A-Z by Artist – G

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with G. Some of the artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
Gabriel, PeterBig Timesocial mobility
Don’t Give Up (ft Kate Bush)consolation
Family Snapshotassassination
Games Without Frontiersborders, barriers, walls & fences
Here Comes the Flood (with Robert Fripp)natural disasters
In Your Eyeseureka moments
Not One of Usinterlopers
Solsbury Hillmotivation
We Do What We’re Told (Milgram’s 37)electricity
GabrielsBlamesongs to start the morning
Gaillard, SlimBassology (with his Flat Foot Floogies)double bass
Cement Mixer (as Slim Gaillard Trio)onomatopoeia
Chicken Rhythmpoultry
Yip Roc Heresycooking
Gainsbourg, Charlotte5:55times of day
Lemon Incest (with Serge Gainsbourg)taboos
The Songs That We Singmagazines
Gainsbourg, Serge69 année erotique (with Jane Birkin)dates
Aux armes et cæteranational anthems
Baudelaireliterary songs
Bonnie and Clyde (with Brigitte Bardot)crime
Ce mortel ennuiboring & dull
Comic Stripcomics & cartoons
Dieu fumeur de havanes (with Catherine Deneuve)smoking
Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur Hydebooks
Ford Mustangbrands
Initials B.B.actors
Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vaisgoodbye
Je t’aime… moi non plus (with Jane Birkin)lust
La Horse (with Jean-Claude Vannier)animals
La Horse (with Jean-Claude Vannier)harpsichord
Le Poinçonneur des Lilasholes
Lemon Incest (with Charlotte Gainsbourg)taboos
Love on the Beatrhythm, beat & boogie
Melodyspoken word
Requiem pour un coninsulting songs
Sea, Sex and Sun (English version)foreign language versions
GalacticSomething’s Wrong with This Picturefrom New Orleans
Galás, DiamandaVena Cava 1startling songs
Galaxie 500Listen, the Snow Is Fallingcold
Gall, FranceDer Computer Nr. 3artificial intelligence
Les Sucettessweet foods
Made in FranceFrance
Mes premières vraies vacancesinnocence
Poupée de cire, poupée de sonpuppets
Gallagher, RoryA Million Miles Awayestimates of distance & time
Bullfrog Bluesfavourite live versions
Seventh Son of the Seventh Sonhealing
Tattoo’d Ladytattoos & piercings
Walk on Hot Coalsoverturning the odds
Gallon DrunkTornadowind
Ganesan, Aanayampatti S. Bilahari Tolijanmastartling songs
Gang of FourArmalite Rifleguns
Contractformal agreements
Damaged Goodsflavour
Love Like Anthraxcontrol
Outside the Trains Don’t Run on Timeobsession
To Hell with Poverty!poverty
We Live As We Dream, Alonebeing alone
Why Theory?more questions than answers
Gang StarrHere Today, Gone Tomorrowimpermanence
I Lost My Ignorance (And Don’t Know Where to Find It) (with Dream Warriors)education
Just to Get a Repviolence
Tonz ‘O’ Gunzshooting
Who’s Gonna Take the Weight?questions
GANGgajangDistractiondistractions & diversions
Sounds of Then (This Is Australia)Australia
GarbageBoys Wanna Fightfighting
Hammering in My Headmachinery, industry & technology
I Think I’m Paranoidconspiracy theories & paranoia
Garbarek, JanOnce I Dreamt a Tree Upside Down (as Jan Garbarek Trio)inversions
Parce mihi Domine (with the Hilliard Ensemble)unlikely collaborations
Garcia, JerryLoserloss
Gardel, CarlosVolvergreat songwriting 1900-1955
Garfunkel and OatesHand Job, Bland Job, I Don’t Understand Jobprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Garifuna CollectiveMonguluMexico & Central America
Garland, Judy(Dear Mr. Gable) You Made Me Love Youactors
Get Happyrecovery
In Betweenyouthfulness
Over the Rainbowrecorded for movies
GarolouLa Danse de la limonaderefreshment & cooling down
Garrie, NickThe Nightmare of J.B. Stanislasnightmares
Gaslight AnthemHere’s Looking at You, Kidwithout a chorus
Gat, Areyeh & GilWish You Were Heresongs by buskers
GatursCold Bearbeer
