Songs About the Number Nine

Feb. 26, 2025
Writer: Nicko

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Rocket Nine Takes Off for Planet VenusSun Ra & his Myth Science ArkestraFred Erickson
2Nine Stone RigLinda Thompsonseverin
399 Miles from LAAlbert HammondFred Erickson
499.9F°Suzanne VegaShoegazer
5The Devil's Nine QuestionsTexas Gladdentincanman
6Nine While NineThe Sisters of Mercyvanwolf2
7NinePatti SmithUncleben
8Plan 9 Channel 7The Damnedvanwolf2
9Nine Below ZeroSonny Boy Williamson IIUncleben
10Get Me Back on Time, Engine Number 9 (Pt. 1 & 2)Wilson PickettLoud Atlas
11Number 9 TrainTarheel SlimShivSidecar
12Long Time WomanPam GrierAltraEgo
13"❦" (Interlude 1) (The Ripe & Ruin)alt-Jtincanman
14Nine Funerals for the Citizen KingHenry CowTatankaYotanka

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1TerpsichoreAnita EllisMarconius7
2Formwela 9Esperanza Spaldinguntergunther
3Nine Out of TenCaetano VelosoUncleben
4If 6 Was 9Nguyên LêBanazirGalbasi
5Neun ArmeEinstürzende NeubautenVikingchild
7Lucky Number NineThe Moldy PeachesTarquinSpodd
8Nine O'ClockThe Nowseverin
9Riot in Cell Block #9The RobinsUncleben
10900 MilesWoody GuthrieBanazirGalbasi
119,999,999 TearsDickey LeeSweetHomeAlabama
12Three and NineRoxy MusicVikingchild
13#9 DreamJohn Lennon with the Plastic Ono Nuclear BandUncleben
14Nine Days3rd Line Butterflyuntergunther
1590% of Me is YouGwen McCraepejepeine
16900 People Daily (Making Love)The SeedsTarquinSpodd

Youtube Playlist

Songs About Houses

Feb. 19, 2025
Writer: Barney Jeffries (barbryn)

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Come On-a My HouseRosemary ClooneySweetHomeAlabama
2My New HouseThe Fallvanwolf2
3Our HouseCrosby, Stills, Nash & YoungSuzi
47 Rooms of GloomFour TopsSweetHomeAlabama
5Rooming House on Venice BeachJonathan RichmanTarquinSpodd
62541Grant Harthappyclapper
7Dry Weather HouseGeorge Moxey & his Calypso Quintet with Hubert PorterNilpferd
8My HouseKacey MusgravesShivSidecar
9The House That Built MeMiranda LambertMarconius7
10Other People's HousesPaul Kellytincanman
11First House on the LeftKatherine Priddytincanman
12House Where Nobody LivesTom WaitsBanazirGalbasi

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Our HouseMadnessShoegazer
2A House in the CountryThe Pretty ThingsShivSidecar
3Daft Punk is Playing at My HouseLCD SoundsystemLoud Atlas
4In This House That I Call HomeXTarquinSpodd
5Susan's HouseEelsNoodsy
6Holiday HouseBeach Houseuntergunther
7To Build a HomeThe Cinematic Orchestravanwolf2
8Houses SingDanny Schmidttincanman
9The Whole House is SingingAlasdair RobertsUncleben
10House on a HillOlivia Chaneyseverin
11La maison où j'ai grandiFrançoise HardyTarquinSpodd
12Cottage for SaleRoberta Flackseverin

Youtube Playlist

Songs About the Roman Empire

Feb. 12, 2025
Writer: Marco den Ouden (Marconius7)

A List

TitleArtistNominated by
1Rape of LucretiaMomusVikingchild
2ForeverAngela & Jeff Van DyckLoud Atlas
3HannibalMiles DavisBanazirGalbasi
5Crossing the RubiconBob DylanUncleben
6Cleopatra's CatSpin DoctorsBobby Legwarmer
7Caesar on a TV ScreenThe Last Dinner PartyUncleben
8It’s Just My Little Tribute to Caligula, DarlingFrances BarberVikingchild
9We Na Forget (Rome)GroundationNicko
10NeroTheatre of HateCarpgate
12The Decline and Fall of Ancient RomeGoldbladeCarpgate
13What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?Christopher Purvesseverin

