A-Z by Artist – D

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with D. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
D-Day DarlingsComin’ In on a Wing and a Prayer wings
D MobWe Call It Acieeedyouth cults
D*NoteWaiting Hopefullyhope
D:ReamThings Can Only Get Betterspirit of 2021
da Viola, PaulinhoSinal Fechadosurprise encounters
D’Abo, MikeHandbags and Gladragsclothes
DadaromaAlice in Undergroundcaves
DadawaMelodious Goddesspaganism
Sister Drumlower the heartrate
The Turning Scripturestartling songs
Daddy CoolEagle Rockraptors
D.A.F. (see Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft)
Daft PunkDa Funksongs by duos
Digital Lovelast night
Get Lucky (ft Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers)innuendo
Giorgio by Moroderpioneers
Lose Yourself to Dance (ft Pharrell Williams)perspiration
One More Timerepetition
Daho, ÉtienneWeek-end à Romeplaces in Europe
Dakar, RhodaThe Boiler (with the Special AKA)scary songs
Dakota SuiteThings We Lost Along the Wayloss
DakotasThe Cruel Seabooks
Dale, DickNight Owlowls
Dale, HeatherRoddy McCorleycapital punishment
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.Simple Girlwhistling
DälekT-Electronique (with Faust)songs with special guests
Dalhart, VernonThe Prisoner’s Songgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Dalla, LucioAttenti al lupowolves
Milanolove songs to places
Dallas, RexI Yodel for Jesusworst songs
Dallman, Jerry & the KnightcapsThe Bugdance styles
Dalton, KarenSomething on Your Mindchannelling pain
Daltrey, RogerGiving It All Awayfresh starts
Say It Ain’t So, Joecheating
Damaged BugConealarm sounds
Slay the Priestpreachers, priests & religious leaders
DambuildersTeenage Loser Anthemorchestral string instruments
DamnedAbsinthecocktails & spirits
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeid, ego & superego
Eloisenamed after women
Fishfish & other aquatic life
Neat Neat Neattautonyms
New Rosefalling in love
Noise, Noise, Noisenoise
Plan 9 Channel 7nine
Smash It Up (Parts 1 & 2)rallying cries
White Rabbitrabbits
Dan le Sac Vs Scroobius PipGet Bettersongs for your teenage self
Thou Shalt Always Killsongs that command or instruct
Tommy Cbeauty
Dandridge, DorothyChattanooga Choo Choo (with the Nicholas Brothers & the Glenn Miller Orchestra)finger snaps & toe taps
Dandy WarholsBohemian Like Youcoolness
We Used to Be Friendsupbeat break-up #2
D’AngeloBrown Sugarbrown
Really Love (with the Vanguard)misunderstanding
Danger DoomThe Mask (ft Ghostface Killah)superheroes
Old School (ft Talib Kwei)television
Danger MouseWhat More Can I Say?the Beatles
Daniels – Charlie (see Charlie Daniels Band)
Danny WilsonRuby’s Golden Weddingold age
Dantalian’s ChariotMadman Running Through the Fieldsfools
DaoudaMon Coeur balanceidioms & common expressions
Dara, OluOkramarkets & fairs
D’Arby, Terence TrentResurrectionrecovery
Darin, BobbyBeyond the Seathe sea
Sing a Simple Song of Freedomsongs that capture the zeitgeist
DarkEinstein’s Brainunusual narrators
DarkthroneA Blaze in the Northern Skysky
Darling BudsIf I Saidconditional phrases
Daró, Gerard Pla Una Mattina & For the Love of a Princess (with Nassim Zaouche)songs by buskers
Dassin, JoeLe Petit Pain au chocolatbread & baking
Davachi, SarahFor Organdrone music
Dave and Ansell CollinsDouble Barrelarresting opening lines
Monkey Spannerhardware
Dave Brubeck Quartet (see Brubeck, Dave)
Dave Clark FiveMove Onten words or fewer
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & TichLegend of Xanadusongs with talking
The Loos of Englandpride
Dave Holland QuartetConference of the Birdsconversations
Dave Matthews Band (see Matthews, Dave)
Davies, DaveDeath of a Clownthe circus
Davies, Peter Maxwell Farewell to Stromnessexile
Davies, RayNext Door Neighbourneighbours
Stand Up Comicsitting & standing
Davies, RogerHuddersfield TownYorkshire
Davies, WindsorWhispering Grass (Don’t Tell the Trees) (with Don Estelle)gossip
