A-Z by Song – P

Song TitleArtistTopic
Pa koute konsèyHaitiandosongs offering advice
Pa’ahanaLedward Kaapana & Bob Brozmansteel guitar
Pablo PicassoThe Modern Loversfamous people
Pachuco CadaverCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandpuzzling & mysterious
Pacific 202808 Statedance instrumentals
Pacific Ocean BluesDennis WIlsoncetaceans
Padipattu (Breathless)Shankar Mahadevanstairs, ladders & elevators
Pagan Angel and a Borrowed CarIron & Wineangels
The Pageant of the BizarreZero 7parades
Paid in FullEric B. & Rakimsampling & recycling
Pain in My HeartOtis Reddingheartbreak
PainkillerJudas Priestscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Painovoimaa, valoaLau Naugravity
Paint a Vulgar PictureThe Smithscelebrity
Paint BoxPink Floydlast night
Paint Her FaceThe Recordspainting & painters
Paint It BlackThe Rolling Stonesbereavement
Paint MeOhio Playerspainting & painters
Paintball’s Coming HomeHalf Man Half Biscuitoffensive, insulting songs
Painted It WhiteKarine Polwartstick it to the man
Painter ManThe Creationadvertising
Painting BoxThe Incredible String Bandpainting & painters
Painting by NumbersPeter Hammillpainting & painters
A Pair of Brown EyesThe Poguesaccordion
País TropicalJorge Bennature
Palace of the BrinePixiesunderwater
The Palace of VersaillesAl Stewarthistorical figures
Pale Green ThingsThe Mountain Goatsmemory
Pale SpectreThe Wakevisitors
Palisades ParkFreddy Cannoncarnivals & funfairs
Palo AltoRadioheadthe future
Pancho and LeftyTownes Van Zandtambiguity
PancreasWeird Al Yankovicstomach & guts
Pandora’s EggAvatariumchicken and egg
PanicThe SmithsBritain
Panic BeachMaria McKeethe coast
Panis et CircensesOs Mutantesbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Pantyhose and RosesEchobellycontrol
Papa Come Quick (Jody and Chico)Bonnie Raittsisters
Papa Don’t PreachMadonnafathers and daughters
Papa OggúnCeleste Mendoza y los Papinesmyths & legends
Papa Was a Rollin’ StoneThe Temptationsfathers
Papalina LahilahiGenoa Keawefalsetto
PaparazziLady Gagaphotos & photography
Papa’s Got a Brand New PigbagPigbag1980s 12” singles
Paper and Iron (Notes and Coins)XTCcoins
Paper PlaneStatus Quoaviation
Paper PlanesM.I.A.sound effects
Paper ScratcherBLind MeLoNoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Paper SunTrafficmade you fall in love with music
Paper TigersThe Chameleonstigers
Paperback WriterThe Beatleswriting
Papua New GuineaThe Future Sound of Londoneuphoria
Paquito el ChocolateroGustavo Pascual Falcóchocolate
ParadeKimya Dawsonparades
Parade of ClownsMary Coughlanparades
Parades Go ByThe Magnetic Fieldsparades
Paradis perdusChristine and the Queenslost and found
ParadiseJean Adebamboslow, sexy love songs
ParadiseNoname ft Queen SheCagotigers
ParadiseThe O’Jaysparadise
Paradise by the Dashboard LightMeat Loafbad decisions
Paradise ExpressSlapp Happyparadise
Paragon CaféTim Rogersremembrance songs
ParallelogramsLinda Perhacsmathematics
quiet songs
ParalysedGang of Fourunemployment
The Paranoia of PowerMark Stewart & the Maffiabasements & underground
ParanoidBlack Sabbathmental illness
Parce mihi DomineJan Garbarek & the Hilliard Ensembleunlikely collaborations
Parchman FarmMose Allisonprisons
Pardon My Freedom!!!freedom
Paris 1919John Caledates
Paris BluesTerry CallierParis
Paris maiClaude NougaroParis
The Paris MatchThe Style Council & Tracey ThornParis
