A-Z by Song – So-Sz

Song TitleArtistTopic
So Far AwayCarole Kinghome
So Happy I’ll BeFlatt and Scruggsoptimistic songs
So Here I ComeNeneh Cherrystriking album endings
So It GoesNick Lowepower
So Long, Frank Lloyd WrightSimon & Garfunkelhistorical figures
So Long to the HeadstrongFleet Foxeswritten correspondence
So LowCarolsynth pop 1980-2000
So Ruff, So TuffRogerinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
So Sad So SexyLykke Lieyes
So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad)The Everly Brotherschange of mind
So SorryFeistregrets
So WeirdVeruca Saltinterlopers
So WhatMiles Davisinstrumentals
So What!!The Lyricsindifference
So YoungThe Ronettesteenagers
So YoungSuedeimmaturity
Socialism TrainThe Ethiopiansleft wing politics
SocietyEddie Veddergreed
Sod the NeighboursThe Toy Dollsvolume
Sodium Light BabyThe Thesilver & non-ferrous metals
The Sodom and Gomorrah ShowPet Shop Boyshedonism
Sodom and GomorrowThe Congoswastelands
Soffry Soffry Catch MonkeyIkenga Super Stars of Africamonkeys & apes
Soho SquareKirsty MacCollsitting & standing
Sojourner’s Battle HymnSweet Honey in the Rockchoirs
Sol en JulioLos Brincosmonths of the year
Sol InvictusThea Gilmorepassage of time
Solar WindNick Nicelyrainbows
The SoldierPhilip Jeaysarmy
Soldier of FortuneDeep Purpleechoes
Soldier’s SongSean Rowecovers by the opposite sex
Soldier’s ThingsTom Waitsmemorabilia & souvenirs
SoledadCombo Los Galleros ft Lucy Gonzálezbeing single
Solid AirJohn Martynother musicians
Solid GoldCornershop ft Katiegold
Solid RockDire Straitsdriving songs
SolidarityBlack Uhuruunity
Solitude Is BlissTame ImpalaCOVID-19 lockdown
Solitude StandingSuzanne Vegabeing alone
SoloSandy Dennythe number one
Solomon BrowneSeth Lakemanships & boats
Solovey (Nightingale)Go_Anightingales & thrushes
Solsbury HillPeter Gabrielmotivation
SolteraLunay ft Daddy Yankee & Bad Bunnybeing single
Some Candy TalkingThe Jesus and Mary Chainsweet foods
Some Enchanted EveningGiorgio Tozziclose shaves & near misses
Some GirlsRachel Stevenscelebrity
Some Jingle Jangle MorningMary Lou Lordrecreational drugs
Some Old SaltyMartin Simpson, Andy Cutting, Nancy Kerrsalt
Some Old SaltyLal Waterson & Oliver KnightYorkshire
Some Other TimeTony Bennett & Bill Evansprocrastination
Some Questions About HatsSlapp Happy & Henry Cowhats
Some Velvet MorningNancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewoodduets
Somebody Bigger Than You or IMarion Williams & the Stars of Faithspiritual songs
Somebody Get Me a DoctorVan Halendoctors
Somebody Shot My EagleC. L. Blastausterity
Somebody Touch IAfrican Head Chargetouch
Somebody’s Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In ToniteFleetwood MacB sides
Somebody’s Watching MeRockwellconspiracy theories & paranoia
SomedayCeCe Rogersfreedom
SomedayThe Strokespassage of time
Someday (August 29, 1968)Chicagochaos
Someday My Prince Will ComeBill Evans Triohonorific titles
Somehow, Somewhere (There’s a Soul Heaven)Deep Sensationraise the heartrate
Someone Saved My Life TonightElton Johnclose shaves & near misses
Someone to Watch Over MeElla Fitzgerald with Nelson Riddle Orchestraensembles, big bands & orchestras
Someone to Watch Over MeSamara Joy ft Pasquale Grassosearching & seeking
Somethin’ ElseEddie Cochranambition
Somethin’ HotThe Afghan Whigsheat #2
Something ChangedPulpchange
Something for the WeekendThe Divine Comedysongs with a twist
Something for Your M.I.N.D.Superorganismusing your imagination
Something I Learned TodayHüsker Düknowledge
Something in RedLorrie Morgancolours
Something in the WayNirvanahomelessness
(Something Inside) So StrongLabi Siffrebravery
Something Like a SongKate Bushmythical beasts
Something on Your MindKaren Daltonchannelling pain
Something to Talk AboutBadly Drawn Boyrecorded for movies
Something Wicked This Way ComesBarry Adamsonbooks
Something’s Gotten Hold of My HeartMarc Almond ft Gene Pitneycomeback songs
Something’s Wrong with This PictureGalacticfrom New Orleans
Sometime Around MidnightThe Airborne Toxic Eventwithout a chorus
Sometimes a SongBill Witherssongwriting
Sometimes AlwaysThe Jesus and Mary Chain ft Hope Sandovalduets
