A-Z by Song 2017 – Song Bar

Here are the songs making the A List at the Song Bar in 2017. To sort alphabetically, click on the up-down symbol beside a column title.

DateTitleArtistNominated byTopicGuru
1Jan. 4We'll Gather LilacsZiegler, Anne & Webster Boothattwilightlarkspositive songsTatankaYotanka
2Jan. 4OptimisticSounds of Blacknessmagicmanpositive songsTatankaYotanka
3Jan. 4It's Going to HappenUndertonesmagicmanpositive songsTatankaYotanka
4Jan. 4People Have the PowerSmith, Pattiseverinpositive songsTatankaYotanka
5Jan. 4How We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?Brother D with Collective EffortShivSidecarpositive songsTatankaYotanka
6Jan. 4I Guess I PlantedBragg, Billy & Wilcohappyclapperpositive songsTatankaYotanka
7Jan. 4Gratitude and ThanksMischief BrewEnglishOutlawpositive songsTatankaYotanka
8Jan. 4StrongHerbertunterguntherpositive songsTatankaYotanka
9Jan. 4You Can Get It If You Really WantCliff, JimmyLeaveitallbehindpositive songsTatankaYotanka
10Jan. 4Great BlacksMuldrow, Georgia AnneDiscoMonsterpositive songsTatankaYotanka
11Jan. 4How the Love Gets InGilmore, Theatincanmanpositive songsTatankaYotanka
12Jan. 4Kahaan Se Aaya, Kahaan Jaaoge?Tipanya, PrahladRavipositive songsTatankaYotanka
13Jan. 4Don't Stop Me NowQueenUnclebenpositive songsTatankaYotanka
14Jan. 11The Worst Band in the World10ccUnclebenironic songsattwilightlarks
15Jan. 11Ballad of TindersticksTindersticksbarbrynironic songsattwilightlarks
16Jan. 11Sensitive BoysU.K. SubsCarpgateironic songsattwilightlarks
17Jan. 11Know Your RightsClashCarpgateironic songsattwilightlarks
18Jan. 11PushermanMayfield, Curtismagicmanironic songsattwilightlarks
19Jan. 11Black Skunk BluesBarbecue Bobtincanmanironic songsattwilightlarks
20Jan. 11The Hunter Gets Captured by the GameJones, GraceMogdogironic songsattwilightlarks
21Jan. 11Who's Making LoveTaylor, Johnniemagicmanironic songsattwilightlarks
22Jan. 11That's EntertainmentJamLeaveitallbehindironic songsattwilightlarks
23Jan. 11The Lazy SunbathersMorrisseySongBarLandlordironic songsattwilightlarks
24Jan. 11God's ComicCostello, ElvisSuziironic songsattwilightlarks
25Jan. 11LoserGrateful DeadChris7572ironic songsattwilightlarks
26Jan. 11The Pretty Pride of RussiaHickox, Tombarbrynironic songsattwilightlarks
27Jan. 11John Lee Hooker for PresidentCooder, RyRaviironic songsattwilightlarks
28Jan. 18A Stream with Bright FishBudd, Harold & Brian Enomagicmanfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
29Jan. 18FishDamnedShivSidecarfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
30Jan. 18Herring SongCarthy, ElizaSuzifish & other aquatic lifeseverin
31Jan. 18Shark in the WaterBrown, VVShivSidecarfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
32Jan. 18KillerVan der Graaf GeneratorTatankaYotankafish & other aquatic lifeseverin
33Jan. 18The Seal LullabyWhitacre, EricBeltway Banditfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
34Jan. 18I Could Eat Crawfish Every DayToussaint, AllenRavifish & other aquatic lifeseverin
35Jan. 18Bangla Amar Sorshe IlishMitra, LopamudraRavifish & other aquatic lifeseverin
36Jan. 18The DolphinsNeill, FredTatankaYotankafish & other aquatic lifeseverin
37Jan. 18FishermanCongosDiscoMonsterfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
38Jan. 18The Salmon SongHillage, SteveMogdogfish & other aquatic lifeseverin
39Jan. 18The Last LeviathanFisherman's FriendsSuzifish & other aquatic lifeseverin
40Jan. 25Russians & AmericansStewart, AlAlison DempsterRussiaEnglishOutlaw
41Jan. 25Ronnie, Talk to RussiaPrinceSweetHome
42Jan. 25A Complete History of the Soviet Union Through the Eyes of a Humble Worker, Arranged to the Melody of TetrisPig with the Face of a BoyFlatfrogRussiaEnglishOutlaw
43Jan. 25Stalin Wasn't Stallin'Wyatt, RobertUnclebenRussiaEnglishOutlaw
44Jan. 25Putin Lights Up the FiresPussy RiotRaviRussiaEnglishOutlaw
45Jan. 25Those Were the DaysLeningrad CowboystincanmanRussiaEnglishOutlaw
46Jan. 25Dance of KnightsProkofiev, Sergei9hairs9knotsRussiaEnglishOutlaw
47Jan. 25TrepakMussorgsky, ModestBeltway BanditRussiaEnglishOutlaw
48Jan. 25AutumnAlmond, MarcBethnoirRussiaEnglishOutlaw
49Jan. 25UmiPinkshinyultrablastDiscoMonsterRussiaEnglishOutlaw
50Jan. 25Every Minute Is OKPunk TVUnclebenRussiaEnglishOutlaw
51Jan. 25KalinkaAlexandrov Ensemble ChoirseverinRussiaEnglishOutlaw
52Feb. 1It Started with a KissHot Chocolateattwilightlarksfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
53Feb. 1Just One LookWells, Maryattwilightlarksfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
54Feb. 1Then Suddenly LoveSinatra, FrankBeltway Banditfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
55Feb. 1December, 1963 (Oh! What a Night)Four SeasonsMogdogfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
56Feb. 1I've Done It AgainJones, GraceMogdogfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
57Feb. 1LaikaWagner, WilParaMhorfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
58Feb. 1Travelin' SoldierDixie Chickstreefrogdemonfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
59Feb. 1Funny How Love IsFine Young Cannibalsattwilightlarksfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
60Feb. 1The Circus Is Leaving TownCampbell, Isobel & Mark LaneganParaMhorfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
61Feb. 1I Walked AwayParis, Bobbyattwilightlarksfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
62Feb. 1Too Late to Cry BabyJohnson, Lonnieattwilightlarksfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
63Feb. 17/11 RosesSpikeEnglishOutlawfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
64Feb. 1The Final CountdownEuropebarbrynfirst & last timeLeaveitallbehind
65Feb. 8Cousin JackShow of HandsSuzimigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
66Feb. 8Immigrant EyesGirsaLeaveitallbehindmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
67Feb. 8Buffalo SoldierMarley, Bob & the WailersRavimigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
68Feb. 8New Immigration LawCocoa TeaUnclebenmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
69Feb. 8IllegallyVargas Blues BandMakimigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
70Feb. 8The ImmigrantHaggard, MerleUnclebenmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
71Feb. 8SergioStewart, AlBeltway Banditmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
72Feb. 8Flight of EarlsWolfe Tonesattwilightlarksmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
73Feb. 8From the Fire to the Frying PanSonic Boom SixViolet Vividmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
74Feb. 8Né So (Home)Traoré, RokiaTempusfugitmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
