A-Z by Song – A

Song TitleArtistTopic
A (Live at Clouds Hill)Nisennenmondaiunderrated artists
A Andorinha da PrimaveraMadredeusspring
‘A’ Bomb in Wardour StreetThe Jamapocalypse
A Briga do Edifício Itália com o Hilton HotelTom ZéSouth America
A CorujinhaElis Reginaowls
A FelicidadeJoão Gilbertostart with the chorus
A la MierdaSka-Prefusal
A PaléRosalíamore questions than answers
A Santa BarbaraCelina y Reutilioblessings & curses
A13, Trunk Road to the SeaBilly Braggspecific or obscure places
A&WLana Del Reynotable outros or codas
AaracharThaikkudam Bridgehanging
The Abandoned BrainRobyn Hitchcockthe brain
Abattoir BluesNick Cave & the Bad Seedsnon sequiturs
ABCGhostface Killahso bad they’re good
ABCThe Jackson 5three
ABCThe Pipettesnerds & geeks
AbergavennyMarty Wildetowns
Abide with MeThe Inspirational Choirsongs that build
Abigail BeecherFreddy Cannonteachers
Abominable Snowman in the MarketJonathan Richman & the Modern Loversunexplained phenomena
Abraham, Martin and JohnMarvin Gayeassassination
AbsintheThe Damnedcocktails & spirits
Absolutely Positively….. Practical JokesMC Lytesongs with jokes
Acapulco GoldRealitygold
AccidentElectric Eelsaccidents
Accident Waiting to HappenBilly Bragginsulting songs
The AccidentalGenesharp objects
Accidental RacistBrad Paisley ft LL Cool Jflags
Accidentally Like a MartyrWarren Zevonsaints & martyrs
AccidentsPeter Hammillchance & coincidence
Accidents Will HappenElvis Costello & the Attractionsaccidents
Accountancy ShantyMonty Pythonpirates
Accroche-toi CarolineThe Paris Studio GroupTV theme songs
Ace Insurance ManBobbie Gentryaccidents
Ace of SpadesThe Cuban Brothersplaying cards
Ace of SpadesMotörheadgambling
AcidJockstrapeverlasting love
Acperience 1Hardfloorinstrumentals
Across 110th StreetBobby Womack and PeaceNew York
Across the BorderlineRy Coodersocial mobility
Across the LinesTracy Chapmandares
Across the UniverseFiona AppleBeatles covers
Acrylic AfternoonsPulpfabrics
Act of the ApostleEmily Browningintelligence
Action PackedJohnny Dollarsongs with vim
Actions Speak Louder Than WordsB.B. Kingproverbs
Active AgeingLeon Rosselsonpassage of time
The ActorThe Incredible String Bandactors
Actor Out of WorkSt. Vincentjobs
The Actor’s Opprobriumof Montrealtheatre
Adagio for StringsSamuel Barberorchestral string instruments
Adagio in G minorTomaso Albinoniorgan
Adam and EveSundae Timesparadise
Add It UpViolent Femmesunrequited love
Add Some Music to Your DayThe Beach Boysmusic as nutrition
Add This SongGusGussongs that command or instruct
A.D.H.D.Kendrick Lamaracronyms
AdorationsKilling Jokeforgotten follow-ups
Adventures in a Yorkshire LandscapeBe-Bop Deluxewide open spaces
The Adventures in WonderlandThe Roots ft Ursula Ruckersecret vices
The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of SteelGrandmaster Flash & the Furious Fivestop-start songs
Ae Fond KissEddi Readerleaving or being left behind
Aerie (Gang of Eagles)Jefferson Airplaneraptors
The Affectionate PunchThe Associatesbody language
Afours AfoursTinariwentautonyms
AfricanTotosongs with or about errors
African DrugBob Holroyddance instrumentals
African MarketplaceAbdullah Ibrahimmarkets & fairs
African ProblemsSeun Kuti & Fela’s Egypt 80thinking
AfrikiAlpha Blondyinfluenced by reggae
Afro-LeftLeftfieldpsychedelic songs
After EightNeu!times of day
After HoursThe Velvet Undergroundfear of missing out
After MidnightJ. J. Calemidnight
After Murder ParkThe Auteurscello
After the CurtainBeiruttheatre
After the Gold RushNeil Youngdreams