Sometimes I Don’t Know What to FeelTodd Rundgrendenial
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless ChildWynton Marsalisbrass songs
Sometimes I Wish I Had a GunMink Stole & Her Wonderful Bandcontrol
Somewhere Only We KnowKeanesecrets & secrecy
Somewhere Over the RainbowIsrael Kamakawiwo’olerainbows
Somewhere There’s an IslandSeaman Danparadise
Sommerfuggel i vinterlandHalvdan Sivertsenhomelessness
Somos SurAna Tijoux ft Shadia Mansourunity
Son de DifuntosLila Downstradition
The Son of a Disgruntled X-Postal Worker Reflects on His Life While Getting Stoned in the Parking Lot of a Winn Dixie Listening to MetallicaAlice Donutdoom
Son of a Preacher ManDusty Springfieldmale names
The Son of Hickory Holler’s TrampO. C. Smithcriminals
Son of My FatherGiorgio Morodertradition
Song About the MoonPaul Simonsongwriting
Song About the MoonSimon & Garfunkelthe moon
Song About TravelingThe Innocence Missionnever
Song Beneath the SongMaria Taylorsongwriting
A Song for EuropeRoxy Musicmultilingual songs
A Song for MeFamilymaps
(Song for My) Sugar Spun SisterThe Stone Rosesspinning
Song for Our AncestorsSteve Miller Bandalarm sounds
Song for Richard CollopySun Kil Moonremembrance songs
Song for Sonny ListonMark Knopflerfighting
Song for WhoeverThe Beautiful Southforgetting
A Song for YouDonny Hathawaymeta-songs
Song from the Bottom of a WellKevin Ayerswells
A Song from Under the FloorboardsMagazinesongs about songs
Song in the BloodJoan Baezblood
Song of a BakerSmall Facescooking
Song of ReproductionFlanders and Swannmedia for listening to recorded music
Song of ScheherazadeRenaissancefairytales
Song of the Black LizardPink Martinireptiles
Song of the ShrimpFrank Blacksongs with jokes
Song of the StoicSuzanne Vegaacceptance
A Song of the WeatherFlanders and Swannclimate change
Song to ComusComushorror-inspired songs
Song to the SirenTim Buckleyancient history
Song to the SirenThe Chemical Brotherssongs about songs
Song to the SirenThis Mortal Coilcovers better than the original
Song with No Words (Tree with No Leaves)David Crosbywordless vocals
Song Without a ChorusButch Walkerwithout a chorus
Songs of LoveBen Foldssongs about love songs
Songs of the NightlifeLuke Vibert & B. J. Colesteel guitar
Songs on the TimesChumbawamba19th century life
The Songs That We SingCharlotte Gainsbourgmagazines
Songs That We Wrote When We Were DrunkLewis Watsonsongwriting
Songs to SingRaw Spittsongwriting
Sonic AttackHawkwindapocalypse
Sonnet 29Rufus WainwrightShakespeare
Sonnet to Hank CinqDuke Ellington & His Orchestrashort songs
SonnyThe Rubberbanditssuicide
Sonny’s Lettah (Anti Sus Poem)Linton Kwesi Johnsonletters, emails & telegrams
Sons & DaughtersThe Decemberistsfixing & repairing
Sons OfScott Walkeryouthfulness
Sons of the StageWorld of Twisttheatre
SoonMy Bloody Valentinepsychedelic songs
Soon It Will Be FireHypnotic Brass Ensemble ft Moses Sumneyensembles, big bands & orchestras
Sophisticated Boom BoomThe Shangri-Lasconversations
Sophisticated LadyDuke Ellington & His Orchestrasuper solos
Sophisticated LadyBillie Holidayfailure
SorcerySabu Martinezpaganism
Sorority GirlsMommy Long Legsgangs
Sorrow Tears and BloodFela Kutipolice
The Sorrowful WifeNick Cave & the Bad Seedsmarriage
Sorrows AwayThe Pooziescontentment
SorryKarine Polwartscandal
Sorry for LaughingJosef Ksmiling & laughing
Sorted for E’s and WizzPulparresting opening lines
S.O.S.ABBAelectronic music to 1983
S.O.S. (State of Shock)Sonic Boom Sixpropaganda
Sou Flamengo, Cacique e MangueiraFundo de Quintalfootball
SoubourSonghoy Bluesfavourite live versions
Soul Bossa NovaQuincy Jonesflutes, pipes & whistles
Soul FingerThe Bar-Kaysten words or fewer
Soul FireLee Perrydiscordant songs
Soul GiverOpalpsychedelic songs
Soul Happy HourThe Jazz Butchercocktails & spirits
Soul HorizonThe Beauty Roomhorizons
Soul InsideSoft Cellsynth pop 1980-2000
The Soul of a ManBlind Willie Johnsonresurrection
Soul on FireLaVern Bakerslow, sexy love songs
Soul RootsEdward’s Worldpiano songs
Soul Sacrifice (at Woodstock)Santanaoutstanding percussion
Soul Sister, Brown SugarSam & Davesisters
Soul VaccinationTower of Powerhealing
Soulful StrutYoung-Holt Unlimiteddance instrumentals
