
Song TitleTopic
1Alphabet Streetroads & streets
2Baby I’m a Starstars
3The Ballad of Dorothy Parkerother songs
4The Ballad of Dorothy Parkerwriting
5Black Sweatperspiration
6Creamaudible breaths
7Darling Nikkione night stands
8Do Me, Babyorgasms
9Gett Offinnuendo
10Headsexy songs
11I Could Never Take the Place of Your Manempathy
12If I Was Your Girlfriendandrogynous vocals
13Joy in Repetitionrepetition
15Let’s Go Crazysongs with vim
16Little Red Corvettecars
18Pink Cashmerefabrics
19Purple Raineccentric songs
20Raspberry Berethats
21Ronnie, Talk to RussiaRussia
23Sign of the Timesnews & the media
24Sistersecret vices
25 Starfish and Coffeeschool
27When Will We B Paidwaiting
28While My Guitar Gently Weeps (with Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood, Billy Preston et al)guitars