A-Z by Artist – B

The table below lists all A-listed songs by artists beginning with B. Some artists are also linked to their own individual pages.

ArtistSong TitleTopic
B-52sHouseworkspring cleaning & household chores
Love Shackjukeboxes
Meet the Flintstones (as the BC-52s)geology
Rock Lobsterthe coast
Wighats & accessories
Ba-Benzélé PygmiesHindewhuflutes, pipes & whistles
Ba CissokoLe Rêve de l’oiseau (Koto Djime)fairytales
Babe RuthThe Mexican19th century life
Babes in ToylandFair Is Foul and Foul Is FairShakespeare
Baby HueyHard Timespoverty
BabybirdCandy Girlsweetness
The Jesus Stag Night ClubJesus
You’re Gorgeoussongs that aren’t what they seem
BabymetalGimme Chocolate!!flavour
Fuck Foreverupbeat break-up #2
BaccaraYes Sir, I Can Boogieso bad they’re good
Bach, Johann SebastianBrandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G majordriving songs
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G major: I. Allegroflutes, pipes & whistles
Canon a 2, per tonos (Endlessly Rising Canon) (from The Musical Offering)finish where they begin
Cello Suite No. 1 in G major: I. Prelude (performed by Yo-Yo Ma)cello
Ei! Wie schmeckt der Kaffee süsse (from Cantata No. 211)flavour
Erbarme dich, mein Gott (sung by Michael Chance)androgynous vocals
Erbarme dich, mein Gott (sung by Marian Anderson)songs that give you goosebumps
Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C majormathematics
Toccata and Fugue in D minororgan
Bacharach, BurtSouth American GetawaySouth America
Bachman-Turner OverdriveTakin’ Care of Businesspunctuality
Bad BrainsPay to Cumincidental music
Bad BunnyLa Canción (with J Balvin)perspiration
Bad CompanyShooting Starhearing, choosing & playing records
Bad DaughterTiny Sunaudible breaths
Bad ReligionAmerican JesusJesus
The Handshakeformal agreements
Badalamenti, AngeloThe Nightingale (with Julee Cruise)nightingales & thrushes
Baddiel & SkinnerThree Lions (with the Lightning Seeds)songs that capture the zeitgeist
Badelt, KlausQueen of the Desertpioneers
BadfingerBaby Bluedefined or redefined by television
Matted Spammisleading or incongruous titles
No Matter WhatWelsh songs
Badfoot Brown & the Bunions Bradford Funeral & Marching BandMartin’s Funeralfunerals
Badly Drawn BoyIn Safe Handshands
Something to Talk Aboutrecorded for movies
This Songsongs about songs
BadshahSaturday, Saturday (with Indeep Bakshi & Akriti Kakar)days of the week
Badu, ErykahCertainlyfeminism
Green Eyeseyes
The Healerhealing
Kiss Me on My Neckspine & neck
Orange Mooncolours
Window Seatwindows
Ye Yotautonyms
Baez, JoanCopper Kettlemaking things
Diamonds & Rustcan’t live with or without you
Joe Hillhistorical figures
One Too Many Morningsmisunderstanding
Prison Trilogy (Billy Rose)prisons
The Queen of Heartsqueens
Song in the Bloodblood
We Shall Overcomesurvival
Bahama Soul ClubNo Words (ft Brenda Boykin)quiet
Bailey, BillDas Hokey Kokeyleft & right
Unisex Chipshopunusual rhymes
Bailey, MildredTrust in Metrust
Bailey, RoyInvisible Married Breakfast Blues (with Leon Rosselson)the invisible
Rolling Homemusic for funerals
Bailey Rae, CorinnePut Your Records Onmedia for listening to recorded music
Bainbridge, MerrilUnder the Waterforgotten follow-ups
Baker, AnitaCaught Up in the Rapturefalling in love
Fairy Talesfairytales
Baker, ChetEverything Happens to Meluck