Davis, BettyF.U.N.K.funk
Gettin’ Kicked Off, Havin’ Funfun
He Was a Big Freakoffensive, insulting songs
If I’m in Luck I Might Get Picked Upsexy songs
Nasty Galgossip
Shut Off the Lightscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Steppin’ in Her I. Miller Shoesfootwear
They Say I’m Differentnormal & abnormal
This Is It!big and meaty
Davis, Blind JohnO Sole Mioclassical songs
Davis, KayLush Life (with Billy Strayhorn)wheels
Davis, MilesAll Bluesmade you fall in love with music
Black Satinhandclaps
Blue in Greeneuphoria
Blue Xmas (To Whom It May Concern)anti-Christmas songs
Concierto de Aranjuez (Adagio) (with Gil Evans)great arrangements
Flamenco Sketcheslower the heartrate
Frelon Bruninsects
Full Nelsonaudible breaths
Génériquestairs, ladders & elevators
HannibalRoman Empire
Honky Tonkmysterious & puzzling
In a Silent Way / It’s About That Timesilence
It Never Entered My Mindretrospection
Milestonesgreat album or mixtape openers
Rated Xdrone music
Right Off Part 1stick it to the man
Shhh / Peacefulquiet
So Whatinstrumentals
Time After Timecovers by the opposite sex
Will o’ the Wispmythical beasts
Davis, Reverend Gary You Got to Movebright songs about dark subjects
Davis, RuthYou’re Gonna Get Next to Me (with Bo Kirkland)persistence
Davis, Sammy Jr.Ive Gotta Be Memotivation
Me and My Shadow (with Frank Sinatra)empathy
Plop Plop Fizz Fizzstomach & guts
That Old Black Magicsongs with vim
Davis, SkeeterThe End of the Worldheartbreak
Davis, Spencer (see Spencer Davis Group)
Davis, StantonBrighter Days / Brighter Daze (as Stanton Davis’ Ghetto/Mysticism)getting brighter
Davis, TyroneCan I Change My Mindchange of mind
I Keep Coming Backrepetition
Turn Back the Hands of Timeregrets
Davison, AlfieLove Is a Serious Businesssongs that say what love is
Dawn, NatalyCounting Downclocks & watches
Dawson, KimyaThe Library (ft Aesop Rock)libraries
Dawson, RichardCivil Servantjobs
Hobmythical beasts
Two HalvesNorth East England
The Vile Stuffout-of-tune songs
Dawson, SmokyThe Doughnut Songbread & baking
Day, DorisA Chocolate Sundae on a Saturday Nightchocolate
The Deadwood StageAmerican west
Secret Lovesecret vices
Day, ZellaCompasscompass points
Day OneWhite Citywhite
DaybreakersPsychedelic Sirenalarm sounds
DaysleepersRelease the Krakensound like other songs
dB’sAmplifiermedia for listening to recorded music
White Trainwhite
de Burgh, ChrisSay Goodbye to It AllD-Day
Spanish Trainthe Devil
De La SoulA Roller Skating Jam Named “Saturdays”Friday & Saturday
Fallin’ (with Teenage Fanclub)recorded for movies
Jenifa Taught Me (Derwin’s Revenge)first love
The Magic Numberthree
Me Myself and Iid, ego & superego
Millie Pulled a Pistol on Santaanti-Christmas songs
My Brother’s a Baseheadsiblings
Plug Tunin’humming
Tread Waterlessons in life
de Lucía, PacoCepa de Andaluzahandclaps
Como Castillo de Arena (with El Camarón de la Isla)sand
Fantasia Suite (with Al Di Meola & John McLaughlin)songs by trios
Playa del CarmenSpain
Se Murió Mi Madre (with El Camarón de la Isla)blessings & curses
De Piscopo, TullioStop Bajon (Primavera)Italy
De RosaHattonrigg Pit Disaster, 1910safety & danger
Deacon BlueDignitysongs that fit every topic
Real Gone Kidpedantry
Dead Can DanceAs the Bell Rings the Maypole Spinsbells
Opiumrecreational drugs
Out of a Serpent’s Eggeggs
Summoning of the Musefeaturing bells
The Wind That Shakes the Barleywind
Dead KennedysA Growing Boy Needs His LunchElvis
At My Jobanti-work songs
California Ãœber Alleshatchet jobs
Holiday in CambodiaAsia
I Am the Owlconspiracy theories & paranoia
Kill the Poorpoverty
Moon Over Marincleansing
Religious Vomitdeception
Stealing People’s Mailsmuggling & stealing
Winnebago Warriorhunting
Dead MilkmenStuartearth, soil & dirt
Dead MoonIt’s O.K.acceptance
Dead or AliveYou Spin Me Round (Like a Record)spinning
Dead PrezBe Healthyvegetables
Deaf SchoolCapaldi’s CaféLiverpool & Merseyside
Dead SouthIn Hell I’ll Be in Good Companyfinger snaps & toe taps
