A-Z by Song – T

Song TitleArtistTopic
T-ElectroniqueFaust vs. Däleksongs with special guests
T3.3Carter Tutti Voiddriving songs
Tá Mo Chleamhnas DéantaRóisín White & Julie FowlisGaelic songs
Taal – AdiBickram Ghoshgreat drumming
The TableThe Beautiful Southfurniture
TabouLecuona Cuban Boystaboos
Taillights FadeBuffalo Tomlosers
Táimse im’ Chodladh / King of the PipersMocharaGaelic songs
T’aint Whatcha Say It’s Whatcha DoLittle Estherstart with the chorus
Tainted LoveGloria Joneslesser known originals
Tainted Love / Where Did Our Love GoSoft Cell1980s 12” singles
Take a Fall for MeJames Blake ft RZAasking, begging & pleading
Take a Load Off Your FeetThe Beach Boysfeet
Take CareBeach Houseandrogynous vocals
Take FiveDave Brubeck Quartetnumbered 1 to 10
Take It Down from the MastThe Dublinersflags
Take It Easy My Brother CharlesJorge Benmultilingual songs
Take It to the LimitEagleslyrical symmetry
Take Me!The Wedding Presentsongs with vim
Take Me Home Country RoadsToots and the Maytalshome
Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me a Little While)Kim Westonlong titles
(Take Me to) AruandaAstrud Gilbertotreasure
Take Me to ChurchHozierpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Take Me to the RiverAl Greencleansing
Take OffBob & Doug McKenzie ft Geddy LeeCanada
Take Off the MaskClinton Fearon & the Boogie Brown Bandmasks
Take Off Your SunglassesEzra Furman & the Harpoonsself-deprecation
Take On Mea-hashyness
Take PillsPanda Bearmental illness
Take the ‘A’ TrainDuke Ellington & His Orchestrafrom New York City
Take the Bitter with the SweetThe Excitementssongs for your teenage self
Take the Skinheads BowlingCamper Van Beethovensport
Take These Chains from My HeartRay Charleskeys & locks
Take This LongingLeonard Cohenseduction
Take Yo’ PraiseCamille Yarbroughlesser known originals
Take Your Carriage Clock and Shove ItBelle and Sebastianstick it to the man
Take Your MamaScissor Sistersmothers
Takin’ Care of BusinessBachman-Turner Overdrivepunctuality
Taking Tiger MountainBrian Enomountains
Tale of the Giant Stone EaterThe Sensational Alex Harvey Bandgeology
Tale of Two DragonsCalanflags
Tales of Brave UlyssesCreammyths & legends
TalkColdplaysound like other songs
Talk TalkTalk Talktautonyms
Talk of the TownThe Pretendersrooms
Talk Show HostRadioheadwanting to be someone else
Talk to MeJoni Mitchellsongs by duos
Talk to MeBruce Springsteenasking, begging & pleading
(Talk to Me Of) MendocinoKate & Anna McGarrigleroad trips
Talk to You (Li’l Darlin’)Talib Kweli ft BilalValentine’s Day songs
Talkin’ All That JazzStetsasonicmusic genres
Talkin’ ‘Bout a RevolutionTracy Chapmanleft wing politics
Talkin’ Candy Bar BluesPeter, Paul and Marychocolate
Talkin’ Cuban CrisisPhil Ochshistorical events
Talkin’ Dust Bowl BluesWoody Guthriewastelands
Talkin’ PlatyJill Sobuleeggs
The Talkin’ Song Repair BluesAlan Jacksonfixing & repairing
Talkin’ World War III BluesBob Dylannormal & abnormal
Talking Wheechair BluesFred Smallbodily motion & exercise
The Tallest Man, the Broadest ShouldersSufjan Stevensunusual time signatures
Tam LinFairport Conventionwithout a chorus
Tam Lyn (Retold)Imagined Village ft Benjamin Zephaniahinfluenced by dub
Tamalpais High (At About 3)David Crosbytimes of day
Tambourinaires de BukirasaziThe Drummers of Burundigreat drumming
The Tan Yard Side (Singing with Nightingales)Sam Leenightingales & thrushes
Tane MahutaThe Ruby Sunsmyths & legends
Tangled Up in BlueBob Dylanfresh starts
Tangled Up PuppetHarry Chapinknots & ties
Tango for OnePeter Hammillnarcissism
Tango Till They’re SoreTom Waitsfalling
Tangos del CerroEstrella Morenteforgiveness
Tangos del ChavicoEstrella Morentecoins
Tank Park SaluteBilly Braggfathers
Tanz mit LaibachLaibachdeep voices
TapestryCarole Kingfabrics
TarantaLudovico Einaudispiders
TarantulaPendulum v Fresh ft Spyda & Tenor Flyapologies
Tarot WomanRainbowfortune tellers
Tarpeian RockProtomartyrgravity
Tarred and FeatheredCardiacseccentric songs
Tarrilup BridgeThe Triffidshammer & mallet instruments
A Taste of HoneyHerb Alpert & the Tijuana Brassstop-start songs
A Taste of HoneyThe Beatlesbees
TattooThe Beautiful Southupbeat break-up #2
Tattoo’d LadyRory Gallaghertattoos & piercings
Tattooed Love BoysThe Pretendersbeing a man or a woman
tattoos & piercings
TattoosCaravan Palaceskin
TattoosFrank Turnertattoos & piercings
TatuagemElis Reginatattoos & piercings
Tax Paying BluesJ. B. Lenoirtaxation
Tax SexRip Rig + Panictaxation
TaxationPrince Bustertaxation
Taxes on the Farmer Feeds Us AllRy Coodertaxation
#TAXHAVENSMassive Attack with Saul Williams & Gabriel Zucmantaxation
