A-Z by Artist – N

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with N. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
Nada SurfHere Goes Somethinggravity
Popularsongs offering advice
NadadoraSeptiembre No Está Tan LejosSeptember
Nah, Youn SunBreakfast in Baghdadspecific or obscure places
Enter Sandmanmusically adventurous
Nakamoto, Tsutomu & the Shakari OrchestraTokyo BalladAsian cities
Nangarhari, LatifDa Cricket Loba Dagatama Lar Aw Bar
Afghanan Loy Afghanistan
Nannini, GiannaAssenzaItaly
Napalm DeathYou Sufferten words or fewer
Napoleon XIVThey’re Coming to Take Me Awaywhimsical songs
Naru, AkuaPoetry: How Does It Feel Now???lust
NasDaughtersfathers and daughters
Ethercruel songs
Fetusbabies & childbirth
Fried Chicken (ft Busta Rhymes)meat
I Canconfidence
I Gave You Powerguns
N.Y. State of MindNew York
The World Is Yoursstart with the chorus
Nascimento, MiltonCaisusing your imagination
Cálice (with Chico Buarque)tyranny & dictatorship
Cravo e Canelabrown
Fairy Tale Song (Cadê)fairytales
Outubromonths of the year
Nash, JohnnyI Can See Clearly Nowthe obvious
Nashville TeensTobacco Roadroads & streets
Nastasia, NinaBird of Cuzcobirdsong
I Write Down Lists (with Jim White)collecting & listing
Judy’s in the Sandboxflirting
That’s All There Isacceptance
Exile Vilifyexile
Mistaken for Strangersstrangers
National LampoonDeterioratasongs offering advice
Natural ItesPicture on the Wall (with the Realistics)chairs
Nature ZonePorcupinerodents
Nau, Lau (see Lau Nau)
NazarethThis Flight Tonightaviation
NazzOpen My Eyessongs to start the morning
Ndegeocello, MeshellAin’t Misbehavin’ (with Jason Moran)artistic trends of the 21st century
Don’t Take My Kindness for Weaknessidioms & common expressions
If That’s Your Boyfriend (He Wasn’t Last Night)last night
Love Song #1influenced by reggae
N’Dour, Youssou7 Seconds (with Neneh Cherry)unlikely collaborations
The Lion (Gaiende)bravery
L’Ours (with Christophe Maé)bears
NecksHanging Gardengardens
Neeley, TedGethsemane (I Only Want to Say)extraordinary vocals
NegativlandChristianity is Stupidtyranny & dictatorship
Negro, J. Walter & the Loose JointzShoot the Pumprefreshment & cooling down
Neil, FredThe Dolphinsfish & other aquatic life
I’ve Got a Secret (Didn’t We Shake Sugaree)secrets & secrecy
The Water Is Widewater
NellyHot in Herreheat #2
Nelson, BillAnother Day, Another Ray of Hopehope
Beyond These Clouds the Sweetest Dreamclouds
Do You Dream In Colourcolours
Furniture Music (as Bill Nelson’s Red Noise)decor
Nelson, RickyGarden Party (as Rick Nelson)acceptance
Lonesome Townlosers
Summertimegreat riffs
Nelson, WillieAlways on My Mindapologies
Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Othersecrets
Funny How Time Slips Awaydialogue
I Never Cared for Youopposites
Me and Paulfriendship
Midnight Runwhiskey
Red Headed Strangerstrangers
Seven Year Itchitching & scratching
They All Went to Mexico (with Carlos Santana)Mexico & Central America
Nena99 Luftballonshistorical events
N.E.R.D.Bobby Jamescharacter songs
Nero and the GladiatorsIn the Hall of the Mountain Kingmyths & legends
NervesHanging on the Telephonelesser known originals
Nesbitt, NinaSelfiesphotography
Nesmith, MichaelDifferent Drumindependence
Rio 2aviation
RIo 1escape
Neu!After Eighttimes of day
E-Musikdriving songs
Für Immerkrautrock
Hallogallolong songs
Heroout-of-tune songs
Lila Engelpurple
Neutral Milk HotelHolland, 1945places in Europe
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea‘high’ songs
Neville, AaronHerculesnamed after men
Louisiana 1927bad weather
