A-Z by Song – Sa-Sn

Song TitleArtistTopic
S-S-Single BedFoxbeds
Saara ZamanaKishore Kumarsongs that express excess
SabiáClara Nunesorange
SabrinaEinstürzende Neubautencolours
Sacerdotes de AmónIcebergfortune tellers
Sacré francaisDimitri from ParisFrance
SacrificeGregory Isaacsparadise
Sacrificed SonsDream TheaterSeptember 11 attacks
The Sacro-Iliac10ccjoints of the body
S.A.D.Steve Ignorant’s Slice of Lifeempathy
Sad Arse StrippaLady Sovereignfunny songs
Sad (Garden)Utrogardens
Sad Sweet DreamerSweet Sensationstart with the chorus
SadieJoanna Newsompets
SaetaMiles Davisparades
Safe from HarmMassive Attackconditional phrases
Safeway CartNeil Young & Crazy Horsecompanies & corporations
Saginaw, MichiganLefty Frizzellsongs with a twist
Said I Wasn’t Gonna Tell NobodyAbyssinian Baptist Gospel Choirhandclaps
Saigo no Ice CreamKyary Pamyu Pamyuice cream
Sail On SailorThe Beach Boysthe sea
Sail to the MoonRadioheadfathers
Sailing to PhiladelphiaMark Knopfler ft James Taylorpioneers
The Sailor’s BonnetThe Gloamingviolin
A Sailor’s LifeFairport Conventionlong songs
Saint Jerome in the Desert Observes Hunting HawksThem Bird Thingsraptors
Saint BernardRon Sexsmithdogs
Saint JulianJulian Copelost and found
Saint MarySparklehorsehospitals
Saint SylvestreLes Innocentstradition
Saint VitusSaint Vitussaints & martyrs
SaintsThe Breedersfairgrounds
SáivuTorgeir Vassvikpaganism
Sakura SakuraUnknown Japanese folk singerpink
Salad DaysYoung Marble Giantsminimalist songs
SalamanderJethro Tullamphibians
SalamandrinaEinstürzende Neubautenamphibians
SallyGogol Bordellomultilingual songs
Sally CinnamonThe Stone Rosessweet foods
Sally Go ’Round the RosesThe Jaynettsflowers
Sally MacLennaneThe Poguesgoodbye
Sally’s PigeonsCyndi Lauperplatonic love
Salmon Coloured ManMaliapink
The Salmon SongSteve Hillagefish & other aquatic life
SaltMy Friend the Chocolate Cakesalt
Salt in the Woundboygeniussalt
Salt of the EarthThe Rolling Stonessocial class
Salt PeanutsDizzy Gillespieten words or fewer
Salt WaterBedouin Soundclashsalt
Saltash BellsJohn Surmansaxophone
Salted Caramel Ice CreamMetronomyice cream
Saltwater CowboyThe Pigram Brotherstreasure
Salty DogFlogging Mollypirates
A Salty DogProcol Harumthe sea
Salty Dog RagRed Foleysalt
Samain NightLoreena McKennittpaganism
Samba Pa TiSantanagentleness
SambadromeBig Audio DynamiteSouth America
Same BoatSheku Kanneh-Mason & Zak Abelcello
Same Thing in ReverseBoy Georgeequality
Sámiid ædnanSverre Kjlesberg & Mattis Hættafrozen north
Sample and HoldNeil Youngsubstitutions
San BernardinoThe Mountain Goatscello
San Franciscan NightsEric Burdon & the Animalssaints & martyrs
San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)Scott McKenziesongs that capture the zeitgeist
SandNancy Sinatra with Lee Hazlewoodidioms & common expressions
SandcastlesBomb the Bass with Bernard Fowlersand
SandpaperTaska Black ft Ayellesand
SandwritingChris Reatides
Sangue LatinoSecos & Molhadosandrogynous vocals
Sans CulottesSophie Les Bas Bleuslegs & trousers
Santa ClausThe Sonicsanti-Christmas songs
Santa Claus Goes Straight to the GhettoJames Brownalternative Christmas songs
SapokanikanJoanna Newsomunusual rhymes
SaraBob Dylannamed after women
SariNellie McKayguilt & apology
Satan Lied to MeThe Louvin Brothersdeception
Satanic MessiahThe Mountain Goatscharisma
SateenkaarilauluYona & Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvetrainbows
Satin DollTerry CallierValentine’s Day songs
Satin SheetsJeanne Pruettfabrics
Satisfied MindJeff Buckleyretrospection
Satori Part 1Flower Travellin’ Bandscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Satta MassaganaThe Abyssiniansmultilingual songs
SaturdaySparklehorsequiet songs
The Saturday BoyBilly Braggunrequited love