Taxi BamakoAmadou & Mariamtaxis
Taxi BoyLos Piojostaxis
Taxi BrousseYeleentaxis
Taxi (Desgarrador Bolero)Héctor Lavoetaxis
Taxi Driver (Main Title)Bernard Herrmannfrom New York City
Taxi Driver (I Don’t Care) / Benga Taxi3 Mustaphas 3taxis
Taxi (Enter the Dragon)Goldie Lookin Chaintaxis
TaximenAmadou Balakétaxis
TaxmanThe Beatlesfractions & portions
T.B. SheetsVan Morrisonillness
The Tea DancePhilip Jeaystea
Tea for TwoArt Tatumtwo – part 2
The Tea Leaf Prophecy (Lay Down Your Arms)Herbie Hancock & Joni Mitchellomens & prophecies
Tea with CinnamonKatzenjammermeals & mealtimes
Teach Me TonightJo Staffordteachers
Teach Your ChildrenCrosby, Stills, Nash & Youngknowledge
Teacher Don’t Teach Me NonsenseFela Kutielections
TeardropMassive Attackcrying
songs with special guests
Teardrops FallingThe Versatilesfalling
Tears Are in Your EyesYo La Tengoconsolation
Tears for AffairsCamera Obscurafools
Tears for Lot’s WifeKarine Polwartsalt
The Tears of a ClownSmokey Robinson & the Miraclessmiling & laughing
Ted, Just Admit It…Jane’s Addictionobsession
Teddy BearVic Chesnutt with Elf Power & the Amorphous Strumstoys
Teddy BearRed Sovinetragedy & comedy
Teddy Bears’ PicnicThe BBC Dance Orchestra, directed by Henry Hallchildren’s songs
Teddy Bears’ PicnicAnne Murraybears
Teen Age RiotSonic Youthadolescence
Teenage DirtbagWheatusvictory
Teenage FBIGuided by Voicesgossip
Teenage HeadFlamin’ Grooviesteenagers
Teenage Head in My RefrigeratorThe Deep Freeze Miceprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Teenage HeavenEddie Cochranteenagers
Teenage KicksThe Undertonespersonal theme songs
Teenage LobotomyRamonesteenagers
Teenage Loser AnthemThe Dambuildersorchestral string instruments
Teenage LustThe Jesus and Mary Chainlust
Teenage RampageThe Sweetimmaturity
Teenage TreatsThe Waspsteenagers
Teenage WinterSaint Etiennechange
A Teenager in LoveDion & the Belmontsadolescence
Teens of ThailandThe Desert Sessionsamphibians
TeethLady Gagateeth
TeethWorking Men’s Clubteeth
Teeth AgapeTanya Tagaqteeth
Telegram SamT. Rexmale names
Telegraph RoadDire Straitsspecific or obscure places
TelepathyEmilíana Torrinisixth sense
Telephone and Rubber BandPenguin Cafe Orchestragreat riffs
Telephone Dhoon MeA. R. Rahman ft Hariharan & Kavita Krishnamurtytelephones
Telephone ThingThe Fallletters, emails & telegrams
TelevisionScud Mountain Boystelevision
Television ScreenThe Radiators from Spacebreaking things
Television, the Drug of the NationThe Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisyprotest
Tell HeavenRosanne Cashmusic for funerals
Tell HerEd Townsendindirect messages
Tell HimThe Excitersprocrastination
Tell It Like It IsAaron Nevillefrom New Orleans
Tell MePete Rock & CL Smoothfate & destiny
Tell Me Lies About ManchesterCabbageManchester
Tell Me When It’s OverThe Dream Syndicatemade you fall in love with music
Tell Me When My Light Turns GreenDexys Midnight Runnersdriving songs
Tell My SisterKate & Anna McGarriglebrothers & sisters
TelstarThe Tornadossci-fi & space
The TempestPendulumstorms
Temple of LoveThe Sisters of Mercymisanthropic songs
Tempo de AmorBaden Powell & Marcia Sousapeace
TemptationNew Orderfalling in love
The Temptation of AdamJosh Ritterbasements & underground
TempterStereolabdrone music
Ten Commandments of LoveThe Moonglowssongs with talking
Ten Feet TallXTCfeet
Ten Foot PoleZZ Topmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Ten Little GirlsCurvenumbered 1 to 10
Ten PercentDouble Exposureraise the heartrate
Ten Shades of BlueThe Spindlesblue
Ten Thousand WordsThe Avett Brothersthinking
Tender Is the Night (The Long Fidelity)The Triffidsstriking album endings
Tending the Wrong Grave for 23 YearsHalf Man Half Biscuitdiscovery
Tenement YardJacob Millersurveillance
TennesseeArrested Developmentsearching & seeking
Tennessee WaltzPatsy Cline3/4 time
Tentative DecisionsTalking Headsindecision
Terraplane BluesRobert Johnsonadultery & infidelity
Terrible LieNine Inch Nailsbroken promises
Terrible Operation BluesBig Bill Broonzyillness
TerryTwinklemale names
Terry’s Cha-ChaJohn Calesaxophone
Terylene Ghosts in the SunshineCathal Coughlanfabrics
Test for EchoRushechoes
TestifyCommonjudges & trials
TestifyHifi Sean ft Crystal Waterspreachers, priests & religious leaders
The Testimony of Patience KershawThe Unthankscaves
Texas Girl at the Funeral of Her FatherRandy Newmanseparation
Thank UAlanis Morissettegratitude
Thank U NextAriana Grandebeing single
Thank YouLed Zeppelinstaying
Thank You CarolineThe Avalanchesplease & thank you
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)Sly and the Family Stonefunk
