A-Z by Artist – M

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with M. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
MPop Muzikmusic genres
M PeopleMoving On Upupbeat break-up #2
M83Run into Flowerstrees, grass & flowers
Ma, Yo-YoCello Suite No. 1 in G major: I. Prelude (Bach)cello
Simple Gifts (with Alison Krauss)New England
Maal, BaabaNjilouextraordinary vocals
There Will Be Time (with Mumford & Sons)collaborations & side projects
Mabon, WillieThe Seventh Sonsixth sense
Mac Mathúna, Lorcán The Windhoverraptors
MaccabeesCan You Give Ittradition
MacColl, EwanDirty Old Town (with Peggy Seeger)Manchester
Joy of Livingmountains
The Manchester Ramblerthe weekend
The Moving On Songmoving on
The Shoals of Herringcollective nouns
MacColl, KirstyBig Boy on a Saturday Nightdays of the week
Children of the Revolutionyouthfulness
Dancing in Limbolimbo
England 2 Colombia 0sport
Here Comes That Man Againswitches & buttons
He’s on the Beachthe Commonwealth
In These Shoes?shoes
Soho Squaresitting & standing
They Don’t Knowindifference
Walking Down Madisonstrange, rare or unlikely words
MacDermot, GaltAquarius (performed by the Original London Cast of Hair)star signs
Macdonald, AmyBarrowland Ballroommusic venues
Footballer’s Wifefootball
Youth of Todayfreedom of expression
MacDonald, RodMy Neighbors in Delrayrare events
MachineThere But for the Grace of God Go Icharacter songs
Machine Gun Fellatio(Let Me Be Your) Dirty Fucking Whoreorgasms
Machito & his Salsa Big BandRonnie Scott Mambomade you fall in love with music
Mack, GeoffI’ve Been Everywherethe Commonwealth
Macka BBaked Beans and Eggeggs
Looks Are Deceivingdeceptive appearances
Never Played a 45plastic
Unemployment Bluesunemployment
Wha Me Eatnuts & edible seeds
Mackenzie, Billy14 Mirrorsmirrors
At the Edge of the Worldedges & ledges
Macklemore & Ryan LewisThrift Shop (ft Wanz)sales, selling & bargains
MacLean, DougieScythe Songtools
MacPhee, Catherine-Ann Cànan nan GàidhealScotland
MacRae, GordonOh What a Beautiful Mornin’bright and beautiful
Maddie & TaeGirl in a Country Townstereotypes
MadnessBaggy Trousersschool
Cardiac Arrestillness
Don’t Quote Me on Thateggs
Driving in My Carmachinery, industry & technology
House of Funanticipation
In the Middle of the Nightnews & media
It Must Be Lovesongs that say what love is
Madness (Is All in the Mind)the brain
My Girlarguments
One Step Beyondechoes
Our Househome
Swan Lakeold meets new
Wings of a Dovesteelpan
MadonnaBorderlineedges & ledges
Burning Upfire
Into the Grooverhythm, beat & boogie
Justify My Lovewhispering
Like a Prayerprayer
Lucky Stargreat middle eights
Papa Don’t Preachfathers and daughters
Vogueglamour & style
MadredeusA Andorinha da Primaveraspring
Maé, ChristopheLa plus jolie des féessuperlatives
L’Ours (with Youssou N’Dour)bears
MagazineA Song from Under the Floorboardssongs about songs
Definitive Gazeeyes
The Light Pours Out of Melight
Shot by Both Sidesguns
Maggart, MaudeYiddisha Nightingalenightingales & thrushes
Magnetic FieldsA Chicken with Its Head Cut Offpoultry
The Book of LoveValentine’s Day songs
The Death of Ferdinand de Saussurehistorical figures
The Dreaming Moonthe moon
Fido, Your Leash Is Too Longpets
I Shatterdeep voices
I Think I Need a New Heartthe heart
Let’s Pretend We’re Bunny Rabbitshedonism
The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Sideluck
Parades Go Byparades
Queen of the Savagesqueens
Very Funnyshort songs
Wi’ Nae Wee Bairn Ye’ll Me Begetrejection
Magnetic ManThe Buginternet
Magnolia Electric Co.The Night Shift Lullabyadult lullabies
MagnumLes Morts Dansantsjustice
The Spiritsongs with sudden changes
Maguire, EmilyStart Over Againrecovery
Mahadevan, ShankarGayatri Mantra (Contemporary Mix)getting brighter
Padipattu (Breathless)stairs, ladders & elevators
Mahavishnu OrchestraOpen Country Joyviolin
You Know, You Knowoutstanding percussion
Maher Shalal Hash BazWhat’s Your Business Here Elijah?omens & prophecies
Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens (see Mahotella Queens)
Mahler, GustavDas Lied von der Erde (6th movement, Part 3) (sung by Kathleen Ferrier)vibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Symphony No. 8songs that express excess
Mahotella QueensGazette (Kazet) (with Mahlathini)energizing songs
Izinyonicollective nouns
Lilizela Mlilizeli (with Mahlathini)music as nutrition
Thokozile (with Mahlathini)flutes, pipes & whistles
Main IngredientSummer Breezerefreshment & cooling down
Main SourceLooking at the Front Doorarguments
Mainer, J. E.Why Do You Bob Your Hair, Girls?fads & crazes
MajkystarGræder duamphibians
Major LanceUm, Um, Um, Um, Um, Umparks
Majumdar, SujathaGenda Phoolorange
Make a Change… Kill YourselfChapter Onefrom Nordic countries
Make-UpBorn on the Floorbabies & childbirth
I Am Pentagonnumbers
Makeba, MiriamThe Click Songsongs about songs
Pata Pataonomatopoeia
Soweto Bluestowns
Malaria!Kaltes klares Wasser (with Chicks on Speed)cleansing
Malchak, TimIt Goes Without Sayingthe obvious
Malcolm, CarlFattie Bum-Bumbeing fat
Miss Wire Waistnicknames & pseudonyms
Maldita NereaEl Secreto de las Tortugasreptiles
Male GazeGreen Flashsunsets & twilight
MaliaSalmon Coloured Manpink
Yellow Daffodilsretrospection
Malkmus, StephenGardenia (with the Jicks)flowers
MaloSuavecitoalbum tracks better than the singles
Malone, PostLevii’s Jeans (with Beyoncé)legs & pants
Mamas & the PapasCalifornia Dreamin’California
Creeque Alleyretrospection
Dedicated to the One I Lovemixtape closers
Dream a Little Dream of Medreams
I Saw Her Againdenial
Midnight Voyagemidnight
Sing for Your Suppermeals & mealtimes
ManNever Say Nups to a NepaleseWelsh songs
