A-Z by Artist – Symbols, Numerals & A

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with symbols, numerals or A. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
!!!Dancing Is the Best Revengeresilience
Even When the Water’s Coldrefreshment & cooling down
Me and Giuliani Down by the Schoolyard (A True Story)politicians
Pardon My Freedomfreedom
? and the Mysterians96 Tearscrying
µ-Ziq (see Mu Ziq)
1 Giant LeapBraided Hair (ft Speech & Neneh Cherry)knots & ties
The Way You Dream (ft Michael Stipe, Whirimako Black & Asha Bhosle)unlikely collaborations
2CellosThunderstrucksongs that build
Whole Lotta Love / Symphony No. 5cello
3 Mustaphas 3Taxi Driver (I Don’t Care) / Benga Taxitaxis
3rd Line ButterflySmoke Hot Coffee Refillcoffee
Today, the Day of Separationscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
4heroLes Fleurmixtape closers
Loveless (ft Ursula Rucker)end of the world
5th DimensionPuppet Manpuppets
Up – Up and Awaynotable key changes
10ccDreadlock Holidaythe Commonwealth
Headline Hustlerjournalism & the news
I’m Mandy, Fly Megripping or intriguing narrative
I’m Not in Lovegreat backing vocals
Old Wild Menold age
The Sacro-Iliacjoints of the body
The Wall Street Shufflebanks & banking
The Worst Band in the Worldironic songs
12 Ton MethodCrucify Memusically adventurous
13th Floor ElevatorsKingdom of Heavenparadise
Reverberation (Doubt)psychedelia
You’re Gonna Miss Memissing someone
17 HippiesEl Doradotreasure
The Moving Songmoving on
‘22’Early in the Mornin’ (with Alan Lomax, Little Red, Tangle Eye & Hard Hair)odd noises & instruments
22-PistepirkkoBirdystop-start songs
Broken Toystoys
Coffee Girlcoffee
23 SkidooKundaliniraise the heartrate
Last Wordschoosing & using words
24-Carat Black24-Carat Black (Theme)black
40mPEye Examination (ft GUMI)eyewear
45 AdaptersVinyl Fetishistshearing, choosing & playing records
45 KingThe 900 Numbernumbers
100 Proof (Aged in Soul)Don’t Scratch Where It Don’t Itchitching & scratching
801TNK (Tomorrow Never Knows)Beatles covers
808 StatePacific 202dance instrumentals
10,000 ManiacsAmong the Americansfallen heroes
Cherry Treeeureka moments
The Colonial Wingmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Eat for Twomothers
Hey Jack Kerouactribute songs
Hey Jack Kerouacwriting
The Latin Onegases
Like the Weatherbeds
My Sister Rosebrothers & sisters
Peace Traincommunity
Planned Obsolescencescience
Poison in the Wellwells
Verdi Criesholidays
What’s the Matter Here?surveillance
You Happy Puppetpuppets
A CampBear on the Beachbears
Elephantelephants & mammoths
A Certain RatioKnife Slits Waterknives
Mickey Waybig and meaty
A Guy Called GeraldEscapeescape
Voodoo RayHalloween
a-haThe Sun Always Shines on T.V.television
Take On Meshyness
A House13 Wonderful Love Songssongs about love songs
Endless Artchicken and egg
A Place to Bury StrangersBrokenbreaking things
A Sunny Day in GlasgowIn Love with Useless (The Timeless Geometry in the Tradition of Passing)provocative, strange or humorous titles
A Taste of HoneyBoogie Oogie Oogietautonyms
A Tribe Called QuestCheck the Rhimeconversations
Ham ‘n’ Eggsmeals & mealtimes
I Left My Wallet in El Segundotravelling
Rhythm (Devoted to the Art of Moving Butts)rhythm, beat & boogie
Scenariosongs with special guests
Show Businessanti-work songs
A Winged Victory for the SullenRequiem for the Static Kingkings
AbajiTrance Eastern Blueshomelessness
ABBADancing Queenstart with the chorus
The Day Before You Camebeing alone
The Name of the Gamefalling in love
Ring Ringtautonyms
S.O.S.electronic music to 1983
Thank You for the Musicgratitude
The Visitorslaw enforcement
