A-Z by Song – W

Song TitleArtistTopic
The Wacky World of Rapid TransitDel tha Funkee Homosapienfunny songs
Wada Na TodLata Mangeshkarvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Wade in the WaterThe Soul Stirrersbravery
Wade in the WaterThe Staple Singersswimming & bathing
Wading In DeeperKatzenjammerlegs & trousers
Wage SlavesAll Shall Perishleft wing politics
Wagon WheelDarius Ruckergenre switch
Wait (The Whisper Song)Ying Yang Twinswhispering
Waitin’ for the BusZZ Topbuses
Waiting Around to DieTownes Van Zandtgetting older
Waiting at the ChurchVesta Victoriaadultery & infidelity
Waiting for a TrainMississippi John Hurtlimbo
Waiting for the BusViolent Femmespunctuality
Waiting for the End of the WorldElvis Costellobasements & underground
Waiting for the Great Leap ForwardBilly Braggwaiting
Waiting HopefullyD*Notehope
Waiting in the ParkThe Chantellsfutility
Waiting (O Mistress Mine)Nitin SawhneyShakespeare
Waiting on a FriendThe Rolling Stonesrendezvous
The WaitressAtmosphere ft Tom Waitsregrets
The WaitressJonathan Byrdrestaurants & cafes
Wake Me Up Before You Go-GoWham!waking up
Wake Me Up When September EndsGreen Dayautumn
Wake UpArcade Firerallying cries
Wake UpRage Against the Machinesocial mobility
Wake Up and Smell the CoffeeThe Cranberriescoffee
Wake Up Boo!The Boo Radleyssongs to start the morning
Wake Up EverybodyHarold Melvin & the Blue Notescrisis
Waking the WitchKate Bushvolume changes
Waking UpElasticawaking up
Waking Up in the SunThe Adult Netthe sun
WalcottVampire WeekendNew England
WalkPanterawalking & running
Walk a Mile in My ShoesJoe Southempathy
Walk & SkankJah Screechyexpressing movement of walking
Walk AwayGabby Young and Other Animalsmoving on
Walk Away ReneeThe Left Bankewalking & running
A Walk in the Black ForestHorst Jankowskiforests & woodlands
easy listening
A Walk in the ParkBeach Houseparks
Walk Like a PantherThe All Seeing I ft Tony Christiemammals
Walk Like an EggThe Dickiescurves & spheres
Walk Like an EgyptianThe Bangleswalking & running
Walk Now…Orbitalwalking & running
The Walk of the Giant TurtleErik Truffaz Quartetreptiles
Walk On ByIsaac Hayesimpressive intros
Walk On ByLeroy Van Dykeinfidelity
Walk On ByDionne Warwickbody language
Walk on Hot CoalsRory Gallagheroverturning the odds
Walk on the Right SideFemi Kutisongs offering advice
Walk on the Wild SideLou Reedmovie & TV stars
Walk on the Wild SideJimmy Smithsuper solos
Walk TallVal Doonicanpride
Walk TallQueen Esther Marrowconsolation
Walk the Proud LandBunny Wailerwheels
Walk This WayRun-D.M.C. with Aerosmithcollaborations & side projects
Walk with the ZombieGraham Wood Drout’s Iko-Ikozombies
WalkaboutThrobbing Gristlebeing lost
The WalkerFitz and the Tantrumswhistling
Walkin’ After MidnightPatsy Clinewalking & running
Walkin’ BluesThe Butterfield Blues Bandharmonica
The Walkin’ BluesJesse Powell & Fluffy Huntergreat songwriting 1900-1955
Walkin’ in the Rain with the One I LoveLove Unlimitedtelephones
Walkin’ Like BrandoRoyal Crown Revuewanting to be someone else
Walkin’ My Cat Named DogNorma Tanegafamous or notable animals
Walkin’ on EggsThe Ground Floor Peopleeggs
Walking Down MadisonKirsty MacCollstrange, rare or unlikely words
Walking Down the HighwayBuddy Milespaths & roads
Walking Home Alone AgainThe Radiators from Spacebeing single
Walking in MemphisMarc CohnElvis
Walking in My ShoesDepeche Modeguilt & apology
Walking in the Opposite DirectionAdrian Borlandstubbornness
Walking in the RainThe Ronettesbad weather
Walking Make-Up CounterSoft Cellmakeup
Walking on the CeilingTerminal Headsinversions
Walking on the MoonThe Policesongs by trios
Walking Round in CirclesLightnin’ Hopkinscircles
Walking the BluesWillie Dixonexpressing movement of walking
Walking Through a Wasted LandRichard Thompsonwastelands
Walking to New OrleansFats Dominowalking & running
Wall of DeathRichard and Linda Thompsoncarnivals & funfairs
Wall of DenialStevie Ray Vaughandenial
The Wall Street Shuffle10ccbanks & banking
WalletRegina Spektorlost and found
Walls Come Tumbling Down!The Style Councilunity
Walt Grace’s Submarine Test, January 1967John Mayermaking things
Walter CarlosMomustime travel
Waltz #2 (XO)Elliott Smiththree
Waltz for a Lovely WifeStan GetzValentine’s Day songs
Waltz for DebbyBill Evans Triosongs by trios
Waltz of the SnowflakesPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovskysnow & ice
WambaSalif Keïtahigh-pitched vocals
Wana WanyikaSimba Wanyikamade you fall in love with music
The WandererDionshowing off
Wandering StarPortisheadcelestial bodies
Wand’rin’ StarLee Marvinout-of-tune songs
Wang Dang DoodleHowlin’ Wolfcelebration
Wang Dang DoodleKoko Taylorfun
WannabeSpice Girlsfriendship
Want AdsThe Honey Coneobsolete things
Want RemoverProtomartyrelectricity
WAPCardi B ft Megan Thee Stallionorgasms
WarHypnotic Brass Ensemblebrass songs
WarEdwin Starrwar
The War Criminal Rises and SpeaksOkkervil Riverjustice
