A-Z by Song – C

Song TitleArtistTopic
Câ‹…30 Câ‹…60 Câ‹…90 Go!Bow Wow Wowshopping
C Is the Heavenly OptionHeavenlysongs for your teenage self
Ça plane pour moiPlastic Bertrandone-hit wonders
CabaretLiza Minnellimeaning of life
Cabin EssenceThe Beach Boys19th century life
Cabin in the SkyEthel Watersparadise
Cadillac BoogieJimmy Liggins & his Drops of Joygreat songwriting 1900-1955
Cadillac RanchBruce Springsteenbrands
Cafeteria BananasHellarestaurants & cafes
Caesar on a TV ScreenThe Last Dinner PartyRoman Empire
CaffeineBrandt Brauer Frickcoffee
Caged BirdAbbey Lincolnbirds
Cain and AbelLouis Armstrong & His Orchestrafamous or notable duos
Cairo BazaarLes Baxtermarkets & fairs
CaisMilton Nascimentousing your imagination
Caja de ManzanasAtaca Pacasongs by buskers
Cajun MoonJ. J. Calethe moon
Cake and SodomyMarilyn Mansonbread & baking
Cakes and AleSilly Sistersbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Caleb MeyerGillian Welchviolence
CáliceChico Buarque & Milton Nascimentotyranny & dictatorship
Calico SuitMighty Twofabrics
CaliforniaJoni Mitchellcoming home
California Dreamin’The Mamas & the PapasCalifornia
California King BedRihannafurniture
California OwlsDeath and Vanillaowls
California SoulMarlena Shawjoyous songs
California Ãœber AllesDead Kennedyshatchet jobs
California Ãœber AllesThe Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisytaxation
CalifornicationRed Hot Chili Pepperscompass points
Caligari’s MirrorPere Ubuinspired by or about films
Call It Love (Trego Snare Version)YelloValentine’s Day songs
Call It Stormy MondayT-Bone Walkerdays of the week
Call MeAretha Franklintelephones
Call Me MaybeCarly Rae Jepsenpick-up lines & marriage proposals
Call Me Sister CarolSister Carolfeminism
Call the DoctorSleater-Kinneydoctors
The Call UpThe Clashforgotten follow-ups
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary CraftKlaatuwelcoming
Calon LanCerys Matthews & Fron Male Voice Choirchoirs
The Calvary CrossRichard and Linda ThompsonJesus
CalypsoJohn Denverpioneers
The Camera Loves MeWould-Be-Goodsphotos & photography
CampusVampire Weekendhigher education
Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be a Bad Person?Kaki Kingears & hearing
Can I Change My MindTyrone Davischange of mind
Can I Join Your BandThe Creationgangs
Can I Keep YouPhillip Roebucksongs by buskers
Can I Sit Next to You GirlAC/DCseduction
Can I Sleep in Your Brain?Ezra Furmanthe brain
Can the Circle Be Unbroken (By and By)Carter Familycircles
Can U Dig It?Pop Will Eat Itselflist songs
Can You Feel ItMr. Fingerseuphoria
Can You Feel It (Martin Luther King Mix)Mr. Fingerspreachers, priests & religious leaders
Can You Feel It?The Jacksonssongs with vim
Can You Forgive Her?Pet Shop Boyshomosexuality
Can You Get to ThatFunkadelicfairness
Can You Give ItThe Maccabeestradition
Can Your Pussy Do the Dog?The Crampsmammals
Canadee-I-ONic Jonesopening album tracks
Canadian GirlsDean BrodyCanada
Canadian Railroad TrilogyGordon LightfootCanada
Canal Music in Venice 1981Gilbert Artman, Urban Saxsongs by buskers
Canal Street BluesKing Oliver’s Creole Jazz Bandfrom New Orleans
Cànan nan GàidhealCatherine-Ann MacPheeScotland
Canary BirdMuddy Waterspets
Canción de Cuna Para el Niño AstronautaArco Irisspace
CandyFoxy Brown ft Kelisfood
CandyCameogreat middle eights
Candy GirlBabybirdsweetness
A Candymaker’s Knife in My HandbagThe Fiery Furnaceshats & accessories
Candy’s RoomBruce Springsteenvisitors
Canned HeatJamiroquairedefined by film
Cannibal CaféSNFUrestaurants & cafes
CannonballThe Breedersimpressive intros
Canon a 2, per tonos (Endlessly Rising Canon) (from The Musical Offering)Johann Sebastian Bachfinish where they begin
Canon in DJohann Pachelbelsongs that build
Can’t Be SureThe Sundaysuncertainty
Can’t Be TamedMiley Cyrusimpressive videos
Can’t Cheat KarmaZoundssongs by trios
Can’t Con an Honest JohnThe Streetsshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Can’t Find My BabyJunior Wellssearching & seeking
Can’t Find My MindThe Crampslost and found
Can’t Find My Way HomeSteve Winwood & Eric Claptonbeing lost
Can’t Get Used to Losing YouThe Beatloss
