A-Z by Song – D

Song TitleArtistTopic
The D-Day DodgersSods’ OperaD-day
Da Cricket Loba Dagatama Lar Aw Bar Afghanan Loy AfghanistanLatif Nangarharicricket
Da Doo Ron RonThe Crystalsna-na-hey-hey songs
Da FunkDaft Punksongs by duos
Da Mystery of Chessboxin’Wu-Tang Clanboard games
Dad I’m in JailWas (Not Was)immaturity
DadanKodōoutstanding percussion
Daddy CoolBoney M.coolness
Daddy Could Swear, I DeclareGladys Knight & the Pipsfathers and daughters
Daddy LessonsBeyoncé ft Dixie Chicksfathers and daughters
Daddy’s GoneGlasvegasalternative outcomes
Daddy’s Little GirlSpeech Debelleinheritance
Daddy’s SpeedingSuedecharisma
Daft Punk Is Playing at My House (Soulwax Shibuya Daft Mix)LCD Soundsystemother musicians
Dagenham DaveThe Stranglersdenial
The Daily MailRadioheadnewspapers
The Daily PlanetMark Hollisnewspapers
DaisyKarine Polwarttrust
Daisy BellTin Hat Triotwo – part 1
Dakota the Dancing Bear, Part 2David Allan Coebears
The Dalesman’s LitanyTim Hart & Maddy Priornorthern England
Dali’s Garden PartyTelevision Personalitiesgardens
DallasThe FlatlandersUS cities & states
DallianceThe Wedding Presentinfidelity
Dal’ouna on the ReturnGilad Atzmon & the Orient House Ensemblehomelessness
Damaged GoodsGang of Fourflavour
Dame LimonesArcángelfruit
Dames, Booze, Chains and BootsThe Crampsfootwear
Damn I Wish I Was Your LoverSophie B. Hawkinshomosexuality
Dan Is the Man (In the Van)Mighty Sparrownursery rhymes
Dance ApocalypticJanelle Monáeapocalypse
Dance CleopatraPrince Busterancient history
Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah)Chic12″ singles to 1979
Dance Naked Under PalmtreesMo’ Horizonsnudity
Dance of ElectricityLaurie Andersonelectricity
Dance of KnightsSergei ProkofievRussia
Dance of the Inhabitants of the Palace of King Phillip XIV of SpainJohn Faheylong titles
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (from the Nutcracker)Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovskyfeaturing bells
Dance Round the MaypoleAcid Gallerymonths of the year
Dance StanceDexys Midnight Runnersliterary songs
Dance to the MedleySly and the Family Stonedancing
Dance to the MusicSly and the Family Stonetriggering dancing
Dance to the UndergroundRadio 4dancing
Dance with the DevilCozy Powellthe Devil
Dance Yrself CleanLCD Soundsystemcleansing
Dancehall SchoolMungo’s Hi Fi ft Solo Bantonteachers
Dancer with Bruised KneesKate & Anna McGarrigletwo – part 2
Dancin’ FoolFrank Zappaawkwardness
Dancing at WhitsunJean Redpathremembrance songs
Dancing GirlTerry Callierfinish where they begin
Dancing in LimboKirsty MacColllimbo
Dancing in the DarkBruce Springsteenstarting over
Dancing in the StreetMartha Reeves & the Vandellascelebration
Dancing Is the Best Revenge!!!resilience
Dancing on GlassThe Creaturesglass
Dancing on the CeilingElla Fitzgeraldneighbours
Dancing QueenABBAstart with the chorus
Dancing ShoesRhythms del Mundo ft Arctic Monkeysfootwear
Dancing the AnimalEsperanza Spaldingwords of wisdom
Dancing the Night AwayThe Motors12″ singles to 1979
The Danger of Not Mixing (混ぜるな危険)TricotCOVID-19 lockdown
The Dangerous KitchenFrank Zappadomestic songs
Danny’s All-Star JointRickie Lee Jonespubs & bars
Danse macabreCamille Saint-Saensbones
Danse sacrée et danse profaneClaude Debussy (performed by Vera Badings)harp, lyre & zither
Dare You to MoveSwitchfootdares
The Daring Young Man on the Flying TrapezeBruce Springsteen & the Seeger Sessions Bandthe circus
Dark as a DungeonJohnny Cashcaves
The Dark End of the StreetJames Carrnight & darkness
secrets & secrecy
Dark End of the StreetThe Flying Burrito Brotherssecrets
Dark EntriesBauhausnight & darkness
Dark Eyed SailorJune Tabor & the Oyster Bandeavesdropping
Dark-Eyed WomanSpiritvisitors
Dark GlassesNik Kershaweyewear
