A-Z by Year

The links below contain tables of all the A-listed songs for each year since 2017. You can order each table by date, song title, artist, nominator, topic or guru.

For year by year statistics, go to the Stats by Year page. For alphabetical lists of all A-listed songs, go to A-Z by Song.

For A-Z by Song for 2025, scroll down to the end.

A-Z by Song for 2024

A-Z by Song for 2023

A-Z by Song for 2022

A-Z by Song for 2021

A-Z by Song for 2020 

A-Z by Song for 2019

A-Z by Song for 2018 – Song Bar

A-Z by Song for 2018 – Guardian

A-Z by Song for 2017 – Song Bar

A-Z by Song for 2017 – Guardian

A-Z by Song 2025

Here are the songs making the A List in 2025. To sort alphabetically, click on the up-down symbol beside a column title.

DateTitle ArtistNominated byTopicGuru
Jan. 8, 2025Think (About It)Collins, LynAltraEgothinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025I Must Not Think Bad ThoughtsXTarquinSpoddthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025African ProblemsKuti, Seun & Fela's Egypt 180NickothinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025A Thought Is Just a Passing TrainMoreland, JohnEnglishOutlawthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Think TwiceMyerz, Ralph & the Jack Herren BandTraktor AlbatrostthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025I Think of DemonsErickson, Roky & the AliensTarquinSpoddthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Reviewing the SituationMoody, RonLoud AtlasthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Think Too Much (a)Simon, PaulSuzithinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Ten Thousand WordsAvett BrotherstincanmanthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Corrupting MemoriesGirls in SynthesisCarpgatethinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025CodexPere UbuseverinthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025Dethink to SurviveMcluskyhappyclapperthinkingUncleben
Jan. 8, 2025No Words/No ThoughtsSwansVikingchildthinkingUncleben
Jan. 15, 2025When the Going Gets ToughBoyzoneVikingchildsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Take It to the LimitEaglesseverinsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025PossessionCostello, Elvis & the AttractionsShivSidecarsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Dixon's GirlDessatincanmansymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025BackwordsLucas, JoynerVikingchildsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025My ShotMiranda, Lyn-ManuelLoud AtlassymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Kew. Rhone.Greaves, John (with Peter Blegvad & Lisa Herman)nosuchzonesymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Getting Beaten UpPiranhasVikingchildsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025StrangeCelestebarbrynsymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)Young, Neil & Crazy HorseUnclebensymmetryMaki
Jan. 15, 2025Love Me for a ReasonOsmondsbarbrynsymmetryMaki
Jan. 22, 2025InvitationJones, QuincyNickoticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Destination: AnywhereMarvelettesParaMhorticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Ticket to RideBeatlesSuziticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Charity BallFannyShivSidecarticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Laissez PasserTootArdUnclebenticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025drivers licenseRodrigo, OliviaMarconius7ticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Pure ImaginationWilder, GenebluepeterticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Come-On-A-My-HouseReese, DellaNickoticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025King of Hi-VisHalf Man Half BiscuitvastarinerticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025Ticket InspectorChatsVikingchildticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025WristbandSimon, PaulUnclebenticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025River's InvitationFranklin, ArethaNickoticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 22, 2025The LetterCocker, JoeAltraEgoticketsLoud Atlas
Jan. 29, 2025RoadDrake, Nickhappyclapperpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025All Men Choose the Path They WalkRoach, ArchieNickopaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Roads UntravelledLinkin ParkShasvat Shuklapaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Up Around the BendCreedence Clearwater RevivalTraktor Albatrostpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Where Twines the PathRoberts, Alasdairbarbrynpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Hit the SnowAislers Sethappyclapperpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Walking Down the HighwayMiles, BuddyBobby Legwarmerpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Ghost HighwayMazzy StarTarquinSpoddpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Natchez TracePavlov's DogTatankaYotankapaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025The Old Lych WayShow of HandsSuzipaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Blackberry WayMoveseverinpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Wide Open RoadTriffidsParaMhorpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Sleepwalking Through the MekongDengue FeverTarquinSpoddpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025Paths in the SkyMetricFred Ericksonpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025I Dream a HighwayWelch, GillianParaMhorpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Jan. 29, 2025The PathCutler, Ivorseverinpaths, trails & roadsShivSidecar