Can’t Get You Out of My HeadKylie Minoguesongs that go ‘la’
Can’t Kick the HabitChampion Jack Dupreethe impossible
Can’t Let GoLucinda Williamscan’t live with or without you
Can’t No Grave Hold My Body DownSister Rosetta Tharperesurrection
Can’t Seem to Make You MineThe Seedsfutility
Can’t Stand Me NowThe Libertinesfriendship
Can’t Stand My BabyThe Rezilloscoolness
Can’t Take This No MoreThe Bug ft Daddy Freddystart with the chorus
Can’t Truss ItPublic Enemyconspiracy theories & paranoia
Can’t You Hear Me KnockingThe Rolling Stonesgreat middle eights
Canta MaisAntônio Carlos Jobimsinging
Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)Us3best bass lines
sampling & recycling
Cantaloupe IslandHerbie Hancockislands
CantaresJoan Manuel Serratexile
A Canterbury TaleDreadzonequiet songs
Cantina BandJohn Williamssteelpan
Cantonese BoyJapanAsia
Cantus in Memory of Benjamin BrittenArvo Pärtsongs that make you cry
Canzona from Music for the Funeral of Queen MaryHenry Purcellbrass songs
Capaldi’s CaféDeaf SchoolLiverpool & Merseyside
CapioBel Cantomixtape closers
CapricornCannonball Adderleystar signs
Captain ChickenGorillaz ft Del Tha Funkee Homosapienpoultry
Captain HookJohn Calepirates
CapybaraShonen Kniferodents
Car 67Driver 67taxis
Car on a HillJoni Mitchellpunctuality
Car SongElasticasecret vices
Car WashRose Roycefunk
Car Wheels on a Gravel RoadLucinda Williamscars & driving
CaravanFanfare CiocÇŽrliaitinerants & migration
CaravanPapa Jo Jonesgreat drumming
CaravanThe Mills Brothersa cappella
instruments imitating voice & vice versa
CaravanVan Morrisonvolume
Carbon 7 (161)Jlinartistic trends of the 21st century
Carbon MonoxideRegina Spektorgases
Carbon RoseUyama HirotoJapan
CarcaráMaria Bethâniaraptors
CarcassSiouxsie and the Bansheesmeat
The Card CheatThe Clashgambling
Cardboard Cutout SundownCaptain Beefheart & the Magic Bandsunsets & twilight
Cardiac ArrestMadnessillness
Cardo o CenizaSilvana Kaneopposites
Care of Cell 44The Zombiescoming home
Career OpportunitiesThe Clashsocial class
CareeringPublic Image Ltddrone music
Careful with That Axe, EugenePink Floydthe obvious
favourite live versions
Careless Love BluesBessie Smithanti-love songs
CareyJoni Mitchellmale names
Caribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run)Billy Oceanqueens
Caribbean UnityBlack Stalinthe Caribbean
Carl Perkins’ CadillacDrive-By TruckersElvis
Carl Perkins Wears the CrownNew Riders of the Purple Sagecrowns
Carnations on the RoofPete Atkiniron & steel
CarnivalThe Cardiganscarnivals & funfairs
The Carnival Is OverNick Cave & the Bad Seedsbrevity
Carnival TimeAl Johnsoncarnivals & funfairs
The CarnyNick Cave & the Bad Seedscarnivals & funfairs
Caroline GoodbyeColin Blunstonegoodbye
Caroline, NoThe Beach Boysdisappointment
Caroline Wheeler’s Birthday PresentThe Jazz Butchergifts & giving
Carpe DiemThe Village Fugswords of wisdom
CarrickfergusVan Morrison & the Chieftainstowns
Carried Water for the ElephantLeroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwellthe circus
CarrionBritish Sea Powerthe sea
Carrot Juice Is MurderThe Arrogant Wormsfarm produce
Carrot RopePavementcricket
Carry HomeMark Laneganhome
The Carter FamilyCarly Simoneureka moments
Casablanca MoonSlapp Happypuzzling & mysterious
A Case for VinylTim Burgesshearing, choosing & playing records
A Case of YouJoni Mitchellcan’t live with or without you
Casimir Pulaski DaySufjan Stevensdates
Casino BoogieThe Rolling Stonesrhythm, beat & boogie
CassandraSophie Ellis-Bextorprophets
Cassava PieceAugustus Pablofractions & portions
Cassette 2012Delay Treesprophets
CassidyGrateful Deadblessings & curses
Cast Your Fate to the WindSounds Orchestraleasy listening
Casting My Spell on YouMarci Lee & Johnny Otismaking things
Castle WallsStyxcastles & palaces
The Castleford Ladies’ Magic CircleJake Thackraymagic
Castles Made of SandThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencedisappointment
Casualties of WarEric B. & Rakimwar
CatThe Sugarcubesfrom Nordic countries
The Cat Came BackFred Pennerwhimsical songs
Catch a FireThe Bug ft Hitomifutility
Catch Me I’m FallingEsther Phillipsfalling in love
Catching the ButterflyThe Vervebutterflies & moths