I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes)missing someone
Let’s Get Lostbeing lost
Like Someone in Lovesimiles
Make Me Rainbowsrainbows
My Funny Valentinebeauty
My Idealperfection
Baker, George (see George Baker Selection)
Baker, LaVernBatman to the Rescuecomics & cartoons
Savedstarting over
Soul on Fireslow, sexy love songs
Think Twice (Version X) (with Jackie Wilson)sweary songs
Bakshi, IndeepSaturday, Saturday (with Badshah & Akriti Kakar)days of the week
Balaké, AmadouTaximentaxis
Balfa BrothersLa Danse de Mardi GrasNew Orleans
Ballard, HankHow You Gonna Get Respect (When You Haven’t Cut Your Process Yet) (with the Dapps)hair
The Twist (with the Midnighters)songs with a twist
BallboyA Day in Spacespoken word
I Hate ScotlandScotland
I Lost You, But I Found Country Musiclost and found
I Wonder If You’re Drunk Enough to Sleep with Me Tonightself-deprecation
Kiss Me, Hold Me and Eat Mekissing
They’ll Hang Flags from Cranes Upon My Wedding Dayweddings
Balloon FarmA Question of Temperatureheat #2
Baltmiskyte, IevaFrog Galliard (composer: John Dowland)amphibians
Balvin, JLa Canción (with Bad Bunny)perspiration
Bam BamWhere’s Your Child?anxiety
BananaramaRobert De Niro’s Waiting…famous people
Venusgirl groups
Banarzi, TroyFifteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chesttreasure
BandChest Feverorgan
I Shall Be Releasedsongs with special guests
It Makes No Differenceloneliness
King Harvest (Has Surely Come)rural songs
Long Black Veilstiff upper lip
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Downsurvival
Stage Frighttheatre
The Weightdebut songs
When I Paint My Masterpiecepainting & painters
Band AidDo They Know It’s Christmas?collaborations & side projects
Band of Holy JoyA Clear Night, A Shooting Star, A Song for Booelectricity
Funambulist We Love Youthe circus
I Have Travelled the Buses Late at Nighturban environment
Isn’t That Just the Lifesaints & martyrs
Band of SkullsThe Devil Takes Care of His Ownthe Devil
Patternspatterns & sequences
Bandit QueenMiss Dandysunderwear
BandwagonBreakin’ Down the Walls of Heartacheobstacles
Bang Bang MachineGeek Loveliterary songs
Hazy Shade of Wintercovers by the opposite sex
If She Knew What She Wantsconfusion & delusion
Manic Mondaywork
Single by Choicethe number one
Walk Like an Egyptianwalking & running
Banhart, DevendraI Feel Just Like a Childchildren
Owl Eyesowls
Pumpkin Seedsnuts & edible seeds
Banton, BujuMurderermurder
Not an Easy Roadsearching & seeking
Bar-KaysSoul Fingerten words or fewer
BarbaraL’Aigle noirraptors
Barbara and the BrownsI Don’t Want to Have to Waitwaiting
BarbariansAre You a Boy or Are You a Girl?the Beatles
Barbeau, AntonMushroom Box, 1975farm produce
Barbecue BobBlack Skunk Bluesironic songs
Barber, FrancesIt’s Just My Little Tribute to Caligula, DarlingRoman Empire
Barber, MirandaMy Roof Has Got a Hole in Itholes
Barber, SamuelAdagio for Stringsorchestral string instruments
Barbieri, CaterinaRendering Intuitionsdrone music
Barclay James HarvestHymn (Live 1980)ascension
John Lennon’s Guitarguitars
Bardot, BrigitteBonnie and Clyde (with Serge Gainsbourg)crime
Bare, BobbyFinger on the Buttonswitches & buttons
This Guitar Is For Salesales, selling & bargains
Barenaked LadiesBank Jobgripping or intriguing narrative
The Big Bang Theory Themeunusual rhymes