Dark HoneyMartin Simpson, Andy Cutting, Nancy Kerrurban wildlife
Dark HorseAmanda Marshalloverturning the odds
The Dark Is RisingMercury Revnight & darkness
Dark Slender BoyLiam O’Flynndrone music
Dark StarGrateful Deadsuper solos
Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the GroundBlind Willie Johnsonscary songs
Darkness, DarknessThe Youngbloodsnight & darkness
Darktown Strutters’ BallThe Charioteerspunctuality
Darktown Strutters’ BallJackson Square Allstarsfrom New Orleans
Darling NikkiPrince and the Revolutionone night stands
Darlinghurst NightsThe Go-BetweensAustralia
Das Hokey KokeyBill Baileyleft & right
Das Lied von der Erde (6th movement, Part 3)Gustav Mahler (sung by Kathleen Ferrier)vibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Dat DereOscar Brown Jr.elephants & mammoths
Data ControlHüsker Dücollecting & listing
DaughterFour Tetfathers and daughters
DaughtersNasfathers and daughters
Dave the Moon ManLoopershaggy dog stories & tall tales
David WattsThe Jamcharacter songs
Dawn ChorusBoards of Canadadawn
Dawn ReturningDave Griffiths & Tim Renwicksongs to start the morning
The DawntreaderJoni Mitchelltreasure
The Day Before You CameABBAbeing alone
A Day in SpaceBallboyspoken word
A Day in the LifeThe Beatlesgreat middle eights
A Day in the Life of a TreeThe Beach Boystrees
A Day in the NightThe Lilac TimeBirmingham & the Black Country
Day Is DoneNick Drakefinishing
The Day My Pad Went MadJohn Cooper Clarkespring cleaning & household chores
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)Harry Belafontedawn
Day of the EagleRobin Trowerraptors
The Day Texas Sank to the Bottom of the SeaMicah P. Hinsondeep voices
The Day the World Turned Day-GloX-Ray Spexstrange & surreal
Day Trip to BangorFiddler’s Dramindustry & manufacturing
DaybedFKA twigsfurniture
DaydreamGünter Kallmann Choircontentment
Daydream BelieverThe Monkeessongs to start the morning
Daydream in BlueI Monsterdreams
distractions & diversions
Daydreamin’Lupe Fiasco ft Jill Scottusing your imagination
DaysThe Kinksupbeat break-up
DaysKate Rusbygratitude
Days of 49Bob Dylan19th century life
The Days of OldParismelancholy songs
Days of Pearly SpencerDavid McWilliamsone-hit wonders
The Days of Wine and BoozeThe Minus 5procrastination
DaysleeperR.E.M.sleep & insomnia
DC Comics and Chocolate MilkshakeArt Brutnerds & geeks
De Bota e BombachaLuiz Marencolegs & trousers
De Camino a la VeredaBuena Vista Social Clubsupergroups
De PlataRosalíasilver & non-ferrous metals
Deacon JonesLouis Jordan & His Tympany FiveJones & Joneses
DeadPixiesancient history
DeadThey Might Be Giantsprocrastination
The Dead Are WalkingThe Limiñanashorror-inspired songs
Dead End StreetThe Kinkspoverty
Dead Flag BluesGodspeed You! Black Emperorend of the world
Dead FlowersThe Rolling Stonesroses
Dead Leaves and the Dirty GroundThe White Stripesautumn
Dead Man Walkin’Bruce Springsteencapital punishment
Dead Pop StarsAltered Imagesmusic industry
Dead SkunkLoudon Wainwright IIIsmells
Dead SoulsJoy Divisionnightmares
The Deadwood StageDoris DayAmerican west
Deal Wiv ItMura Masa & slowthaisongs to start the morning
Dear AbbyJohn Prinewritten correspondence
Dear EnglandLowkey ft Mai KhalilEngland
Dear GodSiobhan Wilsonwritten correspondence
Dear GodXTCGod & the Devil
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Record IndustryJill Scottmusic industry
(Dear Mr. Gable) You Made Me Love YouJudy Garlandactors
Dear Mr. MurdochRoger Taylornews & media
Dear PlasticThe Sugarcubesplastic
Dear PrudenceSiouxsie and the BansheesBeatles covers
DeathKlaus Nomihigh-pitched vocals
Death and TaxesDaniel Caesartaxation
Death Cab for CutieBonzo Dog Doo-Dah Bandaccidents
Death Have MercyHarry Manxsteel guitar
Death in the WildernessJ. J. Calewastelands
Death Is Not the EndNick Cave & the Bad Seedsdeath
