A-Z by Song – L

Song TitleArtistTopic
L-O-V-ENat King Coleacronyms
L-O-V-E (Love)Al GreenValentine’s Day songs
La BicycletteYves Montandbicycles
La BièreJacques Brelbeer
La Buisson (from Suite No.2 in G major)Antoine Forquerayorchestral string instruments
La CalatravaParov Stelar ft Michael Wittnersaxophone
La CanciónJ Balvin & Bad Bunnyperspiration
La Chanson de JackyJacques Brelpersonal theme songs
La Chanson des vieux amantsJacques Brelsongs that give you goosebumps
Là ci darem la manoWolfgang Amadeus Mozartseduction
La Complainte du phoque en AlaskaBeau Dommagethe circus
La Copa RotaJosé Felicianoglass
La Danse de la limonadeGarolourefreshment & cooling down
La Danse de Mardi GrasThe Balfa BrothersNew Orleans
La del Pirata CojoJoaquín Sabinapirates
La Di Da DiDoug E. Fresh & the Get Fresh Crewna-na-hey-hey songs
La Femme d’argentAiropening album tracks
La Femme FetalDigable Planetsbabies & childbirth
La Fiancée du pirateJacques Loussierpirates
La FolieThe Stranglersalbum tracks better than singles
La FouleÉdith Piafcrowds
La GalleraTekeyé ft Sofia Reiclicking, tapping & stomping
La GrangeZZ Tophumming
La HorseSerge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Vannieranimals
La IguanaLila Downsharp, lyre & zither
La La Bam-BamThe Congosbiblical songs
La LiebreLos Tigres del Nortetaxation
La LloroncitaLos Parientes de Playa VicenteMexico & Central America
La MerCharles Trenetwater
La NiñaMala Rodríguezurban environment
La Nuit est sur la villeFrançoise Hardynight & darkness
La Paloma de PicassoMayte Martínfamous or notable animals
La PenduleIna-Ichclocks & watches
La plus jolie des féesChristophe Maésuperlatives
La QuêteJacques Brelsongs in French
La ragazza dalla pelle di lunaPiero Umilianiinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
La RealitéAmadou & Mariamalarm sounds
La RossaVan der Graaf Generatorsecret admirers
La Valse à mille tempsJacques Brelpassage of time
La Venus du MéloStacey Kentworks of art
La Vie en roseLouis Armstrong & His Orchestrapink
La Vie en roseÉdith Piafpink
La ZenaidaArmando Hernandezfruit
Labelled with LoveSqueezedomestic songs
LabradorAimee Manncharisma
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in SpaceSpiritualizedopening album tracks
The Ladies’ BrasJonny Trunk & Wisbeyunderwear
Ladies of the CanyonJoni Mitchellstereotypes
Laduma!Mbongeni Ngemacrowds
The LadySandy Dennysongs to start the morning
LadyFela Kutifeminism
Lady Day and John ColtraneGil Scott-Heronnicknames & pseudonyms
Lady EleanorLindisfarnebooks
Lady EvilBlack Sabbathbest bass lines
Lady FuschiaStrawbsowls
Lady GreyKatzenjammerpassage of time
The Lady Is a TrampGerry Mulligan Quarteteccentric songs
Lady Liberty Needs GlassesMalcolm-Jamal Warnereyewear
Lady MarleneKatzenjammerhonorific titles
Lady MarmaladeLabelleNew Orleans
Lady NinaMarillionprostitution
A Lady of a Certain AgeThe Divine Comedygetting older
glamour & style
The Lady RachelKevin Ayersstairs, ladders & elevators
Lady StardustDavid Bowieother musicians
The Lady with the BraidDory Previnone night stands
Lady with the LampCountry Joe McDonaldnursing & healthcare
Lady with the Spinning HeadU2spinning
Lady’s BridgeRichard Hawleybridges
Lafayette Two StepAldus Rogertwo – part 2
LágrimaAmália Rodriguesmelancholy songs
Lágrimas NegrasTrio Matamorosgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Lah-Di-DahJake Thackraystiff upper lip
L’aigle noirBarbararaptors
LaikaWil Wagnerfirst & last time
Laissez PasserTootArdtickets, passes & invitations
Lake of FireMeat Puppetsheaven & hell
The Lakes of PontchartrainPaul BradyNew Orleans
L’alouette luluOlivier Messiaenbirds
Lament for Ali FarkaBassekou Kouyatebereavement
Lament of McCrimmonSheila Chandraremembrance songs
The Lament of the Black SheepAnge Hardynursery rhymes
Land of 1000 DancesWilson Pickettcollecting & listing
Land of Broken PromisesIAMXbroken promises
Land of ConfusionKatzenjammerconfusion & delusion
Land of Hope and GloryEdward Elgarpride
Land of the Glass PineconesHuman Sexual Responseglass
LandslideTony Clarkenatural disasters
LandslideFleetwood Maccoming of age
LangrennTungtvannwinter sports
Language and MentalityAfrican Head Chargethe brain
Language of ViolenceThe Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisyjustice
Largo al factotum (from The Barber of Seville)Gioachino Rossinisongs that go ‘la’
LarkLinda Lewisnotable key changes
The Lark AscendingRalph Vaughan WilliamsEngland
Las Gafas de LennonPedro Guerraeyewear
Last Boat LeavingElvis Costelloseparation
