A-Z by Song – O

Song TitleArtistTopic
O CarolineMatching Moleregrets
O Circo ChegouJorge Benthe circus
O DeathRalph Stanleydeath
O Galho da RoseiraAirto Moreiraroses
O-Kagura / FestivoThe STRiPESclicking, tapping & stomping
O Majhi ReShaan & Saurav Moniarresting opening lines
O MarDorival Caymmithe coast
O Mary Don’t You WeepBruce Springsteen & the Seeger Sessions Bandmiracles
O mio babbino caro (from Gianni Shicchi)Giacomo Puccini (sung by Amira Willighagen)melancholy songs
O Pencil SharpDrive Like Jehuwithout a chorus
O Sole MioBlind John Davisclassical songs
O Superman (For Massenet)Laurie Andersonspoken word
O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to ZionStevie Wonder & Take 6a cappella
OatmealSudan Archiveswaking up
Obama NationLowkeyUS presidents
Obirin African (Woman of Africa)Art Blakey & the Afro-Drum EnsembleAfrica
Obrigado, PeléWilson Simonalfootball
Obscurity KnocksThe Trash Can Sinatrasfractions & portions
ObsesiónAventura ft Judy Santossongs in Spanish
ObviousThe Elephantsthe obvious
Occasional RainTerry Callierwater
OceanThe Velvet Undergroundnotable outros or codas
Ocean ClubYellodetectives
Ocean EyesBillie Eilisheyes
Ocean in the NightElephant Gymunusual time signatures
The Ocean Is TeacherTom Furseteachers
Ocean RainEcho & the Bunnymenmixtape closers
Ocean SizeJane’s Addictionwide open spaces
Ocean SprayManic Street Preachersnursing & healthcare
October NightWitchSeptember & October
October SongAmy WinehouseSeptember & October
OctopusSyd Barrettpuzzling & mysterious
Octopus’s GardenThe Beatlesunderwater
Odd JobsCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Banddecor
Odds & Endsryo/supercell ft Hatsune Mikuaudible breaths
Odds AreBarenaked Ladiessurvival
Ode to Billie JoeBobbie Gentrystorytelling songs
Ode to BoyYazoobeauty
Ode to Jackie LevenTyla J. Pallasbiography & autobiography
Ode to JoyLudwig van Beethovenhope & resilience
Ludwig van Beethoven (performed by a flash mob)national anthems
Ode to My FamilyThe Cranberriesfamily
Ode to the BouncerStudio Killersborders, barriers, walls & fences
OdysseySymphony Xsongs that express excess
Off the WallMichael Jacksontriggering dancing
OfferingsGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonstaying
Official Suburbian SupermanSuzi Quatrospring cleaning & household chores
Offshore Banking BusinessThe Memberstaxation
O.F.N.I. (Objeto Flamenco No Identificado)UHF (Ultra High Flamenco)supergroups
Ogdens’ Nut Gone FlakeSmall Facesinstrumentals
Oh Better Far to Live and DieGilbert and Sullivankings
Oh Bondage Up Yours!X-Ray Spexgreat opening lines
Oh CarolinaFolkes Brotherslesser known originals
Oh DeathCharley Patton & Bertha LeeCOVID-19 lockdown
Oh England My LionheartKate BushEngland
Oh Good AleThe Copper Familybeer
Oh Happy DayEdwin Hawkins Singerscall and response
spiritual songs
Oh I SwearRichard Thompsoncan’t live with or without you
Oh Larsen BBritish Sea Powercold
Oh Lord, Don’t Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb on MeCharles Mingusnuclear war
Oh Lord, Why LordLos Pop Topsclassical songs
Oh MaryNeil Diamonddeep voices
Oh My GodMichael Franti & Spearheadconspiracy theories & paranoia
Oh My GodKatzenjammergenre defying
Oh My GoshBasement Jaxxflirting
(Oh No! I Must Have Said) YesVan der Graaf Generatormisunderstanding
Oh No Not My BabyMaxine Browngossip
Oh, Pretty WomanRoy Orbisonchange of mind
Oh Sweet Nuthin’The Velvet Undergroundnothing
Oh, the Divorces!Tracey Thorndivorce
Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’Gordon MacRaebright and beautiful
Oh What a WorldRufus Wainwrightgreat arrangements
Oh YeahRoxy Musicradio
Oh YeahYelloaudible breaths
Oh! You Pretty ThingsDavid Bowieoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
OhioCrosby, Stills, Nash & Youngprotest
Ohio/Machine GunThe Isley Brothershigher education
Ohio River Boat SongBonnie “Prince” Billyrivers
Ohio Town Saved from Killer Bees by Hungry Vampire BatsJad Fair & Yo La Tengonewspapers