B List

TitleArtistNominated by
1The Roman EmpireBulat OkudzhavaMaki
2Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare)Saul Williams ft Zack de la Rochabarbryn
3Rome Wasn't Built in a DayMorcheebabarbryn
4Introduction: The Last Days of PompeiiNova Mobhappyclapper
5All Roads Lead to RomeThe Stranglershappyclapper
6Caligula SyndromeSoft CellVikingchild
7Cities in DustSiouxsie and the BansheesVikingchild
8Roman Soldiers of BabylonInner Circleseverin
9When in RomeOli JulianTarquinSpodd
10Rome (Wasn't Built in a Day)Sam CookeBanazirGalbasi
11Up PompeiiFrankie Howerdvastariner
12RomeLloyd Jonespejepeine
13In Ancient RomePerry KeyesNicko
14Love Theme from SpartacusTerry CallierNicko
15Rome Sugar MinottNicko
16Then Kill CæsarCurrent 93vanwolf2
17PompeiiMolly Nilssonvanwolf2
18Fall of RomeJames Reyneajostu
19Now We Are FreeLisa Gerrard & Hans ZimmerNicko
20NeroMatt PlessEnglishOutlaw
21Lights of TaorminaMark KnopflerMaki
22Eric the GardenerThe Divine ComedyFred Erickson
23Roman HolidayOlivia Chaneyseverin

C List

TitleArtistNominated by
1I Claudius ThemeWilfred JosephBanazirGalbasi
2Entry of the GladiatorsJulius Fucikseverin
3Arena in the SunColosseumBanazirGalbasi
4Entry of the GladiatorsNero & the Gladiatorsvastariner
5Leaving RomeJo Jo Bennettpejepeine
6The BattleHans ZimmerLoud Atlas
7Et Tu Brute?Chris PotterBanazirGalbasi
8Cleopatra's DreamBud PowellNicko
9Roman GodsFleshtonesAltraEgo
10Octavian to AugustusLand ObservationsTatankaYotanka

Youtube Playlist

Songs About Salt

Feb. 5, 2025
Writer: Nicko

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Some Old SaltyMartin Simpson, Andy Cutting, Nancy KerrSuzi
2SaltMy Friend the Chocolate Cakebarbryn
3Effloresce and DeliquesceThe ChillsNilpferd
4Pillar of SaltThe Pineapple ThiefBobby Legwarmer
6Tears for Lot's WifeKarine Polwartnosuchzone
7Salt in the WoundboygeniusTarquinSpodd
8Antiguamente Eran Dulces (They Used to Be Sweet)Rocío MárquezMaki
10Lot's WifePrince AllaUncleben
11Salt WaterBedouin SoundclashUncleben
12ラーメン3分クッキング [Ramen 3-Minute Cooking]Ai OtsukaTarquinSpodd
13Salty Dog RagRed FoleyLoud Atlas
14SauerkrautFrederick KnightTatankaYotanka
15West Side StoryPere UbuTatankaYotanka
16NaCl (Sodium Chloride)Kate & Anna McGarrigleMaki

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Cumbia de SalLos Falconspejepeine
2Canção do SalMilton Nascimentonosuchzone
3Raining PleasureThe TriffidsDiscoMonster
4Salt of the SeaHope Sandoval & the Warm Inventionsvanwolf2
5SleeplessThe Decemberiststincanman
6SaltwaterJulian Lennonbarbryn
7I Should Live in SaltThe NationalVikingchild
9Connoisseur of SaltSweeping Promisesuneasy listening
10Sixteen SaltinesJack WhiteNoodsy
11Neighbor, NeighborZZ TopFred Erickson
12DemonologistAlice Donuthappyclapper
13Salty Dog BluesPapa Charlie JacksonUncleben

Youtube Playlist


Songs About Paths, Tracks, Trails & Roads

Jan. 29, 2025
Writer: ShivSidecar

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1RoadNick Drakehappyclapper
2All Men Choose the Path They WalkArchie RoachNicko
3Roads UntraveledLinkin ParkShashvat Shukla
4Up Around the BendCreedence Clearwater RevivalTraktor Albatrost
5Where Twines the PathAlasdair Robertsbarbryn
6Hit the SnowThe Aislers Sethappyclapper
7Walking Down the HighwayBuddy MilesBobby Legwarmer
8Ghost HighwayMazzy StarTarquinSpodd
9Natchez TracePavlov's DogTatankaYotanka
10The Old Lych WayShow of HandsSuzi
11Blackberry WayThe Moveseverin
12Wide Open RoadThe TriffidsParaMhor
13Sleepwalking Through the MekongDengue FeverTarquinSpodd
14Paths in the SkyMetricFred Erickson
15I Dream a HighwayGillian WelchParaMhor
16The PathIvor Cutlerseverin