Paris sera toujours ParisZazParis
Paris, TexasRy Cooderinstrumental soundtracks
Parisian ThoroughfareClifford Brown & Max RoachParis
Parlez-moi d’amourLucienne Boyergreat songwriting 1900-1955
Parole ParoleMina with Alberto Luposongs with talking
Part Time PunksTelevision Personalitieshobbies
The Particle SongArmy of Loverssmall things
The Parting GlassLiam Clancyglass
PartirDJ Mehdisongs in French
The PartisanLeonard Cohenresistance
The PartyPhil Ochsdeceptive appearances
Party Fears TwoThe Associatesparties & going out
Party for Your Right to FightPublic Enemyrallying cries
Party HardAndrew W.K.parties & going out
spirit of 2021
Party LightsClaudine Clarklight
Party of Special Things to DoThe White Stripesplaying cards
Party Til You PukeAndrew W.K.bodily fluids
Party Up in HereThe Brides of Funkensteinbig and meaty
Pass the KouchieMighty Diamondsleft & right
Pass the PeasThe J.B.’svegetables
Pass This OnThe Knifesiblings
The PassengerIggy Popsongs that go ‘la’
Passenger PigeonsThe Handsome Familyurban wildlife
Passing ByThe Beach Boyswordless vocals
Passing By (There Is a Lady, Sweet and Kind)Paul Robesonsurprise encounters
Passing StrangersUltravoxstrangers
Past My ShadesB.o.B ft Lupe Fiascoeyewear
Past, Present and FutureThe Shangri-Lasspoken word
Pastime ParadiseStevie Wonderstrange, rare or unlikely words
Pastoral Colours (from Labyrinth of Time)Keith Mansfieldincidental music
Pastures of PlentyWoody Guthriefarming
Pata PataMiriam Makebaonomatopoeia
The PathIvor Cutlerpaths & roads
PatchesClarence Carterfarming
Paths in the SkyMetricpaths & roads
Patio SongGorky’s Zygotic Myncimultilingual songs
Patito FeoMala Rodríguez & Estrella Morentemisanthropic songs
Pattern RecognitionSonic Youthfads & crazes
PatternsBand of Skullspatterns & sequences
Paul BogleThe Cimaronsoutlaws & rebels
Pauvre clocheStellafeaturing bells
PaulineEleni Mandellglamour & style
Pavane (choral)Gabriel Fauréchoirs
Pavane pour une infante défunteMaurice Ravel (performed by Shura Cherkassky)remembrance songs
Pavey ArkDecorationwide open spaces
Pay to CumBad Brainsincidental music
Pay Your RatesThe Falltaxation
Paye (Pay As You Earn)Mighty Sparrowtaxation
Pazarda Bal Var GelinimSelim Sesler ft İlkay Akkayamarkets & fairs
Peace Go with You, Brother (As-Salaam-Alaikum)Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonblessings & curses
Peace in the Valley Once AgainThe Handsome Familyenvironment
Peace PieceBill Evansgreat solo performances
Peace Train10,000 Maniacscommunity
Peace TreatyPeter Toshformal agreements
PeacemakerThe Steeldriversiron & steel
PeachesThe Stranglersholidays
PeanutSonny Sharrocknuts & edible seeds
Peanut DuckMarsha Geebirdsong
Pearl’s a SingerElkie Brooksbeing lost
Pearl’s GirlUnderworldsurreal songs
PeauxKuniko Katogreat solo performances
Pecan PieGolden Smognuts & edible seeds
Pedestrian at BestCourtney Barnettself-deprecation
Pedro NavajaWillie Colón & Rubén BladesMexico & Central America
Peek-A-BooThe Cadillacsspying
Peek-a-BooSiouxsie and the Bansheeseyes & sight
Peg Leg WomanWillie Kinglegs & trousers
Penetralia IICoildrone music
PenguinsLyle Lovettbirds
Pennies for SaleThe Smashing Pumpkinscoins
Pennies from HeavenBillie Holidaycoins
The Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company Resignation LetterMatthew Friedbergercompanies & corporations