Sound BreakfastGroove Cereal ft Jenova 7 & Andrew Linnmeals & mealtimes
Sound Check (Gravity)Gorillazgravity
Sound of Da PoliceKRS-Onepolice
The Sound of GyroscopesKev Hopperdiscovery
The Sound of SilenceDisturbedvolume
The Sound of SilenceSimon & Garfunkelechoes
The Sound of SinnersThe Clashsinners
The Sound of the CrowdThe Human Leaguecrowds
The Sound of the SuburbsThe Memberssuburbia
Sound SystemSteel Pulsehearing, choosing & playing records
Sounds of EarthJim Morayrare events
Sounds of Then (This Is Australia)GANGgajangAustralia
SoundsystemReggae Roast ft Brother Culturemedia for listening to recorded music
Soup SongRobert Wyattfood
South America, Take It AwayBing Crosby & the Andrews Sistersspine & neck
South American GetawayBurt BacharachSouth America
South London BoroughsBurialsuburbia
debut songs
South of GermanyPaul Kelly & the Messengersalternative outcomes
South YorksKid AcneYorkshire
Southern CrossCrosby, Stills & Nashcrosses
Southern Mark SmithThe Jazz Butcherwanting to be someone else
SouvenirOrchestral Manoeuvres in the Darksynth pop 1980-2000
A Souvenir of LondonProcol Harummemorabilia & souvenirs
SouvenirsMaggie Bellmemorabilia & souvenirs
SouvenirsSteve Goodman & John Prinemelancholy songs
SouvenirsVoyagesongs with sudden changes
Soweto BluesMiriam Makebatowns
Space AceBrett Smileyspace travel
Space CityBooker T. Jones & Drive-By Truckersorgan
Space DoggityJonathan Coultonunusual narrators
Space FlightI-Royadventure
Space GirlThe Imagined Villagespace travel
Space GuitarJohnny Guitar Watsonspace
Space InvadersThe Piranhasgames
Space Is the PlaceJonzun Crewsci-fi & space
Space Is the PlaceSun Raspace
Space MonkeyJohn Prinemonkeys & apes
Space OddityDavid Bowiewithout a chorus
Space OddityLangley Schools Music Projectsci-fi & space
Space Travel Is BoringModest Mousespace travel
Space WalkLemon Jellyspace
SpacedBeaver & Krausedrone music
SpacehopperBentley Rhythm Acejumping
SpacelabKraftwerksci-fi & space
SpacerSheila and B. Devotionspace
SpaceshipKanye West ft GLC & Consequenceescape
SpainThe StranglersSpain
Spam SongMonty Pythonmeat
Spancil HillThe Dublinersvillages
Spanish Civil War SongPhil OchsSpain
Spanish DancerSteve WinwoodSpain
Spanish LadyThe Dublinersfeet
Spanish MoonLittle Feathedonism
Spanish PipedreamJohn Prinelessons in life
Spanish TrainChris de Burghthe Devil
Spare PartsBruce Springsteenfresh starts
SpartacusTriumviratRoman Empire
Speak LowBillie Holidayquiet
Speaking with the AngelRon Sexsmithangels
SpeedBran Van 3000speed
SpeedRon Wray Light Showspeed
Speed KingDeep Purpleother songs
Speed LawMos Defslowing down
Speed of LifeDavid Bowiedance instrumentals
Speed of the Sound of LonelinessNanci Griffithspeed
Speedin’ WestCindy Cashdollarsteel guitar
Speeding MotorcycleDaniel Johnstonmotorbikes
Speedway at NazarethMark Knopflercompetition
SpellboundSiouxsie and the Bansheesillusions
Spem in aliumThe Tallis Scholarsa cappella
Spencer PercevaliLiKETRAiNStreachery & betrayal
Spencer the RoverJohn Martynindependence
The SpiderFlanders and Swannspiders
SpiderThe Handsome Familyspiders
The Spider and the FlyThe Rolling Stonessubstitutions
Spider SpiderTidal Wavespiders
Spiders (In Neal’s Basement)McLuhanbasements & underground
Spiders in the Dressing RoomToy Dollsspiders
Spiders (Kidsmoke)Wilcospiders
Spidey’s Wild RideTom Waitssuperheroes
Spiegel im SpiegelArvo Pärtmirrors
Spiegelsaal (The Hall of Mirrors)Kraftwerkmirrors
Spinning AroundKylie Minoguespinning
Spinning AwayBrian Eno & John Calecelestial bodies
Spinning WheelBlood, Sweat & Tearsspinning
Spiral Galaxy 28948Hawkwindcelestial bodies
Spiral Jetty…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Deadworks of art
The SpiritMagnumsongs with sudden changes
Spirit in the SkyNorman Greenbaumspiritual songs
Spirit LevelThe Other Twohardware
The Spirit of RadioRushradio
Spirit of the FalklandsNew Model Armyarmy
Spirit of the NorthCANOanimal sounds
Spit on a StrangerPavementanger
SpitfirePublic Service Broadcastingdetermination
Spoilt Victorian ChildThe Fall19th century life
SpookyDusty SpringfieldHalloween
Spoon SoloNoel Crombie with Split Enzoutstanding percussion
Spoot EbbErland Coopergravity
