A-Z by Artist – T

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with T. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
T-BonesNo Matter What Shape (Your Stomach’s In)stomach & guts
T. Rex20th Century Boytoys
Children of the Revolutionrevolution
Debora (as Tyrannosaurus Rex)debut songs
Deboraarobed (as Tyrannosaurus Rex)regressing & reversing
Life’s a Gasgases
Mambo Sunstars
New York Cityamphibians
She Was Born to Be My Unicorn (as Tyrannosaurus Rex)fantasy
Telegram Sammale names
Think Zincsilver & non-ferrous metals
TableDo the Standing Stilldance styles
Tabor, JuneThe Brean Lamenttides
The Cloud Factoryclouds
Dark Eyed Sailor (with the Oyster Band)eavesdropping
Elephantelephants & mammoths
The King of Romevictory
Mrs. Ritaanti-work songs
Pull Down Ladsitinerants & migration
Seven Curses (with Oysterband)judges & trials
Susie Clelland (with the Oyster Band)gripping or intriguing narrative
TackheadFor the Love of Moneybanks & banking
Stealingpreachers, priests & religious leaders
TacocatThe Crimson Wavebodily fluids
Tagaq, TanyaSivulivinivut frozen north
Teeth Agapeteeth
Ujawordless vocals
Taha, RachidMedinaAsian cities
Rock el Casbahunlikely cover songs
Taïeb, Jacqueline7 Heures du matinmorning
Le Printemps à ParisParis
TaikonautsZombie Prophecieszombies
Taj MahalAin’t Gwine Whistle Dixie Anymo’whistling
Six Days on the Roadtravelling
Take 6O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (with Stevie Wonder)a cappella
Take ThatBack for Goodmissing someone
Up All Nightfictional adverts
Taken by TreesSweet Child o’ Mineunlikely cover songs
Talk TalkApril 5thdates
Edenfictional places
I Believe in Youadversity
I Don’t Believe in Youchoosing & using words
It’s My Life (12″ Extended)songs to start the morning
Life’s What You Make Itfate & destiny
Talk Talktautonyms
Talking HeadsThe Book I Readreading
Burning Down the Housefire
Citiesurban environment
Found a Jobusing your imagination
The Great Curvegenre switch
Happy Dayinnocence
Heavenheaven & hell
I Zimbramisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Life During Wartimeears & hearing
(Nothing But) Flowersthe future
Once in a Lifetimemistaken identity
Psycho Killerillusions
Road to Nowhereknowledge
Road to Nowherespirit of 2021
Seen and Not Seenspoken word
Seen and Not Seentattoos & piercings
Slippery Peoplefunk
Stay Up Latebabies & childbirth
Stay Up Latefamily
Tentative Decisionsindecision
Totally Nudenudity
Tall, TomStack-A-Recordshearing, choosing & playing records
Tallis, ThomasSpem in aliuma cappella
Tame ImpalaElephantelephants & mammoths
Feels Like We Only Go Backwardsindecision
Solitude Is BlissCOVID-19 lockdown
TamiaChaise Loungefurniture
TammysEgyptian Shumbaancient history
Tampa RedWitchin’ Hour Blueswitches
TamsBe Young, Be Foolish, Be Happyinnocence
Tams, JohnOver the Hills and Far Awaykings
Unity Raise Your Banners Highunity
TamurapanNew WorldJapan
Tanega, NormaWalkin’ My Cat Named Dogfamous or notable animals
Tangana, C.Oliveira Dos Cen Anosfootball
Un Veneno (with El Niño de Elche)poison
Tangerine DreamBirth of Liquid Plejadeswithout percussion
Breath Kissing Matter’s Mouthbreathing
Gaudi Parkparks
Mysterious Semblance at the Strand of Nightmaresmysterious & puzzling
Tangerine KittyDumb Ways to Diesafety & danger
Tangle EyeEarly in the Mornin’ (with Alan Lomax, ’22’, Little Red & Hard Hair)odd noises & instruments
Tankus the HengeRecurring Dreamgravity
Tanner, Gid & the Skillet LickersYou Gotta Quit Kickin’ My Dog Arounddogs
Tarheel SlimNumber 9 Trainnine