Ohm Sweet OhmKraftwerkresistance
Oi Can’t Git a Noice Loaf a BreadThe Singing Postmanbread & baking
The Oil SongSteve Forbertscandal
Oiseaux exotiquesOlivier Messiaen (performed by Daniel Kirk-Foster)birdsong
Okie from MuskogeeMerle Haggardpride
Okinawa Song – Chin Nuku JuushiiRyuichi SakamotoAsian cities
OkraOlu Daramarkets & fairs
Ol’ Man RiverScreamin’ Jay Hawkinsrivers
OldDexys Midnight Runnersold age
Old 45sChromeohearing, choosing & playing records
Old Age Killed My Teenage BrideHalf Man Half Biscuitages
The Old Ark’s A’MovingA. A. Gray & Seven Foot Dillychildren’s songs
Old BlueOdetta & Larrypets
Old CodgerThe Stranglers & George Mellyunlikely collaborations
Old EnoughThe Raconteursviolin
Old Fart at PlayCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandmasks
Old GopherEdgar Broughton BandAmerican west
Old KingNeil Youngpets
The Old Lych WayShow of Handspaths & roads
The Old Main DragThe Poguesfinish where they begin
Old ManLovegifts & giving
Old ManNeil Youngold age
The Old Man’s Back Again (Dedicated to the Neo-Stalinist Regime)Scott Walkerpoliticians
Old McDonald Had a FarmElla Fitzgeraldfarming
Old Molly MetcalfeJake Thackraytradition
Old, New BicycleHelvetiabicycles
Old Red Eyes Is BackThe Beautiful Southeyes & sight
Old Rugged CrossRahsaan Roland Kirkcrosses
Old SchoolDanger Doom ft Talib Kweitelevision
Old September BluesMy Morning JacketSeptember
Old Tart’s SongPoison Girlswanting to be someone else
Old Wild Men10ccold age
Olde Tyme Mem’ryMischief Brewauthenticity & fakery
Oliveira Dos Cen AnosC. Tanganafootball
Oliver’s ArmyElvis Costello & the AttractionsBritain
OlympiaHoleUS cities & states
Ombra mai fuGeorge Frideric Handel (sung by Andreas Scholl)falsetto
OMGThe Streets ft Laura Vaneacronyms
Ominous CloudBroadcastclouds
On a Clear Day You Can See ForeverThe Peddlerswide open spaces
On a Good DayJoanna Newsomharp, lyre & zither
On a MondayLead Bellyjudges & trials
On a Poet’s Lips I Slept (from Nocturne)Benjamin Britteninspired by poetry
On a Wedding AnniversaryJohn Caleanniversaries
On BroadwayThe Driftersroads & streets
On Days Like TheseMatt MonroItaly
On est chez nousZebdaFrance
On Hearing the First Cuckoo of SpringFrederick Deliusinterlopers
On Her Majesty’s Secret ServiceJohn Barrytrombone
On Morecambe BayChristy Mooretides
On My RadioThe Selecterradio
On Some Faraway BeachBrian Enowide open spaces
On Sunday AfternoonThe Harptonesafternoon
On the BorderAl Stewartborders, barriers, walls & fences
On the Bus MallThe Decemberistsbuses
On the Edge of a CliffThe Streetschance & coincidence
On the HorizonBen E. Kinghorizons
On the ImproveJohn Williamsonrecovery
On the Nature of DaylightMax Richterlower the heartrate
On the NickelTom Waitscrisis
On the Pale Silver SofaCold Gawdchairs
On the RadioRegina Spektorradio
On the RadioDonna Summersongs with sudden changes
On the RunThe Jompson Brothersbeing scared
On the RunPink Floydvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
On the ShelfJake Thackraybeing single
On the Sunny Side of the StreetLouis Armstronghope & resilience
On Tooting Broadway StationKitchens of Distinctionforgiveness
Once I Dreamt a Tree Upside DownJan Garbarek Groupinversions
Once I WasTim Buckleylegacy
Once in a LifetimeAngélique Kidjounderwater
Once in a LifetimeTalking Headsmistaken identity
Once More with FeelingTraffic Experimentstuck or trapped
Once There Was a WintertimeCornershop ft Bubbley Kaurwinter
Once Upon a DreamLana Del Reyfairytales
OneJohnny Cashnumbered 1 to 10
OneMetallicasongs that build
One Armed ScissorAt the Drive-Inaliens
One Black RatBig Mama Thorntonrodents
One Brief MomentNatacha Atlasbrevity
One Chord WondersThe Advertsthe number one
One DayFatoumata Diawaratreasure
One Day at a TimeJoe Walshresilience
One Day Like ThisElboweuphoria
One EveningFeistevening
One Fine DayThe Chiffonsoptimistic songs
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Opening Theme)Jack Nitzscheodd noises & instruments
