A-Z by Song – M

Song TitleArtistTopic
M1 A1Gorillazhello
M62 SongDovesboring & dull
MaThe Temptationsbiography & autobiography
Ma FranceJean FerratFrance
Ma RewaIndian Oceanpersonification
Ma ’Tit FilleBuckwheat Zydecofrom New Orleans
MaailmanloppuEleanoora Rosenholmend of the world
Maantien laitaaYona & Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvet with Puppa Jinfluenced by reggae
MacarenaLos del Ríoso bad they’re good
MacArthur ParkDonna Summerparks
Macgillycuddy’s ReeksWarren ZevonIreland
Machine GunPeter Brötzmann Octetsaxophone
Machine GunPortisheadcomeback songs
Machineries of JoyBritish Sea Powerbodily motion & exercise
MachinesLothar and the Hand Peoplemachines, robots & computers
Mack the KnifeThe Psychedelic Fursknives
MacorinaChavela Vargasgender & LGBTQ+
Mad About the BoyNoël Cowardsecret admirers
Mad About the BoyDinah Washingtonobsession
Mad Dogs and EnglishmenNoël Cowardeccentric songs
MadamePhilip Jeaysmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Madame GeorgeVan Morrisoncharacter songs
Made in FranceFrance GallFrance
MadeleinaPablo Lubadika Porthostriggering dancing
Madison AvenueGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonadvertising
Madman Running Through the FieldsDantalian’s Chariotfools
Madness (Is All in the Mind)Madnessthe brain
Magazine LadySpider John Koerner & Willie Murphyphotographs
MagazinesThe Hold Steadyfathers and daughters
Magdalen LaundryMary Coughlancleansing
The Magdalene LaundriesJoni Mitchellscandal
MaggieSarah Jaroszdistractions & diversions
Maggie MayRod Stewartgirls’ names
Maggie’s FarmBob Dylanfinishing
Maggot BrainFunkadelicnature
3/4 time
Magic BusThe Whobuses
Magic Carpet Ride (Japanese version)Pizzicato Fiveforeign language versions
Magic Carpet RideSteppenwolfmarijuana
The Magic NumberDe La Soulthree
The Magic of a Kind WordBelle and Sebastiankindness
Magic WordFucked Upwriting
Magic’s in the MakeupNo Doubtmakeup
A Magnet Hung in a Hardware ShopGilbert and Sullivanhardware
Magnetic NorthAlestormcompass points
MagrittePeter Blegvad with John Greaves & Chris Cutlerworks of art
MagritteJohn Calepainting & painters
Mah Na Mah NaThe Muppetsso bad they’re good
MahjongWayne Shortergames
Maid of Orleans (The Waltz Joan of Arc)Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Darkhistorical figures
3/4 time
Make a Circuit with MeThe Polecatspower
Make It MoveJonny Langdetermination
Make Love to Your MindBill Withersthe brain
Make Me RainbowsChet Bakerrainbows
Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)Steve Harley & Cockney Rebelsmiling & laughing
Make Me StinkedThe Flamenco A Go Gosmells
Make Me SweatBasement Jaxx ft Roxanne Shanteperspiration
Make UpLou Reedmakeup
Make Up to Break UpSiouxsie and the Bansheesmakeup
Make Up Your MindThe Heptonesindecision
Make You Feel My LoveAdeleeverlasting love
Make Your Own Kind of MusicMama Cass Elliotwords of wisdom
Makeshift PatriotSage Francishistorical events
Makin’ It NaturalDr. Hook & the Medicine Shownew resolutions
Making PiesPatty Griffincooking
bread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Making Plans for NigelXTCpragmatism
Making the Best of a Bad SituationMillie Jacksonadultery & infidelity
Malagueña SalerosaJavier Solísfaces
MalamenteRosalíasongs in Spanish
Malcolm XDennis Brownsaints & martyrs
The Male Monster from the IdThe Chillsid, ego & superego
Mali MississippiNico Wayne Toussaintsingle-mindedness
Mali SajioKetama, Toumani Diabaté & José Sotofamous or notable animals
Mam ja mężaChłopcy Kontra Basiapoison
MamaFatoumata Diawaracello
Mama Didn’t LieJan Bradleyinnocence
Mama Loi, Papa LoiExumaresurrection
Mama PapaJoan Armatradingislands
Mama Said (K-Klassic Mix)Carleen Andersonwolves
Mama SaidThe Shirellesmothers
Mama Said Knock You OutLL Cool Jcomeback songs
Mama SoulHarold Alexanderinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Mama Told Me (Not to Come)Three Dog Nightparties & going out
Mama TriedMerle Haggardguilt & apology
Mama, Won’t You Keep Them Castles in the Air and Burning?Clap Your Hands Say Yeahodd couples
MamanisDetty Kurniafeaturing bells
Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s MaybeSwamp Doggbabies
Mambo # 5Pérez Pradodance instrumentals
Mambo del Mercado la MercedFruko & Orquesta ft Johnny Moremarkets & fairs
Mambo ItalianoRosemary ClooneyItaly
Mambo SunT. Rexstars
MammothFungaselephants & mammoths
ManNeko Casebeing a man or a woman
A Man and a HalfWilson Pickettboastful songs
Man and Wife, the Latter (Damaged Goods)Desaparecidosmarriage
Man at C&AThe Specialsnuclear war
Man at the TopBruce Springsteenleadership
The Man Comes AroundJohnny Cashend of the world
The Man Don’t Give a FuckSuper Furry Animalssweary songs
Man Enough to Be a WomanJayne County & the Electric Chairsgender & LGBTQ+