Tartan Horde (see Lowe, Nick)
TarwaterOtomoitching & scratching
The Water Samplethe coast
Tata PoundBadalaurban environment
Tate GalleryNewspaper Mannewspapers
t.A.T.u.Prostye Dvizhen’yasongs that build
Tatum, ArtGet Happyenergizing songs
Night and Day (with Ben Webster)songs with special guests
Tea for Twotwo – part 2
Tea for Twotea
TavaresIt Only Takes a Minutebrevity
Tavener, JohnMother of God, Here I Standprayer
Tawney, CyrilThe Grey Funnel Linethe sea
Taylor, ChipRefugee Childrenmigrants & refugees
Taylor, JamesEnough to Be On Your Waybrothers & sisters
Fire and Rainmelancholy songs
The Frozen ManLiverpool & Merseyside
Summer’s Herefootwear
Sweet Baby Jamesmale names
Traffic Jamcrowds
You Can Close Your Eyesadult lullabies
Taylor, JohnnieI Am Somebodysongs that capture the zeitgeist
I Can Read Between the Linesreading
It’s SeptemberSeptember
I’ve Been Born Againstarting over
Separation Lineimmaturity
Who’s Making Loveironic songs
Taylor, KokoI’m a Womandeep voices
Insane Asylumhospitals
Voodoo Womanwitches
Wang Dang Doodlefun
What Came First, the Egg or the Hen?chicken and egg
Taylor, MariaSong Beneath the Songsongwriting
Taylor, Otis500 Rosesroses
Coming with Crossescrosses
He Never Raced on Sundaycompetition
Taylor, R. Dean Indiana Wants Mecrime
There’s a Ghost in My HouseHalloween
Taylor,  RogerDear Mr. Murdochnews & media
Taylor, SteveMeltdown (At Madame Tussaud’s)museums, galleries & exhibitions
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilylich 1812 Overturesongs that build
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairyfeaturing bells
Waltz of the Snowflakessnow & ice
Teagarden, JackBasin Street Bluestrombone
Teardo, TehoAxolotl (with Blixa Bargeld)amphibians
Teardrop ExplodesThe Great Dominionsout-of-tune songs
Rewardidioms & common expressions
Sleeping Gas (Live at Zoo Club 1981)adult lullabies
Tears for FearsBadman’s Songsongs that fit every topic
Shoutstart with the chorus
Tech N9neDelusional (ft Nikkiya)confusion & delusion
TechniquesQueen Majestyhonorific titles
Techno Sound GroupPeople of the Snowfrozen north
TechnotronicPump Up the Jamsynth pop 1980-2000
Teddy BearsTo Know Him Is to Love Himsongs that make you cry
Tedeschi Trucks BandDon’t Know What It Meansambiguity
Teenage FanclubAin’t That Enoughsimple pleasures
Behold the Miracle (with Jad Fair)miracles
Born Under a Good Signomens & prophecies
Dumb Dumb Dumbtautonyms
Everything Flowseverything
Fallin’ (with De La Soul)recorded for movies
Mellow Doubthumming
Star Signfate & destiny
Star Signstar signs
Verisimilitudestrange, rare or unlikely words
TeenagersFuck Nicoleteenagers
Tegan and SaraEverything Is Awesome!!! (ft the Lonely Island)everything
TEKEYÉLa Gallera (with Sofia Rei)finger snaps & toe taps
TeiturThe Singersound like other songs
TelescopesIn Every Sensedrone music
Guiding Lightlighthouses & guiding lights
Marquee Moonlong songs
Venusthe impossible
Television PersonalitiesDali’s Garden Partygardens
Part Time Punkshobbies
Temper TrapFaderone word titles
Tempest, KaeCirclesspinning
Europe Is Lostdoom
Europe Is Lostcrisis
Hold Your Ownsongs offering advice
TemptationsBall of Confusion (That’s What the World Is Today)chaos
Ball of Confusion (That’s What the World Is Today)crisis
Beauty Is Only Skin Deepproverbs
Cloud Ninenumbered 1 to 10
Don’t Let the Joneses Get You Downneighbours
Get Readygreat album or mixtape openers
He Who Picks a Roseroses
I Can’t Get Next to Youboastful songs
(I Know) I’m Losing Youjealousy
I Wish It Would Rainbad weather