Boomerangcan’t live with or without you
Brian Wilsonsongwriting
Duct Tape Heartfixing & repairing
Flying Dreamsempathy
Never Is Enoughalternative outcomes
Odds Aresurvival
One Weekextraordinary vocals
Raisinsnon sequiturs
Serendipitychance & coincidence
War on Drugsaddiction
Bargeld, BlixaAxolotl (with Teho Teardo)amphibians
Subterranean World (How Long?) (with Anita Lane)estimates of distance & time
Bark PsychosisThe Black Meatblack
Barker, Emily & the Red Clay HaloNostalgiaTV theme songs
Barnes & BarnesFish Headsstartling songs
Barnett, CourtneyAnonymous Clubanonymity
Avant GardenerCOVID-19 lockdown
Elevator Operatorgripping or intriguing narrative
History Eraseraccents
Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go to the Partyfear of missing out
Pedestrian at Bestself-deprecation
BarracudasI Saw My Death in a Dream Last Nightlast night
Summer Funsurprising intros
Barrett, SydDominoesboard games
Golden Hairinspired by poetry
Here I Goupbeat break-up
Octopusmysterious & puzzling
Barretto, RayHard Handsnicknames & pseudonyms
Barry, JohnBack to Natureharpsichord
Hit and Miss (Jukebox Jury Theme) (as John Barry Seven Plus Four)jukeboxes
Midnight Cowboyharmonica
On Her Majesty’s Secret Servicetrombone
The Persuaders Themeinstrumental soundtracks
Bartholomew, DaveThe Monkeymisanthropic songs
Barton, EdwardI’ve Got No Chicken But I’ve Got Five Wooden Chairseccentric songs
Bartz, GaryI’ve Known Riversliterary songs
Basement JaxxJus 1 Kisskissing
Make Me Sweat (ft Roxanne Shanté)perspiration
Oh My Goshflirting
Bashful Brother OswaldRabbit in the Lograbbits
Basie, CountApril in Parisplaces in Europe
I’m Beginning to See the Light (with Ella Fitzgerald)falling in love
Jumpin’ at the Woodsideensembles, big bands & orchestras
Silks and Satinsrough & smooth
Basinski, WilliamMelancholia IIquiet songs
Basque Dub FoundationEl Secuestro del Dubinfluenced by dub
Bass, FontellaRescue Mepick-up lines & marriage proposals
Bassey, ShirleyDiamonds Are Foreverprecious stones
BastillePompeiiRoman Empire
Bat for LashesThe Big Sleepstriking album endings
Skin Songskin
Bataan, JoeLatin Strutfrom New York City
BathersTwo Cats on the Pianocats
Battlefield BandTo a Mousesmall things
BauhausBela Lugosi’s Deadlong songs
Dark Entriesnight & darkness
Spy in the Cabspying
Stigmata Martyrsaints & martyrs
The Three Shadows, Part Ihorror-inspired songs
Baxter, LesCairo Bazaarmarkets & fairs
Lust (ft Bas Sheva)wordless vocals
Baxter, RaylandYellow Eyesyellow
Bazan, DavidHard to Behigher education
BBC Radiophonic WorkshopDoctor Who Theme (composed by Ron Grainer, produced by Delia Derbyshire)instrumental soundtracks
Doctor Who Theme (composed by Ron Grainer, produced by Delia Derbyshire)electronic music to 1983
BBC Sound ArchiveNightingales and Bombersbirdsong
Be-Bop DeluxeAdventures in a Yorkshire Landscapewide open spaces
Blazing Apostlesredemption
Crying to the Skysky
Jean tribute songs
Be Good TanyasLight Enough to Travelnightclubs
The Littlest Birdssmall things
When Doves Cryunlikely cover songs
Beach Boys4th of Julyanniversaries
A Day in the Life of a Treetrees
A Young Man Is Goneactors
Add Some Music to Your Daymusic as nutrition
All Dressed Up for Schoolschool
All This Is Thatfaith
Break Awaybreaking things
Busy Doin’ Nothin’visitors
Cabin Essence19th century life
Caroline, Nodisappointment
