A-Z by Artist – S

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with S. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
SabatonPrimo VictoriaD-Day
Shiroyamaold and new
SabbatHosanna in Excelsisarmy
Sabina, JoaquínEl Caso de la Rubia Platinodetectives
La del Pirata Cojopirates
Sabres of ParadiseJacob Street 7ammorning
Smooth Operatorcoolness
The Sweetest Tabooslow, sexy love songs
Your Love Is Kingsongs that say what love is
Sagan, CarlA Glorious Dawn (with Stephen Hawking & John D. Boswell)eureka moments
SagittariusMy World Fell Downcrisis
SailorGirls, Girls, Girlsretro style
Private Eyedetectives
Saint EtienneFinisterreurban environment
He’s on the Phone (ft Étienne Daho)telephones
I Was Born on Christmas Dayalternative Christmas songs
London Belongs to MeLondon
Mario’s Cafétimes of day
Nothing Can Stop Usanticipation
Only Love Can Break Your Heartcovers better than the original
Over the Bordermade you fall in love with music
Sweet Arcadiafixing & repairing
Teenage Winterchange
You’re in a Bad Waysongs to start the morning
Saint-Saëns, CamilleDanse macabrebones
Le Coucou au fond des bois (from Carnival of the Animals)birdsong
Le Rossignol et la Rosenightingales & thrushes
The Swan (performed by Clara Rockmore)electronic music to 1983
Saint VitusSaint Vitussaints & martyrs
Sainte-Marie, BuffyThe Big Ones Get Awayrefusal
Bury My Heart at Wounded Kneescandal
Disinformationchance & coincidence
Eagle Man / Changing Womanraptors
God Is Alive, Magic Is Afootmagic
Qu’appelle Valley, SaskatchewanCanada
Sweet September MorningSeptember
Up Where We Belong‘high’ songs
SaintsDo the Robothidden tracks
(I’m) Strandedraise the heartrate
Know Your Productopening album tracks
This Perfect Dayperfection
Sakamoto, KyuSukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukō)Japan
Sakamoto, Ryuichi20210310lower the heartrate
Forbidden Colours (with David Sylvian)books
Okinawa Song – Chin Nuku JuushiiAsian cities
Salty SeamenI Shit My Pantsimmaturity
Salvant, Cécile McLorinEst-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent?crooners
Sam & DaveHold On, I’m Cominggreat drumming
I Thank Youinfluenced by gospel
Soul Sister, Brown Sugarsisters
Sam the Sham & the PharaohsThe Cockfightpoultry
Li’l Red Riding Hoodfollowing & chasing
Wooly Bullyfour-legged livestock
SamarisGóða tunglwindows
I Willhigh-pitched vocals
SamingadMythextraordinary vocals
Sánchez, ChalinoLos Chismessongs in Spanish
Sanders, PharoahAstral Travellingspace travel
The Creator Has a Master Plan (with Leon Thomas)optimistic songs
Prince of Peacefeaturing bells
Promises: Movement 1 (with Floating Points)harpsichord
Sandoval, Hope & the Warm InventionsWild Rosesroses
Sands, EvieAngel of the Morningangels
Sanford Townsend BandSmoke from a Distant Fireadultery & infidelity
Sang, LêPhiên Cho Sông (with Dương Hồng Loan)markets & fairs
Sangaré, OumouFadjamouacceptance
Yere Fagasuicide
SantanaBlack Magic Womanalbum tracks better than the singles
Put Your Lights On! (ft Everlast)warnings
Samba Pa Tigentleness
Smooth (ft Rob Thomas)one word titles
Soul Sacrifice (at Woodstock)outstanding percussion
Santana, CarlosThe Healer (with John Lee Hooker)healing
They All Went to Mexico (with Willie Nelson)Mexico & Central America
SantigoldHigh Priestesspreachers, priests & religious leaders
Santo & JohnnySleep Walksleep & insomnia
Sarandon, SusanOver at the Frankenstein Place (with Barry Bostwick & Richard O’Brien)lighthouses & guiding lights
Sardou, MichelLe Privilègegender & LGBTQ+
Sarne, MikeJust for Kicksbad boys & bad girls
Sarony, LeslieAin’t It Grand to Be Bloomin’ Well Deadhope & resilience
Sarstedt, PeterWhere Do You Go To (My Lovely)?underdogs
Sasaki, EriFuyu Biyoriwide open spaces
Satie, ErikGymnopédie No. 1lower the heartrate
Gymnopédie No. 3three
Véritables préludes flasques (pour un chien)surreal songs
Satriani, JoeSurfing with the Alienaliens
SaultLondon Gangsgangs
Saunders, JaneBanks of the Condamine (with Greg Champion)conversations
Saunders, JesseDub Can’t Turn Around (with Farley “Jackmaster” Funk)1980s 12” singles
Sauti SolBrighter Days (with Soweto Gospel Choir)getting brighter
Savage GardenTwo Beds and a Coffee Machinedecisive songs
Savoy BrownHighway Blueshitchhiking
Saw DoctorsGalway and Mayofamily
The Green and Red of Mayomountains
Red Cortinainnocence
Sing a Powerful Songsurvival
Sawayama, RinaSTFU!acronyms
Sawhney, NitinThe Conferenceconversations
Sunset ft Eska)sunsets & twilight
Waiting (O Mistress Mine)Shakespeare
SaxonAnd the Bands Played Onconcerts
Denim and Leatheryouth cults
Denim and Leathercommunity
Say She SheAstral Planefictional adverts
In My Headillusions
Say Sue MeOne Weekbrevity
ScaffoldLily the Pinkfixing & repairing
Scaggs, BozI Just Goapologies
Scala & Kolacny BrothersNothing Else Matterscovers by the opposite sex
Schifrin, LaloBullittpolice
Mission: Impossiblethe impossible
Shifting Gearsfollowing & chasing
Schmidt, UweDuck Cha-Cha (as Lisa Carbon)birdsong
Schnitzler, ConradElectric Gardenelectronic music to 1983
SchoolI Don’t Believe in Lovedisbelief
Schoolly DGucci Timebrands
Schubert, FranzAn Sylviaquoting Shakespeare
Auf dem Wasser zu singenships & boats
Der Tod und das Mädchenwelcoming
Die liebe Farbe (from Die schöne Müllerin)green
Schulze, KlausFriedrich Nietzschephilosophers
ScientistPlague of Zombiescollective nouns
Scissor SistersTake Your Mamamothers
ScissorfightGranite State DestroyerNew England
Scott, ChristianTwinfavourite live versions
Scott, DarrellThe Man Who Could Have Played Bass for Shananaclose calls
Scott, DylanLiving Roomfurniture
Scott, JillDear Mr. and Mrs. Record Industrymusic industry
Family Reunionfamily
One Is the Magic Numberbeing single
Scott, MikeBuilding the City of Lightdecisive songs
City Full of GhostsIreland
Rare, Precious and Goneupbeat break-up #2
Scott, RaymondPortofinoelectronic music to 1983
Scott-Heron, GilAngel Dust (with Brian Jackson)recreational drugs
“B” Movieactors
“B” Moviegreat opening lines
The Bottle (with Brian Jackson)drinking
Explanationsarguments #2
The Get Out of the Ghetto Bluesfailure
H2Ogate Blues (with Brian Jackson)scandal
Home Is Where the Hatred Ishome
I Think I’ll Call It Morningmorning
Lady Day and John Coltranenicknames & pseudonyms
Madison Avenue (with Brian Jackson)advertising
Offerings (with Brian Jackson)staying
Peace Go with You, Brother (As-Salaam-Alaikum) (with Brian Jackson)blessings & curses
Pieces of a Manpathos
The Revolution Will Not Be Televisedspoken word
The Train from Washingtonbroken promises
We Almost Lost Detroit (with Brian Jackson)close calls
When You Are Who You Areacceptance
Where Did the Night Gomidnight
Whitey on the Moonhistorical events
Winter in America (with Brian Jackson)winter
Work for Peacepeace
ScottySkank in Bed (with Lorna Bennett)beds
Worryunderrated artists
Scouting for GirlsI Wish I Was James Bondwanting to be someone else
Screaming Blue MessiahsSmash the Market Placebanks & banking
Screaming TreesButterflybutterflies & moths
Screeching WeaselThe Science of Mythdisbelief
(She Got) Electroshockedelectricity
Screechy, JahWalk & Skankexpressing movement of walking
Screen 3Red DustHollywood
Scritti PolittiDr. Abernathydoctors
Jacques Derridanamed after men
Perfect Wayfunk
The Sweetest Girlgreat keyboards
Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)bees
The Word Girlinfluenced by reggae
ScruggWill the Real Geraldine Please Stand Up and Be Countedsitting & standing
Scruggs, EarlGround Speedspeed
Scud Mountain BoysCrown of Thornscrowns
Sea Power (previously British See Power)Atomsmall things
Carrionthe sea
Cleaning Out the Roomscleansing
Machineries of Joybodily motion & exercise
Oh Larsen Bcold
Remember Melegacy
Waving Flagsflags
SealFuture Love Paradisespirit of 2021
Seals and CroftsSummer Breezewind
Summer Breezegentleness
Seaman DanSomewhere There’s an Islandparadise
SearchersSweets for My Sweetsweetness
Seasick SteveDiddley Bomaking things
Never Go Westcompass points
Started Out with Nothinchicken and egg
Sebastian, JohnWelcome Backreunions
Secos & MolhadosSangue Latinoandrogynous vocals
SecretShy Boyshyness
Secret Chiefs 3UBIK (as Electromagnetic Azoth)time travel
Secret MachinesAlone, Jealous and Stonedbeing alone
Section 25Sweet Forgivenesssweetness
SeedsCan’t Seem to Make You Minefutility
Mr. Farmerfarm produce
Tripmakerrecreational drugs
Seeger, PeggyDirty Old Town (with Ewan MacColl)Manchester
I’m Gonna Be an Engineerequality
Seeger, PeteIf I Had a Hammerhardware
Jefferson and Libertyelections
Little Boxesgeometric shapes
My Dirty Stream (The Hudson River Song)rivers
SeekersEmerald Cityworst songs
Georgy Girlshyness
I’ll Never Find Another Youinnocence
Isa Leithe Commonwealth
Morningtown Ridedepartures
Segall, TyYou’re the Doctorhonorific titles
Seger, BobFeel Like a Number (with the Silver Bullet Band)anonymity
Hollywood Nights (with the Silver Bullet Band)Hollywood
SelecterOn My Radioradio
Three Minute Heromusic industry
Self EsteemI Do This All the Timefear of missing out
Prioritise Pleasureid, ego & superego
SemisonicClosing Timesongs that aren’t what they seem
Sengo, Mose SeKizolele (with Somo Somo)songs with sudden changes
Sensational Alex Harvey BandFramedaccents
Nextsongs that express excess
Tale of the Giant Stone Eatergeology
SenserResistance Nowresistance
SepulturaRatamahattaSouth America
Seress, RezsőSzomorú Vasárnapgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Serrat, Joan Manuel Cantaresexile
Els Titellespuppets
Sesler, SelimPazarda Bal Var Gelinim (with İlkay Akkaya)markets & fairs
Settles, BillJoe Louis Strut (with Memphis Minnie & Black Bob)fighting
Setzer, Brian8-Track (as Brian Setzer ’68 Comeback Special)media for listening to recorded music
SevdalizaBebinsongs that give you goosebumps
Seven Foot DillyThe Old Ark’s A’Moving (with A. A. Gray)children’s songs
Sex PistolsAnarchy in the U.K.revolution
Anarchy in the U.K.Britain
Bodiessweary songs
E.M.I.formal agreements
God Save the Queenother songs
I Wanna Be Mewithout a chorus
Pretty Vacantpersonal theme songs
Sexsmith, RonSaint Bernarddogs
Secret Hearteavesdropping
Speaking with the Angelangels
Sha Na NaGlasseseyewear
ShaanO Majhi Re (with Saurav Moni)arresting opening lines
ShackCup of Teatea
Streets of KennyLiverpool & Merseyside
Tie Me Downknots & ties
Shadows (Jamaican group)Brother Noahhonorific titles
ShaggsMy Pal Foot Footdiscordant songs
Philosophy of the Worldphilosophers
Shaka PonkJust a Nerdnerds & geeks
Shakin’ StevensGreen Doorfear of missing out
ShakiraHips Don’t Lie (ft Wyclef Jean)joints of the body
Shakur, TupacHit ‘Em Uphatchet jobs
Sham 69If the Kids Are Unitedyouth cults
Sham-Ettes(Hey There) Big Bad Wolffairytales
ShamenEbeneezer Gooderecreational drugs
It’s All Aroundtrees
Shangri-LasDressed in Blackrepression
Give Him a Great Big Kisskissing
Give Us Your Blessingsaccidents
I Can Never Go Home Anymorefirst love
Leader of the Packstorytelling songs
Past, Present and Futurespoken word
Remember (Walking in the Sand)memory
Sophisticated Boom Boomconversations
The Train from Kansas Cityawkwardness
Shankar, AnandaMetamorphosischange #2
Streets of CalcuttaAsia
Shankar, AnoushkaNakednudity
Shanks & BigfootSweet Like Chocolatesweet foods
ShannonLet the Music Play1980s 12” singles
Shannon, DelRunawayorgan
Shanté, RoxanneBite Thisitching & scratching
Go On Girlboastful songs
Have a Nice Daycompetition
ShantelDisko Boynightclubs
Sharp, BreeDirty Magazinemagazines
Sharrock, SonnyPeanutnuts & edible seeds
Shatner, WilliamLucy in the Sky with DiamondsBeatles covers
Shaw, ArtieDeep Purple (ft Helen Forrest)purple
Shaw, MarlenaCalifornia Souljoyous songs
Woman of the Ghettoadversity
Shaw, SandiePuppet on a Stringpuppets
Tonight in TokyoAsian cities
Shard, MiaCatherine Wheelwheels
She Wants RevengeSisterbad boys & bad girls
ShearwaterWedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Minefamous last words
Shed SevenMissing Outfear of missing out
She Left Me on Fridaydays of the week
Sheena & the RokketsLemon Teanon-alcoholic drinks
SheepdogsFeelin’ Goodhope & resilience
Sheik, KidWe Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City (with John Handy & Friends)from New Orleans
Sheila and B. DevotionSpacerspace
Sheldrake, CosmoPlioceneanimal sounds
ShellacPrayer to Godhatchet jobs
Shelley, PeteHomosapienhomosexuality
Shelton, BlakeYou Ain’t Dolly (And You Ain’t Porter) (with Ashley Monroe)hearing, choosing & playing records
Shepp, ArchieAttica Bluesrevolution
Sherman, AlanHello Muddah, Hello Faddahaccents
Sherman, BimSimple Lifesimple pleasures
Shervington, PlutoRam Goat Livershaggy dog stories & tall tales
Your Honourinfidelity
Shikata, AkikoTooryanse, Haturakoi, Zui Zui Zukorabashi, Kagome Kagometradition
Shimakura, ChiyokoKonoyo no Hanagreat songwriting 1900-1955
Shimura, TakashiGondola no Utatomorrow
Shindell, RichardThere Goes Maviscastles & palaces
You Stay Herestaying
ShinsYoung Pilgrimsmeaning of life
ShirehorsesWhy Is It Always Dairy Leafarm produce
ShirellesMama Saidmothers
Welcome Home Babywelcoming
Will You Love Me Tomorrow?one night stands
Shirley & LeeLet the Good Times Rollfun
ShitmatThere’s No Business Like Propa’ Rungleclotted Mashup Bizznizzeccentric songs
ShivareeGoodnight Moonfear
Shocked, MichelleAnchorageUS cities & states
Shocking BlueLove Buzzonomatopoeia
ShodiЛягушка (Frog)amphibians
ShoesTomorrow Nightprocrastination
Shonen KnifeA Map Mastermaps
Another Daygentleness
Banana Chipsfruit
Buttercup (I’m a Super Girl)superheroes
Deer Biscuitsurban wildlife
Green Teatea
Hot Chocolatenon-alcoholic drinks
Insect Collectorhobbies
My Magic Glassesglass
Tortoise Brand Pot Cleanerspring cleaning & household chores
Shook, Sarah & the DisarmersDwight Yoakamrough & smooth
Heal Meredemption
Shore, HowardThe Bridge of Khazad-dûmcaves
Short SistersQueer Birdamphibians
Shorter, WayneMahjonggames
Show of HandsCousin Jackmigrants & refugees
The Galway Farmerhorses
I Promise Youpromises & choices
Innocents’ Songorchestral string instruments
The Keys of Canterburypick-up lines & marriage proposals
Northwest Passagefrozen north
The Old Lych Waypaths & roads
You’ll Get Byspirit of 2021
Showcase ShowdownMerry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowmananti-Christmas songs
Showhawk DuoInsomniaold meets new
ShowstoppersAin’t Nothin’ But a House Partycelebration
ShpongleShnitzled in the Negevdeserts
ShriekbackBernadettenon sequiturs
The King in the Treebooks #2
My Spine (Is the Bassline)spine & neck
Shrimp BoatLine Songout-of-tune songs
Shuttleworth, JohnTwo Margarinescrisis
SiaBreathe Mestop-start songs