Death Is the Road to AweClint Mansell, Kronos Quartet & Mogwaiinstrumental soundtracks
Death LetterSon Housebereavement
Death of a ClownDave Daviesthe circus
Death of a SalesmanLowstarting fires
Death of a ThespianThemselvestheatre
The Death of Ferdinand de SaussureThe Magnetic Fieldshistorical figures
Death of Sarah LucasLuke Hainesvisual art & photography
Death of the Middle ClassMighty Mo Rodgerssocial mobility
Death to EveryoneBonnie “Prince” Billydeath
Death Valley ’69Sonic Youth ft Lydia Lunchwilderness
Deathbot 3205The Whiskey Rebellionartificial intelligence
DebaserPixiessurreal songs
DeboraTyrannosaurus Rexdebut songs
DeboraarobedTyrannosuarus Rexregressing & reversing
Debra KadabraFrank Zappa & the Mothers with Captain Beefheartwitches
DecadesJoy Divisionout-of-tune songs
Deceiver of FoolsWithin Temptationstupidity
December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)The Four Seasonsfirst & last time
Decent Days and NightsThe Futureheadspuzzling & mysterious
Declaration of RightsThe Abyssiniansformal agreements
The Decline and Fall of the Roman EmpireGoldbladeRoman Empire
Decree 12.10Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc.religion
Dedicated Follower of FashionThe Kinksshopping
Dedicated to the One I LoveThe Mamas & the Papasmixtape closers
Dedicated to You But You Weren’t ListeningSoft Machineprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Deep Blue DayBrian Eno with Daniel Lanois & Roger Enospace
Deep in the WoodsThe Birthday Partyforests & woodlands
Deep PurpleLarry Clinton & his Orchestra with Bea Waingreat songwriting 1900-1955
Deep PurpleArtie Shaw ft Helen Forrestpurple
Deep ShadowsLittle Annshadows
A Deep Space Romance (Ariane)The Honeymoon Killersspace travel
Deeper UnderstandingKate Bushinternet
Deeper WellEmmylou Harriswells
Deer BiscuitsShonen Knifeurban wildlife
DefinitionBlack Starassassination
Definition of a KingTwo Kings in a Cipherfractions & portions
Definitive GazeMagazineeyes
Deft LeftThee Factionleft & right
DelawareDrop Nineteensfractions & portions
DéliBallaké Sissokohammer & mallet instruments
Delicious ThingsWolf Alicefear of missing out
Delirium TremensChristy Moorehangovers
DelusionalTech N9ne ft Nikkiyaconfusion & delusion
Dem a Wolf (aka Anti-Christ)Yabby Youwolves
Demented Bells of RhymneyJonathan Thomas Millerbells
DemocracyLeonard CohenAmerica
DemoliciónLos Saicossongs in Spanish
DenialDropkick Murphysdenial
DenialI Break Horsesdenial
The Denial TwistThe White Stripesdenial
Denim and LeatherSaxonyouth cults
Denim DemonTurbonegrofabrics
DenisBlondiemultilingual songs
DeniseRandy & the Rainbowsnamed after women
Denomination Blues (Part 1)Washington Phillipsthe afterlife
Dentures (入れ歯 )xiangyuteeth
DenyYasmine Hamdanlong-distance relationships
DepartureCrystal Stiltsdepartures
Departure and FarewellHemsongs that give you goosebumps
Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)Dolly Partonexile
Der Computer Nr. 3France Gallartificial intelligence
Der MussoliniDeutsch Amerikanische Freundschaftdance styles
Der Räuber und der PrinzDeutsch Amerikanische Freundschaftfeaturing bells
Der Tod und das MädchenFranz Schubertwelcoming
Dernière danseIndilasweetness
Des MeraIndian Oceanthe Commonwealth
Descobri Que Eu Sou um AnjoJorge Bensurreal songs
Desculpe, BabeOs Mutantesapologies
The Desert of NamibiaAfrican Tribal Orchestrawide open spaces
Desert SongStanley Clarkewide open spaces
Desert StrikeFatima Al Qadirishooting
A Design for LifeManic Street Preachersorchestral string instruments
Desolation RowBob Dylanroads & streets
DesperadoEaglesborders, barriers, walls & fences
Desperados Under the EavesWarren Zevonhotels
Destination: AnywhereThe Marvelettestickets, passes & invitations
