A-Z by Artist – C

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with C. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
Caballé, MontserratBarcelona (with Freddie Mercury)songs that express excess
Cabaret VoltaireBaader Meinhoffgangs
Nag Nag Nagmade you fall in love with music
Sensoriasynth pop 1980-2000
CabbageTell Me Lies About ManchesterManchester
Cabello, CamilaMon amour (with Stromae)everlasting love
Cackle Sisters (see DeZurik Sisters)
Cadaver ClubFollow Me to Hellsound like other songs
Murder of Crowscollective nouns
No End to Meimmortality & longevity
The Quiet Onessixth sense
The Warningsbad decisions
CadetsStranded in the Jungleclose calls
Cadillac JonesYahtzee Champboard games
Cadogan, SusanHurt So Goodchannelling pain
Caesar, DanielDeath and Taxestaxation
Café GuancascoInforme Estadístico de Comienzos de SigloMexico & Central America
Cage, John4’33”ears & hearing
Our Spring Will Comepiano songs
CairokeeYa El Medan (ft Aida El Ayouby)wide open spaces
CakeThe Distancespeed
Rock ‘n’ Roll Lifestylehedonism
CalanTale of Two Dragonsflags
Cale, J. J.After Midnightmidnight
Cajun Moonthe moon
Cocainecocaine & heroin
Death in the Wildernesswastelands
I Got the Same Old Bluesindirect messages
Cale, JohnAntarctica Starts Heredeserts
Buffalo Balletafternoon
Captain Hookpirates
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good NightWelsh songs
Dying on the Vinewine
The Endless Plain of Fortunegreed
Fear Is a Man’s Best Friendfear
Hello It’s Me (with Lou Reed)remembrance songs
Hello Therehello
Images (with Lou Reed)works of art
Magrittepainting & painters
On a Wedding Anniversaryanniversaries
Paris 1919dates
Spinning Away (with Brian Eno)celestial bodies
Spinning Away (with Brian Eno)spinning
Style It Takes (with Lou Reed)using your imagination
Sun Blindness Musicdrone music
Terry’s Cha-Chasaxophone
Trouble with Classicists (with Lou Reed)visual art & photography
Caleb (see Quaye, Caleb)
CalexicoBattle of Cable Hoguebroken promises
Inspiracionbrass songs
Letter to Bowie Knifesharp objects
Sixteen, Maybe Less (with Iron & Wine)nostalgia
Victor Jara’s Handscapital punishment
California RamblersI Like Pie-I Like Cake-But I Like You Best of Allbread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Callahan, Bill (aka Smog)37 Push Ups (as Smog)bodily motion & exercise
Bloodflow (as Smog)blood
Cold Discovery (as Smog)discovery
Dress Sexy at My Funeral (as Smog)fashion
Droverwide open spaces
Let Me See the Colts (as Smog)horses
The Morning Paper (as Smog)newspapers
Prince Alone in the Studio (as Smog)other musicians
River Guard (as Smog)work
Rock Bottom Riser (as Smog)gold
Small Planedeep voices
Callaghan, JohnI’m Not Comfortable Inside My Mindbeing a man or a woman
Callier, TerryButterflybutterflies & moths
Dancing Girlfinish where they begin
Golden Apples of the Sungold
Lazarus Manitinerants & migration
Love Theme from Spartacus (Zero 7 Remix)hope
Occasional Rainwater
Ordinary Joemixtape closers
Paris BluesParis
Satin DollValentine’s Day songs
Sunset BoulevardHollywood
You Goin’ Miss Your Candymanmissing someone
Calloway, CabEverybody Eats When They Come to My Housefood
Happy Feetfeet
Jumpin’ Jive (with the Nicholas Brothers)jumping
Minnie the Moochercharacter songs
Calypso RoseRum & Coca-Colacocktails & spirits
CamBurning Housenightmares
Camarón de la IslaBahía de Cádizlove songs to places
Como Castillo de Arenasand
Se Murió Mi Madreblessings & curses
Volando VoySpain
CameoCandygreat middle eights
Shake Your Pantsodd noises & instruments
She’s Strangenormal & abnormal
Word Up!choosing & using words
Camera ObscuraHappy New Yearnew year songs
Let’s Get Out of This Countrystarting over
Suspended from Classself-deprecation
The Sweetest Thingsongs about love songs
Tears for Affairsfools
CamilleFille à papafathers and daughters
Katie’s Teatea
Money Notesinging
Campbell, AlI Will Follow Youfollowing & chasing
Campbell, GlenBy the Time I Get to Phoenixchange of mind
Every Time I Itch I Wind Up Scratchin’ Youitching & scratching
Guess I’m Dumbfools
Mornin’ Glory (with Bobbie Gentry)duets
Rhinestone Cowboyambition
Wichita Linemanwork
Campbell, Ian (see Ian Campbell Folk Group)
Campbell, IsobelThe Breeze Whispered Your Namewhispering
The Circus Is Leaving Town (with Mark Lanegan)first & last time
Camper Van BeethovenTake the Skinheads Bowlingsport
CanMother Skymothers
Mushroomnuclear war
Vitamin Cwealth
Vitamin Cvegetables
CanibusShove This Jay-Oh-Bee (with Biz Markie)anti-work songs
Canned HeatAn Owl Songowls
Let’s Work Togethervolunteering
Meet Me in the Bottom (with John Lee Hooker)rendezvous
Cannon, FreddyAbigail Beecherteachers
Palisades Parkcarnivals & funfairs
CANOSpirit of the Northanimal sounds
Cantrell, LauraBeesnostalgia
When the Roses Bloom Againflowers
Capaldi, JimWhale Meat Againcetaceans
CapercaillieFear a Bhàtawide open spaces
CapitolsCool Jerkdance styles
CaprisThere’s a Moon Out Tonightthe moon
Captain BeefheartAh Feel Like Ahcidnon sequiturs
Autumn’s ChildSeptember & October
Big Eyed Beans from Venussci-fi & space
Bluejeans and Moonbeamslegs & pants
The Buggy Boogie Woogiespiders
Cardboard Cutout Sundownsunsets & twilight
Debra Kadabra (with Frank Zappa & the Mothers)witches
Dropout Boogieunemployment
Golden Birdiesbirdsong
Golden Birdieslegs & pants
Grown So Uglychange #2
Hard Workin’ Manindustry & manufacturing
Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Milesblue
Hey Garland, I Dig Your Tweed Coatclothes
Hot Headheat