Cool, Cool Waterrefreshment & cooling down
Disney Girls (1957)nostalgia
Do It Againregressing & reversing
Do You Like Worms?misleading or incongruous titles
Don’t Go Near the Watertrash
Don’t Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder)joints of the body
Don’t Worry Babygreat backing vocals
Don’t Worry Babydares
Foreverdevoted love
Fun Fun Funhedonism
God Only Knowsalternative outcomes
Good Vibrationsvibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Hang On to Your Egoid, ego & superego
Help Me, Rhondadifferent 7″ versions
Heroes and Villainsclose harmony singing
Holidaysfictional adverts
In My Roomteenagers
Let’s Go Away for a Whileholidays
Little Birdnature
Our Prayershort songs
Passing Bywordless vocals
Sail On Sailorthe sea
Sloop John Bthe Caribbean
Surfin’ USAsound like other songs
Surf’s Upfalsetto
Take a Load Off Your Feetfeet
Time to Get Alonevolume changes
The Trader19th century life
The Warmth of the Sunsummer
When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)getting older
Wind Chimesnotable outros or codas
Wouldn’t It Be Niceaccordion
Wouldn’t It Be Niceyouthfulness
Beach HouseA Walk in the Parkparks
Take Careandrogynous vocals
Bean, CarlI Was Born This Wayhomosexuality
Beastie BoysAn Open Letter to NYCpeace
Body Movin’ (Fatboy Slim Remix)dancing
Johnny Ryalloddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Rhymin’ and Stealin’pirates
Three MC’s and One DJthree
Twenty Questions (ft Miho Hatori)eureka moments
BeatCan’t Get Used to Losing Youloss
Doors of Your Heartdoors
Mirror in the Bathroommirrors
Rotating Headjoints of the body
Whine & Grine / Stand Down Margaretpoliticians
Beat HappeningHot Chocolate Boynon-alcoholic drinks
BeatlesA Day in the Lifegreat middle eights
A Hard Day’s Nightwork
A Taste of Honeybees
All You Need Is Lovecello
Back in the U.S.S.R.places in Europe
Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kiteadvertising
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Billtigers
Don’t Let Me Downfirst love
Drive My Carsongs with jokes
Eleanor Rigbycharacter songs
The Endwords of wisdom
For No Onenothing
Glass Onionself-referential songs
Helter Skelterfairgrounds
Here Comes the Sunanticipation
Hey Judena-na-hey-hey songs
I Am the Walrus‘I am’ songs
I Feel Finesound like other songs
I Me Mineid, ego & superego
I Want to Hold Your Handpick-up lines & marriage proposals
If I Fellnotable key changes
I’ll Follow the Suntomorrow
I’m a Loserfailure
I’m Only Sleepingwaking up
I’m So Tiredtiredness
In My Liferetrospection
It’s All Too Muchdrone music
Juliatribute songs
Komm gib mir deine Handforeign language versions
Long, Long, Longnotable outros or codas
Lovely Ritajobs
Martha My Dearfamous or notable animals
Nowhere Manstereotypes
Octopus’s Gardenunderwater
Only a Northern Songnon sequiturs
Paperback Writerwriting
Penny Lanebrass songs
Rainnotable outros or codas
Rock and Roll Musicmusic genres
Rocky Raccoonrevenge
Savoy Trufflechocolate
She Loves Youstart with the chorus
She Said She Saidactors
She Said She Saidarguments #2
She’s Leaving Homeorchestral string instruments
Strawberry Fields Foreverfalse endings
Taxmanfractions & portions
This BoyB sides
Ticket to Ridetickets
Tomorrow Never Knowsodd noises & instruments
We Can Work It Outcompromise
While My Guitar Gently Weepsguitars
