A-Z by Artist – X-Z

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with X-Z. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
XI Must Not Think Bad Thoughtsthinking
X-Press 2Give It (Extended Club Mix) (ft Kurt Wagner)gifts & giving
Lazy (ft David Byrne)laziness
X-Ray SpexArt-I-Ficialmakeup
The Day the World Turned Day-Glostrange & surreal
Germ Free Adolescentscleansing
I Can’t Do Anythingsongs for your teenage self
Let’s Submergemusic venues
Oh Bondage Up Yours!great opening lines
Plastic Bagplastic
Warrior in Woolworthsbrands
xiangyuDentures (入れ歯)teeth
XTCAnother Satellitegravity
Complicated Gameleft & right
Crowded Roomcrowds
Dear GodGod & the Devil
Grasstrees, grass & flowers
Harvest FestivalSeptember & October
I Am the Audiencetheatre
Jason and the Argonautstreasure
Love on a Farmboy’s Wageswork
Making Plans for Nigelpragmatism
Mayor of Simpletonknowledge
No Thugs in Our Housetaboos
Paper and Iron (Notes and Coins)coins
Poor Skeleton Steps Outhammer & mallet instruments
Punch and Judypuppets
River of Orchidsurban wildlife
Scissor Manfairytales
Season Cyclenature
Ten Feet Tallfeet
Towers of London19th century life
Washawayspring cleaning & household chores
Xuan, ZhouPicking the Benelnut (Cai Bin Lang)nuts & edible seeds
Ya TosibaBaku HipsterAsian cities
Yabby You (aka Vivian Jackson)Dem a Wolf (aka Anti-Christ)wolves
Thirty Pieces of Silversilver & non-ferrous metals
YachtsBox 202aviation
Suffice to Saymeta-songs
Yamagata, RachaelHorizonhorizons
Yamamoto, HozanKomoriutaflutes, pipes & whistles
Yames, YimHoping Machine (with Jay Farrar, Will Johnson & Anders Parker)persistence
Yankovic, Weird Al The Brain Songthe brain
Hardware Storehardware
Pancreasstomach & guts
YapoosCollectorcollecting & listing
Hysconfusion & delusion
Yara FamilyShirahama BluesJapan
Yarbrough, CamilleAll Hidtreachery & betrayal
Take Yo’ Praiselesser known originals
Yard Act100% Enduranceshaggy dog stories & tall tales
YardbirdsFor Your Loveharpsichord
Shapes of Thingsthe future
YazooDon’t Gomade you fall in love with music
Ode to Boybeauty
Yazz and the Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is Uprecovery
YeleenTaxi Broussetaxis
YelleJe veux te voirsongs in French
YelloCall It Love (Trego Snare Version)Valentine’s Day songs
Goldrushinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
I Love Youconversations
Ocean Clubdetectives
Oh Yeahaudible breaths
The Racesport
Tied Upknots & ties
Yellow DaysGap in the Cloudsclouds
Yellow Magic OrchestraBehind the Maskelectronic music to 1983
Yellow OstrichLibrarieslibraries
YellowmanZungguzungguguzungguzengmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
YesCircus of Heavenitinerants & migration
Close to the Edgeedges & ledges
Future Times / Rejoicepatterns & sequences
I’ve Seen All Good Peoplemisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Long Distance Runaroundanger
Perpetual Changeeternity
Starship Troopernotable outros or codas
Time and a Wordchoosing & using words
Yes/No PeopleDrum Townodd noises & instruments
Ying Yang TwinsWait (The Whisper Song)whispering
YlvisTrucker’s Hitchknots & ties
Yo La TengoAutumn Sweaterautumn
Autumn Sweaterclothes
From a Motel 6television
I Should Have Known Betterregrets
Ira searches for the slide, sort of (Friday)drone music
Little Eyeslaziness
Night Falls on Hobokentowns
Nuclear War (Version 2)nuclear war
Nuclear War (Version 2)children performing
Ohio Town Saved from Killer Bees by Hungry Vampire Bats (with Jad Fair)newspapers
Our Way to Fallmemory
Retired Grocer Constructs Tiny Mount Rushmore Entirely Out of Cheese (with Jad Fair)making things
Tears Are in Your Eyesconsolation
We’re an American Bandconcerts
Yokota, SusumuPurple Rose Minuetclassical songs
YolaFaraway Lookretro style
YonaMaantien laitaa (with Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvet & Puppa J)influenced by reggae
Sateenkaarilaulu (with Orkesteri Liikkuvat Pilvet)rainbows
Yorke, ThomAnd It Rained All Nightrain
Black Swanbest bass lines
Harrowdown Hillscandal
I’ve Seen It All (with Björk)duets
Yorkston, James6.30 Is Just Way Too Early (with the Athletes)morning
The Great White Sea Eagle (with the Second Hand Orchestra & Nina Persson)raptors
Tortoise Regrets Harerabbits
Yoshida BrothersChange (with Monkey Majik)surprising intros
Yothu YindiTreatyequality
Young, AdriennePlow to the End of the Rowfarming
Young, FaronIt’s Four in the Morningtimes of day
Young, Gabby and Other AnimalsWalk Awaymoving on
We’re All in This Togetherunderrated artists
Young, KennySimple Joyssimple pleasures
Young, NeilA Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop (with Promise of the Real)farming
After the Gold Rushdreams
Birdsfavourite live versions
Cinnamon Girlhair
Cortez the Killer (with Crazy Horse)historical figures
Crime in the City (Sixty to Zero, Pt 1)law enforcement