Stompin’ Ground (with Dirty Dozen Brass Band)from New Orleans
Tell It Like It Isfrom New Orleans
Neville BrothersSister Rosaleadership
Sitting in Limbolimbo
With God on Our Sideacceptance
Yellow Moonyellow
New DawnLoserlosers
New Model ArmyBalladclimate change
Die Tryingwinter
Green and Greyrural songs
Higher Wallinterlopers
Spirit of the Falklandsarmy
Vagabondssearching & seeking
Western Dreambad decisions
New MusikLiving by Numbersmodernity
Living by Numbersmathematics
New Order1963dates
Age of Consentcoming of age
Bizarre Love Trianglegreat keyboards
Blue Monday1980s 12” singles
Every Little Countsnotable outros or codas
In a Lonely Placescary songs
Love Vigilanteshome
Temptationfalling in love
Thieves Like Ussongs that say what love is
True Faithfaith
Your Silent Facesilence
World in Motionfootball
New RadicalsYou Get What You Giveproverbs
New Riders of the Purple SageCarl Perkins Wears the Crowncrowns
New York DollsPillshospitals
NewbeatsBread and Butterbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
NewcleusComputer Age (Push the Button)switches & buttons
Newcomer, CarrieBetty’s Dinerrestaurants & cafes
I Wish I May, I Wish I Mightmarkets & fairs
Newell, MartinBefore the Hurricanewind
Newman, PaulPlastic Jesusplastic
Newman, RandyA Few Words in Defense of Our Countryfallen heroes
BaltimoreUS cities & states
Big Hat, No Cattlelies
Christmas in Cape Townalternative Christmas songs
God’s Song (That’s Why I Love Mankind)misunderstanding
Guiltyid, ego & superego
In Germany Before the Warunsettling songs
Last Night I Had a Dreamnightmares
Let’s Burn Down the Cornfieldstarting fires
Lonely at the Topwealth
Love Story (You and Me)everlasting love
Mikey’sold age
Naked Mannudity
Political Sciencenuclear war
Stay AwayCOVID-19 lockdown
Texas Girl at the Funeral of Her Fatherseparation
The World Isn’t Fairphilosophers
You Can Leave Your Hat Onhats
Newsom, JoannaBridges and Balloonsbridges
Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrieorchestral string instruments
Colleenmythical beasts
Go Longsongs with special guests
Good Intentions Paving Co,companies & corporations
Have One on Mespiders
Monkey & Bearstrange, rare or unlikely words
On a Good Dayharps, lyres & zithers
Sapokanikanunusual rhymes
You and Me, Besshorses
Newton, SlimThe Redback on the Toilet Seatspiders
Newton-John, OliviaPlease Mr. Pleasejukeboxes
Ngema, MbongeniLaduma!crowds
Ní Fhearraigh, AoifeGabhaim Molta Bríghde (I Give Praise to Saint Brigid)Gaelic songs
Nicely, NickHilly Fields (1892)parks
Solar Windrainbows
Nicholas BrothersChattanooga Choo Choo (with Dorothy Dandridge & the Glenn Miller Orchestra)finger snaps & toe taps
Jumpin’ Jive (with Cab Calloway)jumping
Nicholls, BillyLondon Social Degreesongs that aren’t what they seem
Nichols, Jeb Loy CountryMusicDisco45last night
Nickel CreekThe Lighthouse’s Taleunusual narrators
Thinnest Wallsuperlatives
Nicks, StevieOoh My Lovecastles
NicoAll Tomorrow’s Parties (with the Velvet Underground)parties & going out
The Fairest of the Seasonssongs that make you cry
Femme Fatale (with the Velvet Underground)accents
I’ll Be Your Mirror (with the Velvet Underground)mirrors
I’m Not Sayin’debut songs
It Has Not Taken Longbrevity
Lawns of Dawnsdawn
Nibelungenmyths & legends
Secret Sidesecrets
These Daysandrogynous vocals
Wrap Your Troubles in Dreamsdreams
NicoletteNo Governmentleft wing politics
We Never Knownever
Nigam, SonuZoobi Doobi (with Shreya Ghoshal)stupidity
NightcrawlersA Basket of Flowersbags & containers
Nighthawk, RobertBlack Angel Bluessweetness
