A-Z by Artist – K

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with K. Some artists are also linked to their individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
K-Doe, ErnieHere Come the Girlsfrom New Orleans
Kaapana, LedwardPa’ahana (with Bob Brozman)steel guitar
Ka‘au Crater BoysGuava Jellystomach & guts
Kabasele, JosephIndépendance Cha Cha (as Kale et l’African Jazz)historical events
Indépendance Cha Cha (as Kale et l’African Jazz)freedom of expression
KabeediesFuzzy Felttoys
Kaempfert, BertA Swingin’ Safarieasy listening
Kahn, BrendaMojave Wintersdeserts
Kaiser ChiefsThe Angry Mobnews & media
Everyday I Love You Less and Lessgreat middle eights
I Predict a Riotsongs that go ‘la’
Saturday Nightparties & going out
KaisersAlligator Twistreptiles
Kaji, MeikoUrami Bushi (My Grudge Blues)stupidity
Kakar, AkritiSaturday, Saturday (with Indeep Bakshi & Badshah)days of the week
Kakinohara, KouKimigayo (with Chie Hanawa & Yoshimi Tsujimoto)national anthems
Kaleidoscope (UK band)Flight from Ashiyaflying
In My Box (as Fairfield Parlour)bags & containers
Kaleidoscope (US band)Egyptian Gardensgenre defying
Kallé, PepéAmour perdu (with Nyboma)lost and found
Kallmann, Günter (see Günter Kallmann Choir)
Kamakahi, DennisKoke’equiet songs
Kamakawiwo’ole, IsraelSomewhere Over the Rainbowrainbows
Kane, Big DaddyWarm It Up, Kanegreat opening lines
Kane, KieranCool Me Downrefreshment & cooling down
Kane, SilvanaCardo o Cenizaopposites
Kanneh-Mason, ShekuSame Boat (with Zak Abel)cello
Kansas Joe (see McCoy, Kansas Joe)
Kantner, PaulStarship (with Jefferson Starship)striking album endings
When I Was a Boy I Watched the Wolves (with Grace Slick)dogs
Karas, AntonThe Third Man Themefairgrounds
Karbasi, MorShecharhoretvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
KardemimmitTuonen tyttöfrom Nordic countries
KarnatakaThe Gathering Lightmoving on
Kartel, VybzClarks (ft Popcaan & Gaza Slim)feet
Kassav’Zouk la sé sél médikaman nou nithe Caribbean
Katerine, PhilippeBla Bla Blaworst songs
Kathryn Tickell Band (see Tickell, Kathryn)
Katie Elliott QuartetBicyclessurreal songs
Kato, KunikoPeauxgreat solo performances
Katrina and the WavesGoing Down to LiverpoolLiverpool & Merseyside
KatzenjammerA Bar in Amsterdamresistance
Cherry Pieinheritance
Curvaceous Needsbeing fat
God’s Great Dust Stormpersistence
Hey Ho on the Devil’s Backmythical beasts
I Will Danceleaving or being left behind
Lady Greypassage of time
Lady Marlenehonorific titles
Land of Confusionconfusion & delusion
My Own Tunewhimsical songs
Oh My Godgenre defying
Rock-Paper-Scissorsdecisive songs
Tea with Cinnamonmeals & mealtimes
Wading In Deeperlegs & pants
Kawase, TomokoLiving Dead Diner Girls (as Tommy heavenly6)zombies
Kay, JanetSilly Gamesflirting
Kaye, DannyThe Square of the Hypotenusemathematics
The Ugly Ducklingrejection
Kaye, Debbie Lori Iron Crosscrosses
Kaye, StubbySit Down, You’re Rocking the Boatsitting & standing
KC and the Sunshine BandThat’s the Way (I Like It)start with the chorus
KeaneSomewhere Only We Knowsecrets & secrecy
Keating, Johnny & the Z-MenTheme from Z-CarsLiverpool & Merseyside
Keawe, GenoaPapalina Lahilahifalsetto
Keb’ Mo’Perptual Blues Machinerejection
Keelaghan, JamesCold Missouri Watersstarting fires