Saturday GigsMott the Hoopleself-referential songs
Saturday MaybeThe Incredible String Bandrendezvous
Saturday NightKaiser Chiefsparties & going out
Saturday Night at the Duck-PondThe Cougarsclassical songs
Saturday Night Fish FryThe Blue Dotsmeals & mealtimes
Saturday Night Fish FryLouis Jordan & His Tympany FiveFriday & Saturday
Saturday Night SpecialLynyrd Skynyrdguns
Saturday, SaturdayIndeep Bakshi, Badshah, Akriti Kakardays of the week
Saturday SunNick DrakeFriday & Saturday
Saturday’s KidsThe Jamboring & dull
Saturn 5Inspiral Carpetsgreat keyboards
SauerkrautFrederick Knightsalt
Sauflieder (Pot Pourri)Die 3 Besoffskistradition
SavaneAli Farka Tourérural songs
Save It for Someone Who CaresThe Leisure Societyindifference
Save My SoulWimple Winchbest bass lines
Save the ChildrenMarvin Gayeambition
Save the Last Dance for MeThe Driftersdancing
SavedLaVern Bakerstarting over
Saving Up to Go BankruptMike Rimbaudbanks & banking
Saviour Pass Me NotSwan SilvertonesJesus
SavoyLucky Millindernightclubs
Savoy TruffleThe Beatleschocolate
Sax Battle in NYC SubwayUnknown saxophonistssaxophone
Say GoodbyeBigg Jus ft Jerold Marcellus Bryantnormal & abnormal
Say Goodbye to HollywoodBilly JoelHollywood
Say Goodbye to It AllChris de BurghD-day
Say HelloDrugstorehello
Say Hello, Wave GoodbyeSoft Cellgoodbye
Say It Ain’t So, JoeRoger Daltreycheating
Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m ProudJames Browncall and response
Say ManBo Diddleyinsulting songs
Say You Don’t MindColin Blunstoneandrogynous vocals
Saying Goodbye to His HorseSplodgenessaboundsworst songs
ScallywagJake Thackraybad boys & bad girls
Scandale dans la familleLes Surfssongs with a twist
Scandinavian DesignSparksdecor
Scarborough Fair / CanticleSimon & Garfunkelfinish where they begin
Scare EasyMudcrutchsongs that fit every topic
Scarlet BegoniasGrateful Deadsixth sense
Scarlet RibbonsRóisín Murphyfathers and daughters
ScarredSulpherbeing scared
Scarred KneesEsther Phillipsjoints of the body
Scattered Black and WhitesElbowdomestic songs
Scattered PearlsCasiotone for the Painfully Aloneprecious stones
ScenarioA Tribe Called Questsongs with special guests
Scene Through the Eye of a LensFamilyphotographs
Scenes from an Italian RestaurantBilly JoelItaly
Scenic WorldBeirutaccordion
Scentless ApprenticeNirvanabooks #2
ScheherazadePanda Bearclassical songs
Schindler’s List ThemeJohn Williamskindness
School Day (Ring Ring Goes the Bell)Chuck Berryschool
The School SongBlack Box Recorderteachers
School’s OutAlice Cooperfinishing
Schwarzbraun ist die HaselnussHeinonuts & edible seeds
ScienceFrida Hyvönennerds & geeks
The Science of MythScreeching Weaseldisbelief
Scissor ManXTCfairytales
Scotch and WaterCannonball Adderley Sextetcocktails & spirits
Scotland’s ShameMogwaishame
Scottish PopSpearmintmood-changing music
Scratch and ItchT. Texas Tyleritching & scratching
Scratch, ScratchHarry Belafonteitching & scratching
Scratch My Back (And Mumble in My Ear)Clarence Carteritching & scratching
Screenwriter’s BluesSoul Coughinginspired by or about films
Screw FaceBob Marley & the Wailersfaces
ScrewdriverThe White Stripeshardware
Screwed DownPeter and the Test Tube Babieshardware
Scythe SongDougie MacLeantools
Scythian EmpiresAndrew Birdunusual rhymes
SdrawkcabLothar and the Hand Peopleinversions
Se Murió Mi MadreEl Camarón de la Isla & Paco de Luciáblessings & curses
Se telefonandoMinanotable key changes
The SeaMorcheebaholidays
Sea DiverMott the Hoopleregrets
The Sea Is a Good Place to Think of the FutureLos Campesinos!tragedy & comedy
The Sea MapPolyphemusmaps
Sea of LoveCat Powerharp, lyre & zither
Sea, Sex and Sun (English version)Serge Gainsbourgforeign language versions
Sea SongRobert Wyattthe sea
SeabeastMastodonthe sea