DestinyZero 7 ft Sia & Sophie Barkerlong-distance relationships
Destiny StreetRichard Hell & the Voidoidsknowledge
Destroi PhallocentricityOi Polloistrange, rare or unlikely words
Detective of LoveThe Regalsdetectives
DetectoristsJohnny Flynntreasure
DeteriorataNational Lampoonsongs offering advice
DeterminationDean Parrishsingle-mindedness
Dethink to SurviveMcluskythinking
Detox MansionWarren Zevonhealing
Detroit CityTom Jonesexile
Deutschland Nicht Uber AllesJ.J. Burnelnational anthems
Developing My PicturesGeorge Joneshobbies
The Devil and the Feathery WifeMartin Carthydeceptive appearances
Devil InsideINXSthe Devil
Devil Is FineZeal & Ardorthe Devil
Devil ManBlues Pillsthe Devil
Devil RabbitGuai Lirabbits
The Devil Takes Care of His OwnBand of Skullsthe Devil
The Devil Went Down to GeorgiaCharlie Daniels Bandorchestral string instruments
Devil with the Blue Dress OnShorty Longglamour & style
Devil WomanCliff Richardfortune tellers
The Devil’s DaughterBuddy Guythe Devil
The Devil’s EyeThe Go-Betweenswithout percussion
Devil’s GalopCharles Williams & his Orchestraincidental music
Devils HaircutBeckthe Devil
The Devil’s Right HandSteve Earleguns
Dialogue (Part I & II)Chicagoconversations
Diamond DewGorky’s Zygotic Mynciwaking up
Diamond JoeCisco Houstonvillains
DiamondsLaura Mvulaprecious stones
Diamonds & RustJoan Baezcan’t live with or without you
Diamonds & RustJudas Priestprecious stones
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best FriendMarilyn Monroeanti-love songs
reckless consumption 
Diamonds Are ForeverShirley Basseyprecious stones
Diamonds from Sierra LeoneKanye West ft Jay-Zprecious stones
Diamonds, Fur Coat, ChampagneSuicidewine
Diamonds on My WindshieldTom Waitsroad trips
Diana JonesJonathan Byrdprostitution
DianeTherapy?orchestral string instruments
DiariamenteMarisa Montecollecting & listing
The DiaryLittle Anthony & the Imperialskeys & locks
Diary of a Teen TragedySmoking Popesyouthfulness
Diary of an Unborn ChildLil’ Markieworst songs
The Diary of Horace WimpElectric Light Orchestrabravery
Dice ManThe Fallgambling
Dick AroundSparkssongs with sudden changes
The Dictator DecidesPet Shop Boysdeceptive appearances
Did He JumpZoundsshyness
Did Ye Get Healed?Van Morrisonhealing
Did You See His Name?The Kinksnewspapers
Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?Natalie Colecurves & spheres
Diddley BoSeasick Stevemaking things
DidgeridooAphex Twinmusical instruments
Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)The Delfonicsdoors
Didn’t It RainSister Rosetta TharpeManchester
Didn’t We Almost Have It AllWhitney Houstonclose shaves & near misses
Die liebe Farbe (from Die schöne Müllerin)Franz Schubert (performed by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau)green
Die Moritat von Mackie MesserBertolt Brechtunsettling songs
Die TryingNew Model Armywinter
Die Vorstellung des ChaosJoseph Haydnchaos
Dies iraeWolfgang Amadeus Mozartapocalypse
Dies irae (from Requiem)Giuseppe Verdiend of the world
Diesel Smoke, Dangerous CurvesThe Little Williescurves & spheres
DietAu Pairsspring cleaning & household chores
Diet CokePriestsnon-alcoholic drinks
Dieu fumeur de havanesSerge Gainsbourg & Catherine Deneuvesmoking
A Different BobColorblind James Experienceinterlopers
A Different CornerGeorge Michaelchance & coincidence
Different DrumThe Lemonheadsmusical instruments
Different DrumMichael Nesmithindependence
A Different Kind of TensionBuzzcockstwo – part 1
Different MusicHatti Vatti ft Sara Brylewskainfluenced by dub
Different Trains: II. Europe – During the WarSteve Reich, Kronos Quartet & Pat Methenytrains
Dig for VictoryPublic Service Broadcastingvolunteering
Dig Up Her BonesMichale Gravesbones
Digital LoveDaft Punklast night
Dignified & OldThe Modern Loversoptimistic songs