Dean, JimmyPT-109ships & boats
Dean, NoraAngie La La/Ay Ay Ay Aymysterious & puzzling
Dean and JeanHey Jean Hey Deanhedonism
Dearie, BlossomDusty Springfieldtribute songs
I Like London in the Rainsimple pleasures
I’m Hipcoolness
The Shape of Thingsgeometric shapes
DearsPostcard from Purgatorylimbo
Death and VanillaCalifornia Owlsowls
Death Cab for CutieA Movie Script Endinginspired by or about films
I Will Follow You into the Darkdiscovery
Northern Lightsrainbows
Summer Skinsummer
Transatlanticismmissing someone
What Sarah Saidhospitals
Your New Twin Sized Bedbeds
Death in VegasAishaboastful songs
DeBargeRhythm of the Nightrhythm, beat & boogie
Debelle, SpeechDaddy’s Little Girlinheritance
Finish This Albumfinishing
Go Then, Byestiff upper lip
The Keykeys & locks
Sun Will Rise (with Bonobo)determination
Debussy, ClaudeDanse sacrée et danse profane (performed by Vera Badings)harps, lyres & zithers
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un fauneflutes, pipes & whistles
Snowflakes Are Dancing (performed by Isao Tomita)snow & ice
DecemberistsThe Bagman’s Gambitspying
Ben Franklin’s Songelectricity
Billy Liarbooks
The Crane Wife 1 & 2wings
Eli, the Barrow Boymanual labour
Everything Is Awfuleverything
June Hymncontentment
The Mariner’s Revenge Songstorytelling songs
On the Bus Mallbuses
The Rake’s Songvillains
Red Right Anklejoints of the body
Shankhill Butchersknives
Sons & Daughtersfixing & repairing
The Sporting Lifeembarrassment
When the Ship Comes In (with the Chieftains)waiting
Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then)ghosts
DecorationPavey Arkwide open spaces
Ded RabbitAndromeda’s Milkshakehomelessness
Deee-LiteGroove Is in the Heartdancing
Vote, Baby, Voteelections
Deejay Punk-RocI Hate Everybodymisanthropic songs
Deep Dark WoodsAll the Money I Had Is Goneadversity
Deep Freeze MicePeter Smith Is a Bananayellow
Teenage Head in My Refrigeratorprovocative, strange or humorous titles
Deep PurpleChild in Timesongs with sudden changes
The Muleoutstanding percussion
No One Cameeffects of fame
Smoke on the Watergreat riffs
Soldier of Fortuneechoes
Speed Kingother songs
Deep SensationSomehow, Somewhere (There’s a Soul Heaven)raise the heartrate
Deere-Jones, SarahHarp and Aeolian Harpharps, lyres & zithers
Def LeppardPour Some Sugar on Mesweet foods
Definition of SoundNow Is Tomorrowtomorrow
Wear Your Love Like Heavensimiles
DefunktRazor’s Edgeedges & ledges
Degiorgio, KirkBlack Magicblack
Dekker, Desmond007 (Shanty Town)suburbia
Israelites (with the Aces)poverty
You Can Get It If You Really Wantoptimistic songs
Del AmitriNothing Ever Happensboredom
Del Rey, LanaA&Wnotable outros or codas
Florida Kilosrecreational drugs
The Greatestsuperlatives
High by the Beach‘high’ songs
National Anthemgreed
Norman Fucking Rockwelloffensive, insulting songs
Once Upon a Dreamfairytales
Video Gamessongs that give you goosebumps
Del Rio, RebekahLlorando (Crying)crying
Del the Funky HomosapienMistadobalinaMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Proto Culture (ft Khaos Unique)games
Sleepin’ on My Couchlaziness
The Wacky World of Rapid Transitfunny songs
Del-VettsLast Time Aroundgreat riffs
Del-VikingsCome Go with Medepartures
Delay TreesCassette 2012prophets
DelfonicsDidn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)doors
Ready or Not Here I Come (Can’t Hide from Love)long titles
DelgadosMr. Blue SkyMr, Mrs, Miss & Ms
Delius, FrederickOn Hearing the First Cuckoo of Springinterlopers
Dell, Danny & the TrendsFroggy Went A-Courtin’amphibians
Delta Rhythm BoysDry Bonesspine & neck
Deltron 30303030dates
3030the future
Virusmachines, robots & computers
Deluca, RoccoFeather and Knifetools
I Trust You to Kill Me (with the Burden)trust
Nightingale (with the Burden)nightingales & thrushes
DeMent, IrisIn Spite of Ourselves (with John Prine)underwear
Our Townleaving or being left behind
Dempsey, DamienIt’s All Goodaccents
