A-Z by Artist – H

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with H. Some of the artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
H. P. LovecraftThe White Shipbooks
Haden, Charlie20/20 Vision (with Family & Friends)eyewear
Circus ’68 ’69arguments
Els Segadors (The Reapers)national anthems
Silence (with Chet Baker, Enrico Pieranunzi & Billy Higgins)quiet songs
Hætta, MattisSámiid ædnan (with Sverre Kjelsberg)frozen north
Haggard, MerleI Made the Prison Bandhobbies
The Immigrantmigrants & refugees
Mama Triedguilt & apology
Okie from Muskogeepride
Swinging Doorsdoors
Haggett, JimmyRabbit Actionrabbits
Haines, LukeA Badger Called Nick Lowefamous or notable animals
Bad Reputation (The Glitter Band)fallen heroes
Death of Sarah Lucasvisual art & photography
Here’s to Old EnglandEngland
Hair: Original London Cast (see MacDermot, Galt)
HaitiandoPa koute konsèysongs offering advice
Haley, Bill & the CometsRock Around the Clockpatterns & sequences
Half Man Half BiscuitA Shropshire Ladsongs with jokes
All I Want for Christmas Is a Dukla Prague Away Kitimmaturity
Asparagus Next Leftvegetables
Bad Losers on Yahoo! Chessstiff upper lip
Bob Wilson – Anchormanfamous people
Breaking Newsfunny songs
Corgi Registered Friendsinsulting songs
For What Is Chatteris…England
Friday Nights and the Gates Are Lowfootball
Give Us Bubblewrapdistractions & diversions
Irk the Puristsschadenfreude
It Makes the Room Look Biggerrooms
Joy Division Oven Glovesbread & baking
King of Hi-Vistickets
The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Is the Light of an Oncoming Train)social class
Look Dad No Tunesmusic industry
Lord Hereford’s Knobbad decisions
Lord Hereford’s Knobmaps
National Shite Daycompanies & corporations
Old Age Killed My Teenage Brideages
Paintball’s Coming Homeoffensive, insulting songs
The Referee’s Alphabetcheating
Tending the Wrong Grave for 23 Yearsdiscovery
Vatican Broadsidewelcoming
Hall, CarolBaby, If We Had Timepick-up lines & marriage proposals
Hall, EmilyEternity (with Olivia Chaney)eternity
Hall, Henry & the BBC Dance OrchestraHands Across the Table (ft Dan Donovan)physical gestures
Teddy Bears’ Picnicchildren’s songs
Hall, Lynden David Medicine 4 My Painstriking album endings
Hall, Tom T. A Week in a Country Jailprisons
Ballad of Forty Dollarsfamous last words
Hall, VeraTrouble So Harda cappella
Hallquist, BillyMiddle Lothian Folk Bandnotable outros or codas
Halo, LaurelThrowpiano songs
Hamdan, YasmineBeirutnostalgia
Denylong-distance relationships
Halslow, sexy love songs
Hamer, JeffersonClyde Water (with Anaïs Mitchell)conversations
Hamilton, CicelyThe March of the Women (music by Dame Ethyl Smith, performed by Rainbow Chorus)feminism
Hamilton, PaulFishes (with Doug Murphy)estimates of distance & time
Hammer, JanSixth Day – the Peoplelower the heartrate
Hammill, PeterA Better Timegratitude
A Motor-Bike in AfrikaAfrica
A Ritual Maskmasks
Accidentschance & coincidence
Attar of Roses (with Gary Lucas)roses
Autumnold age
The Birdsspring
Event Horizonhorizons
The Lie (Bernini’s Saint Theresa)works of art
Narcissus (Bar & Grill)narcissism
Painting by Numberspainting & painters
The Play’s the Thingidioms & common expressions
Pompeiiancient history
Porton Downbasements & underground
Primo on the Parapetedges & ledges
Shingle Songthe coast
Tango for Onenarcissism
Hammond, Albert99 Miles From LAnine
Hammond, BeresPutting Up Resistanceresistance
Hampton, LionelFlying Hometravelling
Hancock, HerbieCantaloupe Islandislands
Crossings7-inch singles
I Thought It Was Youmistaken identity
Rockitdance instrumentals
The Tea Leaf Prophecy (Lay Down Your Arms) (with Joni Mitchell)omens & prophecies
