A-Z by Artist – Q-R

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with Q and R. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
Q-TipBreathe and Stopstop-start songs
QuadsThere Must Be Thousandsout-of-tune songs
Quantum JumpThe Lone Rangerspecific or obscure places
QuarterheadHead Shoulders Knees & Toes (with Ofenbach, ft Norma Jean Martine)bodily motion & exercise
Quarteto em CyQuando O Carnaval Chegarcarnivals & funfairs
I Never Want to See You Againmixtape closers
Quatro, SuziLipstickmakeup
Official Suburbian Supermanspring cleaning & household chores
Your Mamma Won’t Like Mebad boys & bad girls
Quaye, CalebBaby Your Phrasing Is Badindecipherable songs
Queen’39ships & boats
Another One Bites the Dustupbeat break-up #2
Bohemian Rhapsodycapital punishment
Brighton Rockechoes
Crazy Little Thing Called LoveElvis
Don’t Stop Me Nowpositive songs
Fat Bottomed Girlscurves & spheres
God Save the Queenthe Commonwealth
I Want It Allgreed
Killer Queenqueens
The Millionaire Waltz3/4 time
The Prophet’s Songprophets
Radio Gagaears & hearing
Seaside Rendezvousold meets new
Under Pressure (with David Bowie)duets
We Are the Championsdetermination
We Will Rock Youhandclaps
Queen IfricaMi Nah Rubtattoos & piercings
QueenadreenaRazor Blade Skysharp objects
Queens of the Stone AgeBurn the WitchNew England
Feel Good Hit of the Summerlist songs
Quick and to the Pointlesslust
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceFresh Airgases
quinnieItchitching & scratching
QuintessenceJesus Buddha Moses Gaurangareligion
Quinteto VioladoVaquejadacollective nouns
QuireboysStubborn Kinda Heartstubbornness
RaconteursOld Enoughviolin
Top Yourselfsuicide
Radcliffe, JimmyLong After Tonight Is All Overdevoted love
Long After Tonight Is All Overfalling in love
Radiators from SpaceTelevision Screenbreaking things
Walking Home Alone Againbeing single
Radio 4Dance to the Undergrounddancing
Radio BirdmanAloha Steve and Dannofamous or notable duos
Radio StarsDirty Picturesphotography
Radio TarifaMañanatomorrow
RadioheadAirbagclose calls
Black Starstars
Creepunrequited love
The Daily Mailnewspapers
Everything in Its Right Placegenre switch
Everything in Its Right Placeobsession
Fake Plastic Treestattoos & piercings
Fitter Happieranxiety
Justbad decisions
Liftstairs, ladders & elevators
Like Spinning Platesspinning
Luckyedges & ledges
The National Anthemnational anthems
No Surprisessilence
Palo Altothe future
Planet Telexvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Sail to the Moonfathers
Subterranean Homesick Alienspace travel
Talk Show Hostwanting to be someone else
RaekwonHeaven and Hellheaven & hell
Ice Creamfood
RaelettesCome Get It, I Got Itgirl groups
Rafferty, GerryBaker Streeturban environment
Get It Right Next Timeresilience
Night Owlowls
Whatever’s Written in Your Heartarguments #2
Rafi, MohammedJaan Pehechan Hopersonal theme songs
Jinhe Naaz Hai Hind Pardisappointment
Yeh Hai Bombay Meri JaanAsian cities
RagamuffinsHobbin and A Bobbin (ft Bob Andy)winter sports
Rage Against the MachineBullet in the Headguns
Killing in the Namesweary songs
Wake Upsocial mobility
RAH BandClouds Across the Moonmissing someone
Rahbani, EliasLiza…Liza12″ singles to 1979
Rahman, A. R. Ghanan Ghananclouds
Jai Howinners
Telephone Dhoon Me (ft Hariharan & Kavita Krishnamurty)telephones
Yeh Jo Des Hai Tera (with Berklee College)great arrangements
Rail Band (see Super Rail Band)
Rain Parade1 Hour 1/2 Agofractions & portions
RainbowKill the Kingroyalty
Long Live Rock ‘n’ Rollmood-changing music
Since You’ve Been Gonelimbo