The Last Chance TexacoRickie Lee Jonesbrands
The Last ConquistadorGruff Rhysconfusion & delusion
The Last Days of PompeiiNova Mobnatural disasters
Last Days of the Miners’ StrikePulpYorkshire
Last FlightAkiakanefutility
Last Great American WhaleLou Reedcetaceans
The Last LeviathanThe Fisherman’s Friendsfish & other aquatic life
Last Man AliveLevellersapocalypse
Last NightLittle Walterlast night
Last NightThe Mar-Keyslast night
Last Night a DJ Saved My LifeIndeepradio
Last Night Changed It AllEsther Williamsfresh starts
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved MeThe Smithsdreams
Last Night I Had a DreamRandy Newmannightmares
Last Night Was Made for LoveBilly Furylast night
Last of the Hobo KingsMary Gauthierhomelessness
The Last ShotLou Reeddrinking
Last SongClogsfinishing
The Last SuckerMinistryUS presidents
The Last TimeThe Andrew Oldham Orchestralesser known originals
Last Time AroundThe Del-Vettsgreat riffs
Last Time I Saw YouDonovan Woods with People Projectdistractions & diversions
The Last Will and Testament of Jake ThackrayJake Thackrayleaving or being left behind
Last Words23 Skidoochoosing & using words
Last WordsThe Real Tuesday Weldchoosing & using words
LatchDisclosure ft Sam Smithartistic trends of the 21st century
Late for the TrainBuzzcockstrains
The Late Great Johnny AcePaul Simonassassination
Late in the EveningPaul Simonevening
Late Night, Maudlin StreetMorrisseyroads & streets
Late NovemberSandy Dennywithout a chorus
The Late ShowJackson Brownefamous last words
Later, On DecaturDave FerratoNew Orleans
LateralusToolgreat drumming
LatherJefferson Airplanebirthdays
The Latin One10,000 Maniacsgases
Latin StrutJoe Bataanfrom New York City
LaughingDavid Crosbymistakes
Laughing WithRegina Spektorfaith
LauraDon Byasinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
LauraThe Four Freshmeninstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Laurie (Strange Things Happen)Dickey Leestrange & surreal
LavenderMarc Almondpurple
Law of the LandThe Temptationsidioms & common expressions
Lawdy Miss ClawdyLloyd PriceMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Lawns of DawnsNicodawn
Lawyers, Guns and MoneyWarren Zevonstuck or trapped
Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)Melaniesongs to start the morning
Lay Lady LayBob Dylanstaying
Lay My Burden DownDr. John, Mavis Staples & the Dirty Dozen Brass Bandspirit of 2021
Lay Your Hands on MeThompson Twinstouch
LaylaDerek and the Dominoslust
LazarusThe Boo Radleysbiblical songs
Lazarus ManTerry Callieritinerants & migration
LazyMoe Tuckeranti-work songs
LazyX-Press 2 ft David Byrnelaziness
Lazy AfternoonThe Rootsafternoon
Lazy CalmCocteau Twinssilence
Lazy DayThe Moody Bluesbread & baking
Lazy LightningGrateful Deadelectricity
Lazy Line Painter JaneBelle and Sebastianbad boys & bad girls
Lazy RiverHoagy Carmichaellaziness
The Lazy SunbathersMorrisseylaziness
ironic songs
Lazy SundaySmall Facesnoise
LDNLily AllenLondon
Le Coucou au Fond des Bois (from Carnival of the Animals)Camille Saint-Saënsbirdsong
Le Di a la Caza AlcanceEstrella Morente ft Michael Nymansaints & martyrs
Le FotographieEnnio Morriconephotographs
Le FreakChicdance styles
Le GorilleGeorges Brassensmammals
Le Grand Noir / ČáhppatTorgeir Vassvikwordless vocals
Le Pas du chat noirAnouar Brahemminimalist songs
Le Petit Pain au chocolatJoe Dassinbread & baking
Le Poinçonneur des LilasSerge Gainsbourgholes
Le Poisson des mers du sudIsabelle Antenaflavour
Le Pregunté Yo a los CielosSandra Carrascoprayer
Le Printemps à ParisJacqueline TaïebParis
Le PrivilègeMichel Sardougender & LGBTQ+
Le Rap à Ti-PétangLa Bottine Sourianteclicking, tapping & stomping
Le Rendez-vousManu Chaorendezvous
Le Rêve de l’oiseau (Koto Djime)Ba Cissokofairytales
Le Rossignol et la RoseCamille Saint-Saëns (singer: Edita Grubarova)nightingales & thrushes
Le Temps des cacahuètesJuliette Gréconuts & edible seeds
Lead Poisoned JeanFrenzal Rhombsilver & non-ferrous metals
Leader of the BandDan Fogelbergleadership
Leader of the PackThe Shangri-Lasstorytelling songs
LeafyDry Cleaningboring & dull
A League of NotionsAl Stewart with Lawrence Juberhistorical events
Lean on MeBill Withersfriendship
Leaning on a Lamp-PostGeorge Formbyanticipation
Leaning on the Everlasting ArmsMahalia Jacksonimmortality & longevity
Learning the GameBuddy Hollyeducation
Learning to FlyPink Floyddetermination
Learning to SwimThe Skintsswimming & bathing
LeaveGlen Hansardsongs that command or instruct
Leave a Light OnBelinda Carlislelight