After We Shot the GrizzlyThe Handsome Familytragedy & comedy
After You’ve GoneMarion Harrisgreat songwriting 1900-1955
AfternoonEleni Mandellafternoon
Afternoon DelightStarland Vocal Bandafternoon
(Afternoon) SoapsArab Straptelevision
Afternoons & CoffeespoonsCrash Test Dummiesafternoon
Ágætis byrjunSigur Rósfailure
Again & AgainRoots Manuvacricket
Age of ConsentNew Ordercoming of age
Age Old BlueAlela Dianethe coast
Aged and MellowLittle Esther Phillipsages
AguanileWillie Colón & Héctor Lavoepaganism
Águas de MarçoElis Regina & Tom Jobimlist songs
Ah Feel Like AhcidCaptain Beefheart & His Magic Bandnon sequiturs
Ah, Leave Me Not to PineLinda Ronstadt & Rex Smithextraordinary vocals
Ahi Na MaCortijo y su Combo with Ismael Riveraperfection
Aht Uh Mi HedShuggie OtisValentine’s Day songs
Aikea-GuineaCocteau Twinsindecipherable songs
Ailein duinnKaren Mathesonsuicide
Ain’t Goin’ Down to the Well No Mo’Lead Bellywells
Ain’t Goin’ to GoaAlabama 3fads & crazes
Ain’t Gonna Be Your TattooShemekia Copelandskin
Ain’t Got No – I Got LifeNina Simonelist songs
Ain’t Gwine Whistle Dixie Anymo’Taj Mahalwhistling
Ain’t It a SinCharles Bradleyfunk
Ain’t It Funky Pts. 1-2James Brownminimalist songs
Ain’t It Grand to Be Bloomin’ Well DeadLeslie Saronyhope & resilience
Ain’t Misbehavin’Jason Moran & Meshell Ndegeocelloartistic trends of the 21st century
Ain’t No Cure for LoveLeonard Cohenhealing
Ain’t No Mountain High EnoughDiana Rossobstacles
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us NowMcFadden & Whiteheadobstacles
Ain’t No SunshineBill Withersknowledge
Ain’t Nothin’ But a House PartyThe Showstopperscelebration
Ain’t That EnoughTeenage Fanclubsimple pleasures
Ain’t That Trouble in MindCrockett Ward & His Boysanxiety
Ain’t Wastin’ Time No MoreThe Allman Brothers Bandmusic for funerals
Air MovingThe Kathryn Tickell Banddrone music
Air on a G StringThe Jacques Loussier Trioclassical songs
The Air That I Breathek.d. langbreathing
AirbagRadioheadclose shaves & near misses
Aire (Bulerías)José Mercédriving songs
AirportThe Motorsaviation
AishaDeath in Vegasboastful songs
AjaSteely Dangreat drumming
Akazéhé par deux jeunes fillesUnknown Burundian singersa cappella
Al AlbaRosa Leónambiguity
Al Bowlly’s in HeavenRichard Thompsonlimbo
Al CaponePrince Buster All Starsfamous people
Al-Naafiysh (The Soul)Hashim1980s 12” singles
Al Pie de la AlhambraMedina Azaharacastles & palaces
AlabamaJohn Coltraneequality
AlamedaElliott Smithdisappointment
Alas de AlgodónVainica Dobleedges & ledges
AlbatrossFleetwood Macindependence
Albedo 0.39Vangelisscience
AlcazabaEstrella MorenteSpain
3/4 time
AlcoholThe Kinksaccordion
Alexander Graham BellThe Sweetpioneers
Alexander Graham BellRichard Thompsontelephones
Alexander the GreatIron Maidenhistorical events
AlfieLily Allenunemployment
AlfieCilla Blackgreat arrangements
AlfieStevie Wonderharmonica
Ali BabaJohn Holtdreams
Ali-Baba’s CamelBonzo Dog Bandfour-legged livestock
AliceThe Sisters of Mercyaddiction
AliceTom Waitswinter sports
Alice in UndergroundDadaromacaves
Alice in Wonderland (Take 2)Bill Evans Triodouble bass
Alice’s RestaurantArlo Guthrietrash
AlienLambbabies & childbirth
Alive AloneThe Chemical Brothersbeing alone
Alive and BrilliantDeborah Conwayunusual time signatures
All About That BassPostmodern Jukeboxbeing fat
All About That BassMeghan Trainorsongs that capture the zeitgeist
All About YouThe Rolling Stonesoffensive, insulting songs
All Alone (No One to Be With)Slick Rickbeing alone
All Along the WatchtowerBob Dylanplaying cards