I’m Gonna Make You Love Me (with Diana Ross & the Supremes)ambition
Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)secret admirers
Law of the Landidioms & common expressions
Mabiography & autobiography
My Girlbees
Papa Was a Rollin’ Stonefathers
Smiling Faces Sometimesbody language
Witchcraft (For Your Love)witches
Ten CityThat’s the Way Love Is (Acieed Remix)1980s 12” singles
Ten Years After50,000 Miles Beneath My Brainvolume changes
I’m Going Homefavourite live versions
Tenacious DTributesongs that express excess
Teng, ViennaFlyweight Lovelong-distance relationships
Level Upmotivation
Tennessee MountaineersStanding on the Promisepromises & choices
TennorsRide Your Donkeyanimals
Tenor, JimiBackbone of Night (with the Riga Symphony Orchestra)spine & neck
My Mindfrom Nordic countries
Tenor SawGolden Henpoultry
Tenpole TudorSwords of a Thousand Meniron & steel
Tequila MockingbyrdJagerbombcocktails & spirits
Terfel, BrynBugeilio’r Gwenith GwyrGaelic songs
Terminal HeadsB.Y.C.offensive, insulting songs
Walking on the Ceilinginversions
Terrell, TammiAll I Do Is Think About Yousecret admirers
The Onion Song (with Marvin Gaye)vegetables
Terry, SonnyFox Hunt (with Brownie McGhee)hunting
Terry, ToddDreams of Santa Anna (Extended Club Mix) (as Orange Lemon)startling songs
Thackray, JakeBantam Cockpoultry
The Blacksmith and the Toffee-Makerchance & coincidence
The Brigadierhonorific titles
The Castleford Ladies’ Magic Circlemagic
Country Busbuses
Go Little SwaleYorkshire
The Hair of the Widow of Bridlingtonneighbours
Isobel Makes Love Upon National Monumentsfetishes
Jumble Salesales, selling & bargains
Lah-Di-Dahstiff upper lip
The Last Will and Testament of Jake Thackrayleaving or being left behind
Leopold Alcoxstrange, rare or unlikely words
The Lodgersisters
My Roly Poly Girlbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Old Molly Metcalfetradition
On the Shelfbeing single
Personal Columnadvertising
Scallywagbad boys & bad girls
Sister Josephinefunny songs
Worried Brown Eyesbrown
Thaikkudam BridgeAaracharhanging
Tharpe, Sister RosettaCan’t No Grave Hold My Body Downresurrection
Didn’t It RainManchester
Every Time I Feel the Spiritrepetition
This Traintrains
Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Breadmiracles
That Petrol EmotionBig Decisionleft wing politics
The TheArmageddon Days Are Here (Again)apocalypse
The Beat(en) Generationconfusion & delusion
Giantgreat keyboards
Gravitate to Melighthouses & guiding lights
I’ve Been Waitin’ for Tomorrow (All of My Life)crisis
Perfectdifferent 7″ versions
Sodium Light Babysilver & non-ferrous metals
This Is the Dayhope
Uncertain Smilesmiling & laughing
Uncertain Smile (12” Remix)1980s 12” singles
Theatre of HateNeroRoman Empire
Thee FactionDeft Leftleft & right
Thee More ShallowsA History of Sport Fishingmisleading or incongruous titles
I Can’t Get Next to Youboastful songs
Proud Turkeyspoultry
Theessink, HansWingswings
ThemBaby Please Don’t Gosongs of desperation
Don’t Look Backpragmatism
GloriaB sides
I Can Only Give You Everythingeverything
Them Bird ThingsSaint Jerome in the Desert Observes Hunting Hawksraptors
ThemselvesDeath of a Thespiantheatre
Therapy?Dianeorchestral string instruments
TherionKali Yuga Part 3 (Autumn of Aeons)end of the world
These New PuritansFragment 2piano songs
Organ Eternaleternity
They Might Be GiantsBirdhouse in Your Soulunusual narrators
The Bloodmobileblood
Dinner Bellbells
The Edison Museummuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Good to Be Alivechannelling pain