Man! I Feel Like a Woman!Shania Twainbeing a man or a woman
Man in a ShedNick Drakebuildings
Man in the HillsBurning Spearrural songs
The Man in the Iron MaskBilly Braggmasks
Man in the MirrorMichael Jacksonchoirs
Man in the StreetDon Drummond & the Skatalitestrombone
The Man-MachineKraftwerkbooks
Man Next DoorMassive Attackquiet
Man Next Door (aka I’ve Got to Get Away)The Paragonsneighbours
Man of the HourNorah Jonesdogs
Man of the WorldFleetwood Macsongs that make you cry
Man on the MoonR.E.M.male names
Man Out of TimeElvis Costello & the Attractionssecret vices
Man OverboardBlink-182upbeat break-up #2
Man-SizePJ Harveyunderwear
The Man That I Am with My ManThe Hidden Camerashomosexuality
The Man That Time ForgotEd Harcourtbeing a man or a woman
Man Walks Among UsMarty Robbinsraptors
The Man Who Called Himself JesusStrawbsauthenticity & fakery
The Man Who Could Have Played Bass for ShananaDarrell Scottclose shaves & near misses
The Man Who Loved BeerLambchopbeer
Man with a HarmonicaEnnio Morriconeharmonica
Man with the Woman HeadFrank Zappa & the Mothers with Captain Beefheartfaces
MañanaRadio Tarifatomorrow
ManchesterThe TimesManchester
The Manchester RamblerEwan MacCollthe weekend
Manchester United CalypsoEdric Connor with Ken Jones & His Musicfootball
Mandelbrot SetJonathan Coultonscience
Mandolin WindRod Stewartwinter
ManègeStructures Sonores Lasry-BaschetTV theme songs
Mango WalkThe In Crowdorange
ManhattanElla FitzgeraldNew York
ManhattanScott Walkermisleading or incongruous titles
ManhengaBhundu Boysmusic for funerals
Manic MondayThe Bangleswork
ManifestoRoxy Musiccomeback songs
Mannish BoyMuddy Waterscoming of age
Mano DayakTinariwenassassination
Mano SuaveYasmin Levy & Natacha Atlashands
A Man’s a Man for A’ ThatPaolo Nutiniwords of wisdom
Many Rivers to CrossJimmy CliffB sides
Mao Tse Tung SaidAlabama 3propaganda
A Map MasterShonen Knifemaps
Map of IndiaDeke Leonardmaps
Map of TasmaniaAmanda Palmer & the Young Punxgeometric shapes
Map Ref. 41°N 93°WWirewilderness
Maple LeavesJens Lekmanmisunderstanding
Mapping the CoincidenceLise Hvoslefchance & coincidence
MapsFreya Ridingsmaps
Maralinga (Rainy Land)Paul Kelly & the Coloured Girlsspecific or obscure places
Marble City BarJackie LevenIreland
March 11, 1962Mary Gauthiergripping or intriguing narrative
March of the PigsNine Inch Nailsmusically adventurous
March of the TadpolesToshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big Bandamphibians
The March of the WomenRainbow Chorus (music by Dame Ethel Smyth, lyrics by Cicely Hamilton)feminism
March of the WorkersDarren Haymanparades
Marcia and EtruscaThe Loud Familyodd couples
Marcus GarveyBurning Spearpoliticians
Marcus Say Jah No DeadBurning Spearspiritual songs
Mardi Gras in New OrleansProfessor Longhaircelebration
Marfa LightsPaul Cauthenunexplained phenomena
Margaret on the GuillotineMorrisseyoffensive, insulting songs
Margate FhtagnThe Men That Will Not Be Blamed for Nothingunexplained phenomena
MarianThe Sisters of Mercynamed after women
Maria’s Little ElbowsSparklehorsejoints of the body
MarieTownes Van Zandtausterity
Marie CelesteThe Polecatsrare events
Marie LaveauDr. JohnNew Orleans
Marilyn MonroeIan Campbell Folk Groupactors
The Mariner’s Revenge SongThe Decemberistsstorytelling songs
Mario’s CaféSaint Etiennetimes of day
Mariposita de PrimaveraOmara Portuondoillusions
Marlboro ManFelice Brothersadvertising
MaroonedWirefrozen north
Marquee MoonTelevisionlong songs
Marrakesh ExpressCrosby, Stills & Nashescape
Marrakesh Night MarketLoreena McKennittmasks
Marriage Is for Old FolksNina Simonebeing single
Married WomanFrankie Lee Simsadultery & infidelity
Mars BarsThe Undertoneschocolate
The Marshall PlanBlue Öyster Cultcrowds
Marshmallow WorldBing Crosby with Ella Fitzgeraldfictional adverts
MarthaRufus Wainwrightsisters
MarthaTom Waitssongs that make you cry
Martha My DearThe Beatlesfamous or notable animals
Martha’s HarbourAll About Evethe sea
Martian SaintsMary Lou Lordsaints & martyrs
MartinTom Robinson Bandhero worship
Martin, Doom! It’s Seven O’ClockThe Boo Radleysconversations
Martin’s FuneralBadfoot Brown & the Bunions Bradford Funeral & Marching Bandfunerals
MartyrDepeche Modesaints & martyrs
Marvin, I Love YouStephen Moore ft Kimi Wongartificial intelligence
Mary Danced with SoldiersNitty Gritty Dirt Band & Emmylou Harrisgirls’ names
The Mary Ellen CarterStan Rogerspersistence
Mary Had a Little LambStevie Ray Vaughanfollowing & chasing
Mary PickfordKatie Meluapioneers
MarzJohn Grantflavour
Mas Que NadaSérgio Mendes & Brasil ‘66triggering dancing
Maschine ZeitFunker Vogtmachinery, industry & technology
MashavuGeorge Dukeinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
The MaskDanger Doom ft Ghostface Killahsuperheroes
