A-Z by Song – G

Song TitleArtistTopic
Gabhaim Molta BríghdeAoife Ní FhearraighGaelic songs
GagarinPublic Service Broadcastingpioneers
Gagarin’s Point of ViewEsbjörn Svensson Triocurves & spheres
Galaxy of EmptinessBeth Ortoncelestial bodies
Galaxy SongMonty Pythonintelligence
GalileoIndigo Girlsredemption
Gallo del CieloJoe Elyfighting
Gallows PoleLed Zeppelinhanging
Galop infernal (Can Can)Jacques OffenbachFrance
GalvanizeThe Chemical Brothersgreat middle eights
Galway and MayoThe Saw Doctorsfamily
The Galway FarmerShow of Handshorses
The Galway RacesThe DublinersIreland
Gambia-ZambiaSuper Eaglesthe Commonwealth
Gamblin’ ManLonnie Donegangambling
Game of All FoursKate Rusbygames
The Game of LoveWayne Fontana & the Mindbendersgames
Games People PlayJoe Southinspired by India
Games Without FrontiersPeter Gabrielborders, barriers, walls & fences
Gan to the KyeThe Unthanksfour-legged livestock
Ganges Delta BluesRy Cooder & V. M. Bhattgenre defying
Gangnam StylePsytriggering dancing
Gangsta WifeDirtymarriage
GangstersThe Specialseavesdropping
Ganja SmugglingEek-A-Mousemarijuana
Gap in the CloudsYellow Daysclouds
GaragelandThe Clashsongs that capture the zeitgeist
The GardenEd Askewgardens
The GardenCut Chemistgardens
The Garden of Earthly DelightsThe United States of Americagardens
Garden of Four TreesThe Explosions with Juanita Brooksgardens
Garden PartyRick Nelsonacceptance
GardeniaStephen Malkmus & the Jicksflowers
Garganta con ArenaDiego El Cigalagenre switch
GarrinchaAlfredo Zitarrosafootball
Gary Gilmore’s EyesThe Advertsfamous people
Gas Gauge (Tha World’s in Your Hands)Spearheadsongs with a twist
The Gas-Man ComethFlanders and Swannfinish where they begin
Gassenhauer nach Hans NeusiedlerCarl Orff & Gunild Keetmaninstrumental soundtracks
Gather Ye AcornsMischief Brewnuts & edible seeds
The Gathering LightKarnatakamoving on
The Gathering WildernessPrimordialwilderness
Gaudi ParkTangerine Dreamparks
Gavaskar CalypsoLord Relatorcricket
Gay BarElectric Sixnuclear war
The Gay GoshawkMr. Foxmythical beasts
Gayatri Mantra (Contemporary Mix)Shankar Mahadevangetting brighter
Gazette (Kazet)Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queensenergising songs
GeckoThe Creaturesreptiles
GèdamayGétatchèw Mèkuryadiscordant songs
Geek LoveBang Bang Machineliterary songs
Geek the GirlLisa Germanonerds & geeks
Geh vorbeiDionne Warwickforeign language versions
Genda PhoolSujatha Majumdarorange
General PenitentiaryBlack Uhuruprisons
GeneralifeEnrique Morenteparks
GénériqueMiles Davisascension
stairs, ladders & elevators
Genetic EngineeringOrchestral Manoeuvres in the Darkscience
industry & manufacturing
Genevieve WaltzLarry Adlerharmonica
GeniusWarren Zevonunusual rhymes
Genius Next DoorRegina Spektorneighbours
Genius of LoveTom Tom Clubintelligence
GenoDexys Midnight Runnersother musicians
Gentle on My MindMadeleine Peyrouxgentleness
GentlemanFela Kutisocial class
Gentlemen of the ParkEpisode Sixparks
Genuflecting GhostSufjan Stevensphysical gestures
GeoffPhilip Jeaysfear of missing out
Geordie’s Lost His LiggieGeordieloss
George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black PeopleThe Legendary K.O.politicians
George Square Thatcher Death PartyMogwaiScotland