Pennsylvania Six-Five ThousandGlenn Miller & his Orchestrahotels
Penny LaneThe Beatlesbrass songs
People!Action Pact!social mobility
People Ain’t No GoodNick Cave & the Bad Seedsmisanthropic songs
People Are StrangeThe Doorsbeing scared
People Are StrangeTiny Timhigh-pitched vocals
People Get ReadyCurtis Mayfieldrevolution
People Have the PowerPatti Smithpositive songs
People in Tha MiddleSpearheadcompromise
People Make the World Go RoundThe Stylisticstrash
People of the DeerThe Trewsfrozen north
People of the SnowTechno Sound Groupfrozen north
People Take Pictures of Each OtherThe Kinksvisual art & photography
People Who DiedThe Jim Carroll Bandlist songs
People’s PartiesJoni Mitchellanxiety
Peppermint TwistSweetsweet foods
Percy FaithDamien Juradoshaggy dog stories & tall tales
PerdidoDuke Ellington & His Famous Orchestraensembles, big bands & orchestras
PerfectFairground Attractionperfection
PerfectThe Thedifferent 7″ versions
Perfect 10The Beautiful Southperfection
Perfect DayLou Reedrelaxation & leisure
A Perfect DayPaul Robesonperfection
Perfect GentlemanWyclef Jeanunusual rhymes
A Perfect LieThe Engine Roomtattoos & piercings
Perfect MysteryGongmysterious & puzzling
Perfect SkinLloyd Cole & the Commotionsmagazines
Perfect SkyBonnie Pinksky
The Perfect SpaceThe Avett Brothersplatonic love
Perfect WayScritti Polittifunk
Perfume do InvisívelCéuthe invisible
The Perfumed Garden of Gulliver SmithMarc Bolangardens
Peřiny (Morning Song)Bittova & Fajtalarm sounds
Perpetual ChangeYeseternity
Perpetuum MobilePenguin Cafe Orchestraeternity
Perptual Blues MachineKeb’ Mo’rejection
Perry CountyPhilip Jeayspersonification
Person to PersonScreamin’ Jay Hawkinstelephones
Personal ColumnJake Thackrayadvertising
Personal JesusJohnny CashGod & the Devil
Personal JesusDepeche Modefaith
Persons UnknownPoison Girlsanonymity
The Persuaders ThemeJohn Barryinstrumental soundtracks
Peter GunnHenry Mancini & HIs Orchestraensembles, big bands & orchestras
Peter PiperRun-D.M.C.featuring bells
Peter Smith Is a BananaThe Deep Freeze Miceyellow
Petite fleurSidney Bechetfrom New Orleans
Petrified ForestCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandgeology
Phantasmagoria BluesMark Laneganfallen heroes
Phantom 309Red Sovinezombies
Phiên Cho SôngLê Sang & Dương Hồng Loanmarkets & fairs
PhilbyRory Gallagherspying
Phillip My DearMighty Sparrowcastles & palaces
Philly JoeGeri Allen & Timeline ft Maurice Chestnutclicking, tapping & stomping
Philosophy of the WorldThe Shaggsphilosophers
PhotographGoose housephotos & photography
PhotographMelaniephotos & photography
PhotographSatellitesphotos & photography
PhotographRingo Starrphotographs
Photographic (Some Bizzare Version)Depeche Modevisual art & photography
Photoshop HandsomeEverything Everythingmodernity
PhotosynthesisThey Might Be Giantspower
Phunky CoogiPhilou Louzoloreligion
The PhysicianGertrude Lawrencestomach & guts
PiKate Bushnumbers
Piano Concerto in G majorMaurice Ravelpiano songs
Piano Concerto No. 5Ludwig van Beethoven (performed by Alfred Brendel)great arrangements
The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)Tom Waitsdrinking
Pick Yourself UpNat King Coleunderdogs
Pickin’ the BluesGrinderswitchincidental music
Picking the Benelnut (Cai Bin Lang)Zhou Xuannuts & edible seeds
PicklesThe Gourdsflavour
