A-Z by Song – K

Song TitleArtistTopic
Ka-Ding-DongThe G-Clefsbells
Kahaan Se Aaya, Kahaan Jaaoge?Prahlad Tipanyapositive songs
Kala DjulaAli Farka Touré & Toumani Diabatésupergroups
KalasnjikovGoran Bregović & the Tzigane Brass Orchestraensembles, big bands & orchestras
Kali Yuga Part 3 (Autumn of Aeons)Therionend of the world
KalinkaAlexandrov Ensemble ChoirRussia
Kaltes klares WasserMalaria! vs Chicks on Speedcleansing
Kalyana Samayal SaadhamThiruchi Loganathanlaughter
KandinskyJoseph Arthurshadows
Kandy KornCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandnuts & edible seeds
KangarooThis Mortal Coilsimiles
KansasThe Wolfgang PressUS presidents
KarateBrad Paisley ft Charlie Danielsfighting
KarenThe Go-Betweenslibraries
Karn Evil 9Emerson, Lake & Palmervisitors
KarussellMichael Rotherfairgrounds
KashmirLed ZeppelinAsia
Kate MossMaximilian Heckerfashion
Katherine of OregonAl Stewartcontentment
Kathy Come HomeThe Mock Turtlesasking, begging & pleading
Katie’s TeaCamilletea
Katrina Klap / Dollar DayMos Defnatural disasters
KayJohn Wesley Rylesgripping or intriguing narrative
KayaBob Marley & the Wailersmarijuana
KazetMahlathini and the Mahotella Queensenergising songs
Keep a Knockin’Little Richardobstacles
Keep an Eye on LoveErnestine Andersoneyes & sight
Keep AwayLou Reedrefusal
Keep Cool BabylonRas Michael & the Sons of Negussongs to start the morning
Keep Everything Under Your HatAlexander “Skip” Spencehats & accessories
(Keep Feeling) FascinationThe Human Leaguesynth pop 1980-2000
Keep It Part TwoDexys Midnight Runnersdifferent 7″ versions
Keep On Churnin’ (Till the Butter Comes)Wynonie Harrisrecipe songs
Keep On DancingThe Gentrysfalse endings
Keep On Going OnCurtis Mayfieldpersistence
Keep On PushingThe Impressionssingle-mindedness
Keep On RunningThe Spencer Davis Grouppersistence
Keep On Truckin’Eddie Kendricksdriving songs
Keep Right On to the End of the RoadHarry Lauderpersistence
Keep Your Hand on the ThrottleBrother Rodneyswitches & buttons
Keep Your Handouts, Give Us Back Our LandArchie Roachrejection
The KeeperBonobo ft Andreya Trianapeace
Keeper of the CastleFour Topscastles & palaces
Kelly Watch the Stars (Remix Par Moog Cookbook)Airsci-fi & space
Kentucky SkankThe Upsettersrecipe songs
Kenuwee HeadVoodoo Queensmovie & TV stars
KeroseneBig Blackfire
The Ketchup Song (Aserejé)Las Ketchupsongs in Spanish
Kevin CarterManic Street Preachersfamous people
Kew. Rhone.John Greaves, Peter Blegvad, Lisa Hermanlyrical symmetry
The KeySpeech Debellekeys & locks
Key to the HighwayDerek and the Dominoskeys & locks
The Keys of CanterburyShow of Handspick-up lines & marriage proposals
Khumbu Ice-FallHenry Wolff & Nancy Henningsfeaturing bells
Kia Ora (Lab Rat Dub)Redmenacehello
KickINXSspirit of 2021
Kick Out the JamsMC5rallying cries
Kick, PushLupe Fiascogripping or intriguing narrative
Kicking TelevisionWilcotelevision
KicksFKA twigsstriking album endings
KidThe Pretendersbabies
The Kid from Belmont StreetRichmond Fontainecoming of age
Kidney BongosWiremisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
The KidsLou Reedunsettling songs
KidsStyle of Eyeyouthfulness
The Kids Are AlrightThe Whodenial
Kids in AmericaKim WildeAmerica
Kije’s OuijaThe Free Designboard games
Kilkelly, IrelandRobbie O’Connellexile
Kill the KingRainbowroyalty
Kill the PoorDead Kennedyspoverty
Killed by SweetsGrandadbobsweet foods
KillerVan der Graaf Generatorfish & other aquatic life
Killer QueenQueenqueens
Killerman Gold PosseFrench Frith Kaiser Thompsontreasure
Killing an ArabThe Cureoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Killing in the NameRage Against the Machinesweary songs
Killing JarRichard Thompsonunsettling songs
Killing Me Softly with His SongRoberta Flacksinging
The Killing of Georgie (Part I and II)Rod Stewartviolence
KimberlyPatti Smithalliteration
KimiadAlan StivellGaelic songs
KimigayoKou Kakinohara, Chie Hanawa & Yoshimi Tsujimotonational anthems
Kind and GenerousNatalie Merchantgifts & giving
The KingSteeleye Spanold and new
King and CountrySeth LakemanD-day
King and LionheartOf Monsters and Menkings