War on DrugsBarenaked Ladiesaddiction
War on FreedomKilling Jokefreedom of expression
War PigsBlack Sabbathhorror-inspired songs
WarchildEmmanuel Jalbiography & autobiography
Warm Heart PastryMike Heronbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Warm It Up, KaneBig Daddy Kanegreat opening lines
Warm LeatheretteGrace Jonesfetishes
Warm LeatheretteThe Normalcars & driving
Warm Wet CirclesMarilliongeometric shapes
The Warmth of the SunThe Beach Boyssummer
The WarningsCadaver Clubbad decisions
Warrior ChargeAswadbravery
Warrior in WoolworthsX-Ray Spexbrands
WarsawJoy Divisionplaces in Europe
WarzonePete Rock ft Dead Preznightclubs
Was a FriendRobert Wyattforgiveness
Was Dog a Doughnut?Cat Stevensmore questions than answers
Wash, Mama, WashDr. Johnspring cleaning & household chores
Wash Your Face in My SinkDream Warriorsdebut songs
WashawayXTCspring cleaning & household chores
Washday BluesDolly Partonspring cleaning & household chores
Washed AshoreThe Platterswide open spaces
Washing Machine HeartMitskigenre defying
Wasn’t Born to FollowThe Byrdsfate & destiny
Wasn’t That a Mighty StormThe Duhkswind
The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)The Doorssongs with talking
Wasted WordsThe Allman Brothers Bandarguments #2
WastelandThe Jamtrash
Wat a HeatLucianoheat #2
Watch Her DisappearTom Waitssurveillance
Watch the SunriseBig Stardawn
Watch Your BackCock Sparrerrefusal
Watch Your PostureThe Nightingalesbodily motion & exercise
Watch Your StepBobby Parkerwarnings
Watching the DetectivesElvis Costelloinfluenced by reggae
Watching the NewsIggy Popnews & media
Watching TVRoger Waterspropaganda
Watching WindowsRoni Size & Reprazentwindows
Watching You Without MeKate Bushbirdsong
WaterPJ Harveyunusual time signatures
WaterThe Sugarcubesunderwater
The Water Is WideFred Neilwater
Water No Get EnemyFela Kutithe obvious
Water TortureHerbie Hancockdifferent 7″ versions
WaterlooABBA19th century life
Waterloo SunsetThe KinksLondon
Watermelon ManHerbie Hancockgenre defying
WatermelonsThe Lovely Eggsfarm produce
The WatersampleTarwaterthe coast
WatersongCranesmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
WatussiHarmoniaelectronic music to 1983
Wau WauLord Melodyshame
Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf)PixiesB sides
Wavin’ FlagK’naanflags
WavingThe Bevis Frondphysical gestures
Waving FlagsBritish Sea Powerflags
Waxie’s DargleThe Poguescoins
WaxwingOlivia Chaneyorgan
Way Down HadestownAnaïs Mitchell (ft Justin Vernon, Ani DiFranco & Ben Knox Miller)caves
Way Down in the HoleBlind Boys of Alabamadefined or redefined by television
Way Down in the HoleSteve Earleholes
Way Down in the HoleTom WaitsTV theme songs
The Way It IsBruce Hornsby & the Rangeunemployment
The Way We WereGladys Knightold age
The Way You Dream1 Giant Leap ft Michael Stipe, Whirimako Black & Asha Bhosleunlikely collaborations
The Way You Look TonightFred Astairecrooners
WeThe Rochesbrothers & sisters
We All Stand TogetherPaul McCartney & the Frog Chorusunity
We Almost Lost DetroitGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonclose shaves & near misses
We Are All AnimalsThe Rakesid, ego & superego
We Are All Bourgeois NowMcCarthysongs that capture the zeitgeist
We Are All Made of StarsMobyeureka moments
We Are All ProstitutesThe Pop Groupdiscordant songs
We Are AmericaEsperanza Spaldingjustice
We Are FamilyNile Rodgerssongs by buskers
We Are FamilySister Sledgesiblings
We Are LegionAnonymousanonymity
We Are NeighborsThe Chi-Litesneighbours
We Are NormalBonzo Dog Bandnormal & abnormal
We Are Sick on the BusSick on the Busindifference
We Are the BoyzPulpgangs
We Are the ChampionsQueendetermination
We Are the FirmCockney Rejectscall and response
We Are the WaveHarry Belafontewide open spaces
We Are the WinnersLT Unitedso bad they’re good
We Are Youngfun. ft Janelle Monáeyouthfulness
getting brighter
We Are Your FriendsJustice Vs Simianfriendship
We Both Reached for the Gun (from Chicago)Richard Geresongs with or about errors
We Call It AcieeedD Mobyouth cults
We Can Be TogetherJefferson Airplaneyouth cults
We Can Work It OutThe Beatlescompromise
We Can Work It OutStevie WonderBeatles covers
We Can’t Make It Here AnymoreJames McMurtrystick it to the man
We Did It AgainSoft Machineten words or fewer
We Died in AugustDana & Karen Kletterambiguity
We Do What We’re Told (Milgram’s 37)Peter Gabrielelectricity
We Don’t Love EnoughThe Triumphsshame
We Got Back the PlagueThe Fiery Furnacesnatural disasters
We Got the BeatThe Go-Go’srhythm, beat & boogie
We Got the Neutron BombThe Weirdospower
We Gotta Get Out of This PlaceThe Animalsrallying cries
We Hate You (Little Girls)Throbbing Gristleunsettling songs
We Have All the Time in the WorldLouis Armstrongrelaxation & leisure
We Have All the Time in the WorldMy Bloody Valentineestimates of distance & time
We Just Won’t Be DefeatedThe Go! Teamhope & resilience