Georgia LeeTom Waitslost and found
Georgy GirlThe Seekersshyness
GerbilStephen Lynchrodents
GermSubhumanssmall things
Germ Free AdolescentsX-Ray Spexcleansing
GermansUdo Lindenbergkrautrock
Get a Haircut and Get a Real JobGeorge Thorogood & the Destroyerssongs that command or instruct
Get a JobThe Silhouettesanti-work songs
Get a LifeSoul II Soulmeaning of life
Get AwayYuckprocrastination
Get BetterDan le Sac Vs Scroobius Pipsongs for your teenage self
Get CarterRoy Buddinstrumental soundtracks
Get Down Saturday NightOliver CheathamFriday & Saturday
Get HappyElla Fitzgeraldapocalypse
Get HappyJudy Garlandrecovery
Get HappyArt Tatumenergising songs
Get in the GrooveThe Heptonesmusic as nutrition
Get in the RingGuns N’ Rosesmagazines
Get Innocuous!LCD Soundsystemgreat riffs
Get It Right Next TimeGerry Raffertyresilience
Get It Up for LoveNed Dohenyfictional adverts
Get LuckyDaft Punk ft Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgersinnuendo
Get Off of My CloudThe Rolling Stonesclouds
Get Off the StageMorrisseyconcerts
Get Off Your Ass and JamFunkadelicten words or fewer
Get on the Good FootJames Brownfictional adverts
Get Out of My HouseKate Bushbooks #2
Get Out of My Life, WomanLee Dorseyfrom New Orleans
The Get Out of the Ghetto BluesGil Scott-Heronfailure
Get Over YouThe Undertonesraise the heartrate
Get Over YourselfSteven James Adamswords of wisdom
Get ReadyMolotov Jukeboxaccordion
Get ReadyThe Temptationsgreat album or mixtape openers
Get Ready to Ride the Lion to ZionCultureanimal sounds
Get RhythmJohnny Cashknowledge
Get the Balance Right!Depeche Modefairness
Get the MessageElectronicsupergroups
Get the Party StartedP!nkspirit of 2021
Get Up, Get into It, Get InvolvedJames Brownsongs that command or instruct
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex MachineJames Brownbridges
Get Up Off Our KneesThe Housemartinsrecovery
Get Up Offa That ThingJames Brownfunk
Get Up, Stand UpBob Marley & the Wailerslessons in life
Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)Ted Neeleyextraordinary vocals
Gett OffPrince & the New Power Generationinnuendo
Gettin’ Kicked Off, Havin’ FunBetty Davisfun
Getting Away with ItElectronicdistractions & diversions
Getting Beaten UpThe Piranhaslyrical symmetry
Getting CloserNitzer Ebbtwo – part 2
Getting Mighty CrowdedBetty Everettcrowds
Getting Some Fun Out of LifeBillie Holidayfun
GhanaDorothy Masukapoliticians
Ghana Guinea MaliE. T. Mensahthe Commonwealth
Ghanan GhananA. R. Rahmanclouds
Ghost DancePrince Busterwritten correspondence
Ghost Dog ThemeRZAdriving songs
Ghost HighwayMazzy Starpaths & roads
Ghost in This HouseAlison Kraussghosts
The Ghost of LiberaceSparkssurprise encounters
Ghost of Stephen FosterSquirrel Nut Zippersimpressive videos
The Ghost of the Girl in the WellWillard Grant Conspiracyghosts
The Ghost of Tom JoadBruce Springsteenunemployment
Ghost on the ShoreLord Huronlimbo
Ghost RiderSuicidemotorbikes
Ghost RiderThe Young Godssuperheroes
(Ghost) Riders in the SkyJohnny CashAmerican west
Ghost TownAngelic UpstartsNorth East England
Ghost TownThe SpecialsHalloween
Ghost TrainKevin Ayersfairgrounds
Ghost WorldAimee Manncomics & cartoons
GhostbustersRay Parker Jr.companies & corporations