75Feb. 8Refugee ChildrenTaylor, Chiptincanmanmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
76Feb. 8Help Is ComingCrowded Housedeanofromozmigrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
77Feb. 8Go WestPet Shop Boysphilipphilip99migrants & refugeesMarco den Ouden
78Feb. 15You Just May Be the OneMonkeesParaMhorthe number onetreefrogdemon
79Feb. 15I'm Not the OneSnarky Puppy with Malika Tirolianunterguntherthe number onetreefrogdemon
80Feb. 15One MoreWeavesvanwolf2the number onetreefrogdemon
81Feb. 15Single by ChoiceBanglesShivSidecarthe number onetreefrogdemon
82Feb. 15SoloDenny, SandyUnclebenthe number onetreefrogdemon
83Feb. 15One Mint JulepCloversRavithe number onetreefrogdemon
84Feb. 15One Chord WondersAdvertsseverinthe number onetreefrogdemon
85Feb. 15Un bel dì vedremo (from Madama Butterfly)Puccini, Giacomotincanmanthe number onetreefrogdemon
86Feb. 15One Moment MoreSmith, MindySuzithe number onetreefrogdemon
87Feb. 15One More Mile to GoSpann, Otisattwilightlarksthe number onetreefrogdemon
88Feb. 15One Second to MidnightIcons of FilthCarpgatethe number onetreefrogdemon
89Feb. 15One People, One StruggleAnti-FlagEnglishOutlawthe number onetreefrogdemon
90Feb. 22Che notte!Patton, MikeDarceysDadgenre switchUncleben
91Feb. 22Wagon WheelRucker, DariusLeaveitallbehindgenre switchUncleben
92Feb. 22Sewer BrainBloodCarpgategenre switchUncleben
93Feb. 22What's It Gonna Be?Springfield, Dustyattwilightlarksgenre switchUncleben
94Feb. 22Back to SchoolWailer, BunnyAlBahookygenre switchUncleben
95Feb. 22The Great CurveTalking HeadsDiscoMonstergenre switchUncleben
96Feb. 22Don't Let GoOrlando, Tony9hairs9knotsgenre switchUncleben
97Feb. 22Disco CompilationSteer, Serafinabarbryngenre switchUncleben
98Feb. 22RaptureBlondieSuzigenre switchUncleben
99Feb. 22New York City SongDionbishboshgenre switchUncleben
100Feb. 22Everything in Its Right PlaceRadioheadmagicmangenre switchUncleben
101Feb. 22Nite FlightsWalker BrothersBeltway Banditgenre switchUncleben
102Feb. 22Garganta con ArenaEl Cigala, DiegoMakigenre switchUncleben
103Mar. 1On the Edge of a CliffStreetsbarbrynchance & coincidenceMaki
104Mar. 1AccidentsHammill, PeterTatankaYotankachance & coincidenceMaki
105Mar. 1Children of CoincidencePrevin, DoryMogdogchance & coincidenceMaki
106Mar. 1SerendipityBarenaked Ladiesphilipphilip99chance & coincidenceMaki
107Mar. 1The Blacksmith and the Toffee-MakerThackray, JakeSuzichance & coincidenceMaki
108Mar. 1Mapping the CoincidenceHvoslef, LiseBeltway Banditchance & coincidenceMaki
109Mar. 1A Different CornerMichael, Georgeseverinchance & coincidenceMaki
110Mar. 1Ring Them BellsMinnelli, LizaAndrea Chapmanchance & coincidenceMaki
111Mar. 1DisinformationSainte-Marie, BuffyRavichance & coincidenceMaki
112Mar. 1CoinsequencesPublic Enemy ft ParisMogdogchance & coincidenceMaki
113Mar. 1ChanceBig CountryUnclebenchance & coincidenceMaki
114Mar. 1The LongshotMegsontreefrogdemonchance & coincidenceMaki
115Mar. 8Mr. SandmanChordettes9hairs9knotsclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
116Mar. 8I'll Feel a Whole Lot BetterByrdsParaMhorclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
117Mar. 8Heroes and VillainsBeach BoysBeltway Banditclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
118Mar. 8Looks Is DeceivingGladiatorsmagicmanclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
119Mar. 8Facts of LifeUniquesUnclebenclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
120Mar. 8Smoke Gets in Your EyesPlattersMarconius7closed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
121Mar. 8Hold OnEn Voguemagicmanclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
122Mar. 8In the Morning When I RiseSweet Honey in the RockRaviclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
123Mar. 8Sénégal Fast FoodAmadou & Mariamtincanmanclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
124Mar. 8Guede NiboGrupo Vocal DesandannUnclebenclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
125Mar. 8Veni Veni BellaMediæval BæbesBethnoirclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
126Mar. 8Missa ‘Et ecce terræ motus’: GloriaBrumel, Antoinetreefrogdemonclosed harmony singingHoshino Sakura
127Mar. 15No Lazy Sunday AfternoonLast ResortCarpgatedays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
128Mar. 15You Ought to See Sally on SundayBowlly, Alseverindays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
129Mar. 15Mundane MundaeStairsBeltway Banditdays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
130Mar. 15Call It Stormy MondayWalker, T-Bone magicmandays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
131Mar. 15Everything's TuesdayChairmen of the Board9hairs9knotsdays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
132Mar. 15My Favourite Wet Wednesday AfternoonSiddeleysvanwolf2days of the weekEnglishOutlaw
133Mar. 15Sweet ThursdayIcicle Worksphilipphilip99days of the weekEnglishOutlaw
134Mar. 15She Left Me on FridayShed Sevenbarbryndays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
135Mar. 15Friday Night at the Drive-In BingoLekman, Jensbarbryndays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
136Mar. 15Saturday, SaturdayBakshi, Indeep with Badshah & Akriti KakarRavidays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
137Mar. 15Big Boy on a Saturday NightMacColl, KirstyShivSidecardays of the weekEnglishOutlaw
138Mar. 15Harmonie du soir à ChateauguayBeau DommageMarconius7days of the weekEnglishOutlaw
139Mar. 22June HymnDecemberistsphilipphilip99contentmentbarbryn
140Mar. 22DaydreamGünter Kallmann Choirphilipphilip99contentmentbarbryn
141Mar. 22Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove DaySir Douglas Quintethappyclappercontentmentbarbryn
142Mar. 22As If It Always HappensSlovenlyDiscoMonstercontentmentbarbryn
143Mar. 22When the World Smiles with YouHickie, AndySuzicontentmentbarbryn
144Mar. 22Sorrows AwayPooziesSuzicontentmentbarbryn
145Mar. 22My Sad CaptainsElbowDarceysDadcontentmentbarbryn
146Mar. 22Best Days on EarthTrashcan Sinatrasbishboshcontentmentbarbryn
147Mar. 22Katherine of OregonStewart, AlSuzicontentmentbarbryn
148Mar. 22René and Georgette Magritte with Their Dog After the WarSimon, Paulphilipphilip99contentmentbarbryn
149Mar. 22Les MarquisesBrel, JacquesTatankaYotankacontentmentbarbryn
150Mar. 22The LuckiestFolds, BenBeltway Banditcontentmentbarbryn
151Mar. 29Shine On You Crazy DiamondPink FloydSweetHome
channelling painParaMhor
152Mar. 29The First Cut Is the DeepestArnold, P. P.9hairs9knotschannelling painParaMhor
153Mar. 29Falling and LaughingOrange Juicemegadomchannelling painParaMhor
154Mar. 29Rainy Days Never StayBrilliant GreenHoshino Sakurachannelling painParaMhor