DignityDeacon Bluesongs that fit every topic
Dimanche à OrlyGilbert Bécaudlove songs to places
Dinah-Moe HummFrank Zappa & the Mothersorgasms
Ding Dong, Ding DongGeorge Harrisonnew year
Ding Dong SongRebecca Panfeaturing bells
Dinner at EightRufus Wainwrightfallen heroes
Dinner BellThey Might Be Giantsbells
Dinner for One Please, JamesRay Noble & his Orchestra ft Al Bowllymeals & mealtimes
Dip and Fall BackThe Spinnerscooking
Dire WolfGrateful Deadsteel guitar
DirtThe Stoogesindifference
Dirt in the GroundTom Waitsstairs, ladders & elevators
Dirty Blvd.Lou ReedNew York
Dirty BootsSonic Youthearth, soil & dirt
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAC/DCalliteration
Dirty EpicUnderworldlong songs
Dirty MagazineJoe Henrymagazines
Dirty MagazineBree Sharpmagazines
Dirty MoneyClipsewealth
Dirty Old TownEwan MacColl & Peggy SeegerManchester
Dirty PicturesRadio Starsphotos & photography
Dirty WaterThe StandellsUS cities & states
Disco 2000Pulprendezvous
Disco CompilationSerafina Steergenre switch
Disco PeanutsWarmduschernuts & edible seeds
Disco//Very (Trevor Jackson Dub)Warpaintinfluenced by dub
Disguised as Someone ElseJoe Pugdeceptive appearances
DisinformationBuffy Sainte-Mariechance & coincidence
Disko BoyShantelnightclubs
Disney Girls (1957)The Beach Boysnostalgia
Disney TimeJarvis Cockercomics & cartoons
DisneylandBoyd Rice & Friendsmisanthropic songs
The DistanceCakespeed
DistractedThe Human Hearts ft Jenny Toomeydistractions & diversions
DistractionGANGgajangdistractions & diversions
Divide and ConquerHüsker Düinternet
Diving for PillsWamdue Projectdance instrumentals
Dixie ChickenLittle Featpoultry
Dixième commandementPapa Wembapreachers, priests & religious leaders
Dixon’s GirlDessalyrical symmetry
DizzyVic Reeves & The Wonder Stuffspinning
DizzyTommy Roenotable key changes
DizzyThrowing Musesspinning
Django JaneJanelle Monáenicknames & pseudonyms
Djarimirri (Child of the Rainbow)Gurrumul Yunupingurainbows
DjedTortoiselong songs
D.N.R.Jesca Hoopacronyms
Do Fries Go with That Shake?George Clintonpick-up lines & marriage proposals
Do I Love You (Indeed I Do)Frank Wilsonjoyous songs
Do ItPink Fairiessongs that command or instruct
Do It AgainThe Beach Boysregressing & reversing
Do It AgainSteely Danwheels
Do Me, BabyPrinceorgasms
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good NightJohn CaleWelsh songs
Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From MeBillie Holidaysongs with jokes
Do NothingThe Specialsboredom
Do-Re-MiWoody GuthrieCalifornia
Do Right Woman, Do Right ManAretha Franklinbeing a man or a woman
Do the ChiselThe Soft Boyshardware
Do the RobotThe Saintshidden tracks
Do the Standing StillThe Tabledance styles
Do the StrandRoxy Musicdancing
fads & crazes
Do They Know It’s Christmas?Band Aidcollaborations & side projects
Do-Wah-DiddyThe Exciterspride
Do Wah Diddy DiddyManfred Mannmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Do YaThe Movedifferent 7″ versions
Do You Dream In ColourBill Nelsoncolours
Do You Know The Way to San JoseDionne WarwickCalifornia
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New OrleansLouis ArmstrongUS cities & states
Do You Like Worms?The Beach Boysmisleading or incongruous titles
Do You Realize??The Flaming Lipsadvice
Do You Remember the First Time?Pulpquestions
Do You Remember Walter?The Kinksmemory
Dock EllisBarbara Manningoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur HydeSerge Gainsbourgbooks
Doctor JamesGilmore & Robertsdeceptive appearances
Doctor JazzJelly Roll Morton & the Red Hot Peppersmusic genres
Doctor of PhysickFairport Conventionviolin
Doctor, PleaseBlue Cheerdoctors
Doctor Who ThemeBBC Radiophonic Workshop (produced by Delia Derbyshire, composed by Ron Grainer)instrumental soundtracks
electronic music to 1983