GhosteenNick Cave & the Bad Seedssongs that give you goosebumps
GhostsThe Chillsghosts
Ghosts of American AstronautsThe Mekonsspace travel
Ghosts of Cable StreetThe Men They Couldn’t Hangresistance
The Ghosts of Saturday Night (After Hours at Napoleone’s Pizza House)Tom WaitsFriday & Saturday
GiantThe Thegreat keyboards
Giant StepsJohn Coltranesuper solos
Gibsom StreetLaura Nyroadversity
The GiftThe Velvet Undergroundsongs with a twist
Gimme a PennyBig Mama Thorntoncoins
Gimme a Pigfoot (and a Bottle of Beer)Bessie Smithmeat
Gimme Back Me ShillingErnest Ranglincoins
Gimme BrainsBratmobileintelligence
Gimme Chocolate!!Babymetalflavour
Gimme Coffee or DeathMischief Brewcoffee
Gimme Dat DingThe Pipkinssongs that command or instruct
Gimme Gimme Shock TreatmentRamoneshealing
Gimme Hope Jo’annaEddy Grantspecific or obscure places
Gimme Little SignBrenton Woodphysical gestures
Gimme ShelterThe Rolling Stonesimpressive intros
Gimme Some Lovin’The Spencer Davis Grouporgan
Gimme Some TruthJohn Lennonthe truth
Gimme Three StepsLynyrd Skynyrdinterlopers
Gimmix! (Play Loud)John Cooper Clarkefads & crazes
Gin and JuiceRichard Cheeseold meets new
Gin House BluesNina Simonedrinking
Giorgio by MoroderDaft Punkpioneers
Girl About TownHelen Lovemusic industry
The Girl from IpanemaStan Getz & João Gilberto with Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobimunrequited love
Girl from MarsAshspace
Girl in a Country TownMaddie & Taestereotypes
Girl in Your EyeSpiriteyes
A Girl Like YouEdwyn Collinscall and response
Girl of the North CountryAlan PriceNorth East England
Girl on a SwingKevin Ayershanging
The Girl Who Fell to EarthGaz Coombesfathers and daughters
The Girl with the Loneliest EyesThe House of Lovesuperlatives
Girl, You Have No Faith in MedicineThe White Stripesdisbelief
Girlfriend in a ComaThe Smithsbright songs about dark subjects
Girlie GirlieSophia Georgeseduction
GirlsBeatrice Eliobsession
Girls & BoysBlurholidays
Girls & BoysGood Charlottethe obvious
Girls/Girls/BoysPanic! at the Discogender & LGBTQ+
Girls, Girls, GirlsSailorretro style
Girls Just Want to Have FunRobert Hazardlesser known originals
Girls Just Want to Have FunCyndi Lauperfathers and daughters
Girls TalkDave Edmundsgossip
Give, Give, Give Me More, More, MoreThe Wonder Stuffgreed
Give Him a Great Big KissThe Shangri-Laskissing
Give It (Extended Club Mix)X-Press 2 ft Kurt Wagnergifts & giving
Give It AwayRed Hot Chili Peppersfunk
Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)George Harrisonsolo Beatles songs
Give Me the Simple LifeEtta Jonessimple pleasures
Give Me TimeDusty Springfieldforgetting
Give Peace a ChancePlastic Ono Bandfictional adverts
Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof Off the Sucker)Parliamentbest bass lines
Give Us BubblewrapHalf Man Half Biscuitdistractions & diversions
Give Us Your BlessingsThe Shangri-Lasaccidents
Giving It All AwayRoger Daltreyfresh starts
Giving Up on LoveJerry Butleranti-love songs
Glad to Be GayTom Robinson Bandtaboos
A Glade SomewhereForestforests & woodlands
Glasgow JubileeBill Wells & Aidan Moffattomorrow
Glass CityWar on Womenfeminism
Glass, Concrete & StoneDavid Byrnebuildings
Glass HouseAni DiFrancoglass
Glass HousePeter Toshglass