155Mar. 29Good to Be AliveThey Might Be Giantsphilipphilip99channelling painParaMhor
156Mar. 29Hurt So GoodCadogan, SusanBeltway Banditchannelling painParaMhor
157Mar. 29The First Days of SpringNoah and the WhaleDarceysDadchannelling painParaMhor
158Mar. 29Until I Believe in My SoulDexys Midnight RunnersCarpgatechannelling painParaMhor
159Mar. 29The Cripple and the StarfishAntony and the Johnsonsseverinchannelling painParaMhor
160Mar. 29Something on Your MindDalton, KarenUnclebenchannelling painParaMhor
161Mar. 29My RitualFolk Implosionhappyclapperchannelling painParaMhor
162Mar. 29Racing in the StreetBruce Springsteentreefrogdemonchannelling painParaMhor
163Apr. 5HistoryWoodentopsmegadombad decisionsViolet Vivid
164Apr. 5You Hit Me Where It HurtsWeston, Kimattwilightlarksbad decisionsViolet Vivid
165Apr. 5MistakesRose of AvalancheBethnoirbad decisionsViolet Vivid
166Apr. 5StupidDirtbombshappyclapperbad decisionsViolet Vivid
167Apr. 5NumbersSoft CellParaMhorbad decisionsViolet Vivid
168Apr. 5The WarningsCadaver ClubEnglishOutlawbad decisionsViolet Vivid
169Apr. 5Lord Hereford's KnobHalf Man Half Biscuitseverinbad decisionsViolet Vivid
170Apr. 5WrongEverything but the Girlbishboshbad decisionsViolet Vivid
171Apr. 5Great British MistakeAdvertsseverinbad decisionsViolet Vivid
172Apr. 5KKKitchens, What Were You Thinking?Mcluskyhappyclapperbad decisionsViolet Vivid
173Apr. 5GuiltThe Long Blondeshappyclapperbad decisionsViolet Vivid
174Apr. 5You Should Never Should Have Opened That DoorRamonesseverinbad decisionsViolet Vivid
175Apr. 5The Beginning of SorrowMegadethRavibad decisionsViolet Vivid
176Apr. 5JustRadioheadvanwolf2bad decisionsViolet Vivid
177Apr. 5Paradise by the Dashboard LightMeat LoafLeaveitallbehindbad decisionsViolet Vivid
178Apr. 5Western DreamNew Model ArmyBethnoirbad decisionsViolet Vivid
179Apr. 12Goddess of LoveFerry, BryanBeltway Banditmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
180Apr. 12NineSmith, PattiRavimovie & TV starsMnemosene2
181Apr. 12Walk on the Wild SideReed, Loumegadommovie & TV starsMnemosene2
182Apr. 12Stevie (for Steven S.)Royal TruxUnclebenmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
183Apr. 12Sigourney WeaverGrant, Johnbarbrynmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
184Apr. 121st TransmissionEarthlingseverinmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
185Apr. 12Buck and the PreacherI-RoyUnclebenmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
186Apr. 12Jodie FosterSubmarineBeltway Banditmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
187Apr. 12NostalgiaReaders Wifesbishboshmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
188Apr. 12Kenuwee HeadVoodoo Queenshappyclappermovie & TV starsMnemosene2
189Apr. 12Fatty ArbuckleJones, Southpawphilipphilip99movie & TV starsMnemosene2
190Apr. 1278 Stone WobbleGomezDarceysDadmovie & TV starsMnemosene2
191Apr. 19Do the RobotSaintsseverinhidden tracksMaki
192Apr. 19Slow Country (More Rubbadub version)Spacemonkeyz vs GorillazUnclebenhidden tracksMaki
193Apr. 19Reefer MadnessUB40ParaMhorhidden tracksMaki
194Apr. 19Ether SongTurin BrakesLeaveitallbehindhidden tracksMaki
195Apr. 19English RoseJamseverinhidden tracksMaki
196Apr. 19Train in Vain (Stand by Me)Clashamyleehidden tracksMaki
197Apr. 19Those Final FeetCowboy Junkiesbarbrynhidden tracksMaki
198Apr. 19UntitledR.E.M.bishboshhidden tracksMaki
199Apr. 19UntitledMorissette, AlanisLeaveitallbehindhidden tracksMaki
200Apr. 19Tow the LineDrake, NickShivSidecarhidden tracksMaki
201Apr. 26F.U.N.K.Davis, BettyamyleefunkSongBarLandlord
202Apr. 26Use MeWithers, BillDeborah AllwrightfunkSongBarLandlord
203Apr. 26Got to Give It UpGaye, MarvinattwilightlarksfunkSongBarLandlord
204Apr. 26Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)Sly and the Family StoneseverinfunkSongBarLandlord
205Apr. 26Theme from ShaftHayes, IsaacseverinfunkSongBarLandlord
206Apr. 26Car WashRose RoycemagicmanfunkSongBarLandlord
207Apr. 26Slippery PeopleTalking HeadsseverinfunkSongBarLandlord
208Apr. 26Perfect WayScritti Polittiphilipphilip99funkSongBarLandlord
209Apr. 26Give It AwayRed Hot Chili PeppersRavifunkSongBarLandlord
210Apr. 26Bakudan KowaiZainichi FunkHoshino SakurafunkSongBarLandlord
211Apr. 26FameBowie, DavidamyleefunkSongBarLandlord
212Apr. 26Ain't It a SinBradley, CharlesDiscoMonsterfunkSongBarLandlord
213Apr. 26Nutbush City LimitsTurner, Ike & TinaRavifunkSongBarLandlord
214Apr. 26Get Up Offa That ThingBrown, JamesParaMhorfunkSongBarLandlord
215May 3Laurie (Strange Things Happen)Lee, DickeySweetHome
strange & surrealseverin
216May 3In the NurseryPsychic TVvanwolf2strange & surrealseverin
217May 3RapunzelLet's Eat Grandmabarbrynstrange & surrealseverin
218May 3The Other WindowWireCarpgatestrange & surrealseverin
219May 3Rhinocratic OathsBonzo Dog BandTatankaYotankastrange & surrealseverin
220May 3Visions of JohannaDylan, Bobmegadomstrange & surrealseverin
221May 3See Emily PlayPink FloydParaMhorstrange & surrealseverin
222May 3The Fall of SaigonThis Heatmegadomstrange & surrealseverin
223May 3JanitorSuburban Lawnsphilipphilip99strange & surrealseverin
224May 3Feast of the Mau MauHawkins, Screamin’ JayRavistrange & surrealseverin
225May 3JesseWalker, ScottBeltway Banditstrange & surrealseverin
226May 3The Day the World Turned Day-GloX-Ray SpexParaMhorstrange & surrealseverin
227May 10Too Much Monkey BusinessBerry, Chuckseverinmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
228May 10Have More TimeSmit, MarvinBeltway Banditmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
229May 10Work to DoAverage White BandCaroleBristolmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
230May 10Coming Around AgainSimon, CarlySweetHome
multitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
231May 10It Was Supposed to Be EasyStreetsbarbrynmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
232May 10Too Busy Thinking About My BabyGaye, MarvinParaMhormultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
233May 10Matthew and SonStevens, Catattwilightlarksmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
234May 10Got the TimeJackson, JoeShivSidecarmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
235May 10Government CenterModern Loversuneasy listeningmultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
236May 1020 Million Things to DoGeorge, Lowellmegadommultitasking & being busyHoshino Sakura
237May 17Rough God Goes RidingMorrison, VanUnclebenrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
238May 17Dwight YoakamShook, Sarah & the DisarmersMakirough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
239May 17Rough LoverFranklin, ArethaSongBarLandlordrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