Ice Cream for Crowanimals
Kandy Kornnuts & edible seeds
Man with the Woman Head (with Frank Zappa & the Mothers)faces
Mirror Manmirrors
Odd Jobsdecor
Old Fart at Playmasks
Orange Claw Hammershaggy dog stories & tall tales
Pachuco Cadavermysterious & puzzling
Petrified Forestgeology
Sheriff of Hong Kongislands
Tropical Hot Dog Nightheat #2
Yellow Brick Roadfairytales
Captain SensibleCroydontowns
Captain Slackship’s Mezzanine AllstarsBringin My Knifeknives
Cara, IreneFameambition
Flashdance… What a Feelingmotivation
CaracolHorseshoe Womaniron & steel
CaravanIn the Land of Grey and Pinkfictional places
Caravan PalaceTattoosskin
Carbon, Lisa (see Schmidt, Uwe)
Carbon Based LifeformsInterloperinterlopers
Cardi BWAP (ft Megan Thee Stallion)orgasms
CardiacsR.E.S.startling songs
Tarred and Featheredeccentric songs
CardigansCarnivalcarnivals & funfairs
CaretakerBedded Deep in Long Term Memoryitching & scratching
Libet’s Delayprocrastination
Carey, TonyA Fine Fine Dayreunions
Carlisle, BelindaHeaven Is a Place on Earthheaven & hell
Leave a Light Onlight
Carll, HayesNaked Checkersboard games
Carlton, LarryHill Street Blues (with Mike Post)law enforcement
Carlton, Little CarlCompetition Ain’t Nothin’competition
Carlton and the ShoesLove to Sharequiet songs
CarmelMore, More, Moreretro style
Carmichael, HoagyLazy Riverlaziness
My Resistance Is Lowresistance
Rockin’ Chairchairs
Who Killed ‘Er (Who Killed the Black Widder)spiders
Carmina QuartetGuitar Quintet No.4 in D major: IV. Fandango (with Rolf Lislevand & Nina Corti) (composer: Luigi Boccherini)finger snaps & toe taps
Carmody, KevThou Shalt Not StealAustralia
Carner, LoyleFlorence (ft Kwes)innocence
Not Waving, But Drowningphysical gestures
Sun of Jeanempathy
CarolSo Lowsynth pop 1980-2000
Carolina Chocolate DropsBrigg’s Corn Shucking Jigfinger snaps & toe taps
Carosone, RenatoTu vuò fa’ l’americanoItaly
Carpenter, Mary Chapin Grand Central StationSeptember 11 attacks
I Have a Need for Solitudequiet
Livingstonmusic as nutrition
Only a Dreamleaving or being left behind
Stones in the Roadsocial mobility
Thanksgiving Songgratitude
This Shirtmarriage
CarpentersGoodbye to Lovesongs with sudden changes
This Masqueradedeception
The Uninvited Guestvisitors
We’ve Only Just Begunmarriage
Yesterday Once Moresongs that go ‘la’
Carpio, LuzmilaAmautayku, Avelino Siñanihigh-pitched vocals
Carr, JamesThe Dark End of the Streetnight & darkness
The Dark End of the Streetsecrets & secrecy
Carr, LeroyCarried Water for the Elephant (with Scrapper Blackwell)the circus
Carrasco, SandraHola Soledadpersonification
Le Pregunté Yo a los Cielosprayer
Carrick, JulieUndo the Knotsknots & ties
Carroll, Jim (see Jim Carroll Band)
Carter, BettyBaby It’s Cold Outside (with Ray Charles)innuendo
Bridgesaudible breaths
Carter, BoBanana in Your Fruit Basketsweet foods
Carter, ClarenceThe Court Roomjustice
Scratch My Back (And Mumble in My Ear)itching & scratching
Slip Awaysecrets
Slip Awayrendezvous
Carter, DeanaStrawberry Winewine
Carter, JuneJackson (with Johnny Cash)US cities & states
Juke Box Bluesjukeboxes
Carter, KennyShowdowncrisis
Carter, MelBand of Goldgold
Carter FamilyCan the Circle Be Unbroken (By and By)circles
The Poor Orphan Childchildren
Single Girl, Married Girlmarriage
Carter the Unstoppable Sex MachineBloodsport for Allarmy
The Impossible Dreamthe impossible
The Only Living Boy in New CrossLondon
Carter Tutti Void (see Chris & Cosey)
Carthy, ElizaChild Amongst the Weedsadult lullabies
Herring Songfish & other aquatic life
Carthy, MartinByker Hill (with Dave Swarbrick)North East England
The Devil and the Feathery Wifedeceptive appearances
The Friar in the Wellwells
Lord Randallconversations
Willie’s Ladywitches
CascadesRhythm of the Rainfools
CaseSmiling My Life Awayfaces
Case, NekoHold On, Hold Onechoes
John Saw That Numberprophets
Manbeing a man or a woman
Mood to Burn Bridges (with Her Boyfriends)bridges
This Tornado Loves Youpersonification
Casey, PaulIn the Days Before Rock ‘n’ Roll (with Terri Hooley)switches & buttons
Cash, Johnny25 Minutes to Gocapital punishment
A Boy Named Suesongs with jokes
The Beast in Meid, ego & superego
Before My Timesongs about love songs
Big Riverrivers
Dark as a Dungeoncaves
Don’t Take Your Guns To Townadvice
Five Feet High and Risingfeet
Fuego d’Amorforeign language versions
Get Rhythmknowledge
(Ghost) Riders in the SkyAmerican west
Hurtcovers better than the original
I Don’t Know Where I’m Boundadventure
I Hung My Headsinners
I See a Darknessfriendship
I Walk the Linehumming
Jackson (with June Carter)US cities & states
Let the Train Blow the Whistledepartures
Little Magic Glasseseyewear
Love’s Been Good to Memusic for funerals
The Man Comes Aroundend of the world
Onenumbered 1 to 10
The One on the Right Is on the Leftinversions
One Piece at a Timesmuggling & stealing
Personal JesusGod & the Devil
Ring of Fireaccidents
That’s One You Owe Meplatonic love
When It’s Springtime in Alaskaspring
Cash, June Carter (see Carter, June)
Cash, RosanneTell Heavenmusic for funerals
When the Master Calls the Roll19th century life
The World Unseenthe invisible
Cashdollar, CindySpeedin’ Weststeel guitar
Casiotone for the Painfully AloneScattered Pearlsprecious stones
Cassidy, DavidHow Can I Be Sureconfidence
CastawaysLiar Liarlies
Castillo, AuritaChambacúthe Caribbean
Castor, JimmyHey Leroy, Your Mama’s Callin’ Yousaxophone
Cat (see John-Jules, Danny)
Cat EmpireProphets in the Skyprophets