Feb. 5, 2025Some Old SaltSimpson, Martin & Andy Cutting & Nancy KerrSuzisaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025SaltMy Friend the Chocolate CakebarbrynsaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Effloresce and DeliquesceChillsNilpferdsaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Pillar of SaltPineapple ThiefBobby LegwarmersaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025SaltMammútseverinsaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Tears for Lot's WifePolwart, KarinenosuchzonesaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Salt in the WoundBoygeniusTarquinSpoddsaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Antiguamente Eran Dulces (They Used to Be Sweet)Márquez, Rocío MakisaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025СольZeteticsnosuchzonesaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Lot's WifePrince AllaUnclebensaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Salt WaterBedouin SoundclashUnclebensaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025ラーメン3分クッキング [Ramen 3-Minute Cooking]Otsuka, AiTarquinSpoddsaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025Salty Dog RagFoley, RedLoud AtlassaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025SauerkrautKnight, FrederickTatankaYotankasaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025West Side StoryPere UbuTatankaYotankasaltNicko
Feb. 5, 2025NaClMcGarrigle, Kate & AnnaMakisaltNicko
Feb. 12, 2025Rape of LucretiaMomusVikingchildancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025ForeverVan Dyck, Angela * Jeff van DyckLoud Atlasancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025HannibalDavis, MilesBanazirGalbasiancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025SpartacusTriumviratAltraEgoancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025Crossing the RubiconDylan, BobUnclebenancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025Cleopatra's CatSpin DoctorsBobby Legwarmerancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025Caesar on a TV ScreenLast Dinner PartyUnclebenancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025It’s just my little tribute to Caligula darlingBarber, FrancesVikingchildancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025RomeGroundationNickoancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025NeroTheatre of HateCarpgateancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025PompeiiBastilleBanazirGalbasiancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025The Decline and Fall of Ancient RomeGoldbladeCarpgateancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 12, 2025What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?Purves, Christopherseverinancient RomeMarconius7
Feb. 19, 2025Come On-a My HouseClooney, RosemarySweetHomeAlabamahousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025My New HouseFallVikingchildhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025Our HouseCrosby, Stills, Nash & YoungSuzihousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 20257 Rooms of GloomFour TopsSweetHomeAlabamahousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025Rooming House on Venice BeachRichman, JonathanTarquinSpoddhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 20252541Hart, Granthappyclapperhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025Dry Weather HousePorter, Hubert & George Moxey's Calypso QunitetNilpferdhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025My HouseMusgraves, KaceyShivSidecarhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025The House That Built MeLambert, MirandaMarconius7housesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025Other People's HousesKelly, Paultincanmanhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025First House on the LeftPriddy, Katherinetincanmanhousesbarbryn
Feb. 19, 2025House Where Nobody LivesWaits, TomBanazirGalbasihousesbarbryn
Feb. 26, 2025Rocket Nine Takes Off for Planet VenusSun Ra & his Solar ArkestraFred EricksonnineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Nine Stone RigThompson, LindaseverinnineNicko
Feb. 26, 202599 Miles from LAHammond, AlbertFred EricksonnineNicko
Feb. 26, 202599.9 F Vega, SuzanneShoegazernineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025The Devil's Nine QuestionsGladden, TexastincanmannineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Nine While NineSisters of Mercyvanwolf2nineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025NineSmith, PattiUnclebennineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Plan 9 Channel 7Damnedvanwolf2nineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Nine Below ZeroWilliamson, Sonny Boy IIUnclebennineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Get Me Back on Time, Engine Number 9 (Pt. 1 & 2)Pickett, WilsonLoud AtlasnineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Number 9 TrainTarheel SlimShivSidecarnineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Long Time WomanGrier, PamAltraEgonineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025"❦" (Interlude 1) (The Ripe & Ruin)Alt-JtincanmannineNicko
Feb. 26, 2025Nine Funerals for the Citizen KingCow, HenryTatankaYotankanineNicko