Man or Astro-man?Escape Through the Air Ventescape
ManassasJohnny’s Gardengardens
Manchester, MelissaHome to Myselfbeing single
Mancini, HenryLujoneasy listening

Peter Gunn
ensembles, big bands & orchestras
The Pink Panther Themepersonal theme songs
Mandell, EleniAfternoonafternoon
Paulineglamour & style
Mandell, SteveDueling Banjos (with Eric Weissberg)call and response
Mandrell, BarbaraSteel Guitar Ragsteel guitar
MandrillFencewalkbig and meaty
Manfred MannDo Wah Diddy Diddymisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Ha! Ha! Said the Clownlaughter
Semi-Detached, Suburban Mr. Jamessuburbia
Manfred Mann Chapter ThreeOne Way Glassglass
Manfred Mann’s Earth BandPluto the Dogdogs
Mangelsdorff, AlbertI Dig It – You Dig It (with Don Cherry)austerity
Mangeshkar, LataWada Na Todvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Manhattan Love SuicidesHead Over Heelsclose calls
Manic Street Preachers4st 7lbscontrol
A Design for Lifeorchestral string instruments
Faster‘I am’ songs
If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Nextwar
The Intense Humming of Evilscary songs
Kevin Carterfamous people
Let Robeson Singsinging
Motorcycle Emptinessmotorbikes
Nat West-Barclays-Midlands-Lloydscompanies & corporations
Ocean Spraynursing & healthcare
Manilow, BarryCopacabanaso bad they’re good
Mann, Aimee4th of Julydates
Fifty Years After the Fairprophets
Ghost Worldcomics & cartoons
Humpty Dumptyeggs
I Was Thinking I Could Clean Up for Christmasanti-Christmas songs
Wise Uppathos
Mann, HerbieOne Note Samba (with João Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)austerity
Manning, BarbaraDock Ellisoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Mano NegraOut of Time Manpunctuality
ManowarThe Crown and the Ring (Lament of the Kings)crowns
Sleipnircompass points
Mansell, ClintDeath Is the Road to Awe (with Kronos Quartet & Mogwai)instrumental soundtracks
Mansfield, KeithGrandstandincidental music
Pastoral Colours (from Labyrinth of Time)incidental music
Manson, MarilynCake and Sodomybread & baking
Dope Showaddiction
MantovaniCharmaineeasy listening
MantronixBasslinebig and meaty
Manuva, RootsAgain & Againcricket
Sinny Sin Sinssinners
Yellow SubmarineBeatles covers
Manx, HarryDeath Have Mercysteel guitar
Mar, KathyFlowers for Algernonrodents
Mar-KeysLast Nightlast night
MarcelsBlue Moongreat backing vocals
I Wanna Be the Leaderleadership
Marenco, LuizDe Bota e Bombachalegs & pants
Margot & the Nuclear So and So’sA Journalist Falls in Love with Deathrow Inmate #16capital punishment
Maria, IdaI Like You So Much Better When You’re Nakedpick-up lines & marriage proposals
I Like You So Much Better When You’re Nakednudity
Lady Ninaprostitution
Warm Wet Circlesgeometric shapes
Marina and the Diamonds (see Diamandis, Marina)
MarineLife in Reversereversing
MarizaMedoextraordinary vocals
Mark, Louisa6 Six Streetaddresses
Markie, BizShove This Jay-Oh-Bee (with Canibus)anti-work
Spring Againspring
Marklay (see West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band)
Marley, BobBuffalo Soldiermigrants & refugees
Coming In from the Coldgreat drumming
Concrete Junglepersonification
Exodusmoving on
Get Up, Stand Uplessons in life
High Tide or Low Tidetides
Iron Lion Zioniron & steel
Jammingidioms & common expressions
Mellow Moodmixtape closers
Midnight Raversmidnight
No Woman, No Crythe Caribbean
One Loveunity
Redemption Songfreedom
Roots, Rock, Reggaemusic genres
Screw Facefaces
Small Axeunderdogs
Them Belly Full (But We Hungry)anger
Three Little Birdshope
Trenchtown Rock (Live)mood-changing music
Marley, ZiggyTipsy Dazy (with the Melody Makers)inversions
Wings of an Eagle (with Elizabeth Mitchell)wings
Marling, LauraCross Your Fingersjoints of the body
Goodbye England (Covered in Snow)hats & accessories
Gurdjieff’s Daughtersongs offering advice
My Manic and Itwo – part 1
MarmaladeI See the Rainwater
Márquez, RocíoAntiguamente Eran Dulces (They Used to Be Sweet) salt
Cómo Pasa la Vidaminimalist songs
Marrow, Queen Esther Walk Tallconsolation
M|A|R|R|SPump Up the Volume (USA 12″ mix)rallying cries
Mars, BrunoTreasureretro style
Marsalis, BranfordBird Song (with Grateful Dead)unlikely collaborations
Marsalis, WyntonEverybody Wear They Mask (with Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra)masks
In the Sweet Embrace of Life Sermon: Holy Ghostinfluenced by gospel
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Childbrass songs
Marshall, AmandaDark Horseoverturning the odds
Martha1997, Passing in the Hallwayages
Martha and the MuffinsEcho Beachone-hit wonders
Suburban Dreamsuburbia
Martha & the Vandellas (see Reeves, Martha & the Vandellas)
Martin, DeanHow D’Ya Like Your Eggs in the Morning (with Helen O’Connell)eggs
Memories Are Made of Thisrecipe songs
Martin, JanisMy Boy Elvisconcerts
Martín, MayteContigo en la Distancia (with Tete Montoliu)estimates of distance & time
La Paloma de Picassofamous or notable animals
Martinez, SabuSorcerypaganism
Martino, AlCome Share the Winecommunity
Martyn, BeverleyHappy New Year (as Beverley)great keyboards
Primrose Hill (with John Martyn)London
Stormbringer (with John Martyn)natural disasters
Martyn, JohnBig Muffinfluenced by reggae
The Easy Bluesobsession
Fairy Tale Lullabyinnocence
Primrose Hill (with Beverley Martyn)London
Singin’ in the Rainrain
The Sky Is Cryingsky
Small Hours (live)vibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Solid Airother musicians
Spencer the Roverindependence
Stormbringer (with Beverley Martyn)natural disasters
MarvelettesDestination: Anywheretickets
The Hunter Gets Captured by the Gamehunting
I’ll Keep Holding Onwaiting
My Baby Must Be a Magicianmagic