Water Torture7-inch singles
Watermelon Mangenre defying
Handel, George Frideric Eternal Source of Light Divineeternity
He Shall Feed His Flock (from the Messiah)Jesus
Ombra mai fu (sung by Andreas Schöll)falsetto
Zadok the Priestcrowns
Handsome FamilyAfter We Shot the Grizzlytragedy & comedy
Bowling Alley Barapologies
Passenger Pigeonsurban wildlife
Peace in the Valley Once Againenvironment
Handy, JohnHard Workspring cleaning & household chores
Rainbow Serenade (with Ali Akbar Khan & Dr. L. Subramaniam)rainbows
We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City (with Kid Sheik & Friends)from New Orleans
Hang on the BoxThere Is a Cityunderwear
Hannigan, LisaAmhrán Na FarraigeGaelic songs
Knotsknots & ties
Hansard, GlenLeavesongs that command or instruct
Hanshaw, AnnetteCooking Breakfast for the One I Lovefictional adverts
I’m Following Youfollowing & chasing
Tip-Toe Thru’ the Tulips with Mewindows
Happy Mondays24 Hour Party Peopleparties & going out
God’s Coppolice
Kinky Afroarresting opening lines
Loose Fitfashion
Step Ongreat keyboards
Wrote for Luck (Vince Clarke Remix)1980s 12” singles
Har-You Percussion GroupWelcome to the Partywelcoming
Harcourt, EdAngels on Your Bodyangels
Black Dressclothes
The Man That Time Forgotbeing a man or a woman
Hard HairEarly in the Mornin’ (with Alan Lomax, ’22’, Little Red & Tangle Eye)odd noises & instruments
Hard StuffSinister Minister (as Bullet)preachers, priests & religious leaders
Hardcastle, Paul19stupidity
HardfloorAcperience 1instrumentals
Harding, AldousThe Barrelnon sequiturs
Heaven Is Emptyparadise
Imagining My Manusing your imagination
Harding, MikeChristmas 1914tradition
Hardy, AngeThe Lament of the Black Sheepnursery rhymes
The Young Librarianlibraries
Hardy, BellaHerring Girlsharp objects
Hardy, FrançoiseLa Nuit est sur la villenight & darkness
Minuit minuitmidnight
Puisque vous partez en voyage (with Jacques Dutronc)departures
To the End (La Comedie) (with Blur)multilingual songs
Tous les garçons et les fillesbody language
Hare, PatI’m Gonna Murder My Babyrevenge
Harlem River DriveIdle Handshands
Harley, Steve & Cockney RebelMake Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)smiling & laughing
HarmoniaWatussielectronic music to 1983
Harnell, JoeThe Lonely Mansuperheroes
Harper, BenAnother Lonely Dayadversity
Black RainNew Orleans
Harper, RoyForbidden Fruitsecret vices
Twelve Hours of Sunsetsunsets & twilight
When an Old Cricketer Leaves the Creasesport
Harpo, SlimBaby Scratch My Backfrom New Orleans
HarptonesOn Sunday Afternoonafternoon
Harriott, DerrickThe Loserlosers
Harris, Emmylou1917 (with Linda Ronstadt)army
Boulder To Birminghambereavement
Deeper Wellwells
Every Grain of Sandsand
Here, There and EverywhereBeatles covers
I Dug Up a Diamond (with Mark Knopfler)precious stones
Mary Danced with Soldiers (with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band)girls’ names
My Blue Tears (with Dolly Parton & Linda Ronstadt)songs by trios
Ooh Las Vegasgambling
Red Dirt Girlpathos
Snake Songreptiles
This Is Us (with Mark Knopfler)photography
Harris, MajorLove Won’t Let Me Waitorgasms
Harris, MarionAfter You’ve Gonegreat songwriting 1900-1955
Harris, PhilThe Bare Necessitiessimple pleasures
Harris, RolfJake the Pegchildren’s songs
Harris, ThurstonLittle Bitty Pretty Onehumming
Purple Stewrecipe songs
Harris, WynonieGood Morning Judgejudges & trials
Keep On Churnin’ (Till the Butter Comes)recipe songs
Quiet Whiskeywhiskey
Harrison, GeorgeAll Things Must Passchange #2
Ding Dong, Ding Dongnew year songs
Far East Mansolo Beatles songs
Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)solo Beatles songs
My Sweet Lordfaith