Chandelierimpressive videos
Straight for the Knifesharp objects
Sibelius, JeanFinlandialove songs to places
The Swan of Tuonelarough & smooth
Siberry, JaneBessiefour-legged livestock
Bound by the Beautybeauty
Everything Reminds Me of My Dogdogs
The White Tent the Raftwhite
Sick on the BusWe Are Sick on the Busindifference
SiddeleysMy Favourite Wet Wednesday Afternoondays of the week
Sidebottom, FrankElectricityelectricity
It Was Nearly 20 Years Ago Todayeccentric songs
Me Great Big Zoo Scrapbookhobbies
Siersema, LauraGo Children Slowslowing down
Siffre, Labi(Something Inside) So Strongbravery
(Something Inside) So Strongresilience
Sigur RósÁgætis byrjunfailure
Ára báturchildren performing
Hoppípollamultilingual songs
Njósnavélinminimalist songs
Starálfurmythical beasts
Svefn-g-englarfrom Nordic countries
Viðrar vel til loftárásafalling
SilencersWild Mountain Thyme (Live)mountains
SilhouettesGet a Jobanti-work songs
Sill, JudeeJesus Was a Cross Makerbiblical songs
Lopin’ Along Thru the Cosmosspace travel
The Vigilantehorizons
When the Bridegroom ComesJesus
Silly SistersCakes and Alebread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Silva, IsmaelAo Romper da Aurora / Choro Simhorizons
Silver, HoraceGratitudegratitude
Silver ApplesConfusionconfusion & delusion
Silver Bullet20 Seconds to Complyartificial intelligence
Silver JewsBallad of Reverend War Charactermisleading or incongruous titles
Black and Brown Bluescolours
Suffering Jukeboxmachines, robots & computers
Suffering Jukeboxjukeboxes
Silverstein, ShelThe Grizzly Bearbears
Silversun PickupsGrowing Old Is Getting Oldthe obvious
Silvertones (aka the Valentines)Blam Blam Feverguns
Simba WanyikaWana Wanyikamade you fall in love with music
SimianWe Are Your Friends (with Justice)friendship
Simmons, JeanIf I Were a Bell (with Marlon Brando)bells
Simon, CarlyThe Carter Familyeureka moments
Coming Around Againmultitasking & being busy
Coming Around Againfamily
His Friends Are More Than Fond of Robincharisma
Nobody Does It Betterrecorded for movies
You’re So Vainglamour & style
Simon, PaulAmerican Tunedisappointment
The Boy in the Bubbleaccordion
Kodachromeobsolete things
The Late Great Johnny Aceassassination
Late in the Eveningevening
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyardambiguity
René and Georgette Magritte with Their Dog After the Warcontentment
Slip Slidin’ Awaymelancholy songs
Song About the Moonsongwriting
Still Crazy After All These Yearsnotable key changes
Think Too Much (a)thinking
Trailways Busbuses
Under African Skiessky
You Can Call Me Alaliens
Simon & Garfunkel7 O’Clock News / Silent Nightalternative Christmas songs
The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)quiet songs
Baby Drivernicknames & pseudonyms
The Boxerbroken promises
Bridge Over Troubled Waterbridges
El Condor Pasa (If I Could)using your imagination
Homeward Boundhome
I Am a Rockanti-love songs
Richard Corynamed after men
Scarborough Fair / Canticlefinish where they begin
So Long, Frank Lloyd Wrighthistorical figures
Song About the Moonthe moon
The Sound of Silenceechoes
Simon Dupree & the Big SoundKitesaviation
Simonal, WilsonNem Vem Que Não Temlaughter
Obrigado, Peléfootball
Simone, AfricCurarepoison
Simone, Nina22nd Centurythe future
Ain’t Got No – I Got Lifelist songs
Don’t Smoke in Bedpragmatism
Everything Must Changepassage of time
Feeling Good (Nicolas Jaar edit)relaxation & leisure
Four Womenhair
Gin House Bluesdrinking
Here Comes the Sunthe sun
Hush Little Babybabies & childbirth
I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Freeleft wing politics
I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Freestuck or trapped
If He Changed My Namechange #2
Isn’t It a Pitywhispering
Just Say I Love Himindirect messages
Marriage Is for Old Folksbeing single
Mississippi Goddamprotest
My Baby Just Cares for Medouble bass
Pirate Jennypirates
See-Line Womanunderwear
Sinnermanend of the world
Strange Fruithanging
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?waiting
Why (The King of Love Is Dead)songs that make you cry
Work Songprisons
You Can Have Himsongs that aren’t what they seem
Simple MindsI Traveltravelling
New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)getting brighter
Promised You a Miraclepromises & choices
Theme for Great Citiesinstrumentals
Simply RedMoney’s Too Tight (To Mention)banks & banking
Simpson, MartinDark Honey (with Andy Cutting & Nancy Kerr)urban wildlife
Dark Honey (with Andy Cutting & Nancy Kerr)bees
Some Old Salt (with Andy Cutting & Nancy Kerr)salt
Simpson, RedI’m a Truckunusual narrators
Simpson, SturgillThe Promisedefined or redefined by television
Sims, Frankie LeeLucy Mae Bluescheating
Married Womanadultery & infidelity
Sin Cos TanBlown Awayupbeat break-up #2
Sinatra, FrankAngel Eyesgreat arrangements
Begin the Beguinemood-changing music
The Brooklyn Bridgebridges
Come Fly with Meflying
Fools Rush Inproverbs
High Hopes (with Eddie Hodges)children performing
I Get a Kick Out of Youboredom
In the Wee Small Hours of the Morningsleep & insomnia
It Was a Very Good Yeargetting older
It Was a Very Good Yearold age
Just One of Those Thingsimpermanence
Me and My Shadow (with Sammy Davis, Jr.)empathy
One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)pubs & bars
September Songautumn
Strangers in the Nightflirting
Summer Windpersonification
That’s Lifestarting over
Then Suddenly Lovefirst & last time
They Can’t Take That Away from Meupbeat break-up
You Make Me Feel So Youngjoyous songs
Young at Heartyouthfulness
Sinatra, NancyBang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)guns
Sand (with Lee Hazlewood)idioms & common expressions
Some Velvet Morning (with Lee Hazlewood)duets
Sugar Townlaziness
Summer Wine (with Lee Hazlewood)recipe songs
These Boots Are Made for Walkin’fairness
Singers & PlayersBedward the Flying Preachershaggy dog stories & tall tales
Singh, SukhwinderChaiyya Chaiyya (with Sapna Awasthi)recorded for movies
Singh, TalvinButterflybutterflies & moths
Singing PostmanOi Can’t Git a Noice Loaf a Breadbread & baking
SingletonMoto Taxitaxis
Siouxsie and the Banshees92ºheat #2
Dear PrudenceBeatles covers
Green Fingersgreen
Happy Housefun
Jigsaw Feelingraise the heartrate
Make Up to Break Upmakeup
Metal Postcard (Mittageisen)works of art
New Skinskin
Night Shifthorror-inspired songs
Peek-a-Booeyes & sight
Sir Douglas QuintetShe’s About a Moverorgan
Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Daycontentment
Sir Lord ComicThe Great Wuga Wugashowing off
Sissoko, BallakéDélihammer & mallet instruments
Sister CarolCall Me Sister Carolfeminism
Sister NancyBam Bamna-na-hey-hey songs
Sister SledgeHe’s the Greatest Dancernightclubs
Lost in Musiccelebration
We Are Familysiblings
Sister VanillaThe Two of Ustwo – part 1
Sisters of MercyAliceaddiction
Mariannamed after women
Nine While Ninenine
Temple of Lovemisanthropic songs
Sivertsen, HalvdanSommerfuggel i vinterlandhomelessness
Size, RoniWatching Windows (with Reprazent)windows
Ska-PA la Mierdarefusal
Crimen Sollicitationispreachers, priests & religious leaders
SkatalitesGuns of Navaronebrass songs
Man in the Street (with Don Drummond)trombone
Yard Broomspring cleaning & household chores
Skee-LoI Wishlosers
Skeletal FamilyThe Wind Blowswind