My Daddy Knows Bestunemployment
Too Many Fish in the Seahandclaps
Marvin, LeeWand’rin’ Starout-of-tune songs
Marvin the MartianI Hate My Jobanti-work songs
Masa, MuraDeal Wiv It (with slowthai)songs to start the morning
Masekela, HughHa Lese Le Di Khannafour-legged livestock
Stimela (Coal Train)manual labour
MashSuicide Is Painless (Theme from M*A*S*H)failure
Mason, NickI’m a Mineralist (with Robert Wyatt)secret vices
Mason, WillyOxygenprotest
Massi, SouadOumniyaprayer
Massive AttackAngelandrogynous vocals
Group Fourcontrol
Home of the Whalecetaceans
Hymn of the Big Wheelspinning
Inertia Creepsimpressive intros
Man Next Doorquiet
Safe from Harmconditional phrases
#TAXHAVENS (with Saul Williams & Gabriel Zucman)taxation
Teardropsongs with special guests
Unfinished Sympathygreat album or mixtape openers
Master KGJerusalemaCOVID-19 lockdown
Masters of RealityT.U.S.A.tea
MastodonSeabeastthe sea
Masuka, DorothyGhanapoliticians
Matching MoleInstant Pussywordless vocals
O Carolineregrets
Signed Curtainfutility
Mathématiques ModernesRéponds-moislow, sexy love songs
Matheson, KarenAilein duinnsuicide
Mathis, Johnny99 Miles from L.A.anticipation
Mistyfalling in love
The Twelfth of Nevermonths of the year
MattafixLiving Darfurpeace
Matthews, CerysCalon Lan (with Fron Male Voice Choir)choirs
Matthews, DaveGravediggercaves
Long Black Veil (as Dave Matthews Band)masks
Mauriat, Paul & his OrchestraLove Is Blueharpsichord
MawkinBellringers / Peacock Follow the Hen (ft Jim Causley)bells
Maxïmo ParkMy Life in Reversereversing
May, DerrickStrings of Lifeminimalist songs
May, ImeldaJohnny Got a Boom Boomvolume
Knockpatterns & sequences
Sixth Sensesixth sense
Mayall, JohnDouble Crossing Time (with the Bluesbreakers)crosses
Room to Moveharmonica
Mayer, JohnGravitygravity
No Such Thingreunions
Walt Grace’s Submarine Test, January 1967making things
Your Body Is a Wonderlanddiscovery
Mayfield, CurtisBack to Living Againoverturning the odds
(Don’t Worry) If There’s a Hell Below, We’re All Going To GoGod & the Devil
(Don’t Worry) If There’s a Hell Below, We’re All Going to Goalbum tracks better than the singles
Freddie’s Deadrecorded for movies
Keep On Going Onpersistence
Move On Upoptimistic songs
People Get Readyrevolution
Pushermanironic songs
Readings in Astrologystar signs
Superflyfictional adverts
To Be Invisiblethe invisible
We the People Who Are Darker Than Blueblack
Wild and Freefreedom
Maytals (see Toots and the Maytals)
Mazzacane, LaurenBicycle (with Kath Bloom)bicycles
Mazzy StarBe My Angelangels
Fade into Yousexy songs
Ghost Highwaypaths & roads
Into Dustquiet songs
Mbenza, SyranLiwa Ya Franco (with Ensemble Rumba Kongo)pioneers
Mbulu, LettaWhat’s Wrong with Groovin’freedom of expression
MC 900 Ft. JesusThe City Sleepsstarting fires
MC Bugg-ZZika 101unusual rhymes
MC FrontalotGoth Girlsshyness
MC JúniorRap das Armas (with MC Leonardo)South America
MC LarsIf I Had a Time Machine, That Would Be Freshtime travel
MC LeonardoRap das Armas (with MC Júnior)South America
MC LyteAbsolutely Positively….. Practical Jokessongs with jokes
MC SolaarQui sème le vent récolte le tempowind
MC5The American Rusedeception
Kick Out the Jamsrallying cries
Sister Annesisters
McAlmont, DavidSecrets, Accusations and Lies (with Michael Nyman)secrets & secrecy
McAlmont & ButlerYesupbeat break-up
McCain, JerryShe’s Toughlaughter
McCallum, DavidHouse of Mirrorsmirrors
McCarthyThe Home Secretary Briefs the Forces of Law and Orderlaw enforcement
Should the Bible Be Banned?reading
We Are All Bourgeois Nowsongs that capture the zeitgeist
McCartney, PaulThe Broadcast (as Wings)solo Beatles songs
Coming Upsolo Beatles songs
Let Me Roll It (with Wings)solo Beatles songs
Listen to What the Man Saidindirect messages
The Long and Winding Roadroad trips
Maybe I’m Amazedsolo Beatles songs
Mull of KintyreScotland
Ram On (with Linda McCartney)solo Beatles songs
Silly Love Songs (as Wings)songs about love songs
We All Stand Together (with the Frog Chorus)unity
McClintock, HarryThe Big Rock Candy Mountainfantasy
McCook, TommyHarvest in the EastSeptember & October
McCoy, CharlieOrange Blossom Specialharmonica
McCoy, Kansas JoeWhat’s the Matter with the Mill? (with Memphis Minnie)dialogue
When the Levee Breaks (with Memphis Minnie)earth, soil & dirt
When the Levee Breaks (with Memphis Minnie)underwater
McCoysHang On Sloopyhanging
McCrae, George & GwenThe Rubtouch
McCrae, GwenRockin’ Chairchairs
McCutcheon, JohnThe Red Corvettesales, selling & bargains
Spring Cleaningspring cleaning & household chores
McDonald, Country JoeLady with the Lampnursing & healthcare
McDonald, ShelaghMirageillusions
McDonald and GilesTomorrow’s People – The Children of Todaytomorrow
McDuff, Brother Jack Hot Barbequemeals & mealtimes
McFadden & WhiteheadAin’t No Stoppin’ Us Nowobstacles
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Nowmotivation
McFerrin, BobbyOpportunitycovers by the opposite sex
McGarrigle, Kate & AnnaComplainte pour Ste-Catherinesongs in French
Dancer with Bruised Kneestwo – part 2
First Bornbabies
Go Leavedivorce
Heart Like a Wheelthe heart
NaCl (Sodium Chloride)science
NaCl (Sodium Chloride)salt
Swimming Songaccordion
(Talk to Me Of) Mendocinoroad trips
Tell My Sisterbrothers & sisters
McGhee, BrownieFox Hunt (with Sonny Terry)hunting
McGhee, StickDrinkin’ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee (as “Sticks” McGhee & his Buddies)wine
McGinn, MattThe Footba’ Refereefootball
McGregor, FreddieBig Shipships & boats
McGuinness, EugeneMonsters Under the Bednightmares
McGuire, BarryEve of Destructionapocalypse
McKay, NellieSariguilt & apology
McKee, MariaBreathebreathing
