A-Z by Song – E

Song TitleArtistTopic
E-Bow the LetterR.E.M.made you fall in love with music
É Doce Morrer no MarDorival Caymmigreat songwriting 1900-1955
E=MC2Big Audio Dynamiteinspired by or about films
E-MusikNeu!driving songs
E2-E4Manuel Göttschinggames
Eagle Man / Changing WomanBuffy Sainte-Marieraptors
Eagle RockDaddy Coolraptors
Eardrum BuzzWirenoise
Earl Grey with HoneyLoveninjasflavour
Early AutumnSun Ra & the Astro Infinity ArkestraSeptember & October
Early in the Mornin’Alan Lomax with ‘22’, Little Red, Tangle Eye and Hard Hairodd noises & instruments
Early Morning RainGordon Lightfootloneliness
Earth AngelThe Penguinsangels
Earth Died ScreamingTom Waitsend of the world
The Earth Is BrokenTim Buckleynature
Earth SongMichael Jacksonclimate change
EastBilly PaulAfrica
Eastbourne LadiesKevin Coyneages
EasyCommodoressongs to start the morning
EasyBig Walter Hortonharmonica
The Easy BluesJohn Martynobsession
Easy ChairBilly Stormfurniture
Easy Come, Easy GoGrant McLennanimpermanence
Easy WalkerStanley Turrentinerelaxation & leisure
Eat for Two10,000 Maniacsmothers
Eat, Sleep, RepeatJoy Ellismeaning of life
Eat That ChickenCharles Mingusmeat
Eat the MusicKate Bushmusic as nutrition
Eat the RichAerosmithausterity
Eating Salt Is EasyGorky’s Zygotic MynciWelsh songs
Eating the BearJoan Armatradingprovocative, strange or humorous titles
EavesdroppingGrizzly Beareavesdropping
Ebeneezer GoodeThe Shamenrecreational drugs
Ebony EyesStevie Wonderbrown
Eccentric ManThe Groundhogseccentric songs
EchoTom Petty & the Heartbreakersechoes
Echo & NarcissusDaniel Land & the Modern Paintersechoes
Echo BeachMartha and the Muffinsone-hit wonders
Echo Mocks the CorncrakeSongs of Separationechoes
EchoesPink Floydfinish where they begin
Eclipse Them AllSmoke Fairiesshadows
Eddie & SheenaThe Electric Chairsodd couples
EdenTalk Talkfictional places
Edinburgh ManThe FallScotland
EdisonBee Geeselectricity
EdisonWednesday Campanellausing your imagination
The Edison MuseumThey Might Be Giantsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
The Educated FoolIron Maidenchicken and egg
EducationPearl Jameducation
Education or IndoctrinationAntisectpropaganda
Edward FoxSmacktheatre
Ee Aye Aa Cud HewThe Mighty Doonansslowing down
Effect and CauseThe White Stripeschicken and egg
Effloresce and DeliquesceThe Chillssalt
Ég er kominn heimÓðinn Valdimarssoncrooners
EggMr. Bungleeggs
Egg CreamLou Reedchocolate
The Egg or the HenHot Lips Page & his Orchestraeggs
Eggs and Sausage (In a Cadillac with Susan Michelson)Tom Waitsrestaurants & cafes
Egil SagaFaunpaganism
Egyptian GardensKaleidoscopegenre defying
Egyptian ShumbaThe Tammysancient history
Egyptian TombMighty Babyancient history
Ei! Wie schmeckt der Kaffee süsse (from Cantata No. 211)Johann Sebastian Bachflavour
Eight Men, Four WomenO. V. Wrightjudges & trials
Eight Miles HighThe Byrdsmarijuana
Eight Miles HighHüsker Düflying
Eight Piece BoxSouthern Culture on the Skidsmeat
Eighth DayHazel O’Connorscience
Eine Symphonie des GrauensThe Monochrome Setself-deprecation
Einstein’s BrainThe Darkunusual narrators
EisbärGrauzonewanting to be someone else
El CarteroPastor Lópezwritten correspondence
El Caso de la Rubia PlatinoJoaquín Sabinadetectives