What Is Lifesolo Beatles songs
When We Was Fabthe Beatles
Harrison, NoelThe Windmills of Your Mindmemory
Harry, DebbieFrench Kissin in the U.S.A.France
Well, Did You Evah! (with Iggy Pop)duets
Hart, BethBang Bang Boom Boomimpressive videos
Hart, Grant2541houses
Charles Hollis JonesJones & Joneses
Run, Run, Run to the Centre Pompidoumuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Hart, MikeAlmost Liverpool 8Liverpool & Merseyside
Hart, TimThe Dalesman’s Litany (with Maddy Prior)northern England
Hartford, JohnDon’t Leave Your Records in the Sunsongs offering advice
Hartman, DanRelight My Firegreat arrangements
Hartman, JohnnyLush Life (with John Coltrane)mistakes
My One and Only Love (with John Coltrane)crooners
They Say It’s Wonderful (with John Coltrane)songs that say what love is
Harvey, PJ50ft Queenieshowing off
A Line in the Sandborders, barriers, walls & fences
A Woman a Man Walked Bymistaken identity
Down by the Waterunderwater
Good Fortunerecovery
Hardly Waitanticipation
The Letterreading
The Ministry of Defencewastelands
Naked Cousinnudity
Send His Love to Meplease & thank you
The Slow Drugwindows
Waterunusual time signatures
When Under Ethernursing & healthcare
You Come Throughplatonic love
You Said SomethingNew York
Hasél, PabloJuan Carlos el Bobónfreedom of expression
HashimAl-Naafiysh (The Soul)1980s 12” singles
Haskell, GordonJust a Happy Dayhappiness
Wounded Tigerstigers
Hatfield, JulianaMy Sister (as the Juliana Hatfield Three)brothers & sisters
Hatfield and the NorthFitter Stoke Has a Bathshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Hathaway, DonnyA Song for Youmeta-songs
Little Ghetto Boychildren
Where Is the Love? (with Roberta Flack)disappointment
Hause, DaveThe Flinchsingle-mindedness
Hatti VattiDifferent Music (ft Sara Brylewska)influenced by dub
Havens, RichieFollow the Drinking Gourd19th century life
Freedomfavourite live versions
Helplessly Hopingalliteration
Oxford Townjustice
The Wellwells
Hawkes, ChesneyI Am the One and Onlypride
Hawking, StephenA Glorious Dawn (with Carl Sagan & John D. Boswell)eureka moments
Hawkins, Edwin (see Edwin Hawkins Singers)
Hawkins, Screamin’ Jay Alligator Winerecipe songs
Feast of the Mau Maustrange & surreal
Hong KongAsia
I Put a Spell on YouHalloween
Little Demonfantasy
Ol’ Man Riverrivers
Person to Persontelephones
Portrait of a Manpainting & painters
Hawkins, Sophie B. Damn I Wish I Was Your Loverhomosexuality
Hawkshaw, AlanBlarney’s StonedTV theme songs
Hot Pants (with Alan Parker)clothes
HawkwindBlack Elk Speaksphilosophers
Hassan I Sahbaviolin
High Risebuildings
Master of the Universekrautrock
Quark, Strangeness and Charmscience
Silver Machinesilver & non-ferrous metals
Sonic Attackapocalypse
Spiral Galaxy 28948celestial bodies
We Took the Wrong Step Years Agomistakes
Hawley, RichardAs the Dawn Breaksurban wildlife
Born Under a Bad Signstar signs
Coles Cornercrooners
Down in the Woodsrendezvous
Hotel Roomhotels
I’m Looking for Someone to Find Melost and found
Lady’s Bridgebridges
Lonely Nighthumming
Open Up Your Doordoors
She Brings the Sunlightnotable outros or codas
Standing at the Sky’s Edgesitting & standing
Hay, ColinNext Year Peoplefarming
Overkill (Acoustic Version)defined or redefined by television
Haydn, JosephDie Vorstellung des Chaoschaos
String Quartet in E flat major (‘The Joke’)stop-start songs
Hayes, IsaacBy the Time I Get to Phoenixcovers better than the original
Chocolate Salty Ballschocolate
Going in Circlescircles
The Look of Lovealbum tracks better than the singles
Theme from Shaftfunk
Walk On Byimpressive intros
Hayman, DarrenMarch of the Workersparades