Panic Beachthe coast
McKennitt, LoreenaThe Highwaymanoutlaws & rebels
Marrakesh Night Marketmasks
Samain Nightpaganism
McKenzie, Bob & Doug Take OffCanada
McKenzie, ScottSan Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)songs that capture the zeitgeist
McLachlan, SarahFallenembarrassment
Possessionsongs that aren’t what they seem
When He Loved Meplatonic love
McLaren, MalcolmDouble Dutchfads & crazes
McLauchlan, MurrayRailroad Manswitches & buttons
McLaughlin, JohnFantasia Suite (with Al Di Meola & Paco de Lucía)songs by trios
Guardian Angelsangels
McLean, DonAmerican Piemood-changing music
Babylonfinish where they begin
Vincentworks of art
McLennan, GrantEasy Come, Easy Goimpermanence
Lighting Firesstarting fires
McLuhanSpiders (In Neal’s Basement)basements & underground
McluskyDethink to Survivethinking
KKKitchens, What Were You Thinking?bad decisions
McManus, RossSecret Lemonade Drinkersecrets
McMurtry, JamesFt. Walton Wake-Up Calleyewear
We Can’t Make It Here Anymorestick it to the man
McNabb, IanNot Lost Enough to Be Rescuedloss
McNally, ShannonJukebox Sparrowsjukeboxes
McNease, HeathNintendo Thumbswitches & buttons
McNeil, NiallI Love You So Love Me (co-written with Marcus Youssef, composed by Veda Hille)famous or notable duos
McRae, CarmenHow Long Has This Been Going Onarresting opening lines
I Can’t Get Startedthe impossible
I’m Going to Lock My Heart (And Throw Away the Key)keys & locks
Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Mostspring
McRae, George & GwenThe Rubtouch
McRae, TomNothing on the Dry Landtides
McShane, RachaelClock of the World (with Krista Detor & Karine Polwart)clocks & watches
McTell, Blind Willie Amazing Graceminimalist songs
Dyin’ Crapshooter’s Bluesfunerals
Searching the Desert for the Blueswide open spaces
Travelin’ Bluestravelling
McTell, RalphStreets of Londonadversity
McWilliams, DavidDays of Pearly Spencerone-hit wonders
The Strangeranonymity
Meat Beat ManifestoRadio Babylonradio
Meat LoafBat Out of Hellgreat album or mixtape openers
Paradise by the Dashboard Lightbad decisions
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouthkissing
Meat PuppetsHot Pinkpink
Lake of Fireheaven & hell
Up on the Sunfathers and daughters
MecanoMujer Contra MujerSpain
Medeski Martin & WoodThe Squalb (ft John Lurie)pockets
Mediæval BæbesVeni Veni Bellaclose harmony singing
Medina AzaharaAl Pie de la Alhambracastles
MegadethThe Beginning of Sorrowbad decisions
MegsonThe Longshotchance & coincidence
The Riddle Songchicken and egg
Two Match Lads19th century life
MeikoUnder My Bedbags & containers
MekonsGhosts of American Astronautsspace travel
Where Were You?secret admirers
Mèkurya, GétatchèwGèdamaydiscordant songs
Mel, MelleStep Off (as Grandmaster Melle Mel & the Furious Five)boastful songs
White Lines (Don’t Don’t Do It)advice
Mel & TimStarting All Over Againresilience
MelanieBrand New Keyfads & crazes
Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)songs to start the morning
What Have They Done to My Song, Mamusic industry
Melbourne Ska OrchestraThe Best Things in Life Are Freegratitude
MêléeBuilt to Lastresilience
Mellow CandleBuy or Bewarewater
Melly, GeorgeOld Codger (with the Stranglers)unlikely collaborations
MelodiansLittle Nut Treenuts & edible seeds
Rivers of Babylonexile
Melon KinenbiMelon Tea (with Going Under Ground)tea
Melua, KatieMary Pickfordpioneers
Nine Million Bicyclesestimates of distance & time
Melvin, Harold & the Blue NotesBad Luckluck
Don’t Leave Me This Wayhumming
I Miss Yousongs of desperation
I Miss Youlong-distance relationships
If You Don’t Know Me by Nowtrust
Wake Up Everybodycrisis
MembersOffshore Banking Businesstaxation
The Sound of the Suburbssuburbia
Memphis MinnieIf You See My Rooster (Please Run Him Home) (with Black Bob)running
I’m a Bad Luck Womanluck
Joe Louis Strut (with Black Bob & Bill Settles)fighting
What’s the Matter with the Mill? (with Kansas Joe McCoy)dialogue
When the Levee Breaks (with Kansas Joe McCoy)earth, soil & dirt
When the Levee Breaks (with Kansas Joe McCoy)underwater
Memphis Slim44 Blues (with Willie Dixon)fractions & portions
Grinder Man Bluesnicknames & pseudonyms
Men at WorkDown Underunusual rhymes
Men That Will Not Be Blamed for NothingBrunelmachinery, industry & technology
Foxurban wildlife
Gogglesmachinery, industry & technology
Margate Fhtagnunexplained phenomena
Men They Couldn’t HangThe Coloursflags
Ghosts of Cable Streetresistance
Ironmasters19th century life
Tiny Soldiersarmy
MenaceI’m Civilizedsongs to start the morning
Mendelssohn, FelixFingal’s Caveislands
Mendes, SergioThe Fool on the Hill (with Brasil ’66)Beatles covers
Mas Que Nada (with Brasil ’66)triggering dancing
Mendoza, Celeste & los PapinesPapa Oggúnmyths & legends
Mensah, E. T.Ghana Guinea Malithe Commonwealth
Mental as AnythingMr. Naturalnormal & abnormal
Menzel, IdinaLet It Gosnow & ice
Mercé, JoséAire (Bulerías)driving songs
Pueblecito Míovillages
Vivo Cielosky
Merchant, NatalieBread and Circuses (with Billy Bragg)bread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Kind and Generousgifts & giving
Nursery Rhyme of Innocence and Experienceopposites
Mercury, FreddieBarcelona (with Montserrat Caballé)songs that express excess
Mercury RevThe Dark Is Risingnight & darkness
Goddess on a Hiwayspeed
Herculesancient history
Holesodd noises & instruments
Sermon (ft Margo Price)preachers, priests & religious leaders
Mere Dead MenStacks, Stilettos, Make-Up & Mohicansfootwear
Merman, EthelAnything You Can Do (I Can Do Better) (with Ray Middleton)competition
Merrill, HelenWhat’s Newregrets
MerzSilver Moon Laddersadventure
MerzbowBoris (with Boris)drone music
Minus Zerodiscordant songs
