Paul Kelly

There are two Paul Kellys. This page is on the Australian singer. 

Song TitleTopic
1Alone and Forsaken (with Lucky Oceans)steel guitar
2The Ballad of Queenie and Roverfamous or notable duos
3Beautiful Promisespromises & choices
5Clean This House (with the Dots)spring cleaning
6Every Fucking Citytravelling
7Everything’s Turning to Whitediscovery
8From Little Things Big Things Growjustice
9God Told Me Tomurder
10How to Make Gravyrecipes
11Maralinga (with the Colored Girls)specific or obscure places
12Meltingstarting fires
13Other People’s Houseshouses
14Our Sunshineoutlaws & rebels
15Rally Round the Drumfighting
16Shane Warnefallen heroes
17South of Germanyalternative outcomes
18Stolen Apples Are the Sweetestsinners
19They Thought I Was Asleeproad trips
20Time and Tidetides