A-Z by Song – H

Song TitleArtistTopic
H2Ogate BluesGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonscandal
Ha! Ha! Said the ClownManfred Mannlaughter
Ha Ha You’re DeadGreen Dayschadenfreude
Ha Lese Le Di KhannaHugh Masekelafour-legged livestock
Habits (Stay High)Tove Lohedonism
HackensackThelonious Monktowns
Had Me a Real Good TimeFacesbicycles
HairPJ Harveyhair
The Hair of the Widow of BridlingtonJake Thackrayneighbours
Haitian DivorceSteely Daninfluenced by reggae
Haitian Fight SongDanny Thompsondouble bass
Hakuna MatataJimmy Cliff & Lebo Mpride
HalYasmine Hamdanslow, sexy love songs
Half a MileKarine Polwartmurder
Half a World AwayR.E.M.tiredness
Half DeadThe Mountain Goatsboring & dull
Half Light IArcade Firesunsets & twilight
Half SisterStandard Faresisters
Half the Perfect WorldMadeleine Peyrouxfractions & portions
Half the World AwayOasisManchester
Halfway to ParadiseBilly Furyfractions & portions
Halfway Up, Halfway DownDennis Browncompromise
Hall of FameAndre Williamsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
The Hall of MirrorsKraftwerkinversions
HallelujahJeff Buckleycovers better than the original
Halley’s CometBillie Eilishrare events
HallogalloNeu!long songs
Hallowed Be Thy NameIron Maidenprisons
HalloweenSonic Youthhorror-inspired songs
Halloween NightAKB48time travel
HaloLotte Kestnercrowns
Haluan sinutReginagender & LGBTQ+
Ham ’n’ EggsA Tribe Called Questmeals & mealtimes
Hamburger LadyThrobbing Gristlescary songs
Hammer and Nails (aka More Than a Hammer and Nails)The Staple Singerstools
The Hammer SongNick Cave & the Bad Seedstools
Hammering in My HeadGarbagemachinery, industry & technology
HamstersKing Missilerodents
Han-Tyumi, the Confused CyborgKing Gizzard & the Lizard Wizardartificial intelligence
Hana Nu KajimayaTakashi Hirayasu & Bob Brozmantradition
Hand Clapping SongThe Metersphysical gestures
Hand in GloveThe Smithsnever
Hand in My PocketAlanis Morissettephysical gestures
Hand Job, Bland Job, I Don’t Understand JobGarfunkel and Oatesprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Hand of KindnessRichard Thompsonkindness
Hand SpringsThe White Stripesseparation
The Hand That Rocks the CradleThe Smithshorror-inspired songs
Handbags and GladragsMike D’Aboclothes
Handbags and GladragsRod Stewartbags & containers
Handcart BwoyPerfectoverturning the odds
Handle with CareTraveling Wilburyssupergroups
Hands Across the TableThe BBC Dance Orchestra, directed by Henry Hall (vocal by Dan Donovan)physical gestures
The HandshakeBad Religionformal agreements
The Handweaver and the Factory MaidThe Imagined Villagemanual labour
Handyman BluesBilly Braggdecor
Hang On SloopyThe McCoyshanging
Hang On to Your EgoThe Beach Boysid, ego & superego
Hang Out the Stars in IndianaAl Bowllyhanging
Hang-Ten!The Soup Dragonsshyness
Hangin’ on a StringLoose Endsuncertainty
Hanging AroundThe Stranglershanging
Hanging GardenThe Necksgardens
Hanging in the GalleryStrawbsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Hanging on a StarNick Drakehanging
Hanging on the Old Barbed WireChumbawambaarmy
Hanging on the TelephoneBlondieletters, emails & telegrams
Hanging on the TelephoneThe Nerveslesser known originals
Hangman’s HillPeter Blegvad with John Greaves & Chris Cutlerhanging
HannibalMiles DavisRoman Empire
Hanno the NavigatorAl Stewartdiscovery
HanoiLa Grande SophieAsian cities
Happiness Is a Warm GunThe BreedersBeatles covers
HappyMazzy Starhappiness
HappyThe Rolling Stoneshappiness
Happy BirthdayAltered Imagesbirthdays
Happy BirthdayThe Birthday Partyanniversaries
Happy BirthdayStevie Wonderlegacy
Happy Birthday GirlSpearmintbirthdays
The Happy Birthday SongAndrew Birdbirthdays
Happy DayTalking Headsinnocence
Happy FeetCab Callowayfeet