Leave It All BehindThe Featuresmoving on
Leave My Kitten AloneLittle Willie Johnanimals
Leave Out All the RestLinkin Parklegacy
Leave Them All BehindRidevolume changes
Leavin’ Memphis, ‘Frisco BoundJesse Fullerleaving or being left behind
Leaving HereThe Birdsescape
Leaving on a Jet PlanePeter, Paul and Maryseparation
Leaving St. KildaAlasdair Roberts & Robin Robertsonislands
Leck mich im ArschWolfgang Amadeus Mozarttaboos
The Lee ShoreCrosby, Stills, Nash & Youngislands
The Left Hand and the Right HandChuck Prophetleft & right
Left Hand LostDory Previnhands
Left of the DialThe Replacementsradio
LeftoversMillie Jacksonarguments
LegacyCarole Kinglegacy
Legalize ItPeter Toshmarijuana
Legend of a MindThe Moody Bluesflutes, pipes & whistles
The Legend of Chavo GuerreroThe Mountain Goatsbiography & autobiography
Legend of XanaduDave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tichsongs with talking
LegsZZ Toplegs & trousers
L’éléphantTom Tom Clubelephants & mammoths
Lemon DisinfectantThe Lorraine Bowen Experiencesmells
Lemon IncestSerge & Charlotte Gainsbourgtaboos
Lemon TeaSheena & the Rokketsnon-alcoholic drinks
Lentísimo HaloJuana Molinalighthouses & guiding lights
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box HatBeckhats
Leopold AlcoxJake Thackraystrange, rare or unlikely words
Les BonbonsJacques Brelseduction
Les Bras de merCatrin Finch & Seckou Keitaquiet songs
Les CactusJacques Dutroncsharp objects
Les CrapaudsAlain Souchonamphibians
Les Feuilles mortesYves MontandSeptember & October
Les Fleur4heromixtape closers
Les FleursMinnie Ripertontrees, grass & flowers
Les MannequinsKraftwerkforeign language versions
Les MarquisesJacques Brelcontentment
Les Morts DansantsMagnumjustice
Les OursNick Cave & Warren Ellisbears
Les SucettesFrance Gallsweet foods
Lessons Learned from Rocky I to Rocky IIICornershopforgotten follow-ups
Let ‘Em InBilly Paulwelcoming
Let Him DangleElvis Costellocapital punishment
Let It GoWasis Diopindependence
Let It GoIdina Menzelsnow & ice
Let Me Be the ClockSmokey Robinsonclocks & watches
(Let Me Be Your) Dirty Fucking WhoreMachine Gun Fellatioorgasms
(Let Me Be Your) Teddy BearElvis Presleygreat backing vocals
Let Me Roll ItPaul McCartney and Wingssolo Beatles songs
Let Me See the ColtsSmoghorses
Let Me Think About ItFedde Le Grand vs Ida Corrseduction
Let No Man Steal Your ThymePentanglesmuggling & stealing
Let Our Love Grow HigherEula Coopergetting brighter
Let Robeson SingManic Street Preacherssinging
Let the Good Times RollShirley & Leefun
Let the Happiness InDavid Sylvianhappiness
Let the Mermaids Flirt with MeMississippi John Hurtunderwater
Let the Music PlayShannon1980s 12” singles
Let the Rhythm Hit ‘EmEric B. & Rakimsongs by duos
Let the Train Blow the WhistleJohnny Cashdepartures
Let the Water Run DryKen Boothewells
Let There Be LoveNat King Colespirit of 2021
Let There Be RockAC/DCminimalist songs
Let You DownInspiral Carpets ft John Cooper Clarketrust
Let Your Linen Hang LowRosetta Howard & the Harlem Hamfatsfabrics
Let’s Be NaturalThe Rutlesnature
Let’s Burn Down the CornfieldRandy Newmanstarting fires
Let’s Call the Whole Thing OffFred Astaire & Ginger Rogersvegetables
Let’s Clean Up the GhettoThe Philadelphia International All Starstrash
Let’s DanceDavid Bowiestart with the chorus
Let’s Do ItElla Fitzgeraldbees
Let’s Get It OnMarvin Gayesongs to start the morning
Let’s Get LostChet Bakerbeing lost
Let’s Get LostElliott Smithbridges
Let’s Get MarriedAl Greenpick-up lines & marriage proposals
Let’s Get MarriedThe Proclaimersknots & ties
Let’s Get Out of This CountryCamera Obscurastarting over
Let’s GoThe Ventureshandclaps
Let’s Go Away for a WhileThe Beach Boysholidays
Let’s Go CrazyPrince and the Revolutionsongs with vim
Let’s Go Dancing (Ooh La, La, La)Kool & the Gangsongs that go ‘la’
Let’s Go Get CokesThe Factionnon-alcoholic drinks
Let’s Go Round AgainAverage White Bandtime travel
Let’s Have a PartyWanda Jacksonnon sequiturs
Let’s Hear It for the VolunteersMustard’s Retreatvolunteering
Let’s Hit One More PlaceRichmond Fontainehedonism
Let’s Pretend We’re Bunny RabbitsThe Magnetic Fieldshedonism
Let’s Push Things ForwardThe Streetsspirit of 2021
Let’s Sleep NowAlternative TVadult lullabies
Let’s Spend the Day in BedOver the Rhinebeds
Let’s Spend the Night TogetherThe Rolling Stonesflirting
Let’s Start the New Year RightBing Crosbyold and new
Let’s Stay TogetherAl Greendevoted love
Let’s Stick TogetherBryan Ferrygreat album or mixtape openers