SkeptaRescue Mepersistence
SkidsCharlestattoos & piercings
Skinner, EmilyWhen I’m by Your Side (with Alice Ripley)famous or notable duos
Skinny PuppyTin Omensilver & non-ferrous metals
SkintsLearning to Swimswimming & bathing
Skunk AnansieBrazen (Weep)stiff upper lip
Little Baby Swastikkkataboos
Secretlysecret admirers
Tracy’s Flawcan’t live with or without you
SkyhooksFunky and Gaygender & LGBTQ+
Horror Movienews & media
Slack, FreddieThe House of Blue Lights (with Ella Mae Morse & Don Raye)nightclubs
SladeCum On Feel the Noizerallying cries
Far, Far Awaythe Commonwealth
Gudbuy T’Janeroyalty
Knocking Nails into My House (as Ambrose Slade)hardware
Merry Xmas Everybodysnow & ice
Pouk HillBirmingham & the Black Country
Wheels Ain’t Coming Downaviation
Slapp HappyCasablanca Moonpuzzling & mysterious
Europa (with Henry Cow)personification
Everybody’s Slimmin’ (Even Men and Women)fixing & repairing
King of Strawhonorific titles
King of Strawstarting fires
Michaelangeloworks of art
The Owl (with Henry Cow)owls
Paradise Expressparadise
Some Questions About Hats (with Henry Cow)hats
Sleaford ModsFace to Facesstick it to the man
Jobseekerartistic trends of the 21st century
Sleater-KinneyCall the Doctordoctors
Far AwaySeptember 11 attacks
Jumperssongs by trios
Slick, GraceWhen I Was a Boy I Watched the Wolves (with Paul Kantner)dogs
Slick RickAll Alone (No One to Be With)being alone
SlickersJohnny Too Badcrime
Slim Cessna’s Auto ClubAn Introduction to the Power of Braces – Teethteeth
Jesus Is in My Body, My Body Has Let Me Downgeology
This Land Is Our Land Reduxcommunity
SlintBreadcrumb Trailcarnivals & funfairs
Good Morning, Captainspoken word
Nosferatu Manhorror-inspired songs
SlitsInstant Hitbrevity
Typical Girlsfeminism
SloanThe Other Mansubstitutions
SlobberboneLittle Drunk Fistswhiskey
SlovenlyAs If It Always Happenscontentment
SlowdiveBrightergetting brighter
Falling Asheswithout percussion
Trellisazeclocks & watches
SlowthaiDeal Wiv It (with Mura Masa)songs to start the morning
Sly and the Family StoneBabies Makin’ Babiesbabies
Brave & Strongscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Dance to the Medleydancing
Dance to the Musictriggering dancing
Everyday Peoplecommunity
Family Affairfamily
Hot Fun in the Summertimeheat
If You Want Me to Staystaying
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)fate & destiny
Runnin’ Awaydepartures
Sing a Simple Songsinging
Stand!rallying cries
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)funk
Thank You for Talkin’ to Me Africaplease & thank you
(You Caught Me) Smilin’smiling & laughing
SmackEdward Foxtheatre
Small, FredTalking Wheechair Bluesbodily motion & exercise
Small FacesAll or Nothingnothing
Itchycoo Parkparks
Lazy Sundaynoise
Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flakeinstrumentals
Sha-La-La-La-Leesongs that go ‘la’
Song of a Bakercooking
Tin Soldiersongs with special guests
Up the Wooden Hills to Bedfordshiredreams
Smashing Pumpkins1979dates
Pennies for Salecoins
To Forgiveforgiveness
Tonight Tonightimpressive videos
SmileFriend of a Friendunusual time signatures
Smiley, BrettSpace Acespace travel
Smiley CultureCockney Translationchoosing & using words
Police Officerpolice
Smith, BessieCareless Love Bluesanti-love songs
Empty Bed Bluesbeds
Gimme a Pigfoot (and a Bottle of Beer)meat
My Kitchen Mandomestic songs
Nobody in Town Can Bake a Sweet Jelly Roll Like Minebread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Send Me to the ’Lectric Chairchairs
Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window Downwindows
Ticket Agent, Ease Your Window Downwindows
Trombone Chollybrass songs
Yellow Dog Bluesyellow
Smith, CarlI Overlooked an Orchid (While Searching for a Rose)mistakes
Smith, ClaraNobody Knows the Way I Feel Dis Mornin’waking up
Smith, ElliottAlamedadisappointment
Baby BritainBritain
Bottle Up and Explode!stiff upper lip
Junk Bond Traderjobs
Let’s Get Lostbridges
Needle in the Haycocaine & heroin
Rose Paraderoses
Waltz #2 (XO)three
Smith, FrankieDouble Dutch Busbuses
Smith, Huey “Piano” & the ClownsDon’t You Just Know Itcall and response
Smith, JimmyBack at the Chicken Shackchicken and egg
Got My Mojo Workingorgan
Walk on the Wild Sidesuper solos
We Three Kingsthree
Smith, JorjaBlue Lightsalarm sounds
Smith, KeelyJust a Gigolo / I Ain’t Got Nobody (with Louis Prima)great backing vocals
Smith, MarvinHave More Timemultitasking & being busy
Smith, MindyCome to JesusJesus
One Moment Morethe number one
Train Songdenial
Smith, O. C.The Son of Hickory Holler’s Trampcriminals
Smith, OrrielTiffany Glassbright and beautiful
Smith, PattiBangabooks #2
Firefliessongs of desperation
Free Moneymoney
Gloriacovers better than the original
Ninemovie & TV stars
People Have the Powerpositive songs
Piss Factorynew resolutions
Trespassesfixing & repairing
Because the Nightlust
Pissing in a Riverstomach & guts
Smith, Reverend UtahI Want Two Wingsangels
Smith, RexAh, Leave Me Not to Pine (with Linda Ronstadt)extraordinary vocals
Smith, TrixieMy Daddy Rocks Me (With One Steady Roll)great songwriting 1900-1955
Smith, TuckerJet Song (from West Side Story) (written by Leonard Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim)bad boys & bad girls
Smith, WarrenRed Cadillac and a Black Moustachered
Uranium Rockgeology
Smith, Whispering Jack I’d Climb the Highest Mountain (If I Knew I’d Find You)great songwriting 1900-1955
Smith & BurrowsWhen the Thames Frozewinter
Smith & MightyDown in Rwanda (ft Andy Scholes)tyranny & dictatorship
Smith Street BandWipe That Shit-Eating Grin Off Your Punchable Facestick it to the man
SmithereensBlood and Rosesroses
Bigmouth Strikes Againsweetness
Cemetry Gatesschadenfreude
Girlfriend in a Comabright songs about dark subjects
Hand in Glovenever
The Hand That Rocks the Cradlehorror-inspired songs
The Headmaster Ritualschool
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Nowwork
How Soon Is Now?B sides
I Keep Mine Hiddenstiff upper lip
I Know It’s Overacceptance
I Want the One I Can’t Haveimmaturity
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Medreams
Meat Is Murdermeat
Paint a Vulgar Picturecelebrity
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Wantplease & thank you
The Queen Is Deadqueens
Rusholme Ruffiansalliteration
Sheila Take a Bowgirls’ names
Shoplifters of the World Unitesmuggling & stealing
Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Beforedenial
Suffer Little ChildrenYorkshire
There Is a Light That Never Goes Outlight
This Charming Mangreat riffs
Unhappy Birthdayanniversaries
Vicar in a Tutupreachers, priests & religious leaders
William, It Was Really Nothingboring & dull
Smog (see Callahan, Bill)
Smoke CityMr. Gorgeous (and Miss Curvaceous)curves & spheres
Underwater Loveswimming & bathing
Smoke FairiesEclipse Them Allshadows
The Three of Usplatonic love
SmokieLiving Next Door to Aliceshyness
Smoking PopesCollegehigher education
Diary of a Teen Tragedyyouthfulness
Smoosh (see Chaos Chaos)
Smooth, JoePromised Landoptimistic songs
Promised Landfictional places
Smyth, Dame EthylThe March of the Women (lyrics by Cicely Hamilton, performed by Rainbow Chorus)feminism
Snarky PuppyAmour, T’es La (with Magda Giannikou)anticipation
Binkyartistic trends of the 21st century