Thank You for Being a FriendAndrew Goldgratitude
Thank You (For Loving Me at My Worst)The Whitlamsgratitude
Thank You for Talkin’ to Me AfricaSly and the Family Stoneplease & thank you
Thank You for the MusicABBAgratitude
Thank You FriendsBig Starplease & thank you
Thanks for the MemoryBob Hopeplease & thank you
Thanksgiving SongMary Chapin Carpentergratitude
That Cat Is HighThe Ink Spotscats
That Joke Isn’t Funny AnymoreJanice Whaleygreat solo performances
That Lucky Old SunRay Charlescurves & spheres
That Lucky Old SunFrankie Lainetiredness
That Old Black MagicSammy Davis Jr.songs with vim
That Old Time ReligionTennessee Ernie Fordreligion
That Summer, At Home I Had Become the Invisible BoyThe Twilight Sadthe invisible
That Summer FeelingJonathan Richman & the Modern Loversinnocence
That WallWillie Claytonborders, barriers, walls & fences
That’s a LieLL Cool Jlies
That’s All There IsNina Nastasiaacceptance
That’s BadMoe Tuckerausterity
That’s EntertainmentThe Jamironic songs
That’s LifeFrank Sinatrastarting over
That’s Not My NameThe Ting Tingssound like other songs
That’s One You Owe MeJohnny Cashplatonic love
That’s the Way (I Like It)KC and the Sunshine Bandstart with the chorus
That’s the Way Love GoesJanet Jacksonsongs with talking
That’s the Way Love Is (Acieed Remix)Ten City1980s 12” singles
That’s When It Hit MeEzra Furmanfalling in love
Them A Laugh and A Ki KiThe Soulmateslaughter
Them Belly Full (But We Hungry)Bob Marley & the Wailersanger
Them Heavy PeopleKate Bushlessons in life
Theme de YoyoArt Ensemble of Chicagodiscordant songs
Theme for Great CitiesSimple Mindsinstrumentals
Theme from A Summer PlacePercy Faith & his Orchestradance instrumentals
easy listening
Theme from King KongLove Unlimited Orchestramonkeys & apes
Theme from ShaftIsaac Hayesfunk
Theme from Sparta F.C.The Fallsport
(Theme from) The MonkeesThe Monkeesgreat album or mixtape openers
Theme from Z-CarsJohnny Keating & the Z-MenLiverpool & Merseyside
Then He Kissed MeThe Crystalsgirl groups
Then Suddenly LoveFrank Sinatrafirst & last time
There Ain’t Half Been Some Clever BastardsIan Dury & the Blockheadsintelligence
There But for the Grace of God Go IMachinecharacter songs
There Goes MavisRichard Shindellcastles & palaces
There Goes the FearDovesfear
There Is a CityHang on the Boxunderwear
There Is a Light That Never Goes OutThe Smithslight
There Is a MountainDonovanphilosophers
There Is Power in a UnionBilly Braggunity
There Must Be a Better WayFriday, Saturday & Sundayspirit of 2021
There Must Be ThousandsThe Quadsout-of-tune songs
There She GoesThe La’sone-hit wonders
There She Goes, My Beautiful WorldNick Cave & the Bad Seedsbooks #2
There Stands the GlassWebb Pierceglass
There, There, My DearDexys Midnight Runnersstriking album endings
There Will Be TimeMumford & Sons with Baaba Maalcollaborations & side projects
There Will Never Be Any Peace (Until God Is Seated at the Conference Table)The Chi-Liteslong titles
There You AreMillie Jacksonflirting
There’ll Be No Distinction ThereBlind Alfred Reed & Orville Reedacceptance
There’s a Ghost in My HouseR. Dean TaylorHalloween
There’s a Hole in the BucketHarry Belafonte & Odettageometric shapes
There’s a Light Beyond These Woods (Mary Margaret)Nanci Griffithadventure
There’s a Lull in My LifeElla Fitzgeraldnothing
There’s a Moon Out TonightThe Capristhe moon
There’s a Small HotelElla Fitzgeraldhotels
(There’s Gonna Be A) ShowdownArchie Bell & the Drellseffects of fame
There’s HopeIndia Ariehope
There’s No Business Like Propa’ Rungleclotted Mashup BizznizzShitmateccentric songs
There’s No One But YouThe Oriolesgreat songwriting 1900-1955
There’s No Rope As Long as TimeLatin Quarterresistance
These Are the ThingsBlack Box Recordersmall things
These Boots Are Made for Walkin’Nancy Sinatrafairness
These Cold FingersBill Morrisseygripping or intriguing narrative
These DaysNicoandrogynous vocals
These Foolish ThingsBryan Ferrymemorabilia & souvenirs
These Lights Are MeaningfulAdemstar signs
These Old ShoesFats Dominoshoes
They All LaughedElla Fitzgeraldoverturning the odds
They All LaughedElla Fitzgerald & Louis Armstronglaughter
They All LaughedSarah Vaughanthe truth
They All Went to MexicoCarlos Santana & Willie NelsonMexico & Central America
They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh!Sufjan Stevensnight & darkness
They Can’t Take That Away from MeFrank Sinatraupbeat break-up
They Don’t KnowKirsty MacCollindifference
They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)Pete Rock & CL Smoothbereavement