CaterpillarThe Curebutterflies & moths
Cath CarrollUnrestfamous or notable duos
Catherine WheelMia Shardwheels
Catherine WheelsCrowded Housewheels
Cat’s in the CradleHarry Chapininheritance
Cattle and CaneThe Go-Betweensrural songs
Caught by the FuzzSupergrasspolice
Caught Out ThereKelishatchet jobs
Caught Up in the RaptureAnita Bakerfalling in love
Cauliflower CurryRobb Johnsonequality
The CaveMumford & Sonssongs that build
CavernLiquid Liquidlesser known originals
Cavern StompThe Big Threemusic venues
The Caves of AltamiraSteely Dandecor
The CB SongLegendary Shack Shakersobsolete things
CCTVLV ft Dandelioninfluenced by dub
Ce mortel ennuiSerge Gainsbourgboring & dull
Ce n’est que ma secrétairePamelo Mounk’asongs in French
CelebrationKool & the Gangcelebration
CelebrationThe Young Fresh Fellowsbright songs about dark subjects
Celebrity InterviewThe Jigsaw Seencharisma
Celebrity SkinHolecelebrity
Cell SongFanfarlosmall things
Cello Concerto in E minor: I. Adagio – moderatoEdgar Elgar (performed by Jacqueline du Pré)cello
’Cello SongNick Drakefictional places
Cello Suite No. 1 in G major: I. PreludeJohann Sebastian Bach (performed by Yo-Yo Ma)cello
CellophaneFKA twigsquiet songs
Celluloid HeroesThe Kinkscelebrity
Cement MixerSlim Gaillard Trioonomatopoeia
Cemetry GatesThe Smithsschadenfreude
CenterfoldThe J. Geils Bandna-na-hey-hey songs
Cepa de AndaluzaPaco de Lucíahandclaps
CeremonyNew Ordercrisis
CertainlyErykah Badufeminism
The ChaconneDessaodd couples
Chad GadyaChava Albersteinpeace
The ChainFleetwood Macnever
Chain GangSam Cookescreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Chain of FoolsAretha Franklinfinish where they begin
Chains and ThingsB.B. Kingmelancholy songs
Chains of LoveErasurebreaking things
Chaise LoungeTamiafurniture
Chaise LongueWet Legchairs
Chaiyya ChaiyyaSukhwinder Singh & Sapna Awasthirecorded for movies
The Chalet LinesBelle and Sebastianmoving on
Chalice in the PalaceU-Roysmoking
ChambacúAurita Castillothe Caribbean
Champagne SupernovaOasiswine
The Champion Part 1Willie Mitchellwinners
ChampionKanye Westshowing off
Chan ChanBuena Vista Social Clubcomeback songs
ChanceBig Countrychance & coincidence
ChandelierSiaimpressive videos
ChangeKilling Jokechange
ChangeYoshida Brothers & Monkey Majiksurprising intros
A Change Is Gonna ComeSam Cookechange
ChangelingDJ Shadowmusically adventurous
ChangesDavid Bowiechange #2
Changing OpinionPhilip Glasschange of mind
Chantilly LaceThe Big Boppertelephones
Chapel of LoveThe Dixie Cupsgirl groups
Chapter 8: “Seashore and Horizon”Corneliushorizons
Chapter of MoneyThe Aggrovators with King Tubbypsychedelic songs
Chapter OneMake a Change… Kill Yourselffrom Nordic countries
Chariots of FireVangeliswinners
Charity BallFannytickets, passes & invitations
CharlesSkidstattoos & piercings
Charles Hollis JonesGrant HartJones & Joneses
Charlie BrownThe Coastersmale names
Charlotte SometimesThe Cureinterlopers
Charlton HestonStumpmiracles
CharlyThe Prodigycomics & cartoons
CharmaineMantovani Orchestraeasy listening
Charmed LifeThe Divine Comedyluck
ChaseGiorgio Moroderdance instrumentals
Chase the DevilMax Romeo & the UpsettersGod & the Devil
Chasing Whiskey with WhiskeyJ. P. Soarswhiskey
Château de sableRoka Traorécastles & palaces
Chattanooga Choo ChooGlenn Miller with Dorothy Dandridge & the Nicholas Brothersclicking, tapping & stomping
Che gelida manina (from La bohème)Giacomo Puccinihands
Che notte!Mike Pattongenre switch
Cheap SunglassesThe Human Heartseyewear
Cheap SunglassesZZ Topglamour & style
Check the RhimeA Tribe Called Questconversations
Cheek to CheekFred Astairegreat songwriting 1900-1955
Cheese and OnionsThe Rutlesvegetables
Cheetah and the TigerEye Alaskacats
Chega de SaudadeJoão Gilbertomore questions than answers
The Chelsea Hotel Oral Sex SongJeffrey Lewisother songs
Chelsea MorningJoni Mitchellmorning
Chemical CalisthenicsBlackalicious ft Cut Chemistscience
Chemical Worker’s SongRon Angelsafety & danger
Chemo LimoRegina Spektorillness
Cherry BlossomsTindersticksflowers
Cherry PieKatzenjammerinheritance
Cherry Red WineLuther Allisonwine
Cherry Tree10,000 Maniacseureka moments
Cheryl TweedyLily AllenB sides