Sport (The Odd Boy)Bonzo Dog Bandsport
The Sporting LifeThe Decemberistsembarrassment
Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)Patrick Stumpsongs for your teenage self
Spring AgainBiz Markiespring
Spring Can Really Hang You Up the MostElla Fitzgeraldhanging
Spring Can Really Hang You Up the MostCarmen McRaespring
Spring CleaningJohn McCutcheonspring cleaning & household chores
Spring CleaningFats Waller & His Rhythmspring
spring cleaning & household chores
Spring RainThe Go-Betweensspring
Springtime Can Kill YouJolie Hollandspring
Sproston GreenThe Charlatansnorthern England
Sputniks and MutniksRay Anderson & the Home Folksspace travel
Spy in the CabBauhausspying
Spy in the House of LoveWas (Not Was)spying
SpystickKing Creosotespying
The SqualbMedeski Martin & Woodpockets
The Square of the HypotenuseDanny Kayemathematics
Square OneThe Restartsgames
Squid Jiggin’ GroundHank Snowsafety & danger
Sri Ventkateswara SuprabhatamM. S. Subbulakshmiwaking up
St. Elmo’s FireBrian Enoelectronic music to 1983
months of the year
St. Elmo’s Fire (Man in Motion)John Parrdetermination
St. James InfirmaryLouis Armstronghospitals
St. Louis BluesLouis Armstrongsaints & martyrs
St. Patrick’s DayDamien DempseyGaelic songs
St. StephenGrateful Deadphilosophers
St. Swithin’s DayBilly Braggfamous last words
Staccato’s ThemeElmer BernsteinTV theme songs
Stack-A-RecordsTom Tallhearing, choosing & playing records
Stack O’ Lee BluesMississippi John Hurtcrime
Stacked DeckEtta Jamesplaying cards
Stacks, Stilettos, Make-Up & MohicansMere Dead Menfootwear
Stacy’s MomFountains of Wayneunrequited love
Stage FrightThe Bandtheatre
Stagger LeeLloyd Pricegambling
Stain on the SunThe Bevis Fronddenial
Stainsby GirlsChris ReaYorkshire
Stairway of Dreams (The Stair)Adultchildascension
Stairway to HeavenLed Zeppelinsongs that build
Stairway to HeavenRodrigo y Gabrielaascension
Stalin Wasn’t Stallin’Robert WyattRussia
StanEminem ft Didoletters, emails & telegrams
StandR.E.M.notable key changes
Stand!Sly and the Family Stonerallying cries
Stand and DeliverAdam and the Antssmuggling & stealing
Stand by MeHome Freeclicking, tapping & stomping
Stand by MeBen E. Kingbest bass lines
Stand by Your GunsThe Full Englishsongs that command or instruct
Stand My GroundWithin Temptationdecisive songs
Stand Up ComicRay Daviessitting & standing
Stand Up for JudasDick Gaughansitting & standing
Standing at the Sky’s EdgeRichard Hawleysitting & standing
Standing Here CryingThe Incrediblesdepartures
Standing in the Shadows of LoveFour Topsshadows
Standing in the Way of ControlGossipgender & LGBTQ+
Standing on the Edge of LoveB.B. Kingedges & ledges
Standing on the PromiseTennessee Mountaineerspromises & choices
StanlowOrchestral Manoeuvres in the Darknorthern England
StarDavid Bowiecelebrity
Star 69R.E.M.stars
Star CharmerGrindermanstars
Star SignTeenage Fanclubstar signs
fate & destiny
The Star Spangled BannerJimi Hendrixnational anthems
Star Wars (Main Title)John Williamsaliens
StarálfurSigur Rósmythical beasts
Stardog ChampionMother Love Bonechildren performing
StardustLouis Armstronggreat songwriting 1900-1955
StardustNat King Colecrooners
Stardust RemedyThe Jesus and Mary Chainbrothers & sisters
Starfish and CoffeePrinceschool
Starless and Bible BlackStan Tracey Quartetnight & darkness
Starlite DinerRyan Adamsanticipation
StarmanDavid Bowiealiens
The StarsPatrick Wolfcelestial bodies
The Stars of Track and FieldBelle and Sebastiansport
The Stars That Play with Laughing Sam’s DiceThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencestars
StarsailorTim Buckleypuzzling & mysterious
StarshipPaul Kantner & Jefferson Starshipstriking album endings
Starship TrooperYesnotable outros or codas
Start!The Jambrevity
Start Over AgainEmily Maguirerecovery
Start Wearing PurpleGogol Bordellopurple
Started Out with NothinSeasick Stevechicken and egg
Starting All Over AgainMel & Timresilience
Starving in the Belly of a WhaleTom Waitscetaceans
StarwalkerBuffy Sainte-Mariepaganism
The State I Am InBelle and Sebastiandifferent 7″ versions
State of IndependenceDonna Summergreat backing vocals
State TrooperBruce Springsteenlaw enforcement