Cat PowerAretha, Sing One for Mesongs about love songs
The Greatestboastful songs
Sea of Loveharps, lyres & zithers
CatatoniaI Am the Mobinspired by or about films
Cat’s EyesThe Lullquiet songs
Cauthen, PaulMarfa Lightsunexplained phenomena
CavaliersIt’s a Beautiful Gamecricket
Cave, NickAbattoir Bluesnon sequiturs
The Ballad of Robert Moore and Betty Coltranemurder
Breathlesswaking up
The Carnival Is Overbrevity
The Carnycarnivals & funfairs
Christina the Astonishingmiracles
The Curse of Millhavenvillains
Death Is Not the Enddeath
Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snowsnow & ice
Ghosteensongs that give you goosebumps
God Is in the HouseGod & the Devil
The Hammer Songtools
Hard On for Lovelust
Henry Lee (ft PJ Harvey)jealousy
Henry Lee (ft PJ Harvey)rejection
I Need Younothing
Into My Armsfaith
Into My Armsdisbelief
Les Ours (with Warren Ellis)bears
Love Letterretrospection
The Lyre of Orpheusmusical instruments
The Lyre of Orpheustragedy & comedy
The Mercy Seatcapital punishment
More News from Nowherenews & media
Muddy Waterbrown
People Ain’t No Goodmisanthropic songs
Red Right Handtreachery & betrayal
The Sorrowful Wifemarriage
There She Goes, My Beautiful Worldbooks #2
Thirsty Dogregrets
Tupelobad weather
The Weeping Songsongs about songs
When I First Came to Townwelcoming
Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere?songs of desperation
Where the Wild Roses Grow (ft Kylie Minogue)flowers
Caymmi, DorivalÉ Doce Morrer no Margreat songwriting 1900-1955
O Marthe coast
CeciliaUn Ramito de Violetassecret admirers
Celentano, AdrianoPrisencolinensinainciusolindecipherable songs
CelesteStrangesymmetrical lyrics
Celina y ReutilioA Santa Barbarablessings & curses
CentipedeSeptober EnergySeptember & October
CéuPerfume do Invisívelthe invisible
ChaiNo More Cakemakeup
Chairmen of the BoardEverything’s Tuesdaydays of the week
I’m on My Way to a Better Placethe afterlife
I’m on My Way to a Better Placeleaving or being left behind
Working on a Building of Lovetools
ChakachasJungle Feveraudible breaths
Chali 2naComin’ Thrudeep voices
Chambers BrothersTime Has Come Todayhomelessness
Time Has Come Todaynon sequiturs
ChameleonsPaper Tigerstigers
Up the Down Escalatorteachers
ChamillionaireThe Evening Newsjournalism & the news
Champion, GregBanks of the Condamine (with Jane Saunders)conversations
Champion, HarryAny Old Irongreat songwriting 1900-1955
Chance, James & the ContortionsContort Yourselfdiscordant songs
Chance, MichaelErbarme dich, mein Gott (composed by J. S. Bach)androgynous vocals
Chandler, GeneNite Owlowls
Chandra, SheilaLament of McCrimmonremembrance songs
Village Girlvillages
Chaney, OliviaA Tree Grows in Brooklynnotable outros or codas
Eternity (with Emily Hall)eternity
Swimming in the Longest Riverswimming & bathing
To the Lighthouselighthouses
Too Socialalliteration
ChangeSearchinggetting brighter
ChantellsNatty Suppermeals & mealtimes
Waiting in the Parkfutility
Chao, ManuClandestinoexile
Le Rendez-vousrendezvous
Luna y Sollies
Trapped by Lovestuck or trapped
Chaos ChaosFind a Way (as Smoosh)children performing
Chaos UKFarmyard Boogiewhimsical songs
Chapin, HarryCat’s in the Cradleinheritance
Tangled Up Puppetknots & ties
Chapin, TomLibrary Songlibraries
Chapman, MichaelA Strangers Map of Texasmaps
Fishbeard Sunsetsunsets & twilight
Chapman, TracyAcross the Linesdares
Baby Can I Hold Youcompromise
Behind the Wallneighbours
Fast Carsocial mobility
Hard Wiredcollecting & listing
The Rape of the Worldclimate change
Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolutionleft wing politics
CharioteersDarktown Strutters’ Ballpunctuality
CharlatansSproston Greennorthern England
Charles, BobbySmall Town Talkboring & dull
Charles, RayBaby It’s Cold Outside (with Betty Carter)innuendo
Blackjackplaying cards
I Can’t Stop Loving Youunlikely cover songs
I Got a Womaninfluenced by gospel
I’m Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Townsuburbia
In the Heat of the Nightdetectives
It Should’ve Been Mefairness
Lonely Avenueloneliness
The Naughty Lady of Shady Lanebabies & childbirth
(Night Time Is) The Right Timegreat backing vocals
Rockhousedance instrumentals
Shake a Tail Feather (with the Blues Brothers)dancing
Take These Chains from My Heartkeys & locks
That Lucky Old Suncurves & spheres
What’d I Say (Pts 1 & 2)call and response
You Don’t Know Mesecrets & secrecy
Charles, SonnyBlack Pearl (with Checkmates, Ltd.)precious stones
CharlesysSlapton Sands (Exercise Tiger)D-Day
Charli XCXBoom Clapfalling in love
Charlie Daniels BandThe Devil Went Down to Georgiaorchestral string instruments
Chas & DaveTurn That Noise Downnoise
ChatsTicket Inspectortickets
Cheap TrickDream Policevisitors
I Want You to Want Mestart with the chorus
I’m Losing You (with John Lennon)solo Beatles songs
Mighty Wingswings
Cheatham, OliverGet Down Saturday NightFriday & Saturday
Checkmates, Ltd.Black Pearl (with Sonny Charles)precious stones
Cheese, RichardGin and Juiceold meets new
chelmicoLimitbodily motion & exercise
Chemical BrothersAlive Alonebeing alone
Dream Ondrone music
Galvanizegreat middle eights
Hey Boy, Hey Girltwo – part 2
In Dust We Trusttrust
Lost in the K-Holeaddiction
Setting Sunsunsets & twilight
Song to the Sirensongs about songs
Where Do I Beginhangovers
CherGypsys, Tramps and Thievesfinish where they begin
CherrelleI Didn’t Mean to Turn You Onaccidents
Cherry, DonBrown Ricebrown
I Dig It – You Dig It (with Albert Mangelsdorff)austerity