240May 17Rhino SkinPetty, Tom & the Heartbreakerstreefrogdemonrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
241May 17The Wreck of the Edmund FitzgeraldLightfoot, Gordonamyleerough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
242May 17Baloney AgainKnopfler, MarkRavirough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
243May 17Even FlowPearl Jamamyleerough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
244May 17Concrete and Barbed WireWilliams, LucindaTatankaYotankarough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
245May 17Jennings Farm BluesLed Zeppelinamyleerough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
246May 17The Swan of TuonelaSibelius, Jeanattwilightlarksrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
247May 17Hot Black SilkSongs: OhiaUnclebenrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
248May 17Silks and SatinsBasie, Count & his OrchestraBeltway Banditrough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
249May 17Nights in White SatinMoody BluesTatankaYotankarough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
250May 17Blue VelvetVinton, BobbySuzirough & smoothLeaveitallbehind
251May 24The BeatitudesPärt, ArvoBeltway Banditvolume changesuneasy listening
252May 24Waking the WitchBush, KateParaMhorvolume changesuneasy listening
253May 24Silence ReturnsBeauShivSidecarvolume changesuneasy listening
254May 24Time to Get AloneBeach Boysmagicmanvolume changesuneasy listening
255May 24I've Been Loving You Too LongRedding, OtisParaMhorvolume changesuneasy listening
256May 24Leave Them All BehindRideParaMhorvolume changesuneasy listening
257May 24Hip PriestFallUnclebenvolume changesuneasy listening
258May 24HeroinVelvet UndergroundParaMhorvolume changesuneasy listening
259May 24TuskFleetwood Macdeanofromozvolume changesuneasy listening
260May 24BewitchedWedding Presentphilipphilip99volume changesuneasy listening
261May 2450,000 Miles Beneath My BrainTen Years AfterRavivolume changesuneasy listening
262May 24JenniferFaustUnclebenvolume changesuneasy listening
263May 31Half the World AwayOasisdeanofromozManchestertreefrogdemon
264May 31Dirty Old TownMacColl, Ewan & Peggy Seegeruneasy listeningManchestertreefrogdemon
265May 31Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and DogsBrian and MichaelmegadomManchestertreefrogdemon
266May 31Didn't It RainTharpe, Sister RosettaRaviManchestertreefrogdemon
267May 31Heart Disease Called LoveClarke, John CooperParaMhorManchestertreefrogdemon
268May 31Tell Me Lies About ManchesterCabbageFunkbrother69Manchestertreefrogdemon
269May 31Music for a NurseOceansizeBethnoirManchestertreefrogdemon
270May 31A Longing to Be Absorbed for a While 
into a Different and Beautiful WorldKirby, LeylandDiscoMonsterManchestertreefrogdemon
271May 31This Is How It FeelsInspiral CarpetshappyclapperManchestertreefrogdemon
272May 31Still StandingChildren of Zeus ft DRSDiscoMonsterManchestertreefrogdemon
273May 31Sit DownJamesParaMhorManchestertreefrogdemon
274May 31ManchesterTimesbishboshManchestertreefrogdemon
275June 7DoubleplusgoodEurythmicsFlatfrogpropagandaMarco den Ouden
276June 7What Did You Learn in School Today?Paxton, TomseverinpropagandaMarco den Ouden
277June 7Education or IndoctrinationAntisectuneasy listeningpropagandaMarco den Ouden
278June 7The EmperorSonic Boom Six ft Capitol 1212Violet VividpropagandaMarco den Ouden
279June 7Don't Call Me RedCooder, RyRavipropagandaMarco den Ouden
280June 7Every Bloody EmperorVan der Graaf GeneratorTatankaYotankapropagandaMarco den Ouden
281June 7A Matter of HabitModdiseverinpropagandaMarco den Ouden
282June 7LiarRollins Banduneasy listeningpropagandaMarco den Ouden
283June 7Mao Tse Tung SaidAlabama 3UnclebenpropagandaMarco den Ouden
284June 7PurityNew Model ArmyViolet VividpropagandaMarco den Ouden
285June 7S.O.S. (State of Shock)Sonic Boom SixViolet VividpropagandaMarco den Ouden
286June 7Watching TVWaters, RogerFlatfrogpropagandaMarco den Ouden
287June 7Gimme Some TruthLennon, JohnBeltway BanditpropagandaMarco den Ouden
288June 14Turn On the NewsHüsker DüUnclebennews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
289June 14News at TenVaporsUnclebennews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
290June 14Watching the NewsPop, Iggyamyleenews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
291June 14The Sun SaysCock SparrerCarpgatenews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
292June 14Network NewsPlant, RobertRavinews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
293June 14More News from NowhereCave, Nick & the Bad SeedsParaMhornews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
294June 14Horror MovieSkyhooksdeanofromoznews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
295June 14In the Middle of the NightMadnessseverinnews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
296June 14Sign o’ the TimesPrincemegadomnews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
297June 14The Angry MobKaiser Chiefsbarbrynnews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
298June 14I Saw It on T.V.Fogerty, JohnRavinews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
299June 14Dear Mr. MurdochTaylor, RogerBeltway Banditnews & mediaEnglishOutlaw
300June 21Showroom DummiesKraftwerkseverinkrautrockFlatfrog
301June 21Play for TodayCurehappyclapperkrautrockFlatfrog
302June 21KrautrockFaustmegadomkrautrockFlatfrog
303June 21Master of the UniverseHawkwindmegadomkrautrockFlatfrog
304June 21HollywoodClustermegadomkrautrockFlatfrog
305June 21NecropolisCope, JulianBeltway BanditkrautrockFlatfrog
306June 21Für ImmerNeu!Beltway BanditkrautrockFlatfrog
307June 21Kometenmelodie 2KraftwerkmegadomkrautrockFlatfrog
308June 21Metronomic UndergroundStereolabmegadomkrautrockFlatfrog
309June 21MittageisenSiouxsie and the BansheesFunkbrother69krautrockFlatfrog
310June 21By This RiverEno, BrianseverinkrautrockFlatfrog
311June 21GermansLindenberg, Udophilipphilip99krautrockFlatfrog
312June 28Painting BoxIncredible String Bandtreefrogdemonpainting & paintersseverin
313June 28No One Was Like VermeerRichman, JonathanFlatfrogpainting & paintersseverin
314June 28When I Paint My MasterpieceBandtreefrogdemonpainting & paintersseverin
315June 28Yume no Ukiyo ni Saite Mi NaMomoiro Clover Z vs KissHoshino Sakurapainting & paintersseverin
316June 28MagritteCale, JohnChris7572painting & paintersseverin
317June 28Angelitos NegrosFlack, RobertaMakipainting & paintersseverin
318June 28Paint Her FaceRecordsuneasy listeningpainting & paintersseverin
319June 28Paint MeOhio PlayersMogdogpainting & paintersseverin