All Along the WatchtowerThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencewarnings
All ApologiesNirvanaguilt & apology
All Around My HatSteeleye Spanhats
All Around the WorldLittle Richardjukeboxes
All Babes Are WolvesSpinnerettewolves
All BluesMiles Davismade you fall in love with music
All Day MusicWarsongs to start the morning
All Dressed Up for SchoolThe Beach Boysschool
All for Me GroggThirty Pounds of Bonepathos
All for You, SophiaFranz Ferdinandfamous people
All Going Out TogetherBig Dippernatural disasters
All HidCamille Yarbroughtreachery & betrayal
All I Could Do Was CryEtta Jamesdisappointment
All I Do Is Think About YouTammi Terrellsecret admirers
All I Have to Do Is DreamThe Everly Brothersusing your imagination
All I Think About Is YouHarry Nilssonchoirs
All I Wanna DoSheryl Crowsongs to start the morning
All I WantJoni Mitchellharp, lyre & zither
All I Want for Christmas Is a Dukla Prague Away KitHalf Man Half Biscuitimmaturity
All I Want Is YouRoxy Musicsingle-mindedness
All in All (This One Last Wild Waltz)Dexys Midnight Runnersteachers
All Is ForgivenJellyfishforgiveness
All Is LonelinessMoondogbeing single
All Kinds of TimeFountains of Waynesingle-mindedness
All Men Are PigsStudio KillersFrance
All Men Choose the Path They WalkArchie Roachpaths & roads
All My FriendsLCD Soundsystemdawn
All Night Long (All Night)Lionel Richiehedonism
All of My HeartABCthe heart
All Ones and ZerosThe Early Yearsmathematics
All or NothingSmall Facesnothing
All Our TomorrowsTrembling Blue Starstomorrow
All That I Got Is YouGhostface Killah ft Mary J. Blige & Popa Wumothers
All That You DreamLittle Featclouds
All the MadmenDavid Bowiehospitals
All the Money I Had Is GoneThe Deep Dark Woodsadversity
All the People I Like Are Those That Are DeadFeltlong titles
All the RowboatsRegina Spektormuseums, galleries & exhibitions
All the Things You AreElla Fitzgeraldstart with the chorus
All the Way from AmericaJoan Armatradingtelephones
All the Wild HorsesRay Lamontagnehorses
All the World Makes Great BloodCurrent 93blood
All the Young DudesMott the Hoopleimmaturity
All Things Are Quite SilentShirley Collinsgangs
All Things Must PassGeorge Harrisonchange #2
All This Crazy Gift of TimeKevin Ayerspassage of time
All This Is ThatThe Beach Boysfaith
All This Useless BeautyElvis Costellobeauty
All Together NowThe Farmpeace
All Tomorrow’s PartiesThe Velvet Underground & Nicoparties & going out
All We Have Is NowThe Flaming Lipsomens & prophecies
All You Can EatThe Fat Boysrestaurants & cafes
All You Need Is LoveThe Beatlescello
Alla l’aa keToumani Diabatégreat solo performances
Allah Hoo Allah HooNusrat Fateh Ali Khansaints & martyrs
Allah, Mohammed, Char, YaarNusrat Fateh Ali Khanhandclaps
AlligatorGrateful Deadreptiles
Alligator Eating DogClarence “Gatemouth” Browndogs
Alligator TwistThe Kaisersreptiles
Alligator WineScreamin’ Jay Hawkinsrecipe songs
AllisonPixiesnamed after women
Almost Cut My HairCrosby, Stills, Nash & Youngclose shaves & near misses
Almost Independence DayVan Morrisonhumming
Almost Liverpool 8Mike HartLiverpool & Merseyside
Almost PersuadedTammy Wynetteclose shaves & near misses
Almost PrayedThe Weather Prophetsprayer
Aloha ‘OeAlfred Apakalong-distance relationships
Aloha ‘OeRicky Kingsteel guitar
Aloha Steve and DannoRadio Birdmanfamous or notable duos
Alone Again, NaturallyGilbert O’Sullivandisappointment
Alone Again OrLovebeing alone
Alone and ForsakenLucky Oceans with Paul Kellysteel guitar
Alone in KyotoAirAsia