Cherry, Neneh7 Seconds (with Youssou N’Dour)unlikely collaborations
Buffalo Stanceconfidence
I’ve Got You Under My Skinillness
Shot Gun Shackshooting
So Here I Comestriking album endings
Cherry GlazerrWhite’s Not My Color This Eveningbodily fluids
Chesnokov, PavelWe Praise Thee (sung by St. Petersburg Chamber Choir)choirs
Chesnutt, VicStay Insideresurrection
Stevie Smithinspired by poetry
Teddy Bear (with Elf Power & the Amorphous Strums)toys
Chi-LitesHave You Seen Hereyes & sight
Homely Girlschadenfreude
There Will Never Be Any Peace (Until God Is Seated at the Conference Table)long titles
We Are Neighborsneighbours
ChicDance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah)12″ singles to 1979
Everybody Dance (12″ mix)dancing
Good Timesgreat riffs
I Want Your Loveunrequited love
Le Freakdance styles
Will You Cry (When You Hear This Song)crying
ChicagoDialogue (Part I & II)conversations
Someday (August 29, 1968)chaos
Street Playerurban environment
ChicksGoodbye Earl (as Dixie Chicks)murder
Goodbye Earl (as Dixie Chicks)schadenfreude
Not Ready to Make Nice (as Dixie Chicks)arguments
Sleep at Nightadultery & infidelity
Travelin’ Soldier (as Dixie Chicks)first & last time
Wide Open Spaces (as Dixie Chicks)girl groups
Chicks on Speed99 Centsshopping
Kaltes klares Wasser (with Malaria!)cleansing
ChieftainsCarrickfergus (with Van Morrison)towns
Jimmy mó Mhíle Stór (with the Rankin Family)Gaelic songs
Mo Ghile Mear (ft Sting)Gaelic songs
When the Ship Comes In (with the Decemberists)waiting
ChiffonsHe’s So Finesecret admirers
One Fine Dayoptimistic songs
Thumbs Downphysical gestures
Childe HaroldBrink of Deathpsychedelia
Childers, DavidThe Prettiest Thing (with the Modern Don Juans)superlatives
Time Machinetime travel
Childish, BillyHe’s Making a Tape (with the Musicians of the British Empire)media for listening to recorded music
Children of ZeusStill Standing (ft DRS)Manchester
ChillsEffloresce and Deliquesce salt
The Male Monster from the Idid, ego & superego
Night of Chill Bluesky
Pink Frostcold
Submarine Bellsbells
Chilton, AlexFly Away (with Alan Vega & Ben Vaughn)escape
My Rivalcompetition
Chineapple PunxIsotopacolanon-alcoholic drinks
Choir of Trinity College, CambridgeHow Do You Keep the Music Playing?everlasting love
Choir of Young BelieversHollow Talkfrom Nordic countries
Chłopcy Kontra BasiaMam Ja Mężapoison
ChordettesMr. Sandmanclose harmony singing
Chris & CoseySmell the Rosesroses
T3.3 (as Carter Tutti Void)driving songs
Christine and the QueensiTgender & LGBTQ+
Paradis perduslost and found
Tiltedbodily motion & exercise
ChromeoOld 45shearing, choosing & playing records
Chron GenClouded Eyesclouds
Chuck and DobbyI Love My Teacherteachers
ChumbawambaAlways Tell the Voters What the Voter Wants to Hearbroken promises
…And in a Nutshellnon-alcoholic drinks
Hanging on the Old Barbed Wirearmy
Rappaport’s Testament: I Never Gave UpD-Day
Smash Clause 29!gender & LGBTQ+
Songs on the Times19th century life
This Girloddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Voices, That’s Allsinging
The World Turned Upside Downinversions
ChurchConstant in Opaltreasure
Ripplecruel songs
Under the Milky Waycelestial bodies
Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc.Decree 12.10religion
Churchill, KimFear the Firebeing scared
Ciani, SuzanneThe Fifth Wave: Water Lullabyelectronic music to 1983
Cibo MattoBirthday Cakebirthdays
Cigarettes After SexApocalypserare events
CimaronsPaul Bogleoutlaws & rebels
Circle JerksWild in the Streetsurban environment
Citizen CopeHealing Handshands
Civil Wars20 Yearssecrets & secrecy
Poison & Wineopposites
The Violet Hourpurple
Clail, GaryEscape (with On-U Sound System)running
ClanadoniaTribal Music with Pipes and Drumssongs by buskers
Clancy, LiamThe Parting Glassglass
ClannadBuachaill Ón ÉirneGaelic songs
Clap Your Hands Say YeahMama, Won’t You Keep Them Castles in the Air and Burning?odd couples
The Skin of My Yellow Country Teethyellow
Clapton, EricCan’t Find My Way Home (with Steve Winwood)being lost
Clark, AliceI Keep It Hidsecrets & secrecy
Clark, ClaudineParty Lightslight
Clark, Dave (see Dave Clark Five)
Clark, Gary Jr.Gotta Get into Somethingfear of missing out
Clark, GeneFor a Spanish Guitarmusical instruments
Full Circle Songcircles
No Othertides
Clark, GuyBag of Bonesbones
The Guitarguitars
Homegrown Tomatoesthe obvious
Maybe I Can Paint Over Thatembarrassment
My Favorite Picture of Youphotographs
The Randall Kniferemembrance songs
Clark, PetulaDowntownparties & going out
I Know a Placeevening
Little Blue Manwhimsical songs
Clarke, John CooperBeasley Streetspoken word
The Day My Pad Went Madspring cleaning & household chores
Evidently Chickentownsweary songs
Gimmix! (Play Loud)fads & crazes
Heart Disease Called LoveManchester
(I Married A) Monster from Outer Spacealiens
Suspended Sentencecapital punishment
Twatcruel songs
Clarke, JohnnyNone Shall Escape the Judgementend of the world
Clarke, StanleyDesert Songwide open spaces
Clarke, TonyThe Entertainertheatre
Landslidenatural disasters
Clarkson, KellySince U Been Gonefresh starts
ClashThe Call Upforgotten follow-ups
The Card Cheatgambling
Career Opportunitiessocial class
Complete Controlgreed
Complete Controlformal agreements
Garagelandsongs that capture the zeitgeist
I Fought the Lawcrime
I’m So Bored with the U.S.A.America
Julie’s Been Working for the Drug Squadgirls’ names
Know Your Rightsironic songs
London Callingomens & prophecies
Lose This Skinandrogynous vocals