Let’s Stop Hanging OutReubenupbeat break-up #2
Let’s SubmergeX-Ray Spexmusic venues
Let’s Take a TripGodfreyrecreational drugs
Let’s Work TogetherCanned Heatvolunteering
The LetterThe Box Topsletters, emails & telegrams
The LetterJoe Cockertickets, passes & invitations
The LetterDean Friedmanwritten correspondence
The LetterMacy Graywritten correspondence
The LetterPJ Harveyreading
The LetterKristin Hershmental illness
Letter from AmericaThe ProclaimersScotland
Letter to Bowie KnifeCalexicosharp objects
Letter to Britannia from the Union JackIan Hunterflags
A Letter to EliseThe Curegirls’ names
Letter to HermioneDavid Bowiewritten correspondence
Letter to Sister FriendUrsula Ruckersisters
Letters Home from the Garden of StoneEverlastarmy
Letting GoSuzy Boggusshigher education
Level UpVienna Tengmotivation
Levi Jacket (And a Long Tail Shirt)Carl Perkinsbrands
Levi Stubbs’ TearsBilly Braggmusic as nutrition
Levii’s JeansBeyoncé with Post Malonelegs & trousers
LFOLFOvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
LiarRollins Bandpropaganda
Liar LiarThe Castawayslies
Liars’ BarThe Beautiful Southpubs & bars
Libera me (from Requiem)Gabriel Faurémusic for funerals
Liberated CarbonAndrew Revkinclimate change
LibertangoThe Swingle Singersa cappella
The Liberty BellColdstream Guards (composer: John Philip Sousa)personal theme songs
Liberty CityJaco Pastoriussteelpan
Libet’s DelayThe Caretakerprocrastination
LibrarianMy Morning Jacketeyewear
LibrariesYellow Ostrichlibraries
The LibraryKimya Dawson ft Aesop Rocklibraries
The LibraryGeckolibraries
Library GirlSqueezelibraries
Library SongTom Chapinlibraries
The Lie (Bernini’s Saint Theresa)Peter Hammillworks of art
LifeJames Bookergreat keyboards
LifeGen HoshinoJapan
Life Begins at FortySophie Tuckerstarting over
Life ChangesWu-Tang Clanchange #2
Life During WartimeTalking Headsears & hearing
Life in a Northern TownThe Dream Academynostalgia
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol.2 Ep.11Ivor Cutlerspoken word
Life in MonoMonotea
Life in ReverseMarinereversing
Life in TokyoJapan12″ singles to 1979
Life Is a JourneyClinton Fearonmeaning of life
Life Is HighwayTom Cochraneroad trips
Life Is Just a Bowl of CherriesRudy Vallée & His Connecticut Yankeesmeaning of life
Life Is SheepRobert Wyattpets
A Life of CrimeThe Weirdosgreat riffs
The Life of RileyThe Lightning Seedsdefined or redefined by television
Life on Mars?David Bowiequestions
Life on MarsDexter Wanselcelestial bodies
Life SupportHomeboy Sandmanunderrated artists
LifelongPaperfangsodd couples
Life’s a Game of Give and TakeMarvin Gayecompromise
Life’s a GasT. Rexgases
Life’s Been GoodJoe Walshboastful songs
Life’s Too EasyThe Undertoneschaos
Life’s What You Make ItTalk Talkfate & destiny
LiftRadioheadstairs, ladders & elevators
Light and Day / Reach for the SunThe Polyphonic Spreedefined or redefined by television
The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Is the Light of an Oncoming Train)Half Man Half Biscuitsocial class
Light Catches Your FaceBell X1faces
Light Enough to TravelThe Be Good Tanyasnightclubs
Light FlightPentangleflying
Light My FireThe Doorsalbum tracks better than singles
Light of DayODEZSA ft Ólafur Arnaldsconditional phrases
Light of FirePrince Far Ilighthouses & guiding lights
The Light on the ShoreKarine Polwartfunerals
The Light Pours Out of MeMagazinelight
LighthouseHawkwindlighthouses & guiding lights
LighthouseThe Roots ft Dice Rawlighthouses & guiding lights
LighthouseThe Waifslighthouses & guiding lights
LighthousePatrick Watsonpiano songs
Lighthouse KeeperCross Canadian Ragweedfortune tellers
Lighthouse KeeperMy Friend the Chocolate Cakelighthouses & guiding lights
The Lighthouse’s TaleNickel Creekunusual narrators
Lighting FiresGrant McLennanstarting fires
Lightning RodGusterunusual narrators
Like a HurricaneNeil Young & Crazy Horsesuper solos
Like a Mighty RiverSt. Paul & the Broken Bonesslowing down
Like a PrayerMadonnaprayer
Like a Rolling StoneBob Dylaneffects of fame
Like a Rolling StoneSpiritwhispering
Like a TigerThe Ricochetstigers
Like JanisSixto Rodrigueznarcissism
Like PopcornTrilok Gurtunuts & edible seeds
Like Someone in LoveChet Bakersimiles
Like Spinning PlatesRadioheadspinning
Like the Weather10,000 Maniacsbeds
Like to Get to Know YouSpanky and Our Gangfalse endings
Li’l Red Riding HoodSam the Sham & the Pharaohsfollowing & chasing
Lila EngelNeu!purple
Lilac WineJeff Buckleywine
Lili MarleenMarlene Dietrichwar