320June 28Portrait of a ManHawkins, Screamin’ JayBeltway Banditpainting & paintersseverin
321June 28The Jungle LineMitchell, Jonibarbrynpainting & paintersseverin
322June 28Painting by NumbersHammill, PeterTatankaYotankapainting & paintersseverin
323June 28Must I Paint You a PictureBragg, BillyParaMhorpainting & paintersseverin
324July 5Pirate JennyLenya, Lotteuneasy listeningpiratesParaMhor
325July 5Rhymin' and Stealin'Beastie BoysSweetHome
326July 5No Banker Left BehindCooder, RyRavipiratesParaMhor
327July 5Little Blue NumberThompson, RichardShivSidecarpiratesParaMhor
328July 5Salty DogFlogging MollyEnglishOutlawpiratesParaMhor
329July 5La del Pirata CojoSabina, JoaquínMakipiratesParaMhor
330July 5Pirate JennySimone, NinabarbrynpiratesParaMhor
331July 5Pirates AnthemHome T, Cocoa Tea & Shabba RanksMogdogpiratesParaMhor
332July 5Ya HoViceroysUnclebenpiratesParaMhor
333July 5Captain HookCale, JohnShivSidecarpiratesParaMhor
334July 5The PirateHukkelberg, HanneseverinpiratesParaMhor
335July 5La Fiancée du pirateLoussier, JacquesBeltway BanditpiratesParaMhor
336July 5Accountancy ShantyMonty PythonFlatfrogpiratesParaMhor
337July 12Libera me (from Requiem)Fauré, GabrielFlatfrogmusic for funeralsUncleben
338July 12Dust in the WindRundgren, Todd9hairs9knotsmusic for funeralsUncleben
339July 12I'll See You in My DreamsBrown, JoeBeltway Banditmusic for funeralsUncleben
340July 12And When I DieNyro, LauraShivSidecarmusic for funeralsUncleben
341July 12Love's Been Good to MeCash, JohnnyEnglishOutlawmusic for funeralsUncleben
342July 12When I Die, You Better Second LineRuffins, KermitMogdogmusic for funeralsUncleben
343July 12ManhengaBhundu Boysseverinmusic for funeralsUncleben
344July 12Ain't Wastin' Time No MoreAllman Brothers BandRavimusic for funeralsUncleben
345July 12Going HomeCohen, LeonardSuzimusic for funeralsUncleben
346July 12Tell HeavenCash, Rosanneuneasy listeningmusic for funeralsUncleben
347July 12Im Abendrot (from Four Last Songs)Strauss, Richardattwilightlarksmusic for funeralsUncleben
348July 12Into the MysticMorrison, Vanamyleemusic for funeralsUncleben
349July 12Rolling HomeBailey, Roytreefrogdemonmusic for funeralsUncleben
350July 19Pickin' the BluesGrinderswitchmegadomincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
351July 19Devil's GalopWilliams, Charles & His OrchestraFlatfrogincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
352July 19Ride of the Valkyries (from Die Walküre)Wagner, RichardRaviincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
353July 19BandehIndian OceanRaviincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
354July 19Jockey Full of BourbonWaits, Tomuneasy listeningincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
355July 19Rudie Can't FailClashParaMhorincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
356July 19Pay to CumBad Brainsuneasy listeningincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
357July 19Kiss MeDuffy, Stephen "Tin Tin"philipphilip99incidental musicEnglishOutlaw
358July 19Pastoral Colours (from Labyrinth of Time)Mansfield, KeithBethnoirincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
359July 19Black CoffeeAll SaintsUnclebenincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
360July 19Drowning ManU2Makiincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
361July 19GrandstandMansfield, KeithBeltway Banditincidental musicEnglishOutlaw
362July 26Sing Me a Love SongGloriesBeltway Banditsongs about love songsbarbryn
363July 26I'll Sing a Love Song to YouStaton, CandiSongBarLandlordsongs about love songsbarbryn
364July 26Sixteen BarsStylisticsattwilightlarkssongs about love songsbarbryn
365July 2613 Wonderful Love SongsA Househappyclappersongs about love songsbarbryn
366July 26Sing You a Love You Songof MontrealUnclebensongs about love songsbarbryn
367July 26Love SongsGuryan, MargoBeltway Banditsongs about love songsbarbryn
368July 26Reminisce Part TwoDexys Midnight Runnersbishboshsongs about love songsbarbryn
369July 26The Sweetest ThingCamera Obscurasaneshanesongs about love songsbarbryn
370July 26Aretha, Sing One for MeCat PowerUnclebensongs about love songsbarbryn
371July 26Before My TimeCash, JohnnyEnglishOutlawsongs about love songsbarbryn
372July 26Silly Love SongsWingsphilipphilip99songs about love songsbarbryn
373July 26Songs of LoveFolds, Benphilipphilip99songs about love songsbarbryn
374Aug. 2Double BarrelDave and Ansell CollinsShivSidecararresting opening linesseverin
375Aug. 2And BreedingPriestsPanthersanarresting opening linesseverin
376Aug. 2Sorted for E's and WizzPulpUnclebenarresting opening linesseverin
377Aug. 2How Long Has This Been Going OnMcRae, CarmenNilpferdarresting opening linesseverin
378Aug. 2Love and AffectionArmatrading, Joanmegadomarresting opening linesseverin
379Aug. 2Highway 61 RevisitedDylan, BobFunkbrother69arresting opening linesseverin
380Aug. 2Stop! In the Name of LoveSupremesTempusfugitarresting opening linesseverin
381Aug. 2Fog on the TyneLindisfarneShivSidecararresting opening linesseverin
382Aug. 2The Head That Controls Both Right and Left Sides Eats Meats and Slobbers Even TodayBleachHoshino Sakuraarresting opening linesseverin
383Aug. 2Kinky AfroHappy Mondaysbarbrynarresting opening linesseverin
384Aug. 2Mississippi Half-Step Uptown ToodelooGrateful DeadChris7572arresting opening linesseverin
385Aug. 2O Majhi ReShaan & Saurav MoniRaviarresting opening linesseverin
386Aug. 9Kun Faya KunBerklee Indian EnsembleRavihigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
387Aug. 9Amautayku, Avelino SiñaniCarpio, Luzmilaunterguntherhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
388Aug. 9YabayYoussef, Dhafernosuchzonehigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
389Aug. 9With a Little Help from My FriendsCocker, JoeAltraEgohigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
390Aug. 9ChunchoSumac, YmaUnclebenhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
391Aug. 9People Are StrangeTiny Timseverinhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
392Aug. 9I WillSamarisunterguntherhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
393Aug. 9Pur ti miroMonteverdi, ClaudioSuzihigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
394Aug. 9Ask the Gods to Pull Down the SkyPhillipson, Petra Jeanvanwolf2high-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
395Aug. 9DeathNomi, KlausDavid Perryhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
396Aug. 9WambaKeïta, SalifParaMhorhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
397Aug. 9In questa reggia (from Turandot)Puccini, GiacomoCaroleBristolhigh-pitched vocalsHoshino Sakura
398Aug. 16When Will We B Paid?PrinceRaviwaitinguneasy listening