Lost in the Supermarketbeing lost
The Right Profilebright songs about dark subjects
Rock the Casbahhonorific titles
Rudie Can’t Failincidental music
Should I Stay or Should I Golimbo
The Sound of Sinnerssinners
Stay Freefriendship
Straight to Hellexile
Train in Vain (Stand by Me)hidden tracks
(White Man) In Hammersmith Palaisconcerts
White Riotchange
Wrong ‘Em Boyocheating
Clayton, WillieThat Wallborders, barriers, walls & fences
Clean BanditRockabye (ft Sean Paul & Anne-Marie)nursery rhymes
ClearlakeWonder If the Snow Will Settlesnow & ice
Cleary, JonBoneyardbones
Clegg, JohnnyAsimbonanga (Mandela) (with Savuka)hope & resilience
Clem SnideRoger Eberteureka moments
ClienteleLosing HaringeyEngland
Cliff, JimmyHakuna Matata (with Lebo M)pride
The Harder They Comerecorded for movies
Many Rivers to CrossB sides
Sitting in Limbowaiting
Trust No Mantrust
You Can Get It If You Really Wantpositive songs
Cline, PatsyCrazycrooners
I Fall to Piecesfalling
She’s Got Youfairness
Tennessee Waltz3/4 time
Three Cigarettes in an Ashtraysmoking
Walkin’ After Midnightwalking & running
ClinicMonkey on Your Backmonkeys & apes
Clinton, GeorgeDo Fries Go with That Shake?pick-up lines & marriage proposals
Mathematics (with the P-Funk Allstars)mathematics
Clinton, Larry & his OrchestraDeep Purple (with Bea Wain)great songwriting 1900-1955
ClipseDirty Moneywealth
Nightmares (ft Bilal & Pharrell Williams)anxiety
ClogsLast Songfinishing
The Owl of Love (ft Shara Worden)owls
Clooney, RosemaryCome On-a My Househouses
Love, You Didn’t Do Right by Meanti-love songs
Mambo ItalianoItaly
ClothBullets (with Compton Cricket Club)cricket
CloversLove Potion No. 9magic
One Mint Julepthe number one
ClutchThe Elephant Riders19th century life
Mr. Shiny Cadillacknessstick it to the man
CoastersAlong Came Jonesvillains
Charlie Brownmale names
Shopping for Clothesshopping
Three Cool Catscoolness
Yakety Yakarguments
Cobb, Oliver & his Rhythm KingsThe Duck’s Yas Yas Yaspoultry
Cobham, BillyTotal Eclipsegreat drumming
Coburn, AmeliaSee Sawmysterious & puzzling
Cochran, EddieCut Across Shortyvictory
Nervous Breakdownanxiety
Sittin’ in the Balconysitting & standing
Somethin’ Elseambition
Summertime Bluesshort songs
Teenage Heaventeenagers
Twenty Flight Rockascension
Cochrane, TomLife Is a Highwayroad trips
Cock SparrerClosedownadvertising
The Sun Saysnews & media
Watch Your Backrefusal
What’s It Like to Be Old?immaturity
Cockburn, BruceThe Coldest Night of the YearCanada
Wondering Where the Lions Arecats
Cocker, JarvisDisney Timecomics & cartoons
Room 29 (with Chilly Gonzales)furniture
Running the Worldpoliticians
Cocker, JoeThe Lettertickets
With a Little Help from My Friendshigh-pitched vocals
Cockney RejectsHate of the Cityshoes
We Are the Firmcall and response
Cocoa TeaNew Immigration Lawmigrants & refugees
Pirates Anthem (with Home T & Shabba Ranks)pirates
CocoRosieFairy Paradiseurban wildlife
Poison (with Antony Hegarty)poison
Cocteau TwinsAikea-Guineaindecipherable songs
Blue Bell Knollfictional places
Frosty the Snowmansnow & ice
Heaven or Las VegasAmerican west
The High Monkey-Monkmonkeys & apes
In the Gold Rush Dustgold
Lazy Calmsilence
Loreleifeaturing bells
Melonellabutterflies & moths
Mud and Darkechoes
Musette and Drumsinstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Sugar Hiccupsweet foods
Those Eyes, That Mouthfalling in love
Codeine Velvet ClubHollywoodHollywood
Coe, David AllanDakota the Dancing Bear Part 2 bears
Lostcocktails & spirits
The Ridehitchhiking
Cohen, AvishaiSeven Seasdouble bass
Cohen, LeonardAin’t No Cure for Lovehealing
Ballad of the Absent Marehorses
Bird on the Wiresimiles
Born in Chainsroots
Come Healinghealing
Don’t Go Home with Your Hard-Onadvice
Everybody Knowsthe truth
Famous Blue Raincoatclothes
First We Take Manhattanrallying cries
The Futurethe future
Going Homemusic for funerals
Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbyegoodbye
I Can’t Forgetforgetting
I Tried to Leave Youprocrastination
Love Itselfquiet songs
The Partisanresistance
Sisters of Mercykindness
Take This Longingseduction
Tower of Songsongs about songs
You Want It Darkeradult lullabies
Cohn, MarcThe Things We’ve Handed Downforgotten follow-ups
Walking in MemphisElvis
CoilGoing Upslowing down
Penetralia IIdrone music
Cold GawdOn the Pale Silver Sofachairs
ColdcutAutumn Leavesautumn
Beats + Piecessongs by duos
Mr. Nichols (ft Saul Williams)hero worship
ColdplayTalksound like other songs
Viva la Vidaleadership
Cole, B. J.Songs of the Nightlife (with Luke Vibert)steel guitar
Cole, Julie DawnI Want It Nowchocolate
Cole, Lloyd & the CommotionsPerfect Skinmagazines
Cole, Nat KingA Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Squarenightingales & thrushes
Blame It on My Youthimmaturity
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You)tradition
Let There Be Lovespirit of 2021
Mona Lisavisual art & photography
Nature Boygreat songwriting 1900-1955
Orange Colored Skyorange
Pick Yourself Upunderdogs
Smilesmiling & laughing
Cole, NatalieDid You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?curves & spheres
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)triggering dancing
Cole, Stan LeeSeparatedchildren performing
Coleman, JazZiggurats of Cinnamon (with Anne Dudley)markets & fairs
Coleman, OrnetteThe Blessingblessings & curses
Free Jazzunsettling songs
Collective SoulCrowncrowns
Collins, Al “Jazzbo”Goldilox & the Three Bearsfairytales
Collins, Ansell (see Dave and Ansell Collins)