Gaughan, DickFreedom Come All YeScotland
No Gods and Precious Few Heroesfallen heroes
Stand Up for Judassitting & standing
Tom Paine’s Boneshistorical figures
Wild Mountain Thymepurple
Gauthier, MaryThe Foundlingretrospection
How You Learn to Live Alonebeing single
I Drinkdeception
Last of the Hobo Kingshomelessness
March 11, 1962gripping or intriguing narrative
Sugar Canestarting fires
Wheel Inside the Wheelparades
Gawlo, CoumbaMiniyambareptiles
Gaye, MarvinA Funky Space Reincarnationthe future
Abraham, Martin and Johnassassination
Got to Give It Upfunk
Hitch Hikephysical gestures
I Heard It Through the Grapevinegossip
Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)songs that capture the zeitgeist
It Takes Two (with Kim Weston)two – part 1
Let’s Get It Onsongs to start the morning
Life’s a Game of Give and Takecompromise
Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)nature
The Onion Song (with Tammi Terrell)vegetables
Save the Childrenambition
Sexual Healinghealing
Stubborn Kind of Fellowstubbornness
Too Busy Thinking About My Babymultitasking & being busy
Trouble Mansocial mobility
What’s Going Onviolence
What’s Happening Brothersiblings
When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving Youhatchet jobs
When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving Youdivorce
Wherever I Lay My Hat (That’s My Home)hats
You Can Leave, But It’s Going to Cost Youjudges & trials
GayladsIt’s Hard to Confesssecrets
Secret Admirersecret admirers
Gaynor, GloriaI Will Survivebravery
Gazelle TwinI Turn My Armbodily motion & exercise
When I Was Otherwiseambiguity
GBHI Want to Believeunexplained phenomena
GeckoAny Other Roommuseums, galleries & exhibitions
The Librarylibraries
Milk Teethunusual narrators
Gee, MarshaPeanut Duckbirdsong
GeneThe Accidentalsharp objects
GenesisThe Fountain of Salmacisgripping or intriguing narrative
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)anti-work songs
The Musical Boxsongs with sudden changes
Supper’s Readyapocalypse
Genius (see GZA)
Gentle GiantIn a Glass Housewindows
Knotsa cappella
Mister Class and Quality?social mobility
The Moon Is Downquoting Shakespeare
Gentry, BobbieAce Insurance Manaccidents
Fancycharacter songs
I Saw an Angel Dieangels
I’ll Never Fall in Love Againnew resolutions
Mornin’ Glory (with Glen Campbell)duets
Ode to Billie Joestorytelling songs
GentrysKeep On Dancingfalse endings
GeordieGeordie’s Lost His Liggieloss
George, Lowell20 Million Things to Domultitasking & being busy
George, SophiaGirlie Girlieseduction
George Baker SelectionLittle Green Bagpersonal theme songs
George Moxey and his Calypso QuintetDry Weather House (with Hubert Porter)houses
Georgia SatellitesBattleship Chainsships & boats
Gere, RichardWe Both Reached for the Gunpedantry
Germano, LisaA Psychopathfear
Geek the Girlnerds & geeks
Ruminantsstomach & guts
Singing to the Birdssinging
Gerry and the PacemakersDon’t Let the Sun Catch You Cryingdawn
You’ll Never Walk Alonecommunity
Gerry Mulligan Quartet (see Mulligan, Gerry)
Gershwin, GeorgeAn American in Parissound effects
Rhapsody in Blueredefined by film
Geto BoysMind Playing Tricks on Memental illness
Getz, StanCorcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (with João Gilberto, Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)South America
The Girl from Ipanema (with João Gilberto, Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)unrequited love
One Note Samba (with Astrud Gilberto)meta-songs
Waltz for a Lovely WifeValentine’s Day songs
Ghosh, BickramTaal – Adigreat drumming
Ghoshal, ShreyaZoobi Doobi (with Sonu Nigam)stupidity
Ghostface KillahABCso bad they’re good
All That I Got Is You (ft Mary J. Blige & Popa Wu)mothers