PicklesRitchie Lamy & the Jools Rimet Orchestrafamous or notable animals
The PictureLoudon Wainwright IIIphotographs
Picture BookThe Kinksfamily
Picture in a FrameTom Waitsphotographs
Picture on the WallNatural Ites with the Realisticschairs
Picture ThisBlondiecleansing
Pictures of LilyThe Whounrequited love
Pictures of Matchstick MenStatus Quovisual art & photography
Piece of MeBritney Spearsjournalism & the news
Piece of My HeartBig Brother and the Holding Companythe heart
Piece of My HeartErma Franklinone-hit wonders
Piece of My HeartBetty LaVetteunderrated artists
A Piece of Red ClothCui Jianleft wing politics
Pieces of a ManGil Scott-Heronpathos
Pied PiperBob and Marcialeadership
Pier SongThe Lorraine Bowen Experiencethe coast
Pig ManAmon Düül IIfour-legged livestock
Pigeons in the Attic RoomEverything but the Girlrooms
PigsCypress Hilllaw enforcement
Pilgrim’s ProgressProcol Harummeta-songs
Pillar of SaltThe Pineapple Thiefsalt
PillsBo Diddleynursing & healthcare
PillsNew York Dollshospitals
PillsLeon Rosselsonwhimsical songs
PinballBrian Protheroefutility
Pinball Number CountThe Pointer Sisterschildren’s songs
Pinball WizardThe Whooverturning the odds
PineappleSparksnon sequiturs
Ping PongStereolabrepetition
Pink BloodHikaru Utadagender & LGBTQ+
Pink CashmerePrincefabrics
Pink ChampagneJoe Liggins & His Honeydripperspink
Pink Champagne BluesGnodpink
Pink ElephantLenapink
Pink Elephants on ParadeSun Ra Arkestrasurreal songs
Pink FrostThe Chillscold
Pink LightLaura Veirsdawn
Pink MoonNick Drakepink
Pink MoonTash Sultanapink
The Pink Panther ThemeHenry Mancinipersonal theme songs
Pink, Purple, Yellow and RedThe Sorrowspink
Pink ThunderbirdGene Vincent & His Blue Capswealth
Pink Turns to BlueHüsker Düblue
The PirateHanne Hukkelbergpirates
Pirate JennyLotte Lenyapirates
Pirate JennyNina Simonepirates
Pirates AnthemHome T, Cocoa Tea & Shabba Rankspirates
Pisco SourNosequien y los Nosecuantoscocktails & spirits
Piss FactoryPatti Smithnew resolutions
A Piss in the OceanConflictsales, selling & bargains
Piss OffFFSstick it to the man
Pissing in a RiverPatti Smith Groupstomach & guts
PistachioPee Wee Ellisnuts & edible seeds
PistolaMos Deffalling
Pit of SnakesBurning Spearcollective nouns
Pithecanthropus ErectusCharles Mingusscience
Pizza PieNorman Fox & the Rob Roysbread & baking
A Place Called EnglandMaggie Hollandaccents
A Place Called EnglandThe Young’unsEngland
A Place in ParisMatt MonroParis
A Plague of Lighthouse KeepersVan der Graaf Generatorprophets
Plague of ZombiesScientistcollective nouns
Plains of NazcaSun Dialsunsets & twilight
Plaistow PatriciaIan Durygreat opening lines
Plan BDexys Midnight RunnersBirmingham & the Black Country
Planet DogBoothby Graffoedogs
Planet TelexRadioheadvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Planned Obsolescence10,000 Maniacsscience
Plastic BagX-Ray Spexplastic
Plastic DreamsJaydeedrone music
Plastic FlowerWulan Tuoyaplastic
Plastic JesusJello Biafra & Mojo Nixonplastic
Plastic JesusPaul Newmanplastic
Plastic LifeRubella Balletplastic
Plastic LinesNo Bird Sing ft Alicia Wileyphotographs
Plastic PaddyEric Bogleplastic
PlateauMeat Puppetswilderness
The Plateaux of MirrorHarold Budd & Brian Enofictional places
Platinum TipsRoyal Truxsilver & non-ferrous metals
Plato’s Fucked Up CaveMarnie Sternphilosophers
Play for TodayThe Curekrautrock