Within You Without Youinspired by India
Yellow Submarinechildren’s songs
Yesterdayold and new
You Never Give Me Your Moneymoney
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Awayembarrassment
BeauSilence Returnsvolume changes
Beau DommageHarmonie du soir à Chateauguaydays of the week
La Complainte du phoque en Alaskathe circus
Beaujon, AndrewTruer Than the Wheelwheels
Beautiful South36Dprostitution
A Little Timedecisive songs
Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud)survival
Have You Ever Been Away?stick it to the man
Hold Me Close (Underground)basements & underground
Liars’ Barpubs & bars
Old Red Eyes Is Backeyes & sight
Perfect 10perfection
Prettiest Eyespassage of time
Song for Whoeverforgetting
The Tablefurniture
Tattooupbeat break-up #2
This Old Skinskin
When I’m 84refusal
You Keep It All Inrepression
Beauty RoomSoul Horizonhorizons
Beaver & KrauseSpaceddrone music
Bécaud, GilbertDimanche à Orlylove songs to places
Bechet, SidneyPetite fleurfrom New Orleans
BeckDevils Haircutthe Devil
Guess I’m Doing Finechicken and egg
Jack-Asssampling & recycling
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hathats
Morningsongs to start the morning
The New Pollutionnatural disasters
Where It’s Atmusical instruments
Where It’s Attwo – part 2
Beck, JeffHi Ho Silver Lining‘high’ songs
Nadiavibrato, tremolo & oscillations
Over the Rainbowcovers by the opposite sex
The Revolution Will Be Televisedresistance
Beckett, HarryAre You Sitting Comfortably?chairs
Bracelets of Soundhats & accessories
Bedelt, KlausQueen of the Desertpioneers
Bedouin SoundclashSalt Watersalt
Bedroom PhilosopherGolden Gaytimeice cream
Bee GeesEdisonelectricity
How Deep Is Your Loveslow, sexy love songs
I Started a Jokesmiling & laughing
I’ve Gotta Get a Message to Yousongs of desperation
New York Mining Disaster 1941Jones & Joneses
Night Feveryouth cults
Stayin’ Alivefalsetto
Wordsfreedom of expression
BeesChicken Paybackpoultry
Beethoven, Ludwig van Moonlight Sonata (performed by Lee Ashley)3/4 time
Ode to Joyhope & resilience
Ode an die Freude (Ode to Joy) (performed by a flash mob)national anthems
Piano Concerto No. 5 (performed by Alfred Brendel)great arrangements
Beiderbecke, BixMississippi Mudearth, soil & dirt
Royal Garden Blues (with his New Orleans Lucky Seven)music venues
BeirutAfter the Curtaintheatre
Scenic Worldaccordion
Bel CantoBaltic Ice-Breakerstuck or trapped
Capiomixtape closers
Belafonte, HarryDay-O (The Banana Boat Song)dawn
Jamaica Farewellislands
John Henryiron & steel
Love, Love Alonekings
Scratch, Scratchitching & scratching
There’s a Hole in the Bucket (with Odetta)geometric shapes
Try to Remembernostalgia
Turn the World Aroundclimate change
We Are the Wavewide open spaces
Zombie Jamboreezombies
Belew, AdrianMen in Helicopters (Acoustic)wilderness
Bell, Archie & the Drells(There’s Gonna Be A) Showdowneffects of fame
Tighten Updance styles
Bell, ChrisI Am the Cosmos‘I am’ songs
Bell, MaggieSouvenirsmemorabilia & souvenirs
Bell, WilliamYou Don’t Miss Your Wateridioms & common expressions
Bell X1The Curtains Are Twitchin’neighbours
Light Catches Your Facefaces
Belle, Lucinda (see Lucinda Belle Orchestra)
Belle and SebastianAnother Sunny Daypassage of time
The Blues Are Still Bluecleansing
The Chalet Linesmoving on
The Fox in the Snowwinter
I’m Waking Up to Usupbeat break-up