God Save the Queen (with Crazy Horse)national anthems
He Was the KingElvis
Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)symmetrical lyrics
Home, Home on the RangeAmerican west
Like a Hurricane (with Crazy Horse)super solos
Lookin’ for a Leaderleadership
Love Is a Roseroses
My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue) (with Crazy Horse)immortality & longevity
The Needle and the Damage Donecocaine & heroin
Old Kingpets
Old Manold age
Out on the Weekendthe weekend
Revolution BluesCalifornia
Rockin’ in the Free Worldreckless consumption 
Roll Another Number (For the Road)smoking
Safeway Cart (with Crazy Horse)companies & corporations
Sample and Holdsubstitutions
Sugar Mountainfictional places
Tonight’s the Nighttribute songs
Tonight’s the Nightjobs
Unknown Legendmotorbikes
Young FathersShameshame
Young Fresh FellowsCelebrationbright songs about dark subjects
Young GodsGhost Ridersuperheroes
Young-Holt UnlimitedSoulful Strutdance instrumentals
Young Marble GiantsFinal Dayshort songs
Music for Eveningsevening
Salad Daysminimalist songs
Searching for Mr. RightWelsh songs
Young MCInside My Headthe brain
Young Rascals (see Rascals)
Young TigerI Was There (At the Coronation)royalty
Young TraditionLyke-Wake DirgeYorkshire
YoungbloodsDarkness, Darknessnight & darkness
Young’unsA Place Called EnglandEngland
Jack Ironsidepersonification
Youssef, DhaferYabayhigh-pitched vocals
Youssef, MarcusI Love You So Love Me (co-written with Niall McNeil, composed by Veda Hille)famous or notable duos
Youth of TodayNo Morerefusal
Yücel, TanerEndorfinfairgrounds
YuckGet Awayprocrastination
Yuletide BlasphemyJingle Bellsanti-Christmas songs
Yummy FurRoxy Girlsmeta-songs
Yunupingu, GurrumulDjarimirri (Child of the Rainbow)rainbows
Yussuf (see Cat Stevens)
Yuuki, AiraBlessingblessings & curses
Zac Brown BandFamily Tablefurniture
Heavy Is the Head (ft Chris Connell)crowns
Zager & EvansIn the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)the future
Zainichi FunkBakudan Kowaifunk
Zamfir, GheorgheDoina: Sus Pe Culmea Dealului (Picnic at Hanging Rock soundtrack)meals & mealtimes
The Lonely Shepherd (with James Last)easy listening
Zanes, DanHello (with Barbara Brousal)hello
Zanini, MarcelTu veux ou tu veux pasindecision
Zaouche, NassimUna Mattina & For the Love of a Princess (with Gerard Pia Daró)songs by buskers
Zap MamaBrriak!a cappella
ZappMore Bounce to the Ouncefetishes
Zappa, FrankConeheadgeometric shapes
Cosmik Debrissurprise encounters
Dancin’ Foolawkwardness
The Dangerous Kitchendomestic songs
Debra Kadabra (with the Mothers & Captain Beefheart)witches
Dinah-Moe Humm (with the Mothers)orgasms
Don’t Eat the Yellow Snowyellow
Dumb All Overstupidity
Flower Punk (as the Mothers of Invention)conversations
The Gumbo Variationssaxophone
I Don’t Even Careindifference
I’m the Slime (with the Mothers)strange, rare or unlikely words
Joe’s Garageguitars
Man with the Woman Head (with the Mothers & Captain Beefheart)faces
Porn Warstaboos
Trouble Every Day (as the Mothers of Invention)protest
Valley Girlgossip
What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body? (as the Mothers of Invention)offensive, insulting songs
Willie the Pimprendezvous
Ya Hoznainversions
You Are What You Ispedantry
ZazJe veuxsongs by buskers
Paris sera toujours ParisParis
Zé, TomA Briga do Edifício Itália com o Hilton HotelSouth America
Zeal & ArdorDevil Is Finethe Devil
ZebdaOn est chez nousFrance
Zero 7Destiny (ft Sia & Sophie Barker)long-distance relationships
The Pageant of the Bizarreparades
Zetlitz, BertineApples and Diamondsfruit
Zevon, WarrenAccidentally Like a Martyrsaints & martyrs
Desperados Under the Eaveshotels
Detox Mansionhealing
Excitable Boyawkwardness
For My Next Trick I’ll Need a Volunteervolunteering
Frank and Jesse Jamescriminals
Geniusunusual rhymes
Lawyers, Guns and Moneystuck or trapped
Macgillycuddy’s ReeksIreland
Mr. Bad Examplesinners
My Shit’s Fucked Upadversity
Play It All Night Longvolume
Renegadecompass points
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunnercharacter songs
Run Straight Downgases
Werewolves of LondonHalloween
Ziegler, AnneWe’ll Gather Lilacs (with Webster Booth)positive songs
Zitarrosa, AlfredoGarrinchafootball
Zola JesusEulogy (with LA Vampires)funerals
ZombiesA Rose for Emilyflowers
Beechwood Parkrefreshment & cooling down
Care of Cell 44coming home
She’s Not Therequiet
This Will Be Our Yearjoyous songs
Time of the Seasongreat keyboards
Zoot WomanThe Modelfashion
Zorn, JohnVespersevening
ZoundsCan’t Cheat Karmasongs by trios
Did He Jumpshyness
It’s the Little Things We Dohangovers
Zydeco, BuckwheatMa ’Tit Fillefrom New Orleans
ZZ TopCheap Sunglassesglamour & style
La Grangehumming
Legslegs & pants
Sharp Dressed Mancoolness
Ten Foot Polemisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Waitin’ for the Busbuses