The Visitorsbeing scared
Waterloo19th century life
When All Is Said and Doneautumn
When All Is Said and Doneold age
The Winner Takes It Allpathos
ABCAll of My Heartthe heart
How to Be a Millionairemoney
Poison Arrowpoison
Abel, ZakSame Boat (with Sheku Kanneh-Mason)cello
AberfeldyHeliopolis by Nightbright and beautiful

Love Is an Arrowsongs that say what love is
Vegetarian Restaurantrestaurants & cafes
Abney ParkBreathebreathing
Herr Drosselmeyer’s Dollmachinery, industry & technology
AbsenteeWe Should Never Have Childrenchildren performing
Abyssinian Baptist Gospel ChoirSaid I Wasn’t Gonna Tell Nobodyhandclaps
AbyssiniansDeclaration of Rightsformal agreements
Poor Jason Whyteclose calls
Satta Massaganamultilingual songs
AC/DCBack in Blackrecovery
Big Ballswhimsical songs
Can I Sit Next to You Girlseduction
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheapalliteration
For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)physical gestures
Hell’s Bellsheaven & hell
Highway to Hellthe afterlife
It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock ’n’ Roll)long titles
Let There Be Rockminimalist songs
Night Prowlerfollowing & chasing
Ride Onmelancholy songs
Stiff Upper Lipspirit of 2021
Whole Lotta Rosievolume
Whole Lotta Rosiebeing fat
You Shook Me All Night Longone night stands
Ace, JohnnyPledging My Loveeverlasting love
AceyaloneThe Facesfaces
Acid GalleryDance Round the Maypolemonths of the year
Ackamoor, Idris & the PyramidsTinoge Ya Ta’a Ba, Parts 1 and 2expressing movement of walking
Ackles, DavidThe Road to Cairochange of mind
Acoustic GuitarsHidden Wellwells
!Action Pact!Blue Bloodroyalty
Human Beingsmisunderstanding
Peoplesocial mobility
ActressGood Job with Prospectsalternative outcomes
Adam and the AntsAntmusicself-referential songs
Kings of the Wild Frontierroyalty
Stand and Deliversmuggling & stealing
Adam F.The Tree Knows Everything (ft Tracey Thorn)trees
Adams, BryanSummer of ’69coming of age
Adams, JohnShort Ride in a Fast Machineensembles, big bands & orchestras
Adams, RyanStarlite Dineranticipation
Sylvia Plathhistorical figures
Adams, Steven JamesGet Over Yourselfwords of wisdom
Adamson, BarryBlack Amourblack
Cinematic Soulchildren performing
Something Wicked This Way Comesbooks
Add N to (X)Metal Fingers in My Bodysci-fi & space
Adderley, CannonballCapricornstar signs
Matchmaker, Matchmakerbrothers & sisters
Scotch and Watercocktails & spirits
Adé, King SunnyJa Funmigreat drumming
The Messagedance instrumentals
Adebambo, JeanParadiseslow, sexy love songs
AdeleMake You Feel My Loveeverlasting love
Rolling in the Deepdisappointment
AdemThese Lights Are Meaningfulstar signs
AdictsBlack Sheepblack
AdjágasMun ja munwordless vocals
Adkins, HasilChicken Walkpoultry
Adler, LarryGenevieve Waltzharmonica
Adult NetWaking Up in the Sunthe sun
AdultchildStairway of Dreams (The Stair)ascension
AdvertsBored Teenagersadolescence
Gary Gilmore’s Eyesfamous people
Great British Mistakebad decisions
One Chord Wondersthe number one
Advisory CircleMind How You Gosafety & danger
AerosmithEat the Richausterity
Janie’s Got a Gunshooting
Sweet Emotionbest bass lines
Walk This Way (with Run-D.M.C.)collaborations & side projects
AerovonsResurrectionsound like other songs
Aesop RockLong-Legged Larryamphibians
Afghan Whigs66flirting
Somethin’ Hotheat #2
What Jail Is Likestuck or trapped
African Head ChargeLanguage and Mentalitythe brain
Microdosingrecreational drugs
Somebody I Touchtouch
African Tribal OrchestraThe Desert of Namibiawide open spaces
Afro Celt Sound SystemRelease (ft Sinéad O’Connor)Gaelic songs