Happy, Happy Birthday BabyThe Tune Weaversanniversaries
Happy HouseSiouxsie and the Bansheesfun
Happy JackThe Whosand
Happy LandUltramarine & Robert Wyattunlikely collaborations
Happy Loving CouplesJoe Jacksontwo – part 2
Happy New YearCamera Obscuranew year
Happy New YearBeverleygreat keyboards
H.A.P.P.Y. RadioEdwin Starrswitches & buttons
Happy Summer WeddingGoose housemale names
Happy TimeTim Buckleyhappiness
Happy TogetherThe Turtleseuphoria
Happy When It RainsThe Jesus and Mary Chainbad weather
HardTom Robinsonbeing a man or a woman
Hard & TuffDub Syndicateresilience
Hard Day on the PlanetLoudon Wainwright IIIclimate change
A Hard Day’s NightThe Beatleswork
Hard HandsRay Barrettonicknames & pseudonyms
Hard Headed WomanWanda JacksonElvis
Hard Headed WomanCat Stevenssearching & seeking
Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp of Savannah)Ella Fitzgeraldgirls’ names
Hard OnWithered Handsongs for your teenage self
Hard On for LoveNick Cave & the Bad Seedslust
A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna FallBob Dylanprophets
Hard Time Killing Floor BluesSkip Jamesgreat solo performances
Hard TimesBaby Hueypoverty
Hard Times of Old England RetoldThe Imagined Villagevillages
Hard to BeDavid Bazanhigher education
Hard to ExplainThe Strokesstop-start songs
Hard to HandleGrateful Deadfavourite live versions
Hard to HandleOtis Reddingseduction
Hard WiredTracy Chapmancollecting & listing
Hard WorkJohn Handyspring cleaning & household chores
Hard Workin’ ManCaptain Beefheartindustry & manufacturing
Harder, Better, Faster, StrongerSteam Powered Giraffefinish where they begin
The Harder They ComeJimmy Cliffrecorded for movies
The Hardest Button to ButtonThe White Stripesbabies
The Hardest PartBlondieiron & steel
The Hardest WalkThe Jesus and Mary Chainsuperlatives
Hardly WaitPJ Harveyanticipation
Hardware StoreWeird Al Yankovichardware
Harlem ShuffleBob & Earldance styles
Harmonie du soir à ChateauguayBeau Dommagedays of the week
Harold and JoeThe Curenothing
Harp and Aeolian HarpSarah Deere-Jonesharp, lyre & zither
Harper Valley PTAJeannie C. Rileyarguments
Harpsichord ShuffleWynder K. Frogharpsichord
Harriet BrownOpalactors
Harriet Tubman’s BalladWoody Guthrie19th century life
Harrowdown HillThom Yorkescandal
Harry’s House / CenterpieceJoni Mitchelldecor
Harvest FestivalXTCSeptember & October
Harvest for the WorldThe Isley Brothershope
Harvest in the EastTommy McCookSeptember & October
Harvest MoonCassandra Wilsonthe moon
Harvest of the MoonSteeleye Spantradition
Has He Got a Friend for Me?Richard and Linda Thompsonasking, begging & pleading
Hassan I SahbaHawkwindviolin
Hasta Siempre Comandante Che GueveraCarlos Pueblahero worship
Hate of the CityCockney Rejectsshoes
Hate the PoliceMudhoneylaw enforcement
Hatfield 1980Everything but the Girlsuburbia
Hattonrigg Pit Disaster, 1910De Rosasafety & danger
Haunting at 1300 McKinleyThe Black Angelsaddresses
The Haunting of John RebusJackie Levendetectives
Have a Nice DayRoxanne Shantecompetition
Have a Nice DayWorld Orderimpressive videos
Have Mercy BabyBilly Ward & His Dominoesinfluenced by gospel
Have More TimeMarvin Smithmultitasking & being busy
Have One on MeJoanna Newsomspiders
Have You Ever Been Away?The Beautiful Southstick it to the man
Have You Ever Seen the Rain?Creedence Clearwater Revivalbad weather
Have You Got 10p?The Ejectedcoins
Have You Seen Bruce Richard Reynolds?Alabama 3smuggling & stealing
Have You Seen HerThe Chi-Liteseyes & sight
Havoc in HeavenJesca Hoopparadise
Hazy Shade of WinterThe Banglescovers by the opposite sex
HBCU ThereGriot Bhigher education
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My BrotherThe Holliesempathy