The Seal LullabyEric Whitacrefish & other aquatic life
Search and DestroyIggy & the Stoogesgreat opening lines
Search for the New LandLee Morgansearching & seeking
SearchingChangegetting brighter
Searching for LambsSteeleye Spansearching & seeking
Searching for Mr. RightYoung Marble GiantsWelsh songs
Searching the Desert for the BluesBlind Willie McTellwide open spaces
Seaside RendezvousQueenold meets new
Season CycleXTCnature
Season of the WitchDonovangreat riffs
SecretThe Piercessecrets & secrecy
Secret AdmirerThe Gayladssecret admirers
Secret AgentTony Allenmistaken identity
Secret Agent ManDevosecrets
Secret Agent ManThe Superjesusspying
Secret Cloak of InvisibilityMik Artistik’s Ego Tripthe invisible
Secret GirlSonic Youththe invisible
Secret HeartFeistsecrets
Secret HeartRon Sexsmitheavesdropping
Secret IslandSwell Mapsislands
The Secret Language of BirdsIan Andersonstaying
Secret Lemonade DrinkerRoss McManussecrets
Secret LoveDoris Daysecret vices
Secret SideNicosecrets
SecretlySkunk Anansiesecret admirers
SecretsThe Curesecrets & secrecy
SecretsThe Zutonssecrets
Secrets, Accusations and LiesDavid McAlmont & Michael Nymansecrets & secrecy
SecuricorJeffrey Lewiscompanies & corporations
See Emily PlayPink Floydstrange & surreal
See-Line WomanNina Simoneunderwear
See Me Feel Me / Listening to YouThe Whocharisma
See My FriendsThe Kinksremembrance songs
See SawAmelia Coburnpuzzling & mysterious
See That My Grave Is Kept CleanBlind Lemon Jeffersondeath
See You Don’t Bump His HeadScott Walkermusically adventurous
A Seed’s a Star / Tree MedleyStevie Wonderroots
The SeekerThe Whothe truth
Seele brenntEinstürzende Neubautenwhispering
Seen and Not SeenTalking Headsspoken word
tattoos & piercings
Seen It AllJake Buggsharp objects
Seguirillas de la VerdadEstrella Morente ft Paco de Lucíatribute songs
Self!Fuzzboxone word titles
SelfiesNina Nesbittphotos & photography
Selfish SoulSudan Archivesshame
Semi-Charmed Kind of LifeThird Eye Blindaddiction
Semi-Detached, Suburban Mr. JamesManfred Mannsuburbia
Send His Love to MePJ Harveyplease & thank you
Send Me to the ’Lectric ChairBessie Smithchairs
Send Me Your PictureBobby Mitchell & the Toppersphotographs
Send Peace and Harmony HomeShirley Waltonpeace
Sénégal Fast FoodAmadou & Mariamclose harmony singing
Senga AbeleManu Dibangocats
Sensitive ArtistKing Missilevisual art & photography
Sensitive BoysU.K. Subsironic songs
SensoriaCabaret Voltairesynth pop 1980-2000
The Sensual WomanThe Herbaliserchoosing & using words
The Sensual WorldKate Bushsexy songs
SeparatedStan Lee Colechildren performing
Separated by MotorwaysThe Long Blondeslong-distance relationships
driving songs
Separation LineJohnnie Taylorimmaturity
SepherynCurtiss Maldoonlesser known originals
Sept Ans de mariageFranco & le T.P. O.K. Jazzanniversaries
SeptemberEarth, Wind & FireSeptember
SeptemberRichard Straussmonths of the year
SeptemberDavid SylvianSeptember
September 12thSaul WilliamsSeptember
September GurlsBig StarSeptember
September Is the Month of DeathTrembling BellsSeptember
September SongFrank Sinatraautumn
September’s Not So Far AwayThe Field MiceSeptember
Septiembre No Está Tan LejosNadadoraSeptember
Septober EnergyCentipedeSeptember & October
Serenade to a CuckooRahsaan Roland Kirkflutes, pipes & whistles
SerendipityBarenaked Ladieschance & coincidence
SergioAl Stewartmigrants & refugees
SeriocityThe Chameleonsuncertainty
SermonMercury Rev ft Margo Pricepreachers, priests & religious leaders
The Servant ManThe Full Englishtreasure
Set That Baggage DownDavid Crosbybags & containers
Set the Controls for the Heart of the SunPink Floydcelestial bodies
Set the Tigers FreeVillagerstigers
Setting SunThe Chemical Brotherssunsets & twilight
Setting Yourself UpColin Blunstonedeceptive appearances