Lilizela MlilizeliMahlathini and the Mahotella Queensmusic as nutrition
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of HeartsBob Dylantreachery & betrayal
Lily the PinkThe Scaffoldfixing & repairing
LimboLudovico Einaudilimbo
Limitchelmicobodily motion & exercise
Linda LindaThe Blue Heartsdifferent 7″ versions
LindberghWoody Guthriefallen heroes
The LineBruce Springsteencrosses
A Line in the SandPJ Harveyborders, barriers, walls & fences
Line SongShrimp Boatout-of-tune songs
Linha do HorizonteAzymuthhorizons
Linstead MarketLouise Bennettmarkets & fairs
Linus and LucyVince Guaraldi Triodefined or redefined by television
The Lion and AlbertStanley Hollowayhats
The Lion – GaïendeYoussou N’Dourbravery
The Lion This TimeVan Morrisoncats
Lioness EyeXavier Ruddcats
Lions in My Own Garden (Exit Someone)Prefab Sproutacronyms
The Lion’s RoarFirst Aid Kitsongs with or about errors
Lions, Tigers and BearsJazmine Sullivanbeing scared
Lippy KidsElbowgangs
LipstickSuzi Quatromakeup
The Lipstick on His CollarCaro Emeraldmakeup
Lipstick, Powder and PaintBig Joe Turnermakeup
Lipstick TracesBenny Spellmantrombone
Lipstick VogueElvis Costello & the Attractionsgreat drumming
Liquid LunchCaro Emeraldmeals & mealtimes
Liquor Store LiverThe Cowmenstomach & guts
LisdoonvarnaChristy Mooremusic venues
List of Demands (Reparations)Saul Williamscollecting & listing
Listen, the Snow Is FallingGalaxie 500cold
Listen, the Snow is FallingYoko Ono & the Plastic Ono Bandaudible breaths
Listen to the BandThe Monkeesmusic as nutrition
Listen to What the Man SaidWingsindirect messages
Listening InThe Undertoneseavesdropping
Listening to Otis Redding at Home During ChristmasOkkervil Riverother songs
Little AmericaR.E.M.America
Little April ShowerDisney Studio Chorusmonths of the year
Little Baby SwastikkkaSkunk Anansietaboos
Little BirdThe Beach Boysnature
Little Bit (Loving Hand Remix)Lykke Lifrom Nordic countries
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit YouThe Monkeesapologies
A Little Bit of SoapThe JarmelsCOVID-19 lockdown
Little Bitty Pretty OneThurston Harrishumming
Little Black BuzzerIvor Cutleralarm sounds
Little Blue ManPetula Clarkwhimsical songs
Little Blue NumberRichard Thompsonpirates
Little BoxesPete Seegergeometric shapes
Little Boy in CorduroyDonovanfabrics
Little BritainDreadzoneclassical songs
Little Brown JugGlenn Miller & his Orchestrabrown
Little CloudThe Incredible String Bandconversations
Little Colored BalloonsJohn Murryclose shaves & near misses
Little Darlin’The Gladiolasna-na-hey-hey songs
Little DeathThe Bethsorgasms
Little DemonScreamin’ Jay Hawkinsfantasy
Little Does She KnowThe Kursaal Flyersintelligence
A Little Dog CriedJimmie Rodgerscrosses
Little Drunk FistsSlobberbonewhiskey
Little EarthquakesTori Amossmall things
Little EnglandRed Eyeflags
Little EyesYo La Tengolaziness
Little Fluffy CloudsThe Orbopening album tracks
Little Ghetto BoyDonny Hathawaychildren
Little Girl BlueJanis Joplinpathos
extraordinary vocals
Little GreenJoni Mitchellsongs that make you cry
Little Green BagGeorge Baker Selectionpersonal theme songs
Little HandsAlexander “Skip” Spencechildren
Little Hollywood GirlThe Everly BrothersHollywood
Little ItalyStephen BishopItaly
A Little Less ConversationElvis Presleyprocrastination
Little Magic GlassesJohnny Casheyewear
Little ManAlan Jacksonsales, selling & bargains
The Little Man Who Wasn’t ThereGlenn Miller & his Orchestrastairs, ladders & elevators
Little MascaraThe Replacementsmakeup
Little Nut TreeThe Melodiansnuts & edible seeds
Little Red CorvettePrince and the Revolutioncars & driving
Little Red Robin Hood Hit the RoadRobert Wyattunusual narrators
Little SadieCrooked Stilljudges & trials
Little Sir EchoBonzo Dog Doo-Dah Bandechoes
Little SisterElvis Presleysisters
A Little SoulPulpfathers
Little Things (That Keep Us Together)Scott Walkerdoom
A Little TimeThe Beautiful Southdecisive songs
Little Trouble GirlSonic Youthrepression
Little Vinnie JonesRobb JohnsonJones & Joneses
The Littlest BirdsThe Be Good Tanyassmall things
Live and Let LiveLovebodily fluids
Live Bed ShowPulpbeds
Liverpool LullabyCilla BlackLiverpool & Merseyside
Livin’ on a PrayerBon Joviindustry & manufacturing
Livin’ on the Fault LineThe Doobie Brothersedges & ledges
Livin’ ThingElectric Light Orchestraambiguity
The Living BubbaDrive-By Truckersstiff upper lip
Living by NumbersNew Musikmodernity
Living by the WaterThe Unthankswater
Living DarfurMattafixpeace
The Living DeadSuededenial
Living Dead Diner GirlsTommy heavenly6zombies