Chest FeverThe Bandorgan
Chestnut MareThe Byrdshorses
Chewing Gum WrapperJonathan Richman & the Modern Loverstrash
Chi MaiEnnio MorriconeTV theme songs
ChicagoSufjan Stevensfaith
ChickenThe Crampsonomatopoeia
ChickenMississippi John Hurtpoultry
The Chicken and the HawkBig Joe Turnerbirds
Chicken BluesBilly Ward & His Dominoespoultry
Chicken KillerThe Triffidspoultry
Chicken Little Was RightThe Turtlesprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Chicken PaybackThe Beespoultry
Chicken RhythmSlim Gaillardpoultry
Chicken StrutThe Metersanimal sounds
Chicken TeriyakiRosaliápoultry
Chicken WalkHasil Adkinspoultry
A Chicken with Its Head Cut OffThe Magnetic Fieldspoultry
Child Amongst the WeedsEliza Carthyadult lullabies
Child in TimeDeep Purplesongs with sudden changes
Child PsychologyBlack Box Recorderchildren
ChildrenRobert Milespiano songs
Children CryingThe Congosanimal sounds
Children of ChildrenJason Isbellbiography & autobiography
Children of CoincidenceDory Previnchance & coincidence
Children of the RevolutionKirsty MacCollyouthfulness
Children of the RevolutionT. Rexrevolution
Children of the SeaBlack Sabbathloss
Children Play with MatchesMischief Brewdares
Chillout TentThe Hold Steadybright songs about dark subjects
China Cat SunflowerGrateful Deadsurreal songs
ChineseLily Allencoming home
Chinese CheckersBooker T. & the M.G.’sgames
Chinese RocksJohnny Thunders & the Heartbreakerscocaine & heroin
Chips Ahoy!The Hold Steadyvictory
Chiraa KhoorHuun-Huur-Tuhorses
Chitthi Aayi HaiPankaj Udhasmelancholy songs
ChocolateSoul Controlchocolate
Chocolate DropHowlin’ Wolfbrown
Chocolate JesusTom Waitschocolate
Chocolate Salty BallsIsaac Hayeschocolate
A Chocolate Sundae on a Saturday NightDoris Daychocolate
The Choice Is YoursBlack Sheepsongs by duos
ChoicesGeorge Jonesregrets
Choose LifePF Projectpromises & choices
Chords of FamePhil Ochseffects of fame
Chove en SantiagoLuar na LubreSpain
Christ for PresidentBilly Bragg & WilcoJesus
Christchurch BellsHothouse Flowersbells
Christianity Is StupidNegativlandtyranny & dictatorship
The Christians and the PagansDar Williamsreunions
Christina the AstonishingNick Cave & the Bad Seedsmiracles
ChristmasThe Limiñanasfeaturing bells
Christmas 1914Mike Hardingtradition
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)Darlene Lovealternative Christmas songs
Christmas Card from a Hooker in MinneapolisTom Waitspathos
Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24Trans-Siberian Orchestrafeaturing bells
Christmas in Cape TownRandy Newmanalternative Christmas songs
Christmas SongJoy Zipperalternative Christmas songs
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You)Nat King Coletradition
Christmas TreeKing Stitttrees
Christmas WrappingThe Waitressesalternative Christmas songs
Chuck E’s in LoveRickie Lee Jonesopening album tracks
ChunchoYma Sumachigh-pitched vocals
Chunder in the Old Pacific SeaBarry Crockerbodily fluids
Church of the Poison MindCulture Clubgender & LGBTQ+
CIA ManThe Fugschaos
conspiracy theories & paranoia
Ciao!Lush ft Jarvis Cockerfinishing
Ciel d’automneLa Bottine Sourianteviolin
Cienfuegos Tiene Su GuaguancóIbrahim Ferrerthe Caribbean
Cigarettes and Chocolate MilkRufus Wainwrightsmoking
Cigarettes and CoffeeOtis Reddingsmoking
Cinematic SoulBarry Adamsonchildren performing
Cinnamon GirlNeil Younghair
Cinnamon TreeEsperanza Spaldingtrees
Cinnamon WaterJon Bodenswimming & bathing
CiocÇŽrlia si SuiteFanfare CiocÇŽrliabirdsong
CircleMiles Daviscircles
The Circle GameJoni Mitchellfate & destiny
The Circle Married the LineFeisthorizons
Circle of HeartbreakBetty Wrightgeometric shapes
CirclesThe Fleur de Lyscircles
CirclesKate Tempestspinning
CirclingFour Tetcircles
Circling the CircumferenceThe Trash Can Sinatrasintelligence
CircusNerina Pallotthe circus
Circus ’68 ’69Charlie Hadenarguments
The Circus Is Leaving TownIsobel Campbell & Mark Laneganfirst & last time
Circus of HeavenYesitinerants & migration
Cirque dans la RuePlain White T’sthe circus
Cirrus MinorPink Floydlaziness
Cissy StrutThe Metersexpressing movement of walking
Cité propre: gagner de l’argent par les déchetsVicky Brown ft Final D and the city of Doualatrash