MaskIggy Popmasks
Mason on the BoundaryThe Duckworth Lewis Methodborders, barriers, walls & fences
The Masquerade Is OverNancy Wilsonmasks
Mass ProductionIggy Popindustry & manufacturing
Master Blaster (Jammin’)Stevie Wonderinfluenced by reggae
Master of the UniverseHawkwindkrautrock
Masterchef SynthesiaSwedemasonflavour
MastermindTaylor Swiftsingle-mindedness
Masters of WarBob Dylanbeing scared
Masters of WarOdettadeep voices
Matamoras BanksBruce Springsteenborders, barriers, walls & fences
Match of the Day ThemeBarry Stollerfootball
Matches to Paper DollsDessacan’t live with or without you
Matchmaker, MatchmakerCannonball Adderleybrothers & sisters
Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and DogsBrian and MichaelManchester
Mate AmargoAmalia de la Vegatea
MaterialistHorace Andyreckless consumption 
MathematicsGeorge Clinton & the P-Funk Allstarsmathematics
MathematicsLittle Bootsmathematics
MathematicsMos Defnumbers
MathematicsVan der Graaf Generatormathematics
Matted SpamBadfingermisleading or incongruous titles
A Matter of HabitModdipropaganda
Matthew and SonCat Stevensmultitasking & being busy
Matty GrovesFairport Conventionstorytelling songs
May I?Kevin Ayersseduction
MaybeJanis Joplinconditional phrases
Maybe I Can Paint Over ThatGuy Clarkembarrassment
Maybe I’m AmazedPaul McCartneysolo Beatles songs
Maybe the People Would Be the Times
or Between Clark and Hilldale
Maybe There’s a RoadKarine Polwartprostitution
MaydayDrongos for Europewarnings
MaydówWarsaw Village Bandvillages
Mayor of SimpletonXTCknowledge
MaypolePaul Giovannitrees, grass & flowers
Mbote Ya PambaKékéléhello
MbubeSolomon Linda & the Evening Birdsfalsetto
Me and Bobby McGeeJanis Joplintravelling
Me and Bobby McGeeKris Kristoffersonretrospection
Me and Giuliani Down by the Schoolyard (A True Story)!!!politicians
Me and Jesus the Pimp in a ’79 Granada Last NightThe Coupcriminals
Me and Julio Down by the SchoolyardPaul Simonambiguity
Me and Mr. WolfThe Real Tuesday Weldinnuendo
Me and Mrs. JonesBilly Paulpunctuality
Me and My ArrowNilssonpets
Me and My ShadowFrank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr.empathy
Me and My UncleGrateful Deadoutlaws & rebels
Me and PaulWillie Nelsonfriendship
Me and the Devil BluesRobert JohnsonGod & the Devil
Me at the Museum, You in the WintergardensTiny Ruinsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Me Great Big Zoo ScrapbookFrank Sidebottomhobbies
Me in 20 YearsMoses Sumneyandrogynous vocals
Me Myself and IDe La Soulid, ego & superego
Me Quedo ContigoLos Chunguitossongs in Spanish
Me the MachineImogen Heapthe brain
Me VoyIbeyi ft Mala Rodríguezsongs in Spanish
MeadowlarksFleet Foxesbirds
Meals on WheelsVic Reevesvolunteering
Meat Is MurderThe Smithsmeat
Meat ManJerry Lee Lewismeat
Mechanical DanceLuna Seamachinery, industry & technology
Medicine 4 My PainLynden David Hallstriking album endings
MedinaRachid TahaAsian cities
MediterráneoJoan Manuel SerratSpain
MedoMarizaextraordinary vocals
MedusaVan der Graaf Generatormythical beasts
Meet de Boys on the BattlefrontBo Dollis & the Wild Magnoliasparades
Meet de Boys on the BattlefrontThe Wild TchoupitoulasNew Orleans
Meet Me Half WayBonnie Raittequality
Meet Me in the BathroomThe Strokesrooms
Meet Me in the BottomJohn Lee Hooker & Canned Heatrendezvous
Meet on the LedgeFairport Conventionbereavement
Meet the FlintstonesThe BC-52sgeology
Mein HerrLiza Minnellifractions & portions
MelaEsperanza Spaldingdouble bass
Melancholia IIWilliam Basinskiquiet songs
MélancolieRokia Traorépersonification
MelissaThe Allman Brothers Bandreunions
Mellow DoubtTeenage Fanclubhumming
Mellow Down EasyLittle Walterjumping
Mellow MoodBob Marley & the Wailersmixtape closers
Mellow My ManThe Rootsalliteration
Mellow YellowDonovanyellow
Melodious GoddessDadawapaganism
MelodySerge Gainsbourgspoken word
Melon TeaMelon Kinenbi x Going Under Groundtea
MelonellaCocteau Twinsbutterflies & moths
Melt!Siouxsie and the Bansheesheat
Meltdown (At Madame Tussaud’s)Steve Taylormuseums, galleries & exhibitions
MeltingPaul Kellystarting fires
Melting PotBlue Minkrecipe songs
Memo from TurnerMick Jaggerrecorded for movies
MemorabiliaSoft Cellforgetting
Memories Are Made of ThisDean Martinrecipe songs
Memory of a Free FestivalDavid Bowiemusic venues
Memory WarAsian Dub Foundationmemory
Memphis Soul StewKing Curtis & the Kingpinsmusical instruments
Men in Helicopters (Acoustic)Adrian Belewwilderness
Menino das LaranjasElis Reginaorange
Mental RevengeWaylon Jenningsrevenge
Mercedes BenzJanis Joplinwealth
MerchandiseFugazisales, selling & bargains
Mercy I Cry CityThe Incredible String Bandpersonification
Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)Marvin Gayenature
The Mercy SeatNick Cave & the Bad Seedscapital punishment