NightingalesUrban Ospreysurban wildlife
Watch Your Posturebodily motion & exercise
Nightmares on WaxThe Sweetestsweetness
NightwishWishmasterso bad they’re good
NigoCome On, Let’s Go (with Tyler, the Creator)punctuality
Niles, John JacobWho Killed Cock Robinmysterious & puzzling
Nilsson, HarryAll I Think About Is Youchoirs
Everybody’s Talkin’echoes
Everything’s Got ‘Empsychedelia
I’m Always Chasing Rainbowsrainbows
Me and My Arrowpets
The Moonbeam Songambiguity
Without Youheartbreak
Nimoy, LeonardThe Ballad of Bilbo Bagginsbooks #2
Nine Inch NailsCloserlust
The Collectorcollecting & listing
Head Like a Holeholes
Hurtrecreational drugs
March of the Pigsmusically adventurous
Terrible Liebroken promises
NirvanaAll Apologiesguilt & apology
Been a Sonfeminism
Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattlescandal
Heart-Shaped Boxbags & containers
Scentless Apprenticebooks #2
Smells Like Teen Spiritbrands
Something in the Wayhomelessness
Nirvana (UK band)Tiny Goddesssongs that fit every topic
NisennenmondaiA (Live at Clouds Hill)underrated artists
NitsThe Bauhaus Chairchairs
Nitty Gritty Dirt BandMary Danced with Soldiersgirls’ names
Nitzer EbbGetting Closertwo – part 2
Join In the Chantmachinery, industry & technology
Nitzsche, JackOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Opening Theme)odd noises & instruments
Nix, Reverend A. W. Black Diamond Express to Hell Part 1heaven & hell
Nixon, MojoElvis Is Everywhere (with Skid Roper)conspiracy theories & paranoia
Plastic Jesus (with Jello Biafra)plastic
NizlopiJCB Songyellow
No Bird SingPlastic Lines (ft Alicia Wiley)photographs
No DoubtDon’t Speakloss
Magic’s in the Makeupmakeup
Noah and the WhaleThe First Days of Springchannelling pain
My Door Is Always Opendoors
Noble, Ray & his OrchestraDinner for One Please, James (with Al Bowlly)meals & mealtimes
Looking on the Bright Side of Life (with Al Bowlly)optimistic songs
Love Is the Sweetest Thing (with Al Bowlly)songs that say what love is
Please Don’t Mention It (with Al Bowlly & Anona Winn)letters, emails & telegrams
The Very Thought of You (with Al Bowlly)crooners
Nobles, Cliff & Co.The Horseanimals
Nocturnal EmissionsNever Give Upsingle-mindedness
NOFXOne Million Coastersplastic
Noir & HazeAroundmade you fall in love with music
Nomad(I Wanna Give You) Devotiongifts & giving
NoMeansNo0+2=1the impossible
Brother Rat / What Slayde Saystreachery & betrayal
Nomi, KlausDeath (composer: Henry Purcell)high pitched vocals
NonameParadise (ft Queen SheCago)tigers
Nordine, KenBrownbrown
Warm Leatherettecars & driving
North Atlantic Invasion ForceElephant on My Tambourineelephants & mammoths
Nosequien y los NosecuantosPisco Sourcocktails & spirits
Notorious B.I.G.Juicyvictory
Things Done Changedchange
Nougaro, ClaudeParis maiParis
Nouvelle VagueToo Drunk to Fuckdrinking
Nova MobThe Last Days of Pompeiinatural disasters
NovasThe Crusherdance styles
Numan, GaryAngel Warsdisbelief
Nunes, ClaraFeira de Mangaiomarkets & fairs
NurseThe Nursenursing & healthcare
Nutini, PaoloA Man’s a Man for A’ Thatwords of wisdom
New Shoesold and new
Nuyorican SoulIt’s Alright, I Feel Itjoyous songs
N.W.A.Express Yourselfconfidence
Fuck Tha Policesound effects
Straight Outta ComptonCalifornia
Nyman, MichaelSecrets, Accusations and Lies (with David McAlmont)secrets & secrecy
Nyro, LauraA Free Thinkerfreedom
And When I Diemusic for funerals
Beads of Sweatperspiration
Gibsom Streetadversity
Monkey Time / Dancing in the Street (with Labelle)dancing
Mother’s Spiritualnature
Stoned Soul Picnicmeals & mealtimes