The Glass of an IrisThirty Pounds of Boneeyes
Glass of WaterLithicsnon-alcoholic drinks
Glass OnionThe Beatlesself-referential songs
GlassesSha Na Naeyewear
Glassworks: OpeningPhilip Glasslower the heartrate
Glastonbury SongThe Waterboyslove songs to places
GlazeContainerbig and meaty
GliderCaptain Beefheartaviation
GliderMy Bloody Valentinedrone music
GlitchKilling Jokepower
GloriaThe Jimi Hendrix Experienceleft & right
GloriaPatti Smithcovers better than the original
GloriaThemB sides
A Glorious DawnCarl Sagan, Stephen Hawking & John D. Boswelleureka moments
Glory BoxPortisheadfalling in love
Glow WormsVashti Bunyaninsects
GMFJohn Grantself-deprecation
Gnashing of TeethMighty Diamondsteeth
The GnomeEmerson, Lake & Palmer (composer: Modest Mussorgsky)electronic music to 1983
The Gnu SongFlanders and Swannchildren’s songs
Go!Public Service Broadcastingsafety & danger
Go Children SlowLaura Siersemaslowing down
Go Down MosesLouis Armstrong & the All Starsprophets
Go! Go! GirlsThe Milkeestautonyms
Go LeaveKate & Anna McGarrigledivorce
Go Little SwaleJack ThackrayYorkshire
Go LongJoanna Newsomsongs with special guests
Go Now!The Moody Bluesinfluenced by gospel
Go On GirlRoxanne Shanteboastful songs
Go Then, ByeSpeech Debellestiff upper lip
Go WestPet Shop Boysmigrants & refugees
Go Wild in the CountryBow Wow Wowrural songs
Go Your Own WayFleetwood Macdivorce
GoaskinvielljaMari Boineraptors
GoatlordGoatdrone music
GodJohn Lennonfallen heroes
God Bless America for What?Swamp DoggAmerica
God Bless the ChildJudy Henskebabies
God Is Alive, Magic Is AfootBuffy Sainte-Mariemagic
God Is in the HouseNick Cave & the Bad SeedsGod & the Devil
God Knows I’m GoodDavid Bowiedeception
God Only KnowsThe Beach Boysalternative outcomes
God Save OzBill Elliott & the Elastic Oz Bandmagazines
God Save the QueenQueenthe Commonwealth
God Save the QueenSex Pistolsother songs
God Save the QueenNeil Young & Crazy Horsenational anthems
God Save This QueenBiminigender & LGBTQ+
God Says NoMonster Magnetrefusal
God Told Me ToPaul Kellymurder
God Willin’ & the Creek Don’t RiseRay LaMontagne & the Pariah Dogsconditional phrases
God with an iPodMilk Kaninternet
Góða tunglSamariswindows
Goddess of LoveBryan Ferrymovie & TV stars
Goddess on a HiwayMercury Revspeed
God’s Away on BusinessTom Waitschaos
God’s ComicElvis Costelloironic songs
God’s CopHappy Mondayspolice
God’s FootballerBilly Braggfootball
God’s Great Dust StormKatzenjammerpersistence
God’s Song (That’s Why I Love Mankind)Randy Newmanmisunderstanding
GodzillaBlue Öyster Cultfamous or notable animals
GogglesThe Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothingmachinery, industry & technology
Goin’ BackDusty Springfieldgetting older
Goin’ PlacesThe Jacksonstravelling
Goin’ to See My BabyThe Fatback Bandcoming home
Going Back to My RootsLamont Dozierfresh starts
Going Back to My RootsOdysseystart with the chorus
Going Down to LiverpoolKatrina and the WavesLiverpool & Merseyside
Going HomeLeonard Cohenmusic for funerals
Going HomePaul Robesonroots
Going in CirclesIsaac Hayescircles
Going in the Right DirectionRobert Randolph & the Family Bandsteel guitar
Going Out in StyleKellie Picklerfootwear
Going PlacesKid Creole & the Coconutslong-distance relationships
