Tom Waits

Song TitleTopic
1Alicewinter sports
2Chocolate Jesuschocolate
3Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolispathos
4Diamonds on My Windshieldroad trips
5Dirt in the Groundstairs & elevators
6Earth Died Screamingend of the world
7Eggs and Sausage (In a Cadillac with Susan Michelson)restaurants & cafes
8Filipino Box Spring Hogrecipe songs
9First Kissfirst love
10Frank’s Wild Yearsshort songs
11Georgia Leelost and found
12Ghosts of Saturday Night (After Hours at Napoleone’s Pizza House)Friday & Saturday
13God’s Away on Businesschaos
14Hell Broke Lucearmy
15House Where Nobody Liveshouses
16I Hope That I Don’t Fall in Love with Youpubs & bars
17I Never Talk to Strangers (with Bette Midler)dialogue
18Ice Cream Manice cream
19In the Neighborhoodboring & mundane
20Innocent When You Dreampromises & choices
21Jersey Girlna-na-hey-hey songs
22Jockey Full of Bourbonincidental music
23Just the Right Bulletsshooting
24(Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Nightsound effects
25Marthasongs that make you cry
26On the Nickelcrisis
27The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)drinking
28Picture in a Framephotographs
29Shiver Me Timbersitinerants & migration
31Soldier’s Thingsmemorabilia & souvenirs
32Spidey’s Wild Ridesuperheroes
33Starving in the Belly of a Whalecetaceans
34Step Right Upsales, selling & bargains
35Step Right Upvolume
36Swordfishtrombonetall tales
37Tango Till They’re Sorefalling
38Tom Traubert’s Blues (Four Sheets to the Wind in Copenhagen)national anthems
39Undergroundbasements & underground
40Watch Her Disappearsurveillance
41Way Down in the HoleTV theme songs
42What’s He Building?questions for titles
43Yesterday Is Hereregressing & reversing