and the Diamondssecrets
PairubuVegetable ManPink Floydclothes
PairubuI’ll Be Your MirrorThe Velvet Underground & Nicomirrors
PairubuDevil RabbitGuai Lirabbits
PairubuPainter ManThe Creationadvertising
PairubuI Can’t Do AnythingX-Ray Spexsongs for your teenage self
PairubuCapybaraShonen Kniferodents
PairubuHamstersKing Missilerodents
PairubuPhilosophy of the WorldThe Shaggsphilosophers
PairubuBlack Derby JacketRancidphilosophers
Pontificate3Dr. Love PowerAnn Peeblesdoctors
richardrjOh Good AleThe Copper Familybeer
RichJamesMerry Go RoundThe Replacementsfairgrounds
RichJamesCall the DoctorSleater-Kinneydoctors
RichJamesGolden Lakes‘Igginbottomgold
RichJamesOn Tooting Broadway StationKitchens of Distinctionforgiveness
RichJamesHero of WarRise Againstthe army
RipThisJointGris Gris Gumbo Ya YaDr. Johndoctors
RipThisJointBack Door ManThe Doorsdoors
RipThisJointLose YourselfEminembravery
RipThisJointRip This JointThe Rolling StonesUS presidents
RipThisJointFunkin’ for JamaicaTom Brownebest bass lines
RipThisJointFallenSarah McLachlanembarrassment
RipThisJointHumanThe Human Leagueforgiveness
RipThisJointFriday I’m in LoveThe Curewithout a chorus
RipThisJointSíocháin IonaThe WaterboysScotland
robbo100Paint BoxPink Floydlast night
robbo100New Face in HellThe Fallbooks
robbo100Double Chocolate MaltedJonathan Richman & the Modern Loverschocolate
robbo100Teenage HeavenEddie Cochranteenagers
robbo100Ram OnPaul and Linda McCartneysolo Beatles songs
robbo100I’m Losing YouJohn Lennon & Cheap Tricksolo Beatles songs
robbo100Run Run RunThe Whorunning
robbo100White RabbitThe Damnedrabbits
robbo100Chantilly LaceThe Big Boppertelephones
robbo100The World Isn’t FairRandy Newmanphilosophers
robbo100Them Belly Full (But We Hungry)Bob Marley & the Wailersanger
RockingMitchAlligator WineScreamin’ Jay Hawkinsrecipe songs
RockingMitchSummertimeRicky Nelsongreat riffs
saneshaneDigital LoveDaft Punklast night
saneshaneFuck NicoleThe Teenagersteenagers
saneshaneThis Charming ManThe Smithsgreat riffs
saneshaneSoffry Soffry Catch MonkeyIkenga Super Stars of Africamonkeys & apes
saneshaneMore Tea, More BeerThe Herbaliser ft Jean Graebeer
saneshaneSky PhenomenonJens Lekmanbeer
saneshaneBlackoutBritish Sea Powerbeer
saneshaneRun to the HillsHellsongsrunning
saneshaneIf a Song Could Be PresidentOver the RhineUS presidents
saneshaneKansasThe Wolfgang PressUS presidents
saneshaneWe Want Your SoulAdam Freelandadvertising
saneshaneGet BetterDan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pipsongs for your teenage self
saneshaneWild Is the WindEsperanza Spaldingwind
saneshaneWho Needs Action When You Got WordsPlan Banger
scepticusuallyWhen You Walk in the RoomJackie DeShannonValentine’s Day songs
scepticusuallyPurple StewThurston Harrisrecipe songs
scepticusuallyIt’s Hard to ConfessThe Gayladssecrets
scepticusuallyThe Windmills of Your MindDusty Springfieldcircles
scepticusuallySymphony No. 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs), 2nd movementHenryk Góreckibravery