Going to a Go-GoSmokey Robinson & the Miraclesparties & going out
Going to a TownRufus Wainwrightexile
Going to CaliforniaAmy Leecovers by the opposite sex
Going UndergroundThe Jampromises & choices
Going UpCoilslowing down
GoldPeter Blegvadthe obvious
GoldGenius / GZAscary songs
GoldJohn Stewartgold
Gold DiggerKanye West ft Jamie Foxxgreed
Gold MotherJamesbabies & childbirth
Gold on the CeilingThe Black Keysgold
Golden Apples of the SunTerry Calliergold
Golden BirdiesCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandbirdsong
legs & trousers
Golden BrownThe Stranglerscocaine & heroin
Golden GaytimeThe Bedroom Philosopherice cream
Golden GreenAgnes Obelgreen
Golden HairSyd Barrettinspired by poetry
Golden HenTenor Sawpoultry
Golden Lakes‘Igginbottomgold
Golden YearsDavid Bowiewhistling
GoldfingerShirley Basseygreed
Goldilox & the Three BearsAl “Jazzbo” Collinsfairytales
GoldrushYelloinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Gondola no UtaTakashi Shimuratomorrow
Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)Robert Plant & Alison Krausscollaborations & side projects
Gone to AmericaSteeleye Spanloss
Gone UnderSnarky Puppy with Shayna Steeleswimming & bathing
Gone with the Wind Is My LoveRita & the Tiarassimiles
Gonna Die AloneHanni El Khatibloneliness
Gonna Fay’sLotti Goldenraise the heartrate
Gonna FlyBill Contiunderdogs
Gonna Send You Back to WalkerThe Animalsnorthern England
The Goo Goo MuckRonnie Cook & the Gayladstautonyms
Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud)The Beautiful Southsurvival
Good Blood Mexico CityElbowlighthouses & guiding lights
Good Days, Bad DaysRichard Butlerreversing
Good FortunePJ Harveyrecovery
Good Golly, Miss MollyLittle Richardgreat keyboards
A Good IdeaSugarunderwater
Good Intentions Paving Co,Joanna Newsomcompanies & corporations
Good Job with ProspectsThe Actressalternative outcomes
Good LifePete Rock & CL Smoothsocial class
Good Lovin’The Rascalshealing
Good Morning BritainAztec CameraBritain
Good Morning, CaptainSlintspoken word
Good Morning JudgeWynonie Harrisjudges & trials
Good Morning, School GirlSonny Boy Williamson Iharmonica
Good Morning StarshineOliverstars
Good One Comin’ OnBlackberry Smokehedonism
Good Ship VenusLoudon Wainwright IIIsweary songs
Good TechnologyRed Guitarsmaking things
The Good, the Bad and the QueenThe Good, the Bad and the Queenqueens
The Good, the Bad and the UglyEnnio MorriconeAmerican west
Good TimesChicgreat riffs
Good TimesThe Monkeesfun
The Good Times Are Killing MeModest Mousehangovers
Good to Be AliveThey Might Be Giantschannelling pain
Good to Be on the Road Back HomeCornershop with Paula Frazerunlikely collaborations
Good TraditionTanita Tikarambrothers & sisters
Good VibrationsThe Beach Boysvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Good with My HandsClive Gregson & Christine Collistermaking things
A Good Year for the RosesGeorge Jonesdivorce
GoodbyeBest Coastfamous last words
Goodbye EarlDixie Chicksmurder
Goodbye-eePeter Cook & Dudley Moorequoting Shakespeare
Goodbye England (Covered in Snow)Laura Marlinghats & accessories
Goodbye PianoR. Stevie Moorepiano songs
Goodbye Pork Pie HatCharles Mingusother musicians
Goodbye StrangerSupertrampwhistling