State Violence State ControlDischargecontrol
Station ApproachElbownorthern England
Station to StationDavid Bowieimpressive intros
Statistician’s BluesTodd Snidermathematics
Statue of LibertyLaurie Andersonworks of art
The Staunton LinkLemon Jellydefined or redefined by television
StayDavid Bowiestaying
StayRihanna ft Mikky Ekkoslow, sexy love songs
Stay AwayRandy NewmanCOVID-19 lockdown
Stay FreeThe Clashfriendship
Stay InsideVic Chesnuttresurrection
Stay LooseHemsley Morrisstaying
Stay PositiveThe Streetsconsolation
Stay TogetherSuededevoted love
Stay Up LateTalking Headsbabies & childbirth
Stay with MeLorraine Ellisonsongs of desperation
Stay with MeFacesone night stands
Stay with Me BabyRuby Turnersongs that build
Stay with Me JesusGusterclose shaves & near misses
Stayin’ AliveBee Geesfalsetto
Steal AwayEtta Jamessmuggling & stealing
Steal My SunshineLenthe sun
Steal Your FaceMotörheadhorror-inspired songs
StealingTackheadpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Stealing in the Name of JahMax Romeo & the Upsetterssmuggling & stealing
Stealing in the Name of the LordPaul Kellywarnings
preachers, priests & religious leaders
Stealing People’s MailDead Kennedyssmuggling & stealing
Steamboat StompJelly Roll Morton & His Red Hot PeppersNew Orleans
Steel Band MusicLord Kitchenersteelpan
Steel Guitar RagBarbara Mandrellsteel guitar
Steel MonkeyJethro Tulliron & steel
SteeltownBig Countryiron & steel
SteelworkerBig Blackviolence
Stella MarisEinstürzende Neubauten ft Meret Beckeredges & ledges
StepVampire Weekendgreat keyboards
Step into My LifeJessie Warepick-up lines & marriage proposals
Step It UpStereo MC’scelebration
Step OffGrandmaster Melle Mel & the Furious Fiveboastful songs
Step OnHappy Mondaysgreat keyboards
Step Right UpTom Waitssales, selling & bargains
Steppin’ in Her I. Miller ShoesBetty Davisfootwear
Steppin’ OutJoe Jacksonparties & going out
Stepping RazorPeter Toshgreat opening lines
StereotypeThe Specialsstereotypes
Steve McQueenDrive-By Truckershero worship
Steve McQueenBrian Fallonwanting to be someone else
Stevie (for Steven S.)Royal Truxmovie & TV stars
Stevie SmithVic Chesnuttinspired by poetry
Stevie’s SongBob Evansplatonic love
StewballLead Bellywinners
STFU!Rina Sawayamaacronyms
Stiff Upper LipAC/DCspirit of 2021
Stiff Upper LipElla Fitzgeraldstiff upper lip
Stigmata MartyrBauhaussaints & martyrs
StilettoBilly Joelsharp objects
Still Crazy After All These YearsPaul Simonnotable key changes
Still I RiseMaya Angelouresilience
Still LifeVan der Graaf Generatorimmortality & longevity
Still StandingChildren of Zeus ft DRSManchester
Stimela (Coal Train)Hugh Masekelamanual labour
Stimmung Model 11Karlheinz Stockhausenminimalist songs
Stink-FootFrank Zappafeet
A Stitch in TimeThe Long Rydersproverbs
Stitch in TimeMaddy Prior & the Girlsrevenge
StockingsSuzanne Vegaunderwear
Stolen Apples Are the SweetestPaul Kellysinners
StompaSerena Ryderslowing down
Stompin’ GroundAaron Neville & the Dirty Dozen Brass Bandfrom New Orleans
Stoned and StarvingParquet Courtsmarijuana
Stoned ImmaculateDub Syndicatestars
Stoned LoveThe Supremesmarijuana
Stoned Soul PicnicLaura Nyromeals & mealtimes
Stoned Train DriverThe Bevis Frondjobs
StonehengeSpinal Tapfunny songs
Stones in the RoadMary Chapin Carpentersocial mobility
A Stone’s Throw AwayThe Style Councilestimates of distance & time
Stood UpJames Reynesitting & standing
Stool PigeonKid Creole & the Coconutsvillains
Stop!Sam Brownheartbreak
StopKooper-Bloomfield Super Sessionsupergroups
StopPlasmaticssongs that command or instruct
Stop Bajon (Primavera)Tullio De PiscopoItaly
Stop Beating Around the BushThe Velveletteslimbo
Stop! In the Name of LoveThe Supremesarresting opening lines
Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One BeforeThe Smithsdenial
Stop That GirlVic Godard & the Subway Sectout-of-tune songs
Stop the NonsenseWingso bad they’re good
Stop Your SobbingThe Pretenderscrying
Stopped by Woods on a Snowy EveningJackie Leven with David Thomaswinter sports
StormTim Minchinstupidity
Storm CellarElysian Fieldsbasements & underground
Storm Is RisingLittle Axestorms
Storm WarningBonnie Raittstorms
StormbringerDeep Purplestorms