Settlers of CatanThe Axis of Awesomeboard games
Seven CursesBob Dylannumbers
Seven CursesJune Tabor & Oysterbandjudges & trials
Seven DaysStingpatterns & sequences
Seven Days of SplendourJameson Raidunexplained phenomena
Seven Days Too LongChuck Woodnumbered 1 to 10
Seven Drunken NightsThe Dublinerscheating
Seven Minutes to MidnightWah! Heatapocalypse
Seven Nation ArmyThe White Stripesartistic trends of the 21st century
Seven ScrewsEinstürzende Neubautenhardware
Seven SeasAvishai Cohendouble bass
Seven Signs of AgeingPhilip Jeaysadvertising
Seven Year ItchWillie Nelsonitching & scratching
The Seventh SealScott Walkerinspired by or about films
Seventh SonGeorgie Fameunusual time signatures
The Seventh SonWillie Mabonsixth sense
Seventh Son of the Seventh SonRory Gallagherhealing
Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered in a Cave and Grooving with a PictPink Floydlong titles
Sewer BrainThe Bloodgenre switch
Sex & Drugs & Rock & RollIan Durythree
Sex EducationThe King Bluesinternet
Sex FarmSpinal Tapfarm produce
Sex unter WasserDeutsch Amerikanische Freundschaftwater
Sexual HealingMarvin Gayehealing
Sexy BoyAirsynth pop 1980-2000
Sexy SadieThe Unthanksdeception
Sha-La-La-La-LeeSmall Facessongs that go ‘la’
ShadesIggy Popeyewear
Shades of BlueThe Family Standblue
Shades of GrayThe Monkeesopposites
The Shadow (Process Mix)Rob & Goldieshadows
ShadowWild Nothingshadows
Shadow DubHollie Cookshadows
Shadow in my EyeJackie Leveneyes & sight
Shadowlandk.d. langcrooners
ShadowplayJoy Divisionshadows
ShadowsMalcolm Middletonshadows
ShadowsWagon Christshadows
ShadrackLouis Armstrongsurvival
Shady LanePavementfalse endings
ShakeSam Cookespine & neck
ShakeOtis Reddingenergising songs
Shake a Tail FeatherRay Charles with the Blues Brothersdancing
Shake It OffTaylor Swiftpride
Shake It OutFlorence and the Machinethe Devil
Shake ’n’ VacSnuffspring cleaning & household chores
Shake, Rattle and RollBig Joe Turner & his Blues Kingsinnuendo
Shake ShakeGaby Jogeixsteel guitar
Shake Some ActionFlamin’ Grooviesopening album tracks
Shake Your HipsThe Rolling Stonesjoints of the body
Shake Your PantsCameoodd noises & instruments
Shakespeare’s Got a GunDan BernShakespeare
Shakey DogGhostface Killahstorytelling songs
Shakin’ All OverThe Guess Whospine & neck
Shakin’ All OverJohnny Kidd & the Piratesbody language
Shaking Up Orange StreetPrince Busterorange
ShamabalaB. W. Stevensonparadise
ShameEvelyn “Champagne” Kingshame
ShameYoung Fathersshame
Shame and Scandal in the FamilyShawn Elliottfamily
ShamelessPet Shop Boyscelebrity
Shane WarnePaul Kellyfallen heroes
Shanghai RoosterThe DeZurik Sisterspoultry
Shangri-LaThe Kinkssocial mobility
Shankhill ButchersThe Decemberistsknives
The Shape of ThingsBlossom Deariegeometric shapes
Shapes of ThingsThe Yardbirdsthe future
Shark in the WaterVV Brownfish & other aquatic life
Sharp Dressed ManZZ Topcoolness
Shave ‘Em DryLucille Bogangreat songwriting 1900-1955
Shazam!Duane Eddysuperheroes
She Bangs the DrumsThe Stone Rosessongs to start the morning
She Blinded Me with ScienceThomas Dolbyunlikely collaborations
She BopCyndi Laupertaboos
She Brings the SunlightRichard Hawleynotable outros or codas
She Don’t Care About TimeThe Byrdsindifference
She Don’t Use JellyThe Flaming Lipsfood
She Don’t Wear PinkShemekia Copelandgender & LGBTQ+
She Drives Me CrazyFine Young Cannibalsobsession
(She Got) ElectroshockedScreeching Weaselelectricity
She Left Me on FridayShed Sevendays of the week
She Loves YouThe Beatlesstart with the chorus
She Moves Through the FairAnne Briggsghosts
She Purred, While I GrrredWild Beastsmeat
She SaidPlan Bgripping or intriguing narrative
She Said She SaidThe Beatlesactors
arguments #2