CitiesTalking Headsurban environment
City Drops into the NightThe Jim Carroll Bandsunsets & twilight
City Full of GhostsMike ScottIreland
City of New OrleansArlo Guthrieiron & steel
City of RosesEsperanza Spaldingmarkets & fairs
The City SleepsMC 900 Ft. Jesusstarting fires
City Too HotLee Perryheat
Civil ServantRichard Dawsonjobs
Civil TwilightThe Weakerthansevening
Claimed by the SeaFrench for Rabbitsclimate change
Clam, Crab, Cockle, CowrieJoanna Newsomorchestral string instruments
ClandestinoManu Chaoexile
Clapping MusicSteve Reichhandclaps
The Clapping SongShirley Ellisleft & right
ClaraScott Walkerunsettling songs
ClarachCatrin Finch & Seckou Keitawings
The Clarietta RagKevin Ayerssound like other songs
ClarksVybz Kartel ft Popcaan & Gaza Slimfeet
Classical GasHugo Montenegroeasy listening
ClassifiedPete Townshendreading
ClaudineStanley Brinks & Frescharddetectives
Clea Caught a RabbitAnne Briggsrabbits
Clean This HousePaul Kelly & the Dotsspring cleaning & household chores
Clean Up WomanBetty Wrightfavourite live versions
Clean Up Your Own BackyardElvis Presleyspring cleaning & household chores
Cleaning Out the RoomsBritish Sea Powercleansing
Cleaning WindowsVan Morrisonmanual labour
Cleanup TimeJohn Lennonspring cleaning & household chores
A Clear Night, A Shooting Star, A Song for BooBand of Holy Joyelectricity
Clear White Light (Pt. 2)Lindisfarnelighthouses & guiding lights
Cleopatra’s CatSpin DoctorsRoman Empire
ClichéTodd Rundgrenidioms & common expressions
Click, Click, Click, ClickBishop Allenphotos & photography
Click Go the ShearsLionel Longfarming
The Click SongMiriam Makebasongs about songs
The ClimbMiley Cyrusdetermination
Climb on BoardLabrinthspace travel
Climbing to the Moon (Jon Brion Remix)Eelssongs that make you cry
Clint EastwoodGorillaz ft Del the Funky Homosapiennamed after men
Clock of the WorldKrista Detor, Karine Polwart, Rachael McShaneclocks & watches
A Clock That’s Got No HandsDella Reeseclocks & watches
Close the Coalhouse DoorThe Unthanksaccidents
Close to the EdgeYesedges & ledges
Closed GrooveStiff Little Fingersfreedom of expression
ClosedownCock Sparreradvertising
CloserNine Inch Nailslust
Closer to FineIndigo Girlsmeaning of life
Closing TimeSemisonicsongs that aren’t what they seem
Clothes Are So ObnoxiousAnnie Tracynudity
Clothes Line SagaSuzzy & Maggie Rochespring cleaning & household chores
The Cloud FactoryJune Taborclouds
Cloud NineThe Temptationsnumbered 1 to 10
Cloud of UnknowingGorillaz ft Bobby Womackclouds
Cloud SongThe United States of Americabooks #2
CloudbustingKate Bushrain
Clouded EyesChron Genclouds
Clouds Across the MoonRAH Bandmissing someone
The Clouds Will Soon Roll ByAmbrose & His Orchestra ft Elsie Carlislehope
The ClownCharles Mingus & Jean Shepherdthe circus
Club CountryThe Associatesenergising songs
Club LonelyLil Louis & the Worldnightclubs
Clyde WatersAnaïs Mitchell & Jefferson Hamerconversations
C’mon Every BeatboxBig Audio Dynamitemedia for listening to recorded music
Cnoc Na Feille / Siol GhoraidhRunrigGaelic songs
Co-opBess Atwelldistractions & diversions
Coal Miner’s DaughterLoretta Lynnsocial class
manual labour
Coal TattooShawn Phillipsrejection
Coal WarJoshua Jamescaves
Coat of Many ColorsDolly Partonmaking things
CocaineJ. J. Calecocaine & heroin
The CockfightSam the Sham & the Pharaohspoultry
The CockfighterScott Walkerscary songs
Cockney TranslationSmiley Culturechoosing & using words
Cod Liver Oil and Orange JuiceHamish Imlachcompass points
Code MonkeyJonathan Coultonnerds & geeks
CodexPere Ubuthinking
CodyMogwaimood-changing music
Coffee & TVBlurhome
Coffee Girl22-Pistepirkkocoffee
Coffee, God & CigarettesMischief Brewtragedy & comedy
Coin Operated BoyThe Dresden Dollsswitches & buttons
Coincidents on the Circle LineRobb Johnsonbasements & underground
CoinsequencesPublic Enemy ft Parischance & coincidence
ColdThe Curecold
Cold BearThe Gatursbeer
Cold, Cold HeartHank Williamscold
Cold DiscoverySmogdiscovery
Cold Haily Rainy NightThe Imagined Villagestorms
Cold Little HeartMichael Kiwanukashame
Cold Missouri WatersJames Keelaghanstarting fires