He Brings Out the Whiskey in MeAmy Millanwhiskey
He Can Surely Turn the TideJohnny Osbournenightingales & thrushes
He Had a Long Chain OnJimmy Driftwoodkindness
He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)The Crystalsviolence
He Miss RoadFela Kutilong songs
He Never Raced on SundayOtis Taylorcompetition
He Shall Feed His Flock (from the Messiah)George Frideric HandelJesus
He Stopped Loving Her TodayGeorge Jonesfutility
He Was a Big FreakBetty Davisoffensive, insulting songs
He Was Really Sayin’ Somethin’The Velvelettesmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
He Was the KingNeil YoungElvis
He Who Picks a RoseThe Temptationsroses
HeadPrincesexy songs
Head Hang LowJulian Copeoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Head Like a HoleNine Inch Nailsholes
Head of the TableJoan Armatradingleadership
Head Over HeelsThe Manhattan Love Suicidesclose shaves & near misses
Head Shoulders Knees & ToesOfenbach & Quarterhead ft Norma Jean Martinebodily motion & exercise
The Head That Controls Both Right and Left Sides Eats Meats and Slobbers Even TodayBleacharresting opening lines
A Head with WingsMorphinewings
Headache for MichelleAu Pairssurveillance
Headbanger FaceA.R.E. Weaponsfaces
Headlights on the ParadeThe Blue Nileparades
Headline Hustler10ccjournalism & the news
Headline NewsEdwin Starrreading
The Headmaster RitualThe Smithsschool
HeadphonesBjörkears & hearing
Heal MeSarah Shook & the Disarmersredemption
The HealerErykah Baduhealing
The HealerJohn Lee Hooker & Carlos Santanahealing
Healing HandsCitizen Copehands
Healing with TurmericDhol Foundationflavour
Heaps of SheepsRobert Wyattsleep & insomnia
HearMoonpools & Caterpillarsears & hearing
Hear My Train A-Comin’Jimi Hendrixears & hearing
Hear Our PrayerLadysmith Black Mambazoprayer
Heard About Your BandBrakesboastful songs
Heart Disease Called LoveJohn Cooper ClarkeManchester
Heart Like a WheelKate & Anna McGarriglethe heart
Heart of GlassBlondiethe heart
Heart of the CityDave EdmundsWelsh songs
Heart-Shaped BoxNirvanabags & containers
HeartbeatAnniethe heart
HeartbeatWirethe heart
HeartbeatsJosé Gonzálezcovers better than the original
HeartbeatsThe Knifegreat keyboards
Heartbreak BeatThe Psychedelic Fursforgotten follow-ups
Heartbreak HotelElvis Presleybuildings
Hearts and CrossesHeavenlybright songs about dark subjects
Hearts on FireGram Parsonsgreat backing vocals
HeartstopperEmilíana Torrinicoffee
HeatDana Bryantperspiration
Heat TreatmentGraham Parkerheat #2
Heat WaveMartha and the Vandellasheat
HeavenPere Ubuinfluenced by reggae
HeavenTalking Headsheaven & hell
Heaven and HellBlack Sabbathsinners
Heaven and HellRaekwonheaven & hell
Heaven at OnceKool & the Gangdialogue
Heaven in PenniesEsperanza Spalding ft Robert Glaspercoins
Heaven Is a HalfpipeOPMreligion
Heaven Is a Place on EarthBelinda Carlisleheaven & hell
Heaven Is EmptyAldous Hardingparadise
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable NowThe Smithswork
Heaven or Las VegasCocteau TwinsAmerican west
Heavenly NobodiesLushhero worship
Heavy BalloonFiona Appleresilience
Heavy CrossGossipcrosses
Heavy DoctorThee Oh Seesdoctors
Heavy HorsesJethro Tullhorses
Heavy Is the HeadZac Brown Band ft Chris Connellcrowns
Heavy Metal DrummerWilcomusic genres
Hedi’s HeadKleenexunderrated artists
Heliopolis by NightAberfeldybright and beautiful
HellJames Brownheaven & hell
Hell Broke LuceTom Waitsarmy
He’ll Have to GoJim Reevesvolume
Hell Hound on My TrailRobert Johnsongreat songwriting 1900-1955
Hell Is ChromeWilcothe afterlife
Hell Is Round the CornerTrickyinterlopers
(He’ll Never Be An) Old Man RiverTISMtragedy & comedy
HelloDan Zanes & Barbara Brousalhello
Hello Hello, I’m Back AgainGary Glitterhello
Hello, I Love YouThe Doorshello