She Sells SanctuaryThe Cultenergising songs
She Still Leads Me OnSuedeeverlasting love
She Wants to Sell My MonkeyJunior Wellssales, selling & bargains
(She Was a) Hotel DetectiveThey Might Be Giantsdetectives
She Was Born to Be My UnicornTyrannosaurus Rexfantasy
Sheath & KnifeMaddy Priorsisters
ShecharhoretMor Karbasivibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Sheela-Na-GigPJ Harveyholes
Sheena Is a Punk RockerRamonesgirls’ names
The Sheep SongThe Dresden Dollsfour-legged livestock
Sheffield: Sex CityPulpspecific or obscure places
Sheffield ShantyMonkey Swallows the Universenorthern England
Sheila Take a BowThe Smithsgirls’ names
Shelter from the StormBob Dylanwelcoming
ShenandoahKeith Jarrettrivers
ShenandoahPaul RobesonAmerican west
The Shepherd’s WifeThe Pooziesmeals & mealtimes
Sheriff of Hong KongCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandislands
Sheriff of HuddersfieldIron MaidenYorkshire
She’s a RainbowThe Rolling Stonespsychedelic songs
She’s About a MoverSir Douglas Quintetorgan
She’s as Beautiful as a FootBlue Öyster Cultfeet
She’s Got YouPatsy Clinefairness
She’s Hot to GoLyle Lovettfaces
She’s Leaving HomeThe Beatlesorchestral string instruments
She’s Like Heroin to MeThe Gun Clubcocaine & heroin
She’s Lost Control (Long Version)Grace Jones1980s 12” singles
She’s Lost ControlJoy Divisionillness
She’s Not ThereThe Zombiesquiet
She’s on a MountainFive Guys Named Moemountains
She’s StrangeCameonormal & abnormal
She’s ToughJerry McCainlaughter
Shhh / PeacefulMiles Davisquiet
Shifting GearsLalo Schifrinfollowing & chasing
Shiftless When IdleThe Replacementslaziness
Shine a LightThe Rolling Stoneshope
Shine OnThe House of Lovechairs
Shine On You Crazy DiamondPink Floydchannelling pain
Shingle SongPeter Hammillthe coast
Shining StarEarth, Wind & Firegreat arrangements
Shiny Happy PeopleThe Fatima Mansionsanger
Shiny Happy PeopleR.E.M.crowds
Ship AhoyThe O’Jaysthe sea
Ship of FoolsWorld Partyreckless consumption 
The Ship SongLissiebridges
ShipbuildingElvis CostelloNorth East England
ShipbuildingRobert Wyattwar
Shirahama BluesYara FamilyJapan
ShiroyamaSabatonold and new
ShiverFever Raytouch
Shiver and ShakeThe Curecruel songs
Shiver Me TimbersTom Waitsitinerants & migration
Shnitzled in the NegevShpongledeserts
The Shoals of HerringEwan McCollcollective nouns
The Shoeshine BoyThe Humblebumsobsolete things
ShofukanSnarky Puppybrass songs
Shoot Out the LightsRichard and Linda Thompsonshooting
Shoot the PumpJ. Walter Negro & the Loose Jointzrefreshment & cooling down
Shooting StarBad Companyhearing, choosing & playing records
Shop AroundThe Miracleslessons in life
A Shop with Books InThe Bookshop Bandlibraries
Shoplifters of the World UniteThe Smithssmuggling & stealing
ShopliftingThe Slitscrime
Shopping for ClothesThe Coastersshopping
Short Fat FannieLarry Williamsbeing fat
Short Ride in a Fast MachineJohn Adams (performed by Simon Rattle with City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra)ensembles, big bands & orchestras
A Short Stop at the Transylvanian Brain-SurgeryAmon Düül IIprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Shot by Both SidesMagazineguns
Shot Gun ShackNeneh Cherryshooting
Shotgun WeddingRoy C.weddings
Should Have Known BetterSufjan Stevensbiography & autobiography
Should I Stay or Should I GoThe Clashlimbo
Should the Bible Be Banned?McCarthyreading
ShoutTears for Fearsstart with the chorus
Shove This Jay-Oh-BeeCanibus with Biz Markieanti-work songs
Show Biz KidsSteely Dansocial class
Show BusinessA Tribe Called Questanti-work songs
Show MeDexys Midnight Runnersgangs
Show Your TeethTools You Can Trustteeth
ShowdownKenny Cartercrisis
Showroom DummiesKraftwerkkrautrock
A Shropshire LadHalf Man Half Biscuitsongs with jokes