seeoou99 PoundsAnn Peeblesrecipe songs
seeoouMadison AvenueGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonadvertising
severinThis YearLoudon Wainwright IIInew year songs
severinSay It Loud – I’m Black and I’m ProudJames Browncall and response
severinSuccessIggy Popcall and response
severinFar East ManGeorge Harrisonsolo Beatles songs
severinMaybe I’m AmazedPaul McCartneysolo Beatles songs
severinOpen the Door HomerBob Dylan & the Banddoors
severinKing’s Lead HatBrian Enoclothes
severinWe’ll Be Right BackSteinski & the Mass Mediaadvertising
severinPersonal ColumnJake Thackrayadvertising
severinAll the Way from AmericaJoan Armatradingtelephones
severinFancy MiceJilted Johnrodents
severinItsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot BikiniBrian Hylandembarrassment
severinI Wanna Be MeSex Pistolswithout a chorus
shedlordEating Salt Is EasyGorky’s Zygotic MynciWelsh songs
ShivSidecarMagazine LadySpider John Koerner & Willie Murphyphotographs
ShivSidecarY PenderfyniadEdward H. DafisWelsh songs
ShivSidecarTomorrow NightShoesprocrastination
ShivSidecarGentlemen of the ParkEpisode Sixparks
ShivSidecarRossmore RoadBarry Andrewsaddresses
ShivSidecarLittle BritainDreadzoneclassical songs
ShivSidecarThe WitchThe Rattlesrunning
ShivSidecarBefore the HurricaneMartin Newellwind
ShivSidecarLate NovemberSandy Dennywithout a chorus
ShivSidecarAye?Martyn BennettScotland
ShivSidecarI Wanna Destroy YouThe Soft Boysanger
ShoegazerCall It Love (Trego Snare Version)YelloValentine’s Day songs
ShoegazerLong Time ManTim Roseregrets
ShoegazerLibet’s DelayThe Caretakerprocrastination
ShoegazerWhen You Were Young (Lindbergh Palace Remix)The Killersteenagers
ShoegazerBe My AngelMazzy Starangels
ShoegazerEscapeGary Clail & On-U Sound Systemrunning
ShoegazerWarrior ChargeAswadbravery
ShoegazerMiguel for PresidentThe Cuban BrothersUS presidents
ShoegazerEveryman’s an IslandJah Wobbleadvertising
ShoegazerCharlton HestonStumpmiracles
ShoegazerHard OnWithered Handsongs for your teenage self
SlademanThe LoserDerrick Harriottlosers
SlademanScene Through the Eye of a LensFamilyphotographs
SlademanLast NightLittle Walterlast night
SlademanSure Had a Wonderful TimeLouis Jordan & His Tympany Fivelast night
SlademanSpeaking with the AngelRon Sexsmithangels
SlademanPagan Angel and a Borrowed CarIron & Wineangels
SlademanHilly Fields (1892)Nick Nicelyparks
SlademanQueen MatildaMichael Head & the Strandsqueens
SlademanQueen of ’59 (live)Dion and Phil Everlyqueens
SlademanInstant Karma! (We All Shine On)Lennon/Ono with the Plastic Ono Bandsolo Beatles songs
SlademanSwinging DoorsMerle Haggarddoors
SlademanGold on the CeilingThe Black Keysgold
SlademanFull Circle SongGene Clarkcircles
SlademanSmoke RingsLaurie Andersoncircles
SlademanIn the MirrorField Musicmirrors
SnoopDog StevensYou Don’t Want a BoyfriendBrianlosers
SnoopDog StevensLooking GlassThe La’smirrors
sonofwebcoreThe Bright New YearBert Janschnew year songs
sonofwebcoreThe First Picture of YouThe Lotus Eatersphotographs