Hello in ThereJohn Prineindifference
Hello It’s MeLou Reed & John Caleremembrance songs
Hello It’s MeTodd Rundgrenvisitors
Hello Muddah, Hello FaddahAlan Shermanaccents
Hello OperatorThe White Stripesletters, emails & telegrams
Hello! Orange SunshineJudy and Maryorange
Hello ThereJohn Calehello
The HellraisersTyla J. Pallassongs that fit every topic
Hell’s BellsAC/DCheaven & hell
Hell’s ItchKing Gizzard & the Lizard Wizarditching & scratching
Help!The Beatlesimmaturity
Help Is ComingCrowded Housemigrants & refugees
Help Me Get Over ThisBreathlessnever
Help Me, RhondaThe Beach Boysdifferent 7″ versions
Help the AgedPulpgetting older
Helplessly HopingCrosby, Stills & Nashpatterns & sequences
Helplessly HopingRichie Havensalliteration
Helter SkelterThe Beatlesfairgrounds
Henrietta LongbottomFeltgossip
Henry LeeNick Cave & the Bad Seeds ft PJ Harveyjealousy
Her Eyes Are a Blue Million MilesCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandblue
Her Way of PrayingThe Jesus and Mary Chainprayer
HerculesMercury Revancient history
HerculesAaron Nevillenamed after men
Here Come the GirlsErnie K-Doefrom New Orleans
Here Come the Warm JetsBrian Enoindecipherable songs
Here Comes AliceThe Jesus and Mary Chainnon-alcoholic drinks
Here Comes FlashThe Kinksvillains
Here Comes GeordieRichard ThompsonNorth East England
Here Comes That Man AgainKirsty MacCollswitches & buttons
Here Comes That Song AgainRoy Orbisonjukeboxes
Here Comes the FloodRobert Fripp & Peter Gabrielnatural disasters
Here Comes the SunThe Beatlesanticipation
Here Comes the SunNina Simonethe sun
Here Goes SomethingNada Surfgravity
Here I AmLyle Lovettmeat
Here I ComeBarrington Levyshowing off
Here I GoSyd Barrettupbeat break-up
Here I Go AgainWhitesnakedepartures
Here in HeavenSparksdeath
Here, There and EverywhereEmmylou HarrisBeatles covers
Here Today, Gone TomorrowGang Starrimpermanence
Here We Come A-WassailingThe Watersonsnew year
(Here We Go Round) The Lemon TreeThe Movenursery rhymes
Here’s Looking at You, KidThe Gaslight Anthemwithout a chorus
Here’s the Tender ComingThe Unthanksadversity
Here’s to Old EnglandLuke HainesEngland
Here’s to the State of MississippiPhil Ochsrejection
Here’s Where the Story EndsThe Sundaysfinishing
Hermit the FrogMarina and the Diamondssecrets
Hermod’s Ride to Hel – Lokes Treachery Part IAmon Amarthfantasy
HeroNeu!out-of-tune songs
Hero of the WarScott Walkerhero worship
Hero of WarRise Againstarmy
Herod 2014Scott Walker & Sunn O)))deep voices
“Heroes”David Bowieobstacles
album tracks better than singles
“Heroes” (Aphex Twin Remix)Philip Glassscary songs
HeroesJill Sobulehero worship
Heroes and VillainsThe Beach Boysclose harmony singing
HeroinThe Velvet Undergroundvolume changes
Herr Drosselmeyer’s DollAbney Parkmachinery, industry & technology
Herring GirlBella Hardysharp objects
Herring SongEliza Carthyfish & other aquatic life
He’s a Bad BoyCarole Kingvillains
He’s a High Class PhysicianMarion Williamsdoctors
He’s a RebelThe Crystalsyouth cults
He’s a TrampPeggy Leefamous or notable animals
He’s an OddballThe Lewis Sistersoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
He’s GoneGrateful Deadacceptance
He’s Gonna Step on You AgainJohn Kongosbad boys & bad girls
He’s Got His Eyes on YouReverend D. C. Rice & his Sanctified Congregationeyes & sight
He’s Just a ScientistConnie Francisobsolete things
He’s Making a TapeBilly Childish & the Musicians of the British Empiremedia for listening to recorded music
He’s Misstra Know-It-AllStevie Wonderconfidence
He’s on the BeachKirsty MacCollthe Commonwealth
He’s on the PhoneSaint Etienne ft Étienne Dahotelephones
He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the PilotGrandaddybeing lost