We Live As We Dream, AloneGang of Fourbeing alone
We Love YouThe Rolling Stonesscandal
We Might Be Dead by TomorrowSokotomorrow
We Never KnowNicolettenever
We Praise TheePavel Chesnokov & St. Petersburg Chamber Choirchoirs
We Shall OvercomeJoan Baezsurvival
We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the CityKid Sheik, John Handy & Friendsfrom New Orleans
We Should Never Have ChildrenAbsenteechildren performing
We Speak MusicReeps One with Second Selfmore questions than answers
We Stand AroundI, Ludicrousfootball
We Take Care of Our OwnBruce Springsteenhomelessness
We the People Who Are Darker Than BlueCurtis Mayfieldblack
We Three KingsJimmy Smiththree
We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me)The Ink Spotsechoes
We Took the Wrong Step Years AgoHawkwindmistakes
We Used to Be FriendsThe Dandy Warholsupbeat break-up #2
We Want Your SoulFreelandadvertising
We Will All AsphyxiateMoney Can’t Buy Musicphilosophers
We Will All Go Together When We GoTom Lehrernuclear war
We Will Rock YouQueenhandclaps
We Won’t Be in Your Way AnymoreIrma Thomasdivorce
Weak Become HeroesThe Streetsmood-changing music
The Weakness in MeJoan Armatradinguncertainty
secrets & secrecy
The WeaponRushbeing scared
Wear Clean DrawsThe Coupcleansing
Wear My Ring Around Your NeckElvis Presleyspine & neck
Wear Your Love Like HeavenDefinition of Soundsimiles
Wearing Her CrownMidnitecrowns
The Weaver’s AnswerFamilyages
WebThe Rootsminimalist songs
Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of MineShearwaterfamous last words
The Wedding ListKate Bushrevenge
The Wedding of Mister Mickey MouseHarry Leader & His Bandcomics & cartoons
Wedding SongAnaïs Mitchell (ft Justin Vernon)old meets new
Weed BusThe Stairsmarijuana
Week-end à RomeÉtienne Dahoplaces in Europe
A Week in a Country JailTom T. Hallprisons
A Weekend Without MakeupThe Long Blondesthe weekend
WeekenderFlowered Upmixtape closers
Weep and MournIsrael Vibration12″ singles to 1979
The Weeping SongNick Cave & the Bad Seedssongs about songs
The WeightThe Banddebut songs
WeightliftingTrashcan Sinatraskindness
Weird SistersSparklehorseomens & prophecies
Welcome BackJohn Sebastianreunions
Welcome HomeKrameranimal sounds
Welcome HomePeters and Leevisitors
Welcome Home BabyThe Shirelleswelcoming
Welcome to the Black ParadeMy Chemical Romancesurprising intros
Welcome to the Monkey HouseAnimal Magnetmonkeys & apes
Welcome to the PartyThe Har-You Percussion Groupwelcoming
Welcome to the PleasuredomeFrankie Goes to Hollywoodvisitors
Welcome to the VoidMorgenfairytales
Welcome TomorrowLove and Rocketstomorrow
Welfare CheeseEmanuel LaskyCOVID-19 lockdown
The WellRichie Havenswells
We’ll Be Right BackSteinski & the Mass Mediaadvertising
Well, Did You Evah!Deborah Harry & Iggy Popduets
Well Fancy ThatFun Boy Threeteachers
Well Fed Slave / Hungry Free ManLucky Dubestomach & guts
We’ll Gather LilacsAnne Ziegler & Webster Boothpositive songs
We’ll Meet AgainVera Lynnredefined by film
A Well Respected ManThe Kinkspunctuality
We’ll Sweep Out the Ashes in the MorningGram Parsonstomorrow
We’re a WinnerThe Impressionswinners
We’re All Going to DieMalcolm Middletondoom
We’re All in This TogetherGabby Young and Other Animalsunderrated artists
We’re an American BandGrand Funk Railroadoutstanding percussion
We’re an American BandYo La Tengoconcerts
We’re Going To Be FriendsThe White Stripesfriendship
We’re Going to Live for a Very Long TimeHeaven 17immortality & longevity
We’re Gonna Hold OnSolomon Burkesongs with special guests
We’re Gonna Make ItLittle Miltonoptimistic songs
We’re LeavingDeVotchKadepartures
We’re So CoolAu PairsBirmingham & the Black Country
We’re Still HereBill Wells & Aidan Moffatpersonification
We’re Stronger Than ThatAmy Rigbymarriage
WerewolfUK Decaymythical beasts
The Werewolf of Old ChapeltownBob Peggunexplained phenomena
Werewolves of LondonWarren ZevonHalloween
Wessex BoyFrank TurnerEngland
West Canterbury Subdivision BluesThe Stonemanscastles & palaces
The West Coast of ClarePlanxtyIreland
West End GirlsPet Shop Boysurban environment
West Indian ManRubén Blades with Son del Solarthe Caribbean
West Side StoryPere Ubusalt
West Texas HighwayLyle Lovetthitchhiking
Western DreamNew Model Armybad decisions
Western UnionElvis Presleyindirect messages
Wet DreamWet Legawkwardness
We’ve Never Met But Can We Have a Coffee or Something?In Love with a Ghosthello
We’ve Only Just BegunCarpentersmarriage
Wha Me EatMacka Bnuts & edible seeds
The Whale Has Swallowed MeHugh Lauriestomach & guts
The Whale Has Swallowed MeJ. B. Lenoircetaceans
Whale Meat AgainJim Capaldicetaceans
Whammer JammerThe J. Geils Bandharmonica
Wharf RatGrateful Deadredemption
What?Ursula Rucker ft U-Lovedares
What a Fool BelievesThe Doobie Brothersfools
What a Happy DayBurning Spearhappiness
What a Little Moonlight Can DoBillie Holidaythe moon
What a ManLinda Lyndelllesser known originals
What a WasteIan Dury & the Blockheadsambition