Tarot Womanfortune tellers
Rainbow ChorusThe March of the Women (music by Dame Ethel Smyth, lyrics by Cicely Hamilton)feminism
RaincoatsNo Lookingviolin
The Voiddiscordant songs
Rainey, MaProve It on Me Bluesgender & LGBTQ+
Rainy DayI’ll Keep It with Mine (ft Susanna Hoffs)gifts & giving
Räisänen, JennyArctic Foxfrozen north
Raitt, BonnieAngel from Montgomerydisappointment
I Gave My Love a Candlemelancholy songs
Meet Me Half Wayequality
Nick of Timepassage of time
Nick of Timepunctuality
Papa Come Quick (Jody and Chico)sisters
Storm Warningstorms
Turn Me Around (with Mavis Staples)confidence
Rajaram, RajivI’ve Been Everywherethe Commonwealth
Rajasthani Folk MusiciansPodinoflavour
RakesStrasbourgplaces in Europe
We Are All Animalsid, ego & superego
Work, Work, Work (Pub, Club, Sleep)work
Raman, SusheelaTrust in Metrust
RammsteinAmerikamultilingual songs
Amerikastart with the chorus
RamonesBlitzkrieg Boppersonal theme songs
Gimme Gimme Shock Treatmenthealing
Got a Lot to Sayten words or fewer
I Don’t Wanna Go Down to the Basementrooms
I Wanna Be Sedatedaviation
I Wanted Everythinggreed
Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)alternative Christmas songs
My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)long titles
Outsideroddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Rock ‘n’ Roll High Schooleducation
Rockaway BeachNew York
Sheena Is a Punk Rockergirls’ names
Swallow My Pridepride
Teenage Lobotomyteenagers
You Should Never Should Have Opened That Doorbad decisions
Ramsey Lewis TrioThe In Crowdsongs that fit every topic
RancidBlack Derby Jacketphilosophers
Randall, JonWhiskey Lullabywhiskey
Randolph, Robert & the Family BandAmped Upenergizing songs
Going in the Right Directionsteel guitar
Randy & the RainbowsDenisenamed after women
Ranglin, ErnestGimme Back Me Shillingcoins
Montego Bay Spleen (with St. Germain)old meets new
Psychedelic Rockpsychedelia
Rankin FamilyJimmy mó Mhilé Stór (with the Chieftains)Gaelic songs
Rise Againnational anthems
Ranking TrevorTruly (with the Jays)12″ singles to 1979
Ranks, ShabbaPirates Anthem (with Home T & Cocoa Tea)pirates
Rascal, DizzeeFix Up, Look Sharpartistic trends of the 21st century
I Luv Udialogue
I Luv Uarguments #2
RascalsGood Lovin’healing
Groovin’ (as the Young Rascals)afternoon
RaspberriesOvernight Sensationfalse endings
Rasputin’s StashMr. Coolboastful songs
RatsThe Rat’s Revengeurban wildlife
RattlesThe Witchrunning
Ravel, MauricePavane pour une infante défunteremembrance songs
Piano Concerto in G majorpiano songs
RaveonettesBowels of the Beastmonsters
Raw Spitt (see Whitehead, Charlie)
Rawlings, DavidI Hear Them Allears & hearing
Ray, GemmaThe Switchswitches & buttons
RaydioJack and Jillfamous or notable duos
RayeIce Cream Manice cream
Raye, DonThe House of Blue Lights (with Freddie Slack & Ella Mae Morse)nightclubs
RazorcutsBig Pink Cakebread & baking
Brighter Nowgetting brighter
Rea, ChrisSandwritingtides
Stainsby GirlsYorkshire
Read, AlYou’re Seeing Too Much of the Tellytelevision
Reader, EddiAe Fond Kissleaving or being left behind
Green Grow the Rashes Ogreen
John Anderson My Joeverlasting love
Readers WifesNostalgiamovie & TV stars
Real ThingYou to Me Are Everythingeverything
Real Tuesday WeldBathtime in Clerkenwellretro style
Last Wordschoosing & using words
Me and Mr. Wolfinnuendo
RealityAcapulco Goldgold
Rebirth Brass BandWhy Your Feet Hurtfrom New Orleans
Record, EugeneOverdose of Joyeuphoria
RecordsPaint Her Facepainting & painters
Red EyeLittle Englandflags
Red GuitarsGood Technologymaking things