Collins, BootsyPlay with Bootsy (ft Kelli Ali)gravity
Collins, DollyAn Awakening (Whitsun Dance) (with Shirley Collins)organ
Collins, EdwynA Girl Like Youcall and response
Home Againcoming home
Losing Sleepcomeback songs
North of Heavenparadise
Collins, GlendaI Lost My Heart at the Fairgroundfairgrounds
Collins, JudyThe Coming of the Roadsmodernity
Farewell to Tarwathiewilderness
First Boy I Lovedfirst love
Priestspreachers, priests & religious leaders
Thirsty Bootshats & accessories
Collins, LynThink (About It)thinking
Collins, PhilThru These Wallssecret vices
Collins, ShirleyAll Things Are Quite Silentgangs
An Awakening (Whitsun Dance) (with Dolly Collins)organ
The Cruel Mothercruel songs
Lord Gregorysocial class
Nottamun Town (with Davey Graham)surreal songs
The Unquiet Gravethe afterlife
Van Dieman’s Land (with Albion Country Band)islands
Collins, TommyI Always Get a Souvenirmemorabilia & souvenirs
Collister, ChristineGood with My Hands (with Clive Gregson)making things
Colón, WillieAguanile (with Héctor Lavoe)paganism
El Día de Mi Suerte (with Hector Lavoe)trombone
The Hustlerfrom New York City
Pedro Navaja (with Rubén Blades)Mexico & Central America
Colorblind James ExperienceA Different Bobinterlopers
ColourboxBaby I Love You Soinfluenced by dub
Coltrane, AliceBlue Nileharps, lyres & zithers
Journey in SatchidanandaAsia
Turiya and Ramakrishnagentleness
Coltrane, JohnA Love Supreme, Part 1: Acknowledgementspiritual songs
A Love Supreme, Part 4: Psalmprayer
Giant Stepssuper solos
Lush Life (with Johnny Hartman)mistakes
My Favorite Thingscovers better than the original
My One and Only Love (with Johnny Hartman)crooners
Nancy (With the Laughing Face)faces
They Say It’s Wonderful (with Johnny Hartman)songs that say what love is
Colvin, ShawnSunny Came Homestarting fires
Combo Los GallerosSoledad (ft Lucy González)being single
Comet Is ComingNeon Babybright and beautiful
CommodoresThe Assembly Lineindustry & manufacturing
Brick Housebeing fat
Easysongs to start the morning
CommonI Used to Love H.E.R.songs with a twist
Love Is….songs that say what love is
Testifyjudges & trials
CommunardsDon’t Leave Me This Wayseparation
Compton Cricket ClubBullets (with Cloth)cricket
Comsat AngelsEye of the Lenseyes
ComusSong to Comushorror-inspired songs
Concrete BlondeBloodlettingbodily fluids
ConflictA Piss in the Oceansales, selling & bargains
From Protest to Resistanceequality
Mighty and Superiorstick it to the man
CongosArk of the Covenantancient history
Ark of the Covenantformal agreements
Children Cryinganimal sounds
Feast of the Passovermeals & mealtimes
Fishermanfish & other aquatic life
La La Bam-Bambiblical songs
Sodom and Gomorrowwastelands
Conley, ArthurSweet Soul Musicbrass songs
Connor, ChrisA Foggy Daycrooners
Connor, EdricManchester United Calypsofootball
Connors, Stompin’ TomBud the SpudCanada
The Hockey Songwinter sports
Conquest, LeenaBoundaries (with Hip Hop Finger)obstacles
ContainerGlazebig and meaty
Conte, PaoloUn gelato al limonice cream
Conti, BillGonna Fly Nowunderdogs
ContoursFirst I Look at the Pursebags & containers
Contrary ParadeNijinoshippo (Trace of a Rainbow)rainbows
Converse, ConnieEmpty Pocket Waltzpockets
How Sad, How Lovelybrevity
Conway, DeborahAlive and Brilliantunusual time signatures
Will You Miss Me When You’re Sober?schadenfreude
Cooder, RyAcross the Borderlinesocial mobility
Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now)cleansing
Boomer’s Storyitinerants & migration
Don’t Call Me Redpropaganda
Footprints in the Snowfeet
Ganges Delta Blues (with V. M. Bhatt)genre defying
I Can’t Winstriking album endings
John Lee Hooker for Presidentironic songs
No Banker Left Behindpirates
Paris, Texasinstrumental soundtracks
Simple Toolstools
Taxes on the Farmer Feeds Us Alltaxation
Cook, HollieAri Upremembrance songs
Shadow Dubshadows
Tiger Balmtigers
Cook, PeterBedazzled (with Dudley Moore)call and response
Goodbye-ee (with Dudley Moore)quoting Shakespeare
Cook, RonnieThe Goo Goo Mucktautonyms
Cooke, SamA Change Is Gonna Comechange
Another Saturday Nightthe weekend
Bring It On Home to Megreat backing vocals
Chain Gangscreams, howls, grunts & shrieks
Shakespine & neck
Twistin’ the Night Awaynightclubs
Wonderful Worldintelligence
Coolidge, RitaNaked All Nightnudity
Coombes, GazThe Girl Who Fell to Earthfathers and daughters
Coope Boyes and SimpsonOnly Remembereda cappella
Cooper, AliceElectedambition
Hey Stoopidstupidity
I Love the Deadlust
No More Mr. Nice Guyrefusal
Only Women Bleedfeminism
School’s Outfinishing
Cooper, ErlandSpoot Ebbgravity
Cooper, EulaLet Our Love Grow Highergetting brighter
Cop Shoot Cop$10 Billpockets
Cope, JulianAutogeddon Bluesenvironment
Eve’s Volcano (Covered in Sin)natural disasters
The Greatness and Perfection of Loveperfection
Head Hang Lowoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
I Have Always Been Here Beforeimmortality & longevity
Militant Feminist Dreamfeminism
Psychedelic Odinpower
Reynard the Foxmammals
Saint Julianlost and found
World Shut Your Mouthquiet
Copeland, ShemekiaAin’t Gonna Be Your Tattooskin
She Don’t Wear Pinkgender & LGBTQ+
Copland, AaronNature, the Gentlest Mother (performed by Sanford Sylvan and David Breitman)gentleness
Copper FamilyOh Good Alebeer
CopperpennySitting on a Poor Man’s Thronechairs
Corelli, ArcangeloViolin Sonata No. 12 in D minor, Op. 5, La folliaharpsichord
CorneliusChapter 8: “Seashore and Horizon”horizons
Point of View PointJapan