He’s So FineThe Chiffonssecret admirers
He’s the Greatest DancerSister Sledgenightclubs
HeyPixiespick-up lines & marriage proposals
Hey Boy, Hey GirlThe Chemical Brotherstwo – part 2
Hey Garland, I Dig Your Tweed CoatCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandclothes
Hey, Good Lookin’Hank Williamspick-up lines & marriage proposals
Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)Neil Young & Crazy Horselyrical symmetry
Hey Ho on the Devil’s BackKatzenjammermythical beasts
Hey Jack Kerouac10,000 Maniacstribute songs
Hey Jean Hey DeanDean and Jeanhedonism
Hey JoeThe Jimi Hendrix Experienceguns
Hey JoeThe Leavescriminals
Hey Joe, Where You Gonna GoDaniel Johnstonthe Beatles
Hey JudeThe Beatlesna-na-hey-hey songs
Hey JudeWilson PickettBeatles covers
Hey Leroy, Your Mama’s Callin’ YouJimmy Castorsaxophone
Hey NineteenSteely Dangetting older
Hey! SandyHarvey Andrewssongs that capture the zeitgeist
Hey Self DefeaterMark Mulcahyconsolation
Hey SexyDie Antwoordhello
Hey StoopidAlice Cooperstupidity
Hey, That’s No Way to Say GoodbyeLeonard Cohengoodbye
(Hey There) Big Bad WolfThe Sham-Ettesfairytales
Hey, Western Union ManJerry Butlerletters, emails & telegrams
Hey Ya!OutKasthandclaps
Hi Ho Silver LiningJeff Beck‘high’ songs
Hi RenRenid, ego & superego
Hi RollerLittle Featplaying cards
Hi, We’re the Support BandTim Rogers & the Twin Setmusic industry
Hickory, Walnut & PineThe Po’ Rambin’ Boysbrown
Hickory WindThe Byrdstrees
The Hidden CameraPhoteksurveillance
Hidden WellAcoustic Guitarswells
High by the BeachLana Del Rey‘high’ songs
High HopesFrank Sinatra & Eddie Hodgeschildren performing
The High Monkey-MonkCocteau Twinsmonkeys & apes
High Priced WomanJohn Lee Hookermaps
High PriestessSantigoldpreachers, priests & religious leaders
High RiseHawkwindbuildings
High School ConfidentialJerry Lee Lewisjukeboxes
High Tide or Low TideBob Marley & the Wailerstides
Highdown FairAngelo Branduardipatterns & sequences
Higher GroundStevie Wonderredemption
Higher State of ConsciousnessJosh Wink‘high’ songs
Higher Than the Sun (A Dub Symphony in Two Parts)Primal Screamthe sun
The Higher the Monkey ClimbsJustin Hinds & the Dominoesproverbs
Higher WallNew Model Armyinterlopers
Highly StrungVan der Graaf Generatorrhythm, beat & boogie
Highway 49Howlin’ Wolfroad trips
Highway 61 RevisitedBob Dylanarresting opening lines
Highway BluesSavoy Brownhitchhiking
Highway KindTownes Van Zandtitinerants & migration
Highway PatrolmanBruce Springsteensiblings
Highway to HellAC/DCthe afterlife
HighwaymanThe Highwaymenimmortality & longevity
The HighwaymanLoreena McKennittoutlaws & rebels
HighwomenThe Highwomensupergroups
Hikaru Toki (When You Shine)Hitsujibungakulegacy
Hiljainen kylätieMetro-tytötvillages
Hill Street BluesMike Post & Larry Carltonlaw enforcement
Hilly Fields (1892)Nick Nicelyparks
Himininn er að hrynja en stjörnurnar fara þér velÓlafur Arnaldsremembrance songs
HindewhuBa-Benzélé Pygmiesflutes, pipes & whistles
Hip HopMos Defyouth cults
Hip PriestThe Fallvolume changes
Hip to Be SquareHuey Lewis & the Newscoolness
HippopotamusDesmond Dekkergravity
HippopotamusSparksstrange, rare or unlikely words
Hips Don’t LieShakira ft Wyclef Jeanjoints of the body
His Friends Are More Than Fond of RobinCarly Simoncharisma
The Hissing of Summer LawnsJoni Mitchelltrees, grass & flowers
Historia de las SillasSilvio Rodríguezchairs
HistoryThe Woodentopsbad decisions
History EraserCourtney Barnettaccents
History Has Its Eyes on YouChristopher Jackson & Lin-Manuel Mirandalegacy
History LessonNicolas Jaartragedy & comedy
History Lesson Part IIMinutemenself-referential songs
A History of Sport FishingThee More Shallowsmisleading or incongruous titles
History RepeatingPropellerheads ft Shirley Basseycollaborations & side projects