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1So Many RoadsGrateful DeadChris7572
2No Hidden PathNeil YoungMaki
3Gunbarrow HighwayMidnight OilAltraEgo
4Road HeadJapanese BreakfastTarquinSpodd
5Old Town RoadLil Nas X ft Billy Ray CyrusSweetHomeAlabama
6Singing SawKevin Morbytincanman
7Uist Tramping SongJackie LevenTatankaYotanka
8Salter's RoadKarine PolwartSuzi
9Piper's PathLal WatersonSuzi
10Pennypot LaneRobb JohnsonTatankaYotanka
11Thirteen DaysJJ CaleAltraEgo
12Road RunnerBo DiddleyNicko
13Steppin Pon the Right TrackU-RoyNicko
14The Right TrackBilly ButlerNicko
15Long and Lonesome RoadShocking BlueAltraEgo
16Path Through the ForestThe FactoryNicko
17Great Western RoadDavid ByrneTatankaYotanka
18RoadkillNina NastasiaShoegazer
19The Spirit TrailDan FogelbergFred Erickson
20Walkin' This Road by MyselfLightnin' HopkinsUncleben
21Highway 61 RevisitedPJ Harveynosuchzone
22Road to NowhereCult ManiaxCarpgate
23Anywhere on This RoadLhasavanwolf2
24The PathRalph MacDonaldFred Erickson

Youtube Playlist

Songs About Tickets, Passes & Invitations

Jan. 22, 2025
Writer: Loud Atlas

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1InvitationQuincy JonesNicko
2Destination: AnywhereThe MarvelettesParaMhor
3Ticket to RideThe BeatlesSuzi
4Charity BallFannyShivSidecar
5Laissez PasserTootArdUncleben
6drivers licenseOlivia RodrigoMarconius7
7Pure ImaginationGene Wilderbluepeter
8Come On-A My HouseDella ReeseNicko
9King of Hi-VisHalf Man Half Biscuitvastariner
10Ticket InspectorThe ChatsVikingchild
11WristbandPaul SimonUncleben
12River's InvitationAretha FranklinNicko
13The LetterJoe CockerAltraEgo

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1One Way Ticket (To Nowhere)Tyrone DavisBanazirGalbasi
2Mr. Ticket AgentSilver Cooks & the GondoliersNicko
3Come On DownWendy WaldmanFred Erickson
4An Invitation to CryThe MagiciansTarquinSpodd
5Strange InvitationBeckhappyclapper
6Ticket ManThe KillsBobby Legwarmer
7Get Yourself a Second PassportPassportTatankaYotanka
8She's Got Her TicketTracy ChapmanSuzi
9ThirteenBig StarUncleben
10A Backstage PassJohnny Cashseverin
11Wedding BellsHank WilliamsTarquinSpodd
12Come AlongCosmo SheldrakeNicko
13One Way Ticket to AnywhereThe OsmondsTarquinSpodd

Youtube Playlist

Songs With Lyrical Symmetry

Jan. 15, 2025
Writer: Maki

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1When the Going Gets ToughBoyzoneVikingchild
2Take It to the LimitEaglesseverin
3PossessionElvis Costello & the AttractionsShivSidecar
4Dixon's GirlDessatincanman
5BackwordsJoyner LucasVikingchild
6My ShotLyn-Manuel MirandaLoud Atlas
7Kew. Rhone.John Greaves, Peter Blegvad, Lisa Hermannosuchzone
8Getting Beaten UpThe PiranhasVikingchild
10Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)Neil Young & Crazy HorseUncleben
11Love Me for a ReasonThe Osmondsbarbryn

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Pictures of MeElliott Smithhappyclapper
2Not Everything That Counts Can Be CountedBilly BraggBanazirGalbasi
3You Are EverythingThe StylisticsSweetHomeAlabama
4Dream to SleepH₂OParaMhor
5Tyger Tyger (Dub Version)Jah WobbleShoegazer
6Music to Watch Girls ByAndy WilliamsParaMhor
7So Long, MarianneLeonard CohenUncleben
9Now You KnowAnaïs Mitchellbarbryn
10Soul LoveDavid BowieTarquinSpodd