In Tha Park (ft Black Thought)parks
Shakey Dogstorytelling songs
Underwatersurreal songs
Whip You with a Strapchildren
GhostpoetRun Run Runrunning
Gibbs, OtisNo Rust on My Spadefixing & repairing
With a Gun in My Handsrefusal
Gibson, DebbieElectric Youthyouthfulness
Gibson, Harry “The Hipster” Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy’s Ovaltineunusual rhymes
Giddens, RhiannonTomorrow Is My Turntomorrow
GigaPDrop Pop Candy (with Reol)bright and beautiful
Gigolo AuntsWhere I Find My Heavenspiritual songs
Gil, GilbertoFilhos de Gandhi (with Jorge Ben)inspired by India
Nightingalenightingales & thrushes
Gilbert and SullivanA Magnet Hung in a Hardware Shop hardware
Oh Better Far to Live and Diekings
Gilberto, AstrudCorcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (with Stan Getz, João Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)South America
The Girl from Ipanema (with Stan Getz, João Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)unrequited love
I Haven’t Got Anything Better to Dorepression
One Note Samba (with New Stan Getz Quartet)meta-songs
(Take Me to) Aruandatreasure
Gilberto, BebelTudoeverything
Gilberto, JoãoA Felicidadestart with the chorus
Chega de Saudademore questions than answers
Corcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (with Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)South America
The Girl from Ipanema (with Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto & Antônio Carlos Jobim)unrequited love
One Note Samba (with Herbie Mann & Antônio Carlos Jobim)austerity
GillanPurple Skypurple
Gillespie, DizzyIn the Land of Oo-Bla-Deefictional places
Salt Peanutsten words or fewer
Gilmore, TheaEver Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)covers by the opposite sex
How the Love Gets Inpositive songs
Jazz Handshands
Sol Invictuspassage of time
Gilmore & RobertsDoctor Jamesdeceptive appearances
Gin BlossomsLost Horizonsbright songs about dark subjects
Mrs. Ritafortune tellers
Giovanni, PaulMaypoletrees, grass & flowers
Girls AloudBiologygirl groups
Girls in SynthesisCorrupting Memoriesthinking
GirsaImmigrant Eyesmigrants & refugees
GitheadDrive Byinternet
Giuffre, JimmyFour Brotherswithout percussion
The Train and the River (as the Jimmy Giuffre Trio)songs by trios
GiversWordschoosing & using words
Gjonola, Patt Stanton My Bathroom Is a Private Kind of Placeworst songs
Gladden, TexasThe Devil’s Nine Questionsnine
GladiatorsBeautiful Locksformal agreements
Looks Is Deceivingclose harmony singing
Pocket Moneypockets
GladiolasLittle Darlin’na-na-hey-hey songs
Glasper, Robert (see Robert Glasper Experiment)
Glass, PhilipAmazon River (performed by Uakti)unusual time signatures
Changing Opinionchange of mind
Étoile Polaire (North Star)lighthouses & guiding lights
Glassworks: Openinglower the heartrate
“Heroes” (Aphex Twin Remix)scary songs
Glass AnimalsIt’s All So Incredibly Loudawkwardness
GlasvegasDaddy’s Gonealternative outcomes
Gledhill, MindyCrazy Lovefollowing & chasing
Glitter, GaryHello Hello, I’m Back Againhello
GLM (see Lurkers)
GloamingHunting the Squirrelsearching & seeking
The Sailor’s Bonnetviolin
GloriesSing Me a Love Songsongs about love songs
Gnarls BarkleySmiley Facessmiling & laughing
GnodPink Champagne Bluespink
Go_ASolovey (Nightingale)nightingales & thrushes
Go-BetweensApology Acceptedacceptance
Apples in Bednon sequiturs
Bachelor Kisseskissing
Bye Bye Pridelong-distance relationships
Cattle and Canerural songs
Darlinghurst NightsAustralia
The Devil’s Eyewithout percussion
I’m All Rightdenial
Quiet Heartquiet
Spring Rainspring
Streets of Your Townsecret vices
When People Are Deadfunerals
You Tell Megossip