Alone in the Make-Out RoomThe Broken Family Bandarguments #2
Alone, Jealous and StonedSecret Machinesbeing alone
Along Came JonesThe Coastersvillains
Along Comes MaryThe Associationmarijuana
Alphabet AerobicsBlackaliciouschoosing & using words
Alphabet AssassinLowkey & Faith SFXalliteration
Alphabet St.Princeroads & streets
AlrightSupergrassjoyous songs
Alright, Okay, You WinPeggy Leewinners
Also sprach ZarathustraPortsmouth Sinfoniaso bad they’re good
Also sprach ZarathustraRichard Straussgreat album or mixtape openers
Also sprach Zarathustra (2001)Deodatospace
Alternative UlsterStiff Little Fingersprotest
AltheaGrateful Deadconversations
Always and ForeverHeatwaveeverlasting love
Always Crashing in the Same CarDavid Bowiecars & driving
Always Lift Him Up and Never Knock Him DownBlind Alfred Reedunderdogs
Always Look on the Bright Side of LifeMonty Pythonwhistling
Always on My MindWillie Nelsonapologies
Always on My MindPet Shop Boysguilt & apology
Always Tell the Voters What the Voter Wants to HearChumbawambabroken promises
Always Together with YouSpiritualizedconditional phrases
Always True to You in My FashionJulie Londoninnuendo
Am IKode9 & the Spaceapebeing a man or a woman
Am I BlueLillian Bouttéfrom New Orleans
Am I That Easy to ForgetGene Vincentforgetting
Amautayku, Avelino SiñaniLuzmila Carpiohigh-pitched vocals
Amassakoul ’n’ TénéréTinariwenAfrica
Amazing GraceAretha Franklinmiracles
Amazing GraceBlind Willie McTellminimalist songs
Amazon RiverUakti/Philip Glassunusual time signatures
AmazonaRoxy MusicSouth America
Amazones PowerLes Amazones d’Afriquesupergroups
Amazonian PacificRoberto Carlos LangeSouth America
AmbreNils Frahmquiet songs
AmeliaJoni Mitchellflying
AmericaSimon & GarfunkelAmerica
America, Fuck YeahTrey ParkerAmerica
American DreamOndaraillusions
American FlagKRS-Oneflags
American GirlTom Petty & the Heartbreakerspersonal theme songs
American GuiltUnknown Mortal Orchestraartistic trends of the 21st century
American IdiotGreen Dayconspiracy theories & paranoia
An American in ParisGeorge Gershwinsound effects
American JesusBad ReligionJesus
The American Metaphysical CircusThe United States of Americacarnivals & funfairs
American OxygenRihannagases
American PieDon McLeanmood-changing music
The American RuseMC5deception
American Skin (41 Shots)Bruce Springsteenmurder
An American TrilogyElvis Presleyroots
American TunePaul Simondisappointment
American WomanThe Guess WhoAmerica
Americans in CorduroysJeffrey Foucaultlegs & trousers
AmerikaRammsteinmultilingual songs
start with the chorus
Amhrán Na FarraigeLisa HanniganGaelic songs
Among My SouvenirsConnie Francismemorabilia & souvenirs
Among the Americans10,000 Maniacsfallen heroes
AmorXavier Cugat & His Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra ft Carmen Castillosongs in Spanish
Amour perduPepé Kallé & Nybomalost and found
Amour, T’es LaSnarky Puppy with Magda Giannikouanticipation
Amped UpRobert Randolph & the Family Bandenergising songs
AmplifierThe dB’smedia for listening to recorded music
AmsterdamScott Walkerplaces in Europe
Amused as HellCathal Coughlanmodernity
An SylviaFranz Schubertquoting Shakespeare
AnacondaPostmodern Jukeboxcurves & spheres
Analogue BubblebathAphex Twindebut songs
Anarcho-PieOi Polloirecipe songs
Anarchy in the T.A.X.Village Man’s Storetaxation
Anarchy in the U.K.Sex Pistolsrevolution
The Anchor SongBjörkthe sea
AnchorageMichelle ShockedUS cities & states
And a Bang on the EarThe Waterboysfirst love
And BreedingPriestsarresting opening lines