Merry Christmas from the FamilyRobert Earl Keencocktails & spirits
Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)Ramonesalternative Christmas songs
Merry Christmas I Fucked Your SnowmanShowcase Showdownanti-Christmas songs
Merry Go RoundKacey Musgravesacceptance
Merry Go RoundThe Replacementsfairgrounds
Merry Xmas EverybodySladesnow & ice
Mes premières vraies vacancesFrance Gallinnocence
The MessageKing Sunny Adédance instrumentals
The MessageGeorgina Dobson & Cupboard Simonworst songs
The MessageGrandmaster Flash & the Furious Fiveanger
Message in a BottleThe Policehope
A Message to You, RudyThe Specialswarnings
Messin’ with the MekonRobert Plantmisleading or incongruous titles
Metal Fingers in My BodyAdd N to (X)sci-fi & space
Metal Machine Music A-1Lou Reedforgotten follow-ups
Metal Postcard (Mittageisen)Siouxsie and the Bansheesworks of art
MetamorphosisAnanda Shankarchange #2
MetarieBrendan Bensonmagazines
MeteoritesYann Tiersenmixtape closers
Metronomic UndergroundStereolabkrautrock
Metti, una sera a cenaEnnio Morriconeeasy listening
Meurglys III, The Songwriter’s GuildVan der Graaf Generatorinfluenced by reggae
The MexicanBabe Ruth19th century life
Mexican ChefXenia Rubinosmeals & mealtimes
MezhegeiHuun-Huur-Tudeep voices
Mi GenteFania All-Stars ft Héctor Lavoesongs in Spanish
Mi God, Mi KingPapa Levikings
Mi Nah RubQueen Ifricatattoos & piercings
Mi Negra Ave MariaRoberto Fonsecagetting brighter
Mi Ni Non KpoOrchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonougreat riffs
Mi SaocoBeny Moré y Su Orquestaensembles, big bands & orchestras
MIAEmmy the Greatacronyms
MichaelFranz Ferdinandhomosexuality
Michael Booth’s Talking BumSplodgenessaboundsgases
MichaelangeloSlapp Happyworks of art
Mickey WayA Certain Ratiobig and meaty
MicrodosingAfrican Head Chargerecreational drugs
The MiddleJimmy Eat Worldsurvival
Middle Lothian Folk BandBilly Hallquistnotable outros or codas
Middle of the RoadDenimmusic genres
Midlife CrisisFaith No Moreodd couples
MidnightThe Shadowsmidnight
MidnightA Tribe Called Questmidnight
Midnight at the OasisThe Brand New Heaviesdeserts
Midnight at the OasisMaria Muldaurone-hit wonders
Midnight Black EarthBohren and der Club of Goregenre defying
Midnight ConfessionsThe Grass Rootssecrets & secrecy
Midnight CowboyJohn Barryharmonica
Midnight FeastLal Waterson & Oliver Knightmeals & mealtimes
Midnight in a Perfect WorldDJ Shadownight & darkness
Midnight in ParisThe Unholy Modal RoundersParis
Midnight on the WaterNorma Watersonmidnight
Midnight RamblerThe Rolling Stonesanger
Midnight RaversBob Marley & the Wailersmidnight
Midnight RiderThe Allman Brothers Bandmotorbikes
Midnight RunWillie Nelsonwhiskey
Midnight Summer DreamThe Stranglerslessons in life
Midnight SunRedgumfrozen north
Midnight to Six ManThe Pretty Thingstimes of day
Midnight Train to GeorgiaGladys Knight & the PipsUS cities & states
Midnight VoyageThe Mamas & the Papasmidnight
Midsummer PartyMy Darling YOU!from Nordic countries
Mighty and SuperiorConflictstick it to the man
Mighty ‘O’OutKastcall and response
Mighty WingsCheap Trickwings
Miguel for PresidentThe Cuban BrothersUS presidents
Mikey’sRandy Newmanold age
Mikhi Nathan Mu-TomaSeckou Keitathe invisible
MilanoLucio Dallalove songs to places
Miles AwayPoemsslong-distance relationships
MilestonesMiles Davisgreat album or mixtape openers
Militant Feminist DreamJulian Copefeminism
MilkPenguin Cafe Orchestragenre defying
Milk and HoneyPrince Fatty ft Hollie Cooksongs for your teenage self
Milk TeethGeckounusual narrators
Milkcow Blues BoogieElvis Presleymusic as nutrition
MilkshakeHoly Fuckice cream
MilkshakeKelisshowing off
MilkshakePeter Tork & James Lee Stanleyice cream
Milky TeethTindersticksteeth
A MilliLil Waynereckless consumption 
Millie Pulled a Pistol on SantaDe La Soulanti-Christmas songs
The Million Dollar FeetWilmoth Houdinifeet
A Million Miles AwayRory Gallagherestimates of distance & time
The Millionaire WaltzQueen3/4 time
Mind BenderStillwaterguitars
Mind, Body and SoulThe Flaming EmberValentine’s Day songs
Mind How You GoThe Advisory Circlesafety & danger
Mind Playing Tricks on MeGeto Boysmental illness
Miner at the Dial-A-ViewGrandaddyinternet
Mingulay Boat SongRichard Thompsonislands
Mining for GoldCowboy Junkiestreasure
The Ministry of DefencePJ Harveywastelands
MiniyambaCoumba Gawloreptiles
Minnie the MoocherCab Callowaycharacter songs
Minor SwingDjango Reinhardtwithout percussion
The Minstrel BoyPaul Robesonbravery
Minuit minuitFrançoise Hardymidnight
Minus ZeroMerzbowdiscordant songs
Miracle?Kristoff Kranemiracles
MirageShelagh McDonaldillusions
MirageSiouxsie and the Bansheesdeserts
Mirizi O Kosmos GiasemiMaria Dimitriadismells
Mirror in the BathroomThe Beatmirrors