Messiaen, OlivierL’Alouette lulubirds
Oiseaux exotiques (performed by Daniel Kirk-Foster)birdsong
MetallicaCreeping Deathbiblical songs
Enter Sandmandreams
Fade to Blacksongs with sudden changes
Hit the Lightsdebut songs
Onesongs that build
The Thing That Should Not Beunexplained phenomena
Wherever I May Roamstrangers
MeteorsDon’t Touch the Bang Bang Fruitwarnings
MetersChicken Strutanimal sounds
Cissy Strutexpressing movement of walking
Hand Clapping Songphysical gestures
Metheny, PatDifferent Trains: Europe During the War (with Steve Reich & Kronos Quartet)trains
Method ManI’ll Be There for You / You’re All I Need to Get By (Puff Daddy Mix) (with Mary J. Blige)duets
MetricPaths in the Skypaths & road
MetronomySalted Caramel Ice Creamice cream
Metro-tytötHiljainen kylätievillages
Meuross, RegAngel in a Blue DressCOVID-19 lockdown
MeuteRejsongs by buskers
Mey, FrédérikJ’aimerais bien être mon chiendogs
MFSBTSOP (The Sound of Philadelphia)dance instrumentals
MGMTElectric Feelelectricity
Time to Pretenddebut songs
Mhlongo, BusiYehlisan’umoya Ma-Afrikapeace
M.I.A.10 Dollarshopping
Borderscompass points
Paper Planessound effects
URAQTletters, emails & telegrams
Miami Sound MachineDr. Beatdoctors
Michael, GeorgeA Different Cornerchance & coincidence
Faithimpressive intros
Freedom! ’90change #2
One More Tryeducation
Michael, Ras & the Sons of NegusKeep Cool Babylonsongs to start the morning
Michelini, LucianoFrolicTV theme songs
Mick Thomas’ Roving Commission (see Thomas, Mick)
Middle EastHunger Songstomach & guts
Middleton, MalcolmShadowsshadows
We’re All Going to Diedoom
Middleton, RayAnything You Can Do (I Can Do Better) (with Ethel Merman)competition
MidlakeRoscoenamed after men
Midnight OilBeds Are BurningAustralia
MidniteWearing Her Crowncrowns
Mighty BabyEgyptian Tombancient history
Mighty Clouds of JoyTimeraise the heartrate
Mighty DiamondsGnashing of Teethteeth
Pass the Kouchieleft & right
Pray Unto Theeprayer
Mighty DoonansEe Aye Aa Cud Hewslowing down
Mighty Mighty BosstonesRiot on Broad StreetNew England
Mighty SparrowDan Is the Man (In the Van)nursery rhymes
Paye (Pay As You Earn)taxation
Phillip My Dearcastles
Mighty TwoCalico Suitfabrics
Mighty Wah! (see Wah!)
Migil FiveMockin’ Bird Hillsongs that go ‘la’
Mik Artistik’s Ego TripSecret Cloak of Invisibilitythe invisible
Mike and the MechanicsThe Living Yearslegacy
Miku, HatsuneOne Thousand Cherry Treessubstitutions
Milburn, AmosOne Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beernumbers
Miles, BuddyWalking Down the Highwaypaths & roads
Miles, RobertChildrenpiano songs
Milk KanGod with an iPodinternet
MilkeesGo! Go! Girlstautonyms
Millan, AmyHe Brings Out the Whiskey in Mewhiskey
Miller, FrankieBe Good to Yourselfmotivation
Miller, Glenn & his OrchestraChattanooga Choo Choo (with Dorothy Dandridge & the Nicholas Brothers)finger snaps & toe taps
In the Mooddance instrumentals
Little Brown Jugbrown
The Little Man Who Wasn’t Therestairs, ladders & elevators
Pennsylvania Six-Five Thousandhotels
Miller, JacobTenement Yardsurveillance
Miller, Jonathan Thomas Demented Bells of Rhymneybells
Miller, MandyNellie the Elephantelephants & mammoths
Miller, RogerKing of the Roadindependence
Miller, Steve (see Steve Miller Band)
Millinder, LuckySavoynightclubs
Mills, JeffThe Bellsmixtape closers
Mills BrothersCaravana cappella
Caravaninstruments imitating voice & vice versa
The Jones BoyJones & Joneses
Milton, LittleWe’re Gonna Make Itoptimistic songs
Milsap, RonnieSnap Your Fingersfinger snaps & toe taps
Milton, RoyHop, Skip and Jumpjumping
Mimms, GarnetA Quiet Placesilence
MinaParole Parole (with Alberto Lupo)songs with talking
Se telefonandonotable key changes
Minchin, TImIf I Didn’t Have Youalternative outcomes
If You Really Loved Mesongs with jokes
White Wine in the Suntradition
MindbendersA Groovy Kind of Loveclassical songs
Mingus, CharlesA Foggy Daysound effects
A Foggy Dayalarm sounds
Better Git It in Your Soultrombone
The Clown (with Jean Shepherd)the circus
Eat That Chickenmeat
Goodbye Pork Pie Hatother musicians
Hog Callin’ Bluesonomatopoeia
II B.S.from New York City
Mood Indigodouble bass
Myself When I Am Realauthenticity & fakery
Oh Lord, Don’t Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb on Menuclear war
Pithecanthropus Erectusscience
Tijuana Gift Shopmemorabilia & souvenirs
Jesus Built My HotrodGod & the Devil
The Last SuckerUS presidents
Nursing Homenursing & healthcare
Mink LungsAwesome Pridepride
Minnelli, LizaCabaretmeaning of life
Mein Herrfractions & portions
Ring Them Bellschance & coincidence
Minogue, KylieCan’t Get You Out of My Headsongs that go ‘la’
In Denial (with Pet Shop Boys)denial
Spinning Aroundspinning
Minton, PhilThe Cutty Wrendeep voices
Minus, ElaEl Cielo No Es de Nadiesongs in Spanish
Minus 5The Days of Wine and Boozeprocrastination
MinutemenHistory Lesson Part IIself-referential songs
Miracle of SoundWigglestickstools
Miracles (including Smokey Robinson & the Miracles – see Robinson, Smokey for solo songs)Going to a Go-Goparties & going out
I’m on the Outside (Looking In)fear of missing out
The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Miragedisappointment
The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Miragesimiles
My Baby Changes Like the Weatherimpermanence
Shop Aroundlessons in life
The Tears of a Clownsmiling & laughing
Tracks of My Tearsstiff upper lip
Miranda, Lin-ManuelHistory Has Its Eyes on You (with Christopher Jackson)legacy
My Shotsymmetrical lyrics
Mischief BrewBallad of the Clothpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Boycott Me!resistance
Children Play with Matchesdares