AfronaughtTranscend Meraise the heartrate
Afu-RaMortal Kombat (ft Masta Killa)fighting
Age of ChanceWho’s Afraid of the Big Bad Noise?noise
ahbez – edenFull Moongentleness
Ahmed – KamalI Am Very Sorry (ft Noor Jehan)apologies
AimOriginal Stuntmastersafety & danger
AirAlone in KyotoAsia
Electronic Performersmachines, robots & computers
Kelly Watch the Stars (Remix Par Moog Cookbook)sci-fi & space
La Femme d’argentopening album tracks
Playground Loveadolescence
Sexy Boysynth pop 1980-2000
Air Traffic ControllerThe Housefamily
Airborne Toxic EventSometime Around Midnightwithout a chorus
Aislers SetBalloon Song‘high’ songs
Hit the Snowpaths & roads
AkalaComedy Tragedy HistoryShakespeare
AKB48Halloween Nighttime travel
Riverborders, barriers, walls & fences
AkiakaneLast Flightfutility
Akiyoshi, Toshiko (see Toshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big Band)
AkonLocked Upprisons
Al Qadiri, FatimaDesert Strikeshooting
Alabama 3Ain’t Goin’ to Goafads & crazes
Have You Seen Bruce Richard Reynolds?smuggling & stealing
How Can I Protect You?asking, begging & pleading
Mao Tse Tung Saidpropaganda
Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix)guns
Alabama ShakesDon’t Wanna Fightcompromise
I Found Youdiscovery
Alan Parsons ProjectDon’t Let It Showdeceptive appearances
I Robotartificial intelligence
Alaska y DinaramaNi Tú ni NadieSpain
Alberstein, ChavaChad Gadyapeace
Albertine, VivHome Sweet Home (…At Christmas)reunions
Albinoni, TomasoAdagio in G minororgan
Albion Country BandVan Dieman’s Land (with Shirley Collins)islands
Aldridge, Jimmy & Sid GoldsmithReedcutter’s Daughterdrone music
AlestormMagnetic Northcompass points
Alexander, HaroldMama Soulinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Alexander BrothersNobody’s Childworst songs
Alexandria, LorezBaltimore Oriolebirds
Alexandrov Ensemble ChoirKalinkaRussia
Alice Cooper (see Cooper, Alice)
Alice DonutCome Up with Your Hands Outcoffee
Cow’s Placenta to Armageddondiscovery
Green Pea Souphorror-inspired songs
The Son of a Disgruntled X-Postal Worker Reflects on His Life While Getting Stoned in the Parking Lot of a Winn Dixie Listening to Metallicadoom
Alice in ChainsDown in a Holeholes
AliensI Am the Unknownunexplained phenomena
AlkaholiksOnly When I’m Drunkdrinking
All About EveMartha’s Harbourthe sea
All SaintsBlack Coffeeincidental music
Pure Shoresgirl groups
All Seeing IWalk Like a Panther (ft Tony Christie)mammals
Walk Like a Panther (ft Tony Christie)cats
All Shall PerishWage Slavesleft wing politics
Allan, JohnniePromised Landaccordion
Allegri, GregorioMisererespiritual songs
Allen, Geri Philly Joe (with Timeline)finger snaps & toe taps
Allen, LilyAlfieunemployment
Cheryl TweedyB sides
Chinesecoming home
The Feareffects of fame
Allen, TonyBoat Journeyobstacles
Moving Onmoving on
N.E.P.A. (Never Expect Power Always) (with Afrobeat 2000)never
No Discrimination (with the Afro Messengers)ensembles, big bands & orchestras
Secret Agentmistaken identity
Allin, GGI Wanna Fuck Myselfnarcissism
Allison, LutherCherry Red Winewine
Allison, MoseParchman Farmprisons
Your Mind Is On Vacationinsulting songs
Your Molecular Structuresmall things
Allman, GreggI’m No Angelskin
Allman, SheldonCrawl Out Through the Falloutapocalypse
Allman Brothers BandAin’t Wastin’ Time No Moremusic for funerals
Midnight Ridermotorbikes
Wasted Wordsarguments #2
Whipping Postsimiles
Almond, MarcAutumnRussia
Something’s Gotten Hold of My Heart (ft Gene Pitney)comeback songs
Undress Meseduction
What Makes a Man a Manhomosexuality
AloofOne Night Standone night stands
Alpert, Herb & the Tijuana BrassA Taste of Honeystop-start songs