It Could Have Been a Brilliant Careeralternative outcomes
Judy and the Dream of Horsessongwriting
Lazy Line Painter Janebad boys & bad girls
Lord Anthonycharacter songs
The Magic of a Kind Wordkindness
Nothing in the Silencefun
The Stars of Track and Fieldsport
The State I Am Indifferent 7″ versions
Take Your Carriage Clock and Shove Itstick it to the man
This Is Just a Modern Rock Songmeta-songs
Belle StarsSign of the Timesgirl groups
BellowheadNew York Girlssongs that fit every topic
One May Morning Earlynightingales & thrushes
Roll AlabamaLiverpool & Merseyside
BelovedThe Sun Risingthe sun
Sweet Harmonyquiet songs
Ben, JorgeDescobri Que Eu Sou um Anjosurreal songs
Filhos de Gandhi (with Gilberto Gil)inspired by India
Fio Maravilhasubstitutions
O Circo Chegouthe circus
País Tropicalnature
Ponta de Lança Africano (Umbabarauma)sport
Take It Easy My Brother Charlesmultilingual songs
Zagueirosongs offering advice
Ben-Ari, MoshJah Is Oneleft wing politics
Benatar, PatHit Me with Your Best Shotdares
Bennett, LornaBreakfast in Bedrelaxation & leisure
Skank in Bed (with Scotty)beds
Bennett, LouiseLinstead Marketmarkets & fairs
Bennett, MartynAye?Scotland
Bennett, TonyNew York State of Mind (with Billy Joelfrom New York City
Some Other Time (with Bill Evans)procrastination
Stranger in Paradisesampling & recycling
Benny Goodman Quartet (see Goodman, Benny)
Benson, BrendanMetariemagazines
Bentley BoysDown on Penny’s Farmfarm produce
Bentley Rhythm AceSpacehopperjumping
Why Is a Frog Too..?amphibians
Benton, BrookHotel Happinesshotels
Rainy Night in Georgialoneliness
Bergin, MaryTom Billy’s / The Langstern Ponyflutes, pipes & whistles
Berkeley, BusbyLullaby of Broadwaydance instrumentals
Berklee Indian EnsembleKun Faya Kunhigh-pitched vocals
Berlioz, HectorDream of a Night of the Sabbath (Symphonie fantastique, 5th movement)nightmares
Bern, DanShakespeare’s Got a GunShakespeare
Bernstein, ElmerStaccato’s ThemeTV theme songs
Bernstein, LeonardJet Song (from West Side Story) (with Stephen Sondheim)bad boys & bad girls
Berry, ChuckBrown Eyed Handsome Mangreat opening lines
Johnny B. Goodenamed after men
No Money Downshopping
Promised LandCalifornia
Roll Over Beethovenjukeboxes
Route 66American west
School Day (Ring Ring Goes the Bell)school
Sweet Little Sixteenages
Too Much Monkey Businessmultitasking & being busy
You Never Can Tellmarriage
Berry, Richard & the PharaohsLouie Louieindecipherable songs
Best CoastGoodbyefamous last words
Beta BandDr. Bakerdoctors
Dry the Rainlight
Needles in My Eyestools
Bethânia, MariaCarcaráraptors
BethsLittle Deathorgasms
Better Than EzraUnder Youfrom New Orleans
Beverley (see Martyn, Beverley)
Bevis FrondFor Pat (on the Chaise Longue Dreaming) chairs
Stain on the Sundenial
Stoned Train Driverjobs
Wavingphysical gestures
BeyoncéCrazy in Love (ft Jay-Z)falling in love
Daddy Lessons (ft Dixie Chicks)fathers and daughters
Formationartistic trends of the 21st century
Freakum Dressclothes
Freedom (ft Kendrick Lamar)pragmatism
Hold Upadultery & infidelity
If I Were a Boyalternative outcomes
Levii’s Jeans (with Post Malone)legs & pants
Love on Topnotable key changes
Move Your Bodybodily motion & exercise
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)na-na-hey-hey songs
Bhatt, V. M.Ganges Delta Blues (with Ry Cooder)genre defying