One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)Frank Sinatrapubs & bars
One Horse TownBlackberry Smokeroots
The One I LoveR.E.M.songs that aren’t what they seem
One in TenUB40‘I am’ songs
One Is the Magic NumberJill Scottbeing single
One Last BreathCreedredemption
One Love / People Get ReadyBob Marley & the Wailersunity
One Man GuyLoudon Wainwright IIIvolume
One Man GuyRufus Wainwrightbeing alone
One May Morning EarlyBellowheadnightingales & thrushes
One Million CoastersNOFXplastic
One Mint JulepThe Cloversthe number one
The One MomentOK Goimpressive videos
One Moment MoreMindy Smiththe number one
One MoreThe Weavesthe number one
One More AddictionNatalie Imbrugliaaddiction
One More BreathRichard Thompsonbreathing
One More Cup of CoffeeBob Dylancoffee
One More Mile to GoOtis Spannthe number one
One More Robot / Sympathy 3000-21The Flaming Lipsartificial intelligence
One More TimeDaft Punk ft Romanthonyrepetition
One More TryGeorge Michaeleducation
One Nation Under a GrooveFunkadelicunity
One Night in BangkokMurray Headspecific or obscure places
One Night StandThe Aloofone night stands
One Night StandThe Partridge Familystrangers
One Note SambaThe New Stan Getz Quartet with Astrud Gilbertometa-songs
One Note SambaHerbie Mann with João Gilberto and Antônio Carlos Jobimausterity
One of Our SubmarinesThomas Dolbyunderwater
One of These Things FirstNick Drakefailure
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)Mick Hucknall / Bob Dylanmisunderstanding
The One on the Right Is on the LeftJohnny Cashinversions
One People, One StruggleAnti-Flagthe number one
One Piece at a TimeJohnny Cashsmuggling & stealing
One Scotch, One Bourbon, One BeerAmos Milburnnumbers
One Second to MidnightIcons of Filththe number one
One Size Never FitsMatt Andersenstereotypes
One Step BeyondMadnessechoes
One Step ForwardMax Romeo & the Upsettersregressing & reversing
One Thousand Cherry TreesHatsune Mikusubstitutions
One Too Many MorningsJoan Baezmisunderstanding
One WayLevellerssinners
One Way GlassManfred Mann Chapter Threeglass
One Way or AnotherBlondieconfidence
One Way OutSonny Boy Williamson IIwindows
One WeekBarenaked Ladiesextraordinary vocals
One WeekSay Sue Mebrevity
Oneness with the ForestBobby Brownforests & woodlands
One’s on the WayLoretta Lynnbabies & childbirth
The Onion SongMarvin Gaye & Tammi Terrellvegetables
OnlineBrad Paisleysubstitutions
OnlyAnthraxone word titles
Only a DreamMary Chapin Carpenterleaving or being left behind
Only a Northern SongThe Beatlesnon sequiturs
Only a Pawn in Their GameBob Dylanshooting
The Only Living Boy in New CrossCarter the Unstoppable Sex MachineLondon
Only Love Can Break Your HeartSaint Etiennecovers better than the original
Only RememberedCoope Boyes and Simpsona cappella
Only ShallowMy Bloody Valentineadult lullabies
Only So Much Oil in the GroundTower of Powerwells
Only the Stones RemainThe Soft Boysimpermanence
The Only Way Is UpYazz and the Plastic Populationrecovery
Only When I’m DrunkTha Alkaholiksdrinking
Only Women BleedAlice Cooperfeminism
OnomatopeiaTodd Rundgrenodd noises & instruments
O-o-h ChildThe Five Stairstepsconsolation
Ooh Las VegasEmmylou Harrisgambling
Ooh My LoveStevie Nickscastles & palaces
Oops!… I Did it AgainBritney Spearsguilt & apology
Oops (Oh My!)Tweet ft Missy Elliottsexy songs
Open All NightBruce Springsteensongs that build
Open Country JoyMahavishnu Orchestraviolin
An Open Letter to NYCBeastie Boyspeace
Open My EyesNazzsongs to start the morning
Open the Door HomerBob Dylan & the Banddoors
Open UpLeftfieldCalifornia
Open Up Your DoorRichard Hawleydoors
Open Up Your Heart (And Let the Sun Shine In)Pebbles and Bamm Bammbright and beautiful
Open Your EyesAngélique Kidjoeyes
OpheliaNatalie Merchantfeminism
OpiumDead Can Dancerecreational drugs
Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots of Money)Pet Shop Boysnerds & geeks
OpportunityBobby McFerrincovers by the opposite sex