Cornershop6 am Jullander ShereAsian cities
Brimful of Ashainspired by or about films
Good to Be on the Road Back Home (with Paula Frazer)unlikely collaborations
Judy Sucks a Lemon for Breakfastmeals & mealtimes
Lessons Learned from Rocky I to Rocky IIIforgotten follow-ups
Once There Was a Wintertime (ft Bubbley Kaur)winter
Sleep on the Left Sidemusic as nutrition
Solid Gold (ft Katie)gold
Cornysh, WilliamBlow Thy Horn Hunterhunting
CorriesThe Nut Brown Maidenbrown
Corr, IdaLet Me Think About It (with Fedde Le Grand)seduction
CorrsBrid Og Ni MhailleGaelic songs
Corti, NinaGuitar Quintet No. 4 in D major: IV. Fandango (with Carmina Quartet & Rolf Lislevand) (composer: Luigi Boccherini)finger snaps & toe taps
Cortijo y su ComboAhi Na Ma (with Ismael Rivera)perfection
Cosma, VladimirPromenade sentimentaleexpressing movement of walking
Cosmos PeopleDon’t TouchCOVID-19 lockdown
Costa, GalTigresatigers
Costandinos, Alec R. Romeo and Julietquoting Shakespeare
Costello, Elvis45anniversaries
Accidents Will Happenaccidents
All This Useless Beautybeauty
Beautifulunlikely cover songs
Beyond Beliefidioms & common expressions
Everyday I Write the Bookwriting
God’s Comicironic songs
Hoover Factorybuildings
I Want Youjealousy
I’ll Wear It Proudlycrowns
Imperial Bedroomrooms
Last Boat Leavingseparation
Let Him Danglecapital punishment
Lipstick Voguegreat drumming
Man Out of Timesecret vices
Oliver’s ArmyBritain
Possessionsymmetrical lyrics
Pump It Upraise the heartrate
The Puppet Has Cut His Strings (with the Roots)puppets
ShipbuildingNorth East England
Suit of Lightstribute songs
Tramp the Dirt Downhatchet jobs
Waiting for the End of the Worldbasements & underground
Watching the Detectivesinfluenced by reggae
What Do I Do Now?indecision
White Knucklesjoints of the body
You Hung the Moontides
Cotten, ElizabethFreight Trainadventure
Cotton, JamesCotton Crop Bluesfabrics
CougarsSaturday Night at the Duck-Pondclassical songs
Coughlan, CathalAmused as Hellmodernity
Terylene Ghosts in the Sunshinefabrics
Coughlan, MaryMagdalen Laundrycleansing
My Land Is Too Greengreen
Parade of Clownsparades
Coulton, JonathanCode Monkeynerds & geeks
Mandelbrot Setscience
Mandelbrot Setmathematics
Re: Your Brainsunexplained phenomena
Space Doggityunusual narrators
Count Basie (see Basie, Count)
Count Basie OrchestraSleigh Ridewinter sports
Count FiveContrastdeserts
Psychotic Reactionmental illness
Counting CrowsA Murder of Onepatterns & sequences
Country Joe and the FishI-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Ragwar
County, Jayne/WayneEddie & Sheena (as the Electric Chairs)odd couples
Man Enough to Be a Woman (with the Electric Chairs)gender & LGBTQ+
CoupFat Cats, Bigga Fishsongs with a twist
Me and Jesus the Pimp in a ’79 Granada Last Nightcriminals
Wear Clean Drawscleansing
Covay, DonI Was Checkin’ Out She Was Checkin’ Inhotels
It’s Better to Have (And Don’t Need)pragmatism
What’s in the Headlinesjournalism & the news
Cow, Henry
Coward, NoëlI Went to a Marvellous Partycelebration
London Prideflowers
Mad About the Boysecret admirers
Mad Dogs and Englishmeneccentric songs
Mrs. Worthingtonadvice
Cowboy JunkiesA Few Bags of Grainshame
A Horse in the Countryhorses
Blue Moon Revisited (Song for Elvis)rare events
Escape Is So Simpleescape
Fuck, I Hate the Coldwinter
If You Were the Woman and I Were the Man (with John Prine)being a man or a woman
Mining for Goldtreasure
Powderfingercoming of age
Sun Comes Up, It’s Tuesday Morningmorning
Those Final Feethidden tracks
Working on a Buildingbuildings
Cowboy MouthThe Avenuedetermination
CowmenLiquor Store Liverstomach & guts
Coyne, KevinA Loving Handpuppets
Are We Dreaming?accordion
Eastbourne Ladiesages
Fun Fleshfun
House on the Hillmental illness
Sunday Morning Sunriserelaxation & leisure
CraigI Must Be MadBirmingham & the Black Country
Crain, SamanthaBloomsdayretro style
When We Remainwastelands
CrampsCan Your Pussy Do the Dog?mammals
Can’t Find My Mindlost and found
Dames, Booze, Chains and Bootsfootwear
Dominofalse endings
Don’t Eat Stuff Off the Sidewalktrash
Human FlyHalloween
I Wanna Get in Your Pantslust
Journey to the Center of a Girladventure
Queen of Painqueens
What’s Behind the Maskanonymity
CranberriesÍosa Gaelic songs
Ode to My Familyfamily
Wake Up and Smell the Coffeecoffee
CranesWatersongmisheard, nonsense or inaudible lyrics
Crash Test DummiesAfternoons & Coffeespoonsafternoon
The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinheadprophets
Comin’ Back Soon (The Bereft Man’s Song)upbeat break-up #2
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmmembarrassment
The Psychicomens & prophecies
The Voyageplatonic love
CrassBata Motelshoes
Bloody Revolutionsleadership
Bloody Revolutionstyranny & dictatorship
Nagasaki Nightmaremurder
Our Weddingsongs that aren’t what they seem
CravatsWho’s in Here with Me?anonymity
Crawford, James “Sugar Boy”Jock-A-Mofrom New Orleans
Crawford, RandyStreet Life (with the Crusaders)prostitution
Cray, RobertRight Next Door (Because of Me)neighbours
Crazy World of Arthur BrownFirefire
CreamBadgegreat middle eights
Politicianleft & right
Strange Brewwitches
Tales of Brave Ulyssesmyths & legends
White Roomrooms
CreationCan I Join Your Bandgangs
How Does It Feel to Feelquestions
Painter Manadvertising
Creative SourceWho Is He (And What Is He to You)?awkwardness
CreaturesDancing on Glassglass
Miss the Girlsongs by duos
CreedOne Last Breathredemption
With Arms Wide Opendiscovery