This Guy’s in Love with Youindirect messages
AlphavilleForever Youngyouthfulness
Alphonso, RolandDr. Ring-Ding (with the Soul Brothers)doctors
“❦” (Interlude 1) (The Ripe & Ruin)nine
Alter BridgeSlip to the Voidholes
Altered ImagesDead Pop Starsmusic industry
Happy Birthdaybirthdays
I Could Be Happyoptimistic songs
Alternative TVLet’s Sleep Nowadult lullabies
Althea & DonnaUptown Top Rankingfashion
AlzheimerVaporum Purpurosongs with sudden changes
Amechi, Steven & his Empire Rhythm SkiesNylon Skiesfabrics
Amadou & MiriamBeaux dimanchesthe weekend
Bozos3/4 time
Je pense à toisongs in French
La Realitéalarm sounds
Sénégal Fast Foodclose harmony singing
Taxi Bamakotaxis
Amazing Broken ManNew Year Sonnew year songs
Ambrose & his OrchestraThe Clouds Will Soon Roll By (ft Elsie Carlisle)hope
AmeebaIllo (ft Mattip & Pijall)from Nordic countries
Amen Corner(If Paradise Is) Half as Niceperfection
AmericaA Horse with No Namewilderness
Ventura Highwaydriving songs
American Analog SetPunk as Fuckmisleading or incongruous titles
American Music ClubJohnny Mathis’ Feeteffects of fame
Myopic Booksliterary songs
Outside This Barpubs & bars
Royal Caférestaurants & cafes
Amidon, SamHow Come That Bloodblood
Ammons, AlbertSwanee River Boogiegreat keyboards
Ammons, GeneWhen Your Hair Has Turned to Silverhair
Amon AmarthHermod’s Ride to Hel – Lokes Treachery Part Ifantasy
Amon Düül IIA Short Stop at the Transylvanian Brain-Surgeryprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Archangels Thunderbirdstartling songs
Ludwig19th century life
Pig Manfour-legged livestock
Amorphous StrumsTeddy Bear (with Vic Chesnutt & Elf Power)toys
Amos, ToriCrucifyembarrassment
Little Earthquakessmall things
Playboy Mommymagazines
The Power of Orange Knickersfashion
Yes, Anastasiahistorical figures
Anaal NathrakhHuman, All Too Fucking Humanmisanthropic songs
I Wish I Could Vomit Blood on You… …Peopleblood
Analog Players SocietyMoula (ft Missia Saran Dioubate & Famoro Dioubate)hammer & mallet instruments
And What Will Be Left of Them?Filthy Little Christmasfeaturing bells
…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of DeadMonsoonnatural disasters
Spiral Jettyworks of art
Worlds ApartSeptember 11 attacks
Andersen, MattOne Size Never Fitsstereotypes
Anderson, CarleenMama Said (K-Klassic Mix)wolves
Anderson, ErnestineKeep an Eye on Loveeyes & sight
Anderson, IanThe Secret Language of Birdsstaying
Anderson, LaurieBeautiful Pea Green Boatnursery rhymes
Big Sciencesongs with talking
Blue Lagoonquoting Shakespeare
Dance of Electricityelectricity
Gravity’s Angelbooks #2
O Superman (For Massenet)spoken word
O Superman (For Massenet)aliens
Smoke Ringscircles
Statue of Libertyworks of art
Anderson, LeroyThe Typewriterwhimsical songs
Anderson, LynnRose Gardentrees, grass & flowers
Anderson, MarianErbarme dich, mein Gott (composed by J. S. Bach)songs that give you goosebumps
Anderson, RaySputniks and Mutniks (with the Home Folks)space travel
Anderson, VickiI Want to Be in the Land of Milk and Honeypeace
Andión, PatxiUna Dos y Tresmarkets & fairs
Ando, UmekoIuta UpopoJapan
Andrew Jackson JihadZombie by the Cranberries by Andrew Jackson Jihadkindness
Andrew Oldham OrchestraThe Last Timelesser known originals
Andrews, BarryRossmore Roadaddresses
Andrews, HarveyHey! Sandysongs that capture the zeitgeist
Andrews SistersBoogie Woogie Bugle Boy (with Vic Shoen & his Orchestra)army
South America, Take It Away (with Bing Crosby)spine & neck
Strip Polka (with Vic Shoen & his Orchestra)nudity
Andy, HoraceHorse with No Namedeserts
Materialistreckless consumption 
Money Moneymoney