Red Hot Chili PeppersCalifornicationcompass points
Give It Awayfunk
Under the Bridgebridges
Red House PaintersDragonfliesinsects
Rollercoastercoming of age
Red Jumpsuit ApparatusYour Guardian Angelsurvival
RedboneCome and Get Your Lovealbum tracks better than the singles
The Witch Queen of New Orleanswitches
Redd, SharonBeat the Streeturban environment
Redding, OtisCigarettes and Coffeesmoking
Hard to Handleseduction
I’ve Been Loving You Too Longvolume changes
Love Mannarcissism
Mr. Pitifulnicknames & pseudonyms
My Lover’s Prayerprayer
Pain in My Heartheartbreak
Shakeenergizing songs
(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the BayCalifornia
Try a Little Tendernesskindness
White Christmasalternative Christmas songs
Reddy, HelenI Am Womanbeing a man or a woman
RedgumMidnight Sunfrozen north
RedmanHow to Roll a Bluntsmoking
RedmenaceKia Ora (Lab Rat Dub)hello
Redpath, JeanDancing at Whitsunremembrance songs
Reed, Blind AlfredAlways Lift Him Up and Never Knock Him Down underdogs
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Livepoverty
There’ll Be No Distinction There (with Orville Reed)acceptance
Why Do You Bob Your Hair, Girlshair
Reed, JerryGuitar Manmusical instruments
Bright Lights, Big Citylight
Reed, JohnMy Name Is John Wellington Wellsprophets
Reed, LouThe Bedbeds
Dirty Blvd.New York
Egg Creamchocolate
The Gunshooting
Hello It’s Me (with John Cale)remembrance songs
I Wanna Be Blackwanting to be someone else
Images (with John Cale)works of art
Keep Awayrefusal
The Kidsunsettling songs
Last Great American Whalecetaceans
The Last Shotdrinking
Make Upmakeup
Metal Machine Music A-1forgotten follow-ups
Perfect Dayrelaxation & leisure
Street Hasslesongs with special guests
Style It Takes (with John Cale)using your imagination
Trouble with Classicists (with John Cale)visual art & photography
Viciouscruel songs
Walk on the Wild Sidemovie & TV stars
What’s Good?bereavement
ReefConsiderationsongs that fit every topic
Reeps OneWe Speak Music (with Second Self)more questions than answers
Reese, DellaA Clock That’s Got No Handsclocks & watches
Come On-A My Housetickets
Reeves, JimHe’ll Have to Govolume
Reeves, Martha & the VandellasDancing in the Streetcelebration
Heat Waveheat
Jimmy Macklong-distance relationships
Nowhere to Runstuck or trapped
Reeves, VicDizzy (with the Wonder Stuff)spinning
Meals on Wheelsvolunteering
Reflection EternalThe Human Elementprisons
RegalsDetective of Lovedetectives
Regents7 Teenteenagers
Reggae RoastSoundsystem (ft Brother Culture)media for listening to recorded music
ReginaHaluan sinutgender & LGBTQ+
Regina, ElisA Corujinhaowls
Águas de Março (with Tom Jobim)list songs
Águas de Março (with Tom Jobim)whistling
Menino das Laranjasorange
Tatuagemtattoos & piercings
Regurgitator! (The Song Formerly Known As)crowds
Rei, SofiaLa Gallera (with TEKEYÉ)finger snaps & toe taps
Reich, SteveClapping Musichandclaps
Different Trains: II. Europe – During the War (with Kronos Quartet & Pat Metheny)trains
Six Marimbashammer & mallet instruments
WTC 9/11September 11 attacks
Reid, TerryRiverwater
Reinhardt, DjangoCoucoutautonyms
Minor Swingwithout percussion
Nuagessongs in French
Swing de ParisParis
RekindleIce Skating Girl (Linus Loves Remix)cold
R.E.M.At My Most Beautifultelephones
Crush with Eyelinermakeup
Daysleepersleep & insomnia
(Don’t Go Back to) Rockvillelong-distance relationships
E-Bow the Lettermade you fall in love with music
Electrolitestriking album endings
Everybody Hurtsthe obvious
Exhuming McCarthypoliticians
Fall on Meenvironment