Cold, Rain and SnowGrateful Deadstairs, ladders & elevators
Cold SweatJames Brownperspiration
Cold TurkeyJohn Lennonfinishing
Cold Winter Sun Symphony in D MajorFaine Jadewinter
Coldest Night of the YearTwice as Much & Vashti Bunyanfeaturing bells
The Coldest Night of the YearBruce CockburnCanada
Richard HawleyColes Cornercrooners
CollarboneFujiya & Miyagiillness
The CollectorThe Legendary Pink Dotscollecting & listing
The CollectorNine Inch Nailscollecting & listing
CollectorYapooscollecting & listing
ColleenJoanna Newsommythical beasts
CollegePat Greenhigher education
CollegeSmoking Popeshigher education
The ColliersSeth Lakemancaves
The Colonial Wing10,000 Maniacsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Colonise the MoonSuper Furry Animalsspace
The Colour of SpringMark Hollispiano songs
ColoursDonovanwaking up
The ColoursThe Men They Couldn’t Hangflags
Columba AspexitHildegard of Bingenspiritual songs
Come All YeFairport Conventiongreat album or mixtape openers
Come and Buy My ToysDavid Bowietoys
Come and Get Your LoveRedbonealbum tracks better than singles
Come Away MelindaUriah Heepphotos & photography
Come DancingThe Kinksnostalgia
Come Fly with MeFrank Sinatraflying
Come Get It, I Got ItThe Raelettesgirl groups
Come Go with MeThe Del-Vikingsdepartures
Come HealingLeonard Cohenhealing
Come into My ParlourThe Bleechersdomestic songs
Come Monkey with MeGino Washington & the Rochelles with the Atlanticsmonkeys & apes
Come On-a My HouseRosemary Clooneyhouses
Come On-A My HouseDella Reesetickets, passes & invitations
Come On EileenDexys Midnight Runnersmixtape closers
Come On in My KitchenRobert Johnsonwelcoming
Come On, Let’s GoNigo with Tyler, the Creatorpunctuality
Come Rise with MeMachel Montano & Claudette Peterscricket
Come SaturdayThe Pains of Being Pure at Heartthe weekend
Come Share the WineAl Martinocommunity
Come to DaddyAphex Twinfathers
Come to JesusMindy SmithJesus
Come to MeBjörkwelcoming
Come to the BarPete and the Piratesfictional adverts
Come TogetherPrimal Screamunity
Come Up with Your Hands OutAlice Donutcoffee
Comedy Tragedy HistoryAkalaShakespeare
Comes LoveBillie Holidaypragmatism
Comfortably NumbPink Floydillness
Comic StripSerge Gainsbourgcomics & cartoons
Comin’ Back Soon (The Bereft Man’s Song)Crash Test Dummiesupbeat break-up #2
Comin’ Home BabyMel Tormécoming home
Comin’ In on a Wing and a PrayerThe D-Day Darlingswings
Comin’ ThruChali 2nadeep voices
Coming Around AgainCarly Simonmultitasking & being busy
Coming In from the ColdBob Marley & the Wailersgreat drumming
The Coming of the RoadsJudy Collinsmodernity
Coming UpPaul McCartneysolo Beatles songs
Coming with CrossesOtis Taylorcrosses
Comme RimbaudBrigitte Fontaine19th century life
Common PeoplePulpnever
Communication BreakdownLed Zeppelinchaos
Como Castillo de ArenaEl Camarón de la Isla & Paco de Luciásand
Como la MariposaLeyanis Lópezbutterflies & moths
Cómo Pasa la VidaRocío Márquezminimalist songs
CompassZella Daycompass points
Competition Ain’t Nothin’Little Carl Carltoncompetition
Complainte pour Ste-CatherineKate & Anna McGarriglesongs in French
Complete ControlThe Clashgreed
formal agreements
Complete ControlWoodbinecontrol
A Complete History of the Soviet Union Through the Eyes of a Humble Worker, Arranged to the Melody of TetrisPig with the Face of a BoyRussia
Complicated GameXTCleft & right
Computer Age (Push the Button)Newcleusswitches & buttons
Con le mie lacrimeThe Rolling Stonesforeign language versions
Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, OhioSufjan Stevensopening album tracks
Concierto de Aranjuez, AdagioMiles Davis & Gil Evansgreat arrangements
Concierto de Aranjuez: I. Allegro con spiritoJohn Williamsrelaxation & leisure
Concrete and Barbed WireLucinda Williamsrough & smooth
Concrete and ClayUnit 4 + 2geology
Concrete JungleBob Marley & the Wailerspersonification
ConeDamaged Bugalarm sounds
ConeheadFrank Zappageometric shapes
Coney IslandVan MorrisonIreland
The ConferenceNitin Sawhneyconversations
Conference of the BirdsDave Holland Quartetconversations
The Confessions of Doctor Dream, Part 1: Irreversible Neural DamageKevin Ayershats
ConfettiThe Lemonheadsdivorce