Goodbye to LoveCarpenterssongs with sudden changes
Goodbye Yellow Brick RoadElton Johnnotable key changes
Goodnight, IreneLead Bellysuicide
Goodnight JuarezTom Russell & the Norwegian Wind Ensemblelove songs to places
Goodnight KissBlack Box Recordermakeup
Goodnight LoversDepeche Modecrooners
Goodnight MoonShivareefear
Goodnight, SweetheartAl Bowllygreat songwriting 1900-1955
Goodwin SandsThe Whiskey Rebellionsand
Goon GumpasAphex Twinshort songs
GoreckiLambdevoted love
The GorillaThe Idealsmonkeys & apes
Gortoz a ranDenez Prigent ft Lisa GerrardFrance
Got a Lot to SayRamonesten words or fewer
Got My Mojo WorkingJimmy Smithorgan
Got the TimeJoe Jacksonmultitasking & being busy
Got to Give It UpMarvin Gayefunk
Goth GirlsMC Frontalotshyness
Gotta Get into SomethingGary Clark Jr.fear of missing out
Götterdämmerung: Finale from Act 3Richard Wagnerend of the world
Gouge AwayPixiesbiblical songs
Gov Did Nothin’John Butler Triostorms
Government CenterThe Modern Loversmultitasking & being busy
Grace DarlingStrawbsNorth East England
GracelandPaul Simonaddresses
Gracias a la VidaVioleta Parragratitude
Graduation DayThe Rover Boyshigher education
Græder duMajkystaramphibians
Grand Central StationMary Chapin CarpenterSeptember 11 attacks
The Grand TourGeorge Jonesfurniture
Grandma’s HandsBill Withershands
GrandstandKeith Mansfieldincidental music
Granite State DestroyerScissorfightNew England
Grantchester MeadowsPink Floydrural songs
GrassXTCtrees, grass & flowers
Gratefully DeadEric Burdon & the Animalsthe afterlife
GratitudeEarth, Wind & Firegratitude
GratitudeHorace Silvergratitude
Gratitude and ThanksMischief Brewpositive songs
GravediggerDave Matthewscaves
Gravitate to MeThe Thelighthouses & guiding lights
GravityJames Browngravity
GravityJohn Mayergravity
Gravity Begins at HomeIvor Cutlergravity
Gravity’s AngelLaurie Andersonbooks #2
The GravyJapanthermonsters
Grazing in the GrassThe Friends of Distinctionsummer
Great Balls of FireJerry Lee Lewisfire
Great BlacksGeorgia Anne Muldrowpositive songs
Great British MistakeThe Advertsbad decisions
The Great CurveTalking Headsgenre switch
The Great DominionsThe Teardrop Explodesout-of-tune songs
Great Dust Storm (Dust Storm Disaster)Woody Guthriestorms
The Great Egg RaceRichard Denton & Mark CookTV theme songs
The Great Gate of Kiev (Orchestral Version)Modest Mussorgskyworks of art
The Great Gig in the SkyPink Floydna-na-hey-hey songs
A Great Northern RiverThe UnthanksNorth East England
The Great PretenderThe Plattersmistaken identity
Great StoneKing Tubbydoom
The Great ValerioRichard and Linda Thompsonjobs
Great White HopeStyxfighting
The Great White Sea EagleJames Yorkston & the Second Hand Orchestra ft Nina Perssonraptors
The Great Wuga WugaSir Lord Comicshowing off
The GreatestCat Powerboastful songs
The GreatestLana Del Reysuperlatives
The GreatestEverlastfighting
The Greatest ShowHugh Jackmanthe circus
The Greatness and Perfection of LoveJulian Copeperfection
Greed and GoldSeth Lakemangreed
Green and GreyNew Model Armyrural songs
The Green and Red of MayoThe Saw Doctorsmountains
Green CamouflageDavid Kirtongreen
Green DoorWynder K. Froggreen
Green DoorShakin’ Stevensfear of missing out
Green EyesErykah Badueyes