St. Patrick’s DayGaelic songs
Deneuve, CatherineCvalda (with Björk)manual labour
Dieu fumeur de havanes (with Serge Gainsbourg)smoking
Toi jamaisforgiveness
Dengue FeverSleepwalking Through the Mekongpaths & roads
DenimI Will Cry at Christmasanti-Christmas songs
Middle of the Roadmusic genres
The OsmondsBirmingham & the Black Country
Denny, MartinQuiet Villagevillages
Quiet Villageeasy listening
Denny, SandyIt’ll Take a Long Timeestimates of distance & time
It’ll Take a Long Timewaiting
John the Gunshooting
The King and Queen of Englandroyalty
The Ladysongs to start the morning
Late Novemberwithout a chorus
Solothe number one
Who Knows Where the Time Goes?speed
Denton and CookThe Great Egg RaceTV theme songs
Denver, JohnCalypsopioneers
Rocky Mountain Highmountains
This Old Guitarguitars
Denver, KarlWimowehwordless vocals
DeodatoAlso sprach Zarathustra (2001)space
Department of EaglesIn Ear Parkparks
Department SIs Vic There?letters, emails & telegrams
Departure LoungeKing Kong Frownfaces
Depeche ModeEnjoy the Silencequiet
Fly on the Windscreen (Final)death
Get the Balance Right!fairness
Goodnight Loverscrooners
Just Can’t Get Enoughsynth pop 1980-2000
Martyrsaints & martyrs
New Lifefresh starts
Personal Jesusfaith
Photographic (Some Bizzare Version)visual art & photography
Policy of Truthlies
Walking in My Shoesguilt & apology
Derbyshire, DeliaDoctor Who Theme (composed by Ron Grainer)instrumental soundtracks
Doctor Who Theme (composed by Ron Grainer)electronic music to 1983
Pot au Feumusically adventurous
Derek and the DominosKey to the Highwaykeys & locks
DeSanto, Sugar PieIn the Basement (with Etta James)domestic songs
DesaparecidosMan and Wife, the Latter (Damaged Goods)marriage
Desert SessionsI Wanna Make It Wit Chusexy songs
Teens of Thailandamphibians
DeShannon, JackieWhen You Walk in the RoomValentine’s Day songs
DessaThe Chaconneodd couples
Dixon’s Girlsymmetrical lyrics
Matches to Paper Dollscan’t live with or without you
Destiny’s ChildBills, Bills, Billsmoney
Bootyliciousbody language
Independent Women Part Iwealth
Jumpin’, Jumpin’jumping
Destroy All MonstersBoredboredom
DestructorsNerve Gasgases
Detor, KristaClock of the World (with Karine Polwart & Rachael McShane)clocks & watches
Detroit ExperimentThink Twicedance instrumentals
dEUSEverybody’s Weirdnormal & abnormal
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft (D.A.F.)Der Mussolinidance styles
Der Räuber und der Prinzfeaturing bells
Sex unter Wasserwater
DeVaughn, WilliamBe Thankful for What You Gotmoney
Be Thankful for What You Gotspirit of 2021
Be Thankful for What You Gotgratitude
Devo(I Can’t Get No) Satisfactionunlikely cover songs
Jocko Homochaos
Secret Agent Mansecrets
Uncontrollable Urgeid, ego & superego
Whip Itfetishes
DeVotchKaWe’re Leavingdepartures
Dexys Midnight RunnersAll in All (This One Last Wild Waltz)teachers
Come On Eileenmixtape closers
Dance Stanceliterary songs
Genoother musicians
Keep It Part Two (Inferiority Part One)7-inch singles
My National Pride (Knowledge of Beauty)pride
Nowhere Is Homeroots
Oldold age
Plan BBirmingham & the Black Country
Reminisce Part Twosongs about love songs
Show Megangs
Tell Me When My Light Turns Greendriving songs
There, There, My Dearstriking album endings
This Is What She’s Likealbum tracks better than the singles
Until I Believe in My Soulchannelling pain
DeZurik SistersShanghai Roosterpoultry
Dhol FoundationHealing with Turmericflavour
Di Meola, AlFantasia Suitesongs by trios
Diabaté, ToumaniAlla l’aa kegreat solo performances
Doudou (with Ali Farka Touré)songs by duos
Kala Djula (with Ali Farka Touré)supergroups
Mali Sajio (with Ketama & José Soto)famous or notable animals
Ruby (with Ali Farka Touré)red
Diablo Swing OrchestraBalrog Boogiemonsters
Diagne, AmadouKora Tunesongs by buskers
Diamandis, MarinaHermit the Frog (as Marina and the Diamonds)secrets
Diamond, NeilBeautiful Noisenoise
Cracklin’ Rosiewine
Oh Marydeep voices