They Say I’m DifferentBetty Davisnormal & abnormal
They Say It’s WonderfulJohn Coltrane & Johnny Hartmansongs that say what love is
They Thought I Was AsleepPaul Kelly & the Stormwater Boysroad trips
They’ll Hang Flags from Cranes Upon My Wedding DayBallboyweddings
They’re Coming to Take Me AwayNapoleon XIVwhimsical songs
They’re Talking About MeJohnny Braggconspiracy theories & paranoia
Thick as a Brick (Pt. 1, Piece 2)Jethro Tullmusically adventurous
The Thief That Stole My Sad Days (Ya Blessin Me)Moodymannpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Thieves in the NightBlack Starbooks #2
Thieves Like UsNew Ordersongs that say what love is
The Thing That Should Not BeMetallicaunexplained phenomena
A Thing Well MadeThe Mutton Birdsmaking things
Things Can Only Get BetterD:Reamspirit of 2021
Things ChangeWarrior Queen & the Heatwaveimpermanence
Things Done ChangedThe Notorious B.I.G.change
Things May Come and Things May Go, But the Art School Dance Goes On ForeverPete Brown & Pibloktolong titles
The Things That Dreams Are Made OfThe Human Leagueadventure
Things the Grandchildren Should KnowEelsinheritance
Things We Lost Along the WayDakota Suiteloss
The Things We’ve Handed DownMarc Cohnforgotten follow-ups
ThinkAretha Franklinextraordinary vocals
Think (About It)Lyn Collinsthinking
Think Too Much (a)Paul Simonthinking
Think TwiceDetroit Experimentdance instrumentals
Think TwiceRalph Myerz & the Jack Herren Bandthinking
Think Twice (Version X)Jackie Wilson & Lavern Bakersweary songs
Think ZincT. Rexsilver & non-ferrous metals
Thinkin’ ‘Bout YouFrank Oceanfalsetto
The Thinnest WallsNickel Creeksuperlatives
Third Class HeavenGreenhouse of Terrorodd couples
Third ManThe Duckworth Lewis Methodcricket
The Third Man ThemeAnton Karasfairgrounds
Third Stone from the SunThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencesci-fi & space
Thirsty BootsJudy Collinshats & accessories
Thirsty DogNick Cave & the Bad Seedsregrets
ThirteenBig Staradolescence
Thirty Pieces of SilverYabby Yousilver & non-ferrous metals
Thirty Years of FarmingFred Eaglesmithfarming
This BoyThe BeatlesB sides
This Charming ManThe Smithsgreat riffs
This CitySteve EarleNew Orleans
This Diamond RingGary Lewis & the Playboysprecious stones
This Flight TonightJoni Mitchell‘high’ songs
This Flight TonightNazarethaviation
This GirlChumbawambaoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
This Goddamn HouseThe Low Anthemorgan
This Guitar Is For SaleBobby Baresales, selling & bargains
This Guy’s in Love with YouHerb Alpert & the Tijuana Brassindirect messages
This Is a LifeSon Lux, Mitski & David Byrnedistractions & diversions
This Is a LowBlurbad weather
This Is a Rebel SongSinéad O’Connoranger
This Is How It FeelsInspiral CarpetsManchester
This Is How We Walk on the MoonArthur Russellthe moon
This Is How You Spell “HAHAHA, We Destroyed the Hopes and Dreams of a Generation of Faux-Romantics”Los Campesinos!long titles
provocative, strange or humorous titles
This Is It!Betty Davisbig and meaty
This Is Just a Modern Rock SongBelle and Sebastianmeta-songs
This Is My PrairieCorb LundAmerican west
This Is Not a Love SongPublic Image Ltdsongs about songs
This Is Not a SongThe Frank and Waltersmeta-songs
This Is the Age of the Naked EmperorsPhilip Jeaysnudity
This Is the DayThe Thehope
This Is UsMark Knopfler & Emmylou Harrisphotos & photography
This Is What She’s LikeDexys Midnight Runnersalbum tracks better than singles
This Is Your BrainJoe Diffiethe brain
This Land Is Our Land ReduxSlim Cessna’s Auto Clubcommunity
This Land Is Your LandWoody GuthrieAmerica
This MasqueradeCarpentersdeception
This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to LeavePet Shop Boysschool
This Old GuitarJohn Denverguitars
This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak For You)The Isley Brothersthe heart
This Old SkinThe Beautiful Southskin
This Perfect DayThe Saintsperfection
This ShirtMary Chapin Carpentermarriage
This SongBadly Drawn Boysongs about songs
This Tornado Loves YouNeko Casepersonification
This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of UsSparksconfidence
This TrainSister Rosetta Tharpetrains
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)Natalie Coletriggering dancing
This Will Be Our YearThe Zombiesjoyous songs
This Woman’s WorkKate Bushmothers
This YearThe Mountain Goatspersistence
This YearLoudon Wainwright IIInew year
This Year’s KissesBillie Holiday with Teddy Wilson & His Orchestrakissing
ThokozileMahlathini and the Mahotella Queensflutes, pipes & whistles
Thomas the RhymerSteeleye Spanmythical beasts