399Aug. 16I Don't Want to Have to WaitBarbara and the Brownsattwilightlarkswaitinguneasy listening
400Aug. 16Waiting for the Great Leap ForwardBragg, BillyToffeeBoywaitinguneasy listening
401Aug. 16I'll Keep Holding OnMarvelettesattwilightlarkswaitinguneasy listening
402Aug. 16When the Ship Comes InChieftains & the Decemberistsamyleewaitinguneasy listening
403Aug. 16No Loafing (Sit and Wonder)Black UhuruParaMhorwaitinguneasy listening
404Aug. 16When You Get Out of JailFriednosuchzonewaitinguneasy listening
405Aug. 16Jesus Is WaitingGreen, AlUnclebenwaitinguneasy listening
406Aug. 16Sitting in LimboCliff, JimmyMogdogwaitinguneasy listening
407Aug. 16It'll Take a Long TimeDenny, Sandyseverinwaitinguneasy listening
408Aug. 16Black Starliner Must ComeCultureTarquinSpoddwaitinguneasy listening
409Aug. 16Who Knows Where the Time Goes?Simone, Ninaattwilightlarkswaitinguneasy listening
410Aug. 23Everybody HurtsR.E.M.attwilightlarksthe obvioustreefrogdemon
411Aug. 23GoldBlegvad, Petermegadomthe obvioustreefrogdemon
412Aug. 23You Are Not MineLangford, Emmaangryirish punkthe obvioustreefrogdemon
413Aug. 23I'm a BoyWhoParaMhorthe obvioustreefrogdemon
414Aug. 23Homegrown TomatoesClark, GuyRavithe obvioustreefrogdemon
415Aug. 23It Goes Without SayingMalchak, TimSweetHome
the obvioustreefrogdemon
416Aug. 23Growing Old Is Getting OldSilversun Pickupsvanwolf2the obvioustreefrogdemon
417Aug. 23Girls & BoysGood Charlottephilipphilip99the obvioustreefrogdemon
418Aug. 23ObviousElephantssaneshanethe obvioustreefrogdemon
419Aug. 23I Can See Clearly NowNash, JohnnySuzithe obvioustreefrogdemon
420Aug. 23Water No Get EnemyKuti, FelaMogdogthe obvioustreefrogdemon
421Aug. 23Careful with That Axe, EugenePink Floydseverinthe obvioustreefrogdemon
422Aug. 30Talk of the TownPretendersamyleeroomsEnglishOutlaw
423Aug. 30White RoomCreamattwilightlarksroomsEnglishOutlaw
424Aug. 30It Makes the Room Look BiggerHalf Man Half BiscuitBeltway BanditroomsEnglishOutlaw
425Aug. 30Dream KitchenFrazier ChorusToffeeBoyroomsEnglishOutlaw
426Aug. 30Inside the Keeper's PantryFay, BillUnclebenroomsEnglishOutlaw
427Aug. 30I Don’t Wanna Go Down to the BasementRamonesFunkbrother69roomsEnglishOutlaw
428Aug. 30The Upstairs RoomCureBethnoirroomsEnglishOutlaw
429Aug. 30Meet Me in the BathroomStrokesUnclebenroomsEnglishOutlaw
430Aug. 30Imperial BedroomCostello, Elvis & the AttractionsParaMhorroomsEnglishOutlaw
431Aug. 30In Your RoomBanglesphilipphilip99roomsEnglishOutlaw
432Aug. 30Room at the TopPetty, Tom & the HeartbreakerstreefrogdemonroomsEnglishOutlaw
433Aug. 30Pigeons in the Attic RoomEverything but the GirlnosuchzoneroomsEnglishOutlaw
434Sep. 6Ain't Gwine Whistle Dixie Anymo’Taj MahalRaviwhistlingSweetHome
435Sep. 6The Story of My LifeHolliday, MichaelBeltway BanditwhistlingSweetHome
436Sep. 6Simple GirlDale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.UnclebenwhistlingSweetHome
437Sep. 6Águas de MarçoRegina, Elis & Tom JobimmagicmanwhistlingSweetHome
438Sep. 6Mini-SkirtEsquivel!Beltway BanditwhistlingSweetHome
439Sep. 6Mr. Slater's ParrotBonzo Dog BandTatankaYotankawhistlingSweetHome
440Sep. 6Goodbye StrangerSupertrampAltraEgowhistlingSweetHome
441Sep. 6Singing the BluesMitchell, GuySuziwhistlingSweetHome
442Sep. 6A Fistful of Dollars (Titoli)Morricone, EnniomegadomwhistlingSweetHome
443Sep. 6Golden YearsBowie, DavidParaMhorwhistlingSweetHome
444Sep. 6The WalkerFitz and the TantrumsoutofthebluewhistlingSweetHome
445Sep. 6Always Look on the Bright Side of LifeMonty PythonhappyclapperwhistlingSweetHome
446Sep. 13Danse macabreSaint-Saëns, CamilleBeltway BanditbonesLeaveitallbehind
447Sep. 13Bad to the BoneThorogood, George & the DestroyersSweetHome
448Sep. 13Skin and BonesFoo FightersRavibonesLeaveitallbehind
449Sep. 13BonesEditorsBeltway BanditbonesLeaveitallbehind
450Sep. 13Bag of BonesClark, GuytreefrogdemonbonesLeaveitallbehind
451Sep. 13Bone BagCultvanwolf2bonesLeaveitallbehind
452Sep. 13Bones of RibbonLondon Grammarphilipphilip99bonesLeaveitallbehind
453Sep. 13Our SkullsWasif, ImaadBethnoirbonesLeaveitallbehind
454Sep. 13Backyard SkullsFrightened RabbitToffeeBoybonesLeaveitallbehind
455Sep. 13BoneyardCleary, JonRavibonesLeaveitallbehind
456Sep. 13Dig Up Her BonesGraves, MichaleEnglishOutlawbonesLeaveitallbehind
457Sep. 13Grind My BonesBlack Rebel Motorcycle ClubnosuchzonebonesLeaveitallbehind
458Sep. 13Skeletal RemainsBohren and der Club of GoreBeltway BanditbonesLeaveitallbehind
459Sep. 20The Last Days of PompeiiNova MobDiscoMonsternatural disastersParaMhor
460Sep. 20Eve's Volcano (Covered in Sin)Cope, Julianbishboshnatural disastersParaMhor
461Sep. 20All Going Out TogetherBig Dipperuneasy listeningnatural disastersParaMhor
462Sep. 20LandslideClarke, Tonyattwilightlarksnatural disastersParaMhor
463Sep. 20The New PollutionBeckamyleenatural disastersParaMhor
464Sep. 20MonsoonAnd You Will Know Us by the Trail of Deadhappyclappernatural disastersParaMhor
465Sep. 20Katrina Klap / Dollar DayMos DefBeltway Banditnatural disastersParaMhor
466Sep. 20We Got Back the PlagueFiery Furnacesmegadomnatural disastersParaMhor
467Sep. 20Pressure DropToots and the Maytalsamyleenatural disastersParaMhor
468Sep. 20StormbringerMartyn, John and BeverlyShivSidecarnatural disastersParaMhor
469Sep. 20Here Comes the FloodFripp, Robert & Peter Gabrielnosuchzonenatural disastersParaMhor
470Sep. 20Rain Falls Unceasingly on the SeaKluge, Kim Allen & KathrynJake Leonardnatural disastersParaMhor
471Sep. 20Riders on the StormDoorsLeaveitallbehindnatural disastersParaMhor
472Sep. 27The Lobster QuadrilleFranz Ferdinandamyleeasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
473Sep. 27Bad RomanceLady GagaSuziasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
474Sep. 27Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?Arctic MonkeysUnclebenasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
475Sep. 27You've Got My Number (Why Don't You Use It?)Undertonesmegadomasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
476Sep. 27Bitch BadHaze, Angeltincanmanasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
477Sep. 27Has He Got a Friend for Me?Thompson, Richard and LindaShivSidecarasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
478Sep. 27Another Man in the Old ArcadeLeven, JackieTatankaYotankaasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
479Sep. 27How Can I Protect You?Alabama 3DarceysDadasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
480Sep. 27Kathy Come HomeMock TurtlesShivSidecarasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
481Sep. 27Jeepers CreepersArmstrong, LouisParaMhorasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
482Sep. 27Talk to MeSpringsteen, BruceFunkbrother69asking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