I Can Addmathematics
I Palindrome Iprovocative, strange or humorous titles
James K. Polkelections
My Manbodily motion & exercise
New York CityNew York
(She Was a) Hotel Detectivedetectives
Why Does the Sun Shine?knowledge
Thin LizzyThe Boys Are Back in Townreunions
Don’t Believe a Wordchoosing & using words
Fighting My Way Backrecovery
Hollywood (Down on Your Luck)luck
The Rockerstereotypes
Whiskey in the Jarwhiskey
Think TankA Knife and a Fork (The Massively Parallel Mix)tools
Third BardoI’m Five Years Ahead of My Timeusing your imagination
Third Eye BlindSemi-Charmed Kind of Lifeaddiction
Third RailRun, Run, Runanxiety
Third World1865 (96 Degrees in the Shade)heat #2
Now That We’ve Found Love12″ singles to 1979
Thirty Pounds of BoneAll for Me Groggpathos
The Glass of an Iriseyes
This HeatThe Fall of Saigonstrange & surreal
This Mortal CoilKangaroosimiles
Song to the Sirencovers better than the original
You and Your Sistersiblings
Thomas, B. J. Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Headresilience
Thomas, CarlaTramp (with Otis Redding)duets
Thomas, DavidBilly Ate My Pocket (with Jackie Leven)pockets
Monster Walks the Winter Lake (with the Wooden Birds)monsters
Morbid Sky (with Two Pale Boys)sky
Stopped by Woods on a Snowy Evening (with Jackie Leven)winter sports
Thomas, IrmaAnyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) defined or redefined by television
Be Youfrom New Orleans
It’s Rainingrain
We Won’t Be in Your Way Anymoredivorce
Wish Someone Would Careindifference
You Can Have My Husband (But Please Don’t Mess with My Man)infidelity
Thomas, JahCricket Lovely Cricketcricket
Thomas, JamoI Spy (For the FBI)spying
Thomas, LeonThe Creator Has a Master Plan (with Pharaoh Sanders)optimistic songs
Thomas, MickBright Sunshine (as Mick Thomas’ Roving Commission)museums, galleries & exhibitions
Thomas, NickyLove of the Common Peopleadversity
Thomas, RufusTiger Mantigers
Thomas, TimmyWhy Can’t We Live Togethergreat riffs
Thompson, DannyHaitian Fight Songdouble bass
Thompson, Linda (see also Thompson, Richard & Linda)Beautybeauty
I’m a Dreamerstaying
Nine Stone Rignine
Thompson, Richard (see also Thompson, Richard & Linda)1952 Vincent Black Lightningmotorbikes
Al Bowlly’s in Heavenlimbo
Alexander Graham Belltelephones
Bathsheba Smilescharisma
Beeswingitinerants & migration
Don’t Sit on My Jimmy Shandssitting & standing
From Galway to Gracelandkings
Hand of Kindnesskindness
Here Comes GeordieNorth East England
Hots for the Smartsthe brain
I Misunderstoodembarrassment
Killing Jarunsettling songs
Little Blue Numberpirates
Mingulay Boat Songislands
The Money Shufflebanks & banking
Oh I Swearcan’t live with or without you
One More Breathbreathing
Put It There Palphysical gestures
Sumer Is Icumen Inold meets new
Two Left Feettwo – part 2
Walking Through a Wasted Landwastelands
Woods of Darneysubstitutions
Thompson, Richard & LindaThe Calvary CrossJesus
The Great Valeriojobs
Has He Got a Friend for Me?asking, begging & pleading
I Want to See the Bright Lights TonightFriday & Saturday
I’ll Regret It in the Morningwhiskey
Shoot Out the Lightsshooting
The Sun Never Shines on the Poorpoverty
Wall of Deathcarnivals & funfairs
Thompson TwinsLay Your Hands on Metouch
You Take Me Upindustry & manufacturing
Thorn, TraceyHormonesopposites
Oh, the Divorces!divorce
The Paris Match (with the Style Council)Paris
Swimmingswimming & bathing
Thornton, Big Mama Gimme a Pennycoins
Hound Doglesser known originals
One Black Ratrodents