Thorn of CrownsEcho & the Bunnymenvegetables
Those Eyes, That MouthCocteau Twinsfalling in love
Those Final FeetCowboy Junkieshidden tracks
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying MachinesRon Goodwinsongs that capture the zeitgeist
Those Were the DaysLeningrad CowboysRussia
Thou Shalt Always KillDan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pipsongs that command or instruct
Thou Shalt Not StealKev CarmodyAustralia
A Thought Is Just a Passing TrainJohn Morelandthinking
Thoughts of a Dying AtheistMusedeath
The Thoughts of Mary JaneNick Drakemarijuana
Thousand EyesFKA twigsgreat arrangements
Thousands Are SailingThe Pogues19th century life
THRAKKing Crimsonbig and meaty
The Three BellsThe Brownsbells
Three Chords and the TruthChase Riceguitars
Three Cigarettes in an AshtrayPatsy Clinesmoking
Three Cool CatsThe Coasterscoolness
Three DaysJane’s Addictionthree
The Three Great Alabama IconsDrive-By TruckersUS cities & states
Three HoursNick Drakethree
double bass
Three Imaginary BoysThe Curetomorrow
Three Is the Magic NumberBob Doroughnumbered 1 to 10
Three LionsBaddiel & Skinner & Lightning Seedssongs that capture the zeitgeist
Three Little BirdsBob Marley & the Wailershope
Three Little PigsGreen Jellÿwhimsical songs
Three MC’s and One DJBeastie Boysthree
Three Minute HeroThe Selectermusic industry
Three MulesAl Stewart with Lawrence Juberthree
The Three of UsSmoke Fairiesplatonic love
Three Point ScrabbleThe High Llamasboard games
The Three Shadows, Part IBauhaushorror-inspired songs
Three Views of a SecretJaco Pastoriussecrets & secrecy
Thrift ShopMacklemore & Ryan Lewis ft Wanzsales, selling & bargains
ThrillerMichael Jacksonsongs with talking
Through the Fire and the FlamesDragonForcesongs that express excess
Through the FiresAngel Olsenheartbreak
ThrowLaurel Halopiano songs
Throw It AwayAbbey Lincolnsongs offering advice
Throwing Bricks at TrainsFuture of the Leftsafety & danger
Throwing StonesGrateful Deadnursery rhymes
Thru the FlowersThe Primitivesdifferent 7″ versions
Thru These WallsPhil Collinssecret vices
Thumb a RideEarl Wright & his Orchestrahitchhiking
Thumbs DownThe Chiffonsphysical gestures
ThumbscrewsThe Jesus Lizardscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Thunder RoadBruce Springsteenbroken promises
ThunderbirdSeasick Stevewine
ThunderboltBjörkodd noises & instruments
Thunderstorm / HurricaneAllison Moorersongs that build
Thunderstruck2Cellossongs that build
TiahuanacoAlfred Linaresdance instrumentals
Tick Tick BoomThe Hivesonomatopoeia
Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window DownBessie Smithwindows
Ticket InspectorThe Chatstickets, passes & invitations
Ticket to RideThe Beatlestickets, passes & invitations
The Tide Is HighThe Paragonsviolin
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak TreeTony Orlando and Dawnknots & ties
Tie Me DownShackknots & ties
Tied UpYelloknots & ties
Tiffany GlassOrriel Smithbright and beautiful
Tiger BalmHollie Cooktigers
Tiger FeetMudtigers
Tiger ManRufus Thomastigers
Tiger RagLouis Armstronganimals
Tighten UpArchie Bell & the Drellsdance styles
TigresaGal Costatigers
Tijuana Gift ShopCharles Mingusmemorabilia & souvenirs
’Til the Cows Come HomePrefab SproutNorth East England
TiltedChristine and the Queensbodily motion & exercise
Tim McGuireThe Three City Fourstarting fires
TimeDavid Bowiestop-start songs
TimeEasy Star All-Starsclocks & watches
TimeThe Mighty Clouds of Joyraise the heartrate
TimePink Floydfear of missing out
Time After TimeMiles Daviscovers by the opposite sex
Time and a WordYeschoosing & using words
Time and TidePaul Kellytides
Time BendingLoquatcurves & spheres
Time for HeroesThe Libertineshats
The Time Has ComeAnne Briggsgoodbye
Time Has Come TodayThe Chambers Brothershomelessness
non sequiturs
Time in a BottleJim Croceeternity
Time Is TightBooker T. & the M.G.’sslowing down
Time MachineDavid Childerstime travel
Time of the SeasonThe Zombiesgreat keyboards
Time OperatorScott Walkerclocks & watches
Time to Get AloneThe Beach Boysvolume changes
Time to PretendMGMTdebut songs
Time to Switch to WhiskeyThe Corb Lund Bandfinishing
Time Waits for No OneThe Rolling Stonesnotable outros or codas
Time Will Pass You ByTobi Legendimpermanence
Timeless SkiesAl Stewartvillages
Time’s ArrowThursdayreversing
The Times They Are A-Changin’Bob Dylan3/4 time
TimewhysTonto’s Expanding Head Bandelectronic music to 1983
TimothyThe Buoysstuck or trapped
Tin Foil HatTodd Rundgren ft Donald Fagentyranny & dictatorship
Tin OmenSkinny Puppysilver & non-ferrous metals
Tin SoldierSmall Facessongs with special guests