What a Wonderful WorldLouis Armstrongmiracles
What Becomes of the Broken HeartedJimmy Ruffinheartbreak
What Came First, the Egg or the Hen?Koko Taylorchicken and egg
What Can a Song Do to You?The Unthankssinging
What Can I Say After I Say I’m SorryDinah Washingtonmistakes
What Did You Learn in School Today?Tom Paxtonpropaganda
What Do I Do Now?Elvis Costelloindecision
What Do I Get?Buzzcocksquestions
What Do You Want from Life?The Tubesambition
What Good Can Drinkin’ DoJanis Joplinhangovers
What Happened to My Brother?Mark Kozelek and Jimmy Lavallebrothers & sisters
What Have I Done to Deserve This?Pet Shop Boys with Dusty Springfieldsongs with special guests
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?Christopher PurvesRoman Empire
What Have They Done to My Song, MaMelaniemusic industry
What I Go to School ForBustedschool
What I Like About YouThe Romanticsretro style
What I Like Most About You Is Your GirlfriendThe Special AKAinsulting songs
What IfLucinda Williamsconditional phrases
What If We All Stopped Paying TaxesSharon Jones & the Dap-Kingstaxation
What Is Hip?Tower of Powerensembles, big bands & orchestras
What Is Life?Black Uhurumeaning of life
What Is LifeGeorge Harrisonsolo Beatles songs
What Jail Is LikeThe Afghan Whigsstuck or trapped
What Makes a Man a ManMarc Almondhomosexuality
What More Can I Say?Danger Mousethe Beatles
What Sarah SaidDeath Cab for Cutiehospitals
What the HellAvril Lavignestarting over
What the World Is Waiting ForThe Stone RosesB sides
What Up Dog?Was (Not Was)songs with jokes
WhatchamacallitEsquivelpsychedelic songs
What’d I Say (Pts 1 & 2)Ray Charlescall and response
Whatever Happened to Pong?Frank Blackhobbies
Whatever’s Written in Your HeartGerry Raffertyarguments #2
What’s Become of the BabyGrateful Deadpsychedelic songs
What’s Behind the MaskThe Crampsanonymity
What’s Going OnMarvin Gayeviolence
What’s Good?Lou Reedbereavement
What’s Happening?!?!The Byrdsuncertainty
What’s Happening BrotherMarvin Gayesiblings
What’s Hardcore?K’naanAfrica
What’s He Building?Tom Waitsquestions
What’s in the HeadlinesDon Covayjournalism & the news
What’s It Gonna Be?Dusty Springfieldgenre switch
What’s It Like to Be Old?Cock Sparrerimmaturity
What’s Love Got to Do with ItTina Turnercomeback songs
What’s My Age Again?Blink-182ages
What’s NewHelen Merrillregrets
What’s That Smells Like Fish?Blind Boy Fullersmells
What’s the Matter Here?10,000 Maniacssurveillance
What’s the Matter with the Mill?Kansas Joe & Memphis Minniedialogue
What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?The Mothers of Inventionoffensive, insulting songs
What’s Wrong with Groovin’Letta Mbulufreedom of expression
What’s Your Business Here Elijah?Maher Shalal Hash Bazomens & prophecies
The WheelSOHNwheels
Wheel Inside the WheelMary Gauthierparades
WheelsMark Laneganwheels
Wheels Ain’t Coming DownSladeaviation
When All Is Said and DoneABBAautumn
old age
When an Old Cricketer Leaves the CreaseRoy Harpersport
When Breathing StartsUlrich Drechsler Quartet & Tord Gustavsenquiet songs
When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving YouMarvin Gayehatchet jobs
When Do I Get To Sing “My Way”Sparksother songs
When Doves CryThe Be Good Tanyasunlikely cover songs
When Fall Comes to New EnglandCheryl WheelerNew England
When He Loved MeSarah McLachlanplatonic love
When I Am Laid in Earth (Dido’s Lament)Alison Moyet (composer: Henry Purcell)pathos
When I Die, You Better Second LineKermit Ruffinsmusic for funerals
When I First Came to TownNick Cave & the Bad Seedswelcoming
When I Get Low I Get HighElla Fitzgeraldsmoking
When I Go DeafLowsilence
When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)The Beach Boysgetting older
When I LaughThe Maytalslaughter
When I Paint My MasterpieceThe Bandpainting & painters
When I Was a Boy I Watched the WolvesPaul Kantner & Grace Slickdogs
When I Was on HorsebackSteeleye Spandeath
When I Was OtherwiseGazelle Twinambiguity
When I’m 84The Beautiful Southrefusal
When I’m by Your SideAlice Ripley & Emily Skinner (written by Bill Russell & Henry Krieger)famous or notable duos
When I’m Cleaning WindowsGeorge Formbyglass
When I’m Up, I Can’t Get DownOysterbandmotivation
When It All Comes TrueLanterns on the LakeNorth East England
When It’s Springtime in AlaskaJohnny Cashspring
When Joanna Loved MeScott Walkermonths of the year
When Love Breaks DownPrefab Sproutlong-distance relationships
When My Baby’s Beside MeBig Starenergising songs
When New York Had Her Heart BrokeJohn HiattSeptember 11 attacks
When People Are DeadThe Go-Betweensfunerals
When That Helicopter ComesOysterband & Brett Sparksaviation
When the Battle Is OverAretha Franklincrowns
When the Bomb DropsSubhumansdistractions & diversions
When the Bridegroom ComesJudee SillJesus
When the Deal Goes DownBob Dylanimpressive videos
When the Fuel Runs OutExecutive Suitepower