El Cielo No Es de NadieEla Minussongs in Spanish
El Circulo MágicoManuel de Falla (pianist: Alicia de Larrocha)circles
El Condor Pasa (If I Could)Simon & Garfunkelusing your imagination
El Día de Mi SuerteWillie Colón & Héctor Lavoetrombone
El DominóJunior Jeinboard games
El Dorado17 Hippiestreasure
El LocoLos de AbajoMexico & Central America
El Loco Cha Cha ChaRicky Rillera & the Rhythm Rockerssampling & recycling
El Lute, Libre o MuertoHaze ft José Mercéoutlaws & rebels
El Manisero (The Peanut Vendor)Don Azpiazú & the Havana Casino Orchestrawaking up
nuts & edible seeds
El Muerto VivoPeret & Marinazombies
El Niño InseminadoVainica Doblenursing & healthcare
El PresidentDrugstorepoliticians
El Pueblo Unido Jamás Será VencidoInti-Illimanileft wing politics
El Puente RotoFlaco Jiménez & Linda Ronstadtaccordion
El Rey del TimbalTito Puentegreat drumming
El Salto del TigreLos Bengalajumping
El SalvadorInsaneMexico & Central America
El SalvadorPeter, Paul and MaryMexico & Central America
El Secreto de las TortugasMaldita Nereareptiles
El Secuestro del DubBasque Dub Foundationinfluenced by dub
El TaxistaLos Tigres del Nortetaxis
El Tigre SabaneroAniceto Molinatigers
El TouchyLuie Luietouch
El VitoEmbrujo Mestizoclicking, tapping & stomping
Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small TownPearl Jamfaces
EldoradoElectric Light Orchestrasearching & seeking
Eleanor RigbyThe Beatlescharacter songs
Eleanor’s Cake (Which Ate Her)Kevin Ayersbread & baking
ElectedAlice Cooperambition
Election DayThe Replacementselections
ElectraMarianne Faithfullmistaken identity
Electric EyeJudas Priestsurveillance
Electric FeelMGMTelectricity
Electric FuneralBlack Sabbathfunerals
Electric GardenConrad Schnitzlerelectronic music to 1983
The Electric Spanking of War BabiesFunkadelicmachines, robots & computers
Electric YouthDebbie Gibsonyouthfulness
The ElectricianThe Walker Brotherscomeback songs
ElectricityCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandpower
ElectricityOrchestral Manoeuvres in the Darkmachinery, industry & technology
ElectricityThe Probessongs by buskers
ElectricityFrank Sidebottomelectricity
ElectroliteR.E.M.striking album endings
Electronic PerformersAirmachines, robots & computers
Elegy (O Rose, thou art sick) (from Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings)Benjamin Brittendoom
Elegy for the ArcticLudovico Einaudifrozen north
Elektro KardiogrammKraftwerkhospitals
The ElementsTom Lehrersongs with jokes
ElenoreThe Turtlesgreat backing vocals
ElephantA Campelephants & mammoths
ElephantJason Isbellone word titles
ElephantLalehelephants & mammoths
ElephantJune Taborelephants & mammoths
ElephantTame Impalaelephants & mammoths
Elephant on My TambourineNorth Atlantic Invasion Forceelephants & mammoths
The Elephant RidersClutch19th century life
Elephant TalkKing Crimsonanimal sounds
Elephant WalkArt Blakeyelephants & mammoths
ElephantsBurning Spearelephants & mammoths
Elevator OperatorCourtney Barnettgripping or intriguing narrative
The ElevenGrateful Deadnumbers
Elfstedentocht Part 1Public Service Broadcastingwinter sports
Eli, the Barrow BoyThe Decemberistsmanual labour
Elizabeth My DearThe Stone Rosesqueens
Elizabeth on the Bathroom FloorEelssiblings
EloiseThe Damnednamed after women
