A-Z by Song – U

Song TitleArtistTopic
UBIKThe Electromagnetic Azothtime travel
U.F.O.F.Big Thiefacronyms
UglySass Jordan ft George Clintonone word titles
Ugly BeautyThelonious Monkbeauty
The Ugly DucklingDanny Kayerejection
Ugly ManRickie Lee Jonesstick it to the man
UjaTanya Tagaqwordless vocals
Ultralight BeamKanye Westinfluenced by gospel
UlyssesJake Thackraydogs
Um Canto de Afoxé para o Bloco do IlêCaetano Veloso & Cobra Coral Carnival Choirchoirs
Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, UmMajor Lanceparks
UmbombelaSoweto Gospel Choirchoirs
Umi SaysMos Deflight
Un bel dì vedremo (from Madama Butterfly)Giacomo Puccini (sung by Maria Callas)leaving or being left behind
Giacomo Puccini (sung by Gloria Storchio)the number one
Un-Break My HeartToni Braxtonreversing
Un DíaJuana Molinagenre defying
Un gelato al limonPaolo Conteice cream
Un Homme et une FemmeFrancis Laiwordless vocals
Un peu plus haut, un peu plus loinGinette RenoCanada
Un Ramito de VioletasCeciliasecret admirers
Un VenenoC. Tangana & El Niño de Elchepoison
Una Dos y TresPatxi Andiónmarkets & fairs
Una Mattina & For the Love of a PrincessGerard Pla Daró & Nassim Zaouchesongs by buskers
Una spiaggia a mezzogiornoEnnio Morricone ft Edda Dell’Orsofalsetto
Una voce allo specchioEnnio Morriconemirrors
UnbelievableBig Ghana Banddisbelief
Uncertain SmileThe Thesmiling & laughing
1980s 12” singles
Unchained MelodyThe Righteous Brotherssongs that build
Uncle John’s BandGrateful Deadcommunity
Uncloudy DayThe Staple Singersclouds
UnconditionalJacksoulnotable outros or codas
Uncontrollable UrgeDevoid, ego & superego
UndebelDiego El Cigalafaith
UndecidedChick Webb & His Orchestra with Ella Fitzgeraldindecision
Under a Blanket of BlueElla Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrongblue
Under African SkiesPaul Simonsky
Under IceKate Bushsnow & ice
Under Mi SensiBarrington Levydenial
Under My BedMeikobags & containers
Under PressureQueen & David Bowieduets
Under the BoardwalkThe Driftersthe coast
Under the BridgeRed Hot Chili Peppersbridges
Under the Milky WayThe Churchcelestial bodies
Under the TableFiona Applesingle-mindedness
Under the WaterMerril Bainbridgeforgotten follow-ups
Under YouBetter Than Ezrafrom New Orleans
Under Your ThumbGodley & Cremeghosts
Undercover of the NightThe Rolling Stonespolice
UnderdogSly and the Family Stoneunderdogs
The UnderdogSpoonunderdogs
UndergroundTom Waitsbasements & underground
UnderpassJohn Foxxsynth pop 1980-2000
UnderwaterGhostface Killahsurreal songs
Underwater LoveSmoke Cityswimming & bathing
Undo the KnotsJulie Carrickknots & ties
Undress MeMarc Almondseduction
Une NoixCharles Trenetnuts & edible seeds
Une Sale Histoire (Female Version)Fab 5 FreddyB sides
Unemployed in SummertimeEmilíana Torrinisummer
Unemployment BluesMacka Bunemployment
Unfinished SympathyMassive Attackgreat album or mixtape openers
Unfunky UFOParliamentsurprise encounters
Ungodly KingdomJah Wobbleforgotten follow-ups
Unhappy BirthdayThe Smithsanniversaries
The Uninvited GuestCarpentersvisitors
Union Jack? Thall’s Cac!Oi PolloiScotland
Unisex ChipshopBill Baileyunusual rhymes
United Breaks GuitarsSons of Maxwellguitars
UnityThe O’Jaysunity
Unity Raise Your Banners HighJohn Tamsunity
The UniversalBlurthe future
Universal TellerwäscherDie Sternerestaurants & cafes
University of LifeChris Webby ft Madi Wolfhigher education
Unknown LegendNeil Youngmotorbikes
Unknown Soldier (Pts 1 & 2)Fela Kutijustice
Unknown SongTommy and Marysongs by buskers
Unknown TuneGuitar Wifie of Aberdeensongs by buskers
Uno-Dos UltraviolentoLos Violadoresbooks #2
UnprettyTLCtattoos & piercings
The Unquiet GraveShirley Collin\sthe afterlife
Unsquare DanceDave Brubeck Quartetgeometric shapes
Until I Believe in My SoulDexys Midnight Runnerschannelling pain
Until the End of the WorldU2biblical songs
Until You Come Back to Me (That’s What I’m Gonna Do)Aretha Franklininfluenced by gospel
UntitledBuddy Guy with Quinn Sullivancollaborations & side projects
UntitledNiladri Kumarmusically adventurous
UntitledR.E.M.hidden tracks
UnwindUK Decayunderrated artists
Up a Tree AgainLooperimmaturity
Up All NightTake Thatfictional adverts
Up and Down, Up and Down (I Will Lead Them Up and Down)Duke Ellington & His OrchestraShakespeare
Up Around the BendCreedence Clearwater Revivalpaths & roads
Up Here in the North of EnglandThe Icicle Worksnorthern England
Up on the RoofThe Driftersrendezvous
Up on the SunMeat Puppetsfathers and daughters
Up the Down EscalatorThe Chameleonsteachers
Up the Hill and Down the SlopeThe Loftfairgrounds
Up the JunctionSqueezestorytelling songs
Up the MountainRegina Spektorbees
Up the ‘PoolJethro Tullanticipation
Up the TowerProtomartyrstairs, ladders & elevators
Up the Wooden Hills to BedfordshireSmall Facesdreams
Up – Up and AwayThe 5th Dimensionnotable key changes
Up Where We BelongBuffy Sainte-Marie‘high’ songs
The Upstairs RoomThe Curerooms
UptownThe Crystalssocial class
Uptown Top RankingAlthea & Donnafashion
Urami Bushi (My Grudge Blues)Meiko Kajistupidity
Uranium RockWarren Smithgeology
URAQTM.I.A.letters, emails & telegrams
Urban OspreysThe Nightingalesurban wildlife
Urge for GoingJoni Mitchellfinishing
Use MeBill Withersfunk
Used to Be a CopDrive-By Truckerspolice
Used to Be a MountainOld Crow Medicine Showwastelands
Uska DaraEartha KittAsian cities
Utru HorasOrchestra Baobabsaxophone