Mr. BassieMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Skylarking Dubgreat album or mixtape openers
Angel, RonChemical Worker’s Songsafety & danger
AngèleJe veux tes yeuxeyes
Angelic UpstartsGhost TownNorth East England
I Understandinfluenced by reggae
I’m an Upstartgreat riffs
Murder of Liddle Towersanger
AngelicaYou Fake It/You Make Itauthenticity & fakery
Angelou, MayaI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (with Buckshot LeFonque)empathy
Still I Riseresilience
AnglosIncenseheat #2
Animal CollectiveBeesinsects
My Girlsambition
My Girlsfathers and daughters
No More Runnin’running
Animal MagnetWelcome to the Monkey Housemonkeys & apes
AnimalsGonna Send You Back to Walkernorthern England
Gratefully Deadthe afterlife
The House of the Rising Sunadvice
Inside-Looking Outredemption
It’s My Lifesingle-mindedness
San Franciscan Nightssaints & martyrs
We Gotta Get Out of This Placerallying cries
Animals That SwimBed Islandsingle-mindedness
How to Make a Chandelierglass
Ann MargretIt’s a Nice World to Visit (But Not to Live In)long titles
AnnieHeartbeatthe heart
Anohni (see also Antony and the Johnsons)Crisiscrisis
Drone Bomb MeSeptember 11 attacks
AnonymousWe Are Legionanonymity
Anorak GirlAnorak Girlsnerds & geeks
Billie’s Joined the Fan Clubcommunity
Another Sunny DayI’m in Love with a Girl Who Doesn’t Know I Existunrequited love
Antena, IsabelleLe Poisson des mers du sudflavour
Anthony, Ray & his OrchestraRock Around the Rockpile (ft Jayne Mansfield)alarm sounds
AnthraxBring the Noise (with Public Enemy & Ice T)noise
Onlyone word titles
Anti-FlagOne People, One Strugglethe number one
Anti-Nowhere LeagueI Hate…Peoplemisanthropic songs
AntisectEducation or Indoctrinationpropaganda
Antony and the JohnsonsThe Cripple and the Starfishchannelling pain
Fistful of Lovesecret vices
For Today I Am a Boyuncertainty
Hope There’s Someonesongs that make you cry
Aoife (see Fhearraigh, Aoife Ní
Apaka, AlfredAloha ’Oelong-distance relationships
Lovely Hula Handsphysical gestures
Aphex TwinAnalogue Bubblebathdebut songs
Come to Daddyfathers
Didgeridoomusical instruments
FlimWelsh songs
Goon Gumpasshort songs
Gwely Mernansunsettling songs
imixtape closers
Polygon Window (as Polygon Window)windows
Aphrodite’s ChildThe Four Horsemenbiblical songs
The Four Horsemenprophets
Apple, FionaAcross the UniverseBeatles covers
Fetch the Boltcuttershardware
Heavy Balloonresilience
I Want Youcovers by the opposite sex
Under the Tablesingle-mindedness
Windowbreaking things
AquaBarbie Girlfrom Nordic countries
AqualungStrange & Beautiful (I’ll Put a Spell on You)adult lullabies
A.R. KaneA Love from Outer Spacebirthdays
Arab Strap(Afternoon) Soapstelevision
The First Big WeekendFriday & Saturday
I Work in a Saloonpubs & bars
I Would’ve Liked Me a Lot Last Nightlast night
Love Detectivespying
New Birdsdecisive songs
The Shy Retirerhedonism
The Turning of Our Boneszombies
Arcade FireHalf Light Isunsets & twilight
Neighborhood #2 (Laïka)oddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)children
No Cars Gosongs with vim
Wake Uprallying cries
ArcángelDame Limonesfruit
Humeaban las Chozashomelessness
ArcesiaButterfly Mindworst songs
Archer, TasminSleeping Satelliterare events
ArchiesSugar, Sugartautonyms
Arco IrisCanción de Cuna Para el Niño Astronautaspace
Arctic MonkeysBrianstorminsulting songs
Dancing Shoes (with Rhythms del Mundo)footwear
From the Ritz to the Rubblenightclubs
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloorflirting
I Want It Allgreed
Knee Socksunderwear
My Propellerspinning
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secureddialogue