Tin SoldiersStiff Little Fingersformal agreements
Tinoge Ya Ta’a Ba, Parts 1 and 2Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramidsexpressing movement of walking
Tiny Cities Made of AshesModest Mousesmall things
Tiny DancerElton Johnredefined by film
Tiny GoddessNirvanasongs that fit every topic
Tiny SoldiersThe Men They Couldn’t Hangarmy
Tiny SunBad Daughteraudible breaths
Tiny TearsTinderstickscrying
Tiny Witch HunterHen Ogleddwitches
Tip-Toe Thru’ the Tulips with MeAnnette Hanshawwindows
TipitinaProfessor Longhairfrom New Orleans
Tipsy DazyZiggy Marley & the Melody Makersinversions
Tired of Being AloneAl Greenloneliness
The TitanicMance Lipscombrare events
TNK (Tomorrow Never Knows)801Beatles covers
To a MouseBattlefield Bandsmall things
To Be InvisibleCurtis Mayfieldthe invisible
To Be or Not to BeB. A. RobertsonShakespeare
To Be Young, Gifted and BlackBob and Marciaadolescence
To Beat the DevilKris Kristoffersonwords of wisdom
To Die a VirginThe Divine Comedybirthdays
To ForgiveThe Smashing Pumpkinsforgiveness
To Have and to Have NotBilly Braggsocial mobility
To Hell with Poverty!Gang of Fourpoverty
To Keep My Love AliveElaine Stritchunusual rhymes
To Know Him Is to Love HimThe Teddy Bearssongs that make you cry
To Live Is to FlyTownes Van Zandtgoodbye
To Lose My LifeWhite Lieslost and found
To Make You StayOffa Rexstaying
To Sir with LoveLuluteachers
To the End (La Comedie)Blur with Françoise Hardymultilingual songs
To the LighthouseOlivia Chaneylighthouses & guiding lights
To ZionLauryn Hillbabies
Tobacco RoadThe Nashville Teensroads & streets
Tobi IluArt Blakey & the Afro-Drum Ensemblegreat drumming
Toccata and Fugue in D minorJohann Sebastian Bachorgan
Today Is Just Tomorrow’s YesterdayThe Word Dtomorrow
Today, the Day of Separation3rd Line Butterflyscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Todo CambiaMercedes Sosasongs in Spanish
Todo Es de ColorLole y Manueleverything
Toi jamaisCatherine Deneuveforgiveness
Toilet no KamisamaKana Uemurareligion
Tokoloshe ManJohn Kongosmonsters
Tokyo BalladTsutomu Nakamoto & the Shakari OrchestraAsian cities
Tokyo Invention Registry OfficeHyper Kinakoaccents
Tom Billy’s / The Langstern PonyMary Berginflutes, pipes & whistles
Tom HarkElias and His Zig-Zag Jive Flutesflutes, pipes & whistles
Tom JoadWoody Guthrieliterary songs
Tom Paine’s BonesDick Gaughanhistorical figures
Tom Traubert’s Blues (Four Sheets to the Wind in Copenhagen)Small Changenational anthems
Tommy CDan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pipbeauty
Tommy the CatPrimuscats
TomorrowThe Durutti Columntomorrow
TomorrowWilliam Onyeabortomorrow
TomorrowSouthwest F.O.B.tomorrow
Tomorrow Is a Long TimeBob Dylantomorrow
Tomorrow Is a Long Ways AwayThe Byrdstomorrow
Tomorrow Is My TurnRhiannon Giddenstomorrow
Tomorrow Never KnowsThe Beatlesodd noises & instruments
Tomorrow NightShoesprocrastination
Tomorrow Your SorrowHendrickson Road Housetomorrow
Tomorrow’s DreamAl Greentomorrow
Tomorrow’s People – The Children of TodayMcDonald and Gilestomorrow
Tom’s DinerSuzanne Vegagreat solo performances
Tongue That Cannot LieKarine Polwartthe truth
Tongue TiedWanda Jacksonembarrassment
Tongue TiedDanny John-Julesawkwardness
Tonight in TokyoSandie ShawAsian cities
Tonight TonightThe Smashing Pumpkinsimpressive videos
Tonight’s the NightNeil Youngtribute songs
Tonya HardingSufjan Stevenswinter sports
Tonz ‘O’ GunzGang Starrshooting
Too Busy Thinking About My BabyMarvin Gayemultitasking & being busy
Too Clever by HalfThe Long Blondesintelligence
Too Close to the SunAlan Parsonswings
Too Darn HotElla Fitzgeraldheat #2
Too Drunk to FuckNouvelle Vaguedrinking
Too Hot to HandleUFOheat #2
Too Hot to Move, Too Hot to ThinkThe Triffidsheat
Too Hot to SleepEilen Jewellheat #2
Too Many Fish in the SeaThe Marveletteshandclaps
Too Much BrandyThe Streetsdrinking
Too Much Monkey BusinessChuck Berrymultitasking & being busy
Too Much Too YoungThe Specialscoming of age
Too SocialOlivia Chaneyalliteration
Took the Children AwayArchie Roachtyranny & dictatorship
Tooryanse, Haturakoi, Zui Zui Zukorabashi, Kagome KagomeAkiko Shikatatradition
Top of the PopsThe Rezillosmusic industry
Top of the WorldPatty Griffin‘high’ songs
Top YourselfThe Raconteurssuicide
TornEdnaswaplesser known originals
TornadoGallon Drunkwind
Tortoise Brand Pot CleanerShonen Knifespring cleaning & household chores
Tortoise Regrets HareJames Yorkstonrabbits
Total EclipseBilly Cobhamgreat drumming
Totally NudeTalking Headsnudity
Totally WiredThe Fallstart with the chorus
Tou’ les jours c’est pas la mêmeCarol Franlies