When the Going Gets ToughBoyzonelyrical symmetry
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get GoingBilly Oceanspirit of 2021
When the Going Is Smooth & GoodWilliam Onyeaborsynth pop 1980-2000
When the Levee BreaksLed Zeppelinrain
When the Levee BreaksKansas Joe McCoy & Memphis Minnieearth, soil & dirt
When the Master Calls the RollRosanne Cash19th century life
When the Music’s OverThe Doorswastelands
When the Party’s OverBillie Eilishhumming
When the Revolution ComesThe Last Poetsgenre defying
When the Roses Bloom AgainLaura Cantrellflowers
When the Ship Comes InThe Chieftains & the Decemberistswaiting
When the Sun Goes DownArctic Monkeysprostitution
When the Sun Goes DownThe Ink Spotsevening
When the Sun Goes Down TomorrowDolly Partonhitchhiking
When the Swallows Come Back to CapistranoThe Ink Spotscrowds
When the Thames FrozeSmith & Burrowswinter
When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What’s Still AroundThe Policespirit of 2021
When the World Smiles with YouAndy Hickiecontentment
When Tomorrow HitsSpacemen 3tomorrow
When Under EtherPJ Harveynursing & healthcare
When We RemainSamantha Crainwastelands
When We Was FabGeorge Harrisonthe Beatles
When We Were YoungWhipping Boyadolescence
When Will I Be LovedThe Everly Brotherscheating
When Will We B Paid?Princewaiting
When You Are Who You AreGil Scott-Heronacceptance
When You Get Out of JailFriedwaiting
When You Walk in the RoomJackie DeShannonValentine’s Day songs
When You Were MineCyndi Lauperupbeat break-up #2
When You Were Young (Lindbergh Palace Remix)The Killersteenagers
When Your Hair Has Turned to SilverGene Ammonshair
Where Are the Barricades?Leon Rosselsonbanks & banking
Where Are We Going?Donald Byrdchange #2
Where Are We Now?David Bowiespecific or obscure places
Where Did Our Love GoThe Supremesquestions
Where Did the Night GoGil Scott-Heronmidnight
Where Did You Get That Hat?Stanley Hollowayinheritance
Where Did You Sleep Last Night?Lead Bellyjealousy
Where Do I BeginThe Chemical Brothershangovers
Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere?Nick Cave & the Bad Seedssongs of desperation
Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?Peter Sarstedtunderdogs
Where Eagles DareOddjobraptors
Where Everybody Knows Your NameGary Portnoypubs & bars
Where Grass Won’t GrowGeorge Jonesearth, soil & dirt
Where I Find My HeavenGigolo Auntsspiritual songs
Where Is My Mind?Pixiesredefined by film
Where Is the Love?Black Eyed PeasSeptember 11 attacks
Where Is the Love?Roberta Flack & Donny Hathawaydisappointment
Where It’s AtBeckmusical instruments
two – part 2
Where It’s At Ain’t What It IsTom Morellobig and meaty
Where Love Lives (Frankie Knuckles/David Morales Remix)Alison Limericktriggering dancing
Where Me Keys, Where Me Phone?Mr. Zipkeys & locks
Where the Devil Don’t StayDrive-By Truckersthe Devil
Where the Soul of Man Never DiesHank Williamsimmortality & longevity
Where the Wild Roses GrowNick Cave & the Bad Seeds ft Kylie Minogueflowers
Where Twines the PathAlasdair Robertspaths & roads
Where Were You?The Mekonssecret admirers
Where You LeadCarole Kingfollowing & chasing
Where’s Me Jumper?The Sultans of Ping FCfashion
Where’s Your Child?Bam Bamanxiety
Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)Marvin Gayehats
Wherever I May RoamMetallicastrangers
Which Craft Is WitchcraftSharon Forresterwitches
Which Dreamed ItBoeing Duveen & the Beautiful Soupambiguity
The Whiffenpoof SongRudy Vallée & His Connecticut Yankeeshigher education
While My Guitar Gently WeepsThe Beatlesguitars
While My Guitar Gently WeepsPrince with Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood, Billy Preston et alguitars
While You Were SleepingElvis Perkinssleep & insomnia
Whine & Grine / Stand Down MargaretThe Beatpoliticians
Whip ItDevofetishes
Whip JamboreeStorm Weather Shanty ChoirLiverpool & Merseyside
Whip You with a StrapGhostface Killahchildren
Whip Your BootyAndre Williams and Velvet Hammerfetishes
Whipping PostThe Allman Brothers Bandsimiles
Whiskey in the JarThin Lizzywhiskey
Whiskey LullabyBrad Paisley & Alison Krausswhiskey
Whiskey LullabyJon Randallwhiskey
WhiskyAstor Piazzollawhiskey
Whispering Grass (Don’t Tell the Trees)Windsor Davies & Don Estellegossip
Whispering Grass (Don’t Tell the Trees)The Ink Spotstrees, grass & flowers
White BirdIt’s a Beautiful Dayviolin
White Car in GermanyThe Associatesplaces in Europe
White ChristmasOtis Reddingalternative Christmas songs
White CityDay Onewhite
White CityThe Poguesensembles, big bands & orchestras
The White Cliffs of DoverVera Lynncoming home
White DressFairport Conventionclothes
White FoxesSusanne Sundførfrom Nordic countries
White Heat, Red HotJudas Priestred
White HorsesJackywhite
White House BluesCharlie Pooleassassination
White KeysChilly Gonzaleswhite
White KnucklesElvis Costellojoints of the body
White LightningThe Fallcocktails & spirits
White Line FeverRichmond Fontaineitinerants & migration