Play It All Night LongWarren Zevonvolume
Play It CoolFreddie Kingcoolness
Play Me Something NewHat Fitz & Cararelaxation & leisure
Play My Juke BoxBoy Greenjukeboxes
Play That Funky MusicWild Cherryone-hit wonders
Play with BootsyBootsy Collins ft Kelli Aligravity
Playa del CarmenPaco de LucíaSpain
Playboy MommyTori Amosmagazines
Playground LoveAiradolescence
Playing in the BandGrateful Deadunusual time signatures
Playing MahjongLong-Geboard games
The Play’s the ThingPeter Hammillidioms & common expressions
Plea from a Cat Named VirtuteThe Weakerthanscats
Pleamar de ÁguilasInvisibletides
Pleasant Valley SundayThe Monkeessuburbia
Please Don’t Mention ItRay Noble & His Orchestra with Al Bowlly & Anona Winnplease & thank you
Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’m GoneBillie Holidayplease & thank you
Please JudgeRoky Ericksonjudges & trials
Please Mr. PleaseOlivia Newton-Johnjukeboxes
Please Please PleaseJames Brownplease & thank you
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I WantThe Smithsplease & thank you
Please Read the LetterRobert Plant & Alison Kraussdepartures
Please Take a Letter, Miss BrownThe Ink Spotsawkwardness
Pledging My LoveJohnny Aceeverlasting love
PlioceneCosmo Sheldrakeanimal sounds
Plop Plop Fizz FizzSammy Davis Jr.stomach & guts
Plow to the End of the RowAdrienne Youngfarming
Plug Tunin’De La Soulhumming
Plus OnesOkkervil Riverpatterns & sequences
Pluto the DogManfred Mann’s Earth Banddogs
The PoacherRonnie Lanehunting
PocketBlue Öyster Cultpockets
PocketThe Cloudspockets
Pocket CalculatorKraftwerksynth pop 1980-2000
Pocket Full of RainThe Paper Kitespockets
Pocket MoneyThe Gladiatorspockets
Pocketful of MiraclesDionne Warwickpockets
PocketsRuth Moodypockets
PodinoRajasthani Folk Musiciansflavour
Poem for EvaBill Frisellsteel guitar
Poetry: How Does It Feel Now???Akua Narulust
Pogo DancingChris Spedding & the Vibratorsfads & crazes
PoincianaAhmad Jamalflowers
Point and KillLittle Simz ft Obongjayerphysical gestures
Point Me at the SkyPink Floydpsychedelic songs
Point of View PointCorneliusJapan
PoisonCocoRosie with Antony Hegartypoison
PoisonGilmore & Robertstouch
PoisonThe Prodigypoison
Poison & WineThe Civil Warsopposites
Poison ArrowABCpoison
Poison DartThe Bug ft Warrior Queenpoison
Poison in the Well10,000 Maniacswells
Poison Takes a HoldPlay Deadpoison
Poisoning Pigeons in the ParkTom Lehrerspring
Poker FaceLady Gagahobbies
Polegnala e TodoraBulgarian State Television Female Vocal Choirchoirs
Police and ThievesJunior Murvinlaw enforcement
Police CarLarry Walliscars & driving
Police Dog BluesBlind Blakepolice
Police OfficerSmiley Culturepolice
Police on My BackThe Equalspolice
Policy of TruthDepeche Modelies
Politic ManSoom Tdisbelief
Political ScienceRandy Newmannuclear war
Political WorldBob Dylanchaos
PoliticianCreamleft & right
Politics of the Sneaker PimpsPublic Enemysales, selling & bargains
PolitrikkksDead Prezelections
Polk Salad AnnieTony Joe Whiteflowers
Polyester BrideLiz Phairfabrics
Polygon WindowPolygon Windowwindows
PompeiiBastilleRoman Empire
PompeiiPeter Hammillancient history
Pomps and PrideToots and the Maytalsmusic as nutrition
Ponta de Lança Africano (Umbabarauma)Jorge Bensport
PontiacLyle Lovettdeceptive appearances
Pontiac BluesSonny Boy Williamson IIobsolete things
PonyFrida Hyvönenhorses
PonyDiana Jonesinheritance