Sweet Carolinephysical gestures
DiamondsThe Strollexpressing movement of walking
Diane, AlelaAge Old Bluethe coast
Diawara, FatoumataMamacello
One Daytreasure
Dibango, ManuBig Blow12″ singles to 1979
Senga Abelecats
DickiesBanana Splits (The Tra La La Song)children’s songs
Walk Like an Eggcurves & spheres
You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla)monkeys & apes
Dickson, MauriceTáimse im’ Chodladh / King of the Pipers (with Catherine Ashcroft)Gaelic songs
Diddley, BoAztec (performed by Peggy Jones)underrated artists
Babes in the Woodforests & woodlands
Bo Diddleyself-referential songs
Cops and Robberslaw enforcement
I Don’t Like Youconversations
Pillsnursing & healthcare
Say Maninsulting songs
Who Do You Love?dares
You Can’t Judge a Book by the Coverproverbs
Die 3 BesoffskisSauflieder (Pot Pourri)tradition
Die AntwoordCookie Thumper!bread & baking
Hey Sexyhello
Rich Bitchwinners
Die SterneUniversal Tellerwäscherrestaurants & cafes
Dietrich, MarleneBlack Marketmarkets & fairs
Lili Marleenwar
Diffie, JoeThis Is Your Brainthe brain
DiFranco, AniAs Isacceptance
Glass Houseglass
Itchitching & scratching
The Most Dangerous Woman (with Utah Phillips)superlatives
Digable PlanetsEscapism (Gettin’ Free)insects
La Femme Fetalbabies & childbirth
Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)coolness
Digital UndergroundNo Nose Jobtattoos & piercings
Dilated PeoplesNeighborhood Watchsurveillance
Worst Comes to Worstsuperlatives
Dillard, Moses & JoshuaMy Elusive Dreamsobsession
DillingerCup A Teatea
Dimitri from ParisSacré francaisFrance
Dimitriadi, MariaMirizi O Kosmos Giasemismells
Dinosaur (see Russell, Arthur)
Dinosaur Jr.Freak Scenefriendship
DionA Teenager in Love (with the Belmonts)adolescence
New York City Songgenre switch
Queen of ’59 (live (with Phil Everly)queens
Runaround Suefrom New York City
The Wanderershowing off
Diop, MassambaAwo Yiinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Diop, WasisLet It Goindependence
Dire StraitsBadges, Posters, Stickers, T-Shirtsmemorabilia & souvenirs
Private Investigationsdetectives
Romeo and Julietteenagers
Solid Rockdriving songs
Sultans of Swingmusic venues
Telegraph Roadspecific or obscure places
Tunnel of Lovecurves & spheres
DirtbombsStupidbad decisions
DirtyGangsta Wifemarriage
Dirty Dozen Brass BandIt’s Time to Make a Changefunerals
Lay My Burden Down (with Dr. John & Mavis Staples)spirit of 2021
Stompin’ Ground (with Aaron Neville)from New Orleans
Dirty Filthy MudForest of Blackforests & woodlands
Dirty SanchezYouth in AsiaAsian cities
DischargeState Violence State Controlcontrol
DisclosureLatch (ft Sam Smith)artistic trends of the 21st century
Disco InfernoThe Atheist’s Burdenwords of wisdom
Disko, Barry Andrewsin Viime yönälast night
Disney Studio ChorusLittle April Showermonths of the year
Disposable Heroes of HiphoprisyCalifornia über Allestaxation
Everyday Life Has Become a Health RiskCOVID-19 lockdown
Famous and Dandy (Like Amos and Andy)effects of fame
INS Greencard A-19 191 500switches & buttons
Language of Violencejustice
Television, the Drug of the Nationprotest
Words of Advice for Young People (with William Burroughs)advice
DisturbedThe Sound of Silencevolume
Divine ComedyA Lady of a Certain Agegetting older
A Lady of a Certain Ageglamour & style
The Bookloversliterary songs
The Bookloverswriting
Charmed Lifeluck
Everybody Knows (Except You)secret admirers
Lost Propertyloss
My Lovely Horsefour-legged livestock
National Expressbuses
Our Mutual Friendtragedy & comedy
Something for the Weekendsongs with a twist
Sunrisesongs that build
To Die a Virginbirthdays
DivinylsBoys in Townunderwear
I Touch Myselflust
Dixie Chicks (see Chicks)
Dixie CupsChapel of Lovegirl groups
Iko Ikomisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Dixie DrifterI Am the Black Bookroots
Dixon, Willie44 Blues (with Memphis Slim)fractions & portions
Bassologybest bass lines
But It Sure Is Funfun