DodecahedronBeth Jeans Houghton & the Hooves of Destinygeometric shapes
Does Everyone StareThe Policeawkwardness
Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?Bruce Springsteenbuses
Does This Train Stop on Merseyside?Christy MooreLiverpool & Merseyside
Dog and ButterflyHeartdogs
Dog Days Are OverFlorence and the Machinespirit of 2021
Doina: Sus Pe Culmea Dealului (Picnic at Hanging Rock soundtrack)Gheorghe Zamfirmeals & mealtimes
DoledrumThe La’sunemployment
Doll PartsHoleauthenticity & fakery
Dollar WineColin Lucascoins
Dolly DaggerJimi Hendrixwitches
DolphinsTim Buckleymammals
The DolphinsFred Neilfish & other aquatic life
DolphinsEddi Readercetaceans
Dolphin’s SmileThe Byrdscetaceans
The Dominatrix Sleeps TonightDominatrixfetishes
DominoThe Crampsfalse endings
DominoesSyd Barrettboard games
¿Dónde Estabas Tú?Omara Portuondosearching & seeking
Done by the Forces of NatureJungle Brothersnature
Done with BonaparteMark Knopflerleadership
Doni DoniErik Truffaz Quartet ft Rokia Traorétautonyms
Donovan’s ColoursVan Dyke Parksgreat arrangements
Don’t Be a Drop OutJames Browneducation
Don’t Be a SingerWild Man Fischercheating
Don’t Believe a WordThin Lizzychoosing & using words
Don’t Believe the HypePublic Enemythe truth
Don’t Believe What You ReadThe Boomtown Ratsreading
Don’t Betray MeThe Twinkle Brothers & the Trebunia Family Bandtreachery & betrayal
Don’t Bogart That JointFraternity of Manmarijuana
Don’t Call Me RedRy Cooderpropaganda
Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call YouSugarloafrejection
Don’t Change Horses (In the Middle of a Stream)Tower of Powerproverbs
Don’t Come Around No MoreTom Petty & the Heartbreakerswarnings
Don’t DictatePenetrationstubbornness
Don’t Dream It, Be ItTim Currysongs that express excess
Don’t Dream It’s OverCrowded Houseobstacles
Don’t Drop the BabyLowbabies & childbirth
Don’t Eat Stuff Off the SidewalkThe Crampstrash
Don’t Eat the Yellow SnowFrank Zappayellow
Don’t ExplainBillie Holidayforgiveness
(Don’t Fear) The ReaperBlue Öyster Cultdeath
Don’t Fence Me InDavid Byrneunlikely cover songs
Don’t Fight It, Feel ItPrimal Screamrecreational drugs
Don’t Fuck Around with LoveThe Blenderssongs offering advice
Don’t Fucking Tell Me What to DoRobynstubbornness
Don’t Get Me WrongThe Pretenderssurprise encounters
Don’t Get Weary Joe FrazierI-Roytiredness
Don’t Give UpPeter Gabriel ft Kate Bushconsolation
Don’t GoYazoomade you fall in love with music
(Don’t Go Back to) RockvilleR.E.M.long-distance relationships
Don’t Go Home with Your Hard-OnLeonard Cohenadvice
Don’t Go Near the WaterThe Beach Boystrash
Don’t Go to StrangersEtta Jonesstrangers
Don’t Know What It MeansTedeschi Trucks Bandambiguity
Don’t Leave Me This WayThe Communardsseparation
Don’t Leave Me This WayHarold Melvin & the Blue Noteshumming
Don’t Leave Your Records in the SunJohn Hartfordsongs offering advice
Don’t Let GoTony Orlandogenre switch
Don’t Let It ShowThe Alan Parsons Projectdeceptive appearances
Don’t Let Me DownThe Beatlesfirst love
Don’t Let Me Get MeP!nkwanting to be someone else
Don’t Let Me Lose This DreamAretha Franklingreat middle eights
Don’t Let the Joneses Get You DownThe Temptationsneighbours
Don’t Let the Sun Catch You CryingGerry and the Pacemakersdawn
Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Your GrievancesDaniel Johnstonforgiveness
Don’t Look BackThempragmatism
Don’t Make Fun of Daddy’s VoiceMorrisseyfathers
Don’t Make Me OverDionne Warwickfrom New York City
Don’t Mess with My ManLucy Pearlsupergroups
Don’t Mess with My Man (aka You Can Have My Husband But…)Irma Thomasinfidelity
Don’t MisunderstandEtta Jonesmisunderstanding
Don’t Pay the Poll TaxThe Exploitedtaxation
Don’t Quote Me on ThatMadnesseggs
Don’t Scratch Where It Don’t Itch100 Proof (Aged in Soul)itching & scratching