Go FindNew Yearnew year
Go-Go’sOur Lips Are Sealedsilence
We Got the Beatrhythm, beat & boogie
Go! TeamBottle Rocketjoyous songs
Buy Nothing Daynothing
The Power Is Onenergizing songs
We Just Won’t Be Defeatedhope & resilience
GoatGoatlorddrone music
GoblinProfondo rossoinstrumental soundtracks
Suspiriahorror-inspired songs
Godard, Vic & the Subway SectStop That Girlout-of-tune songs
GodfreyLet’s Take a Triprecreational drugs
Godley & CremeUnder Your Thumbghosts
Godoy, Carlos Mejía Nicaragua, NicaraguitaMexico & Central America
Godspeed You! Black EmperorDead Flag Bluesend of the world
GoGo PenguinThe Antidote Is in the Poisonpoison
Bardosongs by trios
Hopoponogreat keyboards
Kora (Live)old meets new
Gogol BordelloFun on the Street (with Fanfare Ciocărlia)songs by buskers
Sallymultilingual songs
Start Wearing Purplepurple
Supertheory of Supereverythingdisbelief
Going Under GroundMelon Tea (with Melon Kinenbi)tea
GojiraToxic Garbage Islandplastic
Gold, AliceRunaway LoveFrance
Gold, AndrewThank You for Being a Friendgratitude
Gold, MurraySilence in the Librarylibraries
Gold PandaYoudrone music
GoldbladeThe Decline and Fall of Ancient RomeRoman Empire
Golden, LottiGonna Fay’sraise the heartrate
Golden BoyRippin Kittin (with Miss Kittin)knives
Golden EarringRadar Lovecars & driving
Golden SmogPecan Pienuts & edible seeds
GoldfrappBlack Cherryfood
Fly Me Awayflying
Strict Machinefetishes
Twistsexy songs
GoldieInner City Lifemixtape closers
The Shadow (Process Mix) (with Rob Playford)shadows
Goldie Lookin ChainGuns Don’t Kill People, Rappers DoWelsh songs
Taxi (Enter the Dragon)taxis
Your Mother’s Got a Penisschadenfreude
Goldsboro, BobbySummer (The First Time)so bad they’re good
Gomez78 Stone Wobblemovie & TV stars
GongFlying Teapotfantasy
Perfect Mysterypuzzling & mysterious
Gong Gong GongRide Your Horse (騎你的馬)energizing songs
Gonnie, LouieWonders of a Crescent Moon (4 Peyote Songs)American west
Gonzales, ChillyRoom 29 (with Jarvis Cocker)furniture
White Keyswhite
González, JoséHeartbeatscovers better than the original
Goo Goo GishMy Dear Sensesears & hearing
Good CharlotteGirls & Boysthe obvious
Good, the Bad and the QueenThe Good, the Bad and the Queenqueens
Goodman, BennyMoonglowhammer & mallet instruments
Sing Sing Singtriggering dancing
Goodman, SteveSouvenirs (with John Prine)melancholy songs
Goodwin, RonThose Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machinessongs that capture the zeitgeist
GoonsYing Tong Songmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Goose houseHappy Summer Weddingmale names
Gordon, LouisBroken Furniture (with John Foxx)confusion & delusion
Gore, LesleyYou Don’t Own Mearguments
You Don’t Own Mecontrol
Górecki, HenrykSymphony No. 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs), 2nd movementbravery
GorillazCaptain Chicken (ft Del tha Funkee Homosapien)poultry
Clint Eastwood (ft Del the Funky Homosapien)named after men
Cloud of Unknowing (ft Bobby Womack)clouds
Feel Good Inc. (ft De La Soul)laughter
Fire Coming Out of the Monkey’s Headfantasy
M1 A1hello
Slow Country (More Rubbadub version) (with Spacemonkeyz)hidden tracks
Sound Check (Gravity)gravity
Gorka, JohnBlues Palacecastles & palaces
Gorky’s Zygotic MynciDiamond Dewwaking up
Eating Salt Is EasyWelsh songs
Patio Songmultilingual songs
GossipHeavy Crosscrosses
Standing in the Way of Controlgender & LGBTQ+
Gotan ProjectVuelvo al Suraccordion
Göttsching, ManuelE2-E4games
GourdsBurn the Honeysucklestarting fires
Gov’t MuleLola, Leave Your Light Onprostitution
Grae, JeanIf You Close Your Eyes (ft The Herbaliser)horror-inspired songs
Graffoe, BoothbyPlanet Dogdogs
Graham, DaveyAngiinstrumentals
Blue Ragainspired by India