And Dream of SheepKate Bushrelaxation & leisure
And I Am Telling You I’m Not GoingJennifer Hollidayinfluenced by gospel
And If You See HimDiana Rossindirect messages
…And in a NutshellChumbawambanon-alcoholic drinks
And It Rained All NightThom Yorkerain
And It Stoned MeVan Morrisonrain
And the Band Played Waltzing MatildaEric Bogle3/4 time
And the Band Played Waltzing MatildaThe Pogueswar
And the Bands Played OnSaxonconcerts
And the Beat Goes OnThe Whispers12″ singles to 1979
And the Racket They MadeKing Creosotefamous last words
And the Tide Rushes InThe Moody Bluestides
And Then She SmilesThe Mock Turtlesforgotten follow-ups
And When I DieLaura Nyromusic for funerals
Andrew RidgleyBlack Box Recorderother musicians
AndrogynousThe Replacementsgender & LGBTQ+
Andromeda’s MilkshakeDed Rabbithomelessness
AngelMassive Attackandrogynous vocals
Angel BabyRosie and the Originalsout-of-tune songs
Angel DustDJ Camquiet songs
Angel DustGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonrecreational drugs
Angel EyesFrank Sinatragreat arrangements
Angel from MontgomeryBonnie Raittdisappointment
Angel in a Blue DressReg MeurossCOVID-19 lockdown
Angel of the MorningP. P. Arnoldone night stands
Angel of the MorningEvie Sandsangels
Angel WarsGary Numandisbelief
Angelitos NegrosRoberta Flackpainting & painters
Angels and Devils the Following DayDory Previnangels
Angels on the BalconyBlondietheatre
Angels on Your BodyEd Harcourtangels
AngiDavey Grahaminstrumentals
AngieBert Janschgreat solo performances
AngieThe Rolling Stonesnamed after women
Angie La La (aka Ay Ay Ay Ay)Nora Deanmysterious & puzzling
The Angry MobKaiser Chiefsnews & media
Animal CannabusMull Historical Societyescape
Animal NitrateSuedeandrogynous vocals
AnnaHello Saferidealternative outcomes
Anonymous ClubCourtney Barnettanonymity
Anorak GirlsAnorak Girlnerds & geeks
Another Brand New YearThe Bottle Rocketsold and new
Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2Pink Floydteachers
Another DayShonen Knifegentleness
Another Day, Another Ray of HopeBill Nelsonhope
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Onessci-fi & space
impressive intros
Another Lonely DayBen Harperadversity
Another LoveTom Odellsubstitutions
Another Man Done GoneOdettaminimalist songs
great solo performances
Another Man in the Old ArcadeJackie Levenasking, begging & pleading
Another Man’s CauseLevellersfinish where they begin
Another Man’s RainJackie Leventelephones
Another New WorldJosh Rittertreachery & betrayal
Another One Bites the DustQueenupbeat break-up #2
Another SatelliteXTCgravity
Another Saturday NightSam Cookethe weekend
Another Sunny DayBelle and Sebastianpassage of time
Another the LetterWirewritten correspondence
Antarctica Starts HereJohn Caledeserts
The AntelopePhilip Jeaysunusual narrators
AnthemLeonard Cohenconsolation
Anti-Christ (aka Dem a Wolf)Yabby Youwolves
Anti-Curseboygeniusblessings & curses
The Antidote Is in the PoisonGoGo Penguinpoison
Antiguamente Eran DulcesRocío Márquezsalt
AntmusicAdam and the Antsself-referential songs
Anvil Chorus (from Il trovatore)Giuseppe Verdimachinery, industry & technology
Anxiety AttackJeffrey and Jack Lewissleep & insomnia
Any Old IronHarry Championgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Any Other RoomGeckomuseums, galleries & exhibitions
AnyoneJoan as Police WomanValentine’s Day songs
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)Irma Thomasdefined or redefined by television
Anything GoesElla Fitzgeraldmodernity
Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)Ethel Merman & Ray Middletoncompetition
Anyway, Anyhow, AnywhereThe Whodiscordant songs
Ao Romper da Aurora / Choro SimIsmael Silvahorizons
ApacheIncredible Bongo Bandinstrumentals
Apartment No. 9Tammy Wynetteheartbreak
ApocalypseCigarettes After Sexrare events
Apocalypse PleaseMuseend of the world
The Apocalypse SongSt. Vincentrepression
Apology AcceptedThe Go-Betweensacceptance
Appalachian NightmareJustin Townes Earleoutlaws & rebels
The Apple StretchingGrace JonesNew York
ApplesIan Durymarkets & fairs
Apples and DiamondsBertine Zetlitzfruit
Apples in BedThe Go-Betweensnon sequiturs
Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin PieJay & the Techniquesgames
Approaching MenaceNeil RichardsonTV theme songs
Approximately Infinite UniverseYoko Onoestimates of distance & time
April 5thTalk Talkdates
April Fool’s Day MornLoudon Wainwright IIIself-deprecation
April in ParisCount Basie & His Orchestraplaces in Europe
Apron StringsEverything but the Girlknots & ties
Aqua Boogie (A Psychoalphadiscobeta-bioaquadoloop)Parliamentunderwater
AquariusBoards of Canadamore questions than answers
AquariusHair: Original London Caststar signs
AquariusRegina Spektorstar signs
Ára báturSigur Róschildren performing
Archangels ThunderbirdAmon Düül IIstartling songs
Arctic FoxJenny Räisänenfrozen north
An Architect’s DreamKate Bushworks of art
Are ‘Friends’ Electric?Tubeway Armyfriendship
Are We Dreaming?Kevin Coyneaccordion
Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?The Barbariansthe Beatles
Are You ExperiencedThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencepsychedelic songs
Are You Glad to Be in America?James Blood Ulmerviolin
Are You Gonna Be My GirlJetsurprising intros
Are You Lonesome Tonight?Elvis Presleysongs with talking
Are You Ready, Eddy?Emerson, Lake & Palmerswitches & buttons
Are You Ready (for Some Darkness)Turbonegrotouch
Are You Sitting Comfortably?Harry Beckettchairs
(Are You) The One I’ve Been Waiting ForJimmy Littlecrooners
Are You There (With Another Girl)Dionne Warwickeavesdropping
Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?The Louvin Brothersbodily fluids
Aretha, Sing One for MeCat Powersongs about love songs
The ArgumentIke & Tina Turnerarguments #2
Ari UpHollie Cookremembrance songs
Ark of the CovenantThe Congosancient history
formal agreements
Armageddon Days Are Here (Again)The Theapocalypse
Armalite RifleGang of Fourguns
ArmeniaEinstürzende Neubautenindustry & manufacturing
ArmstrongJohn Stewartpioneers
Armstrong, Aldrin and CollinsThe Byrdsspace travel
Army DreamersKate Bushwar
Army DreamersModdialternative outcomes
Army LifeThe Exploitedarmy
Arnold LaynePink Floydstorytelling songs
AroundNoir & Hazemade you fall in love with music
Around the World in 80 DaysStraybooks
Arriving Somewhere But Not HerePorcupine Treeconfusion & delusion
Art-I-FicialX-Ray Spexmakeup
Art LoverThe Kinkssongs that aren’t what they seem
Art ManiaP-Modelmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
The Art of DrivingBlack Box Recorderswitches & buttons
The Art TeacherRufus Wainwrightschool
AsStevie Wonderdevoted love
As If It Always HappensSlovenlycontentment
As IsAni DiFrancoacceptance
As Strong as SamsonProcol Harumbanks & banking
As Tears Go ByMarianne Faithfullcrying
As the Bell Rings the Maypole SpinsDead Can Dancebells
As the Dawn BreaksRichard Hawleyurban wildlife
Asbestos Lead AsbestosWorld Domination Enterprisessafety & danger