Kiri’s Pianofurniture
Keen, Robert Earl Feelin’ Good Againreunions
Merry Christmas from the Familycocktails & spirits
The Road Goes On Foreversongs that fit every topic
Keetman, GunildGassenhauer nach Hans Neusiedler (with Carl Orff)instrumental soundtracks
Keïta, SalifWambahigh-pitched vocals
Yamore (with Cesária Évora)androgynous vocals
Keita, SeckouBamba (with Catrin Finch)two – part 1
Clarach (with Catrin Finch)wings
Future Strings (with Catrin Finch)artistic trends of the 21st century
Les bras de mer (with Catrin Finch)quiet songs
Mikhi Nathan Mu-Tomathe invisible
Keith, TobyRed Solo Cupplastic
KékéléMbote Ya Pambahello
KelisCaught Out Therehatchet jobs
Milkshakeshowing off
Kelly, GeneSingin’ in the Rainclouds
Kelly, Paul (Australian artist)Alone and Forsaken (with Lucky Oceans)steel guitar
The Ballad of Queenie and Roverfamous or notable duos
Beautiful Promisepromises & choices
Clean This House (with the Dots)spring cleaning & household chores
Every Fucking Citytravelling
Everything’s Turning to White (with the Messengers)discovery
From Little Things Big Things Grow (with the Messengers)justice
God Told Me Tomurder
How to Make Gravyrecipe songs
Maralinga (Rainy Land) (with the Coloured Girls)specific or obscure places
Meltingstarting fires
Other People’s Houseshouses
Our Sunshineoutlaws & rebels
Rally Round the Drumfighting
Shane Warnefallen heroes
South of Germany (with the Messengers)alternative outcomes
Stolen Apples Are the Sweetestsinners
They Thought I Was Asleep (with the Stormwater Boys)road trips
Time and Tidetides
Kelly, Paul (US artist)Stealing in the Name of the Lordwarnings
Stealing in the Name of the Lordpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Kelly, R.Trapped in the Closetdialogue
Kembe, EmmanuelIntikhabatelections
Kendricks, EddieIntimate Friendsslow, sexy love songs
Keep On Truckin’driving songs
Kennedy, BapKing of Mexicokings
KennyFancy Pantslegs & pants
Kent, StaceyLa Venus du Méloworks of art
Kenton, StanOpus in Beigecolours
Prologue (This Is an Orchestra!)meta-songs
Kerr, NancyDark Honey (with Martin Simpson & Andy Cutting)urban wildlife
Dark Honey (with Martin Simpson & Andy Cutting)bees
I Am the Fox (with James Fagan)unusual narrators
Some Old Salt (with Martin Simpson & Andy Cutting)salt
Kershaw, NikDark Glasseseyewear
Kestner, LotteHalocrowns
KetamaMali Sajio (with Toumani Diabaté & José Soto)famous or notable animals
Vente pá MadridSpain
Keys, AliciaEmpire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down pockets
Khalifa, WizInk My Whole Bodytattoos & piercings
Khan, Ali AkbarRainbow Serenade (with John Handy & Dr. L. Subramaniam)rainbows
Khan, ChakaFatefate & destiny
I Feel for Yousuper solos
Roll Me Through the Rushesinfluenced by gospel
Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali Allah Hoo Allah Hoosaints & martyrs
Allah, Mohammed, Char, Yaarhandclaps
The Long Road (with Eddie Vedder)unlikely collaborations
Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack remix)Asia
Khan, Ustad AmirRaag Darbari Sargamdrone music
KhusugtunMongolvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Kid AcneSouth YorksYorkshire
Kid Creole & the CoconutsGoing Placeslong-distance relationships
Stool Pigeonvillains
Kid KoalaFlu Seasonillness