Mirror ManCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandmirrors
Mis-ShapesPulpnerds & geeks
MiserereGregorio Allegrispiritual songs
Misery BusinessParamoresurprising intros
Miss Clarke and the ComputerRoy Woodartificial intelligence
Miss DandysBandit Queenunderwear
Miss Otis RegretsElla Fitzgeraldcrime
Miss PerfumadoCesária Évorasmells
Miss SarajevoPassengersunlikely collaborations
Miss the GirlThe Creaturessongs by duos
Miss Wire WaistCarl Malcolmnicknames & pseudonyms
Miss WorldHoleMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Miss YouThe Rolling Stones12″ singles to 1979
Missa ‘Et ecce terræ motus’: GloriaAntoine Brumel (performed by the Early Music Consort of London)close harmony singing
Missa Papae Marcelli: GloriaGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrinachoirs
Missing (Todd Terry Remix)Everything but the Girlmissing someone
Missing OutShed Sevenfear of missing out
Missing YouJohn Waitedenial
Mission: ImpossibleLalo Schifrinthe impossible
Mission ImprobableThe Herbaliser ft What? What?shaggy dog stories & tall tales
Mississippi Boweavil BluesCharley Pattoninsects
Mississippi GoddamNina Simoneprotest
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown ToodelooGrateful Deadarresting opening lines
Mississippi MudBix Beiderbeckeearth, soil & dirt
Mississippi QueenMountainbig and meaty
Mississippi River Runnin’ BackwardsTom Russellreversing
Mist Over the MerseyHughie JonesLiverpool & Merseyside
MistadobalinaDel tha Funkee HomosapienMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
MistakeFela Kutimistakes
Mistaken for StrangersThe Nationalstrangers
MistakesThe Rose of Avalanchebad decisions
MistakesTinderstickssongs with or about errors
Mister Class and Quality?Gentle Giantsocial mobility
Mister ERobert WyattMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mister Five by FiveJimmy Rushingbeing fat
MistyJohnny Mathisfalling in love
Misty BlueDorothy Mooreblue
Misty Morning, Albert BridgeThe Poguesbridges
Misty WaterThe Kinksambiguity
MittageisenSiouxsie and the Bansheeskrautrock
Mixed Up, Shook Up GirlPatty & the Emblemsconfusion & delusion
M.J.Annette Peacock & Paul Bleymore questions than answers
Mmm Mmm Mmm MmmCrash Test Dummiesembarrassment
MmmHmmFlying Lotus ft Thundercatpsychedelic songs
Mmmm Skyscraper I Love YouUnderworldbuildings
Mo Ghile MearThe Chieftains with Sting & AnúnaGaelic songs
Moanin’ at MidnightHowlin’ Wolfmidnight
Moanin’ BluesJohn Lee Hookerhumming
Moby DickDread Zeppelinhunting
Moby DickLed Zeppelinshowing off
Mockin’ Bird HillThe Migil Fivesongs that go ‘la’
MockingbirdEminemnursery rhymes
MockingbirdInez and Charlie Foxxharp, lyre & zither
The ModelKraftwerkmagazines
The ModelZoot Womanfashion
Modem for DestructionThe Varukersinternet
Modem SongLooperinternet
Modern Day Bonnie and ClydeTravis Tritthitchhiking
Modern GirlSheena Eastonmodernity
Modern IndustryFishbonemusic industry
Modern LoveDavid Bowiepunctuality
Mogwai Fear SatanMogwaiinstrumentals
Mojave WintersBrenda Kahndeserts
Moliendo CaféJosé Felicianocoffee
Moment of ForgivenessIndigo Girlsforgiveness
Moments in Love (Beaten)Art of Noise1980s 12” singles
Mon AmourStromae with Camila Cabelloeverlasting love
Mon Coeur balanceDaoudaidioms & common expressions
Mon Gâteau à moiFelix Wazekwabread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Mon LégionnaireÉdith Piafdeserts
Mona LisaNat King Colevisual art & photography
MoneyThe Flying Lizardsmoney
MoneyThe Lovin’ Spoonfulgreed
Money in My PocketDennis Brown12″ singles to 1979
Money MoneyHorace Andymoney
Money NoteCamillesinging
The Money ShuffleRichard Thompsonbanks & banking
Money’s Too Tight (To Mention)Simply Redbanks & banking
MongolKhusugtunvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
MonguluThe Garifuna CollectiveMexico & Central America
The MonkeyDave Bartholomewmisanthropic songs
Monkey & BearJoanna Newsomstrange, rare or unlikely words
Monkey FistPhillip Roebuckgreat solo performances
Monkey Gone to HeavenPixiesenvironment
Monkey ManThe Rolling Stoneshammer & mallet instruments
Monkey ManToots and the Maytalsmonkeys & apes
Monkey on Your BackClinicmonkeys & apes
Monkey SpannerDave and Ansell Collinshardware
Monkey Time / Dancing in the StreetLaura Nyro & Labelledancing
Monkey WrenchFoo Fightersrefusal
MonochromeThe Sundayseureka moments
MonotonousEartha Kittboredom
Monsoon…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Deadnatural disasters
Monsoon: Top to BottomPortico Quartetrain
MonsterThe Automaticmonsters
Monster MashBobby ‘Boris’ Pickettmonsters
Monster Walks the Winter LakeDavid Thomas & the Wooden Birdsmonsters
Monsters Under the BedEugene McGuinnessnightmares
Montague Terrace (In Blue)Scott Walkerneighbours
Montego BayBobby Bloomthe Caribbean