Finest Worksongsuperlatives
Half a World Awaytiredness
It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)list songs
King of Birdseureka moments
Little AmericaAmerica
Losing My Religionfear
Man on the Moonmale names
The One I Lovesongs that aren’t what they seem
Orange Crushspine & neck
Shiny Happy Peoplecrowds
The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonightmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Standnotable key changes
Star 69stars
Strange Currenciesdefined or redefined by television
Supermanboastful songs
Sweetness Followscello
Untitledhidden tracks
World Leader Pretenddeceptive appearances
The Wrong Childgames
RenHi Renid, ego & superego
RenaissanceSong of Scheherazadefairytales
Rendell, Don (see Don Rendell / Ian Carr Quintet)
Reno, GinetteUn peu plus haut, un peu plus loinCanada
Renwick, TimDawn Returning (with Dave Griffiths)songs to start the morning
REO SpeedwagonTough Guyssurprising intros
ReolDrop Pop Candy (with GigaP)bright and beautiful
Reparata & the DelronsI’m Nobody’s Baby Nowheartbreak
ReplacementsAndrogynousgender & LGBTQ+
Beer for Breakfastdrinking
Birthday Galbirthdays
Election Dayelections
I Will Daredares
Left of the Dialradio
Little Mascaramakeup
Merry Go Roundfairgrounds
Shiftless When Idlelaziness
Sixteen Blueboredom
Skyway‘high’ songs
RestartsNo Escapeclimate change
Square Onegames
ReubenLet’s Stop Hanging Outupbeat break-up #2
Reverberi, Gianfranco & Gian Piero Nel cimitero di TucsonItaly
Reverend Horton HeatIt’s Martini Timecocktails & spirits
Revkin, AndrewLiberated Carbonclimate change
Rey, AlvinoThe Ferris Wheelfairgrounds
Reyne, JamesStood Upsitting & standing
ReynettesKowloon, Hong KongAsian cities
Reynolds, AnthonyBread and Winebread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
RezillosCan’t Stand My Babycoolness
(My Baby Does) Good Sculpturesvisual art & photography
Top of the Popsmusic industry
Rheingans SistersThe Yellow of the Flowerseternity
Rhoda (see Dakar, Rhoda)
Rhymes, BustaBreak Ya Neck (ft Twista)indecipherable songs
Rhys, GruffThe Last Conquistadorconfusion & delusion
No Profit in Painnursing & healthcare
Slashed Wrists This Christmasanti-Christmas songs
Rhythim Is Rhythim (see May, Derrick)
Rhythm MakersZonedance instrumentals
Rice, BoydDisneylandmisanthropic songs
Rice, ChaseThree Chords and the Truthguitars
Rice, Sir MackNobody Wins Till the Game is Overcompetition
Rice, Reverend D. C. & his Sanctified CongregationHe’s Got His Eyes on Youeyes & sight
Rich, BuddyThe Beat Goes On (ft Cathy Rich)different 7″ versions
Rich, CharlieThe Most Beautiful Girlsuperlatives
Who Will the Next Fool Beuncertainty
Richard, CliffDevil Womanfortune tellers
Richardson, NeilApproaching MenaceTV theme songs
Richie, LionelAll Night Long (All Night)hedonism
Richman, Jonathan (solo)No One Was Like Vermeerpainting & painters
Rooming House on Venice Beachhouses
Velvet Undergroundother musicians
You’re Crazy for Taking the Busbuses
Richman, Jonathan & the Modern Lovers (see also Richman, Jonathan)Abominable Snowman in the Marketunexplained phenomena
The Beachsand
Chewing Gum Wrappertrash
Corner Storeshopping
Corner Storemodernity
Dignified & Old (as the Modern Lovers)optimistic songs
Double Chocolate Maltedchocolate
Government Center (as the Modern Lovers)multitasking & being busy
Hospital (as the Modern Lovers)buildings
Ice Cream Man (live)false endings
I’m a Little Airplanechildren’s songs
I’m Just Beginning to Livefresh starts
I’m Straight (as the Modern Lovers)substitutions
Just About Seventeenages
Lonely Financial Zoneloneliness