Coffee, God & Cigarettestragedy & comedy
Fare Well, Good Fellowsblessings & curses
Gather Ye Acornsnuts & edible seeds
Gimme Coffee or Deathcoffee
Gratitude and Thankspositive songs
Gratitude and Thanksgratitude
Jobs in Steeltowniron & steel
Love and Ragewords of wisdom
The Lowly Carpentersocial mobility
Olde Tyme Mem’ryauthenticity & fakery
Miss KittinRippin Kittin (with Golden Boy)knives
Missing LinksH’tuom Tuhs Part 1psychedelia
MissionBeyond the Paleidioms & common expressions
Mister ChivoVienen los Zombieszombies
Misty, Father JohnI’m Writing a Novelwriting
Misty in RootsJudas Iscariotecoins
Wise and Foolishsand
Misty’s Big AdventureFashion Parademusic industry
MisunderstoodFind a Hidden Doordoors
I Can Take You to the Sunspace
I Unseenghosts
Mitchell, AnaïsClyde Waters (with Jefferson Hamer)conversations
Way Down Hadestown (ft Justin Vernon, Ani DiFranco & Ben Knox Miller)caves
Wedding Song (ft Justin Vernon)old meets new
Why We Build the Wall (ft Greg Brown)obstacles
Mitchell, Bobby & the ToppersSend Me Your Picturephotographs
Mitchell, ElizabethWings of an Eagle (with Ziggy Marley)wings
Mitchell, GuySinging the Blueswhistling
Mitchell, JoniA Case of Youcan’t live with or without you
A Strange Boyimmaturity
All I Wantharps, lyres & zithers
Banquetreckless consumption 
The Beat of Black Wingswings
Big Yellow Taxienvironment
Black Crowroad trips
Blonde in the Bleacherseffects of fame
Both Sides, Nowtwo – part 1
Californiacoming home
Car on a Hillpunctuality
Careymale names
Chelsea Morningmorning
The Circle Gamefate & destiny
The Dawntreadertreasure
For Freemusic venues
Free Man in ParisParis
Harry’s House / Centerpiecedecor
The Hissing of Summer Lawnstrees, grass & flowers
I Don’t Know Where I Standindecision
The Jungle Linepainting & painters
Ladies of the Canyonstereotypes
Little Greensongs that make you cry
The Magdalene Laundriesscandal
Morning Morgantownboring & dull
My Old Manfalsetto
People’s Partiesanxiety
Raised on Robberypick-up lines & marriage proposals
Roses Bluefortune tellers
Talk to Mesongs by duos
This Flight Tonight‘high’ songs
Urge for Goingfinishing
Mitchell, WillieThe Champion Part 1winners
Mitchie MBurenai Ai dedance instrumentals
Mitra, LopamudraBangla Amar Sorshe Ilishfish & other aquatic life
MitskiI Don’t Like My Mindid, ego & superego
Lonesome Lovetomorrow
This Is a Life (with Son Lux & David Byrne)distractions & diversions
Washing Machine Heartgenre defying
Mittoo, JackieHot Milknon-alcoholic drinks
Rock Steady Weddingweddings
MixturesThe Pushbike Songaudible breaths
Mo-dettesWhite Miceanimals
Mo’ HorizonsDance Naked Under Palmtreesnudity
Mobley, HankI Should Careindifference
MobyBodyrockbodily motion & exercise
Porcelainpiano songs
We Are All Made of Starseureka moments
MocharaTáimse im’ Chodladh /King of the PipersGaelic songs
Mock TurtlesAnd Then She Smilesforgotten follow-ups
Kathy Come Homeasking, begging & pleading
Mockasin, ConnanForever Dolphin Lovecetaceans
MockyBirds of a Featherbirds
ModdiA Matter of Habitpropaganda
Army Dreamersalternative outcomes
Punk Prayerprayer
Model 500Futurethe future
ModeratRusty Nailshardware
Modern EnglishI Melt with Youdefined or redefined by television
Modest MouseThe Good Times Are Killing Mehangovers
Space Travel Is Boringspace travel
Tiny Cities Made of Ashessmall things
Moffatt, AidanThe Copper Top (with Bill Wells)funerals
Glasgow Jubilee (with Bill Wells)tomorrow
We’re Still Here (with Bill Wells)personification
MogwaiCodymood-changing music
Death Is the Road to Awe (with Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet)instrumental soundtracks
George Square Thatcher Death PartyScotland
Mogwai Fear Sataninstrumentals
Scotland’s Shameshame
Mohawk and the Red NecksEnchanted Forestforests & woodlands
Moldy PeachesDownloading Porn with Davointernet
Jorge Regulalaziness
Nothing Came Outcomics & cartoons
Molina, AnicetoEl Tigre Sabanerotigers
Molina, JuanaErasunusual time signatures
Lentísimo Halolighthouses
Lo Decidi Yo3/4 time
Un Díagenre defying
Molly HatchetDreams I’ll Never Seefavourite live versions
Flirtin’ with Disasterspeed
MolokoPure Pleasure Seekerid, ego & superego
MolotovFrijoleroMexico & Central America
Molotov JukeboxGet Readyaccordion
Mommy Long LegsSorority Girlsgangs
Momoiro Clover ZYume no Ukiyo ni Saite Mi Na (with Kiss)painting & painters
MomusI Was a Maoist Intellectualstrange, rare or unlikely words
Jeff Koonsworks of art
Rape of LucretiaRoman Empire
Trans Siberian Expressfrozen north
Trust Me I’m a Doctordoctors
Walter Carlostime travel
Monáe, JanelleDance Apocalypticapocalypse
Django Janenicknames & pseudonyms
Pynk (ft Grimes)artistic trends of the 21st century
Monch, PharoaheSimon Sayssweary songs
Money Can’t Buy MusicWe Will All Asphyxiatephilosophers
Moni, SauravO Majhi Re (with Shaan)arresting opening lines
MonicaThe Boy Is Mine (with Brandy)harps, lyres & zithers
Monk, TheloniousEverything Happens to Melosers
Nuttynuts & edible seeds
Ugly Beautybeauty
MonkeesA Little Bit Me, A Little Bit Youapologies
Daydream Believersongs to start the morning
The Door into Summerdoors
Good Timesfun
I’m a Believerjoyous songs
Listen to the Bandmusic as nutrition
Pleasant Valley Sundaysuburbia
Porpoise Songrecorded for movies
The Posterthe circus
Randy Scouse Git (Alternate Title)the Beatles
Shades of Grayopposites
(Theme from) The Monkeesgreat album or mixtape openers
You Just May Be the Onethe number one
Monkey MajikChange (with Yoshida Brothers)surprising intros
Monkey Swallows the UniverseSheffield Shantynorthern England
MonksI Hate Youcan’t live with or without you
MonoLife in Monotea
Monochrome SetEine Symphonie des Grauensself-deprecation