Kidd, Johnny & the PiratesShakin’ All Overbody language
Kidjo, AngéliqueCongoleothe Caribbean
Once in a Lifetimeunderwater
Open Your Eyeseyes
Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)old meets new
Kilbey, SteveA Loveletter from SydneyAustralia
Kilburn and the High RoadsCrippled with Nervesanxiety
KilldozerKnuckles the Dog (Who Helps People)empathy
Killer Blues BandBlack Cat Boneviolin
KillersA Dustland Fairytaleimpressive videos
Jenny Was a Friend of Minecrime
Mr. Brightsidejealousy
When You Were Young (Lindbergh Palace Remix)teenagers
Killing JokeAdorationsforgotten follow-ups
Birds of a Feathercollective nouns
European Super Stateroots
Requiemchoosing & using words
Turn to Redinfluenced by dub
War on Freedomfreedom of expression
KillsNo Wowsongs by duos
Kina, ShoukichiBasha-gua Sunchamarkets & fairs
King, AlbertCrosscut Sawcrosses
Crosscut Sawhardware
The Hunterfollowing & chasing
Tupelo (with Pop Staples & Steve Cropper)rare events
King, B.B.Actions Speak Louder Than Wordsproverbs
Chains and Thingsmelancholy songs
Hummingbirdone word titles
Standing on the Edge of Loveedges & ledges
King, Ben E. I Who Have Nothingunrequited love
On the Horizonhorizons
Stand by Mebest bass lines
King, CaroleBeautifulmotivation
Been to Canaaneasy listening
He’s a Bad Boyvillains
It’s Too Lateseparation
Nightingalenightingales & thrushes
So Far Awayhome
Where You Leadfollowing & chasing
King, Evelyn “Champagne” Shameshame
King, FreddieLonesome Whistle Bluesears & hearing
Big Legged Woman (In a Short Short Mini Skirt)legs & pants
Play It Coolcoolness
King, KakiBlack Pear Tree (with the Mountain Goats)black
Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be a Bad Person?ears & hearing
King, RickyAloha ’Oesteel guitar
King, WilliePeg Leg Womanlegs & pants
King Biscuit TimeI Walk the Earthwalking & running
King BluesSex Educationinternet
King CreosoteAnd the Racket They Madefamous last words
You’ve No Clue Do Youboard games
King Crimson21st Century Schizoid Manopening album tracks
The Court of the Crimson Kingmyths & legends
Elephant Talkanimal sounds
Exilesorchestral string instruments
The Night Watchvisual art & photography
THRAKbig and meaty
King Curtis & the KingpinsA Whiter Shade of Palesaxophone
Memphis Soul Stewmusical instruments
King Gizzard & the Lizard WizardHan-Tyumi, the Confused Cyborgartificial intelligence
Hell’s Itchitching & scratching
Muckrakerearth, soil & dirt
King KurtBanana Bananafruit
King MasZombie Apocalypsezombies
King MissileHamstersrodents
Jesus Was Way Coolmiracles
Sensitive Artistvisual art & photography
King StittChristmas Treetrees
King TriggerThe Riverforests & woodlands
King TubbyChapter of Moneypsychedelia
Great Stonedoom
Zinc Fencehardware
Kings Go ForthDon’t Take My Shadow (Tom Moulton Remix)shadows
Kings of ConvenienceFree Fallin’ (Live)falling
KinksA Well Respected Manpunctuality
Art Loversongs that aren’t what they seem
Autumn Almanacautumn
Celluloid Heroescelebrity
Come Dancingnostalgia
Daysupbeat break-up
Dead End Streetpoverty
Dedicated Follower of Fashionshopping
Did You See His Name?newspapers
Do You Remember Walter?memory
Here Comes Flashvillains
Holiday in Waikikiholidays
I’m Not Like Everybody Elsestubbornness
Lolamistaken identity
Misty Waterambiguity