Don’t SingPrefab Sproutpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Don’t Sit on My Jimmy ShandsRichard Thompsonsitting & standing
Don’t Smoke in BedNina Simonepragmatism
Don’t SpeakNo Doubtloss
Don’t Stand Between a Man and His ToolThe Spooky Men’s Choralemaking things
Don’t StopFleetwood Macspirit of 2021
Don’t StopThe Stone Rosesinversions
Don’t Stop Believin’Journeysongs to start the morning
Don’t Stop Me NowQueenpositive songs
Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get EnoughMichael Jacksonfalsetto
Don’t Take My Kindness for WeaknessMeshell Ndegeocelloidioms & common expressions
Don’t Take My Shadow (Tom Moulton Remix)Kings Go Forthshadows
Don’t Take Your Guns To TownJohnny Cashadvice
Don’t Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)The Beach Boysjoints of the body
Don’t Think About Her When You’re Trying to DriveLittle Villageroad trips
Don’t TouchCosmos PeopleCOVID-19 lockdown
Don’t Touch the Bang Bang FruitThe Meteorswarnings
Don’t Wanna FightAlabama Shakescompromise
Don’t Worry BabyThe Beach Boysgreat backing vocals
(Don’t Worry) If There’s A Hell Below, We’re All Going To GoCurtis MayfieldGod & the Devil
album tracks better than singles
Don’t You Feel My LegMaria Muldaurseduction
Don’t You Just Know ItHuey “Piano” Smith & the Clownscall and response
Don’t You Want MeThe Human Leaguedialogue
Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a ThingStevie Wonderconsolation
Doo-Wop (That Thing)Lauryn Hillwarnings
Doodlin’Dusty Springfieldhobbies
The Door into SummerThe Monkeesdoors
Doors of Your HeartThe Beatdoors
Dope ShowMarilyn Mansonaddiction
Dos GardeniasBuena Vista Social Clubtwo – part 2
Dot DashWirerepetition
DotterineEmily Portmanfairytales
Double BarrelDave and Ansell Collinsarresting opening lines
Double Chocolate MaltedJonathan Richman & the Modern Loverschocolate
Double-Crossing BluesJohnny Otis Quintette with Little Esther & the Robinstreachery & betrayal
Double Crossing TimeJohn Mayall & the Bluesbreakerscrosses
Double DutchMalcolm McLarenfads & crazes
Double Dutch BusFrankie Smithbuses
Double TroublePublic Image Ltdstartling songs
Double Yellow LinesThe Viewyellow
Doublewide BluesTodd Sniderstupidity
DoudouAli Farka Touré & Toumani Diabatésongs by duos
The Doughnut SongSmoky Dawsonbread & baking
DouniaSuper Rail Bandfaith
DouniaRokia Traorétomorrow
Down by the WaterPJ Harveyunderwater
Down City StreetsArchie Roachunderdogs
Down DownStatus Quosurprising intros
Down Down the Deep RiverOkkervil RiverNew England
Down in a HoleAlice in Chainsholes
Down in ItGeorge Dukeanimal sounds
Down in RwandaSmith & Mighty ft Andy Scholestyranny & dictatorship
Down in the CellarsAl Stewartspecific or obscure places
Down in the ParkTubeway Armymachines, robots & computers
Down in the SewerThe Stranglersnotable outros or codas
Down in the Tube Station at MidnightThe JamLondon
Down in the Willow GardenThe Everly Brothersmurder
Down in the WoodsRichard Hawleyrendezvous
Down on Penny’s FarmThe Bentley Boysfarm produce
Down on the CornerCreedence Clearwater Revivalrelaxation & leisure
Down on the FarmLittle Featfarm produce
Down the Dirt Road BluesCharley Pattonearth, soil & dirt
Down to the River to PrayAlison Krausscrowns
Down to the WellPixieswells
Down UnderMen at Workunusual rhymes
The Downeaster AlexaBilly JoelNew England
Downloading Porn with DavoThe Moldy Peachesinternet
DowntownPetula Clarkparties & going out
Dr. AbernathyScritti Polittidoctors
Dr. BakerThe Beta Banddoctors
Dr. BeatMiami Sound Machinedoctors
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeThe Damnedid, ego & superego
Dr. Ring-DingRoland Alphonso & the Soul Brothersdoctors
Dr. Watson and Mr. HolmesThe Spirits of Rhythmfamous or notable duos