Jacob’s Ladderweddings
The Jet Set Juntagangs
MonotonesBook of Loveliterary songs
Monro, MattA Place in ParisParis
On Days Like TheseItaly
Monroe, AshleyYou Ain’t Dolly (And You Ain’t Porter) (with Blake Shelton)hearing, choosing & playing records
Monroe, MarilynDiamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friendanti-love songs
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friendreckless consumption 
Monsieur RVerset IIIsongs in French
MonsoonEver So Lonelyinspired by India
Monster MagnetGod Says Norefusal
Monster TruckPower of the Peopleunity
Montand, YvesLa Bicyclettebicycles
Les Feuilles mortesSeptember & October
Montano, MachelCome Rise with Me (with Claudette Peters)cricket
Monte, LouDominick the Donkeyfeaturing bells
Monte, MarisaDiariamentecollecting & listing
Montenegro, HugoClassical Gaseasy listening
Monteverdi, ClaudioPur ti mirohigh-pitched vocals
Montoliu, TeteContigo en la Distancia (with Mayte Martín)estimates of distance & time
Monty PythonAccountancy Shantypirates
Always Look on the Bright Side of Lifewhistling
Bruces’ Philosophers Songphilosophers
Eric the Half-a-Beebees
Galaxy Songintelligence
Spam Songmeat
Moody, RonReviewing the Situationthinking
You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Twosmuggling & stealing
Moody, RuthPocketspockets
Moody BluesAnd the Tide Rushes Intides
The Best Way to Traveleureka moments
Go Now!influenced by gospel
Lazy Daybread & baking
Legend of a Mindflutes, pipes & whistles
Nights in White Satinrough & smooth
Questionsongs with sudden changes
MoodymannBlack Mahoganisampling & recycling
Freeki Muthafuckawindows
The Thief That Stole My Sad Days (Ya Blessin Me)preachers, priests & religious leaders
MoonI Should Be Dreamingpsychedelia
MoondogAll Is Lonelinessbeing single
Bird’s Lament (with the London Saxophonic)nicknames & pseudonyms
Frog Bogamphibians
Lullaby (2, West 46th Street)addresses
Mooney, Hal & his OrchestraPoor Butterfly (with Sarah Vaughan)butterflies & moths
MoonglowsTen Commandments of Lovesongs with talking
Moonpools & CaterpillarsHearears & hearing
Moore, BarbaraHot Heelswordless vocals
Moore, ChristyBeeswingbees
Delirium Tremenshangovers
Does This Train Stop on Merseyside?Liverpool & Merseyside
Lisdoonvarnamusic venues
On Morecambe Baytides
Viva la Quinta Brigadavolunteering
Yellow Trianglegeometric shapes
Moore, DominiqueRosa Parks: I Sat on a Buspioneers
Moore, DorothyMisty Blueblue
Moore, DudleyBedazzled (with Peter Cooke)call and response
Goodbye-ee (with Peter Cooke)quoting Shakespeare
Moore, GaryOut in the Fields (with Philip Lynott)flags
Moore, Johnny & his New BlazersBullfrogamphibians
Moore, R. Stevie Goodbye Pianopiano songs
Moore, StephenMarvin, I Love You (ft Kimi Wong)artificial intelligence
Moorer, AllisonThunderstorm / Hurricanesongs that build
Moran, JasonAin’t Misbehavin’ (with Meshell Ndegeocello)artistic trends of the 21st century
Moray, JimSounds of Earthrare events
MorcheebaThe Seaholidays
Moré, Beny & Su OrquestaMi Saocoensembles, big bands & orchestras
Morecambe and WiseBring Me Sunshinelaughter
Moreira, AirtoO Galho da Roseiraroses
Moreland, JohnA Thought is Just a Passing Trainthinking
Morello, TomWhere It’s At Ain’t What It Isbig and meaty
Moreno, DiegoBella Ciaorefusal
Morente, EnriqueGeneralifeparks
Morente, EstrellaAlcazabaSpain
Alcazaba3/4 time
Le Di a la Caza Alcance (ft Michael Nyman)saints & martyrs
Patito Feo (with Mala Rodríguez)misanthropic songs
Seguirillas de la Verdad (ft Paco de Lucía)tribute songs
Tangos del Cerroforgiveness
Tangos del Chavicocoins
Morgan, DerrickForward Marchspirit of 2021
Tougher Than Tough (Rudie in Court)judges & trials
Morgan, LeeI Remember Cliffordhero worship
Search for the New Landsearching & seeking
Morgan, LorrieSomething in Redcolours
MorgenWelcome to the Voidfairytales
Morissette, AlanisHand in My Pocketphysical gestures
Thank Ugratitude
Your Househidden tracks
Moroder, GiorgioChasedance instrumentals
Son of My Fathertradition
MorphineA Head with Wingswings
Morricone, EnnioA Fistful of Dollars (Titoli)one word titles
A Fistful of Dollars (Titoli)whistling
A Silhouette of Doomdoom
Chi MaiTV theme songs
The Good, the Bad and the UglyAmerican west
Il clan dei Siciliani (Finale)instrumental soundtracks
Il giardino delle deliziegardens
Le Fotographiephotographs
Man with a Harmonicaharmonica
Metti una sera a cenaeasy listening
Una spiaggia a mezzogiorno (ft Edda Dell’Orso)falsetto
Una voce allo specchiomirrors
Morris, HelmsleyStay Loosestaying
Morris, RussellBig Redbiography & autobiography
The Real Thingauthenticity & fakery
Morrison, JimBird of Preyraptors
Morrison, VanAlmost Independence Dayhumming
And It Stoned Merain
Astral Weeksspiritual songs
Beside Youextraordinary vocals
Bright Side of the Roadgetting brighter
Brown Eyed Girlna-na-hey-hey songs
Bulbsone word titles
Carrickfergus (with the Chieftains)towns
Cleaning Windowsmanual labour
Coney IslandIreland
Contemplation Roseroses
Cyprus Avenueharpsichord
Did Ye Get Healed?healing
Full Force Galeredemption
In the Gardenthree
Into the Mysticmusic for funerals
The Lion This Timecats
Madame Georgecharacter songs
Rave On, John Donneinspired by poetry
Rough God Goes Ridingrough & smooth
Streets of ArklowIreland
T.B. Sheetsillness
T.B. Sheetsperspiration
Tupelo Honeybrown
Don’t Make Fun of Daddy’s Voicefathers
Everyday Is Like Sundayboring & dull
Get Off the Stageconcerts
I Have Forgiven Jesussinners
Irish Blood, English Heartroots
Late Night, Maudlin Streetroads & streets
The Lazy Sunbatherslaziness
The Lazy Sunbathersironic songs
Margaret on the Guillotineoffensive, insulting songs
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Getindifference