sonofwebcoreGhost TrainKevin Ayersfairgrounds
sonofwebcoreForbidden ColoursDavid Sylvian & Ryuichi Sakamotobooks
sonofwebcoreSearching for Mr. RightYoung Marble GiantsWelsh songs
sonofwebcoreItchycoo ParkSmall Facesparks
sonofwebcoreKeep on Churnin’ (Till the Butter Comes)Wynonie Harrisrecipe songs
sonofwebcoreSlip AwayClarence Cartersecrets
sonofwebcoreHey Garland, I Dig Your Tweed CoatCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandclothes
sonofwebcoreMirror ManCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandmirrors
sonofwebcoreMr. RabbitPaul Westerbergrabbits
sonofwebcoreSummer BreezeSeals and Croftswind
sourpusJumpin’ Jack FlashThe Rolling Stonesgreat riffs
SpottedRichardAht Uh Mi HedShuggie OtisValentine’s Day songs
SpottedRichardSatin DollTerry CallierValentine’s Day songs
SpottedRichardA Little Less ConversationElvis Presleyprocrastination
SpottedRichardMuch Ado About NothingForestprocrastination
SpottedRichardTalkin’ Candy Bar BluesPeter, Paul and Marychocolate
SpottedRichardEarth AngelThe Penguinsangels
SpottedRichardTheme from King KongLove Unlimited Orchestramonkeys & apes
SpottedRichardMonkey ManToots and the Maytalsmonkeys & apes
SpottedRichardQueen of PainThe Crampsqueens
SpottedRichardA Lover’s ConcertoThe Toysclassical songs
SpottedRichardBubbles in My BeerGeorge Jonesbeer
SpottedRichardHot PantsAlan Hawkshaw and Alan Parkerclothes
SpottedRichardIn the Gold Rush DustCocteau Twinsgold
SpottedRichardCirclesThe Fleur de Lyscircles
SpottedRichardEt moi, et moi, et moiJacques Dutroncrabbits
SpottedRichardTwo Little SquirrelsLouis Jordan & His Tympany Fiverodents
stardust57Oh Happy DayEdwin Hawkins Singerscall and response
stardust57Helter SkelterThe Beatlesfairgrounds
stardust57The Third Man ThemeAnton Karasfairgrounds
stardust57EverywhereFleetwood MacValentine’s Day songs
stardust57The Cruel SeaThe Dakotasbooks
stardust57A Chocolate Sundae on a Saturday NightDoris Daychocolate
stardust57Romeo and JulietDire Straitsteenagers
stardust57In My RoomThe Beach Boysteenagers
stardust57GracelandPaul Simonaddresses
stardust57Marlboro ManFelice Brothersadvertising
stardust57Roaring 40sChristian Kjellvander & Nina Perssonwind
stardust57Black Elk SpeaksHawkwindphilosophers
stardust57Praise YouFatboy Slimwithout a chorus
stardust57Mull of KintyreWingsScotland
stardust57Loch Lomond (live)RunrigScotland
steenbeckNew Year’s ResolutionLootpacknew year songs
steenbeckMighty ‘O’OutKastcall and response
steenbeckPicture in a FrameTom Waitsphotographs
steenbeckSaintsThe Breedersfairgrounds
steenbeckTalk to You (Li’l Darlin’)Talib Kweli ft BilalValentine’s Day songs
steenbeckThe DistanceCakespeed
steenbeckChocolate Salty BallsIsaac Hayeschocolate
steenbeckTeenage LobotomyRamonesteenagers
steenbeckRock Creek ParkThe Blackbyrdsparks
steenbeckThe Good, the Bad and the QueenThe Good, the Bad and the Queenqueens
steenbeckGoing in CirclesIsaac Hayescircles
straffBassologyWillie Dixonbest bass lines
sugarbuttyIt’ll Shine When It ShinesOzark Mountain Daredevilssongs for your teenage self