Haynes, Mary AnnHopping Down in Kent / My Lovely HopsSeptember & October
Haza, OfraInnocent: A Requiem for Refugeeshomelessness
Hazard, RobertGirls Just Want to Have Funlesser known originals
HazeEl Lute, Libre o Muerto (ft José Mercé)outlaws & rebels
Haze, AngelBitch Badasking, begging & pleading
Hazel Nuts ChocolateBurning Tiger, Screaming Metigers
Hazlewood, LeeThe Night Beforehangovers
Sand (with Nancy Sinatra)idioms & common expressions
Some Velvet Morning (with Nancy Sinatra)duets
Summer Wine (with Nancy Sinatra)recipe songs
Head, Michael & the StrandsQueen Matildaqueens
Head, MurrayOne Night in Bangkokspecific or obscure places
Head of DavidJack Nicholsonhorror-inspired songs
Headless HeroesTrue Love Will Find You in the Endpromises & choices
Healey, JeffBlue Jean Blueslegs & pants
Heap, ImogenBad Body Doubletwo – part 1
Me the Machinethe brain
Heard, Larry (see Mr. Fingers)
HeartDog and Butterflydogs
Heartless BastardsSkin and Bonelove songs to places
HeatwaveAlways and Forevereverlasting love
Heatwave (UK soundsystem)Things Change (with Warrior Queen)influenced by dub
Heaven 17I’m Your Moneyshopping
We’re Going to Live for a Very Long Timeimmortality & longevity
HeavenlyC is the Heavenly Optionsongs for your teenage self
Hearts and Crossesbright songs about dark subjects
heavenly6, Tommy (see Kawasa, Tomoko)
Hebb, BobbySunnysummer
Hébert, DidierI Woke Up One Morning in Mayout-of-tune songs
Hecker, MaximilianKate Mossfashion
Hedgehoppers AnonymousIt’s Good News Weekjournalism & the news
Vargtimmen (Hour of the Wolf)wolves
HefnerThe Hymn for the Cigarettessmoking
Hefti, NealBatman Themesuperheroes
HeinoSchwarzbraun ist die Haselnussnuts & edible seeds
Helen LoveGirl About Townmusic industry
Helinä, TiiuMuurishyness
Hell, Richard & the VoidoidsBlank Generationfrom New York City
Destiny Streetknowledge
Love Comes in Spurtsanti-love songs
HellaCafeteria Bananasrestaurants & cafes
HelloNew York Groovefinger snaps & toe taps
Hello SaferideAnnaalternative outcomes
Long Lost Penpaldeception
HellsongsRun to the Hillsrunning
HelvetiaOld, New Bicyclebicycles
HemDeparture and Farewellsongs that give you goosebumps
Hen OgleddCrimson Starspace travel
Tiny Witch Hunterwitches
Henderson, EddieThe Kumquat Kidsorange
Hendrickson Road HouseTomorrow Your Sorrowtomorrow
Hendrix, Jimi51st Anniversaryold age
1983… (A Merman I Should Turn to Be)underwater
All Along the Watchtowerwarnings
Are You Experienced?psychedelia
Belly Button Windowbabies
Burning of the Midnight Lamploneliness
Castles Made of Sanddisappointment
Dolly Daggerwitches
Foxy Ladysexy songs
Glorialeft & right
Hear My Train A-Comin’ears & hearing
Hey Joeguns
House Burning Downnotable outros or codas
If 6 Was 9whispering
Purple Hazepurple
Red Housered
The Star Spangled Bannernational anthems
The Stars That Play with Laughing Sam’s Dicestars
Third Stone from the Sunsci-fi & space
Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)super solos
The Wind Cries Marygirls’ names
Hendryx, NonaTransformationambiguity
Henley, DonThe Boys of Summernostalgia
New York Minuteestimates of distance & time
Henry, JoeDirty Magazinemagazines
Richard Pryor Addresses a Tearful Nationmisleading or incongruous titles
Henry, PierrePsyché Rock (with Michel Colombier)featuring bells
Henry CowEuropa (with Slapp Happy)personification
Nine Funerals for the Citizen Kingnine
The Owl (with Slapp Happy)owls
Some Questions About Hats (with Slapp Happy)hats
Henske, JudyGod Bless the Childbabies
HeptonesBook of Ruleshardware
Get in the Groovemusic as nutrition
Make Up Your Mindindecision
H.E.R.I Won’tstubbornness
Her Space HolidayThe World Will Deem Us Dangerouslessons in life