Montego Bay SpleenSt. Germain & Ernest Ranglinold meets new
MonteleoneMark Knopflermaking things
Mony MonyTommy James & the Shondellscompanies & corporations
Mood IndigoThe Boswell Sistersgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Mood IndigoDuke Ellington & His Orchestra ft Ivie Andersonpurple
Mood IndigoCharles Mingusdouble bass
Mood to Burn BridgesNeko Case & Her Boyfriendsbridges
Moon in June (Top Gear Version)Soft Machineself-deprecation
The Moon Is DownGentle Giantquoting Shakespeare
Moon Over Bourbon StreetStingzombies
Moon Over MarinDead Kennedyscleansing
The Moonbeam SongNilssonambiguity
MoonglowBenny Goodman Quartethammer & mallet instruments
Moonlight in VermontElla Fitzgerald & Louis ArmstrongNew England
Moonlight MileThe Rolling Stonesstriking album endings
Moonlight SonataLudwig van Beethoven (performed by Lee Ashley)3/4 time
Moonlit Night Beach 月夜海水浴Wakusei Abnormalswimming & bathing
Morbid SkyDavid Thomas with Two Pale Boyssky
More Bounce to the OunceZappfetishes
More, More, MoreCarmelretro style
More News from NowhereNick Cave & the Bad Seedsnews & media
A More Perfect UnionTitus AndronicusUS presidents
More Tea, More BeerThe Herbaliser ft Jean Graebeer
More Than a Hammer and Nail (aka Hammer and Nails)The Staple Singerstools
More Than a PaycheckSweet Honey in the Rockaudible breaths
More Than ThisBill Murrayredefined by film
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I GetMorrisseyindifference
Mornin’ GloryBobbie Gentry & Glen Campbellduets
MorningBecksongs to start the morning
Morning DanceSpyro Gyrasongs to start the morning
Morning DewGrateful Deadindifference
Morning Has BrokenCat Stevensdawn
Morning Mood (from Peer Gynt)Edvard Griegmade you fall in love with music
Morning MorgantownJoni Mitchellboring & dull
The Morning of Our LivesJonathan Richman & the Modern Loversempathy
The Morning PaperSmognewspapers
Morning SunBlock 16 ft Jon Luciensongs to start the morning
Morningtown RideThe Seekersdepartures
Moron TVPrimusstupidity
MoronlandRobb Johnson & the Irregularsstupidity
Mortal KombatAfu-Ra ft Masta Killafighting
Mortal ManKendrick Lamarsongs with talking
Mos’ ScociousDr. Johninnuendo
Moss GardenDavid Bowieonomatopoeia
The Most Beautiful GirlCharlie Richsuperlatives
The Most Dangerous WomanUtah Phillips & Ani DiFrancosuperlatives
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)Bob Dylanseparation
Motel in MemphisOld Crow Medicine Showhotels
MotherJohn Lennonscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
MotherThe Policemusically adventurous
Mother-in-LawErnie K-Doemarriage
Mother IndiaFun-Da-Mentalinspired by India
Mother of God, Here I StandJohn Tavernerprayer
Mother SkyCanmothers
Motherless ChildO. V. Wrightmothers
Mother’s Children Have a Hard Time (Motherless Children)Blind Willie Johnsonloneliness
Mother’s Little HelperThe Rolling Stonesboredom
Mother’s SpiritualLaura Nyronature
Moto TaxiSingletontaxis
A Motor-Bike in AfrikaPeter HammillAfrica
The Motorbike Trackµ-Ziqmotorbikes
The Motorcade Sped OnSteinski & the Mass Mediadialogue
Motorcycle EmptinessManic Street Preachersmotorbikes
MotörheadMotörheadmade you fall in love with music
Mouhamadou BambaOrchestra Baobabpreachers, priests & religious leaders
MoulaAnalog Players Society ft Missia Saran Dioubate & Famoro Dioubatehammer & mallet instruments
Mount the AirThe Unthanksensembles, big bands & orchestras
The MountainAbdullah Ibrahim & Ekayamountains
Mountain TimeJoe Bonamassamountains
MountainsBiffy Clyrowide open spaces
Mouth for WarPanteraanger
Move OnDave Clark Fiveten words or fewer
Move On UpCurtis Mayfieldoptimistic songs
Move OverJanis Joplinindecision
Move Your BodyMarshall Jeffersonmusic genres
Move Your BodyBeyoncébodily motion & exercise
Move Your FeetJunior Seniormusic as nutrition
A Movie Script EndingDeath Cab for Cutieinspired by or about films
Movin’ On UpPrimal Screamredemption
Movin’ On Up (Theme to The Jeffersons)Ja’Net DuBoissocial mobility
Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song)Billy Joelambition
MovingJeffrey & Jack Lewisfresh starts
Moving OnTony Allenmoving on
Moving OnKodalinemoving on
Moving On SongEwan MacCollmoving on
Moving On UpM Peopleupbeat break-up #2
The Moving Song17 Hippiesmoving on
MozambiqueTrafficthe Commonwealth
Mr. ApolloBonzo Dog Bandforgotten follow-ups
Mr. Bad ExampleWarren Zevonsinners
Mr. BassieHorace AndyMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mr. BigFreestick it to the man
Mr. Big StuffJean Knightwealth
Mr. Blue SkyThe DelgadosMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mr. Blue SkyElectric Light Orchestrapersonification
Mr. BojanglesJerry Jeff WalkerMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mr. BrightsideThe Killersjealousy
Mr. CoolRasputin’s Stashboastful songs