regressing & reversing
HitThe Sugarcubesseduction
Hit and Miss (Jukebox Jury Theme)John Barry Seven Plus Fourjukeboxes
Hit ’Em UpTupac Shakurhatchet jobs
Hit Me with Your Best ShotPat Benatardares
Hit Me with Your Rhythm StickIan Dury & the Blockheadsthe Commonwealth
Hit That Perfect BeatBronski Beatperfection
Hit the LightsMetallicadebut songs
Hit the NorthThe Fallnorthern England
Hit the SnowThe Aislers Setpaths & roads
Hit the SwitchBright Eyesdomestic songs
Hitch a RideBostonhitchhiking
Hitch HikeMarvin Gayephysical gestures
Hitch Hikin’Bruce Springsteenhitchhiking
Hitchin’ a RideVanity Farehitchhiking
HitlerEek-A-Mousetyranny & dictatorship
Hitting YouLoudon Wainwright IIIregrets
HobRichard Dawsonmythical beasts
Hobbin and A BobbinThe Ragamuffins ft Bob Andywinter sports
Hobbit MotherfuckersTurbonegromisanthropic songs
Hobo HeavenThe Groanbox Boyssuicide
Hobo Humpin’ Slobo BabeWhalefrom Nordic countries
HockeyJane Siberrywinter
The Hockey SongStompin’ Tom Connorswinter sports
Hocus PocusFocussongs that express excess
Hog Callin’ BluesCharles Mingusonomatopoeia
Hola SoledadSandra Carrascopersonification
Hold MeK. T. Oslindecisive songs
Hold Me Close (Underground)The Beautiful Southbasements & underground
Hold OnEn Vogueclose harmony singing
Hold On, Hold OnNeko Caseechoes
Hold On, I’m ComingSam & Davegreat drumming
Hold On to MeThe Black Sorrowstreasure
Hold On When You Get Love and Let Go When You Give ItStarsgifts & giving
Hold UpBeyoncéadultery & infidelity
Hold Your Head UpArgentconfidence
Hold Your OwnKate Tempestsongs offering advice
Holding Hands, Feeding DucksThe Brunettesurban wildlife
The HoleTownes Van Zandtcaves
Hole in the BucketSpearheadpockets
HolesMercury Revodd noises & instruments
Holes to HeavenJack Johnsonholes
HolidayHappy Mondaysholidays
Holiday for StringsSpike Jones & his City Slickerslaughter
Holiday in CambodiaDead KennedysAsia
Holiday in WaikikiThe Kinksholidays
HolidaysThe Beach Boysfictional adverts
Holland, 1945Neutral Milk Hotelplaces in Europe
Hollow TalkChoir of Young Believersfrom Nordic countries
HollywoodErykah BaduHollywood
HollywoodGuy ClarkHollywood
HollywoodCodeine Velvet ClubHollywood
HollywoodLana Del ReyHollywood
HollywoodBrigitte FontaineHollywood
Hollywood DivorceOutKast ft Lil Wayne & Snoop Doggactors
Hollywood (Down on Your Luck)Thin Lizzyluck
Hollywood HopefulLoudon Wainwright IIIHollywood
Hollywood LawnJenny LewisHollywood
Hollywood NightsBob Seger & the Silver Bullet BandHollywood
HolocaustBig Starmothers
Holy ForestPinkshinyultrablastsurprising intros
HomburgProcol Harumhats & accessories
Home AgainEdwyn Collinscoming home
Home as a Romanticized Concept Where Everyone Loves You Always and ForeverWoodpigeonlong titles
Home ComputerKraftwerkmachines, robots & computers
Home, Home on the RangeNeil YoungAmerican west
Home Is Where the Hatred IsGil Scott-Heronhome
Home Is Where the Heart IsLene Lovichreunions
Home Is Where the Heart IsBobby Womackproverbs
Home of the BraveBonnie and the Treasuresfreedom
Home of the WhaleMassive Attackcetaceans
The Home Secretary Briefs the Forces of Law and OrderMcCarthylaw enforcement
Home Sweet Home (…At Christmas)Viv Albertinereunions
Home to MyselfMelissa Manchesterbeing single
Homegrown TomatoesGuy Clarkthe obvious
Homely GirlThe Chi-Litesschadenfreude
Hometown Farewell KissThe Triffidsrevenge
Homeward BoundSimon & Garfunkelhome
HomosapienPete Shelleyhomosexuality
Honaloochie BoogieMott the Hooplerhythm, beat & boogie
An Honest MistakeThe Braverymisunderstanding
Honey BonesDope Lemonpsychedelic songs
Honey for the BeesAlison Moyetbees
HoneybeeThe Unthanksbees
The HoneymoonersLucky Jimgifts & giving
Hong KongScreamin’ Jay HawkinsAsia