People Take Pictures of Each Othervisual art & photography
Picture Bookfamily
See My Friendsremembrance songs
Shangri-Lasocial mobility
Sitting by the Riversiderivers
Sunny Afternoonbeer
Village Greenvillages
The Village Green Preservation Societycommunity
Waterloo SunsetLondon
You Really Got Meenergizing songs
Kippington LodgeShy Boyawkwardness
Kirby, LeylandA Longing to Be Absorbed for a While
into a Different and Beautiful World
Kirk, Rahsaan RolandOld Rugged Crosscrosses
Serenade to a Cuckooflutes, pipes & whistles
Volunteered Slaveryvolunteering
Kirk Degiorgio’s Offworld (see Degiorgio, Kirk)
Kirkland, BoYou’re Gonna Get Next to Me (with Ruth Davis)persistence
Kirton, DavidGreen Camouflagegreen
KissYume no Ukiyo ni Saite Mi Na (with Momoiro Clover Z)painting & painters
Kitchens of DistinctionBreathing Fearhomosexuality
On Tooting Broadway Stationforgiveness
Kitt, EarthaMonotonousboredom
Toujours gaifamous or notable animals
Uska DaraAsian cities
Kittel, JackPsychocriminals
Kiwanuka, MichaelBlack Man in a White Worldinterlopers
Cold Little Heartshame
Kjellvander, ChristianRoaring 40s (with Nina Persson)wind
Two Soulsdeep voices
Kjelsberg, SverreSámiid ædnan (with Mattis Hætta)frozen north
KlaatuCalling Occupants of Interplanetary Craftwelcoming
KleenexHedi’s Headunderrated artists
Kletter, Dana & KarenWe Died in Augustambiguity
KLF3 a.m. Eternal (Live at the SSL)times of day
It’s Grim Up North (as the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu)northern England
Justified and Ancient (ft Tammy Wynette)unlikely collaborations
Kluge, Kim Allen & KathrynRain Falls Unceasingly on the Seanatural disasters
KMFDMJuke Joint Jezebelalliteration
K’naanBoxing My Shadowtiredness
The Dusty Foot Philosopherfeet
My Old Homeexile
Wavin’ Flagflags
What’s Hardcore?Africa
KnackMy Sharonaone-hit wonders
KnifeHeartbeatsgreat keyboards
Pass This Onsiblings
Reindeeranti-Christmas songs
Silent Shoutsilence
Knight, FrederickI’ve Been Lonely for So Longbeing alone
Knight, GladysDaddy Could Swear, I Declare (with the Pips)fathers and daughters
Just Walk in My Shoes (with the Pips)footwear
Midnight Train to Georgia (with the Pips)US cities & states
The Way We Wereold age
Knight, JeanMr. Big Stuffwealth
Knight, OliverMidnight Feast (with Lal Waterson)meals & mealtimes
Knopfler, Mark5:15 AMswitches & buttons
Back to TupeloElvis
Baloney Againrough & smooth
Done with Bonaparteleadership
Fare Thee Well NorthumberlandNorth East England
I Dug Up a Diamond (with Emmylou Harris)precious stones
The Long Highwayroad trips
Monteleonemaking things
Rüdigercollecting & listing
Sailing to Philadelphia (with James Taylor)pioneers
Song for Sonny Listonfighting
Speedway at Nazarethcompetition
This Is Us (with Emmylou Harris)photography
Yakety Axe (with Chet Atkins)guitars
Kočani OrkestarBayram Sekeriweddings
KodalineMoving Onmoving on
Kode9Am I (with the Spaceape)being a man or a woman
Curious (with the Spaceape)influenced by reggae
KodōDadanoutstanding percussion
Koerner, Spider JohnMagazine Lady (with Willie Murphy)photographs
Koffler, MaxThe Boldest Catsdares
KofiRent Collectorformal agreements
KOKIAOtona no Ookamiwolves
Siúil a RúinGaelic songs
Kongos, JohnHe’s Gonna Step on You Againbad boys & bad girls
Tokoloshe Manmonsters