Free Your Dreams (with Chantae Cann)songs that command or instruct
Gone Under (with Shayna Steele)swimming & bathing
I’m Not the One (with Malika Tirolian)the number one
Shofukanbrass songs
Sneaker Pimps6 Undergroundbasements & underground
SNFUCannibal Caférestaurants & cafes
Snider, ToddDoublewide Bluesstupidity
Prison Wallsborders, barriers, walls & fences
Statistician’s Bluesmathematics
Vinyl Recordsmedia for listening to recorded music
SnogThe Human Germwastelands
Snow, HankI’ve Been Everywherespecific or obscure places
Januarymonths of the year
Squid Jiggin’ Groundssafety & danger
SnowdenBlack Eyesblack
SnuffShake ‘n’ Vacspring cleaning & household chores
So Solid Crew21 Secondsbrevity
Soars, J. P. Chasing Whiskey with Whiskeywhiskey
Sobanza MimanisaKiwembofavourite live versions
Sobule, JillHeroeshero worship
My Chairchairs
Talkin’ Platyeggs
Social DistortionBall and Chainkeys & locks
Sods’ OperaThe D-Day DodgersD-Day
Soft BoysI Wanna Destroy Youanger
Do the Chiselhardware
It’s Not Just the Size of a Walnutnuts & edible seeds
Only the Stones Remainimpermanence
Soft CellMemorabiliaforgetting
Numbersbad decisions
Say Hello, Wave Goodbyegoodbye
Say Hello, Wave Goodbyehello
Soul Insidesynth pop 1980-2000
Tainted Love / Where Did Our Love Go1980s 12” singles
Walking Make-Up Countermakeup
Youthgetting older
Soft MachineDedicated to You But You Weren’t Listeningprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Moon in June (Top Gear Version)self-deprecation
We Did It Againten words or fewer
Soggy Bottom BoysI Am a Man of Constant Sorrow‘I am’ songs
SOHNThe Wheelwheels
SokoWe Might Be Dead by Tomorrowtomorrow
Solís, JavierMalagueña Salerosafaces
Somo SomoKizolele (with Mose Se Sengo)songs with sudden changes
Son del SolarWest Indian Man (with Rubén Blades)the Caribbean
Son LuxThis Is a Life (with Mitski & David Byrne)distractions & diversions
Sondheim, StephenJet Song (from West Side Story) (with Leonard Bernstein, sung by Tucker Smith)bad boys & bad girls
Songhoy BluesSoubourfavourite live versions
Songs of SeparationEcho Mocks the Corncrakeechoes
Songs: Ohia7th Street Wonderlandsnow & ice
Hot Black Silkrough & smooth
Sonic Boom SixThe Emperor (ft Capitol 1212)propaganda
From the Fire to the Frying Panmigrants & refugees
The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Inventionsmachinery, industry & technology
S.O.S. (State of Shock)propaganda
Sunny Side of the Streetmotivation
Sonic YouthBull in the Heatherfetishes
Death Valley ’69 (ft Lydia Lunch)wilderness
Dirty Bootsearth, soil & dirt
Expressway to Yr. Skullmixtape closers
Halloweenhorror-inspired songs
Jams Run Freerunning
Kool Thingfear
Little Trouble Girlrepression
Orange Rolls, Angel’s Spitbread & baking
Pattern Recognitionfads & crazes
Secret Girlthe invisible
Sugar Kaneimpermanence
Superstarunlikely cover songs
Teen Age Riotadolescence
Tunic (Song for Karen)other musicians
Youth Against FascismUS presidents
SonicsSanta Clausanti-Christmas songs
Sonik, HiteshHusna (ft Piyush Mishra)long-distance relationships
Sonny & CherI Got You Babeconversations
Sons of MaxwellUnited Breaks Guitarsguitars
Sons of the PioneersRagtime Cowboy Joenicknames & pseudonyms
Soom TPolitic Mandisbelief
Sophie Les Bas BleusSans Culotteslegs & pants
Sopwith CamelFazonbasements & underground
SorrowsPink, Purple, Yellow and Redpink
S.O.S. BandJust Be Good to Meinfidelity
Sosa, MercedesTodo Cambiasongs in Spanish
Soto, JoséMali Sajio (with Ketama & Toumani Diabaté)famous or notable animals
Souchon, AlainLes Crapaudsamphibians
Soul II SoulBack to Life (However Do You Want Me)regressing & reversing
Get a Lifemeaning of life
Soul AsylumRunaway Trainimpressive videos
String of Pearlsprecious stones
Soul ControlChocolatechocolate
Soul CoughingScreenwriter’s Bluesinspired by or about films
Soul StirrersJesus Gave Me WaterJesus
Praying Groundprayer
Touch the Hem of His Garmenttouch
Wade in the Waterbravery
SoulmatesThem A Laugh and A Ki Kilaughter
SoulsaversLongest Day (ft Dave Gahan)D-Day
Revivalone word titles
SoulwaxI Love Technoten words or fewer
SoundI Can’t Escape Myselfobstacles
Sound DimensionReal Rocksampling & recycling
Sound Experience40 Acres and a Mule19th century life
Soundararajan, T. M. Avala Sonnaldisbelief
Koduthathellam Koduthaangifts & giving
SoundgardenBlack Hole Sunholes
Loud Lovescreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Sounds of BlacknessOptimisticpositive songs
Sounds OrchestralCast Your Fate to the Windeasy listening
Soup DragonsHang-Ten!shyness
I’m Free (ft Junior Reid)freedom of expression
Sousa, John PhilipThe Liberty Bell (performed by the Coldstream Guards)personal theme songs
Sousa, MarciaTempo de Amor (with Baden Powell)peace
South, JoeGames People Playinspired by India
Walk a Mile in My Shoesempathy
Southern Culture on the SkidsEight Piece Boxmeat
Southern Death CultFalse Facesdeceptive appearances
Southwest F.O.B.Tomorrowtomorrow
Sovine, RedPhantom 309zombies
Teddy Beartragedy & comedy
Soweto Gospel ChoirBrighter Days (with Sauti Sol)getting brighter
Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrikaAfrica
SpaceThe Ballad of Tom Jones (ft Cerys Matthews)Jones & Joneses
The Ballad of Tom Jones (ft Cerys Matthews)underwear
SpaceapeAm I (with Kode9)being a man or a woman
Curious (with Kode9)influenced by reggae
Spacemen 3When Tomorrow Hitstomorrow
SpacemonkeyzSlow Country (More Rubbadub version) (with Gorillaz)hidden tracks
Spalding, EsperenzaBlack Gold (ft Algebra Blessett & Lionel Loueke)education
Cinnamon Treetrees
City of Rosesmarkets & fairs
Dancing the Animalwords of wisdom
Funk the Feardares
Heaven in Pennies (ft Robert Glasper)coins
Inútil Paisageminstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Meladouble bass
Overjoyeddouble bass
Radio Songmood-changing music
We Are Americajustice
Wild Is the Windwind
Spandau BalletMuscleboundindustry & manufacturing
Trueretro style
SpanielsStormy Weatherstorms
Spanky and Our GangLike to Get to Know Youfalse endings
Spann, OtisOne More Mile to Gothe number one
SparklehorseMaria’s Little Elbowsjoints of the body
Saint Maryhospitals
Saturdayquiet songs
Weird Sistersomens & prophecies
SparksDick Aroundsongs with sudden changes
The Ghost of Liberacesurprise encounters
Here in Heavendeath
Hippopotamusstrange, rare or unlikely words
I Am a Bookwormlibraries
I Married Myselfbeing single
Never Turn Your Back on Mother EarthCOVID-19 lockdown
Pineapplenon sequiturs
Scandinavian Designdecor
Suburban Homeboyauthenticity & fakery
This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Usconfidence
When Do I Get To Sing “My Way”other songs
Sparks, BrettWhen That Helicopter Comes (with the Oysterband)aviation
SpearheadGas Gauge (Tha World’s in Your Hands)songs with a twist
Hole in the Bucketpockets
Oh My God (as Michael Franti & Spearhead)conspiracy theories & paranoia
People in Tha Middlecompromise
SpearmintHappy Birthday Girlbirthdays
Scottish Popmood-changing music
Sweeping the Nationunderrated artists
Spears, BritneyBaby One More Timegreat album or mixtape openers
Oops!… I Did it Againguilt & apology
Piece of Mejournalism & the news
SpecialsA Message to You, Rudywarnings
Blank Expressionbody language
The Boiler (with Rhoda)scary songs
Do Nothingboredom
Enjoy Yourselfknowledge