The Morning of Our Livesempathy
Neon Signbright and beautiful
New EnglandNew England
Pablo Picasso (as the Modern Lovers)famous people
Roadrunner (as the Modern Lovers)radio
That Summer Feelinginnocence
Vincent Van Gogh19th century life
Richmond Fontaine5 Degrees Below Zerotravelling
The Kid from Belmont Streetcoming of age
Let’s Hit One More Placehedonism
White Line Feveritinerants & migration
Richter, MaxOn the Nature of Daylightlower the heartrate
RicochetsLike a Tigertigers
RideLeave Them All Behindvolume changes
Vapour Trailnotable outros or codas
Ridings, FreyaMapsmaps
Rigby, AmyCynically Yoursanti-love songs
We’re Stronger Than Thatmarriage
Righteous BrothersUnchained Melodysongs that build
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelingcrooners
RihannaAmerican Oxygengases
California King Bedfurniture
Love on the Brainthe brain
Stay (ft Mikky Ekko)slow, sexy love songs
Work (ft Drake)tautonyms
Riley, Jeannie C. Harper Valley PTAarguments
Riley, TerryA Rainbow in Curved Airsky
Rillera, Ricky & the Rhythm RockersEl Loco Cha Cha Chasampling & recycling
Rilo KileyA Better Son/Daughterrecovery
Rimbaud, MikeSaving Up to Go Bankruptbanks & banking
Rimsky-Korsakov, NikolaiFlight of the Bumblebeeonomatopoeia
Ríos, ElviraVereda Tropicalsongs in Spanish
Rip Rig + PanicTax Sextaxation
Riperton, MinnieInside My Lovesexy songs
Les Fleurstrees, grass & flowers
Lovin’ Yousongs that go ‘la’
Ripley, AliceWhen I’m by Your Side (with Emily Skinner)famous or notable duos
Rise AgainstHero of Wararmy
RistoPupu Tupunarabbits
Rita & the TiarasGone with the Wind Is My Lovesimiles
Ritter, JoshAnother New Worldtreachery & betrayal
The Bone of Songsongwriting
The Cursemonsters
The Temptation of Adambasements & underground
Ritter, TexBlood on the Saddleblood
Rivera, IsmaelAhi Na Ma (with Cortijo y su Combo)perfection
Rivera, MonLluvia con Nievetrombone
Roach, ArchieAll Men Choose the Path They Walkpaths & roads
Down City Streetsunderdogs
Into the BloodstreamAustralia
Keep Your Handouts, Give Us Back Our Landrejection
Took the Children Awaytyranny & dictatorship
Roach, MaxThe Drum Also Waltzes3/4 time
Freedom Dayfreedom of expression
Parisian Thoroughfare (with Clifford Brown)Paris
Triptych: Prayer/Protest/Peacescreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Roaring LionRoyal Tourthe Commonwealth
Rob & Goldie (see Playford, Rob)
Rob Base and DJ E-Z RockIt Takes Twosampling & recycling
Robbins, MartyA White Sport Coatwhite
Man Walks Among Usraptors
Robert Glasper ExperimentBlack Radio (ft Mos Def)collaborations & side projects
I Stand Alonedares
Roberts, AlasdairLeaving St. Kilda (with Robin Robertson)islands
Where Twines the Pathpaths & roads
Roberts, KathrynHunting the Hare (with Kate Rusby)a cappella
Robertson, B. A. To Be or Not to BeShakespeare
Robertson, RobbieIt Is a Good Day to Dietreachery & betrayal
Robertson, RobinLeaving St. Kilda (with Alasdair Roberts)islands
Robeson, PaulA Perfect Dayperfection
Going Homeroots
Joe Hillunderdogs
Joshua Fit de Battle of Jerichobiblical songs
The Minstrel Boybravery
No More Auction Block for Mefresh starts
Passing By (There Is a Lady, Sweet and Kind)surprise encounters
ShenandoahAmerican west
RobinsDouble-Crossing Blues (with the Johnny Otis Quintette & Little Esther)treachery & betrayal
Robinson, Smokey (see Miracles for Smokey Robinson & the Miracles)Being with Youindifference
Let Me Be the Clockclocks & watches
Travelin’ Thru’compass points
Robinson, Tom2-4-6-8 Motorwayhitchhiking
Atmospherics: Listen to the Radioears & hearing