Herbaliser8 Point Agenda (Version 1) (ft Latryx)numbered 1 to 10
The Blend (ft What What)writing
Mission Improbable (ft What What)shaggy dog stories & tall tales
More Tea, More Beer (ft Jean Grae)beer
Mr. HolmesMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
The Sensual Womanchoosing & using words
Strongpositive songs
Hercules and Love AffairBlind (Frankie Knuckles Remix)mixtape closers
Herd (Australian band)The King Is Deadfallen heroes
Herd (US band)From the Underworldhorror-inspired songs
Here & NowIt’s the Little Thingssmall things
Herman, LisaKew. Rhone. (with John Greaves & Peter Blegvad)symmetrical lyrics
Herman’s HermitsNo Milk Todayloneliness
Hernandez, ArmandoLa Zenaidafruit
Herndon, HollyFrontiersongs to start the morning
Heron, MikeWarm Heart Pastrybread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Herrmann, BernardTaxi Driver (Main Title)from New York City
Hersh, KristinThe Lettermental illness
Your GhostHalloween
Hewett, ColleenReverend Leehonorific titles
Hi-TensionBritish HustleBritain
Hiatt, JohnRiding with the KingElvis
When New York Had Her Heart BrokeSeptember 11 attacks
Hibbert, LennieVillage Soulvillages
Hibbler, AlThe Blues Came Falling Downfalling
Hickie, AndyWhen the World Smiles with Youcontentment
Hickox, TomThe Pretty Pride of Russiaironic songs
Hicks, Dan & his Hot LicksHow Can I Miss You When You Won’t Go Away?missing someone
Hidden CamerasThe Man That I Am with My Manhomosexuality
Smells Like Happinesssmells
Hield, FayGreen Gravelnursery rhymes
Hifi SeanTestify (ft Crystal Waters)preachers, priests & religious leaders
Higgins, MissyEverybody Wants to Touch Mecharisma
High ContrastBrief Encounterbrevity
High LlamasThree Point Scrabbleboard games
High Numbers (see Who)
HighwaymenHighwaymanimmortality & longevity
Hildegard of BingenColumba Aspexitspiritual songs
Hill, BennyErnie (The Fastest Milkman in the West)alliteration
Hill, LaurynDoo-Wop (That Thing)warnings
I Find It Hard to Sayrefusal
To Zionbabies
Hillage, SteveIt’s All Too Muchfutility
The Salmon Songfish & other aquatic life
Hille, VedaFrank Millsmale names
I Love You So Love Me (lyrics by Niall McNeil & Marcus Youssef)famous or notable duos
Hilliard EnsembleParce mihi Domine (with Jan Garbarek)unlikely collaborations
Hills, GillianTut, Tut, Tut, Tut…tautonyms
Hillside SingersI’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)perfection
Hinds, Justin & the DominoesThe Higher the Monkey Climbsproverbs
Hinson, Micah P. The Day Texas Sank to the Bottom of the Seadeep voices
Hip Hop FingerBoundaries (with Leena Conquest)obstacles
Hirayasu TakashiHana Nu Kajimaya (with Bob Brozman)tradition
Hiroto UyamaCarbon RoseJapan
Hisaishi, JoeHuge Tree in the Tsukamori Forestforests & woodlands
Hitchcock, RobynThe Abandoned Brainthe brain
Cynthia Maskmasks
Insect Mother (with the Egyptians)insects
Raymond Chandler Evening (with the Egyptians)evening
Trashoffensive, insulting songs
HitsujibungakuHikaru Toki (When You Shine)legacy
HivesTick Tick Boomonomatopoeia
Hobo JimIditarod Trailfrozen north
Hodges, EddieHigh Hopes (with Frank Sinatra)children performing
Hold SteadyAsk Her for Adderallbrands
Chillout Tentbright songs about dark subjects
Chips Ahoy!victory
Hot Soft Lighthospitals
How a Resurrection Really Feelsresurrection
Lord, I’m Discouragedfamous last words
Magazinesfathers and daughters
Slapped Actressauthenticity & fakery
HoleCelebrity Skincelebrity
Doll Partsauthenticity & fakery
Miss WorldMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
OlympiaUS cities & states
Holiday, BillieBut Beautifulopposites
Comes Lovepragmatism
Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Mesongs with jokes
Don’t Explainforgiveness