Now My Heart Is Fullbooks
Morrissey, BillBircheswinter
Ice Fishingwinter sports
These Cold Fingersgripping or intriguing narrative
Morriston Orpheus ChoirMyfanwya cappella
Morse, Ella Mae40 Cups of Coffeecoffee
Cow Cow Boogiefour-legged livestock
The House of Blue Lights (with Freddie Slack & Don Raye)nightclubs
Morton, Jelly RollDoctor Jazz (with the Red Hot Peppers)music genres
Steamboat Stomp (with the Red Hot Peppers)New Orleans
Mos DefHip Hopyouth cults
Katrina Klap / Dollar Daynatural disasters
Mr. Nigga (ft Q-Tip)justice
New World Waterreckless consumption 
Speed Lawslowing down
Umi Sayslight
Mostly AutumnFind the Sunorchestral string instruments
Winter Mountainmountains
Motello, EltonJet Boy, Jet Girlhomosexuality
Mother HipsTrunk Boxbags & containers
Mother Love BoneStardog Championchildren performing
Mothers of Invention (see Zappa, Frank)
Ace of Spadesgambling
I Don’t Believe a Worddisbelief
Motörheadmade you fall in love with music
No Classinsulting songs
Steal Your Facehorror-inspired songs
Dancing the Night Away12″ singles to 1979
Forget About Yousound like other songs
Mott the HoopleAll the Young Dudesimmaturity
Honaloochie Boogierhythm, beat & boogie
Saturday Gigs (Alternate Version)self-referential songs
Sea Diverregrets
Mounk’a, PameloCe n’est que ma secrétairesongs in French
MountainMississippi Queenbig and meaty
Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin)books #2
Sittin’ on a Rainbow‘high’ songs
Mountain GoatsBlack Pear Tree (with Kaki King)black
Half Deadboring & dull
The Legend of Chavo Guerrerobiography & autobiography
Liza Forever Minellilimbo
No Childrenarguments
No Childrenthe truth
Pale Green Thingsmemory
San Bernardinocello
Satanic Messiahcharisma
Slow West Vulturesblessings & curses
This Yearpersistence
Moura, AnaFado Loucurasongs that give you goosebumps
MoveBlackberry Waypaths & roads
Do Ya7-inch singles
Fire Brigadeeducation
(Here We Go Round) The Lemon Treenursery rhymes
I Can Hear the Grass Growtrees, grass & flowers
Mowatt, JudySisters’ Chantsisters
Moxey, George (see George Moxey and his Calypso Quintet)
Moyet, AlisonHoney for the Beesbees
When I Am Laid in Earth (Dido’s Lament) (composed by Henry Purcell)pathos
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusAve verum corpussongs that give you goosebumps
Dies iraeapocalypse
Là ci darem la manoseduction
Leck mich im Arschtaboos
Sull’aria … che soave zeffirettoconversations
Mr. BloeGroovin with Mr. Bloeinstrumentals
Mr. BungleEggeggs
Mr. FingersCan You Feel Iteuphoria
Can You Feel Itcommunity
Can You Feel It (Martin Luther King Mix)preachers, priests & religious leaders
Mr. FoxThe Gay Goshawkmythical beasts
Mr. Foxcriminals
Mr. GnomeHouse of Circlescircles
Mr. ScruffFishwhimsical songs
Mr. ZipWhere Me Keys, Where Me Phone?keys & locks
µ-ZiqThe Fearfear
The Motorbike Trackmotorbikes
Mubarak, Abdel Aziz El Ya A’Asaalfavourite live versions
MudTiger Feettigers
MudcrutchScare Easysongs that fit every topic
MudhoneyHate the Policelaw enforcement
Judgment, Rage, Retribution and Thymemirrors
Touch Me I’m Sickbig and meaty
MudslideBear By the Bonfirebears
Mulcahy, MarkHey Self Defeaterconsolation
Muldaur, MariaDon’t You Feel My Legseduction
Midnight at the Oasisone-hit wonders
Muldrow, Georgia Anne Great Blackspositive songs
Tungsten Babalawosilver & non-ferrous metals
Mull Historical SocietyAnimal Cannabusescape
Mulligan, GerryThe Lady Is a Tramp (as Gerry Mulligan Quartet)eccentric songs
MúmSing Me Out the Windowwindows
Mumford & SonsThe Cavesongs that build
There Will Be Time (with Baaba Maal)collaborations & side projects
Mungo’s Hi FiDancehall School (ft Solo Banton)teachers
Munsey, AdrianThe Lost Sheepeccentric songs
MuppetsMah Na Mah Naso bad they’re good
Murphy, DougFishes (with Paul Hamilton)estimates of distance & time
Murphy, JohnIn the House – In a Heartbeatalarm sounds
Murphy, RóisínScarlet Ribbonsfathers and daughters
Murphy, RoseBusy Lineodd noises & instruments
Murphy, WillieMagazine Lady (with Spider John Koerner)photographs
Murray, AnneCould I Have This Danceeverlasting love
Teddy Bears’ Picnicbears
Murray, BillMore Than Thisredefined by film
Murry, JohnLittle Colored Balloonsclose calls
Murvin, JuniorBad Man Posseegangs
Police and Thieveslaw enforcement
Workin’ in the Cornfieldmanual labour
MuseApocalypse Pleaseend of the world
Feeling Goodchange
Supermassive Black Holecelestial bodies
Thoughts of a Dying Atheistdeath
Musgraves, KaceyBiscuitssongs offering advice
Blowin’ Smokejobs
Merry Go Roundacceptance
My Househouses
Present Without a Bow (ft Leon Bridges)knots & ties
Music Go MusicJust Medecisive songs
Mussorgsky, ModestThe Great Gate of Kiev (Orchestral Version)works of art
Mustard’s RetreatLet’s Hear It for the Volunteersvolunteering
Mutton BirdsA Thing Well Mademaking things
White Valiantwhite
Muzak Orchestra40 Years Young3/4 time
Mvula, LauraDiamondsprecious stones
Green Gardengreen
Sing to the MoonBirmingham & the Black Country
My Bloody ValentineGliderdrone music
I Only Saidvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Never Say Goodbyeconversations
Only Shallowadult lullabies
We Have All the Time in the Worldestimates of distance & time
You Made Me Realisegreat middle eights
My Chemical RomanceWelcome to the Black Paradesurprising intros
My Darling YOU!Midsummer Partyfrom Nordic countries
My Friend the Chocolate CakeLighthouse Keeperlighthouses
My Latest NovelThe Reputation of Ross Francislies
My Little AirportLove Is Not a Romantic Songsongs that say what love is
My Morning JacketLibrarianeyewear
Old September BluesSeptember
Myerz, Ralph & the Jack Herren BandThink Twicethinking