Better Decide Which Side You’re Onleft & right
Blue MurderNorth East England
Glad to Be Gaytaboos
Hardbeing a man or a woman
Martinhero worship
Power in the Darknesstyranny & dictatorship
Robinson, Vicky Sue Turn the Beat Aroundinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Robots in DisguiseTurn It Upmood-changing music
RobynDon’t Fucking Tell Me What to Dostubbornness
Konichiwa BitchesAsian cities
With Every Heartbeatfrom Nordic countries
Roche, Suzzy & MaggieClothes Line Sagaspring cleaning & household chores
RochesWebrothers & sisters
Pete RockWarzone (ft Dead Prez)nightclubs
Rock, Pete & CL SmoothGood Lifesocial class
Tell Mefate & destiny
They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)bereavement
Rockmore, ClaraThe Swan (composed by Camille Saint-Saëns)electronic music to 1983
RockwellSomebody’s Watching Meconspiracy theories & paranoia
Rodgers, JimmieA Little Dog Criedcrosses
Blue Yodel No. 1American west
Blue Yodel No. 8 (Muleskinner Blues)manual labour
Frankie and Johnnycheating
Yodeling Cowboywordless vocals
Rodgers, Mighty Mo Death of the Middle Classsocial mobility
Rodgers, NileWe Are Familysongs by buskers
Rodrigo, Oliviadrivers licensetickets
Rodrigo y GabrielaStairway to Heavenascension
Rodrigues, AmáliaLágrimamelancholy songs
Rodrigues, VirginiaNos Horizontes do Mondocello
Rodríguez, MalaLa Niñaurban environment
Patito Feo (with Estrella Morente)misanthropic songs
Rodríguez, SilvioHistoria de las Sillaschairs
Rodriguez, SixtoLike Janisnarcissism
Roe, TommyDizzynotable key changes
Roebuck, PhillipCan I Keep Yousongs by buskers
Monkey Fistgreat solo performances
RogerSo Ruff, So Tuffinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Roger, AldusLafayette Two Steptwo – part 2
Rogers, CeCeSomedayfreedom
Rogers, GingerLet’s Call the Whole Thing Off (with Fred Astaire)vegetables
Rogers, KennyCoward of the Countyviolence
Love Lifted Mespiritual songs
Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love to Townjealousy
Rogers, Kenny & the First EditionJust Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)redefined by film
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)hangovers
Rogers, StanBarrett’s Privateersships & boats
Free in the HarbourCanada
The Mary Ellen Carterpersistence
Northwest Passagesearching & seeking
The Wreck of the Athens Queendiscovery
Rogers, TimHi, We’re the Support Band (with the Twin Set)music industry
Paragon Caféremembrance songs
Rogie, S. E. Nyalimagoteequiet songs
Rolling Stones2000 Light Years from Homespace travel
2120 South Michigan Avenueaddresses
All About Youoffensive, insulting songs
Angienamed after women
Back Street Girlsecrets
Can’t You Hear Me Knockinggreat middle eights
Casino Boogierhythm, beat & boogie
Con le mie lacrimeforeign language versions
Dead Flowersroses
Factory Girlwork
Get Off of My Cloudclouds
Gimme Shelterimpressive intros
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfactionstart with the chorus
Jumpin’ Jack Flashgreat riffs
Let’s Spend the Night Togetherflirting
Love in Vainold meets new
Midnight Rambleranger
Miss You12″ singles to 1979
Monkey Manhammer & mallet instruments
Moonlight Milestriking album endings
Mother’s Little Helperboredom
No Expectationsdepartures
Out of Timeschadenfreude
Paint It Blackbereavement
Prodigal Sonreunions
Rip This JointUS presidents
Rocks Offorgasms
Salt of the Earthsocial class
Shake Your Hipsjoints of the body
She’s a Rainbowpsychedelia
Shine a Lighthope
Sister Morphinenursing & healthcare
Sleep Tonightadult lullabies
The Spider and the Flysubstitutions