Neighbour Neighbourneighbours
Nottamun Town (with Shirley Collins)surreal songs
Skillet (Good’n’Greasy)cooking
Graham, LeoBlack Candleblessings & curses
Graham Wood Drout’s Iko-Iko (see Drout, Graham Wood)
Grainer, RonDoctor Who Theme (produced by Delia Derbyshire)instrumental soundtracks
Doctor Who Theme (produced by Delia Derbyshire)electronic music to 1983
Grand Funk RailroadWe’re an American Bandoutstanding percussion
Grand Kallé (see Kabasele, Joseph)
GrandadbobKilled by Sweetssweet foods
GrandaddyBroken Household Appliance National Forestrural songs
Everything Is Beautiful Far Awaybeauty
He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the Pilotbeing lost
Jed the Humanoidsci-fi & space
Miner at the Dial-A-Viewinternet
Grande, ArianaThank U Nextbeing single
Grandmaster Flash & the Furious FiveThe Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steelstop-start songs
The Messageanger
Grandmaster Melle Mel (see Mel, Melle)
Grant – EddyGimme Hope Jo’annaspecific or obscure places
Grant – JohnGMFself-deprecation
Jesus Hates FaggotsJesus
Outer Spacespace
Queen of Denmarkqueens
Queen of Denmarkgender & LGBTQ+
Sigourney Weavermovie & TV stars
Grass RootsMidnight Confessionssecrets & secrecy
GrasscutA Lost Villagevillages
Red Kite (Penguin Café Mix)urban wildlife
Grateful DeadAlligatorreptiles
Attics of My Lifethe impossible
Bird Song (with Branford Marsalis)unlikely collaborations
Box of Rainkindness
Brokedown Palaceadult lullabies
Cassidyblessings & curses
China Cat Sunflowersurreal songs
Cold, Rain and Snowstairs, ladders & elevators
Dark Starsuper solos
Dire Wolfsteel guitar
The Elevennumbers
Estimated Prophetomens & prophecies
Eyes of the Worldeureka moments
Franklin’s Towerinheritance
Hard to Handlefavourite live versions
He’s Goneacceptance
Jack Strawgripping or intriguing narrative
Lazy Lightningelectricity
Loserironic songs
Me and My Uncleoutlaws & rebels
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodelooarresting opening lines
Morning Dewindifference
The Music Never Stoppedmood-changing music
New Speedway Boogieconcerts
Playing in the Bandunusual time signatures
Ramble On Rosesimiles
Ripplegifts & giving
Scarlet Begoniassixth sense
Sing Me Back Hometime travel
St. Stephenphilosophers
Sugar Magnoliadifferent 7″ versions
Throwing Stonesnursery rhymes
Touch of Greyages
Truckin’one word titles
Uncle John’s Bandcommunity
Victim or the Crimechicken and egg
Wharf Ratredemption
What’s Become of the Babypsychedelia
GrauzoneEisbärwanting to be someone else
Graves, MichaleDig Up Her Bonesbones
Gray, A. A.The Old Ark’s A’Moving (with Seven Foot Dilly)children’s songs
Gray, DobieDrift Awayrelaxation & leisure
The ’In’ Crowdglamour & style
Out on the Floormood-changing music
Gray, MacyThe Letterwritten correspondence
My Nutmeg Phantasy (ft Angie Stone & Mos Def)nuts & edible seeds
Greaves, JohnHangman’s Hill (with Peter Blegvad & Chris Cutler)hanging
Kew. Rhone. (with Peter Blegvad & Lisa Herman)symmetrical lyrics
Magritte (with Peter Blegvad & Chris Cutler)works of art
Gréco, JulietteLe Temps des cacahuètesnuts & edible seeds
Green, AdamBluebirdspuzzling & mysterious
Green, AlBellethe truth
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?influenced by gospel
I’m Still in Love with Youfalsetto
Jesus Is Waitingwaiting
L-O-V-E (Love)Valentine’s Day songs
Let’s Get Marriedpick-up lines & marriage proposals
Let’s Stay Togetherdevoted love
Simply Beautifulquiet songs
Take Me to the Rivercleansing
Tired of Being Aloneloneliness
Tomorrow’s Dreamtomorrow
Green, BoyPlay My Juke Boxjukeboxes
Green, CeeLoFuck Youoffensive, insulting songs
Green, PatCollegehigher education
Green, PeterThe Green Manalishinightmares