The Pony SoldiersSam Spencesound like other songs
Poo-Poo in the PrawnIan Durystrange, rare or unlikely words
Pool Hall RichardFaceswinners
Poor ButterflySarah Vaughan with Hal Mooney & His Orchestrabutterflies & moths
Poor Jason WhyteThe Abyssiniansclose shaves & near misses
Poor Old Soul (French version)Orange Juiceforeign language versions
Poor Old Soul (Part 1)Orange Juiceidioms & common expressions
The Poor Orphan ChildCarter Familychildren
Poor Skeleton Steps OutXTChammer & mallet instruments
Poor Will and the Jolly HangmanFairport Conventioncapital punishment
Pop MuzikMmusic genres
PopcornHot Buttersweet foods
PoptonesPublic Image Ltdout-of-tune songs
PopularNada Surfsongs offering advice
Por un SueñoFarruclicking, tapping & stomping
PorcelainMobypiano songs
PorcupineNature Zonerodents
Porn WarsFrank Zappataboos
Porpoise SongThe Monkeesrecorded for movies
Porquoi es tu devenue si raisonnable? Cadeau de Mariageforeign language versions
Portait d’un 78 tardLes Primitifs du Futurmarkets & fairs
Portobello RoadCat Stevensmarkets & fairs
PortofinoRaymond Scottelectronic music to 1983
Porton DownPeter Hammillbasements & underground
Portrait of a ManScreamin’ Jay Hawkinspainting & painters
Portrait of TracyJaco Pastoriusgreat solo performances
PosesRufus Wainwrightnarcissism
Positively 4th StreetBob Dylanhatchet jobs
PossessionElvis Costello & the Attractionslyrical symmetry
PossessionSarah McLachlansongs that aren’t what they seem
Post Office BluesLorraine Bowenwritten correspondence
Postcard 29Jens Lekmanpassage of time
Postcard from PurgatoryThe Dearslimbo
A Postcard to NinaJens Lekmanvolunteering
The PosterThe Monkeesthe circus
Pot au FeuDelia Derbyshiremusically adventurous
Potato Head BluesLouis Armstrong & His Hot Sevenvegetables
The Potato PickersSir Vincent Lonemanual labour
Pouk HillSladeBirmingham & the Black Country
Poupée de cire, poupée de sonFrance Gallpuppets
Pour Some Sugar on MeDef Leppardsweet foods
Pow R. Toc H.Pink Floydmusically adventurous
PowderfingerCowboy Junkiescoming of age
Power FlowerStevie Wonderpower
Power in the DarknessTom Robinson Bandtyranny & dictatorship
The Power Is OnThe Go! Teamenergising songs
The Power of Orange KnickersTori Amosfashion
Power of the PeopleMonster Truckunity
Powers in the AirPeter Blegvadsixth sense
Praise YouFatboy Slimwithout a chorus
Prangin’ Out (Pete and Mike’s Version)The Streetscocaine & heroin
Pray OnThe Staple Singersprayer
Pray Unto TheeMighty Diamondsprayer
Prayer to GodShellachatchet jobs
A Prayer to Jah (aka Forward to Jah)Jay Teesprayer
Praying GroundThe Soul Stirrersprayer
Preacher ManThe Impressionspreachers, priests & religious leaders
Preachin’ BluesSon Housepreachers, priests & religious leaders
Precarious StairCrystal Stiltsstairs, ladders & elevators
Precious Lord, Take My Hand / You’ve Got a FriendAretha Franklin & the Southern California Community Choir with Rev. James Clevelandchoirs
PredictionsSuzanne Vegafortune tellers
PreludeKate Bushanimal sounds
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un fauneClaude Debussyflutes, pipes & whistles
Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C majorJohann Sebastian Bachmathematics
The Premium Bond ThemeRoy Woodgambling
Preposterous Tales – Ken McKenzieI, Ludicrouspride
Present Without a BowKacey Musgraves ft Leon Bridgesknots & ties