sugarbuttyHere’s Looking at You, KidThe Gaslight Anthemwithout a chorus
suziOualahila Ar TesninamTinariwencall and response
suziBorn Too LateThe Poni-Tailsregrets
suziI Tried to Leave YouLeonard Cohenprocrastination
suziThe Queen of HeartsJoan Baezqueens
suziThe Sun’s Comin’ Over the HillKarine Polwartbravery
suziTrue ColorsCyndi Laupersongs for your teenage self
suziTam LinFairport Conventionwithout a chorus
SweetHome AlabamaDing Dong, Ding DongGeorge Harrisonnew year songs
SweetHome AlabamaMind, Body and SoulThe Flaming EmberValentine’s Day songs
SweetHome AlabamaIf That’s Your Boyfriend (He Wasn’t Last Night)Meshell Ndegeocellolast night
SweetHome AlabamaThe White StripeH. P. Lovecraftbooks
SweetHome AlabamaChoicesGeorge Jonesregrets
SweetHome AlabamaRegretNew Orderregrets
SweetHome AlabamaMemories Are Made of ThisDean Martinrecipe songs
SweetHome AlabamaOh Lord, Why LordLos Pop Topsclassical songs
SweetHome AlabamaGoldJohn Stewartgold
SweetHome AlabamaWalkin’ in the Rain with the One I LoveLove Unlimitedtelephones
SweetHome AlabamaSometime Around MidnightThe Airborne Toxic Eventwithout a chorus
TatankaYotankaRowenaMeic StevensWelsh songs
TatankaYotankaEverybody’s Got Something to Hide (Except Me and My Monkey)The Feeliesmonkeys & apes
TatankaYotankaSeven Signs of AgeingPhilip Jeaysadvertising
TatankaYotankaAnother Man’s RainJackie Leventelephones
TatankaYotankaMorbid SkyDavid Thomas with Two Pale Boyssky
TatankaYotankaNews for the Delphic OracleThe Waterboysphilosophers
TatankaYotankaThe SoldierPhilip Jeaysthe army
TheOldHipsterHandbags and GladragsMike D’Aboclothes
TheOldHipsterO Pencil SharpDrive Like Jehuwithout a chorus
thewinslowboyThe Night the Carousel Burnt DownTodd Rundgrenfairgrounds
thewinslowboyLady EleanorLindisfarnebooks
thewinslowboyUm, Um, Um, Um, Um, UmMajor Lanceparks
thewinslowboyIs She Really Going Out with Him?Joe Jacksonmonkeys & apes
thewinslowboyBeing for the Benefit of Mr. KiteThe Beatlesadvertising
tincanmanMy Favorite Picture of YouGuy Clarkphotographs
tincanmanAngels and Devils the Following DayDory Previnangels
tincanmanRun Run RunGhostpoetrunning
tincanmanOval RoomBlaze FoleyUS presidents
tincanmanIn the Light of the MiracleArthur Russellmiracles
tincanmanThe JokerEverclearsongs for your teenage self
tincanmanLetters Home from the Garden of StoneEverlastthe army
tipatinaHappy New YearCamera Obscuranew year songs
tipatinaNew Year’s ResovolutionDonovannew year songs
tipatinaLost HighwayHank Williamslosers
tipatinaLoserThe New Dawnlosers
tipatinaWhat’d I Say (Pts 1 & 2)Ray Charlescall and response
tipatinaBilly LiarThe Decemberistsbooks
tipatinaDr. Ring-DingRoland Alphonso & the Soul Brothersdoctors
tipatinaThe Days of Wine and BoozeThe Minus 5procrastination
tipatinaSpeedRon Wray Light Showspeed
tipatinaSo YoungThe Ronettesteenagers
tipatinaI Saw an Angel DieBobbie Gentryangels
tipatinaIn Tha ParkGhostface Killah ft Black Thoughtparks
tipatinaThe GorillaThe Idealsmonkeys & apes
tipatinaO Sole MioBlind John Davisclassical songs