Riot Vanlaw enforcement
The View from the Afternoonanticipation
When the Sun Goes Downprostitution
Who the Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?self-referential songs
Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?asking, begging & pleading
A.R.E. WeaponsHeadbanger Facefaces
ArgentHold Your Head Upconfidence
Arie, IndiaBrown Skinskin
I Am Not My Hair (ft Akon)hair
There’s Hopehope
Wings of Forgivenessforgiveness
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti (see Pink, Ariel)
Armatrading, JoanAll the Way from Americatelephones
Bottom to the Topoverturning the odds
Eating the Bearprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Empty Highwaywide open spaces
Head of the Tableleadership
Love and Affectionarresting opening lines
Mama Papaislands
No Loveindirect messages
The Weakness in Meuncertainty
The Weakness in Mesecrets & secrecy
Your Letterreading
Armstrong, LouisBasin Street Bluesroads & streets
The Beat Generationfads & crazes
Cain and Abelfamous or notable duos
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New OrleansUS cities & states
Go Down Moses (with the All Stars)prophets
I’m Putting All My Eggs in One Basket (with Ella Fitzgerald)eggs
Jeepers Creepersasking, begging & pleading
Just a Closer Walk with Thee (with Mahalia Jackson)from New Orleans
La Vie en rosepink
Moonlight in Vermont (with Ella Fitzgerald)New England
Muskrat Ramble (with his Hot Five)rodents
On the Sunny Side of the Streethope & resilience
Potato Head Blues (with his Hot Seven)vegetables
The Real Ambassador (with Dave Brubeck, and Lambert, Hendricks & Ross)pioneers
St. James Infirmaryhospitals
St. Louis Bluessaints & martyrs
Stardustgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Struttin’ with Some Barbecue (with his Hot Five)without percussion
Swing Low Sweet Chariotspiritual songs
They All Laughed (with Ella Fitzgerald)laughter
Tiger Raganimals
Tiger Ragtigers
Under a Blanket of Blue (with Ella Fitzgerald)blue
We Have All the Time in the Worldrelaxation & leisure
What a Wonderful Worldmiracles
Army of LoversThe Particle Songsmall things
Arnalds, ÓlafurHimininn er að hrynja en stjörnurnar fara þér velremembrance songs
Arnold, KokomoSister Jane Cross the Hallbrothers & sisters
Arnold, P. P.Angel of the Morningone night stands
The First Cut Is the Deepestchannelling pain
AronChupaLlama in My Living Room (ft Little Sis Nora)four-legged livestock
Arrested DevelopmentTennesseesearching & seeking
Arrogant WormsCarrot Juice Is Murderfarm produce
Power Washerhardware
ArrowRhumba Againthe Caribbean
Art BrutAwkward Breakfastawkwardness
DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshakenerds & geeks
Emily Kaneestimates of distance & time
Formed a Bandself-referential songs
Art Ensemble of ChicagoTheme de Yoyodiscordant songs
Art of NoiseMoments in Love (Beaten)1980s 12” singles
Artful DodgerRewind (ft Craig David)reversing
Arthur, JosephBed of Nailssharp objects
Artistik, Mik (see Mik Artistik’s Ego Trip)
Artists United Against ApartheidSun Cityscandal
Artman, GilbertCanal Music in Venice 1981 (with Urban Sax)songs by buskers
AṣaJailerstick it to the man
AshGirl from Marsspace
Girl from Marsaliens
Kung Fuhobbies
Ashby, DorothyWhy Did You Leave Meharps, lyres & zithers
Ashcroft, CatherineTáimse im’ Chodladh / King of the Pipers (with Maurice Dickson)Gaelic songs
Ashton, Gardner and DykeThe Resurrection Shufflechicken and egg
Asian Dub FoundationFree Satpal Ramscandal
Memory Warmemory
New Way New Lifeinspired by India
Askew, EdThe Gardengardens
Askill, MichaelHow the Stars Were Madestars