Thorogood, George & the DestroyersBad to the Bonebones
Get a Haircut and Get a Real Jobsongs that command or instruct
Three 6 MafiaWho Gives a Fuck Where You Fromcompass points
Three City FourTim McGuirestarting fires
Three Days GraceI Hate Everything About Youcan’t live with or without you
Three Dog NightMama Told Me (Not to Come)parties & going out
Three SunsBeyond the Blue Horizonhope & resilience
Throbbing Gristle20 Jazz Funk Greatsmisleading or incongruous titles
Hamburger Ladyscary songs
Walkaboutbeing lost
We Hate You (Little Girls)unsettling songs
Throwing MusesDizzyspinning
Dragon Headmonsters
ThunderAn Englishman on Holidayholidays
Low Life in High Placesleadership
ThunderheistJerk Itsongs that command or instruct
Thunders, Johnny & the HeartbreakersChinese Rockscocaine & heroin
ThursdayTime’s Arrowreversing
Tickell, KathrynAir Moving (as the Kathryn Tickell Band)drone music
Tidal WaveSpider Spiderspiders
Tiersen, YannMeteoritesmixtape closers
Tiger LilliesSnip Snipsharp objects
Tijoux, AnaSomos Sur (ft Shadia Mansour)unity
Tikaram, TanitaGood Traditionbrothers & sisters
’Til TuesdayVoices Carryquiet
Tilston, SteveI’m Going to the Westcompass points
Timbuk 3The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shadeshigher education
Time ZoneWorld Destructionapocalypse
TimesI Helped Patrick McGoohan Escapeescape
Tin Hat TrioDaisy Belltwo – part 1
TinariwenAfours Afourstautonyms
Amassakoul ’n’ TénéréAfrica
Amassakoul ’n’ Ténérédeserts
Mano Dayakassassination
Oualahila Ar Tesninamcall and response
Tindersticks4:48 Psychosismental illness
Ballad of Tindersticksironic songs
Cherry Blossomsflowers
Milky Teethteeth
My Sistersiblings
My Sistertragedy & comedy
Sweet Memoryskin
Tiny Tearscrying
Yesterdays Tomorrowstomorrow
Ting TingsFruit Machinegambling
That’s Not My Namesound like other songs
Tiny RuinsMe at the Museum, You in the Wintergardensmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Tiny TimPeople Are Strangehigh-pitched vocals
TioBlack Butterflybutterflies & moths
Tipanya, PrahladKahaan Se Aaya, Kahaan Jaaoge?positive songs
TISM(He’ll Never Be An) Old Man Rivertragedy & comedy
Titus AndronicusA More Perfect UnionUS presidents
Tivel, AnnaBefore Machinesmachinery, industry & technology
TLCUnprettytattoos & piercings
Toby TwirlRomeo and JulietShakespeare
Togawa, JunKonchugunonomatopoeia
Mushi no Onnapersistence
Suki Suki Daisukibright songs about dark subjects
Tokyo Ska Paradise OrchestraPride of Lionsbrass songs
Tom Robinson Band (see Robinson, Tom)
Tom Tom ClubGenius of Loveintelligence
L’éléphantelephants & mammoths
Wordy Rappinghoodchoosing & using words
Tomita, IsaoBallet of the Chicks in Their Shellspoultry
Snowflakes Are Dancingsnow & ice
Tomoyasu HoteiBattle Without Honor or HumilityJapan
Tommy and MaryUnknown Songsongs by buskers
Tonto’s Expanding Head BandTimewhyselectronic music to 1983
Tony Williams LifetimeEmergency!songs by trios
ToolFear InoculumCOVID-19 lockdown
Lateralusgreat drumming
Tools You Can TrustShow Your Teethteeth
TootArdLaissez Passertickets
Toots and the MaytalsBlack Rose (as the Maytals)roses
Funky Kingstontowns
Monkey Manmonkeys & apes
Pomps and Pridemusic as nutrition
Pressure Dropnatural disasters
Sweet and Dandyperfection
Take Me Home Country Roadshome
When I Laugh (as the Maytals)laughter
TopolIf I Were a Rich Manwealth
Tork, PeterMilkshake (with James Lee Stanley)ice cream
Tormé, MelComin’ Home Babycoming home
TornadosTelstarsci-fi & space
Torrini, EmilíanaGunmurder
Telepathysixth sense