White Lines (Don’t Don’t Do It)Melle Meladvice
(White Man) In Hammersmith PalaisThe Clashconcerts
White MiceMo-dettesanimals
White NoiseExitmusiccrosses
White RabbitThe Damnedrabbits
White RabbitJefferson Airplaneliterary songs
White RabbitEmilíana Torrinisurprising intros
White RiotThe Clashchange
White RoomCreamrooms
The White ShipH. P. Lovecraftbooks
White Socks / Flip FlopsSuper Furry Animalsclothes
A White Sport CoatMarty Robbinswhite
White Star LinerPublic Service Broadcastingwhite
White Teeth TeensLordeteeth
The White Tent the RaftJane Siberrywhite
White TrainThe dB’swhite
White ValiantThe Mutton Birdswhite
White WallsThe KVBborders, barriers, walls & fences
White Wine in the SunTim Minchintradition
White WinosLoudon Wainwright IIIpathos
A Whiter Shade of PaleKing Curtis & the Kingpinssaxophone
A Whiter Shade of PaleProcol Harummisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
White’s Not My Color This EveningCherry Glazerrbodily fluids
Whitey on the MoonGil Scott-Heronhistorical events
Whitman’s WoodJohn Surmangreat solo performances
Who Are YouThe Whoanonymity
Who Are You Trying to FoolLittle Anndenial
Who Did That to YouJohn Legendoutlaws & rebels
Who Do You Love?Bo Diddleydares
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr. Hitler?Bud Flanaganretro style
Who Gives a Fuck Where You FromThree 6 Mafiacompass points
Who Have Eyes to SeeMike Brookseyes
Who Is He (And What Is He to You)?Creative Sourceawkwardness
Who Is He (And What Is He to You)?Bill Withersquestions
Who Is in Your Heart NowStudio Killerseureka moments
Who Is It (Carry My Joy on the Left, Carry My Pain on the Right)Björkfeaturing bells
Who Killed Brian JonesDavid Peel and Deathconspiracy theories & paranoia
Who Killed Cock Robin?John Jacob Nilespuzzling & mysterious
Who Killed ‘Er (Who Killed the Black Widder)Hoagy Carmichaelspiders
Who KnewP!nkbroken promises
Who KnowsProtoje ft Chronixxlove songs to places
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?Sandy Dennyspeed
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?Fairport Conventionautumn
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?Nina Simonewaiting
Who Loves the SunThe Velvet Undergroundthe sun
Who Loves YouThe Four Seasonsgreat arrangements
Who Needs Action When You Got WordsPlan Banger
(Who Planted Thorns in) Miss Alice’s GardenThe Explosivegardens
Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy’s OvaltineHarry “The Hipster” Gibsonunusual rhymes
Who Says a Funk Band Can’t Play Rock?!Funkadelicmusic genres
Who Stole My Last Piece of Chicken?Organized Konfusionnostalgia
Who the Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?Arctic Monkeysself-referential songs
Who Will BuyJon Lucienadvertising
Who Will the Next Fool BeCharlie Richuncertainty
Whodunnit?Robb Johnsondetectives
Whoever You ArePrefab Sproutstrangers
Whole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelinodd noises & instruments
Whole Lotta Love / Symphony No. 52Celloscello
Whole Lotta RosieAC/DCvolume
being fat
A Whole New Ball GameOi Polloicurves & spheres
The Whole of the MoonThe Waterboysopposites
Whole Wide WorldWreckless Ericdebut songs
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Noise?Age of Chancenoise
Who’s Gonna Fill Those ShoesBuddy Guychildren performing
Who’s Gonna Take the Weight?Gang Starrquestions
Who’s in Here with Me?The Cravatsanonymity
Who’s Laughing NowJessie Jschadenfreude
Who’s Making LoveJohnnie Taylorironic songs
WhyThe Byrdsarguments #2
Why?Tracy Chapmaninversions
WhyCarly Simonquestions
Why Can’t I Touch It?Buzzcockstouch
Why Can’t We Live TogetherTimmy Thomasgreat riffs
Why Did You Leave MeDorothy Ashbyharp, lyre & zither
Why Did You Stay?The Pipettessweetness
Why Do You Bob Your Hair, Girls?J. E. Mainer’s Mountaineersfads & crazes
Why Do You Bob Your Hair, GirlsBlind Alfred Reedhair
Why Do You Exist?The Weirdosmeaning of life
Why Does the Sun Shine?They Might Be Giantsknowledge
Why Don’t You Kill YourselfThe Only Onesblessings & curses
Why D’Ya Do It?Marianne Faithfullsweary songs
tragedy & comedy
Why Is a Frog Too..?Bentley Rhythm Aceamphibians
Why Is It Always Dairy LeaThe Shirehorsesfarm produce
Why Is It So HardCharles Bradleybiography & autobiography
Why (The King of Love Is Dead)Nina Simonesongs that make you cry
Why Theory?Gang of Fourmore questions than answers
Why We Build the WallAnaïs Mitchell ft Greg Brownobstacles
Why Write a Letter That You’ll Never SendThe Dronesmisanthropic songs
Why Your Feet HurtRebirth Brass Bandfrom New Orleans
Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?Arctic Monkeysasking, begging & pleading
Wi’ Nae Wee Bairn Ye’ll Me BegetThe Magnetic Fieldsrejection
Wichita LinemanGlen Campbellwork
Wicked GameChris Isaakcrooners
Wide Open RoadThe Triffidspaths & roads
Wide Open SpacesDixie Chicksgirl groups
The Width of a CircleDavid Bowieid, ego & superego