Mr. CrowleyOzzy Osbournemagic
Mr. E’s Beautiful BluesEelsjoyous songs
Mr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mr. FarmerThe Seedsfarm produce
Mr. Fire Coal ManThe Wailing Soulsalarm sounds
Mr. FoxMr. Foxcriminals
Mr. Gorgeous (and Miss Curvaceous)Smoke Citycurves & spheres
Mr. GuiltyLoudon Wainwright IIIguilt & apology
Mr. HolmesThe HerbaliserMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mr. HydeFigureodd couples
Mr. JonesThe BishopsJones & Joneses
Mr. LaceyFairport Conventionswitches & buttons
Mr. Mudd and Mr. GoldTownes Van Zandtgames
Mr. NaturalMental as Anythingnormal & abnormal
Mr. NicholsColdcut ft Saul Williamshero worship
Mr. NiggaMos Def ft Q-Tipjustice
Mr. PharmacistThe Other Halfrecreational drugs
Mr. PitifulOtis Reddingnicknames & pseudonyms
Mr. RabbitPaul Westerbergrabbits
Mr. SandmanThe Chordettesclose harmony singing
Mr. Shiny CadillacknessClutchstick it to the man
Mr. Slater’s ParrotBonzo Dog Bandwhistling
Mr. SpacemanThe Byrdsaliens
Mr. WhisperDory Previnmental illness
Mr. WriterStereophonicswriting
Mr. XUltravoxphotographs
Mrs. BartolozziKate Bushcleansing
Mrs. MurphyScott WalkerMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Mrs. RitaGin Blossomsfortune tellers
Mrs. RitaJune Taboranti-work songs
Mrs. WorthingtonNoël Cowardadvice
Ms. JacksonOutKastmothers
Much Ado About NothingForestprocrastination
Muchomůrky Bílé (Destroying Angel)The Flowers of Hellpoison
MuckrakerKing Gizzard & the Lizard Wizardearth, soil & dirt
Mud and DarkCocteau Twinsechoes
Muddy WaterNick Cave & the Bad Seedsbrown
Mugamoodi (Terrace Jams version)Kuranganmasks
Mujer Contra MujerMecanoSpain
The MuleDeep Purpleoutstanding percussion
Mule Skinner BluesThe Fendermenindecipherable songs
Mull of KintyreWingsScotland
Mun ja munAdjágaswordless vocals
Mundane MundaeThe Stairsdays of the week
Murder by NumbersThe Policemurder
The Murder MysteryThe Velvet Undergroundnon sequiturs
Murder of BirdsJesca Hoopcollective nouns
Murder of CrowsCadaver Clubcollective nouns
Murder of Liddle TowersAngelic Upstartsanger
A Murder of OneCounting Crowspatterns & sequences
Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)Aurorapatterns & sequences
The Murder WeaponT Bone Burnettsharp objects
MurdererBuju Bantonmurder
MuscleboundSpandau Balletindustry & manufacturing
Muse BluesLoudon Wainwright IIIlibraries
Musette and DrumsCocteau Twinsinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Mushi no OnnaJun Togawapersistence
MushroomCannuclear war
Mushroom Box, 1975Anton Barbeaufarm produce
Mushroom CloudsLoveclouds
Music EvolutionBuckshot LeFonquedouble bass
Music for a Found HarmoniumPenguin Cafe Orchestramusical instruments
Music for a NurseOceansizeManchester
Music for Airports: 1/1Brian Enolower the heartrate
Music for EveningsYoung Marble Giantsevening
Music in the AirHolger Czukaysampling & recycling
Music MattersFaithlessbeds
The Music Never StoppedGrateful Deadmood-changing music
Music to HearLadysmith Black Mambazoinspired by poetry
Music to Watch Girls ByBob Crewe Generationeasy listening
The Musical BoxGenesissongs with sudden changes
Musical Pocket WatchOddjobpockets
Muskrat RambleLouis Armstrong & His Hot Fiverodents
Must I Paint You a PictureBilly Braggpainting & painters
Mustang SallyWilson Pickettslowing down
road trips
Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack remix)Nusrat Fateh Ali KhanAsia
Mutiny in HeavenThe Birthday Partyheaven & hell
Mutual CoreBjörkgeology
A Mutual FriendWiremonths of the year
MuuriTiiu Helinäshyness
Muzzle of BeesWilcorefreshment & cooling down
My AdidasRun-D.M.C.fashion
My Baby Changes Like the WeatherSmokey Robinson & the Miraclesimpermanence
(My Baby Does) Good SculpturesThe Rezillosvisual art & photography
My Baby Just Cares for MeNina Simonedouble bass
My Baby Must Be a MagicianThe Marvelettesmagic
My Back PagesThe Byrdssongs for your teenage self
My Backwards WalkFrightened Rabbitreversing
My Bathroom Is a Private Kind of PlacePatt Stanton Gjonolaworst songs
My BeatBlaze ft Palmer Brownmood-changing music
My Best FriendWeezerplatonic love
My Blue TearsDolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harrissongs by trios
My Boy Builds CoffinsFlorence and the Machinefunerals
My Boy ElvisJanis Martinconcerts
My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)Ramoneslong titles
My Brother JakeFreesiblings
My Brother’s a BaseheadDe La Soulsiblings
My ChairJill Sobulechairs
My City of RuinsBruce Springsteenhands
My City Was GoneThe Pretendersregressing & reversing
My Daddy Knows BestThe Marvelettesunemployment
My Daddy Rocks Me (With One Steady Roll)Trixie Smithgreat songwriting 1900-1955
My Dawlin’ New OrleansL’il Queenie & the PercolatorsNew Orleans
My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)Regina Spektornew year