Youtube Playlist

Songs About Thinking

Jan. 8, 2025
Writer: Uncleben

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Think (About It)Lyn CollinsAltraEgo
2I Must Not Think Bad ThoughtsXTarquinSpodd
3African ProblemsSeun Kuti & Fela's Egypt 80Nicko
4A Thought is Just a Passing TrainJohn MorelandEnglishOutlaw
5Think TwiceRalph Myerz & the Jack Herren BandTraktor Albatrost
6I Think of DemonsRoky Erickson & the AliensTarquinSpodd
7Reviewing the SituationRon MoodyLoud Atlas
8Think Too Much (a)Paul SimonSuzi
9Ten Thousand WordsThe Avett Brotherstincanman
10Corrupting MemoriesGirls in SynthesisCarpgate
11CodexPere Ubuseverin
12Dethink to SurviveMcluskyhappyclapper
13No Words/No ThoughtsSwansVikingchild

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Think for YourselfThe BeatlesAltraEgo
2Just When You're Thinkin' Things OverThe Charlatanshappyclapper
3In My HeadThe Lemon TwigsShivSidecar
4I've Been Thinking About YouLondonbeatLoud Atlas
5Food for ThoughtUB40Vikingchild
6Well I WonderThe SmithsParaMhor
7I'm Beginning to WonderAlbert CollinsBobby Legwarmer
8Presence of a BrainParliamentAltraEgo
9Day DreamingAretha FranklinFred Erickson
10Thinkin Bout You (KAYTRANADA remix)Robert Glasper Experience ft Talib Kweliuntergunther
11Think I'm in LoveBeckSweetHomeAlabama
12I Didn't Feel Lonely Till I Thought of YouKevin AyersTarquinSpodd
13Don't Think Twice, It's All RightBob DylanMarconius7

Youtube Playlist

Songs Featuring Bells

Dec. 25, 2024
Writer: Vikingchild

A List – Non-Xmas

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Who Is It (Carry My Joy on the Left, Carry My Pain on the Right)Björk Marconius7
2LoreleiCocteau TwinsDiscoMonster
3Summoning of the MuseDead Can Dancevanwolf2
4Peter PiperRun-DMCpejepeine
5Psyché RockPierre Henry & Michel Colombierpejepeine
6Pauvre ClocheStellaTarquinSpodd
7Der Räuber und der PrinzDeutsch Amerikanische FreundschaftMussoliniHeadkick
8Khumbu Ice-FallHenry Wolff & Nancy HenningsBanazirGalbasi
9Ding Dong SongRebecca PanTarquinSpodd
10MamanisDetty KurniaNicko

A List – Xmas

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Dance of the Sugar Plum FairyPyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyNicko
2ChristmasThe LimiñanasDiscoMonster
3Prince of PeacePharoah Sanderspejepeine
4Filthy Little ChristmasAnd What Will Be Left of Them?TarquinSpodd
5Sleigh Ride (Troika)Sergei ProkofievTarquinSpodd
6Dominick the DonkeyLou MonteUncleben
7Coldest Night of the YearTwice as Much & Vashti BunyanDiscoMonster
8Silent NightRotary ConnectionFred Erickson
9Sleigh RideThe RonettesParaMhor
10Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24Trans-Siberian Orchestratincanman

B List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
1Carol of the BellsCast in BronzeMarconius7
2Are You Being Served ThemeMatt BerryIsabelleForshaw
3The Trolley SongJudy GarlandMarconius7
4The TypewriterMartin Breinschmid with Strauß Festival Orchestra ViennaMarconius7
5Spectral SplitPantha du Prince & the Bell LaboratoryNilpferd
6Farewell to a Golden GirlThe RaidersFred Erickson
7Garden of BronzePeggy PoliasNicko
8First LightJohn SangsterNicko
9Guajira FluteTito Puentepejepeine
10Turris Campanarum Sonantium (Bell-Tower)Peter Maxwell Davis/Stomu Yamash'taTatankaYotanka

Youtube Playlist Non-Xmas

Youtube Playlist Xmas

Songs About Pedantry

Dec. 18, 2024
Writer: Maki

A List

Song TitleArtistNominated by
2Pride (In the Name of Love)U2Uncleben
3DreamsFleetwood MacLoud Atlas
4SilhouettesHerman's Hermitsbluepeter
5My MistakeSplit EnzIsabelleForshaw
7Real Gone KidDeacon Bluebarbryn
8You Are What You IsFrank Zappaajostu
9We Both Reached for the Gun (from Chicago)Richard GereMarconius7
10The Lion's RoarFirst Aid KitSuzi

No B List

Youtube Playlist