Stray Cat Bluesstairs, ladders & elevators
Stupid Girlcruel songs
Swaydifferent 7″ versions
Sweet Black Angelteachers
Sympathy for the DevilGod & the Devil
Time Waits for No Onenotable outros or codas
Tumbling Dicegambling
Undercover of the Nightpolice
Waiting on a Friendrendezvous
We Love Youscandal
Wild Horsesstaying
You Can’t Always Get What You Wantmixtape closers
You Can’t Always Get What You Wantfairness
You Can’t Always Get What You Wantwords of wisdom
Rollins, SonnyBrown Skin Girlbrown
Rollins BandLiarpropaganda
Romans, AlainHow Is the Weather in Parishammer & mallet instruments
RomanticsWhat I Like About Youretro style
Romeo, MaxChase the DevilGod & the Devil
Chase the Devilspace
Normanplaying cards
One Step Forwardregressing & reversing
Rent Manformal agreements
Stealing in the Name of Jahsmuggling & stealing
Romeo, RioDyltgir?awkwardness
Ron Wray Light ShowSpeedspeed
Ronalde, RonnieIn a Monastery Gardengardens
RonettesBe My Babygreat drumming
I Can Hear Musicears & hearing
Sleigh Ridefeaturing bells
So Youngteenagers
Walking in the Rainbad weather
Ronson, MarkValerie (ft Amy Winehouse)extraordinary vocals
Ronstadt, Linda1917 (with Emmylou Harris)army
Ah, Leave Me Not to Pine (with Rex Harris)extraordinary vocals
El Puente Roto (with Flaco Jiménez)accordion
Long Long Timedefined or redefined by television
My Blue Tears (with Dolly Parton & Emmylou Harris)songs by trios
RootsThe Adventures in Wonderland (ft Ursula Rucker)secret vices
Lazy Afternoonafternoon
Lighthouse (ft Dice Raw)lighthouses & guiding lights
Mellow My Manalliteration
The Puppet Has Cut His Strings (with Elvis Costello)puppets
Webminimalist songs
You Got Me (ft Erykah Badu & Eve)music venues
Silent Treatmentarguments #2
Roper, SkidElvis Is Everywhere (with Mojo Nixon)conspiracy theories & paranoia
RosalíaA Palémore questions than answers
Chicken Teriyakipoultry
De Platasilver & non-ferrous metals
Malamentesongs in Spanish
Que No Salga la Lunaeyes
RosanaSin Miedohope & resilience
Rose, TimLong Time Manregrets
Rose of AvalancheMistakesbad decisions
Rose RoyceCar Washfunk
Love Don’t Live Here Anymoreelectronic music to 1983
Wishing on a Starstars
Rose TattooNice Boysbad boys & bad girls
Rosie and the OriginalsAngel Babyout-of-tune songs
Ross, AnnieTwistedmental illness
Ross, Diana (see also Supremes)Ain’t No Mountain High Enoughobstacles
And If You See Himindirect messages
I’m Coming Outchange
I’m Still Waitingheartbreak
Love Hangoverhangovers
Reach Out and Touch (Somebody’s Hand)touch
Remember Meupbeat break-up
Rosselson, LeonActive Ageingpassage of time
Invisible Married Breakfast Blues (with Roy Bailey)the invisible
The Neighbours’ Catcats
Pillswhimsical songs
Where Are the Barricades?banks & banking
Rossini, GioachinoDuetto buffo di due gattionomatopoeia
Largo al factotum (from The Barber of Seville)songs that go ‘la’
William Tell Overture (Finale)defined or redefined by television
Rotary ConnectionI Am The Black Gold of the Sunthe sun
Silent Nightfeaturing bells
Roth, David LeeJump (with John Jorgenson Bluegrass Band)jukeboxes
Just Like Paradisesongs that express excess
Rother, MichaelKarussellfairgrounds
Rough SilkLucifer’s Hotelhotels
Rover BoysGraduation Dayhigher education
Rovics, DavidNo Fracking Waywastelands
Reichstag FireSeptember 11 attacks
Rowe, SeanSoldier’s Songcovers by the opposite sex
RoxetteThe Looksongs that go ‘la’
Roxy Music2HBglamour & style
A Song for Europemultilingual songs
All I Want Is Yousingle-mindedness
AmazonaSouth America
Avalonmyths & legends
Bitters Endgenre defying