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBad Moon Risingthe moon
Down on the Cornerrelaxation & leisure
Fortunate Sonfathers
Have You Ever Seen the Rain?bad weather
It Came Out of the Skyunexplained phenomena
Ninety-Nine and a Half (Won’t Do)compromise
Proud Maryships & boats
Ramble Tamblesongs with sudden changes
Run Through The Junglewalking & running
Up Around the Bendpaths & roads
Creepy NutsBling-Bang-Bang-BornJapan
Crewe, BobMusic to Watch Girls By (as Bob Crewe Generation)easy listening
Cribbins, BernardRight Said Fredsafety & danger
CricketsI Fought the Lawcriminals
Criminal Element OrchestraPut the Needle to the Recordmedia for listening to recorded music
Croce, JimBad, Bad Leroy Brownvillains
I Got a Namefaith
Time in a Bottleeternity
You Don’t Mess Around with Jimunderdogs
Crocker, BarryChunder in the Old Pacific Seabodily fluids
Crombie, NoelSpoon Solo (with Split Enz)outstanding percussion
Crooked StillLittle Sadiejudges & trials
Crookes, JoyYou & Me Songeverlasting love
Cropper, SteveTupelo (with Albert King & Pop Staples)rare events
Crosby, BingBrother, Can You Spare a Dime?money
I Whistle a Happy Tunebravery
Let’s Start the New Year Rightold and new
Marshmallow World (with Ella Fitzgerald)fictional adverts
South America, Take It Away (with the Andrews Sisters)spine & neck
Crosby, DavidLaughingmistakes
Set That Baggage Downbags & containers
Song with No Words (Tree with No Leaves)wordless vocals
Tamalpais High (At About 3)times of day
Crosby, Stills & NashHelplessly Hopingpatterns & sequences
Long Time Gonedares
Marrakesh Expressescape
Southern Crosscrosses
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungAlmost Cut My Hairclose calls
The Lee Shoreislands
Our Househouses
Teach Your Childrenknowledge
Cross Canadian RagweedLighthouse Keeperfortune tellers
Crow, SherylAll I Wanna Dosongs to start the morning
Every Day Is a Winding Roadhitchhiking
Crowded HouseCatherine Wheelswheels
Don’t Dream It’s Overobstacles
English Treestrees
Help Is Comingmigrants & refugees
It’s Only Naturalnormal & abnormal
Crown Heights AffairYou Gave Me Lovegifts & giving
Cruel SeaBetter Get a Lawyerjudges & trials
Cruise, JuleeFallingfalling
The Nightingale (with Angelo Badalamenti)nightingales & thrushes
CrusadersStreet Life (with Randy Crawford)prostitution
Cruz, CeliaQuimbara (with Johnny Pacheco)songs in Spanish
CrystalBreak the Dawn (with S. Koshi)piano songs
Crystal CastlesCourtship Datingindecipherable songs
Crystal StiltsDeparturedepartures
Precarious Stairstairs, ladders & elevators
CrystalsDa Doo Ron Ronna-na-hey-hey songs
He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)violence
He’s a Rebelyouth cults
Then He Kissed Megirl groups
Uptownsocial class
Cuban BrothersAce of Spadesplaying cards
Miguel for PresidentUS presidents
CudRich and StrangeShakespeare
Cugat, Xavier & his OrchestraAmor (ft Carmen Castillo)songs in Spanish
Jungle Rhumbaimpressive videos
CukoOWinds and Leavesforests & woodlands
Culpepper, JoelBlack Boyhope
She Sells Sanctuaryenergizing songs
Cult With No NameIdi’s Admintyranny & dictatorship
Cults Percussion EnsembleAutun Carillonhammer & mallet instruments
CultureBeholdears & hearing
Black Starliner Must Comewaiting
Get Ready to Ride the Lion to Zionanimal sounds
I’m Alone in the Wildernesswilderness
I’m Not Ashamedhair
The International Herbmarijuana
Love Shines Brightergetting brighter
Two Sevens Clashprophets
Work On Nattyfate & destiny
Culture ClubChurch of the Poison Mindgender & LGBTQ+
Cumming, AlanWillkommenwelcoming
Cupboard SimonThe Message (with Georgina Dobson)worst songs
Cure10:15 Saturday NightFriday & Saturday
A Forestgreen
A Forestbeing lost
A Letter to Elisegirls’ names
Birdmad Girlbears
Boys Don’t Cryrepression
Caterpillarbutterflies & moths
Charlotte Sometimesinterlopers
Cut Herebody language
The Drowning Manbooks #2
Friday I’m in Lovewithout a chorus
Harold and Joenothing
How Beautiful You Are…misunderstanding
In Between Daysthree
Jumping Someone Else’s Trainjumping
Just Like Heavenheaven & hell
Killing an Araboddballs, outcasts & outsiders
The Love Catsunusual narrators
Play for Todaykrautrock
Primarybest bass lines
Secretssecrets & secrecy
Shiver and Shakecruel songs
Subway Songhorror-inspired songs
Three Imaginary Boystomorrow
The Upstairs Roomrooms
Current 93All the World Makes Great Bloodblood
Curry, TimDon’t Dream It, Be Itsongs that express excess
Curtis, CatieThe Wolfwolves
Curtiss MaldoonSepherynlesser known originals
CurveFaît Accomplisongs to start the morning
Ten Little Girlsnumbered 1 to 10
Curved AirBack Street Luvelectronic music to 1983
Cut ChemistThe Gardengardens
Cutler, ChrisHangman’s Hill (with Peter Blegvad & John Greaves)hanging
Magritte (with Peter Blegvad & John Greaves)works of art
Cutler, IvorGravity Begins at Homegravity
I’m Going in a Fieldnormal & abnormal
In the Chestnut Treenuts & edible seeds
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol.2, Ep.11spoken word
Little Black Buzzeralarm sounds
The Pathpaths & roads
Yellow Flyyellow
Cutting, AndyDark Honey (with Martin Simpson & Nancy Kerr)urban wildlife
Dark Honey (with Martin Simpson & Nancy Kerr)bees
Some Old Salt (with Martin Simpson & Nancy Kerr)salt
CymandeFugunderrated artists
Cypress HillPigslaw enforcement
CyrkleTurn-Down Daysummer
Cyrus, MileyCan’t Be Tamedimpressive videos
The Climbdetermination
Cyrus, NoahI’m Stuckstuck or trapped
Czukay, HolgerCool in the Poolsummer
Music in the Airsampling & recycling