Asobi SeksuRed Seared
AssemblyNever Nevernever
AssociatesThe Affectionate Punchbody language
Breakfastmeals & mealtimes
Club Countryenergizing songs
Party Fears Twoparties & going out
White Car in Germanyplaces in Europe
AssociationAlong Comes Marymarijuana
Birthday Morningbirthdays
Rose Petals, Incense and a Kittenroses
Windynicknames & pseudonyms
Astaire, FredCheek to Cheekgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off (with Ginger Rogers)vegetables
Puttin’ On the Ritzwealth
The Way You Look Tonightcrooners
Astatke, MulatuYèkatitmonths of the year
Astley, VirginiaFrom Gardens Where We Feel Securealarm sounds
Futilityremembrance songs
Over the Edge of the Worldhorizons
AswadBack to Africaregressing & reversing
Warrior Chargebravery
At Swim Two BirdsIn Bed with Your Best Friendwithout a chorus
At the Drive-InOne Armed Scissoraliens
Ataca PacaCaja de Manzanassongs by buskers
Atari Teenage RiotATRteenagers
AthleteWiresoverturning the odds
Atkin, PeteBeware of the Beautiful Strangerfortune tellers
Carnations on the Roofiron & steel
Atkins, ChetYakety Axe (with Mark Knopfler)guitars
Atlas, NatachaMano Suave (with Yasmin Levy)hands
One Brief Momentbrevity
Atlas SoundNew Year’s Daynew year songs
My Lady Got Two Mentwo – part 1
The Waitress (ft Tom Waits)regrets
The Woman with the Tattooed Handstattoos & piercings
Yourestaurants & cafes
Atoms for PeaceJudge, Jury and Executionerjudges & trials
Attila the StockbrokerContributory Negligencehitchhiking
Atwell, BessCo-opdistractions & diversions
Atwell, WinifredThe Black and White Ragdance instrumentals
Atzmon, Gilad & the Orient House EnsembleDal’ouna on the Returnhomelessness
Jeninhistorical events
Au PairsDietspring cleaning & household chores
Headache for Michellesurveillance
It’s Obviousfeminism
We’re So CoolBirmingham & the Black Country
Auden, W. H.Night Mail (composed by Benjamin Britten, narrated by John Grierson)Britain
AudreysSmall Thingsdiscovery
AuroraMurder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)patterns & sequences
AuteursAfter Murder Parkcello
Junk Shop Clothesclothes
The Rubettesnostalgia
AvalanchesBecause I’m Metrombone
Frontier Psychiatristodd noises & instruments
Since I Left Youupbeat break-up
Thank You Carolineplease & thank you
Avalon, FrankieVenusmyths & legends
AvatariumPandora’s Eggchicken and egg
AventuraObsesión (ft Judy Santos)songs in Spanish
Average White BandLet’s Go Round Againtime travel
Work to Domultitasking & being busy
Avett BrothersThe Perfect Spaceplatonic love
Ten Thousand Wordsthinking
Awasthi, SapnaChaiyya Chaiyya (with Sukhwinder Singh)recorded for movies
Axis of AwesomeRage of Throneslibraries
Settlers of Catanboard games
Ayers, KevinAll This Crazy Gift of Timepassage of time
The Clarietta Ragsound like other songs
The Confessions of Doctor Dream, Part 1: Irreversible Neural Damagehats
The Confessions of Doctor Dream, Part 1: Irreversible Neural Damagereversing
Eleanor’s Cake (Which Ate Her)bread & baking
Ghost Trainfairgrounds
Girl on a Swinghanging
It Begins with a Blessingblessings & curses
The Lady Rachelstairs, ladders & elevators
May I?seduction
Song from the Bottom of a Wellwells
Stranger in Blue Suede Shoesmarijuana
Ayers, RoyEverybody Loves the Sunshine (as Roy Ayers Ubiquity)summer
Running Away (as Roy Ayers Ubiquity)running
Ayler, AlbertNew Generationeuphoria
Aznavour, CharlesAu voleursmuggling & stealing
Azpiazú, Don & the Havana Casino OrchestraEl Manisero (The Peanut Vendor)waking up
El Manisero (The Peanut Vendor)nuts & edible seeds
Aztec CameraGood Morning BritainBritain
Knifesharp objects
AzymuthLinha do Horizontehorizons