Walking the Bluesexpressing movement of walking
DJ CamAngel Dustquiet songs
DJ MehdiPartirsongs in French
DJ ShadowBuilding Steam with a Grain of Saltteachers
Changelingmusically adventurous
In/Fluxfamous last words
Midnight in a Perfect Worldnight & darkness
DJ VadimYour Revolution (ft Sarah Jones)other songs
Dobbie, GeorgeI Yodel for Jesus (with Rex Dallas)worst songs
Dobson, GeorginaThe Message (with Cupboard Simon)worst songs
Dodd, Jegsy & the Original SinnersGrumpy Old Menwarnings
DogbowlI Had a Dream of the Plaguenightmares
Dogg, SnoopBatman and Robincomics & cartoons
Drop It Like It’s Hot (ft Pharrell)heat
Dogs D’AmourHow Come It Never Rainssongs that fit every topic
Just an English Outlawoutlaws & rebels
Doheny, NedGet It Up for Lovefictional adverts
Dolby, ThomasOne of Our Submarinesunderwater
She Blinded Me with Scienceunlikely collaborations
Dollanganger, NicoleBlood Brothersbodily fluids
Dollar, JohnnyAction Packedsongs with vim
Dollis, Bo & the Wild MagnoliasMeet de Boys on the Battlefrontparades
Domestic, JamesItchy Itchyitching & scratching
DominatrixThe Dominatrix Sleeps Tonightfetishes
Domino, FatsBe My Guestwelcoming
Blueberry Hillfruit
I Want to Walk You Homefirst love
I’m Gonna Be a Wheel Some Daynew resolutions
I’m in Love Againrepetition
My Girl Josephinevolunteering
Rockin’ Bicyclebicycles
These Old Shoesshoes
Walking to New Orleanswalking & running
Don Rendell / Ian Carr QuintetBlue Mosquelower the heartrate
Donaggio, PinoJohn’s Theme (Love Scene)quiet songs
Donaldson, EricBlue Bootsfootwear
Dondero, DavidRothko Chapelmuseums, galleries & exhibitions
Donegan, LonnieGamblin’ Mangambling
Rock Island Linetrains
DonovanAtlantisrare events
Barabajagalnamed after men
Colourswaking up
Guineveremyths & legends
House of Janschtribute songs
Hurdy Gurdy Manmusical instruments
Little Boy in Corduroyfabrics
Mellow Yellowyellow
New Year’s Resovolutionnew year
Season of the Witchgreat riffs
Sunny Goodge Streetroads & streets
Sunshine Supermanthe sun
There Is a Mountainphilosophers
Doobie BrothersI Cheat the Hangmanhorror-inspired songs
Livin’ on the Fault Lineedges & ledges
What a Fool Believesfools
Doonican, ValWalk Tallpride
DoorsBack Door Mandoors
Bird of Preyraptors
Break On Through (To the Other Side)borders, barriers, walls & fences
The Endredefined by film
Hello, I Love Youhello
Light My Firealbum tracks better than the singles
People Are Strangebeing scared
Riders on the Stormnatural disasters
Roadhouse Blueswheels
The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)songs with talking
When the Music’s Overwastelands
Dope LemonHoney Bonespsychedelia
DorantesSin Muros ni Candadosborders, barriers, walls & fences
Dorough, BobThree Is the Magic Numbernumbered 1 to 10
Dorsey, LeeFreedom for the Stallionfreedom
Get Out of My Life, Womanfrom New Orleans
Sneakin’ Sally Through the Alleygirls’ names
Working in the Coal Minetiredness
Yes We Canunity
Dorsey, Tommy & his OrchestraI’m Getting Sentimental Over Youtrombone
Double Dee and SteinskiThe Motorcade Sped On (as Steinski & the Mass Media)dialogue
We’ll Be Right Back (as Steinski & the Mass Media)advertising
Double ExposureTen Percentraise the heartrate
Douglas, CarlKung Fu Fightingfighting
DovesM62 Songboring & dull
There Goes the Fearfear
Dowland, JohnFlow, My Tearsrepression
Frog Galliard (performed by Ieva Baltmiskyte)amphibians
Downs, LilaLa Iguanaharps, lyres & zithers
Son de Difuntostradition
D’Oyly Carte Opera CompanyA Magnet Hung in a Hardware Shop (written by Gilbert & Sullivan)hardware
Dozier, LamontGoing Back to My Rootsfresh starts
Dr AlimantadoThe Barber Feel It (with Jah Stitch)motorbikes
Best Dressed Chicken in Townanimals
Born for a Purpose / Reason for Livingmeaning of life
Dr. DreForget About Dre (ft Eminem)forgetting
Natural Born Killaz (with Ice Cube)crime
Dr. FeelgoodI’m a Hog for You Babynursery rhymes
Dr. HookBaby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talklegs & pants