(Free) Nelson Mandela (as the Special AKA)protest
Friday Night, Saturday MorningFriday & Saturday
Ghost TownHalloween
International Jet Setflying
International Jet Setaviation
Man at C&Anuclear war
Nite Klubsound effects
Rat Raceeducation
Too Much Too Youngcoming of age
What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend (as the Special AKA)insulting songs
You’re Wondering Nowfamous last words
Spedding, ChrisBallad of the Soldier’s Wife (with Marianne Faithfull)memorabilia & souvenirs
Pogo Dancing (with the Vibrators)fads & crazes
Spektor, ReginaAll the Rowboatsmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Aquariusstar signs
Carbon Monoxidegases
Chemo Limoillness
Folding Chairchairs
Genius Next Doorneighbours
Laughing Withfaith
My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)new year
On the Radioradio
Summer in the Citystrangers
Up the Mountainbees
Walletlost and found
Spellman, BennyFortune Tellerfrom New Orleans
Lipstick Tracestrombone
Spence, Alexander “Skip” Keep Everything Under Your Hathats & accessories
Little Handschildren
Spence, SamThe Pony Soldierssound like other songs
Spencer Davis GroupGimme Some Lovin’organ
I’m a Man‘I am’ songs
Keep On Runningpersistence
Spencer, Jon (see Jon Spencer Blues Explosion)
Spice GirlsWannabefriendship
Spiers and BodenBold Sir Rylasforests & woodlands
Spike7/11 Rosesfirst & last time
Spin DoctorsCleopatra’s CatRoman Empire
If Wishes Were Horses (Beggars Would Ride)proverbs
Spinal TapSex Farmfarm produce
Stonehengefunny songs
SpindlesTen Shades of Blueblue
SpinneretteAll Babes Are Wolveswolves
SpinnersDip and Fall Backcooking
SpiritDark-Eyed Womanvisitors
Dream Within a Dreambabies
Fresh-Garbagereckless consumption 
Girl in Your Eyeeyes
Like a Rolling Stonewhispering
Spirit of the WestThe CrawlCanada
Spirits of RhythmDr. Watson and Mr. Holmesfamous or notable duos
Spiritualized200 Barsnumbers
Always Together with Youconditional phrases
Broken Heartthe heart
Cop Shoot Cop…cocaine & heroin
I Think I’m in Loveindifference
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Spaceopening album tracks
Split EnzI Got Youfear
My Mistakepedantry
Six Months in a Leaky Boatpioneers
SplodgenessaboundsMichael Booth’s Talking Bumgases
My Socks Gone Down My Shoetragedy & comedy
Saying Goodbye to His Horseworst songs
Spooky Men’s ChoraleDon’t Stand Between a Man and His Toolmaking things
SpoonThe Underdogunderdogs
SpoonsSmiling in Winterwinter
Springfield, DustyBreakfast in Bedsexy songs
Give Me Timeforgetting
Goin’ Backgetting older
I Don’t Want to Hear It Anymoreindirect messages
I Just Don’t Know What to Do with Myselfmissing someone
Just a Little Lovin’morning
The Look of Lovewhispering
Nothing Has Been Provednewspapers
Son of a Preacher Manmale names
What Have I Done to Deserve This? (with Pet Shop Boys)songs with special guests
What’s It Gonna Be?genre switch
The Windmills of Your Mindcircles
Springsteen, Bruce4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)the coast
A Night with the Jersey Devilhorror-inspired songs
American Skin (41 Shots)murder
Atlantic Citygreat solo performances
Born in the U.S.A. (demo version)America
Cadillac Ranchbrands
Candy’s Roomvisitors
Dancing in the Darkstarting over
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapezethe circus
Dead Man Walkin’capital punishment
Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?buses
Erie Canalbridges
The Ghost of Tom Joadunemployment
Highway Patrolmansiblings
Hitch Hikin’hitchhiking
Into the FireSeptember 11 attacks
Jacob’s Ladderstairs, ladders & elevators
The Linecrosses
Man at the Topleadership
Matamoras Banksborders, barriers, walls & fences
My City of Ruinshands
My Hometownfinish where they begin
My Oklahoma Home (with the Seeger Sessions Band)farming
O Mary Don’t You Weep (with the Seeger Sessions Band)miracles
Open All Nightsongs that build
Out in the Streetthe weekend
Queen of the Supermarketshopping
Racing in the Streetchannelling pain
The Risingascension
The Riveryouthfulness
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)girls’ names
Spare Partsfresh starts
State Trooperlaw enforcement
Talk to Measking, begging & pleading
Thunder Roadbroken promises
Tunnel of Lovecaves
We Take Care of Our Ownhomelessness
Wild Billy’s Circus Storymale names
Working on the Highwaymanual labour
Youngstowniron & steel
You’re Missingmurder
Spy vs. SpyCredit Cardsplastic
Spyro GyraMorning Dancesongs to start the morning
SquarepusherMy Red Hot Cardiscordant songs
Z-Machine, Sad Robot Goes Funnysongs that express excess
SqueezeBlack Coffee in Bedsongs to start the morning
Cool for Catscoolness
Labelled with Lovedomestic songs
Library Girllibraries
Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)innuendo
Up the Junctionstorytelling songs
Squier, BillyThe Big Beatoutstanding percussion
Squirrel Nut ZippersGhost of Stephen Fosterimpressive videos
St. GermainMontego Bay Spleen (with Ernest Ranglin)old meets new
St. John, BridgetFly Highsimple pleasures
St. Paul & the Broken BonesBroken Bones and Pocket Changeaccents
Like a Mighty Riverslowing down
St. VincentActor Out of Workjobs
The Apocalypse Songrepression
StackridgeSyracuse the Elephantelephants & mammoths
Stafford, JoTeach Me Tonightteachers
StairsMundane Mundaedays of the week
Weed Busmarijuana
Stan Tracey Quartet (see Tracey, Stan)
Standard FareHalf Sistersisters
StandellsDirty WaterUS cities & states
Stanford, Charles Villiers Drake’s Drumresurrection
Stanley, James LeeMilkshake (with Peter Tork)ice cream
Stanley, RalphO Deathdeath
Stanshall, VivianYelp, Bellow, Rasp & Ceteramisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Staple SingersI See Iteyes & sight
If You’re Ready (Come Go with Me)unity
I’ll Take You Thereparades
Long Walk to D.C.determination
More Than a Hammer and Nail (aka Hammer and Nails)tools
Pray Onprayer
Respect Yourselfconditional phrases
Uncloudy Dayclouds
Wade in the Waterswimming & bathing
Staples, Mavis99 and 1/2fractions & portions
Eyes on the PrizeD-Day
Lay My Burden Down (with Dr. John & the Dirty Dozen Brass Band)spirit of 2021
Turn Me Around (with Bonnie Raitt)confidence
Staples, PopTupelo (with Albert King & Steve Cropper)rare events
Starland Vocal BandAfternoon Delightafternoon
Afternoon Delightorgasms
Starr, EdwinH.A.P.P.Y. Radioswitches & buttons
Headline Newsreading
Twenty-Five Mileshome
Starr, LucilleThe French SongCanada
Starr, RingoIt Don’t Come Easysolo Beatles songs
StarsHold On When You Get Love and Let Go When You Give Itgifts & giving
Statler BrothersBed of Rose’sinfluenced by gospel
Staton, CandiI’ll Sing a Love Song to Yousongs about love songs
Nights on Broadwayfollowing & chasing
Young Hearts Run Freelessons in life
Status QuoDown Downsurprising intros
Paper Planeaviation
Pictures of Matchstick Menvisual art & photography
Stealers WheelStuck in the Middle With Youredefined by film
Steam Powered GiraffeHarder, Better, Faster, Strongerfinish where they begin
Steel PulseKu Klux Klanalliteration
Prodigal Sonlost and found
Sound Systemhearing, choosing & playing records
SteeldriversIf It Hadn’t Been for Lovealternative outcomes
Peacemakeriron & steel
Steeleye SpanAll Around My Hathats
Creeping Janecompetition
Gone to Americaloss
Harvest of the Moontradition