483Sep. 27Take a Fall for MeBlake, James ft RZAMogdogasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
484Sep. 27Baby, Let Me Follow You DownDylan, BobParaMhorasking, begging & pleadingangyririshpunk
485Oct. 4Ballad of the Sulphate StranglerDury, Ian & the Blockheadsnosuchzonebiography & autobiographyUncleben
486Oct. 4The Legend of Chavo GuerreroMountain Goatstincanmanbiography & autobiographyUncleben
487Oct. 4Big RedMorris, Russelldeanofromozbiography & autobiographyUncleben
488Oct. 4MaTemptationsDiscoMonsterbiography & autobiographyUncleben
489Oct. 4Ode to Jackie LevenPallas, Tyla J.EnglishOutlawbiography & autobiographyUncleben
490Oct. 4Kurious OranjFallhappyclapperbiography & autobiographyUncleben
491Oct. 4Inglan Is a BitchJohnson, Linton KwesiParaMhorbiography & autobiographyUncleben
492Oct. 4WarchildJal, Emmanuelbarbrynbiography & autobiographyUncleben
493Oct. 4Should Have Known BetterStevens, SufjanToffeeBoybiography & autobiographyUncleben
494Oct. 4Children of ChildrenIsbell, JasonDarceysDadbiography & autobiographyUncleben
496Oct. 4My Old SchoolSteely Danmegadombiography & autobiographyUncleben
496Oct. 4Why Is It So HardBradley, Charlestincanmanbiography & autobiographyUncleben
497Oct. 4Into the Great Wide OpenPetty, Tom & the Heartbreakerstreefrogdemonbiography & autobiographyUncleben
498Oct. 11I Want to BelieveGBHCarpgateunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
499Oct. 11I Am the UnknownAliensParaMhorunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
500Oct. 11Marfa LightsCauthen, Paulphilipphilip99unexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
501Oct. 11It Came Out of the SkyCreedence Clearwater RevivalRaviunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
502Oct. 11No Doubt About ItHot Chocolateseverinunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
503Oct. 11Seven Days of SplendourJameson Raidphilipphilip99unexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
504Oct. 11(I'm Always Touched by Your) Presence, DearBlondieseverinunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
505Oct. 1140 VersionsWireParaMhorunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
506Oct. 11The Thing That Should Not BeMetallicauneasy listeningunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
507Oct. 11Abominable Snowman in the MarketRichman, Jonathan & the Modern Loversseverinunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
508Oct. 11Margate FhtagnMen That Will Not Be Blamed for NothingEnglishOutlawunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
509Oct. 11Re: Your BrainsCoulton, Jonathanphilipphilip99unexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
510Oct. 11The Werewolf of Old ChapeltownPegg, Bobnosuchzoneunexplained phenomenaShivSidecar
511Oct. 18Happy DayTalking Headsseverininnocencemegadom
512Oct. 18Be Young, Be Foolish, Be HappyTamsattwilightlarksinnocencemegadom
513Oct. 18Red CortinaSaw DoctorsSuziinnocencemegadom
514Oct. 18That Summer FeelingRichman, Jonathan & the Modern LoversTarquinSpoddinnocencemegadom
515Oct. 18FlorenceCarner, Loyle ft Kwesmagicmaninnocencemegadom
516Oct. 18Mama Didn't LieBradley, JanSweetHome
517Oct. 18I Believe (When I Fall in Love It Will Be Forever)Wonder, StevieParaMhorinnocencemegadom
518Oct. 18Fairy Tale LullabyMartyn, JohnAlison Dempsterinnocencemegadom
519Oct. 18Story Book ChildrenIsaacs, GregoryUnclebeninnocencemegadom
520Oct. 18Mes premières vraies vacancesGall, FranceTarquinSpoddinnocencemegadom
521Oct. 18Remember a DayPink FloydBeltway Banditinnocencemegadom
522Oct. 18I'll Never Find Another YouSeekersseverininnocencemegadom
523Oct. 18The Innocent RailwayLeven, JackieTatankaYotankainnocencemegadom
524Oct. 25The Road Not TakenHornsby, Bruce & the RangeSuzialternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
525Oct. 25It Could Have Been a Brilliant CareerBelle and SebastianUnclebenalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
526Oct. 25Good Job with ProspectsActressShivSidecaralternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
527Oct. 25Never Is EnoughBarenaked Ladiesphilipphilip99alternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
528Oct. 25God Only KnowsBeach Boysamyleealternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
529Oct. 25Daddy's GoneGlasvegasvanwolf2alternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
530Oct. 25AnnaHello Saferidebarbrynalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
531Oct. 25South of GermanyKelly, Paul & the Messengersdeanofromozalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
532Oct. 25Army DreamersModdiseverinalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
533Oct. 25If It Hadn't Been for LoveSteeldriversnosuchzonealternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
534Oct. 25If I Were a BoyBeyoncéseverinalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
535Oct. 25If I Didn't Have YouMinchin, TimUnclebenalternative outcomesEnglishOutlaw
536Nov. 1Bread and WineReynolds, AnthonyBethnoirbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
537Nov. 1Making PiesGriffin, PattyTempusfugitbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
538Nov. 1Panis et CircensesOs MutantesUnclebenbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
539Nov. 1Bread and CircusesBragg, Billy with Natalie MerchantUnclebenbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
540Nov. 1Warm Heart PastryHeron, MikeShivSidecarbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
541Nov. 1I Like Pie, I Like Cake, But I Like You Best of AllCalifornia Ramblerstincanmanbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
542Nov. 1Nobody in Town Can Bake a Sweet Jelly Roll Like MineSmith, Bessiemagicmanbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
543Nov. 1Cakes and AleSilly Sisterstreefrogdemonbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
544Nov. 1Mon Gâteau à moiWazekwa, FelixUnclebenbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
545Nov. 1My Roly Poly GirlThackray, JakeSuzibread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
546Nov. 1Bread and ButterNewbeatsattwilightlarksbread, cake, pastry & biscuitsMaki
547Nov. 8While My Guitar Gently WeepsBeatlesbarbrynguitarsMarco den Ouden
548Nov. 8LucilleKing, B.B.attwilightlarksguitarsMarco den Ouden
549Nov. 8This Old GuitarDenver, JohnEnglishOutlawguitarsMarco den Ouden
550Nov. 8Yakety AxeKnopfler, Mark & Chet AtkinsRaviguitarsMarco den Ouden
551Nov. 8Johnny GuitarRunawaysseveringuitarsMarco den Ouden
552Nov. 8The GuitarClark, GuytreefrogdemonguitarsMarco den Ouden
553Nov. 8MonteleoneKnopfler, MarknosuchzoneguitarsMarco den Ouden