Green DayAmerican Idiotconspiracy theories & paranoia
Ha Ha You’re Deadschadenfreude
Wake Me Up When September Endsautumn
Green JellÿThree Little Pigswhimsical songs
Greenbaum, NormanSpirit in the Skyspiritual songs
Greenhouse of TerrorThird Class Heavenodd couples
Gregory and the HawkI’m Your Puppetpuppets
Gregson, CliveGood with My Hands (with Christine Collister)making things
Gregson, PeterThe Cellos of Douala (with Gabriel Prokofiev)itching & scratching
Grieg, EdvardIn the Hall of the Mountain Kingkings
Morning Mood (from Peer Gynt)made you fall in love with music
Grier, PamLong Time Womannine
Grierson, JohnNight Mail (written by Benjamin Britten & W. H. Auden)Britain
Griffin, JohnnyThe Londonderry Air (as Johnny Griffin Quartet)national anthems
Griffin, PattyMaking Piescooking
Making Piesbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Top of the World‘high’ songs
Griffith, NanciLove at the Five and Dimefirst love
Speed of the Sound of Lonelinessspeed
There’s a Light Beyond These Woods (Mary Margaret)adventure
Griffiths, DaveDawn Returning (with Tim Renwick)songs to start the morning
Griffiths, MarciaFeel Like Jumpingjumping
I Shall Singsinging
GrimesFlesh Without Bloodschadenfreude
GrindermanNo Pussy Bluesfixing & repairing
Star Charmerstars
GrinderswitchPickin’ the Bluesincidental music
Griot BHBCU Therehigher education
Grizzly BearEavesdroppingeavesdropping
Groanbox BoysHobo Heavensuicide
Groban, JoshRememberlegacy
Groove ArmadaAt the Rivertrombone
Groove CerealSound Breakfast (ft Jenova 7 & Andrew Linn)meals & mealtimes
Gross, PaulRide ForeverCanada
Ground Floor PeopleWalkin’ on Eggseggs
GroundationRomeRoman Empire
Groundhog Day Original Broadway CastIf I Had My Time Againtime travel
GroundhogsEccentric Maneccentric songs
Grupo Vocal DesandannGuede Niboclose harmony singing
Grusin, DaveBaby Elephant Walkpersonal theme songs
Sunporch Cha-Cha-Chaeasy listening
Guai LiDevil Rabbitrabbits
Guaraldi, Vince (see Vince Guaraldi Trio)
Guerra, PedroLas Gafas de Lennoneyewear
Guess WhoAmerican WomanAmerica
Shakin’ All Overspine & neck
Guided by VoicesTeenage FBIgossip
GuillemotsBlue Would Still Be Blueblue
Guitar Wifie of AberdeenUnknown Tunesongs by buskers
GunRace with the Devilspeed
Gun ClubShe’s Like Heroin to Mecocaine & heroin
Guns N’ RosesGet in the Ringmagazines
November Rainimpressive videos
Sweet Child o’ Minechildren
Günter Kallmann ChoirDaydreamcontentment
Gurney, IvorI Will Go With My Father A-Ploughingearth, soil & dirt
Gurtu, TrilokThe Beat of Love (with Roop Kumar)unlikely collaborations
Like Popcornnuts & edible seeds
Guryan, MargoThe Humhumming
Love Songssongs about love songs
Sunday Morningthe weekend
GusGusAdd This Songsongs that command or instruct
Gustavsen, TordWhen Breathing Starts (with Ulrich Dreschler Quartet)quiet songs
GusterLightning Rodunusual narrators
Stay with Me Jesusclose calls
Guthrie, ArloAlice’s Restauranttrash
City of New Orleansiron & steel
Guthrie, WoodyDo-Re-MiCalifornia
Great Dust Storm (Dust Storm Disaster)storms
Harriet Tubman’s Ballad19th century life
I Ain’t Got No Home in This World Any Moreitinerants & migration
Lindberghfallen heroes
Pastures of Plentyfarming
Pretty Boy Floydcriminals
Talkin’ Dust Bowl Blueswastelands
This Land Is Your LandAmerica
Tom Joadliterary songs
Two Good Menjudges & trials
Gutter TwinsIdle Handshands
Guy, BuddyThe Devil’s Daughterthe Devil
Skin Deep (ft Derek Trucks)skin
Untitled (with Quinn Sullivan)collaborations & side projects
Who’s Gonna Fill Those Shoeschildren performing
Gwangwa, JonasThe Funeral (September 25, 1987) (Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika) (with George Fenton)national anthems
GwennoEus Keus?Gaelic songs
GZAGoldscary songs