The President’s DeadOkkervil RiverUS presidents
Press My Button (Ring My Bell)Lil Johnsonswitches & buttons
Pressure CookingLabellecooking
Pressure DropToots and the Maytalsnatural disasters
Pressure WasherThe Arrogant Wormshardware
The PretenderJackson Brownecompromise
The PretenderFoo Fighterssurprising intros
Prettiest EyesThe Beautiful Southpassage of time
The Prettiest StarDavid Bowiedifferent 7″ versions
The Prettiest ThingDavid Childers & the Modern Don Juanssuperlatives
Pretty Boy FloydThe Byrdssmuggling & stealing
Pretty Boy FloydWoody Guthriecriminals
Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)The Offspringtattoos & piercings
Pretty GreenThe Jamjukeboxes
Pretty in PinkThe Psychedelic Fursone night stands
The Pretty Pride of RussiaTom Hickoxironic songs
Pretty ShoesJens Lekmanshoes
Pretty VacantSex Pistolspersonal theme songs
The Price of LoveThe Everly Brothersvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
The Price of OilBilly Braggscandal
Pride (In the Name of Love)U2songs with or about errors
Pride of LionsTokyo Ska Paradise Orchestrabrass songs
PriestsJudy Collinspreachers, priests & religious leaders
PrimaryThe Curebest bass lines
Primitive PaintersFeltvisual art & photography
Primo on the ParapetPeter Hammilledges & ledges
Primo VictoriaSabatonD-day
Primrose HillJohn and Beverley MartynLondon
Prince Alone in the StudioSmogother musicians
Prince Hal’s DirgeLoudon Wainwright IIIShakespeare
Prince of PeacePharoah Sandersfeaturing bells
Prioritise PleasureSelf Esteemid, ego & superego
PrisencolinensinainciusolAdriano Celentanoindecipherable songs
Prison Trilogy (Billy Rose)Joan Baezprisons
Prison WallsTodd Sniderborders, barriers, walls & fences
The Prisoner’s SongVernon Dalhartgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Private DancerTina Turnerprostitution
Private EyeBill Lloyddetectives
Private EyeSailordetectives
Private InvestigationsDire Straitsdetectives
Private LifeThe Pretendersinfluenced by dub
The Prize Song (from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg)Richard Wagner (sung by Ben Heppner)songwriting
ProcrastinationAmy Winehousedistractions & diversions
Prodigal SonThe Rolling Stonesreunions
Prodigal SonSteel Pulselost and found
Profondo rossoGoblininstrumental soundtracks
ProfumoGianna Nanninismells
Prologue (This Is an Orchestra!)Stan Kentonmeta-songs
Promenade sentimentaleVladimir Cosmaexpressing movement of walking
The PromiseSturgill Simpsondefined or redefined by television
Promise You EverythingSteve Earlepromises & choices
Promised LandJohnnie Allanaccordion
Promised LandChuck BerryCalifornia
Promised LandJoe Smoothoptimistic songs
fictional places
Promised You a MiracleSimple Mindspromises & choices
PromisesPanic Roompromises & choices
Promises: Movement 1Floating Points & Pharoah Sandersharpsichord
A Proper Sort of GardenerMaggie Hollandgreen
PropheciesPhilip Glasschaos
Prophet Has AriseIsrael Vibrationprophets
Prophets in the SkyThe Cat Empireprophets
The Prophet’s SongQueenprophets
Prostye Dvizhen’yat.A.T.u.songs that build
ProtectionMassive Attackconsolation
Proto CultureDel tha Funkee Homosapien ft Khaos Uniquegames
Proud MaryCreedence Clearwater Revivalships & boats
Proud MaryIke & Tina Turnerwheels
Proud TurkeysThee More Shallowspoultry
Prove It on Me BluesMa Raineygender & LGBTQ+