Honky TonkMiles Davispuzzling & mysterious
Hook HeadIrish Lightslighthouses & guiding lights
Hooked on Junkk.d. lang & the Reclinestrash
Hookin’ MehInvaders Steel Orchestrasteelpan
Hoover FactoryElvis Costellobuildings
Hop, Skip and JumpRoy Milton & His Solid Sendersjumping
HopeArlo Parkshope
Hope Is the Last Thing to DieDavid Holmes ft Raven Violethope
Hope She’ll Be HappierBill Withersdisappointment
Hope Street, Tomorrow AfternoonRobb Johnsonhope
Hope There’s SomeoneAntony and the Johnsonssongs that make you cry
Hoping MachineJay Farrar, Will Johnson, Anders Parker & Yim Yamespersistence
HopoponoGoGo Penguingreat keyboards
Hopping Down in Kent / My Lovely HopsMary Ann HaynesSeptember & October
HoppípollaSigur Rósmultilingual songs
HorizonCat Powerhorizons
HorizonRachael Yamagatahorizons
HormonesTracey Thornopposites
Horror MovieSkyhooksnews & media
The HorseCliff Nobles & Co.animals
A Horse in the CountryCowboy Junkieshorses
Horse Soldier, Horse SoldierCorb Lundhorses
Horse with a Freeze Pts 1&2Roy Wardstop-start songs
A Horse with No NameAmericawilderness
Horse with No NameHorace Andydeserts
Horseshoe WomanCaracoliron & steel
Hosanna in ExcelsisSabbatarmy
HospitalThe Modern Loversbuildings
Hospital FoodEelshospitals
Hospital (Win Your Love)Jesca Hoopnursing & healthcare
Hot BarbequeBrother Jack McDuffmeals & mealtimes
Hot Black SilkSongs: Ohiarough & smooth
Hot Buttered RumTom Fogertycocktails & spirits
Hot ChocolateShonen Knifenon-alcoholic drinks
Hot Chocolate BoyBeat Happeningnon-alcoholic drinks
Hot for TeacherVan Haleneducation
Hot Fun in the SummertimeSly and the Family Stoneheat
Hot HeadCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandheat
Hot HeelsBarbara Moorewordless vocals
Hot in HerreNellyheat #2
Hot MilkJackie Mittoo & the Soul Vendorsnon-alcoholic drinks
Hot n ColdKaty Perrydriving songs
Hot PantsJames Brownfads & crazes
Hot PantsAlan Hawkshaw and Alan Parkerclothes
Hot PinkLet’s Eat Grandmapink
Hot PinkMeat Puppetspink
The Hot RockQuincy Jonesprecious stones
Hot Rod HotelBilly Bragg & Wilcohotels
Hot RunesThe Fallmonths of the year
Hot Soft LightThe Hold Steadyhospitals
Hot StuffDonna Summerevening
Hot TopicLe Tigrelist songs
oddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Hotel CaliforniaEagleshotels
Hotel HappinessBrook Bentonhotels
Hotel RoomRichard Hawleyhotels
Hots for the SmartsRichard Thompsonthe brain
Hound DogBig Mama Thorntonlesser known originals
Hounds of LoveKate Bushfear
The HouseAir Traffic Controllerfamily
House at Pooh CornerLoggins and Messinabears
House Burning DownThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencenotable outros or codas
House for SaleLucifermoving on
A House Is Not a HomeLuther Vandrossvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
A House Is Not a HomeDionne Warwickchairs
The House of Blue LightsFreddie Slack & Ella Mae Morse with Don Rayenightclubs
House of CirclesMr. Gnomecircles
House of FunMadnessanticipation
House of JanschDonovantribute songs
House of MirrorsDavid McCallummirrors
House of the GodsThe Poguesbeer
House of the KingFocusTV theme songs
The House of the Rising SunThe Animalsadvice
House on the HillKevin Coynemental illness
House PartyFred Wesleyparties & going out
The House That Built MeMiranda Lamberthouses
The House That Jack BuiltAretha Franklinbuildings
House Where Nobody LivesTom Waitshouses
HouseworkThe B-52sspring cleaning & household chores
HouseworkRobert Palmerspring cleaning & household chores
How a Resurrection Really FeelsThe Hold Steadyresurrection
How Beautiful You Are…The Curemisunderstanding
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and LiveBlind Alfred Reedpoverty
How Can I Be SureDavid Cassidyconfidence