Foolin’ Myselfrepression
Getting Some Fun Out of Lifefun
I Didn’t Know What Time It Wasfamous last words
It’s a Sin to Tell a Lielies
Love for Salestairs, ladders & elevators
Pennies from Heavencoins
Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’m Goneplease & thank you
Sophisticated Ladyfailure
Speak Lowquiet
Strange Fruitprotest
Strange Fruitmurder
This Year’s Kisses (with Teddy Wilson & his Orchestra)kissing
What a Little Moonlight Can Dothe moon
Holland, Dave (see Dave Holland Quartet)
Holland, JolieSpringtime Can Kill Youspring
Holland, JoolsOranges and Lemons (with Suggs)fruit
Holland, MaggieA Place Called Englandaccents
A Proper Sort of Gardenergreen
Overnightitinerants & migration
Holliday, JenniferAnd I Am Telling You I’m Not Goinginfluenced by gospel
Holliday, MichaelThe Story of My Lifewhistling
HolliesBus Stopbuses
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brotherempathy
I Can’t Let Gogreat backing vocals
King Midas in Reverselosers
Long Cool Woman in a Black Dresstreachery & betrayal
Hollis, MarkThe Colour of Springpiano songs
The Daily Planetnewspapers
Holloway, StanleyThe Lion and Alberthats
Where Did You Get That Hat?inheritance
Holly, BuddyBlue Days, Black Nightsdebut songs
It Doesn’t Matter Anymoreorchestral string instruments
Learning the Gameeducation
Rave Onmusic as nutrition
True Love Waysmade you fall in love with music
You’re So Square (Baby I Don’t Care)geometric shapes
Holmes, DavidHope Is the Last Thing to Die (ft Raven Violet)hope
It’s Over, If We Run Out of Love (ft Raven Violet)conditional phrases
Necessary Genius (ft Raven Violet)single-mindedness
Holmes, Richard “Groove” No Trouble on the Mountainmountains
Holroyd, BobAfrican Drugdance instrumentals
Holt, JohnAli Babadreams
Body Language (with Gregory Isaacs)body language
Holter, JuliaI Shall Love 2eureka moments
Holy FuckMilkshakeice cream
Holy Modal RoundersMidnight in Paris (as the Unholy Modal Rounders)Paris
Home FreeStand by Mefinger snaps & toe taps
Home TPirates Anthem (with Cocoa Tea & Shabba Ranks)pirates
Homeboy SandmanFar Outnon sequiturs
Life Supportunderrated artists
HomelifeFruit Machinegambling
Honey ConeMy Mind’s on Leaving, But My Heart Won’t Let Me Gogoodbye
Want Adsobsolete things
Honey DrippersImpeach the PresidentUS presidents
HoneybusI Can’t Let Maggie Gothe impossible
HoneydogsThe Crowncrowns
Honeymoon KillersA Deep Space Romance (Ariane)space travel
Hooker, John LeeBoogie Everywhere I Gorhythm, beat & boogie
Boom Boomnoise
Crawlin’ King Snakelust
The Healer (with Carlos Santana)healing
High Priced Womanmaps
Meet Me in the Bottom (with Canned Heat)rendezvous
Moanin’ Blueshumming
Hooley, TerriIn the Days Before Rock ‘n’ Roll (with Paul Casey)switches & buttons
Hoop, JescaD.N.R.acronyms
Havoc in Heavenparadise
Hospital (Win Your Love)nursing & healthcare
Murder of Birdscollective nouns
Hope, BobThanks for the Memoryplease & thank you
Hope & SocialThe Big WideYorkshire
Hope of the StatesIndustryindustry & manufacturing
Hopkin, MaryY Blodyn GwynWelsh songs
Hopkins, Gerard ManleyInversnaidwilderness
Hopkins, JonImmunityCOVID-19 lockdown
Luminous Spaces (with Kelly Lee Owens)psychedelia
Hopkins, Lightnin’Jailhouse Bluesprisons
Just a Wristwatch on My Armclocks & watches
Walking Round in Circlescircles
Hopper, KevThe Sound of Gyroscopesdiscovery
Horn, ShirleyLove for Saletaboos
Hornsby, Bruce & the RangeThe Road Not Takenalternative outcomes
The Way It Isunemployment
Horton, Big Walter Easyharmonica
Horton, JohnnyNorth to Alaskafrozen north
Sink the Bismarckunderdogs
Hoshino GenLifeJapan
Hot 8 Brass BandNew Orleans (After the City)New Orleans
Hot ButterPopcornsweet foods