Wiegenlied (Lullaby) (Opus 49 No. 4) Johannes Brahmschildren’s songs
WigThe B-52shats & accessories
Wig-Wam BamThe Sweetfamous or notable duos
WigglesticksMiracle of Soundtools
Wild and FreeCurtis Mayfieldfreedom
Wild Billy’s Circus StoryBruce Springsteenmale names
Wild Card in the PackPrefab Sproutplaying cards
Wild Cats of KilkennyThe Poguessound like other songs
Wild Eyed Boy from FreecloudDavid Bowiecapital punishment
Wild GilbertLovindeerstorms
Wild HorsesThe Flying Burrito Brothersmammals
Wild HorsesThe Rolling Stonesstaying
Wild ImaginationSweet Baboousing your imagination
Wild in the StreetsCircle Jerksurban environment
Wild Is the WindEsperanza Spaldingwind
Wild Mountain HoneySteve Miller Bandinspired by India
psychedelic songs
Wild Mountain ThymeDick Gaughanpurple
Wild Mountain Thyme (Live)The Silencersmountains
The Wild OnesSuedestaying
Wild RosesHope Sandoval & the Warm Inventionsroses
The Wild RoverThe Poguesnew resolutions
Wild Wood (Sheared Wood Remix)Paul Wellertrees, grass & flowers
Will o’ the WispMiles Davismythical beasts
Will the Real Geraldine Please Stand Up and Be CountedScruggsitting & standing
Will You?Hazel O’Connoranticipation
Will You Cry (When You Hear This Song)Chiccrying
Will You Love Me Tomorrow?The Shirellesone night stands
Will You Miss Me When You’re Sober?Deborah Conwayschadenfreude
William, It Was Really NothingThe Smithsboring & dull
William Tell Overture (Finale)Gioachino Rossinidefined or redefined by television
Williams’ BloodGrace Jonesroots
Williamsburg Will Oldham HorrorJeffrey & Jack Lewisother musicians
Willie and the Hand JiveJohnny Otisfads & crazes
Willie the PimpFrank Zapparendezvous
Willie’s LadyMartin Carthywitches
Willin’Little Featsmuggling & stealing
WillkommenAlan Cummingwelcoming
WillowJoan Armatradingkindness
Willow TreeSeth Lakeman ft Wildwood Kintrees
WimowehKarl Denverwordless vocals
WimpeezPeter and the Test Tube Babiesrestaurants & cafes
Win It AllIan Hunterwinners
(Win, Place or Show) She’s a WinnerThe Intruderscompetition
The Wind BlowsSkeletal Familywind
Wind ChimesThe Beach Boysnotable outros or codas
The Wind Cries MaryThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencegirls’ names
The Wind Knows My NameFairground Attractionitinerants & migration
The Wind of ChangeRobert Wyatt with the Swapo Singerschange #2
The Wind That Shakes the BarleyDead Can Dancewind
The WindhoverLorcán Mac Mathúnaraptors
The Windmills of Your MindNoel Harrisonmemory
The Windmills of Your MindDusty Springfieldcircles
WindowFiona Applebreaking things
Window SeatErykah Baduwindows
WindowlickerAphex Twinwindows
Winds and LeavesCukoOforests & woodlands
WindyThe Associationnicknames & pseudonyms
Wine, Women an’ SongWhitesnakewine
WingsJimmy Buffettwings
WingsLittle Mixwings
WingsHans Theessinkwings
Wings of a DoveMadnesssteelpan
Wings of an EagleZiggy Marley & Elizabeth Mitchellwings
Wings of ForgivenessIndia Arieforgiveness
Winnebago WarriorDead Kennedyshunting
The Winner Takes It AllABBApathos
WinterThe Fallsongs with sudden changes
WinterThe Rolling Stonescold
Winter in AmericaGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonwinter
Winter MountainMostly Autumnmountains
Winterstürme (from Die Walküre)Richard Wagner (performed by Max Lorenz)storms
Wipe That Shit-Eating Grin Off Your Punchable FaceThe Smith Street Bandstick it to the man
WipeoutThe Surfarisimpressive intros
WiresAthleteoverturning the odds
WiringWorld Saxophone Quartethardware
Wise and FoolishMisty in Rootssand
Wise County JailDock Boggsearth, soil & dirt
Wise UpAimee Mannpathos
WishNine Inch Nailstrust
Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting DownR. L. Burnsidesitting & standing
Wish Someone Would CareIrma Thomasindifference
Wish You Were HereAryeh & Gil Gatsongs by buskers
Wish You Were HerePink Floydopposites
Wishing on a StarRose Roycestars
Wishing WellFreewells
WishmasterNightwishso bad they’re good
The WitchThe Rattlesrunning
The Witch Queen of New OrleansRedbonewitches
WitchcraftFela Kutimagic
Witchcraft (For Your Love)The Temptationswitches
Witches HatThe Incredible String Bandmagic
Witches’ SongMarianne Faithfullsisters
Witchin’ Hour BluesTampa Redwitches
With a Gun in My HandsOtis Gibbsrefusal
With a Little Help from My FriendsJoe Cockerhigh-pitched vocals
With Arms Wide OpenCreeddiscovery
With Every HeartbeatRobynfrom Nordic countries
With God on Our SideThe Neville Brothersacceptance
With My Daddy in the AtticDory Previndomestic songs
With My Little Stick of Blackpool RockGeorge Formbymemorabilia & souvenirs
With or Without YouU2songs of desperation
With This RingThe Plattersweddings
With You I’m Born AgainBilly Preston & Syreetaslow, sexy love songs
Withered RosesShawn Phillipsroses
Within You Without YouThe Beatlesinspired by India
Without MeEminemnarcissism
Without YouNilssonheartbreak
Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix)Alabama 3guns
W·O·L·DHarry Chapinlosers
The WolfCatie Curtiswolves