The Cover of ‘Rolling Stone’magazines
Makin’ It Naturalnew resolutions
Sylvia’s Motherindirect messages
The Wonderful Soup Stone (with the Medicine Show)cooking
Dr. JohnBlack Widow Spiderspiders
Creole Moonrelaxation & leisure
Gris Gris Gumbo Ya Yadoctors
How Come My Dog Don’t Bark (When You Come Around)substitutions
I Walk on Guilded SplintersHalloween
Junko Partnerparades
Lay My Burden Down (with Mavis Staples & the Dirty Dozen Brass Band)spirit of 2021
Marie LaveauNew Orleans
Mos’ Scociousinnuendo
Quitters Never Winwinners
Right Place, Wrong Timemisunderstanding
Wash, Mama, Washspring cleaning & household chores
Dr. OctagonBlue Flowerstrees, grass & flowers
DragonForceThrough the Fire and the Flamessongs that express excess
DrakeCrew Lovegangs
Drake, NickAt the Chime of a City Clockclocks & watches
Black Eyed Dogscary songs
’Cello Songfictional places
Day Is Donefinishing
Fruit Treeeffects of fame
Hanging on a Starhanging
Man in a Shedbuildings
Northern Skydevoted love
One of These Things Firstfailure
Pink Moonpink
River Manrivers
Roadpaths & roads
Saturday SunFriday & Saturday
The Thoughts of Mary Janemarijuana
Three Hoursthree
Three Hoursdouble bass
Tow the Linehidden tracks
Drake, PeteForevereasy listening
DramaticsIn the Rainrain
Dread, MikeyBreak Down the Wallsbreaking things
Dread ZeppelinMoby Dickhunting
DreadzoneA Canterbury Talequiet songs
Little Britainclassical songs
Little BritainBritain
Dream AcademyLife in a Northern Townnostalgia
Dream SyndicateTell Me When It’s Overmade you fall in love with music
Dream TheaterSacrificed SonsSeptember 11 attacks
Dream WarriorsI Lost My Ignorance (And Don’t Know Where to Find It) (with Gang Starr)education
Wash Your Face in My Sinkdebut songs
Dreschler, Ulrich (see Ulrich Dreschler Quartet)
Dresden DollsBad Habitaddiction
Coin Operated Boyswitches & buttons
The Sheep Songfour-legged livestock
Drexler, JorgeSilencioquiet
DriftersI’ve Got Sand in My Shoessand
On Broadwayroads & streets
Rat Racecompetition
Save the Last Dance for Medancing
Under the Boardwalkthe coast
Up on the Roofrendezvous
Driftwood, JimmyHe Had a Long Chain Onkindness
Drive-By TruckersA World of Hurtlessons in life
Bobmale names
Carl Perkins’ CadillacElvis
The Living Bubbastiff upper lip
My Sweet Annetteinfidelity
The Night G.G. Allin Came to Townrestaurants & cafes
Sink Holeinheritance
Space City (with Booker T. Jones)organ
Steve McQueenhero worship
The Three Great Alabama IconsUS cities & states
Used to Be a Coppolice
Where the Devil Don’t Staythe Devil
Drive Like JehuO Pencil Sharpwithout a chorus
Driver 67Car 67taxis
Droge and Summers BlendTwo of the Lucky Onesslow, sexy love songs
Why Write a Letter That You’ll Never Sendmisanthropic songs
Drongos for EuropeMaydaywarnings
Drop NineteensDelawarefractions & portions
Dropkick MurphysDenialdenial
I’m Shipping Up to BostonNew England
Johnny, I Hardly Knew Yasurvival
Rose Tattootattoos & piercings
Smash Shit Upbreaking things
Drout, Graham WoodWalk with the Zombiezombies
DrugstoreEl Presidentpoliticians
Say Hellohello
Drummers of BurundiTambourinaires de Bukirasazigreat drumming
Zimbo (All My Colours) (with Echo & the Bunnymen)collaborations & side projects
Drummond, DonMan in the Street (with the Skatalites)trombone
Dry CleaningLeafyboring & dull
Du BlondeDodecahedron (as Beth Jeans Houghton & the Hooves of Destiny)geometric shapes
du Pré, JacquelineCello Concerto in E minor: I. Adagio – moderato (Elgar)cello
Dub SyndicateThe Corporationtyranny & dictatorship
Cuss Cusstautonyms
Hard & Tuffresilience
Ital Breakfastmeals & mealtimes
Stoned Immaculatestars
Dub WarControlcontrol
Dube, LuckyWell Fed Slave / Hungry Free Manstomach & guts
DublinersA Pub with No Beerpubs & bars
The Auld Trianglegeometric shapes
The Galway RacesIreland
The Irish Rover (with the Pogues)survival
Seven Drunken Nightscheating
Spancil Hillvillages
Spanish Ladyfeet
Take It Down from the Mastflags