Do the Stranddancing
Do the Strandfads & crazes
If There Is Somethingconditional phrases
In Every Dream Home a Heartachehome
Love Is the Drugsongs that say what love is
Manifestocomeback songs
Nightingalenightingales & thrushes
Oh Yeahradio
Re-Make/Re-Modelsecret admirers
Sultanesquedrone music
Sunsetthe sun
Virginia Plainmore questions than answers
Roy Ayers Ubiquity (see Ayers, Roy)
Roy C.Shotgun Weddingweddings
Royal Crown RevueWalkin’ Like Brandowanting to be someone else
Royal TruxPlatinum Tipssilver & non-ferrous metals
Stevie (for Steven S.)movie & TV stars
RoyksoppRemind Meforgetting
RubelQuando Bate Aquela Saudadepick-up lines & marriage proposals
Rubella BalletPlastic Lifeplastic
Victory for the Victimsconspiracy theories & paranoia
Rubinos, XeniaMexican Chefmeals & mealtimes
Ruby SunsTane Mahutamyths & legends
Rucker, DariusWagon Wheelgenre switch
Rucker, UrsulaLetter to Sister Friendsisters
Ring the Alarminfluenced by dub
What? (ft U-Love)dares
Rudd, XavierLioness Eyecats
Rudder, DavidRally Round the West Indiescricket
Rudimentary PeniBequestdoom
Ruffin, JimmyWhat Becomes of the Broken Heartedheartbreak
Ruffins, KermitWhen I Die, You Better Second Linemusic for funerals
Rufus & Chaka KhanFool’s Paradisequoting Shakespeare
I’m a Woman (I’m a Backbone)spine & neck
Run-DMCIt’s Like Thatpragmatism
It’s Trickyeffects of fame
King of Rockroyalty
King of Rockshowing off
My Adidasfashion
Peter Piperfeaturing bells
Walk This Way (with Aerosmith)collaborations & side projects
RunawaysJohnny Guitarguitars
Queens of Noisenoise
Rundgren, ToddClichéidioms & common expressions
Couldn’t I Just Tell Yousecret admirers
Dust in the Windmusic for funerals
Flamingoelectronic music to 1983
Hello It’s Mevisitors
I Saw the Lightchange of mind
Just One Victoryresilience
The Night the Carousel Burnt Downfairgrounds
Onomatopeiaodd noises & instruments
Sometimes I Don’t Know What to Feeldenial
Tin Foil Hat (ft Donald Fagen)tyranny & dictatorship
Wolfman Jacknicknames & pseudonyms
Zen Archerambiguity
RunrigCnoc Na Feille / Siol GhoraidhGaelic songs
Loch Lomond (live)Scotland
Rusby, KateDaysgratitude
Drowned Loverssuicide
Game of All Foursgames
Hunting the Hare (with Kathryn Roberts)a cappella
My Young ManYorkshire
RushA Farewell to Kingskings
Freewillstar signs
The Spirit of Radioradio
Test for Echoechoes
Vapor Trailhorizons
The Weaponbeing scared
Working Manoutstanding percussion
Xanadufictional places
Rush, BobbyNicknamenicknames & pseudonyms
Rush, TomJoshua Gone Barbadosbroken promises
Rushing, JimmyBerkeley Campus Blueshigher education
I’m Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Townadultery & infidelity
Mister Five by Fivebeing fat
Russell, AllisonEve Was Blackunderdogs
Russell, ArthurIn the Light of the Miraclemiracles
Kiss Me Again (as Dinosaur)12″ singles to 1979
This Is How We Walk on the Moonthe moon
You Have Did the Right Thing When You Put That Skylight Inwindows
Russell, CalvinCrossroadscrosses
Russell, TomGoodnight Juarez (with the Norwegian Wind Ensemble)love songs to places
Mississippi River Runnin’ Backwardsreversing
Rustavi EnsembleTsintskaroa cappella
RutlesCheese and Onionsvegetables
Let’s Be Naturalnature
RutsBabylon’s Burningfire
In a Rutsuicide
Ryder, SerenaStompaslowing down
Ryles, John WesleyKaygripping or intriguing narrative
ryo/supercellOdds & Ends (ft Hatsune Miku)audible breaths
World Is Mine (ft Hatsune Miku)artificial intelligence
RZAGhost Dog Themedriving songs
Grits (ft Allah Real & Masta Killa)vegetables
Grits (ft Allah Real & Masta Killa)austerity