Unemployed in Summertimesummer
White Rabbitsurprising intros
TortoiseDjedlong songs
Tosh, PeterGlass Houseglass
Legalize Itmarijuana
Peace Treatyformal agreements
Stepping Razorgreat opening lines
Toshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big BandMarch of the Tadpolesamphibians
Touch and GoStraight to Number Onepatterns & sequences
Would You…?flirting
ToukiXam Xamtautonyms
Touré, Ali FarkaDoudou (with Toumani Diabaté)songs by duos
Kala Djula (with Toumani Diabaté)supergroups
Ruby (with Toumani Diabaté)red
Savanerural songs
Toussaint, AllenI Could Eat Crawfish Every Dayfish & other aquatic life
Toussaint, Nico WayneMali Mississippisingle-mindedness
Tower of PowerDon’t Change Horses (In the Middle of a Stream)proverbs
Only So Much Oil in the Groundwells
Soul Vaccinationhealing
What Is Hip?ensembles, big bands & orchestras
Townsend, EdTell Herindirect messages
Townshend, PeteClassifiedreading
Toy DollsFisticuffs in Frederick StreetNorth East England
Nellie the Elephantthe circus
Sod the Neighboursvolume
Spiders in the Dressing Roomspiders
ToysA Lover’s Concertoclassical songs
Tozzi, GiorgioSome Enchanted Eveningclose calls
Tracey, StanStarless and Bible Black (as Stan Tracey Quartet)night & darkness
Starless and Bible Black (as Stan Tracey Quartet)stars
Tracy, AnnieClothes Are So Obnoxiousnudity
TrafficJohn Barleycornresurrection
The Low Spark of High Heeled Boysobsolete things
Mozambiquethe Commonwealth
No Face, No Name and No Numberanonymity
Paper Sunmade you fall in love with music
Traffic ExperimentOnce More with Feelingstuck or trapped
Tragically HipGus: The Polar Bear From Central Parkbears
Trainor, MeghanAll About That Basssongs that capture the zeitgeist
Trans-Siberian OrchestraChristmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24featuring bells
Traoré, RokiaChâteau de Sable castles
Né So (Home)migrants & refugees
Trashcan SinatrasBest Days on Earthcontentment
Circling the Circumferenceintelligence
Obscurity Knocksfractions & portions
TrashmenSurfin’ Birdten words or fewer
Traum, Happy & ArtieLove Song to a Girl in an Old Photophotographs
Traveling WilburysEnd of the Linecollaborations & side projects
End of the Linehope & resilience
Handle with Caresupergroups
TravisFlowers in the Windowbirdsong
Treacherous OrchestraSuperflydance instrumentals
Trebunia Family BandDon’t Betray Me (with Twinkle Brothers)treachery & betrayal
Streets of DerryIreland
Trembling BellsSeptember Is the Month of DeathSeptember
Trembling Blue StarsAll Our Tomorrowstomorrow
Never Loved You Morenever
TremeloesSilence Is Goldengold
Trenet, CharlesLa Merwater
Une noixnuts & edible seeds
TrewsPeople of the Deerfrozen north
Tribe 8Wrong Bathroomawkwardness
TrickyBlack Coffeesleep & insomnia
Black Steelcovers better than the original
Hell Is Round the Cornerinterlopers
PumpkinSeptember & October
Suffocated Lovejealousy
Suffocated Lovebreathing
Tricky Kidself-referential songs
TricotThe Danger of Not Mixing (混ぜるな危険)COVID-19 lockdown
TriffidsA Trick of the Lightnostalgia
Bury Me Deep in Lovestart with the chorus
Chicken Killerpoultry
Estuary BedAustralia
Hometown Farewell Kissrevenge
Jerdacuttup Manunusual narrators
Lonely Stretchwilderness
Tarrilup Bridgehammer & mallet instruments
Tender Is the Night (The Long Fidelity)striking album endings
Too Hot to Move, Too Hot to Thinkheat
Wide Open Roadpaths & roads
Trio ChemiraniYazdahsongs by trios
Trio MatamorosGuajira Ven a Gozarsongs by trios
Lágrimas Negrasgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Tritt, TravisModern Day Bonnie and Clydehitchhiking