Shut ‘Em Down (Pete Rock Remix)Public Enemyrevolution
Shut Off the LightBetty Davisscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
ShutoutThe Walker Brotherslast night
ShyJohn & Jehnshyness
Shy BoyKippington Lodgeawkwardness
Shy BoySecretshyness
The Shy RetirerArab Straphedonism
Si Tu Dois PartirFairport Conventionconditional phrases
Siberia / SibirijáTorgeir Vassvikfrozen north
The Sick Bed of CúchulainnThe Poguesretrospection
SideshowBlue Magiccarnivals & funfairs
Sidewalking (Extended Version)The Jesus and Mary Chain1980s 12” singles
The Sidewinder Sleeps TonightR.E.M.misheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
The Sight of the WindRobert Wyatttrash
Sign o’ the TimesPrincenews & media
The Sign of the Southern CrossBlack Sabbathcompass points
Sign of the TimesThe Belle Starsgirl groups
Signed CurtainMatching Molefutility
Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours)Stevie Wonderinspired by India
Sigourney WeaverJohn Grantmovie & TV stars
SilenceCharlie Haden with Chet Baker, Enrico Pieranunzi & Billy Higginsquiet songs
Silence in the LibraryMurray Goldlibraries
Silence Is GoldenThe Tremeloesgold
Silence ReturnsBeauvolume changes
SilencerSusanne Sundførshooting
SilencioJorge Drexlerquiet
SilencioIbrahim Ferrer & Omara Portuondoquiet
The Silent BoatmanParliamentquiet
Silent LegacyMelissa Etheridgelegacy
Silent NightRotary Connectionfeaturing bells
Silent ShoutThe Knifesilence
Silent TreatmentThe Roots ft Cassandra Wilsonarguments #2
A Silhouette of DoomEnnio Morriconedoom
SilhouettesDennis Brownjealousy
SilhouettesHerman’s Hermitssongs with or about errors
SilhouettesThe Rayswindows
Silks and SatinsCount Basie & His Orchestrarough & smooth
Silly GamesJanet Kayflirting
Silly Love SongsWingssongs about love songs
Silver (Tidal Wave)Echo & the Bunnymensilver & non-ferrous metals
Silver BirdU-Roysilver & non-ferrous metals
The Silver in Her CrucifixJackie Levensilver & non-ferrous metals
Silver MachineHawkwindsilver & non-ferrous metals
Silver Moon LaddersMerzadventure
Silver SurferWarm Jetssuperheroes
Silver Swan RagScott Joplinanimals
SilverballBarenaked Ladieshobbies
Simon SaysPharoahe Monchsweary songs
Simple GiftsYo-Yo Ma & Alison KraussNew England
Simple GirlDale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.whistling
Simple JoysKenny Youngsimple pleasures
Simple LifeBim Shermansimple pleasures
Simple ToolsRy Coodertools
Simple Twist of FateJeff Tweedyfate & destiny
Simply BeautifulAl Greenquiet songs
Sin CityThe Flying Burrito BrothersAmerican west
Sin MiedoRosanahope & resilience
Sin Muros ni CandadosDorantesborders, barriers, walls & fences
Sinal FechadoPaulinho da Violasurprise encounters
Since I Left YouThe Avalanchesupbeat break-up
Since U Been GoneKelly Clarksonfresh starts
Since YesterdayStrawberry Switchbladeupbeat break-up #2
Since You Been GoneRainbowlimbo
Sing a Powerful SongThe Saw Doctorssurvival
Sing a Simple SongSly and the Family Stonesinging
Sing a Simple Song of FreedomBobby Darinsongs that capture the zeitgeist
Sing for Your SupperThe Mamas & the Papasmeals & mealtimes
Sing Me a Love SongThe Gloriessongs about love songs
Sing Me Back HomeGrateful Deadtime travel
Sing Me Out the WindowMúmwindows
Sing Sing SingBenny Goodmantriggering dancing
Sing to the MoonLaura MvulaBirmingham & the Black Country
Sing You a Love You Songof Montrealsongs about love songs
SingaporeTom Waitsadventure
The SingerTeitursound like other songs
Singin’ in the RainGene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds & Donald O”Connorclouds
Singin’ in the RainJohn Martynrain
Singing a SongJackie Wilsonsinging
Singing the BluesGuy Mitchellwhistling
Singing to the BirdsLisa Germanosinging
Single AFFousheébeing single