The Living EndThe Jesus and Mary Chainmotorbikes
Living for the CityStevie Wonderstorytelling songs
Living in a BoxLiving in a Boxbags & containers
Living in SinThe Broken Family Bandsinners
Living in the PastJethro Tullflutes, pipes & whistles
Living Next Door to AliceSmokieshyness
Living RoomFrazier Chorusdomestic songs
Living RoomDylan Scottfurniture
The Living YearsMike and the Mechanicslegacy
LivingstonMary Chapin Carpentermusic as nutrition
Liwa Ya FrancoSyran Mbenza & Ensemble Rumba Kongopioneers
Liza Forever MinelliThe Mountain Goatslimbo
Liza…LizaElias Rahbani12″ singles to 1979
Llama in My Living RoomAronChupa ft Little Sis Norafour-legged livestock
Llanura Aqui Esta Tu HijoAries Vigothlove songs to places
Llorando (Crying)Rebekah Del Riocrying
Lluvia con NieveMon Riveratrombone
Lo Decidi YoJuana Molina3/4 time
Lo Único Que TengoVíctor Jara & Isabel Parrahands
The Load-OutJackson Browneconcerts
LoadedPrimal Screamcelebration
LobachevskyTom Lehrerintelligence
The Lobster QuadrilleFranz Ferdinandasking, begging & pleading
Loch Lomond (live)RunrigScotland
Lock and KeyJulia Fordhamkeys & locks
Lock the LocksThe Streets ft Clare Maguirekeys & locks
Locked AwayRobert Forsterkeys & locks
Locked in a RoomOren Laviekeys & locks
Locked UpAkonprisons
Locked Within the Crystal BallBlackmore’s Nightfortune tellers
LocketCrumbpsychedelic songs
Loco in AcapulcoFour TopsMexico & Central America
The Loco-MotionLittle Evaphysical gestures
LocustThe DronesAustralia
The LodgerJake Thackraysisters
LodiCreedence Clearwater Revivalpoverty
LOLLittle Jackietelephones
LolaThe Kinksmistaken identity
Lola, Leave Your Light OnGov’t Muleprostitution
L’ombelico del mondoJovanottiItaly
Lon-dubh / BlackbirdJulie FowlisGaelic songs
LondonThe SmithsLondon
London Belongs to MeSaint EtienneLondon
The London BoysDavid Bowieyouth cults
London CallingThe Clashomens & prophecies
London GangsSaultgangs
London Is the Place for MeLord KitchenerLondon
London PrideNoël Cowardflowers
London Social DegreeBilly Nichollssongs that aren’t what they seem
The Londonderry AirJohnny Griffin Quartetnational anthems
The Lone RangerQuantum Jumpspecific or obscure places
The Loneliness of a Tower Crane OperatorElbowjobs
The Lonely 1Wilcoconcerts
Lonely at the TopRandy Newmanwealth
Lonely AvenueRay Charlesloneliness
Lonely Financial ZoneJonathan Richman & the Modern Loversloneliness
Lonely LondonJah Wobbleinspired by poetry
The Lonely ManJoe Harnellsuperheroes
Lonely NightRichard Hawleyhumming
The Lonely ShepherdJames Last with Gheorghe Zamfireasy listening
The Lonely SpyLori & the Chameleonsspying
Lonely StretchThe Triffidswilderness
The Lonesome Death of Hattie CarrollBob Dylanvillains
Lonesome DreamsLord Huronwilderness
Lonesome LoveMitskitomorrow
Lonesome TownRicky Nelsonlosers
Lonesome Whistle BluesFreddie Kingears & hearing
Long After Tonight Is All OverJimmy Radcliffedevoted love
falling in love
The Long and Winding RoadPaul McCartneyroad trips
Long Black LimousineElvis Presleycoming home
Long Black VeilThe Bandstiff upper lip
The Long Black VeilLefty Frizzelladultery & infidelity
Long Black VeilDave Matthews Bandmasks
Long Cool Woman in a Black DressThe Holliestreachery & betrayal
Long Distance RunaroundYesanger
The Long HighwayMark Knopflerroad trips
Long John BluesDinah Washingtonteeth
Long LankinSteeleye Spanhorror-inspired songs
Long-Legged LarryAesop Rockamphibians
Long Live RockThe Whoconcerts
Long Live Rock ‘n’ RollRainbowmood-changing music
Long, Long, LongThe Beatlesnotable outros or codas
Long Long TimeLinda Ronstadtdefined or redefined by television
Long Lost PenpalHello Saferidedeception
Long May You RunStills-Young Bandsongs that aren’t what they seem
The Long RoadEddie Vedder & Nusrat Fateh Ali Khanunlikely collaborations
Long Shot Kick De BucketThe Pioneersgambling
Long Tall SallyLittle Richardtriggering dancing
Long Time GoneCrosby, Stills & Nashdares
Long Time ManTim Roseregrets
Long Walk to D.C.The Staple Singersdetermination
LongdogShow of Handsdogs
The Longest DayIron MaidenD-day
Longest DaySoulsavers ft Dave GahanD-day
The Longest Day MarchMaurice JarreD-day
The Longest TimeBilly Joelclicking, tapping & stomping
A Longing to Be Absorbed for a While
into a Different and Beautiful World
Leyland KirbyManchester
The LongshipsEnyaGaelic songs
Longships / The RavenThe Stranglerswide open spaces
The LongshotMegsonchance & coincidence
LongviewGreen Dayaddiction
The LookRoxettesongs that go ‘la’
Look a GhostUnwoundnever
Look at MeJohn Lennonsolo Beatles songs