ConfidencePeter Hammillconfidence
Confirm ReservationGregory Isaacsformal agreements
ConfusionSilver Applesconfusion & delusion
Congo SquareSonny LandrethNew Orleans
CongoleoAngélique Kidjothe Caribbean
CongomanThe CongosAfrica
CongregationFoo Fighterscollective nouns
CongregationLowcollective nouns
ConnectionElasticabody language
The Consequences of Time Travel (Part One)Vernian Processtime travel
ConsiderationReefsongs that fit every topic
Consolation PrizeOrange Juiceself-deprecation
Constant Cravingk.d. langaccordion
Constant in OpalThe Churchtreasure
Constellation of the HeartKate Bushadventure
ConstruçãoChico Buarquegreat arrangements
Contemplation RoseVan Morrisonroses
Contigo en la DistanciaMayte Martín & Tete Montoliuestimates of distance & time
Continental ShelfViet Conggeology
The Continuing Story of Bungalow BillThe Beatlestigers
ContinuumGyörgy Ligetiharpsichord
Contort YourselfJames Chance & the Contortionsdiscordant songs
ContractGang of Fourformal agreements
The ContractU.S. Bombsformal agreements
ContrastCount Fivedeserts
Contributory NegligenceAttila the Stockbrokerhitchhiking
ControlDub Warcontrol
ControlJanet Jacksoncontrol
The ConversationTwilight Singerseavesdropping
Cookie Thumper!Die Antwoordbread & baking
Cookin’Pete Townshendcooking
Cooking Breakfast for the One I LoveAnnette Hanshawfictional adverts
The CoolLupe Fiascoghosts
Cool and BoredLe Corps Mince de Françoiseshyness
Cool BritanniaBonzo Dog Doo-Dah BandBritain
Cool, Cool WaterThe Beach Boysrefreshment & cooling down
Cool for CatsSqueezecoolness
Cool in the PoolHolger Czukaysummer
Cool JerkThe Capitolsdance styles
Cool Me DownKieran Kanerefreshment & cooling down
Cop Shoot Cop…Spiritualizedcocaine & heroin
CopacabanaBarry Manilowso bad they’re good
Copper KettleJoan Baezmaking things
Copper KettleBob Dylantaxation
The Copper TopBill Wells & Aidan Moffatfunerals
Copperhead RoadSteve Earlewhiskey
Cops and RobbersBo Diddleylaw enforcement
CoquillagesMarianne Faithfullsongs in French
Corcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars)Stan Getz & João Gilberto with Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos JobimSouth America
Corgi Registered FriendsHalf Man Half Biscuitinsulting songs
Corner StoreJonathan Richman & the Modern Loversshopping
Cornfield AblazePrefab Sproutstarting fires
The Cornish Farewell ShantyOysterband and Friendschoirs
Coro a bocca chiusa (Humming Chorus) (from Madama Butterfly)Giacomo Puccinihumming
Corporal CleggPink Floydhonorific titles
Corporate CannibalGrace Jonesmisanthropic songs
The CorporationDub Syndicatetyranny & dictatorship
Corpse Attack!Utsu-Phorror-inspired songs
Corpus Christi CarolJeff Buckleyfalsetto
Corre Que Te PilloLos Jaivasfollowing & chasing
Corrupting MemoriesGirls in Synthesisthinking
Cortez the KillerNeil Young & Crazy Horsehistorical figures
Cosmic SlopFunkadelicalbum tracks better than singles
Cosmik DebrisFrank Zappasurprise encounters
Cotton Crop BluesJames Cottonfabrics
Cotton FieldsLead Bellybabies
CoucouDjango Reinhardttautonyms
Could I Have This DanceAnne Murrayeverlasting love
Could It Be MagicDonna Summerclassical songs
Could Well Be InThe Streetsflirting
Couldn’t I Just Tell YouTodd Rundgrensecret admirers
Count It UpField Musicequality
Counting DownNataly Dawnclocks & watches
Country BusJake Thackraybuses
Country Death SongViolent Femmesholes
Country LifeThe Watersonsrural songs
CountryMusicDisco45Jeb Loy Nicholslast night
County FairJoe Walshmarkets & fairs
The Court of the Crimson KingKing Crimsonmyths & legends
The Court RoomClarence Carterjustice
Courtship DatingCrystal Castlesindecipherable songs
Cousin JackShow of Handsmigrants & refugees
The Coventry CarolMaddy Prior with the Carnival Bandanti-Christmas songs
Cover MeBjörkhammer & mallet instruments
The Cover of ‘Rolling Stone’Dr. Hook & the Medicine Showmagazines
Cow Cow BoogieElla Mae Morsefour-legged livestock
Coward of the CountyKenny Rogersviolence
Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each OtherWillie Nelsonsecrets
Cow’s Placenta to ArmageddonAlice Donutdiscovery
CoyoteJoni Mitchellcompromise
Cracking UpNick Lowecrisis
Cracklin’ RosieNeil Diamondwine