The Ascent of StanBen Foldsstereotypes
Ashes to AshesDavid Bowiemistaken identity
Asia no JunshinPuffy AmiYumiAsia
Asimbonanga (Mandela)Johnny Clegg & Savukahope & resilience
AskThe Smithsshyness
Ask Her for AdderallThe Hold Steadybrands
Ask the Gods to Pull Down the SkyPetra Jean Phillipsonhigh-pitched vocals
AsleepThe Smithssuicide
Asparagus Next LeftHalf Man Half Biscuitvegetables
ASRMeshell Ndegeocelloacronyms
The Assembly LineCommodoresindustry & manufacturing
AssenzaGianna NanniniItaly
Astral PlaneSay She Shefictional adverts
Astral TravellingPharoah Sandersspace travel
Astral WeeksVan Morrisonspiritual songs
Astronomy (8th Light)Black Star ft Weldon Irvineblack
Astronomy DominePink Floydspace travel
Astronomy DomineVoivodspace
At LastEtta Jamespersonal theme songs
At My JobDead Kennedysanti-work songs
At My Most BeautifulR.E.M.telephones
At SeventeenJanis Ianadolescence
At the Chime of a City ClockNick Drakeclocks & watches
At the Edge of the WorldBilly Mackenzieedges & ledges
At the RiverGroove Armadatrombone
The Atheist’s BurdenDisco Infernowords of wisdom
Atlantic CityBruce Springsteengreat solo performances
AtlantisDonovanrare events
AtmosphereJoy Divisionwalking & running
Atmospherics: Listen to the RadioTom Robinsonears & hearing
AtomBritish Sea Powersmall things
AtomicBlondieenergising songs
ATRAtari Teenage Riotteenagers
Attar of RosesPeter Hammill & Gary Lucasroses
Attenti al lupoLucio Dallawolves
Attention, EarthlingsAaron Parksunusual time signatures
Attica BluesArchie Shepprevolution
Attics of My LifeGrateful Deadthe impossible
Au fond du temple saint (The Pearl Fishers’ Duet) (from Les pêcheurs de perles)Georges Bizet, performed by Jussi Björling & Robert Merrillconversations
Au printempsJacques Brelspring
Au voleurCharles Aznavoursmuggling & stealing
Auf AchseFranz Ferdinandunrequited love
Auf dem Wasser zu singenFranz Schubertships & boats
The Auld TriangleThe Dublinersgeometric shapes
Austerity MeasureChief Commander Ebenezer Obeyausterity
AustraliaAmanda PalmerAustralia
AutobahnKraftwerkcars & driving
Autobahn 66Primal Screamroads & streets
Autogeddon BluesJulian Copeenvironment
AutomaticThe Pointer Sistersandrogynous vocals
Automatic LoveThe Vibratorsbad boys & bad girls
Automatically SunshineThe Supremesthe sun
AutumnMarc AlmondRussia
AutumnPeter Hammillold age
Autumn AlmanacThe Kinksautumn
Autumn LeavesColdcutautumn
Autumn SongIncognitoSeptember & October
Autumn SweaterYo La Tengoautumn
Autumn’s ChildCaptain Beefheart & His Magic BandSeptember & October
Autun CarillonCults Percussion Ensemblehammer & mallet instruments
Aux armes et cæteraSerge Gainsbourgnational anthems
Avala SonnalT. M. Soundararajandisbelief
AvalonRoxy Musicmyths & legends
Avalon BluesMississippi John Hurtlove songs to places
Avant GardenerCourtney BarnettCOVID-19 lockdown
Ave verum corpusWolfgang Amadeus Mozartsongs that give you goosebumps
The Avengers ThemeThe Laurie Johnson Orchestradetectives
The AvenueCowboy Mouthdetermination
An Awakening (Whitsun Dance)Shirley Collins & Dolly Collinsorgan
Away AwayWeddings, Parties, Anythingphotos & photography
Awesome PrideMink Lungspride
Awkward BreakfastArt Brutawkwardness
Awo YiMassamba Diopinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
AxolotlTeho Teardo & Blixa Bargeldamphibians
Ay Ay Ay Ay (aka Angie La La)Nora Deanmysterious & puzzling
Aye?Martyn BennettScotland
Aye Mere BeteKishore Kumarstiff upper lip
Azalea FlowerKarine Polwartbeing scared
AztecPeggy Jones (released as Bo Diddley)underrated artists