tipatinaHouse of the GodsThe Poguesbeer
tipatinaCold BearThe Gatursbeer
tipatinaWhite Socks/Flip FlopsSuper Furry Animalsclothes
tipatinaRunningBaby Hueyrunning
tipatinaWalking Round in CirclesLightnin’ Hopkinscircles
tipatinaHouse of MirrorsDavid McCallummirrors
TodayIamthe ZodiacCome Monkey with MeGino Washington & the Rochelles with the Atlanticsmonkeys & apes
Tomgar24The Last SuckerMinistryUS presidents
TonNLNew YearThe Go Findnew year songs
TonNLCountryMusicDisco45Jeb Loy Nicholslast night
TonNLTeenage TreatsThe Waspsteenagers
TonNLSix PackBlack Flagbeer
TonNLSpiegelsaal (The Hall of Mirrors)Kraftwerkmirrors
TonNLWasn’t That a Mighty StormThe Duhkswind
treefrogdemonHere We Come A-WassailingThe Watersonsnew year songs
treefrogdemonMy Love Is Like a Red, Red RoseFive Hand ReelValentine’s Day songs
treefrogdemonBaba O’RileyThe Whoteenagers
treefrogdemonAngel of the MorningEvie Sandsangels
treefrogdemonRunnin’ Down a DreamTom Pettygreat riffs
treefrogdemon2120 South Michigan AvenueThe Rolling Stonesaddresses
treefrogdemonThe Door into SummerThe Monkeesdoors
treefrogdemonWhite DressFairport Conventionclothes
treefrogdemonClea Caught a RabbitAnne Briggsrabbits
treefrogdemonAlexander Graham BellRichard Thompsontelephones
treefrogdemonI MisunderstoodRichard Thompsonembarrassment
vanwolfUp the Hill and Down the SlopeThe Loftfairgrounds
vanwolfGoddess on a HiwayMercury Revspeed
vanwolfNimrod’s SonPixiesspeed
vanwolfA More Perfect UnionTitus AndronicusUS presidents
vanwolfYouth Against FascismSonic YouthUS presidents
vastarinerWelcome to the Monkey HouseAnimal Magnetmonkeys & apes
vastarinerThe High Monkey-MonkCocteau Twinsmonkeys & apes
VhscrapsSomebody Get Me a DoctorVan Halendoctors
wilemenaIf You See My Rooster (Please Run Him Home)Memphis Minnie & Black Bobrunning
wilemenaFollow the White RabbitFunk Offrabbits
wilemenaWho Will BuyJon Lucienadvertising
wilemenaMilk and HoneyPrince Fatty ft Hollie Cooksongs for your teenage self
wilemenaTake the Bitter with the SweetThe Excitementssongs for your teenage self
wilemenaPerson to PersonScreamin’ Jay Hawkinstelephones
wilemenaOne Black RatBig Mama Thorntonrodents
wilemenaTiny SoldiersThe Men They Couldn’t Hangthe army
williamsbachO Mary Don’t You WeepBruce Springsteen & the Seeger Sessions Bandmiracles
wyngate carpenterWe Are the FirmCockney Rejectscall and response
wyngate carpenterAnarcho-PieOi Polloirecipe songs
wyngate carpenterI’m an UpstartAngelic Upstartsgreat riffs
wyngate carpenterYou Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla)The Dickiesmonkeys & apes
wyngate carpenterIdentityX-Ray Spexmirrors
wyngate carpenterClosedownCock Sparreradvertising
wyngate carpenterUnion Jack? Thall’s Cac!Oi PolloiScotland
wyngate carpenterArmy LifeThe Exploitedthe army
ZalamandaLove Song to a Girl in an Old PhotoHappy and Artie Traumphotographs
ZalamandaSpeed of the Sound of LonelinessNanci Griffithspeed
ZalamandaSecretsThe Zutonssecrets
ZalamandaSecret HeartFeistsecrets
ZalamandaI Hear You Knockin’Smiley Lewisdoors