DuBois, Ja’NetMovin’ On Up (Theme to The Jeffersons)social mobility
Duckworth Lewis MethodMason on the Boundaryborders, barriers, walls & fences
Third Mancricket
Dudley, AnneZiggurats of Cinnamon (with Jaz Coleman)markets & fairs
Duff, PatrickRefrigeratoreccentric songs
Duffy, Stephen “Tin Tin” Kiss Meincidental music
DuhksWasn’t That a Mighty Stormwind
Duhon, AndrewSlow Downlower the heartrate
Duke, GeorgeDown in Itanimal sounds
Mashavuinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Duke of IronThe Lost Watchhats & accessories
Dukes of Stratosphear25 O’Clockcollaborations & side projects
25 O’Clockclocks & watches
Duncan, JohnnySlow Dancingslow, sexy love songs
Duncan, ToddI Got Plenty o’ Nuttin’underdogs
Duncan, WhitneySkinny Dippin’skin
Duncan SistersThe Bullfrog Patrolamphibians
Dupree, Champion JackCan’t Kick the Habitthe impossible
Dur-Dur BandDuurkadriving songs
Durutti ColumnJacquelinesuper solos
Otisgenre defying
Sketch for Summeranimal sounds
Dury, IanApplesmarkets & fairs
Ballad of the Sulphate Strangler (with the Blockheads)biography & autobiography
Billericay Dickieaccents
Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick (with the Blockheads)the Commonwealth
I Want to Be Straight (with the Blockheads)wanting to be someone else
Itinerant Child (with the Blockheads)itinerants & migration
Jack Shit George (with the Blockheads)education
My Old Manfathers
Plaistow Patriciagreat opening lines
Poo-Poo in the Prawnstrange, rare or unlikely words
Razzle in My Pocketmistakes
Reasons to Be Cheerful, Part 3 (with the Blockheads)joyous songs
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Rollthree
Sweet Gene Vincentglamour & style
There Ain’t Half Been Some Clever Bastards (with the Blockheads)intelligence
What a Waste (with the Blockheads)ambition
Dutronc, JacquesEt moi, et moi, et moirabbits
Il est cinq heures, Paris s’éveilleParis
Les Cactussharp objects
Puisque vous partez en voyage (with Françoise Hardy)departures
Dylan, BobA Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fallprophets
All Along the Watchtowerplaying cards
Baby, Let Me Follow You Downasking, begging & pleading
Ballad of a Thin ManJones & Joneses
Black Diamond Bayjournalism & the news
Blind Willie McTelltribute songs
Bob Dylan’s 115th Dreamshaggy dog stories & tall tales
Copper Kettletaxation
Crossing the RubiconRoman Empire
Days of 4919th century life
Desolation Rowroads & streets
Drifter’s Escapeescape
Everything Is Brokenimpermanence
Forever Youngimmortality & longevity
Highway 61 Revisitedarresting opening lines
I Contain Multitudesusing your imagination
I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustinephilosophers
I Threw It All Awaylosers
Idiot Windcruel songs
If You See Her, Say Hellomissing someone
It Ain’t Me Babemistaken identity
Jim JonesAustralia
Just Like a Womanstiff upper lip
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Doorthe afterlife
Lay Lady Laystaying
Like a Rolling Stoneeffects of fame
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Heartstreachery & betrayal
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrollvillains
Love Sickanti-love songs
Maggie’s Farmfinishing
Masters of Warbeing scared
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)separation
One More Cup of Coffeecoffee
One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)misunderstanding
Only a Pawn in Their Gameshooting
Open the Door Homer (with the Band)doors
Political Worldchaos
Positively 4th Streethatchet jobs
Saranamed after women
Seven Cursesnumbers
Shelter from the Stormwelcoming
Subterranean Homesick Bluesnon sequiturs
Talkin’ World War III Bluesnormal & abnormal
Tangled Up in Bluefresh starts
The Times They Are A-Changin’3/4 time
Tomorrow Is a Long Timetomorrow
Tryin’ to Get to Heavenheaven & hell
Visions of Johannastrange & surreal
When the Deal Goes Downimpressive videos
Dynamic Syncopation2 Tha Left (ft Mass Influence)left & right