OptimisticBrian Power ft Lucita Juleshappiness
OptimisticSounds of Blacknesspositive songs
Opus in BeigeStan Kentoncolours
Opus PocusJaco Pastoriushammer & mallet instruments
Orange Blossom SpecialCharlie McCoyharmonica
Orange Claw HammerCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Orange Colored SkyNat King Coleorange
Orange CrushR.E.M.spine & neck
Orange MoonErykah Baducolours
Orange PeelReuben Wilsonorange
Orange Rolls, Angel’s SpitSonic Youthbread & baking
Oranges and LemonsJools Holland & Suggsfruit
Orca SongTulkucetaceans
The OrchidsPsychic TVtattoos & piercings
Ordinary AngelsFrente!normal & abnormal
Ordinary Average GuyJoe Walshnormal & abnormal
Ordinary JoeTerry Calliermixtape closers
Organ EternalThese New Puritanseternity
Original StuntmasterAimsafety & danger
Original Suffer-HeadFela Kutireckless consumption 
Oro SantoJavier Limón with Concha Buikafavourite live versions
Ory’s Creole TromboneOry’s Sunshine Orchestratrombone
The OsmondsDenimBirmingham & the Black Country
Oswald Defence LawyerThe Falljudges & trials
The Other ManSloansubstitutions
Other People’s HousesPaul Kellyhouses
The Other SidePublic Service Broadcastingmusically adventurous
The Other WindowWirestrange & surreal
OtisThe Durutti Columngenre defying
OtomoTarwateritching & scratching
Otona no OokamiKOKIAwolves
Oualahila Ar TesninamTinariwencall and response
OumniyaSouad Massiprayer
Our CountryIllyAustralia
Our HouseCrosby, Stills, Nash & Younghouses
Our HouseMadnesshome
Our Lips Are SealedThe Go-Go’ssilence
Our Lives Are Shaped by What We LoveOdysseymeaning of life
Our Mutual FriendThe Divine Comedytragedy & comedy
Our PrayerThe Beach Boysshort songs
Our Retired Explorer (Dines with Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961)The Weakerthansspecific or obscure places
Our SkullsImaad Wasifbones
Our Spring Will ComeJohn Cagepiano songs
Our SunshinePaul Kellyoutlaws & rebels
Our TownIris DeMentleaving or being left behind
Our Way to FallYo La Tengomemory
Our WeddingCrasssongs that aren’t what they seem
’Ouses, ‘Ouses, ‘OusesThe Imagined Villageurban environment
Out in the CountryPaul Williamssimple pleasures
Out in the FieldsGary Moore & Philip Lynottflags
Out in the StreetBruce Springsteenthe weekend
Out of a Serpent’s EggDead Can Danceeggs
Out of My BookVan der Graaf Generatorflutes, pipes & whistles
Out of TimeThe Rolling Stonesschadenfreude
Out of Time ManMano Negrapunctuality
Out on the FloorDobie Graymood-changing music
Out on the WeekendNeil Youngthe weekend
Outdoor MinerWireinsects
The Outdoor TypeThe Lemonheadsfunny songs
Outer SpaceJohn Grantspace
Outro (I’m a Fool to Want You)M. Wardfools
Outside the Trains Don’t Run on TimeGang of Fourobsession
Outside This BarAmerican Music Clubpubs & bars
OutsiderRamonesoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
OutubroMilton Nascimentomonths of the year
Oval RoomBlaze FoleyUS presidents
Over and OverHot Chiprepetition
Over at the Frankenstein PlaceBarry Bostwick, Susan Sarandon & Richard O’Brienlighthouses & guiding lights
Over the BorderSaint Etiennemade you fall in love with music
Over the Edge of the WorldVirginia Astleyhorizons
Over the Hills and Far AwayJohn Tamskings
Over the HillsideThe Blue Nilehorizons
Over the RainbowJeff Beckcovers by the opposite sex
Over the RainbowJudy Garlandrecorded for movies
Over the WallEcho & the Bunnymenobstacles
Overdose of JoyEugene Recordeuphoria
OverjoyedEsperanza Spaldingdouble bass
Overkill (acoustic version)Colin Haydefined or redefined by television
OvernightMaggie Hollanditinerants & migration
Overnight SensationRaspberriesfalse endings
The OwlSlapp Happy & Henry Cowowls
Owl EyesDevendra Banhartowls
The Owl of LoveClogs ft Shara Wordenowls
An Owl SongCanned Heatowls
OwlsThe Handsome Familydecor
Oxford CommaVampire Weekendwealth
Oxford StreetEverything but the Girlcoming of age
Oxford TownRichie Havensjustice
OxygenWilly Masonprotest
OxygèneJean-Michel Jarregases