Els Segadors (The Reapers)Charlie Hadennational anthems
Els TitellesJoan Manuel Serratpuppets
Elusive ButterflyBob Lindgentleness
Elvis Is EverywhereMojo Nixon & Skid Roperconspiracy theories & paranoia
Elvis Presley BluesGillian WelchElvis
Embarrassing KidVan der Graaf Generatorimmaturity
EmbarrassmentThe Exembarrassment
EmbryoPink Floydbabies
Emerald CityThe Seekersworst songs
Emergency!Tony Williams Lifetimesongs by trios
E.M.I.Sex Pistolsformal agreements
EmilyJoanna Newsomsiblings
Emily KaneArt Brutestimates of distance & time
EmmaHot Chocolatestorytelling songs
Emma McCuneEmmanuel Jalredemption
EmmylouFirst Aid Kitsteel guitar
The EmperorSonic Boom Six ft Capitol 1212propaganda
Empire State HumanThe Human Leagueshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Empire State of MindJay-Z ft Alicia Keysambition
Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken DownAlicia Keyspockets
Empty Bed BluesBessie Smithbeds
Empty CansThe Streetssongs with a twist
Empty HighwayJoan Armatradingwide open spaces
Empty Pocket WaltzConnie Conversepockets
En vain pour eviter (from Carmen)Georges Bizetfortune tellers
Enchanted ForestMohawk and the Red Necksforests & woodlands
The EndThe Beatleswords of wisdom
The EndThe Doorsredefined by film
End of the LineTraveling Wilburyscollaborations & side projects
hope & resilience
The End of the WorldSkeeter Davisheartbreak
End Over EndFoo Fightersold and new
End TimesEelsfinishing
An Ending (Ascent)Brian Eno with Daniel Lanois & Roger Enoinstrumental soundtracks
the moon
Endless ArtA Housechicken and egg
The Endless Plain of FortuneJohn Calegreed
The Endless SeaIggy Popwide open spaces
EndorfinTaner Yücelfairgrounds
Energy in NorthamptonLinda Jardimworst songs
EnglandThe Warriorsflags
England 2 Colombia 0Kirsty MacCollsport
England, Half EnglishBilly Bragg & the Blokesroots
England’s GloryMax WallEngland
EnglishNerina PallotEngland
The English Motorway SystemBlack Box Recordercars & driving
English RoseThe Jamhidden tracks
English TreesCrowded Housetrees
An Englishman in New YorkStingeccentric songs
An Englishman on HolidayThunderholidays
Enivrez-vousStereolabinspired by poetry
Enjoy the SilenceDepeche Modequiet
Enjoy the SilenceSusanna and the Magical Orchestrasilence
Enjoy YourselfPrince Busterpunctuality
Enjoy YourselfThe Specialsknowledge
Enola GayOrchestral Manoeuvres in the Darknuclear war
Enough to Be On Your WayJames Taylorbrothers & sisters
Enter SandmanMetallicadreams
Enter SandmanYoun Sun Nahmusically adventurous
The EntertainerTony Clarketheatre
The EntertainerScott Joplingreat songwriting 1900-1955
The Entry of Christ into LiverpoolThe Liverpool SceneLiverpool & Merseyside
Entry of the Gods into Valhalla (from Das Rheingold)Richard Wagnerpersonal theme songs
Equalisation of Trouser and PantFela Kutiunderwear
ErasJuana Molinaunusual time signatures
Erase/RewindThe Cardigansreversing
Erbarme dich, mein GottJohann Sebastian Bach, sung by Marian Andersonsongs that give you goosebumps
Erbarme dich, mein GottJohann Sebastian Bach, sung by Michael Chanceandrogynous vocals
Eric the Half-a-BeeMonty Pythonbees
Erie CanalBruce Springsteenbridges
Ernie (The Fastest Milkman in the West)Benny Hillalliteration