Single by ChoiceThe Banglesthe number one
Single GirlLushbeing single
Single Girl, Married GirlCarter Familymarriage
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)Beyoncéna-na-hey-hey songs
The Single Petal of a RoseBen Websterroses
Sinister MinisterBulletpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Sink HoleDrive-By Truckersinheritance
Sink the BismarckJohnny Hortonunderdogs
SinnermanNina Simoneend of the world
Sinny Sin SinsRoots Manuvasinners
Síocháin IonaThe WaterboysScotland
Sir DukeStevie Wonderimpressive intros
Sirens of TitanAl Stewartcurves & spheres
Sisesighingini (Everything Is Stupid, Stupid, Stupid)Ladysmith Black Mambazostupidity
SisterLenny Kravitzsisters
SisterPrincesecret vices
SisterShe Wants Revengebad boys & bad girls
Sister AnneMC5sisters
Sister DrumDadawalower the heartrate
Sister Jane Cross the HallKokomo Arnoldbrothers & sisters
Sister JosephineJake Thackrayfunny songs
Sister MorphineThe Rolling Stonesnursing & healthcare
Sister RayThe Velvet Undergroundlong songs
Sister RosaThe Neville Brothersleadership
Sister Rosetta Goes Before UsRobert Plant & Alison Krausssisters
Sisters Are Doin’ It for ThemselvesEurythmics with Aretha Franklinfeminism
Sisters’ ChantJudy Mowattsisters
Sisters of MercyLeonard Cohenkindness
Sit DownJamesManchester
Sit Down and CryElla Washingtonsitting & standing
Sit Down, You’re Rocking the BoatStubby Kayesitting & standing
Sittin’ in the BalconyEddie Cochransitting & standing
Sittin’ on a RainbowMountain‘high’ songs
Sittin’ on a Poor Man’s ThroneCopperpennychairs
(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the BayOtis ReddingCalifornia
Sitting by the RiversideThe Kinksrivers
Sitting in LimboJimmy Cliffwaiting
Sitting in LimboThe Neville Brotherslimbo
Sitting in the ParkBilly Stewartparks
Sitting in the SunHilton Valentinesimple pleasures
Siúil a RúinKOKIAGaelic songs
SivulivinivutTanya Tagaqfrozen north
Six Days at the Bottom of the OceanExplosions in the Skynumbered 1 to 10
Six Days on the RoadTaj Mahaltravelling
Six MarimbasSteve Reichhammer & mallet instruments
Six Months in a Leaky BoatSplit Enzpioneers
Six O’Clock NewsKathleen Edwardsjournalism & the news
Six PackBlack Flagbeer
Sixteen BarsThe Stylisticssongs about love songs
Sixteen BlueThe Replacementsboredom
Sixteen, Maybe LessCalexico and Iron & Winenostalgia
Sixteen TonsEric Burdonpower
Sixth Day – the PeopleJan Hammerlower the heartrate
Sixth SenseDave Brubecksixth sense
Sixth SenseImelda Maysixth sense
Sixty Minute ManBilly Ward & His Dominoesboastful songs
Skank in BedScotty & Lorna Bennettbeds
Sk8er BoiAvril Lavigneopposites
Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New DayJethro Tullsnow & ice
Skeletal RemainsBohren and der Club of Gorebones
SkengThe Bug ft Killa P & Flow Dancriminals
Sketch for SummerThe Durutti Columnanimal sounds
Skillet (Good’n’Greasy)Davey Grahamcooking
Skin and BoneHeartless Bastardslove songs to places
Skin and BonesFoo Fightersbones
Skin DeepBuddy Guy ft Derek Trucksskin
Skin DeepThe Stranglersdeceptive appearances
The Skin of My Yellow Country TeethClap Your Hands Say Yeahyellow
Skin SongBat for Lashesskin
Skinhead MoonstompSymaripyouth cults
hats & accessories
Skinny Dippin’Whitney Duncanskin
SkippingThe Associatesjumping
Sky BellowerEttricksky
The Sky Is CryingJohn Martynsky
Sky PhenomenonJens Lekmanbeer
Skylarking DubHorace Andygreat album or mixtape openers
Skylon!Gruff Rhysflying
SkyscraperElephant‘high’ songs
SkywayThe Replacements‘high’ songs
SkywriterThe Jackson 5indirect messages
Slain by ElfUrusei Yatsuratoys
Slang TeacherWide Boy Awaketeachers
The Slap Cellos of DoulaGabriel Prokofiev & Peter Gregsonitching & scratching
Slapped ActressThe Hold Steadyauthenticity & fakery
Slapton Sands (Exercise Tiger)The CharlesysD-day