TriumphI Live for the Weekendanticipation
TriumphsWe Don’t Love Enoughshame
TriumviratSpartacusRoman Empire
TroggsDust Bowlwastelands
I Can’t Control Myselfcontrol
Trombone ShortyHurricane Seasonstorms
Trouble FunkDrop the Bombcall and response
Trower, RobinDay of the Eagleraptors
Troy, DorisJust One Lookbrevity
Truffaz, ErikDoni Doni (as Erik Truffaz Quartet ft Rokia Traoré)tautonyms
The Walk of the Giant Turtle (as Erik Truffaz Quartet)reptiles
Trunk, JonnyThe Ladies’ Bras (with Wisbey)underwear
Tsujimoto, YoshimiKimigayo (with Kou Kakinohara & Chie Hanawa)national anthems
TubesWhat Do You Want from Life?ambition
Tubeway ArmyAre ‘Friends’ Electric?friendship
Down in the Parkmachines, robots & computers
Tucker, MoeLazyanti-work songs
That’s Badausterity
Tucker, SophieLife Begins at Fortystarting over
TulkuOrca Songcetaceans
Tumor CircusTurn Off the Respiratordecisive songs
Tune WeaversHappy, Happy Birthday Babyanniversaries
TungtvannLangrennwinter sports
TunngBulletsblessings & curses
Jenny Againknives
Tunstall, KTSuddenly I Seemagazines
Tuoya, WulanPlastic Flowerplastic
TurbonegroAre You Ready (for Some Darkness)touch
Denim Demonfabrics
Hobbit Motherfuckersmisanthropic songs
Turin BrakesBlue Hoursunsets & twilight
Ether Songhidden tracks
Turner, Big JoeThe Chicken and the Hawkbirds
Flip, Flop and Flyalliteration
Lipstick, Powder and Paintmakeup
Shake, Rattle and Roll (with his Blues Kings)innuendo
Turner, FrankBe More Kindgentleness
Eulogywithout a chorus
Father’s Daybroken promises
I Still Believesongwriting
The Roadcompass points
Tattoostattoos & piercings
Wessex BoyEngland
Turner, Ike & TinaThe Argumentarguments #2
Nutbush City Limitsfunk
Proud Marywheels
Turner, RubyMy Intuition Tells Mesixth sense
Stay with Me Babysongs that build
Turner, TinaPrivate Dancerprostitution
What’s Love Got to Do with Itcomeback songs
Turquoise53 Summer Streetaddresses
Turrentine, StanleyEasy Walkerrelaxation & leisure
TurtlesChicken Little Was Rightprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Elenoregreat backing vocals
Happy Togethereuphoria
I’m Chief Kamanawanalea (We’re The Royal Macadamia Nuts)nuts & edible seeds
TuxedomoonIn a Manner of Speakingout-of-tune songs
TV on the RadioFamily Treeshadows
Provincedevoted love
Twain, ShaniaBlack Eyes, Blue Tearsstarting over
From This Moment Ondecisive songs
Man! I Feel Like a Woman!being a man or a woman
Tweedy, JeffSimple Twist of Fatefate & destiny
TweetOops (Oh My!) (with Missy Elliott)sexy songs
Twice as MuchColdest Night of the Year (with Vashti Bunyan)featuring bells
Twilight HotelViva la Vinylhearing, choosing & playing records
Twilight SadI Became a Prostitute (Acoustic)prostitution
That Summer, At Home I Had Become the Invisible Boythe invisible
Twilight SingersThe Conversationeavesdropping
TwinkleTerrymale names
Twinkle BrothersDon’t Betray Me (with Trebunia Family Band)treachery & betrayal
Two Door Cinema ClubBeaconlighthouses & guiding lights
Two Kings in a CipherDefinition of a Kingfractions & portions
Two Lone SwordsmenIt’s Not the Worst (Lali Puna Remix)underrated artists
Tyler, BonnieLost in Franceloss
Tyler, JaeExercisebodily motion & exercise
Tyler, T. TexasScratch and Itchitching & scratching
Tyler, the CreatorBoredom (ft Rex Orange County & Anna of the North)boring & dull
Come On, Let’s Go (with Nigo)punctuality
Yonkersmisanthropic songs
Type O NegativeBlack No. 1black
Tyrannosaurus Rex (see T. Rex)
TzantChoose Life (as PF Project)promises & choices