Es ist ein Ros entsprungenMichael Praetoriusroses
EscapeGary Clail & On-U Sound Systemrunning
EscapeA Guy Called Geraldescape
Escape Is So SimpleCowboy Junkiesescape
Escape Through the Air VentMan or Astro-man?escape
Escapism (Gettin’ Free)Digable Planetsinsects
Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent?Cécile McLorin Salvantcrooners
Estimated ProphetGrateful Deadomens & prophecies
Estuary BedThe TriffidsAustralia
Et moi, et moi, et moiJacques Dutroncrabbits
Eternal LoveDelano Stewartimmortality & longevity
Eternal Source of Light DivineGeorge Frideric Handeleternity
EternityEmily Hall & Olivia Chaneyeternity
EtherNascruel songs
Ether SongTurin Brakeshidden tracks
Étoile Polaire (North Star)Philip Glasslighthouses & guiding lights
The Eton RiflesThe Jamsongs that aren’t what they seem
Etude No 4Franz Lisztsongs that express excess
EulogyLA Vampires & Zola Jesusfunerals
EulogyFrank Turnerwithout a chorus
EuropaSlapp Happy & Henry Cowpersonification
Europe EndlessKraftwerkplaces in Europe
Europe Is LostKate Tempestdoom
European Super StateKilling Jokeroots
Eus Keus?GwennoGaelic songs
E.V.A.Jean-Jacques Perreypsychedelic songs
E.V.A.Public Service Broadcastingspace travel
Eve of DestructionBarry McGuireapocalypse
Eve Was BlackAllison Russellunderdogs
Even FlowPearl Jamrough & smooth
Even Steve McQueenRobb Johnson & the Irregularsfixing & repairing
Even Trolls Love to Rock ’n’ RollTony Joe Whitemythical beasts
Even When the Water’s Cold!!!refreshment & cooling down
Evening Falls…Enyaevening
Evening in AtlantisEsbjörn Svensson Trioevening
The Evening NewsChamillionairejournalism & the news
Evening Over RooftopsEdgar Broughton Bandwings
Evening PrayerJens Lekmanrecovery
Event HorizonPeter Hammillhorizons
Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)Thea Gilmorecovers by the opposite sex
Ever So LonelyMonsooninspired by India
EverestPublic Service Broadcastingwilderness
Everlasting EverythingWilcoeternity
Everlasting LightThe Black Keyslighthouses & guiding lights
Everlasting LoveThe Love Affaireverlasting love
Every Bloody EmperorVan der Graaf Generatorpropaganda
Every Breath You TakeThe Policefollowing & chasing
Every Day Is a Winding RoadSheryl Crowhitchhiking
Every Fucking CityPaul Kellytravelling
Every Grain of SandEmmylou Harrissand
Every Little CountsNew Ordernotable outros or codas
Every Little Thing She Does Is MagicThe Policeeverything
Every Minute Is OKPunk TVRussia
Every Time I Feel the SpiritSister Rosetta Tharperepetition
Every Time I Itch I Wind Up Scratchin’ YouGlen Campbellitching & scratching
Every You and Every MePlaceboknives
Everybody Dance (12″ mix)Chicdancing
Everybody Eats When They Come to My HouseCab Callowayfood
Everybody Here Wants YouJeff Buckleyslow, sexy love songs
Everybody HurtsR.E.M.the obvious
Everybody KnowsLeonard Cohenthe truth
Everybody Knows (Except You)The Divine Comedysecret admirers
Everybody Loves the SunshineRoy Ayers Ubiquitysummer
Everybody Needs Somebody to LoveThe Blues Brotherscollaborations & side projects
Everybody Wants to Love YouJapanese Breakfastcharisma
Everybody Wants to Touch MeMissy Higginscharisma
Everybody Wear They MaskJazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalismasks
Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)Baz Luhrmannintelligence