Konono Nº1Konono Wa Wa Waoutstanding percussion
Kool & the GangCelebrationcelebration
Heaven at Oncedialogue
Jones vs JonesJones & Joneses
Jungle Boogierhythm, beat & boogie
Let’s Go Dancing (Ooh La, La, La)songs that go ‘la’
Kooper-Bloomfield Super SessionStopsupergroups
Koshi, S.Break the Dawn (with Crystal)piano songs
Kouyate, BassekouLament for Ali Farkabereavement
The River Tune (with Ngoni Ba)rivers
Kozelek, Mark (see also Sun Kil Moon)What Happened to My Brother? (with Jimmy Lavalle)brothers & sisters
KraftwerkAutobahncars & driving
Elektro Kardiogrammhospitals
Europe Endlessplaces in Europe
The Hall of Mirrorsinversions
Home Computermachines, robots & computers
Kometenmelodie 2krautrock
Les Mannequinsforeign language versions
The Man-Machinebooks
The Modelmagazines
Neon Lightslight
Ohm Sweet Ohmresistance
Pocket Calculatorsynth pop 1980-2000
The Robotsartificial intelligence
Showroom Dummieskrautrock
Spacelabsci-fi & space
Spiegelsaal (The Hall of Mirrors)mirrors
Tour de Francesport
Trans-Europe Expressrendezvous
KramerWelcome Homeanimal sounds
Krane, KristoffMiracle?miracles
Krauss, AlisonDown to the River to Praycrowns
Fortune Teller (with Robert Plant)fortune tellers
Ghost in This Houseghosts
Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On) (with Robert Plant)collaborations & side projects
It Doesn’t Matter (with the Union Station)indifference
Jacob’s Dreamvolunteering
Please Read the Letter (with Robert Plant)departures
Simple Gifts (with Yo-Yo Ma)New England
Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us (with Robert Plant)sisters
Whiskey Lullaby (with Brad Paisley)whiskey
You Don’t Know Mesecret admirers
Kravitz, LennySistersisters
Kristofferson, KrisJesus Was a Capricorn (Owed to John Prine)star signs
Me and Bobby McGeeretrospection
Sunday Morning Coming Downdrinking
To Beat the Devilwords of wisdom
Kronos QuartetDeath Is the Road to Awe (with Clint Mansell & Mogwai)instrumental soundtracks
Different Trains: Europe During the War (with Steve Reich & Pat Metheny)trains
KRS-OneAmerican Flagflags
Sound of Da Policepolice
Kumar, KishoreAye Mere Betestiff upper lip
Saara Zamanasongs that express excess
Kumar, NiladriUntitledmusically adventurous
Kumar, RoopThe Beat of Love (with Trilok Gurtu)unlikely collaborations
KuranganMugamoodi (Terrace Jams version)masks
Kurnia, DettyMamanisfeaturing bells
Kursaal FlyersLittle Does She Knowintelligence
Kuti, FelaEqualisation of Trouser and Pantunderwear
Expensive Shitcheating
Fear Not for Manbeing scared
Gentlemansocial class
He Miss Roadlong songs
I.T.T.the truth
No Buredi (No Bread)bread & baking
Original Suffer-Headreckless consumption 
Roforofo Fightoffensive, insulting songs
Sorrow Tears and Bloodpolice
Teacher Don’t Teach Me Nonsenseelections
Teacher Don’t Teach Me Nonsenseteachers
Trouble Sleep Yanga Wake Amsleep & insomnia
Unknown Soldier (Pts 1 & 2)justice
Viva NigeriaAfrica
Water No Get Enemythe obvious
Yellow Feveryellow
Walk on the Right Sidesongs offering advice
Kuti, SeunAfrican Problems (with Fela’s Egypt 80)thinking
KVBWhite Wallsborders, barriers, walls & fences
Kweli, TalibBushonomics (with Cornel West)villains
Joy (ft Mos Def)empathy
Talk to You (Li’l Darlin’) (ft Bilal)Valentine’s Day songs
Kyary Pamyu PamyuSaigo no Ice Creamice cream