TouchLori & the Chameleonstouch
Touch Me I’m SickMudhoneybig and meaty
Touch of GreyGrateful Deadages
Touch the Hem of His GarmentThe Soul Stirrerstouch
Touch the LeatherFat White Familypick-up lines & marriage proposals
Tough GuysREO Speedwagonsurprising intros
Tougher Than Tough (Rudie in Court)Derrick Morganjudges & trials
Toujours gaiEartha Kittfamous or notable animals
Tour de FranceKraftwerksport
Tournament of HeartsThe Weakerthanswinter sports
Tous les garçons et les fillesFrançoise Hardybody language
Tous les mêmesStromaebeing a man or a woman
Tow the LineNick Drakehidden tracks
Tower of SongLeonard Cohensongs about songs
Towers of LondonXTC19th century life
Town Called MaliceThe Jamsocial class
ToxicBritney Spearspoison
Toxic Garbage IslandGojiraplastic
Toy BalloonBert Janschtoys
Track Number 8Sun Kil Moonself-deprecation
Track with No NameForgemastersbig and meaty
Tracks of My TearsSmokey Robinson & the Miraclesstiff upper lip
Tracy JacksBluroddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Tracy’s FlawSkunk Anansiecan’t live with or without you
Traded In My CigarettesPlan Bknives
The TraderThe Beach Boys19th century life
Traffic JamJames Taylorcrowds
The Trail We BlazeElton Johnpioneers
Trailways BusPaul Simonbuses
The TrainOutKast ft Sleepy Brown & Scartrains
The Train and the RiverThe Jimmy Giuffre Triosongs by trios
The Train from Kansas CityThe Shangri-Lasawkwardness
The Train from WashingtonGil Scott-Heronbroken promises
Train in Vain (Stand by Me)The Clashhidden tracks
Train SongMindy Smithdenial
Train to SkavilleThe Ethiopianstrains
TrampOtis Redding & Carla Thomasduets
Tramp the Dirt DownElvis Costellohatchet jobs
Trampled Under FootLed Zeppelinoutstanding percussion
Trance Eastern BluesAbajihomelessness
Trans-Europe ExpressKraftwerkrendezvous
Trans Siberian ExpressMomusfrozen north
TransatlanticismDeath Cab for Cutiemissing someone
Transcend MeAfronaughtraise the heartrate
The TransfigurationSufjan Stevensmiracles
TransformationNona Hendryxambiguity
TransmetropolitanThe Poguesurban environment
TransmissionJoy Divisiondancing
The Trapeze SwingerIron & Winethe afterlife
Trapped by LoveManu Chaostuck or trapped
Trapped in the ClosetR. Kellydialogue
TrashRobyn Hitchcockoffensive, insulting songs
TrashSuedeglamour & style
Travelin’ BluesBlind Willie McTelltravelling
Travelin’ SoldierDixie Chicksfirst & last time
Travelin’ Thru’Smokey Robinsoncompass points
Tread WaterDe La Soullessons in life
TreasureBruno Marsretro style
TreatyYothu Yindiequality
Tree and Two ChairsUnderworldchairs
A Tree Grows in BrooklynOlivia Chaneynotable outros or codas
The Tree Knows EverythingAdam F. ft Tracey Thorntrees
Trees and FlowersStrawberry Switchbladeanxiety
The Trees They Do Grow HighPentangleages
TrellisazeSlowdiveclocks & watches
Trenchtown Rock (Live)Bob Marley & the Wailersmood-changing music
TrepakModest MussorgskyRussia
TrespassesPatti Smithfixing & repairing
TriadThe Byrdsfetishes
The Trial of Bill Burn Under Martin’s ActJon Wilksfamous or notable animals
Tribal Music with Pipes and DrumsClanadoniasongs by buskers
TributeTenacious Dsongs that express excess
Tribute to Roy HoldingI-Roycricket
Tribute to Spree SimonLord Kitchenersteelpan
A Trick of the LightThe Triffidsnostalgia
Tricky KidTrickyself-referential songs
The Trimdon Grange ExplosionAlan Pricesafety & danger
Trimm TrabbBlurshoes
TripmakerThe Seedsrecreational drugs
Triptych: Prayer/Protest/PeaceMax Roachscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Tristan und Isolde: PreludeRichard Wagnerfamous or notable duos
Troika (Sleigh Ride) (from Lieutenant Kijé)Sergei Prokofievfeaturing bells
Trombone ChollyBessie Smithbrass songs
Troops of TomorrowThe Vibratorstomorrow
Tropical Hot Dog NightCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandheat #2
TropicáliaCaetano VelosoSouth America
TroubleElvis Presleybad boys & bad girls
Trouble Every DayThe Mothers of Inventionprotest
Trouble in MindBig Bill Broonzyimpermanence
Trouble ManMarvin Gayesocial mobility
Trouble Sleep Yanga Wake AmFela Kutisleep & insomnia
Trouble So HardVera Halla cappella
Trouble with ClassicistsLou Reed & John Calevisual art & photography
Trouser PressBonzo Dog Bandsurreal songs
TroySinéad O’Connorsongs that give you goosebumps
The Truck Driver and His MatePet Shop BoysNorth East England
The Truck Got StuckCorb Lundstuck or trapped
Trucker’s HitchYlvisknots & ties
Truckin’Grateful Deadone word titles
TrueSpandau Balletretro style
True ColorsCyndi Laupersongs for your teenage self
True FaithNew Orderfaith
True Love WaysBuddy Hollymade you fall in love with music