StormbringerJohn and Beverly Martynnatural disasters
Stormy WeatherEtta Jamesbad weather
Stormy WeatherThe Spanielsstorms
Story Book ChildrenGregory Isaacsinnocence
The Story of My LifeMichael Hollidaywhistling
The Story of the Blues Part One and Part Two (Talkin’ Blues)The Mighty Wah!1980s 12” singles
The Story of the Blues Part OneLiverpool & Merseyside
StorytellingBelle and Sebastianwriting
Straight for the KnifeSiasharp objects
Straight Outta ComptonN.W.A.California
Straight to HellThe Clashexile
Straight to Number OneTouch and Gopatterns & sequences
Stranded in the JungleThe Cadetsclose shaves & near misses
StrangeCelestelyrical symmetry
Strange & Beautiful (I’ll Put a Spell on You)Aqualungadult lullabies
A Strange BoyJoni Mitchellimmaturity
Strange BrewCreamwitches
Strange CurrenciesR.E.M.defined or redefined by television
Strange FruitBillie Holidayprotest
Strange FruitNina Simonehanging
Strange PhenomenaKate Bushsixth sense
Strange Street Affair Under BlueTim Buckleybody language
Strange TownThe Jammaps
The StrangerBilly Joelmisunderstanding
The StrangerDavid McWilliamsanonymity
Stranger BluesElmore Jamesstrangers
Stranger in Blue Suede ShoesKevin Ayersmarijuana
Stranger in ParadiseTony Bennettsampling & recycling
Strangers in the NightFrank Sinatraflirting
A Strangers Map of TexasMichael Chapmanmaps
StrasbourgThe Rakesplaces in Europe
StrawberriesAsobi Seksufruit
Strawberry Letter 23Shuggie Otisred
Strawberry WineDeana Carterwine
Strawbery Fields ForeverThe Beatlesfalse endings
Stray Cat BluesThe Rolling Stonesstairs, ladders & elevators
Stray Cat StrutThe Stray Catsexpressing movement of walking
A Stream with Bright FishHarold Budd & Brian Enofish & other aquatic life
Streams of WhiskeyThe Poguesdrinking
Street HassleLou Reedsongs with special guests
Street LifeThe Crusaders ft Randy Crawfordprostitution
Street PlayerChicagourban environment
Streets of ArklowVan MorrisonIreland
Streets of CalcuttaAnanda ShankarAsia
Streets of DerryTreesIreland
Streets of KennyShackLiverpool & Merseyside
Streets of LondonRalph McTelladversity
Streets of Sorrow / Birmingham SixThe Poguesthe truth
Streets of Your TownThe Go-Betweenssecret vices
Strength to StrengthHue and Cryforgotten follow-ups
Stress (Auto Remix)Justiceimpressive intros
Strict MachineGoldfrappfetishes
String of PearlsSoul Asylumprecious stones
String Quartet in E Flat major (‘The Joke’)Joseph Haydnstop-start songs
String Quartet No. 3 in G major: IV. BurlesqueBenjamin Brittenwithout percussion
Strings of LifeRhythim Is Rhythimminimalist songs
Strip PolkaThe Andrews Sisters with Vic Shoen & His Orchestranudity
The StrollThe Diamondsexpressing movement of walking
Strollin’Prince & the New Power Generationfun
StrongHerbertpositive songs
Struttin’ with Some BarbecueLouis Armstrong & His Hot Fivewithout percussion
StrychnineThe Sonicspoison
StuartThe Dead Milkmenearth, soil & dirt
Stubborn Kind of FellowMarvin Gayestubbornness
Stubborn Kinda HeartThe Quireboysstubbornness
Stubborn LoveThe Lumineersstubbornness
Stuck in the Middle With YouStealers Wheelredefined by film
Student WankersPeter and the Test Tube Babieseducation
StupidThe Dirtbombsbad decisions
Stupid GirlThe Rolling Stonescruel songs
Style It TakesLou Reed & John Caleusing your imagination
SuavecitoMaloalbum tracks better than singles
SubcityTracy Chapmanadversity
Sube a Nacer Conmigo HermanoLos Jaivasdefined or redefined by television
Submarine BellsThe Chillsbells
Subterranean Homesick AlienRadioheadspace travel
Subterranean Homesick BluesBob Dylannon sequiturs
Subterranean World (How Long?)Anita Lane & Blixa Bargeldestimates of distance & time
SubterraneansDavid Bowieindecipherable songs
SubterraneansFlesh for Lulubasements & underground
Suburban DreamMartha and the Muffinssuburbia
Suburban HomeboySparksauthenticity & fakery
Subway SongThe Curehorror-inspired songs
SuccessLoretta Lynncelebrity
SuccessIggy Popcall and response
Such Great HeightsThe Postal Serviceascension
Suddenly I SeeKT Tunstallmagazines
Suffer Little ChildrenThe SmithsYorkshire
Sufferin’ Till SuffrageEtta James19th century life
Suffering JukeboxSilver Jewsmachines, robots & computers
Suffice to SayYachtsmeta-songs