John Barleycornpaganism
The Kingold and new
King Henrykings
Long Lankinhorror-inspired songs
My Johnny Was a Shoemakerlong-distance relationships
Searching for Lambssearching & seeking
Thomas the Rhymermythical beasts
Van Diemen’s Landthe Commonwealth
The Victoryhistorical figures
When I Was on Horsebackdeath
Steely DanAjagreat drumming
The Caves of Altamiradecor
Do It Againwheels
The Fezhats
Haitian Divorceinfluenced by reggae
Hey Nineteengetting older
Josieoutstanding percussion
My Old Schoolbiography & autobiography
My Rivaldetectives
Show Biz Kidssocial class
Steer, SerafinaDisco Compilationgenre switch
Steinski & the Mass Media (see Double Dee and Steinski)
Stelar, ParovLa Calatrava (ft Michael Wittner)saxophone
StellaPauvre clochefeaturing bells
Stephens, RichieJamaica Land We Lovenational anthems
Stephenson, JoJohn Innes (with Dan Woods)earth, soil & dirt
Stephenson, Martin & the DainteesBoat to Boliviathe impossible
SteppenwolfBorn to Be Wildmotorbikes
Magic Carpet Ridemarijuana
Renegadetyranny & dictatorship
Stereo MC’sStep It Upcelebration
StereolabEnivrez-vousinspired by poetry
French Diskorallying cries
Jenny Ondiolinemore questions than answers
Metronomic Undergroundkrautrock
Nothing to Do with Medenial
Ping Pongrepetition
Rainbo Conversationnarcissism
Tempterdrone music
Wow and Fluttermedia for listening to recorded music
StereophonicsMr. Writerwriting
Stern, MarniePlato’s Fucked Up Cavephilosophers
StetsasonicTalkin’ All That Jazzmusic genres
Stetson, ColinJudgessaxophone
Steve Ignorant’s Slice of LifeS.A.D.empathy
Steve Miller BandFly Like an Eagleflying
Song for Our Ancestorsalarm sounds
Wild Mountain Honeyinspired by India
Wild Mountain Honeypsychedelia
Stevens, CatBoy with a Moon & Star on His Headseduction
Father and Sondecisive songs
Hard Headed Womansearching & seeking
I’m Gonna Get Me a Gunnew resolutions
Matthew and Sonmultitasking & being busy
Morning Has Brokendawn
Portobello Roadmarkets & fairs
Rubyloveunusual time signatures
Was Dog a Doughnut?more questions than answers
Stevens, MeicRowenaWelsh songs
Stevens, RachelSome Girlscelebrity
Stevens, SufjanCasimir Pulaski Daydates
Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Ohioopening album tracks
Flint (For the Unemployed and Underpaid)unemployment
Fourth of Julyremembrance songs
Futile Devicesfutility
Genuflecting Ghostphysical gestures
John Wayne Gacy Jrfamous people
The Lord God Birdbirds
Romulusgripping or intriguing narrative
Should Have Known Betterbiography & autobiography
The Tallest Man, the Broadest Shouldersunusual time signatures
They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh!night & darkness
Tonya Hardingwinter sports
The Transfigurationmiracles
You Are the Bloodblood
Stevenson, B. W. Shamabalaparadise
StewThe Naked Dutch Painterunusual rhymes
The Sun I Always Wantedfathers and daughters
Stewart, AlA League of Notions (with Lawrence Juber)historical events
Down in the Cellarsspecific or obscure places
Hanno the Navigatordiscovery
Katherine of Oregoncontentment
Night of the 4th of Mayarguments #2
Night Train to Munich (with Lawrence Juber)spying
On the Borderborders, barriers, walls & fences
The Palace of Versailleshistorical figures
Russians & AmericansRussia
Sergiomigrants & refugees
Sirens of Titancurves & spheres
Three Mules (with Lawrence Juber)three
Timeless Skiesvillages
Year of the Catloss
Stewart, BillyFat Boybeing fat
Sitting in the Parkparks
Stewart, DelanoEternal Loveimmortality & longevity
Stewart, JohnArmstrongpioneers
Stewart, Mark & the MaffiaJerusalemEngland
The Paranoia of Powerbasements & underground
Stewart, RodHandbags and Gladragsbags & containers
(I Know) I’m Losing Youhumming
The Killing of Georgie (Part I and II)violence
Maggie Maygirls’ names
Mandolin Windwinter
Never Give Up on a DreamCanada
Reason to Believedenial
You Wear It Wellviolin
Stiff GinsIn ParadiseAustralia
Stiff Little FingersAlternative Ulsterprotest
Closed Groovefreedom of expression
Fly the FlagBritain
Suspect Devicerevolution
Tin Soldiersformal agreements
Stills, StephenBlack Queenplaying cards
Stills-Young BandLong May You Runsongs that aren’t what they seem
StillwaterMind Benderguitars
StingAn Englishman in New Yorkeccentric songs
Blood Red Rosescetaceans
Moon Over Bourbon Streetzombies
Seven Dayspatterns & sequences
Stitch, JahThe Barber Feel It (with Dr Alimantado)motorbikes
Stivell, AlanKimiadGaelic songs
Stock Aitken WatermanRoadblockobstacles
Stockhausen, KarlheinzStimmung Model 11minimalist songs
Stole, Mink & Her Wonderful BandSometimes I Wish I Had a Guncontrol
Stoller, BarryMatch of the Day Themefootball
Stone, JossSnakes and Laddersboard games
Stone, Lew & his BandRiptide (with Al Bowlly)tides
Stone, Sly (see also Sly and the Family Stone)Crossword Puzzlenewspapers
Stone RosesDon’t Stopinversions
Elizabeth My Dearqueens
Fools Gold 9:53long songs
I Am the Resurrection‘I am’ songs
I Am the Resurrectionshowing off
Sally Cinnamonsweet foods
She Bangs the Drumssongs to start the morning
(Song for My) Sugar Spun Sisterspinning
What the World Is Waiting ForB sides
Stone SourInhaleaddiction
StonemansWest Canterbury Subdivision Bluescastles & palaces
Fun Housesaxophone
I Wanna Be Your Dogmammals
Loosebig and meaty
My Girl Hates My Heroinrecreational drugs
No Funhandclaps
Search and Destroy (as Iggy & the Stooges)great opening lines
TV Eyefalse endings
Storm, BillyEasy Chairfurniture
Storm Weather Shanty ChoirWhip JamboreeLiverpool & Merseyside
StormzyCrownquoting Shakespeare
StrangeloveIs There a Place?songs that fit every topic
Stranglers5 Minutesknives
Dagenham Davedenial
Down in the Sewernotable outros or codas
Golden Browncocaine & heroin
Hanging Aroundhanging
It Only Takes Two to Tangotwo – part 2
La Foliealbum tracks better than the singles
Longships / The Ravenwide open spaces
Midnight Summer Dreamlessons in life
No More Heroeshero worship
Old Codger (with George Melly)unlikely collaborations
Skin Deepdeceptive appearances
Strauss, Johann IIThe Blue Danubetriggering dancing
Strauss, RichardAlso sprach Zarathustragreat album or mixtape openers
Im Abendrot (from Four Last Songs)music for funerals
Septembermonths of the year
Strawberry SwitchbladeSince Yesterdayupbeat break-up #2
Trees and Flowersanxiety
StrawbsGrace DarlingNorth East England
Hanging in the Gallerymuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Lady Fuschiaowls
The Man Who Called Himself Jesusauthenticity & fakery
StrayAround the World in 80 Daysbooks
Stray CatsRock This Townjukeboxes
Stray Cat Strutexpressing movement of walking
Strayhorn, BillyLush Life (with Kay Davis)wheels
Streep, MerylTurning Turtleinversions
Street, AdrianImagine What I Could Do to Youworst songs
StreetsBlinded by the Lightsnightclubs
Can’t Con an Honest Johnshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Could Well Be Inflirting
Dry Your Eyescrying
Empty Canssongs with a twist
Fit But You Know Itholidays
Fit But You Know Itembarrassment
It Was Supposed to Be Easymultitasking & being busy
It’s Too Laterendezvous
Let’s Push Things Forwardspirit of 2021
Lock the Locks (ft Clare Maguire)keys & locks
Never Went to Churchlegacy
On the Edge of a Cliffchance & coincidence
Prangin’ Out (Pete and Mike’s Version)cocaine & heroin
Stay Positiveconsolation