Proverb 6 (The Hours of Folly)Benjamin Brittenproverbs
ProverbesJacques Dutroncproverbs
ProvinceTV on the Radiodevoted love
P.S. You Rock My WorldEelsbereavement
Psyché RockPierre Henry & Michel Colombierfeaturing bells
Psychedelic OdinJulian Copepower
Psychedelic RockErnest Ranglinpsychedelic songs
Psychedelic SirenThe Daybreakersalarm sounds
The PsychicCrash Test Dummiesomens & prophecies
PsychoJack Kittelcriminals
Psycho KillerTalking Headsillusions
A PsychopathLisa Germanofear
Psychotic ReactionCount Fivemental illness
PT-109Jimmy Deanships & boats
A Pub with No BeerThe Dublinerspubs & bars
Public EyesGregory Isaacsechoes
Public ImagePublic Image Ltdself-referential songs
Pueblecito MíoJosé Mercévillages
Puisque vous partez en voyageFrançoise Hardy & Jacques Dutroncdepartures
Pull Down LadsJune Taboritinerants & migration
Pull Up to the BumperGrace Jonesone night stands
Pulled MuscleSuperchunkbodily motion & exercise
Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)Squeezeinnuendo
Pump It UpElvis Costello & the Attractionsraise the heartrate
Pump Up the JamTechnotronicsynth pop 1980-2000
Pump Up the Volume (USA 12″ mix)M|A|R|R|Srallying cries
Pumped Up KicksFoster the Peoplesongs that aren’t what they seem
Pumping on Your StereoSupergrassmedia for listening to recorded music
PumpkinTrickySeptember & October
Pumpkin SeedsDevendra Banhartnuts & edible seeds
Punch and JudyXTCpuppets
Punk as FuckAmerican Analog Setmisleading or incongruous titles
Punk PrayerModdiprayer
Punk PrayerPussy Riotartistic trends of the 21st century
PuppetTyler, the Creatorpuppets
The Puppet Has Cut His StringsElvis Costello & The Rootspuppets
Puppet LifePunishment of Luxurypuppets
Puppet ManThe 5th Dimensionpuppets
Puppet on a StringSandie Shawpuppets
Pupu TupunaRistorabbits
Pur ti miroClaudio Monteverdi (sung by
Elin Manahan Thomas & Robin Blaze)
high-pitched vocals
Pure ImaginationGene Wildertickets, passes & invitations
Pure MorningPlacebomorning
Pure Pleasure SeekerMolokoid, ego & superego
Pure ShoresAll Saintsgirl groups
PurityNew Model Armypropaganda
Purple HazeThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencepurple
Purple HazeJohnny Jones & the King Casualsscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Purple RainPrince and the Revolutioneccentric songs
Purple Rose MinuetSusumu Yokotaclassical songs
Purple SkyGillanpurple
Purple StewThurston Harrisrecipe songs
PurrfectFunki Porcinibreathing
Push the ButtonSugababesinnuendo
The Pushbike SongThe Mixturesaudible breaths
PushermanCurtis Mayfieldironic songs
(Put Another Nickel In) Music, Music, MusicTeresa Brewer & the Dixieland All Starsjukeboxes
Put It Off Until TomorrowDolly Partonprocrastination
Put It There PalRichard Thompsonphysical gestures
Put the Needle to the RecordCriminal Element Orchestramedia for listening to recorded music
Put Your Hands TogetherThe O’Jaysprayer
Put Your Lights On!Santana ft Everlastwarnings
Put Your Records OnCorinne Bailey Raemedia for listening to recorded music
Putin Lights Up the FiresPussy RiotRussia
Putnam’s Camp, Redding, Connecticut (from Three Places in New England)Charles IvesNew England
Puttin’ On the RitzFred Astairewealth
Putting Up ResistanceBeres Hammondresistance
The PuzzleAne Brunpuzzling & mysterious
PyaasiSwarathma ft Shubha Mudgalcompromise
PynkJanelle Monáe ft Grimesartistic trends of the 21st century