CradleAdrianne Lenkerquiet songs
CraftsmanshipBuck 65jobs
The Crane Wife 1 & 2The Decemberistswings
CrashThe Primitivesbright songs about dark subjects
Cravo e CanelaMilton Nascimentobrown
Crawdaddy SimoneThe Syndicatsbad boys & bad girls
The CrawlSpirit of the WestCanada
Crawl Out Through the FalloutSheldon Allmanapocalypse
Crawlin’ King SnakeJohn Lee Hookerlust
Crazed InstitutionJethro Tullcrowns
CrazyPatsy Clinecrooners
Crazy BeatBlurrhythm, beat & boogie
Crazy HorsesThe Osmondsenvironment
Crazy in LoveBeyoncé ft Jay Zfalling in love
Crazy Little Thing Called LoveQueenElvis
Crazy LoveMindy Gledhillfollowing & chasing
Crazy Man MichaelFairport Conventionmale names
Crazy RhythmsThe Feeliessongs with vim
CreamPrince & the New Power Generationaudible breaths
Création du mondeVangeliselectronic music to 1983
The Creator Has a Master PlanLeon Thomas & Pharaoh Sandersoptimistic songs
The Creature from the Black LagoonDave Edmundsmythical beasts
Credit CardsSpy vs. Spyplastic
C.R.E.E.P.The Falloffensive, insulting songs
CreepRadioheadunrequited love
Creeping DeathMetallicabiblical songs
Creeping JaneSteeleye Spancompetition
Creeque AlleyThe Mamas & the Papasretrospection
Creole MoonDr. Johnrelaxation & leisure
Crew LoveDrakegangs
Cricket Lovely CricketJah Thomascricket
Crime in the City (Sixty to Zero, Pt 1)Neil Younglaw enforcement
Crimen SollicitationisSka-Ppreachers, priests & religious leaders
Crimson and CloverTommy James & the Shondellsrepetition
Crimson StarHen Ogleddspace travel
The Crimson WaveTacocatbodily fluids
The Cripple and the StarfishAntony and the Johnsonschannelling pain
Crippled with NervesKilburn and the High Roadsanxiety
Crisis of MineThe Undertonescrisis
Crooked WayPropaganda ft Terence F. Clarkidioms & common expressions
Cross My HeartThe Exoticscrosses
Cross Your FingersLaura Marlingjoints of the body
Crosscut SawAlbert Kingcrosses
Crossing the RubiconBob DylanRoman Empire
CrossingsHerbie Hancockdifferent 7″ versions
CrossroadsTracy Chapmancrosses
CrossroadsCalvin Russellcrosses
Crossword PuzzleSly Stonenewspapers
Crow JaneSkip Jamescruel songs
Crowded RoomXTCcrowds
The CrownGary Byrd & the GB Experienceancient history
CrownCollective Soulcrowns
The CrownThe Honeydogscrowns
CrownStormzyquoting Shakespeare
The Crown and the Ring (Lament of the Kings)Manowarcrowns
Crown of ThornsScud Mountain Boyscrowns
CroydonCaptain Sensibletowns
The CrucifixionPhil Ochsassassination
CrucifyTori Amosembarrassment
Crucify Me12 Ton Methodmusically adventurous
The Cruel MotherShirley Collinscruel songs
The Cruel SeaThe Dakotasbooks
The Cruel Ship’s CaptainBryan Ferryships & boats
Crush with EyelinerR.E.M.makeup
The CrusherThe Novasdance styles
Cry Me a RiverJulie Londoncrying
Cry of the Wild GooseLes Compagnons de la Chansonbirdsong
Cry ToughAlton Ellis & the Flamespragmatism
CryingRoy Orbisonheartbreak
Crying to the SkyBe-Bop Deluxesky
The Cryonic TrombonePeter Blegvad & Andy Partridgegases
Crystal BallEmil & Friendsfortune tellers
Crystal Blue PersuasionTommy James & the Shondellspsychedelic songs
CrystallineBjörkunusual time signatures
Cuckoo! (from Friday Afternoons)Benjamin Brittenbirdsong
Cucurrucucu PalomaCaetano Velosoonomatopoeia
CueScott Walkerhorror-inspired songs
Cue FanfarePrefab Sproutcompetition
Cum On Feel the NoizeOasisvolume
Cum On Feel the NoizeSladerallying cries
Cuntry Boys and City GirlsThe Fratellisodd couples
Cup A TeaDillingertea
Cup of TeaShacktea
Cup of Tea in BedThe Lorraine Bowen Experiencetea
CurareAfric Simonepoison
CuriousKode9 & the Spaceapeinfluenced by reggae
Curly LocksSinéad O’Connorcurves & spheres
Curly ToesUnknown female singerjoints of the body
The CurseAgnes Obelblessings & curses
The CurseJosh Rittermonsters
The Curse of MillhavenNick Cave & the Bad Seedsvillains
The Curtains Are Twitchin’Bell X1neighbours
Curvaceous NeedsKatzenjammerbeing fat
Cuss CussDub Syndicatetautonyms
Cut Across ShortyEddie Cochranvictory
Cut HereThe Curebody language
The Cutty WrenPhil Mintondeep voices
CvaldaBjörk with Catherine Deneuvemanual labour
Cynically YoursAmy Rigbyanti-love songs
Cynthia MaskRobyn Hitchcockmasks
Cyprus AvenueVan Morrisonharpsichord