554Nov. 8Mind BenderStillwatertincanmanguitarsMarco den Ouden
555Nov. 8Joe's GarageZappa, FrankmegadomguitarsMarco den Ouden
556Nov. 8Three Chords and the TruthRice, ChaseRaviguitarsMarco den Ouden
557Nov. 8United Breaks GuitarsSons of Maxwellphilipphilip99guitarsMarco den Ouden
558Nov. 8Booker's GuitarBibb, ErictincanmanguitarsMarco den Ouden
559Nov. 8John Lennon's GuitarBarclay James HarvestmegadomguitarsMarco den Ouden
560Nov. 8While My Guitar Gently WeepsPrince, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood, Billy Preston et altreefrogdemonguitarsMarco den Ouden
561Nov. 15Something Like a SongBush, Katephilipphilip99mythical beastsSuzi
562Nov. 15The Gay GoshawkMr. FoxShivSidecarmythical beastsSuzi
563Nov. 15WerewolfUK DecayCarpgatemythical beastsSuzi
564Nov. 15Swift as the WindIncredible String Bandtreefrogdemonmythical beastsSuzi
565Nov. 15MedusaVan der Graaf Generatormegadommythical beastsSuzi
566Nov. 15Will o’ the WispDavis, MilesBeltway Banditmythical beastsSuzi
567Nov. 15HobDawson, Richardbarbrynmythical beastsSuzi
568Nov. 15Hey Ho on the Devil's BackKatzenjammerseverinmythical beastsSuzi
569Nov. 15ColleenNewsom, Joannabarbrynmythical beastsSuzi
570Nov. 15The Creature from the Black LagoonEdmunds, DaveUnclebenmythical beastsSuzi
571Nov. 15Thomas the RhymerSteeleye Spantreefrogdemonmythical beastsSuzi
572Nov. 15StarálfurSigur RósUnclebenmythical beastsSuzi
573Nov. 15Even Trolls Love to Rock ’n' RollWhite, Tony Joeattwilightlarksmythical beastsSuzi
574Nov. 22WindowlickerAphex Twinmegadomwindowsnosuchzone
575Nov. 22In a Glass HouseGentle GiantTatankaYotankawindowsnosuchzone
576Nov. 22Góða tunglSamarisunterguntherwindowsnosuchzone
577Nov. 22Window SeatBadu, ErykahUnclebenwindowsnosuchzone
578Nov. 22One Way OutWilliamson, Sonny Boy IIattwilightlarkswindowsnosuchzone
579Nov. 22You Have Did the Right Thing When You Put That Skylight InRussell, ArthurUnclebenwindowsnosuchzone
580Nov. 22Tip-Toe Thru’ the Tulips with MeHanshaw, Annetteseverinwindowsnosuchzone
581Nov. 22Watching WindowsSize, Roni & ReprazentAlBahookywindowsnosuchzone
582Nov. 22SilhouettesRaysattwilightlarkswindowsnosuchzone
583Nov. 22Sing Me Out the WindowMúmDarceysDadwindowsnosuchzone
584Nov. 22Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window DownSmith, Bessiemagicmanwindowsnosuchzone
585Nov. 22Freeki MuthafuckaMoodymannunterguntherwindowsnosuchzone
586Nov. 22The Slow DrugHarvey, PJParaMhorwindowsnosuchzone
587Nov. 22Polygon WindowPolygon WindowAngel Earswindowsnosuchzone
588Nov. 29Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting DownBurnside, R. L.megadomsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
589Nov. 29Standing at the Sky's EdgeHawley, RichardToffeeBoysitting & standingtreefrogdemon
590Nov. 29Sit Down and CryWashington, EllaTempusfugitsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
591Nov. 29Stood UpReyne, Jamesdeanofromozsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
592Nov. 29Don't Sit on My Jimmy ShandsThompson, Richardmegadomsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
593Nov. 29Soho SquareMacColl, KirstyShivSidecarsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
594Nov. 29From the Bench at BelvidereBoo RadleysShivSidecarsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
595Nov. 29Sittin’ in the BalconyCochran, EddieParaMhorsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
596Nov. 29Will the Real Geraldine Please Stand Up and Be CountedScruggShivSidecarsitting & standingtreefrogdemon
597Nov. 29Stand Up ComicDavies, RaySuzisitting & standingtreefrogdemon
598Nov. 29Stand Up for JudasGaughan, Dickamyleesitting & standingtreefrogdemon
599Nov. 29Sit Down, You're Rocking the BoatKaye, StubbySuzisitting & standingtreefrogdemon
600Dec. 6MelissaAllman Brothers BandamyleereunionsRavi Raman
601Dec. 6Return of the Grievous AngelParsons, GramUnclebenreunionsRavi Raman
602Dec. 6Back HomeJansch, BertBethnoirreunionsRavi Raman
603Dec. 6Welcome BackSebastian, John9hairs9knotsreunionsRavi Raman
604Dec. 6Home Is Where the Heart IsLovich, LeneseverinreunionsRavi Raman
605Dec. 6Home Sweet Home (…At Christmas)Albertine, VivAlison DempsterreunionsRavi Raman
606Dec. 6Prodigal SonRolling StonesUnclebenreunionsRavi Raman
607Dec. 6A Fine Fine DayCarey, TonySweetHome
reunionsRavi Raman
608Dec. 6No Such ThingMayer, JohnSweetHome
reunionsRavi Raman
609Dec. 6Feelin' Good AgainKeen, Robert EarltreefrogdemonreunionsRavi Raman
610Dec. 6The Boys Are Back in TownThin LizzyTatankaYotankareunionsRavi Raman
611Dec. 6The Christians and the PagansWilliams, DarbarbrynreunionsRavi Raman
612Dec. 13Flight of the BumblebeeRimsky-Korsakov, NikolaiSuzionomatopoeiaseverin
613Dec. 13Tick Tick BoomHivesLeaveitallbehindonomatopoeiaseverin
614Dec. 13Boom Biddy BoomFreschardunterguntheronomatopoeiaseverin
615Dec. 13Cement MixerGaillard, Slimuneasy listeningonomatopoeiaseverin
616Dec. 13Moss GardenBowie, Davidamyleeonomatopoeiaseverin
617Dec. 13Hog Callin' BluesMingus, Charlesunterguntheronomatopoeiaseverin
618Dec. 13KonchugunTogawa, JunTarquinSpoddonomatopoeiaseverin
619Dec. 13Cucurrucucu PalomaVeloso, Caetanomagicmanonomatopoeiaseverin
620Dec. 13Love BuzzShocking Bluehappyclapperonomatopoeiaseverin
621Dec. 13Pata PataMakeba, MiriamRavionomatopoeiaseverin
622Dec. 13ChickenCrampsTarquinSpoddonomatopoeiaseverin
623Dec. 13Duetto buffo di due gattiRossini, GioachinoParaMhoronomatopoeiaseverin
624Dec. 20Waltz of the SnowflakesTchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich attwilightlarkssnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
625Dec. 20Snowflakes Are DancingTomita9hairs9knotssnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
626Dec. 20Wonder If the Snow Will SettleClearlakevanwolf2snow & iceLeaveitallbehind
627Dec. 20No QuarterLed Zeppelinamyleesnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
628Dec. 20Fifteen Feet of Pure White SnowCave, Nick & the Bad SeedsParaMhorsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
629Dec. 20Frosty the SnowmanCocteau Twinsbarbrynsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
630Dec. 20Let It GoMenzel, Idinabarbrynsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
631Dec. 207th Street WonderlandSongs: OhiaUnclebensnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
632Dec. 20Footprints in the SnowParker, DyonShivSidecarsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
633Dec. 20Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New DayJethro Tullamyleesnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
634Dec. 20Under IceBush, KateParaMhorsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind
635Dec. 20Merry Xmas EverybodySladeShivSidecarsnow & iceLeaveitallbehind