Dr. Love PowerAnn Peeblesdoctors
Dracula’s WeddingOutKast ft Kelismyths & legends
Draft MorningThe Byrdscoming of age
Dragon HeadThrowing Musesmonsters
DragonfliesRed House Paintersinsects
Drake’s DrumCharles Villiers Stanfordresurrection
(Drawing) Rings Around the WorldSuper Furry Animalstelephones
Dreadlock Holiday10ccthe Commonwealth
Dream a Little Dream of MeThe Mamas & the Papasdreams
Dream Baby Dream (Long Version)Suicide12″ singles to 1979
Dream KitchenFrazier Chorusrooms
Dream of a Night of the Sabbath (Symphonie fantastique, 5th movement)Hector Berlioznightmares
Dream OnThe Chemical Brothersdrone music
Dream PoliceCheap Trickvisitors
Dream Within a DreamPropagandameaning of life
Dream Within a DreamSpiritbabies
The DreamingKate Bushodd noises & instruments
The Dreaming MoonThe Magnetic Fieldsthe moon
Dreaming of the QueenPet Shop Boysdreams
DreamsFleetwood Macsongs with or about errors
Dreams I’ll Never SeeMolly Hatchetfavourite live versions
Dreams of Santa Anna (Extended Club Mix)Orange Lemonstartling songs
DreamtimeThe Culthair
Dress Sexy at My FuneralSmogfashion
Dressed in BlackThe Shangri-Lasrepression
Drift AwayDobie Grayrelaxation & leisure
Drifter’s EscapeBob Dylanescape
DriftingPachoraunusual time signatures
Drinkin’ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee“Sticks” McGhee & His Buddieswine
Drinking Song (from La Traviata)Giuseppe Verdicelebration
DriveLiz Lawrencefear of missing out
Drive ByGitheadinternet
Drive My CarThe Beatlessongs with jokes
drivers licenseOlivia Rodrigotickets, passes & invitations
Drivin’ on 9The Breederstravelling
Driving Away from Home (Jim’s Tune)It’s Immaterialcars & driving
Driving in My CarMadnessmachinery, industry & technology
Drone # 3The Ohseesdrone music
Drone Bomb MeAnohniSeptember 11 attacks
Drop It JoeConnie Francisjukeboxes
Drop It Like It’s HotSnoop Dogg ft Pharrellheat
Drop Pop CandyGigaP & Reolbright and beautiful
Drop the BombTrouble Funkcall and response
Dropout BoogieCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandunemployment
DroverBill Callahanwide open spaces
Drowned LoversKate Rusbysuicide
The Drowning ManThe Curebooks #2
Drowning ManU2incidental music
The Drugs Don’t WorkThe Verveillness
The Drum Also WaltzesMax Roach3/4 time
Drum TownThe Yes/No Peopleodd noises & instruments
Drunken GalleonWallsquiet songs
Drunken SpreeSkip Jamesapologies
Dry BonesThe Delta Rhythm Boysspine & neck
Dry BonesFats Wallerjoints of the body
Dry the RainThe Beta Bandlight
Dry Weather HouseGeorge Moxey’s Calypso Quartet ft Hubert Porterhouses
Dry Well BluesCharley Pattonwells
Dry Your EyesThe Streetscrying
Dub Can’t Turn AroundFarley “Jackmaster” Funk & Jessie Saunders1980s 12” singles
Dubble (Organ Swell)Funki Porciniascension
DuchessThe Stranglersinheritance
Duck Cha-ChaLisa Carbonbirdsong
The Duck’s Yas Yas YasOliver Cobb & His Rhythm Kingspoultry
Duct Tape HeartBarenaked Ladiesfixing & repairing
Dueling BanjosEric Weissberg & Steve Mandellcall and response
Duetto buffo di due gattiGioachino Rossinionomatopoeia
Dumb All OverFrank Zappastupidity
Dumb Dumb DumbTeenage Fanclubtautonyms
Dumb It DownLupe Fiascostupidity
Dumb Ways to DieTangerine Kittysafety & danger
Dunsinane Blues (After Macbeth)Cleo Lainerare events
Dunwich Beach, Autumn, 1960Brian Enodates
Durham TownRoger WhittakerNorth East England
Dusk: A Peach in the OrchardEelsevening
Dust BowlThe Troggswastelands
Dust in the WindTodd Rundgrenmusic for funerals
A Dustland FairytaleThe Killersimpressive videos
The Dusty Foot PhilosopherK’naanfeet
Dusty SpringfieldBlossom Dearietribute songs
DuurkaDur-Dur Banddriving songs
Dwight YoakamSarah Shook & the Disarmersrough & smooth
Dyin’ Crapshooter’s BluesBlind Willie McTellfunerals
Dying on the VineJohn Calewine
Dyltgir?Rio Romeoawkwardness