WolfFirst Aid Kitwolves
Wolf in Sheep’s ClothingBig Youthauthenticity & fakery
The Wolf Is at Your DoorHowlin’ Wolfwolves
Wolf TotemThe HUimpressive videos
Wolfman JackTodd Rundgrennicknames & pseudonyms
Wolves (Song of the Shepherd’s Dog)Iron & Wineanimals
A Woman a Man Walked ByPJ Harvey & John Parishmistaken identity
A Woman Left LonelyJanis Joplinbeing a man or a woman
Woman of the GhettoMarlena Shawadversity
Woman to WomanShirley Brownsongs with talking
The Woman with the Tattooed HandsAtmospheretattoos & piercings
WondalandJanelle Monáefantasy
Wonder If the Snow Will SettleClearlakesnow & ice
WonderfulEverclearpromises & choices
The Wonderful Soup StoneDr. Hook & the Medicine Showcooking
Wonderful WorldSam Cookeintelligence
Wondering Where the Lions AreBruce Cockburncats
Wonders of a Crescent Moon (4 Peyote Songs)Louie GonnieAmerican west
Wondrous PlaceBilly Furyparadise
Wondrous PlaceThe Last Shadow Puppetssupergroups
Won’t Get Fooled AgainThe Whochange
Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)Scritti Polittibees
Wood Thrush’s SongLaurie Lewisnightingales & thrushes
Wooden Horse (Caspar Hauser’s Song)Suzanne Vegaanonymity
Wooden ShipsJefferson Airplanemore questions than answers
Woods of DarneyRichard Thompsonsubstitutions
WoodstockCrosby, Stills, Nash & Youngcommunity
WoodstockJoni Mitchellcrowds
WoolundaDavid Hudsondrone music
Wooly BullySam the Sham & the Pharaohsfour-legged livestock
Wop-A-Din-DinRed House Painterscats
The Word GirlScritti Polittiinfluenced by reggae
The Word/SardinesThe Junkyard Bandausterity
Word Up!Cameochoosing & using words
WordsBee Geesfreedom of expression
WordsGiverschoosing & using words
Words of Advice for Young PeopleWilliam S. Burroughsadvice
Words of WisdomDennis Brownwords of wisdom
Wordy RappinghoodTom Tom Clubchoosing & using words
WorkRihanna ft Draketautonyms
Work for PeaceGil Scott-Heronpeace
Work ItMissy Elliottregressing & reversing
Work On NattyCulturefate & destiny
Work SongNina Simoneprisons
Work to DoAverage White Bandmultitasking & being busy
Work, Work, Work (Pub, Club, Sleep)The Rakeswork
Workin’ in the CornfieldJunior Murvinmanual labour
Working Class HeroJohn Lennonsweary songs
Working for the ManRoy Orbisonanti-work songs
Working in the Coal MineLee Dorseytiredness
Working LateLone Justicedomestic songs
Working ManRushoutstanding percussion
Working on a BuildingCowboy Junkiesbuildings
Working on a Building of LoveChairmen of the Boardtools
Working on the HighwayBruce Springsteenmanual labour
Working Where the Sun Don’t Shine (The Colo-Rectal Surgeon’s Song)Bowser and Bluestomach & guts
WorkinonitJ Dillaten words or fewer
A World AloneLordestriking album endings
World DestructionTime Zoneapocalypse
World in Action ThemeMick Weaver & Shawn Phillipsorgan
World in MotionNew Orderfootball
World Is MineSupercell ft Hatsune Mikuartificial intelligence
The World Is Turned Upside DownMaddy Prior and the Carnival Bandinversions
The World Is YoursNasstart with the chorus
The World Isn’t FairRandy Newmanphilosophers
World Leader PretendR.E.M.deceptive appearances
A World of HurtDrive-By Truckerslessons in life
The World Should Revolve Around MeLittle Jackieeggs
World Shut Your MouthJulian Copequiet
The World Turned Upside DownBilly Braggrevolution
The World Turned Upside DownChumbawambainversions
The World UnseenRosanne Cashthe invisible
The World Will Deem Us DangerousHer Space Holidaylessons in life
Worlds Apart…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of DeadSeptember 11 attacks
Worried Brown EyesJake Thackraybrown
WorryScottyunderrated artists
The Worst Band in the World10ccironic songs
Worst Comes to WorstDilated Peoplessuperlatives
Worst That Could HappenThe Brooklyn Bridgebeing single
Would Not Be DeniedBuffalo Tomdenial
Would You…?Touch and Goflirting
Wouldn’t It Be NiceThe Beach Boysaccordion
Wounded TigersGordon Haskelltigers
WowKate Bushactors
Wow and FlutterStereolabmedia for listening to recorded music
Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Gamesof Montrealmisleading or incongruous titles
Wrap Your Troubles in DreamsNicodreams
The Wreck of the Athens QueenStan Rogersdiscovery
The Wreck of the Edmund FitzgeraldGordon Lightfootrough & smooth
Wrecking BallGillian Welchbreaking things
The Wright BrothersWednesday Campanellafamous or notable duos
WristbandPaul Simontickets, passes & invitations
Writing the Book of Last PagesLet’s Activechoosing & using words
Written on the WallThe Invitationsborders, barriers, walls & fences
WrongEverything but the Girlbad decisions
Wrong BathroomTribe 8awkwardness
The Wrong ChildR.E.M.games
Wrong ’Em BoyoThe Clashcheating
The Wrong ShoesFurnitureforgotten follow-ups
Wrote for Luck (Vince Clarke Remix)Happy Mondays1980s 12” singles
WTC 9/11Steve ReichSeptember 11 attacks
Wuthering HeightsKate Bushcan’t live with or without you
WWPRDJeffrey Lewis & the Rainauthenticity & fakery