The King and Queen of EnglandSandy Dennyroyalty
King Creosote’s Wineglass SymphonyLone Pigeonglass
King Harvest (Has Surely Come)The Bandrural songs
King HenrySteeleye Spankings
King HeroinJames Browncocaine & heroin
The King in the TreeShriekbackbooks #2
The King Is DeadThe Herdfallen heroes
The King Is Half-UndressedJellyfishfairytales
The King Knows HowOver the RhineElvis
King Kong FrownDeparture Loungefaces
King Midas in ReverseThe Hollieslosers
King of BirdsR.E.M.eureka moments
King of EverythingBoy Georgekings
King of High-VisHalf Man Half Biscuittickets, passes & invitations
King of Illusion (Dub)Jah Wobble ft PJ Higginsillusions
King of MexicoBap Kennedykings
King of New YorkFun Lovin’ Criminalsoutlaws & rebels
King of Nothing EverEast River Pipelosers
King of RockRun-D.M.C.royalty
showing off
The King of Rock ’n’ RollPrefab Sproutsongs that go ‘la’
The King of RomeDave Sudburyfamous or notable animals
The King of RomeJune Taborvictory
The King of RomeThe Unthanks with Brighouse & Rastrick Brass Bandbrass songs
King of StrawSlapp Happyhonorific titles
starting fires
King of the BarleyJackie Levenbeing a man or a woman
King of the RoadRoger Millerindependence
King of the RoadThe Proclaimerskings
King StrutPeter Blegvadusing your imagination
King Tubby Meets Rockers UptownAugustus PabloB sides
Kingdom of Heaven13th Floor Elevatorsparadise
King’s CallPhil LynottElvis
King’s Lead HatBrian Enoclothes
Kings of the Wild FrontierAdam and the Antsroyalty
Kinky AfroHappy Mondaysarresting opening lines
Kinky LovePale Saintsfetishes
Kiri’s PianoJames Keelaghanfurniture
KissPrince and the Revolutionpragmatism
Kiss MeStephen “Tin Tin” Duffyincidental music
Kiss MeThe Wave Picturesthe Beatles
Kiss Me AgainDinosaur12″ singles to 1979
Kiss Me, Hold Me and Eat MeBallboykissing
Kiss Me on My NeckErykah Baduspine & neck
Kiss OffViolent Femmespatterns & sequences
Kissing with ConfidenceWill Powerskissing
Kite FlyingWillard Grant Conspiracyhobbies
KitesSimon Dupree & the Big Soundaviation
Kites Are FunThe Free Designtoys
KittyThe Presidents of the United States of Americaanimal sounds
KiwemboSobanza Mimanisafavourite live versions
KizoleleSomo Somo & Mose Se Sengosongs with sudden changes
KKKitchens, What Were You Thinking?Mcluskybad decisions
Knee SocksArctic Monkeysunderwear
KnickerbockerFujiya & Miyagiunderwear
KnifeAztec Camerasharp objects
The KnifeKyla La Grangeknives
A Knife and a Fork (The Massively Parallel Mix)Think Tanktools
Knife Slits WaterA Certain Ratioknives
KnockImelda Maypatterns & sequences
Knockin’ on Heaven’s DoorBob Dylanthe afterlife
Knocking Nails into My HouseAmbrose Sladehardware
KnotsGentle Gianta cappella
KnotsLisa Hanniganknots & ties
Know Your ProductThe Saintsopening album tracks
Know Your RightsThe Clashironic songs
Knowledge Is PowerThe Ethiopiansknowledge
Knuckles the Dog (Who Helps People)Killdozerempathy
KodachromePaul Simonobsolete things
Koduthathellam KoduthaanT. M. Soundararajangifts & giving
Koke’eDennis Kamakahiquiet songs
KokoCharlie Parkermore questions than answers
KokomoThe Beach Boyssteelpan
Kometenmelodie 2Kraftwerkkrautrock
Komm gib mir deine HandThe Beatlesforeign language versions
KomoriutaHozan Yamamotoflutes, pipes & whistles
KonchugunJun Togawaonomatopoeia
Konichiwa BitchesRobynAsian cities
KonnichiwaShonen Knifehello
Konono Wa Wa WaKonono Nº1outstanding percussion
Konoyo no HanaChiyoko Shimakuragreat songwriting 1900-1955
KooksDavid Bowiefathers
Kool ThingSonic Youthfear
Kora (Live)GoGo Penguinold meets new
Kora TuneAmadou Diagnesongs by buskers
The Koran, the Ghan and a YarnDavid Bridie19th century life
KowalskiPrimal Screamsingle-mindedness
Kowloon, Hong KongThe ReynettesAsian cities
Krishna BlueDavid Sylvianinspired by India
Ku Klux KlanSteel Pulsealliteration
The Kumquat KidsEddie Hendersonorange
Kun Faya KunBerklee Indian Ensemblehigh-pitched vocals
Kundalini23 Skidooraise the heartrate
Kung FuAshhobbies
Kung Fu FightingCarl Douglasfighting
Kurai Onrum Illai: RagamalikaM. S. Subbulakshmispiritual songs
Kurious OranjThe Fallbiography & autobiography
Kurohato (Aogashima Island)LUCAlower the heartrate