Green FingersSiouxsie and the Bansheesgreen
Green FlashMale Gazesunsets & twilight
Green GardenLaura Mvulagreen
Green GravelFay Hieldnursery rhymes
Green, Green Grass of HomeTom Jonessongs with talking
Green Grow the Rashes OEddi Readergreen
Green HornetLink Wraysuperheroes
Green LightLordesongs with sudden changes
Green Light: Now BeginBlackaliciousgreen
Green LinePrincess Nokiafrom New York City
The Green ManalishiPeter Greennightmares
Green OnionsBooker T. & the M.G.’sfood
Green Pea SoupAlice Donuthorror-inspired songs
Green TambourineThe Lemon Pipersmusical instruments
Green TeaShonen Knifetea
GreensleevesJohn Coltrane Quartetgreen
Greetings to the New BrunetteBilly Braggbrown
Grey and GreenCheryl Wheelerrefreshment & cooling down
The Grey Funnel LineCyril Tawneythe sea
Grey StoneEmily Portmanthe coast
Greyhound BusOh Susannabuses
GrimsbyElton Johntowns
Grind My BonesBlack Rebel Motorcycle Clubbones
Grinder Man BluesMemphis Slimnicknames & pseudonyms
Gris Gris Gumbo Ya YaDr. Johndoctors
GritsRZA ft Allah Real & Masta Killavegetables
The Grizzly BearShel Silversteinbears
Grizzly Bear BluesCorb Lundbears
Groove Is in the HeartDeee-Litedancing
Groovin’The Young Rascalsafternoon
Groovin with Mr. BloeMr. Bloeinstrumentals
A Groovy Kind of LoveThe Mindbendersclassical songs
Ground SpeedEarl Scruggsspeed
Group FourMassive Attackcontrol
A Growing Boy Needs His LunchDead KennedysElvis
Growing Old Is Getting OldSilversun Pickupsthe obvious
Grown So UglyCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandchange #2
Grudge FuckPernice Brotherssongs of desperation
Grumpy Old MenJegsy Dodd & the Original Sinnerswarnings
Guajira Ven a GozarTrio Matamorossongs by trios
Guardian AngelsJohn McLaughlinangels
Guava JellyKa‘au Crater Boysstomach & guts
Gucci TimeSchoolly Dbrands
Gudbuy T’JaneSladeroyalty
Guede NiboGrupo Vocal Desandannclose harmony singing
Guess I’m Doing FineBeckchicken and egg
Guess I’m DumbGlen Campbellfools
Guess Who I Saw TodayNancy Wilsonsurprise encounters
Guess Who’s Coming to DinnerBlack Uhuruvisitors
Guest InformantThe Fallshaggy dog stories & tall tales
The Guest Who Stayed ForeverPrefab Sproutvisitors
Guiding LightTelevisionlighthouses & guiding lights
GuiltThe Long Blondesbad decisions
GuiltyRandy Newmanid, ego & superego
GuinevereDonovanmyths & legends
Guiss GuissCheikh Lôsimiles
The GuitarGuy Clarkguitars
The Guitar ManBreadcrowds
Guitar ManJerry Reedmusical instruments
Guitar Quintet No. 4 in D major: IV. FandangoLuigi Boccheriniclicking, tapping & stomping
GuitarreroLuis Vagnerthe Beatles
The Gumbo VariationsFrank Zappasaxophone
The GunLou Reedshooting
GunEmilíana Torrini murder
The GunBen Wattshooting
Guns Don’t Kill People, Rappers DoGoldie Lookin ChainWelsh songs
Guns of NavaroneThe Skatalitesbrass songs
Gurdjieff’s DaughterLaura Marlingsongs offering advice
Guru SongAmorphous Androgynous (Future Sound of London)inspired by India
Gus: The Polar Bear from Central ParkThe Tragically Hipbears
A Guy What Takes His TimeMae Westslowing down
Gwely MernansAphex Twinunsettling songs
Gymnopédie No. 1Erik Satielower the heartrate
Gymnopédie No. 3Erik Satiethree
The Gypsy Faerie QueenMarianne Faithfullnicknames & pseudonyms
Gypsys, Tramps and ThievesCherfinish where they begin