Look AwayLarkin Poesteel guitar
Look Back in AngerDavid Bowiesurprise encounters
Look Dad No TunesHalf Man Half Biscuitmusic industry
The Look of LoveIsaac Hayesalbum tracks better than singles
The Look of LoveDusty Springfieldwhispering
Lookin’ for a LeaderNeil Youngleadership
Looking at the Front DoorMain Sourcearguments
Looking for an EchoThe Persuasionssinging
Looking for Lewis and ClarkThe Long Rydersopening album tracks
(Looking for) The Heart of Saturday NightTom Waitssound effects
Looking GlassThe La’smirrors
Looking on the Bright Side of LifeRay Noble & His New Mayfair Orchestra with Al Bowllyoptimistic songs
Looking Over from My Hotel WindowYoko Onohotels
Looking Through the Eyes of LoveGene Pitneyeyes & sight
Looks Are DeceivingMacka Bdeceptive appearances
Looks Is DeceivingThe Gladiatorsclose harmony singing
The Loos of EnglandDave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tichpride
LooseThe Stoogesbig and meaty
Loose FitHappy Mondaysfashion
Loosen the KnotLissieknots & ties
Lopin’ Along Thru the CosmosJudee Sillspace travel
L’orangeGilbert Bécaudorange
Lord AnthonyBelle and Sebastiancharacter songs
Lord FranklinPentanglehonorific titles
The Lord God BirdSufjan Stevensbirds
Lord GregoryShirley Collinssocial class
Lord Hereford’s KnobHalf Man Half Biscuitbad decisions
Lord, I’m DiscouragedThe Hold Steadyfamous last words
Lord RandallMartin Carthyconversations
LoreleiCocteau Twinsfeaturing bells
Los ChismesChalino Sánchezsongs in Spanish
Lose This SkinThe Clashandrogynous vocals
Lose YourselfEminembravery
Lose Yourself to DanceDaft Punk ft Pharrell Williamsperspiration
LoserJerry Garcialoss
LoserGrateful Deadironic songs
The LoserDerrick Harriottlosers
LoserThe New Dawnlosers
Losing HaringeyThe ClienteleEngland
Losing My EdgeLCD Soundsystemgetting older
Losing My ReligionR.E.M.fear
Losing SleepEdwyn Collinscomeback songs
LostDavid Allan Coecocktails & spirits
Lost HighwayHank Williamslosers
being lost
Lost HorizonsGin Blossomsbright songs about dark subjects
Lost in FranceBonnie Tylerloss
Lost in MusicThe Fallunlikely cover songs
Lost in MusicSister Sledgecelebration
Lost in the K-HoleThe Chemical Brothersaddiction
Lost in the StarsAbbey Lincolnbeing lost
Lost in the SupermarketThe Clashbeing lost
Lost PropertyThe Divine Comedyloss
The Lost SheepAdrian Munseyeccentric songs
Lost SongJane Birkinclassical songs
A Lost VillageGrasscutvillages
The Lost WatchThe Duke of Ironhats & accessories
Lot’s WifePrince Allasalt
Loud LoveSoundgardenscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Loud PlacesJamie xx ft Romyquiet
Louie LouieRichard Berry & the Pharaohsindecipherable songs
Louis CollinsMississippi John Hurtshooting
Louis XIVThe Wolfgang Pressfallen heroes
LouiseThe Human Leagueupbeat break-up
Louisiana 1927Aaron Nevillebad weather
Loup GarouClarence “Gatemouth” Brownwolves
L’oursChristophe Maé & Youssou N’Dourbears
Love Action (I Believe in Love)The Human Leaguegreat keyboards
Love and AffectionJoan Armatradingarresting opening lines
Love and RageMischief Brewwords of wisdom
Love at the Five and DimeNanci Griffithfirst love
Love BatteryBuzzcockselectricity
Love BuzzShocking Blueonomatopoeia
The Love CatsThe Cureunusual narrators
Love ChildDiana Ross & the Supremesshame
Love Comes in SpurtsRichard Hell & the Voidoidsanti-love songs
Love DetectiveArab Strapspying
Love Don’t Live Here AnymoreRose Royceelectronic music to 1983
Love for SaleBillie Holidaystairs, ladders & elevators
Love for SaleShirley Horntaboos
A Love from Outer SpaceA.R. Kanebirthdays
Love HangoverDiana Rosshangovers
The Love I Saw in You Was Just a MirageSmokey Robinson & the Miraclesdisappointment
Love in VainThe Rolling Stonesold meets new
Love in Vain BluesRobert Johnsonheartbreak
Love Is….Commonsongs that say what love is
Love Is a Bourgeois ConstructPet Shop Boysstrange, rare or unlikely words
Love Is a Losing GameAmy Winehousegambling
Love Is a RoseNeil Youngroses
Love Is a Serious BusinessAlfie Davisonsongs that say what love is
Love Is a StrangerEurythmicssongs that say what love is
Love Is…Afraid of the DarkLil Louis & Tammysongs that say what love is
Love Is an ArrowAberfeldysongs that say what love is
Love Is BluePaul Mauriat & His Orchestraharpsichord
Love Is Like a ButterflyDolly Partonbutterflies & moths
Love Is Like an Itching in My HeartThe Supremeshammer & mallet instruments
Love Is Like OxygenSweetgases
Love Is Not a Romantic SongMy Little Airportsongs that say what love is