My Dear SensesGoo Goo Gishears & hearing
My DeathScott Walkerdeath
My Deceiving HeartThe Impressionsfallen heroes
My Dirty Stream (The Hudson River Song)Pete Seegerrivers
My Door Is Always OpenNoah and the Whaledoors
My DoorbellThe White Stripesdoors
My Elusive DreamsMoses and Joshua Dillardobsession
My Favorite Picture of YouGuy Clarkphotographs
My Favorite ThingsJohn Coltranecovers better than the original
My Favorite ThingsSarah Vaughancollecting & listing
My Favourite DressThe Wedding Presentjealousy
My Favourite Wet Wednesday AfternoonThe Siddeleysdays of the week
My Friend the SunLinda Lewishope
My Funny ValentineChet Bakerbeauty
My FutureBillie Eilishsongs by duos
My GenerationThe Whoadolescence
My GirlMadnessarguments
My GirlThe Temptationsbees
My Girl Hates My HeroinThe Stoogesrecreational drugs
My Girl JosephineFats Dominovolunteering
My GirlsAnimal Collectiveambition
fathers and daughters
(My Heart Is) Closed for the SeasonBettye Swannthe heart
My HometownBruce Springsteenfinish where they begin
My HouseKacey Musgraveshouses
My IdealChet Bakerperfection
My Intuition Tells MeRuby Turnersixth sense
My Island HomeWarumpi Bandwide open spaces
My Johnny Was a ShoemakerSteeleye Spanlong-distance relationships
My Kitchen ManBessie Smithdomestic songs
My Lady Got Two MenAtmospheretwo – part 1
My Land Is Too GreenMary Coughlangreen
My Last BreathEvanescencebreathing
My Life in ReverseMaxïmo Parkreversing
My Love Is a BulldozerVenetian Snaressongs that say what love is
My Love Is Like a Red, Red RoseFive Hand ReelValentine’s Day songs
My Lovely HorseThe Divine Comedyfour-legged livestock
My Lover’s PrayerOtis Reddingprayer
My Lovin’ (You’re Never Gonna Get It)En Voguesongs that fit every topic
My Magic GlassesShonen Knifeglass
My ManThey Might Be Giantsbodily motion & exercise
My Manic and ILaura Marlingtwo – part 1
My MindJimi Tenorfrom Nordic countries
My Mind’s on Leaving, But My Heart Won’t Let Me GoHoney Conegoodbye
My MistakeSplit Enzsongs with or about errors
My MistakesWileymistakes
My Moon, My Man (Boys Noize Remix)Feistthe moon
My Mother and the DevilAustin Lucasthe Devil
My Mother Taught Me How to WaltzRobb Johnsoninheritance
My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)Neil Young & Crazy Horseimmortality & longevity
My Name Is CarnivalJackson C. Frankparades
My Name Is John Wellington WellsJohn Reedprophets
My National Pride (Knowledge of Beauty)Dexys Midnight Runnerspride
My Neck, My BackThe Vandalsspine & neck
My Neighbors in DelrayRod MacDonaldrare events
My New HouseThe Fallhouses
My Nutmeg PhantasyMacy Gray ft Angie Stone & Mos Defnuts & edible seeds
My October SymphonyPet Shop BoysSeptember & October
My Oklahoma HomeBruce Springsteen & the Seeger Sessions Bandfarming
My Old HomeK’naanexile
My Old ManIan Duryfathers
My Old ManJoni Mitchellfalsetto
My Old Man (Said Follow the Van)Marie Lloydloss
My Old SchoolSteely Danbiography & autobiography
My One and Only LoveJohn Coltrane & Johnny Hartmancrooners
My Own TuneKatzenjammerwhimsical songs
My Pal Foot FootThe Shaggsdiscordant songs
My Perfect CousinThe Undertonesfunny songs
My Pet Rat St. MichaelMark Eitzelrodents
My PropellerArctic Monkeysspinning
My Red Hot CarSquarepusherdiscordant songs
My Resistance Is LowHoagy Carmichaelresistance
My RitualThe Folk Implosionchannelling pain
My RivalAlex Chiltoncompetition
My RivalSteely Dandetectives
My RobotLooperartificial intelligence
My Roly Poly GirlJake Thackraybread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
My Roof Has Got a Hole in ItMiranda Barberholes
My Sad CaptainsElbowcontentment
My SharonaThe Knackone-hit wonders
My Shit’s Fucked UpWarren Zevonadversity
My ShotLin-Manuel Mirandalyrical symmetry
My SisterThe Juliana Hatfield Threebrothers & sisters
My SisterTinderstickssiblings
tragedy & comedy
My Sister Rose10,000 Maniacsbrothers & sisters
My Socks Gone Down My ShoeSplodgenessaboundstragedy & comedy
My Spine (Is the Bassline)Shriekbackspine & neck
My Sweet AnnetteDrive-By Truckersinfidelity
My Sweet LordGeorge Harrisonfaith
My Sweet Summer SuiteLove Unlimited Orchestradance instrumentals
My Tennessee Mountain HomeDolly Partonchairs
My TurntableBen Leemedia for listening to recorded music
My World Fell DownSagittariuscrisis
My Year in ListsLos Campesinos!new resolutions
My Young ManKate RusbyYorkshire
My ZeroEzra Furmannothing
MyfanwyMorriston Orpheus Choira cappella
Myopic BooksAmerican Music Clubliterary songs
Myself When I Am RealCharles Mingusauthenticity & fakery
Mysterious Semblance at the Strand of NightmaresTangerine Dreampuzzling & mysterious
MysteronsPortisheadold meets new
The Mystery of ManSarah Vaughanpuzzling & mysterious
Mystery TrainLittle Junior’s Blue Flamestrains
MythSamingadextraordinary vocals