How Can I Keep from Singing?Enyasinging
How Can I Miss You When You Won’t Go Away?Dan Hicks & His Hot Licksmissing someone
How Can I Protect You?Alabama 3asking, begging & pleading
How Can I Tell HimJens Lekmanplatonic love
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?Al Greeninfluenced by gospel
How ComeRonnie Lane & Slim Chanceplaying cards
How Come It Never RainsThe Dogs D’Amoursongs that fit every topic
How Come My Dog Don’t Bark (When You Come Around)Dr. Johnsubstitutions
How Come That BloodSam Amidonblood
How Deep Is Your LoveBee Geesslow, sexy love songs
How Do You Keep the Music Playing?Choir of Trinity College, Cambridgeeverlasting love
How Do You Sleep?John Lennonhatchet jobs
How Does It Feel to FeelThe Creationquestions
How D’Ya Like Your Eggs in the MorningDean Martin & Helen O’Connelleggs
How I Wrote Elastic ManThe Fallwriting
How Is the Weather in ParisAlain Romanshammer & mallet instruments
How Long Has This Been Going On?Ella Fitzgeraldeureka moments
How Long Has This Been Going OnCarmen McRaearresting opening lines
How Many More YearsHowlin’ Wolfgreat songwriting 1900-1955
How Sad, How LovelyConnie Conversebrevity
How Soon Is Now?The SmithsB sides
How Sweet to Be an IdiotNeil Innesself-deprecation
How the Love Gets InThea Gilmorepositive songs
How the Stars Were MadeMichael Askillstars
How to Be a MillionaireABCmoney
How to Be InvisibleKate Bushthe invisible
How to Make a ChandelierAnimals That Swimglass
How to Make GravyPaul Kellyrecipe songs
How to Roll a BluntRedmansmoking
How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?Brother D with Collective Effortpositive songs
How You Gonna Get Respect (When You Haven’t Cut Your Process Yet)Hank Ballard & the Dappshair
How You Learn to Live AloneMary Gauthierbeing single
However Much I BoozeThe Whofailure
H’tuom Tuhs Part 1The Missing Linkspsychedelic songs
Huddersfield TownRoger DaviesYorkshire
A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules from the Centre of the UltraworldThe Orblong titles
Huge Tree in the Tsukamori ForestJoe Hisaishiforests & woodlands
The HumMargo Guryanhumming
HumanThe Human Leagueforgiveness
Human, All Too Fucking HumanAnaal Nathrakhmisanthropic songs
Human Beings!Action Pact!misunderstanding
Human CannonballLoudon Wainwright IIIthe circus
The Human ElementReflection Eternalprisons
Human FlyThe CrampsHalloween
The Human GermSnogwastelands
Humdrum BluesOscar Brown Jr.boredom
Humeaban las ChozasArcángelhomelessness
HummingbirdB.B. Kingone word titles
Humpty DumptyAimee Manneggs
A Hundred Years from TodaySarah Vaughananniversaries
Hunger SongThe Middle Eaststomach & guts
Hungry PlanetThe Byrdsenvironment
The HunterAlbert Kingfollowing & chasing
The Hunter Gets Captured by the GameGrace Jonesironic songs
The Hunter Gets Captured by the GameThe Marveletteshunting
Hunting for WitchesBloc Partyconfusion & delusion
The Hunting SongPentanglehunting
Hunting the HareKate Rusby & Kathryn Robertsa cappella
Hunting the SquirrelThe Gloamingsearching & seeking
Hurdy Gurdy ManDonovanmusical instruments
The HurlersSeth Lakemanrare events
HurricaneBob Dylanmurder
HurricaneLin-Manuel Mirandawriting
Hurricane RoomThe Blessingthe Commonwealth
Hurricane SeasonTrombone Shortystorms
HurtJohnny Cashcovers better than the original
HurtNine Inch Nailsrecreational drugs
Hurt So GoodSusan Cadoganchannelling pain
HushDeep Purplesilence
Hush Little BabyNina Simonebabies & childbirth
HusnaHitesh Sonik ft Piyush Mishralong-distance relationships
The HustlerWillie Colónfrom New York City
Hymn (Live 1980)Barclay James Harvestascension
The Hymn for the CigarettesHefnersmoking
Hymn of the Big WheelMassive Attackspinning
HysYapoosconfusion & delusion
HysteriaThe Partisansconfusion & delusion