Everybody’s Goin’ to the Love-InBob Brady & the Con Chordsobsolete things
Everybody’s Got Something to Hide (Except Me and My Monkey)The Feeliesmonkeys & apes
Everybody’s Slimmin’ (Even Men and Women)Slapp Happyfixing & repairing
Everybody’s Talkin’Nilssonechoes
Everybody’s WeirddEUSnormal & abnormal
EverydayBuddy Hollyanticipation
Everyday I Love You Less and LessKaiser Chiefsgreat middle eights
Everyday I Write the BookElvis Costello & the Attractionswriting
Everyday Is Like SundayMorrisseyboring & dull
Everyday Life Has Become a Health RiskThe Disposable Heroes of HiphoprisyCOVID-19 lockdown
Everyday PeopleSly and the Family Stonecommunity
Everyman’s an IslandJah Wobbleadvertising
Everyone ElseLondon Grammarsongs by trios
Everyone’s Hand Is on the SwitchGraham Parkerswitches & buttons
Everything CrashThe Ethiopianschaos
Everything FlowsTeenage Fanclubeverything
Everything GoesGraham Parkerindifference
Everything Happens to MeChet Bakerluck
Everything Happens to MeSamara Joyeverything
Everything Happens to MeThelonious Monklosers
Everything I WantedBillie Eilisheverything
Everything in Its Right PlaceRadioheadgenre switch
Everything Is Awesome!!!Tegan and Sara ft The Lonely Islandeverything
Everything Is AwfulThe Decemberistseverything
Everything Is Beautiful Far AwayGrandaddybeauty
Everything Is BrokenBob Dylanimpermanence
Everything Is BrokenBetty LaVettebroken promises
Everything Is FreeGillian Welcheverything
Everything Must ChangeNina Simonepassage of time
Everything Reminds Me of My DogJane Siberrydogs
Everything She WantsWham!everything
Everything Stops for TeaProfessor Elementaladdiction
Everything You Never Had (We Had It All)Breach ft Andreya Trianagifts & giving
Everything’s Got ’EmHarry Nilssonpsychedelic songs
Everything’s TuesdayChairmen of the Boarddays of the week
Everything’s Turning to WhitePaul Kelly & the Messengersdiscovery
EverywhereFleetwood MacValentine’s Day songs
Eve’s Volcano (Covered in Sin)Julian Copenatural disasters
Evidently ChickentownJohn Cooper Clarkesweary songs
The Evil That Men DoIron Maidenquoting Shakespeare
Evolution OrangeEarth, Wind & Fireorange
Ev’ry Time We Say GoodbyeElla Fitzgeraldnotable key changes
Ex-FactorLauryn Hillfairness
Excitable BoyWarren Zevonawkwardness
ExerciseJae Tylerbodily motion & exercise
ExhaustedFoo Fighterstiredness
Exhuming McCarthyR.E.M.politicians
Exile VilifyThe Nationalexile
ExilesKing Crimsonorchestral string instruments
ExodusBob Marley & the Wailersmoving on
ExpectationsBelle and Sebastianschool
Expensive ShitFela Kuticheating
ExplanationsGil Scott-Heronarguments #2
ExpressB.T. Expressalarm sounds
Express YourselfN.W.A.confidence
Express YourselfCharles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Bandadvice
screams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Expressway to Yr. SkullSonic Youthmixtape closers
Extended Dance MixFujiya & Miyagiself-deprecation
Exuma, the Obeah ManExumathe Caribbean
Eye Examination (Shiryoku Kensa)40mP ft GUMIeyewear
Eye of the LensThe Comsat Angelseyes
EyeoneyeAndrew Birdbreaking things
The Eyes of FateThe Incredible String Bandfate & destiny
Eyes of the WorldGrateful Deadeureka moments
Eyes on the PrizeMavis StaplesD-day