Suffocated LoveTrickyjealousy
Sugar CaneMary Gauthierstarting fires
Sugar HiccupCocteau Twinssweet foods
Sugar KaneSonic Youthimpermanence
Sugar MagnoliaGrateful Deaddifferent 7″ versions
Sugar MountainNeil Youngfictional places
Sugar, SugarThe Archiestautonyms
Sugar TownNancy Sinatralaziness
Suicide Is Painless (Theme from M*A*S*H)The Mashfailure
Suit of LightsElvis Costellotribute songs
Suki Suki DaisukiJun Togawabright songs about dark subjects
SukiyakiKyu SakamotoJapan
Sull’aria … che soave zeffirettoWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, performed by Cecilia Bartoli & Renée Flemingconversations
SultanesqueRoxy Musicdrone music
Sultans of SwingDire Straitsmusic venues
Sumer Is Icumen InRichard Thompsonold meets new
Summat’s BrewingO’Hooley & TidowYorkshire
SummerAngel Olseneureka moments
Summer Babe (Winter Version)Pavementrefreshment & cooling down
Summer BreezeThe Isley Brotherssmells
Summer BreezeThe Main Ingredientrefreshment & cooling down
Summer BreezeSeals and Croftswind
Summer FunThe Barracudassurprising intros
Summer in the CityThe Lovin’ Spoonfulheat
Summer in the CityRegina Spektorstrangers
Summer of ’69Bryan Adamscoming of age
Summer of 81The Violatorssummer
Summer SkinDeath Cab for Cutiesummer
Summer (The First Time)Bobby Goldsboroso bad they’re good
Summer WindFrank Sinatrapersonification
Summer WineNancy Sinatra with Lee Hazlewoodrecipe songs
Summer’s HereJames Taylorfootwear
SummertimeRicky Nelsongreat riffs
SummertimeCharlie Parkerfrom New York City
SummertimeBilly Stewartsummer
Summertime BluesEddie Cochranshort songs
Summoning of the MuseDead Can Dancefeaturing bells
The Sun Always Shines on T.V.a-hatelevision
Sun Blindness MusicJohn Caledrone music
Sun CityArtists United Against Apartheidscandal
Sun Comes Up, It’s Tuesday MorningCowboy Junkiesmorning
Sun Goes DownLil Nas Xgender & LGBTQ+
Sun Hits the SkySupergrasshorizons
The Sun I Always WantedStewfathers and daughters
Sun in My MouthBjörkinspired by poetry
The Sun Never Shines on the PoorRichard and Linda Thompsonpoverty
Sun of JeanLoyle Carnerempathy
The Sun RisingThe Belovedthe sun
The Sun SaysCock Sparrernews & media
Sun Will RiseBonobo & Speech Debelledetermination
Sunday Bloody SundayU2scandal
Sunday Girl (French Version)Blondiesongs in French
Sunday MorningMargo Guryanthe weekend
Sunday MorningThe Velvet Undergroundmorning
Sunday Morning Coming DownKris Kristoffersondrinking
Sunday Morning SunriseKevin Coynerelaxation & leisure
Sunday PapersJoe Jacksonjournalism & the news
Sunday SundayBlurthe weekend
Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove DaySir Douglas Quintetcontentment
Sunday TimesLoudon Wainwright IIInewspapers
Sunderland BoysLindisfarneNorth East England
SundialWolfmotherclocks & watches
SundownGordon Lightfootsunsets & twilight
SunflashLemon Solsongs to start the morning
SunglassesBlack Country, New Roadhats & accessories
Sunglasses After DarkDwight Pullencoolness
Sunlight Bathed the Golden GlowFeltprovocative, strange or humorous titles
SunnyBobby Hebbsummer
Sunny AfternoonThe Kinksbeer
Sunny Came HomeShawn Colvinstarting fires
Sunny Goodge StreetDonovanroads & streets
Sunny Side of the StreetSonic Boom Sixmotivation
Sunporch Cha-Cha-ChaDavid Grusineasy listening
SunriseThe Divine Comedysongs that build
SunriseGrateful Deadpaganism
The Sun’s Comin’ Over the HillKarine Polwartbravery
SunsetRoxy Musicthe sun
SunsetNitin Sawhney ft Eskasunsets & twilight
SunsetLittle Stevie Wondersunsets & twilight
Sunset BoulevardTerry CallierHollywood
SunshineJungle Brothersdawn
Sunshine of Your LoveSpanky Wilsoncovers by the opposite sex
Sunshine on LeithThe Proclaimersgratitude
Sunshine SupermanDonovanthe sun
Super FreakRick Jamesbad boys & bad girls
SuperflyCurtis Mayfieldfictional adverts
SuperflyTreacherous Orchestradance instrumentals
SupermanR.E.M.boastful songs
Superman LoverJohnny “Guitar” Watsoncomics & cartoons
SupermarketWet Legrecreational drugs
Supermassive Black HoleMusecelestial bodies
SuperstarSonic Youthunlikely cover songs
SuperstitionStevie Wonderluck
Supertheory of SupereverythingGogol Bordellodisbelief
SuperwomanAlicia Keyssuperheroes