True Love Will Find You in the EndHeadless Heroespromises & choices
Truer Than the WheelAndrew Beaujonwheels
TrulyThe Jays & Ranking Trevor12″ singles to 1979
Trunk BoxThe Mother Hipsbags & containers
Trust in MeMildred Baileytrust
Trust in MeSusheela Ramantrust
Trust in TrustBlues Travelertrust
Trust Me I’m a DoctorMomusdoctors
Trust No ManJimmy Clifftrust
The Truth Comes OutCorb Lundclimate change
Try a Little TendernessOtis Reddingkindness
Try to RememberHarry Belafontenostalgia
Try to SleepLowadult lullabies
Tryin’ to Get to HeavenBob Dylanheaven & hell
TsintskaroRustavi Ensemblea cappella
TSOP (The Sound of Philadelphia)MFSBdance instrumentals
Tu veux ou tu veux pasMarcel Zaniniindecision
Tu vuò fa’ l’americanoRenato CarosoneItaly
Tubular BellsMike Oldfieldmusically adventurous
TudoBebel Gilbertoeverything
Tukka Yoot’s RiddimUs3rhythm, beat & boogie
Tumbling DiceThe Rolling Stonesgambling
Tungsten BabalawoGeorgia Anne Muldrowsilver & non-ferrous metals
Tunic (Song for Karen)Sonic Youthother musicians
Tunnel of LoveDire Straitscurves & spheres
The Tunnel of LoveFun Boy Threecello
Tunnel of LoveBruce Springsteencaves
Tuonen tyttöKardemimmitfrom Nordic countries
TupeloNick Cave & the Bad Seedsbad weather
TupeloJohn Lee Hookertowns
TupeloAlbert King, Pop Staples & Steve Cropperrare events
Tupelo HoneyVan Morrisonbrown
Tupelo HoneyCassandra Wilsonflavour
Turiya and RamakrishnaAlice Coltranegentleness
Turkish Song of the DamnedThe Pogueshorror-inspired songs
Turn Back the Hands of TimeTyrone Davisregrets
Turn Down DayThe Cyrklesummer
Turn It UpRobots in Disguisemood-changing music
Turn Me AroundMavis Staples & Bonnie Raittconfidence
Turn Me OnNorah Jonesswitches & buttons
Turn Off the LightsTeddy Pendergrassorgasms
Turn Off the RespiratorTumor Circusdecisive songs
Turn On the NewsHüsker Dünews & media
Turn On Your Love LightBobby Blandinfluenced by gospel
Turn That Noise DownChas & Davenoise
Turn the Beat AroundVicky Sue Robinsoninstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Turn the World AroundHarry Belafonteclimate change
Turn to RedKilling Jokeinfluenced by dub
Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)The Byrdschange
Turning DaisiesKrister Linderextraordinary vocals
Turning JapaneseThe Vaporsphotos & photography
The Turning of Our BonesArab Strapzombies
The Turning ScriptureDadawastartling songs
Turning TurtleMeryl Streepinversions
T.U.S.A.Masters of Realitytea
TuskFleetwood Macvolume changes
Tut, Tut, Tut, Tut…Gillian Hillstautonyms
Tutti FruttiLittle Richardsongs with vim
TV EyeThe Stoogesfalse endings
TV Is the Thing (This Year)Dinah Washingtontelevision
TV PartyBlack Flagtelevision
T.V.O.D.The Normaltelevision
TwatJohn Cooper Clarkecruel songs
The Twelfth of NeverJohnny Mathismonths of the year
Twelve Hours of SunsetRoy Harpersunsets & twilight
Twenty-Five MilesEdwin Starrhome
Twenty Flight RockEddie Cochranascension
Twenty Four Hours from TulsaGene Pitneyadultery & infidelity
Twenty QuestionsBeastie Boys ft Miho Hatorieureka moments
Twenty Seven StrangersVillagersbuses
Twiggy TwiggyPizzicato FiveJapan
Twilight TimeThe Plattersevening
TwinChristian Scottfavourite live versions
Twinkle Little StarThe Parisiansstars
The TwistHank Ballard & the Midnighterssongs with a twist
TwistGoldfrappsexy songs
TwistedAnnie Rossmental illness
Twistin’ the Night AwaySam Cookenightclubs
The Twitter SongPeter and the Test Tube Babiesmodernity
Two Beds and a Coffee MachineSavage Gardendecisive songs
Two Cats on the PianoThe Batherscats
Two FingersJake Buggphysical gestures
Two Good MenWoody Guthriejudges & trials
Two HalvesRichard DawsonNorth East England
Two-Headed Dog (Red Temple Prayer)Roky Erickson & the Aliensfamous or notable animals
Two Left FeetRichard Thompsontwo – part 2
Two Little FeetGreg Brownexpressing movement of walking
Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of BreadSister Rosetta Tharpemiracles
Two Little Men in a Flying SaucerElla Fitzgeraldaliens
Two Little SquirrelsLouis Jordan & His Tympany Fiverodents
Two LoversMary Wellstwo – part 1
Two MargarinesJohn Shuttleworthcrisis
Two Match LadsMegson19th century life
Two of the Lucky OnesThe Droge and Summers Blendslow, sexy love songs
The Two of UsSister Vanillatwo – part 1
Two Sevens ClashCultureprophets
Two SoulsChristian Kjellvanderdeep voices
Two Steps, TwiceFoalstwo – part 2
Two Tribes (Annihilation)Frankie Goes to Hollywoodnumbered 1 to 10
Tyger Tyger (Dub Version)Jah Wobbletigers
The TypewriterLeroy Andersonwhimsical songs
TypewriterObject Oneswitches & buttons
Typical GirlsThe Slitsfeminism