Hot ChipBaby Saidgreat opening lines
Over and Overrepetition
Hot ChocolateBrother Louiesongs with talking
Emmastorytelling songs
I’ll Put You Together Againrecovery
It Started with a Kissfirst & last time
No Doubt About Itunexplained phenomena
Hot GossipI Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper (with Sarah Brightman)loss
Hothouse FlowersBallad of Katieinterlopers
Christchurch Bellsbells
Houdini, WilmothThe Million Dollar Feetfeet
Houghton, Beth Jeans (see Du Blonde)
House, SonDeath Letterbereavement
John the Revelatorancient history
Preachin’ Bluespreachers, priests & religious leaders
House of LoveBeatles and the Stonesthe Beatles
The Girl with the Loneliest Eyessuperlatives
Shine Onchairs
House of PainJump Aroundtriggering dancing
Get Up Off Our Kneesrecovery
Houston, CiscoDiamond Joevillains
Houston, WhitneyDidn’t We Almost Have It Allclose calls
I Will Always Love Youstop-start songs
It’s Not Right But It’s OKupbeat break-up
Howard, RosettaLet Your Linen Hang Low (with the Harlem Hamfats)fabrics
Howlin’ WolfBack Door Manshowing off
Back Door Mantaboos
Built for Comfortbeing fat
Chocolate Dropbrown
Highway 49road trips
How Many More Yearsgreat songwriting 1900-1955
I Ain’t Superstitiousomens & prophecies
Moanin’ at Midnightmidnight
The Red Roosterlaziness
Smokestack Lightnin’extraordinary vocals
Wang Dang Doodlecelebration
The Wolf Is at Your Doorwolves
HozierTake Me to Churchpreachers, priests & religious leaders
Nina Cried Power (ft Mavis Staples)tyranny & dictatorship
HUWolf Totemimpressive videos
Wolf Totempaganism
Hucknall, MickOne of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)misunderstanding
Hudson, DavidWoolundadrone music
Hue and CryStrength to Strengthforgotten follow-ups
Huey Lewis and the NewsHip to Be Squarecoolness
Hukkelberg, HanneThe Piratepirates
Human BeinzNobody But Menarcissism
Human HeartsCheap Sunglasseseyewear
Distracted (ft Jenny Toomey)distractions & diversions
Human LeagueBeing Boiledhorror-inspired songs
Don’t You Want Medialogue
Empire State Humanshaggy dog stories & tall tales
(Keep Feeling) Fascinationsynth pop 1980-2000
Louiseupbeat break-up
Love Action (I Believe in Love)great keyboards
The Sound of the Crowdcrowds
The Things That Dreams Are Made Ofadventure
Human Sexual ResponseLand of the Glass Pineconesglass
Humble Pie30 Days in the Holesurprising intros
Black Coffeecoffee
HumblebumsThe Shoeshine Boyobsolete things
Hunter, FluffyThe Walkin’ Blues (with Jesse Powell)great songwriting 1900-1955
Hunter, IanIrene Wildefirst love
Irene Wilderejection
Letter to Britannia from the Union Jackflags
Win It Allwinners
Hurley, MichaelSweedeedeeodd couples
Hurt, Mississippi John Avalon Blueslove songs to places
Let the Mermaids Flirt with Meunderwater
Louis Collinsshooting
Stack O’ Lee Bluescrime
Waiting for a Trainlimbo
Hüsker DüBooks About UFOslibraries
Data Controlcollecting & listing
Divide and Conquerinternet
Eight Miles Highflying
Flip Your Wigboard games
Ice Cold Icefalse endings
New Day Risingdawn
Newest Industrywastelands
Pink Turns to Blueblue
Something I Learned Todayknowledge
Turn On the Newsnews & media
Husky RescueSleep Tight Tigertigers
Huun-Huur-TuChiraa Khoorhorses
Mezhegeideep voices
Hvoslef, LiseMapping the Coincidencechance & coincidence
Hyland, BrianItsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikiniembarrassment
Hyldgaard, SusiRegarde je tends la main vers toihands
Hyper KinakoTokyo Invention Registry Officeaccents
Hypnotic Brass EnsembleSoon It Will Be Fire (ft Moses Sumney)ensembles, big bands & orchestras
Warbrass songs
HypnoticsBeware of the Strangerstrangers
Hyvönen, FridaPonyhorses
Sciencenerds & geeks