Love Is Such a Good ThingFessor Funksongs that say what love is
Love Is the DrugRoxy Musicsongs that say what love is
Love Is the Only GoalWendy Waldmansearching & seeking
Love Is the Sweetest ThingRay Noble & His New Mayfair Orchestra with Al Bowllysongs that say what love is
Love ItselfLeonard Cohenquiet songs
Love LetterNick Cave & the Bad Seedsretrospection
Love Lifted MeKenny Rogersspiritual songs
Love Like AnthraxGang of Fourcontrol
Love, Love AloneHarry Belafontekings
Love ManOtis Reddingnarcissism
Love Me for a ReasonThe Osmondslyrical symmetry
Love Me, I’m a LiberalPhil Ochsfunny songs
Love of the Common PeopleNicky Thomasadversity
Love on a Farmboy’s WagesXTCwork
Love on the BeatSerge Gainsbourgrhythm, beat & boogie
Love on the BrainRihannathe brain
Love on TopBeyoncénotable key changes
Love on Top of LoveGrace Joneskissing
The Love ParadeThe Undertonesparades
Love Potion No. 9The Cloversmagic
Love Really Hurts Without YouBilly Oceanfictional adverts
Love Rears Its Ugly HeadLiving Colournightmares
Love ShackThe B-52sjukeboxes
Love Shines BrighterCulturegetting brighter
Love SickBob Dylananti-love songs
Love Song #1Meshell Ndegeocelloinfluenced by reggae
Love Song to a Girl in an Old PhotoHappy and Artie Traumphotographs
Love SongsMargo Guryansongs about love songs
Love Story (You and Me)Randy Newmaneverlasting love
A Love Supreme, Part 1: AcknowledgementJohn Coltranespiritual songs
A Love Supreme, Part 4: PsalmJohn Coltrane Quartetprayer
Love the One You’re WithThe Isley Brothersadvice
Love Theme from Spartacus (Zero 7 Remix)Terry Callierhope
Love Theme from SpartacusYusef Lateefancient history
Love Theme from SpartacusKenny Wheelerwithout percussion
Love T.K.O.Teddy Pendergrasssport
Love to Love You BabyDonna Summereuphoria
Love to ShareCarlton and the Shoesquiet songs
Love TrainThe O’Jaystrains
Love VigilantesNew Orderhome
Love Will Tear Us ApartJoy Divisionfailure
Love Won’t Let Me WaitMajor Harrisorgasms
Love, You Didn’t Do Right by MeRosemary Clooneyanti-love songs
Loveless4hero ft Ursula Ruckerend of the world
A Loveletter from SydneySteve KilbeyAustralia
Lovely DayBill Withersgetting brighter
Lovely Hula HandAlfred Apakaphysical gestures
Lovely RitaThe Beatlesjobs
Lover I Don’t Have to LoveBright Eyesanti-love songs
Lover, You Should’ve Come OverJeff Buckleyquoting Shakespeare
Lovers Are They Worth ItPoison Girlsrejection
A Lover’s ConcertoThe Toysclassical songs
Lovers Never Say GoodbyeThe Flamingosgoodbye
Lovers of TodayThe Pretendersadult lullabies
Love’s Been Good to MeJohnny Cashmusic for funerals
Love’s ThemeThe Love Unlimited Orchestradefined or redefined by television
LovesickGang Starrseparation
Lovin’ YouMinnie Ripertonsongs that go ‘la’
A Loving HandKevin Coynepuppets
Loving HannahMary Blackchange of mind
Loving PauperGregory Isaacsself-deprecation
Low GravityPrince Far-I & the Arabsgravity
Low Life in High PlacesThunderleadership
Low RiderWarslowing down
The Low Spark of High Heeled BoysTrafficobsolete things
The Lowly CarpenterMischief Brewsocial mobility
Lucifer SamPink Floydmammals
Lucifer’s HotelRough Silkhotels
LucilleB.B. Kingguitars
The LuckiestBen Foldscontentment
The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East SideThe Magnetic Fieldsluck
LuckyRadioheadedges & ledges
LuckyBritney Spearsluck
Lucky JohnThe Lurkersoverturning the odds
Lucky ManThe Verveacceptance
Lucky NumberLene Lovichindependence
Lucky StarMadonnagreat middle eights
Lucky to Be MeBill Evansluck
Lucy in the Sky with DiamondsWilliam ShatnerBeatles covers
Lucy Mae BluesFrankie Lee Simscheating
LudwigAmon Düül II19th century life
LujonHenry Mancinieasy listening
LukaSuzanne Veganamed after men
The LullCat’s Eyesquiet songs
LullabyLeonard Cohengentleness
LullabyThe Curewhispering
Lullaby (2, West 46th Street)Moondogaddresses
Lullaby of BirdlandElla Fitzgeraldmusic venues
Lullaby of BroadwayBusby Berkeleydance instrumentals
Lullaby of LondonThe Poguesadult lullabies
Lullaby of the LeavesElla Fitzgeraldadult lullabies
LumiEdward Vesalaexpressing movement of walking
Luminous SpacesJon Hopkins & Kelly Lee Owenspsychedelic songs
Luna y SolManu Chaolies
The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum)Fun Boy Threechaos
Lush LifeJohn Coltrane & Johnny Hartmanmistakes
Lush LifeBilly Strayhorn & Kay Daviswheels
LustLes Baxter featuring Bas Shevawordless vocals
Lust for LifeIggy Popgreat album or mixtape openers
Lyke-Wake DirgeThe Young TraditionYorkshire
The Lyre of OrpheusNick Cave & the Bad Seedsmusical instruments
tragedy & comedy