Supper’s ReadyGenesisapocalypse
SuppertimeElla Fitzgeraldmeals & mealtimes
Sur O No SurKevin Johansenquoting Shakespeare
Surabaya JohnnyLotte Lenyatrust
Sure Had a Wonderful TimeLouis Jordan & His Tympany Fivelast night
Surf CityJan and Deantwo – part 1
Surfin’ BirdThe Trashmenten words or fewer
Surfin’ USAThe Beach Boyssound like other songs
Surfing with the AlienJoe Satrianialiens
Surf’s UpThe Beach Boysfalsetto
SurvivorDestiny’s Childrevenge
Susie ClellandJune Tabor & the Oyster Bandgripping or intriguing narrative
Suspect DeviceStiff Little Fingersrevolution
Suspended from ClassCamera Obscuraself-deprecation
Suspended SentenceJohn Cooper Clarkecapital punishment
Suspicious MindsFine Young Cannibalstrust
Suspicious MindsElvis Presleyjealousy
SuspiriaGoblinhorror-inspired songs
Suzanne Beware of the DevilDandy Livingstonegirls’ names
Svefn-g-englarSigur Rósfrom Nordic countries
Swallow My PrideRamonespride
The SwanClara Rockmore (composer: Camille Saint-Saëns)electronic music to 1983
Swan LakeMadnessold meets new
Swan Lake (Death Disco)Public Image Ltdbereavement
The Swan of TuonelaJean Sibeliusrough & smooth
Swanee River BoogieAlbert Ammonsgreat keyboards
SwayThe Rolling Stonesdifferent 7″ versions
SweatJon Spencer Blues Explosionperspiration
Sweat (A La La La La Long)Inner Circlesongs that go ‘la’
SweedeedeeMichael Hurleyodd couples
Sweeping the NationSpearmintunderrated artists
Sweet and DandyToots and the Maytalsperfection
Sweet ArcadiaSaint Etiennefixing & repairing
Sweet Baby JamesJames Taylormale names
Sweet Black AngelThe Rolling Stonesteachers
Sweet CarolineNeil Diamondphysical gestures
Sweet Child o’ MineGuns N’ Roseschildren
Sweet Child o’ MineTaken by Treesunlikely cover songs
Sweet DefeatFleshsweetness
Sweet EmotionAerosmithbest bass lines
Sweet ForgivenessSection 25sweetness
Sweet Gene VincentIan Duryglamour & style
Sweet HarmonyThe Belovedquiet songs
Sweet HarmonyLiquidsweetness
Sweet Home AlabamaLynyrd Skynyrdother songs
Sweet Like ChocolateShanks & Bigfootsweet foods
Sweet Little SixteenChuck Berryages
Sweet MemoryTindersticksskin
Sweet MotherWagadugusweetness
Sweet SeptemberBill EvansSeptember
Sweet September MorningBuffy Sainte MarieSeptember
Sweet SongBlursongs about songs
Sweet Soul MusicArthur Conleybrass songs
Sweet StuffSylviasweetness
Sweet, Sweet IntuitionBjörksixth sense
Sweet Thames Flow SoftlyMaddy Prior & the Girlsbrevity
Sweet ThursdayThe Icicle Worksdays of the week
Sweet ToothFreeteeth
The SweetestNightmares on Waxsweetness
The Sweetest GirlScritti Polittigreat keyboards
Sweetest SmileBlackfaces
The Sweetest TabooSadeslow, sexy love songs
The Sweetest ThingCamera Obscurasongs about love songs
Sweetness FollowsR.E.M.cello
Sweets for My SweetThe Searcherssweetness
Swift as the WindThe Incredible String Bandmythical beasts
SwimVictories at Seaswimming & bathing
Swim Until You Can’t See LandFrightened Rabbitswimming & bathing
SwimmingRoger Enoswimming & bathing
SwimmingTracey Thornswimming & bathing
Swimming in the Longest RiverOlivia Chaneyswimming & bathing
Swimming Pools (Drank)Kendrick Lamarswimming & bathing
Swimming SongKate & Anna McGarrigleaccordion
Swimming SongLoudon Wainwright IIIswimming & bathing
Swing de ParisDjango ReinhardtParis
Swing Low Sweet ChariotLouis Armstrongspiritual songs
Swinging DoorsMerle Haggarddoors
A Swingin’ SafariBert Kaempferteasy listening
The SwitchGemma Rayswitches & buttons
Switchboard SusanNick Loweobsolete things
Sword of DestinyPythiacollaborations & side projects
SwordfishtromboneTom Waitsshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Swords of a Thousand MenTenpole Tudoriron & steel
Sylvia PlathRyan Adamshistorical figures
Sylvia’s MotherDr. Hook & the Medicine Showindirect messages
Sympathy for the DevilThe Rolling StonesGod & the Devil
Symphony No. 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs), 2nd movementHenryk Góreckibravery
Symphony No. 8Gustav Mahlersongs that express excess
Synchronicity IThe Policeeureka moments
Synthetic SubstitutionMelvin Blisssubstitutions
Synthetic WorldSwamp Doggplastic
Syracuse the ElephantStackridgeelephants & mammoths
Szomorú VasárnapRezső Seressgreat songwriting 1900-1955