Too Much Brandydrinking
Weak Become Heroesmood-changing music
STRiPESO-Kagura / Festivofinger snaps & toe taps
Stritch, ElaineTo Keep My Love Aliveunusual rhymes
StrokesHard to Explainstop-start songs
Meet Me in the Bathroomrooms
Somedaypassage of time
StromaeMon Amour (with Camila Cabello)everlasting love
Tous les mêmesbeing a man or a woman
Structures Sonores Lasry-BaschetManègeTV theme songs
Studio KillersAll Men Are PigsFrance
Ode to the Bouncerborders, barriers, walls & fences
Who Is in Your Heart Noweureka moments
StumpCharlton Hestonmiracles
Stump, PatrickSpotlight (Oh Nostalgia)songs for your teenage self
Style CouncilA Stone’s Throw Awayestimates of distance & time
Blood Sportshunting
The Paris Match (with Tracey Thorn)Paris
Walls Come Tumbling Down!unity
Style of EyeKidsyouthfulness
StylisticsBetcha by Golly Wowfalsetto
People Make the World Go Roundtrash
Sixteen Barssongs about love songs
StyxCastle Wallscastles & palaces
Great White Hopefighting
Subbulakshmi, M. S. Kurai Onrum Illai: Ragamalikaspiritual songs
Sri Ventkateswara Suprabhatamwaking up
SubhumansGermsmall things
When the Bomb Dropsdistractions & diversions
SubmarineJodie Fostermovie & TV stars
Subramaniam, L.Jai Hanuman! (with Nyoman Wenten & Burat Wangi Choir)choirs
Rainbow Serenade (with Ali Akbar Khan & John Handy)rainbows
SubRosaThe Inheritancefunerals
Suburban LawnsJanitorstrange & surreal
Sudan ArchivesOatmealwaking up
Nont for Salefinger snaps & toe taps
Selfish Soulshame
Sudbury, DaveThe King of Romefamous or notable animals
SuedeAnimal Nitrateandrogynous vocals
Bentswood Boyssuburbia
Daddy’s Speedingcharisma
The Living Deaddenial
She Still Leads Me Oneverlasting love
So Youngimmaturity
Stay Togetherdevoted love
Trashglamour & style
The Wild Onesstaying
SugababesFreak Like Meunlikely cover songs
Push the Buttoninnuendo
Push the Buttonorgasms
SugarA Good Ideaunderwater
If I Can’t Change Your Mindchange of mind
Catfrom Nordic countries
Dear Plasticplastic
F***ing in Rhythm and Sorrowsurprise encounters
Sugarhill GangRapper’s Delightone-hit wonders
Rapper’s Delightsampling & recycling
SugarloafDon’t Call Us, We’ll Call Yourejection
SuggsOranges and Lemons (with Jools Holland)fruit
Suicidal TendenciesInstitutionalizedmental illness
You Can’t Bring Me Downapologies
SuicideDiamonds, Fur Coat, Champagnewine
Dream Baby Dream (Long Version)12″ singles to 1979
Frankie Teardropscary songs
Ghost Ridermotorbikes
Rocket USAsongs by duos
Sullivan, JazmineFearfear
Lions, Tigers and Bearsbeing scared
Sullivan, MaxineThe Folks Who Live on the Hillboring & dull
Sullivan, QuinnUntitled (with Buddy Guy)collaborations & side projects
SulpherScarredbeing scared
Sultana, TashPink Moonpink
Sultans of Ping FCWhere’s Me Jumper?fashion
Sumac, YmaChunchohigh-pitched vocals
Summer, DonnaCould It Be Magicclassical songs
Hot Stuffevening
I Feel Love (Patrick Cowley Remix)long songs
I Feel Love (Patrick Cowley Remix)1980s 12” singles
Love to Love You Babyeuphoria
MacArthur Parkparks
On the Radiosongs with sudden changes
Rumour Has Itgossip
State of Independencegreat backing vocals
Sumney, MosesMe in 20 Yearsandrogynous vocals
Sun DialPlains of Nazcasunsets & twilight
Sun Kil MoonSong for Richard Collopyremembrance songs
Track Number 8self-deprecation
Sun RaThe Forest of No Returnbeing lost
Rocket Nine Takes Off for Planet Venusnine
Space Is the Placespace
Early AutumnSeptember & October
Pink Elephants on Paradesurreal songs
Sundae TimesAdam and Eveparadise
SundaysCan’t Be Sureuncertainty
Here’s Where the Story Endsfinishing
I Wonbasements & underground
Monochromeeureka moments
Sundfør, SusanneSilencershooting
White Foxesfrom Nordic countries
Sunn O)))Báthory Erzsébetblood
Black Weddingweddings
Blood Swamp (with Boris)earth, soil & dirt
Herod 2014 (with Scott Walker)deep voices
Sunnyland SlimBe Careful How You Voteelections
Super EaglesGambia-Zambiathe Commonwealth
Super Furry AnimalsColonise the Moonspace
(Drawing) Rings Around the Worldtelephones
Fire in My Heartfire
The Man Don’t Give a Fucksweary songs
Northern Litessteelpan
The Roman RoadItaly
White Socks / Flip Flopsclothes
White Socks / Flip Flopswhite
Super Rail Band of the Buffet Hotel de la Gare, BamakoDouniafaith
Folibamusic venues
supercell (see ryo/supercell)
SuperchunkPulled Musclebodily motion & exercise
SupergrassAlrightjoyous songs
Brecon Beaconswitches
Caught by the Fuzzpolice
Pumping on Your Stereomedia for listening to recorded music
Sun Hits the Skyhorizons
SuperjesusSecret Agent Manspying
SuperorganismNobody Caresauthenticity & fakery
Something for Your M.I.N.D.using your imagination
SupertrampGoodbye Strangerwhistling
SupremesAutomatically Sunshinethe sun
I’m Gonna Make You Love Me (as Diana Ross & the Supremes, with the Temptations)ambition
Love Child (as Diana Ross & the Supremes)shame
Love Is Like an Itching in My Hearthammer & mallet instruments
Nathan Jonesnamed after men
No Matter What Sign You Are (as Diana Ross & the Supremes)star signs
Reflections (as Diana Ross & the Supremes)retrospection
Stoned Lovemarijuana
Stop! In the Name of Lovearresting opening lines
Where Did Our Love Goquestions
You Keep Me Hangin’ Onhanging
SurfarisWipeoutimpressive intros
Surman, JohnSaltash Bellssaxophone
Whitman’s Woodgreat solo performances
Susanna and the Magical OrchestraEnjoy the Silencesilence
Svensson, Esbjörn (see Esbjörn Svensson Trio)
Swamp CabbageJesus ToneJesus
Swamp DoggGod Bless America for What?America
I Was Born Bluecolours
Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s Maybebabies
Synthetic Worldplastic
Swan, BillyI Can Helpconfidence
Swan SilvertonesSaviour Pass Me NotJesus
Swann, Bettye(My Heart Is) Closed for the Seasonthe heart
No Words/No Thoughtsthinking
SwarathmaPyaasi (ft Shubha Mudgal)compromise
Swarbrick, DaveByker Hill (with Martin Carthy)North East England
SwedemasonMasterchef Synthesiaflavour
SweetAlexander Graham Bellpioneers
Ballroom Blitzgreat album or mixtape openers
Block Buster!mistaken identity
Love Is Like Oxygengases
Peppermint Twistsweet foods
Teenage Rampageimmaturity
Wig-Wam Bamfamous or notable duos
Sweet BabooWild Imaginationusing your imagination
Sweet Honey in the RockBreathsbreathing
In the Morning When I Riseclose harmony singing
More Than a Paycheckaudible breaths
Sojourner’s Battle Hymnchoirs
Sweet SensationSad Sweet Dreamerstart with the chorus
Swell MapsRead About Seymourreading
Secret Islandislands
Swift, Taylor22youthfulness
Ronan (Taylor’s Version)heartbreak
Shake It Offpride
Swinghammer, KurtBartlett Streettwo – part 1
Swingle SingersBach’s Fugue in G Minorwordless vocals
Libertangoa cappella
SwitchfootDare You to Movedares
SylvesterYou Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)12″ singles to 1979
SylviaSweet Stuffsweetness
Sylvian, DavidForbidden Colours (with Ryuichi Sakamoto)books
Krishna Blueinspired by India
Let the Happiness Inhappiness
SymaripSkinhead Moonstompyouth cults
Skinhead Moonstomphats & accessories
Symphony XOdysseysongs that express excess
Syndicate of SoundBrown Paper Bagbags & containers
SyndicatsCrawdaddy Simonebad boys & bad girls
SyreetaWith You I’m Born Again (with Billy Preston)slow, sexy love songs
Your Kiss Is Sweetkissing
System of a DownB.Y.O.B.US presidents
Szabo, GaborBreezin’refreshment & cooling down