Slashed Wrists This ChristmasGruff Rhysanti-Christmas songs
Slave to the RhythmGrace Jonesrhythm, beat & boogie
Slavery DaysBurning Spear19th century life
Slaves Mass (Missa Dos Escravos)Hermeto Pascoalanimal sounds
Slay the PriestDamaged Bugpreachers, priests & religious leaders
SledgehammerPeter Gabrieltools
SleepBlackaliciousrelaxation & leisure
Sleep at NightThe Chicksadultery & infidelity
Sleep on the Left SideCornershopmusic as nutrition
Sleep Tight TigerHusky Rescuetigers
Sleep TonightThe Rolling Stonesadult lullabies
Sleep WalkSanto & Johnnysleep & insomnia
Sleepin’ on My CouchDel tha Funkee Homosapienlaziness
Sleeping Gas (Live at Zoo Club 1981)The Teardrop Explodesadult lullabies
Sleeping SatelliteTasmin Archerrare events
The SleepwalkersVan der Graaf Generatorsongs with sudden changes
Sleepwalking Through the MekongDengue Feverpaths & roads
Sleepy ShoresJohnny Pearsoneasy listening
Sleigh MeEmmy the Great & Tim Wheelerwinter sports
Sleigh RideThe Count Basie Orchestrawinter sports
Sleigh Ride (Troika) (from Lieutenant Kijé)Sergei Prokofievfeaturing bells
Sleigh RideThe Ronettesfeaturing bells
SleipnirManowarcompass points
Slip AwayClarence Cartersecrets
Slip Slidin’ AwayPaul Simonmelancholy songs
Slip to the VoidAlter Bridgeholes
Slipped, Tripped and Fell in LoveAnn Peeblesaccidents
Slippery PeopleTalking Headsfunk
Sloop John BThe Beach Boysthe Caribbean
Slow BlueFashionBirmingham & the Black Country
Slow Country (More Rubbadub version)Spacemonkeyz vs Gorillazhidden tracks
Slow DancingJohnny Duncanslow, sexy love songs
Slow DeathFlamin’ Grooviessuicide
Slow DownAndrew Duhonlower the heartrate
The Slow DrugPJ Harveywindows
Slow HandPointer Sisterstouch
Slow JamFour Tetsound effects
Slow Marching BandJethro Tullslowing down
Slow Me DownShelby Lynneslowing down
Slow West VulturesThe Mountain Goatsblessings & curses
Small AxeThe Wailersunderdogs
Small Hours (live)John Martynvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Small PlaneBill Callahandeep voices
Small ThingsThe Audreysdiscovery
Small Town TalkBobby Charlesboring & dull
Smalltown BoyBronski Beat1980s 12” singles
Smash Clause 29!Chumbawambagender & LGBTQ+
Smash It Up (Parts 1 & 2)The Damnedrallying cries
Smash Shit UpDropkick Murphysbreaking things
Smash the Market PlaceScreaming Blue Messiahsbanks & banking
Smeceno HoroPlanxtyunusual time signatures
Smell the RosesChris & Coseyroses
Smells Like HappinessThe Hidden Camerassmells
Smells Like Lemon, Tastes Like WineAlan Priceflavour
Smells Like Teen SpiritNirvanabrands
SmileNat King Colesmiling & laughing
Smiley FacesGnarls Barkleysmiling & laughing
Smiling Faces SometimesThe Temptationsbody language
Smiling Faces SometimesThe Undisputed Truthsmiling & laughing
Smiling in WinterSpoonswinter
Smiling My Life AwayCasefaces
Smiling with No TeethGenesis Owusuteeth
Smithers-JonesThe Jamunemployment
Smoke from a Distant FireSanford Townsend Bandadultery & infidelity
Smoke Gets in Your EyesThe Plattersclose harmony singing
Smoke Hot Coffee Refill3rd Line Butterflycoffee
Smoke on the WaterDeep Purplegreat riffs
Smoke RingsLaurie Andersoncircles
Smoke RingsLes Paul & Mary Fordfictional adverts
Smokestack Lightnin’Howlin’ Wolfextraordinary vocals
Smokin’Super Furry Animalssmoking
SmoothSantana ft Rob Thomasone word titles
Smooth OperatorSadecoolness
The SnakeAl Wilsonstorytelling songs
Snake OilSteve Earlereckless consumption 
Snake SongEmmylou Harrisreptiles
Snakes and LaddersJoss Stoneboard games
Snap Your FingersRonnie Milsapclicking, tapping & stomping
Sneakin’ Sally Through the AlleyLee Dorseygirls’ names
Snip SnipThe Tiger Lilliessharp objects
Snow CampingLaura Veirswinter sports
SnowflakeKate Bushsmall things
Snowflakes Are DancingTomitasnow & ice