Bhundu BoysBaba Munini Francisdiscovery
Manhengamusic for funerals
Radio Africa (with Latin Quarter)Africa
Biafra, JelloPlastic Jesus (with Mojo Nixon)plastic
Bibb, EricBooker’s Guitarguitars
New Shoesfootwear
Bibb, LeonRainbow Round My Shoulderrainbows
Biffy ClyroBubblesone word titles
Mountainswide open spaces
Big Audio DynamiteC’mon Every Beatboxmedia for listening to recorded music
E=MC2inspired by or about films
SambadromeSouth America
Big BlackBad Pennylies
Big BopperChantilly Lacetelephones
Big Brother & the Holding CompanyBall and Chainkeys & locks
Piece of My Heartthe heart
Big CountryChancechance & coincidence
In a Big Countrydeserts
Steeltowniron & steel
Big DipperAll Going Out Togethernatural disasters
Big Ghana BandUnbelievabledisbelief
Big Hard Excellent FishImperfect List 2list songs
Big MaybelleYou’ll Never Knownever
Big StarThe Ballad of El Goodoauthenticity & fakery
Jesus Christbiblical songs
September GurlsSeptember
Thank You Friendsplease & thank you
Watch the Sunrisedawn
When My Baby’s Beside Meenergizing songs
Big ThiefUFOFacronyms
Big ThreeCavern Stompmusic venues
Big YouthForeman vs Frazierfighting
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothingauthenticity & fakery
Bigg JusSay Goodbye (ft Jerold Marcellus Bryant)normal & abnormal
Bikini KillRebel Girlgangs
Bill Evans Trio (see Evans, Bill)
Bill Nelson’s Red Noise (see Nelson, Bill)
BiminiGod Save This Queengender & LGBTQ+
Bird, AndrewEyeoneyebreaking things
The Happy Birthday Songbirthdays
Scythian Empiresunusual rhymes
Bird and the BeeBirds and the Beesbees
BirdsLeaving Hereescape
Birkin, Jane69 année erotique (with Serge Gainsbourg)dates
Je t’aime… moi non plus (with Serge Gainsbourg)lust
Lost Songclassical songs
Birthday PartyDeep in the Woodsforests & woodlands
Happy Birthdayanniversaries
Mutiny in Heavenheaven & hell
Bishop, StephenLittle ItalyItaly
Bishop AllenClick, Click, Click, Clickphotography
BishopsMr. JonesJones & Joneses
Bittova & FajtPeřiny (Morning Song)alarm sounds
Bizet, GeorgesAu fond du temple saint (The Pearl Fishers’ Duet) (from Les pêcheurs de perles)conversations
En vain pour eviter (from Carmen)fortune tellers
Flower Song (from Carmen)flowers
Björk107 Steps (with Siobhan Fallon)capital punishment
The Anchor Songthe sea
Bathswimming & bathing
Come to Mewelcoming
Cover Mehammer & mallet instruments
Crystallineunusual time signatures
Cvalda (with Catherine Deneuve)manual labour
Future Forevereternity
Headphonesears & hearing
It’s Oh So Quietquiet
I’ve Seen It All (with Thom Yorke)duets
Mutual Coregeology
Sun in My Mouthinspired by poetry
Sweet, Sweet Intuitionsixth sense
Thunderboltodd noises & instruments
Venus as a Boybeauty
Who Is It (Carry My Joy on the Left, Carry My Pain on the Right)featuring bells
Blacc, AloeI Need a Dollarausterity
BlackFly Up to the Moon (ft Sam Brown)ascension
Sweetest Smilefaces
Black, CillaAlfiegreat arrangements
Liverpool LullabyLiverpool & Merseyside
Black, FrankBad News (as Black Francis)omens & prophecies
Song of the Shrimpsongs with jokes
Whatever Happened to Pong?hobbies
Black, MaryLoving Hannahchange of mind
Black, TaskaSandpaper (ft Ayelle)sand
Black AngelsHaunting at 1300 McKinleyaddresses
Black BobIf You See My Rooster (Please Run Him Home) (with Memphis Minnie)running
Joe Louis Strut (with Memphis Minnie & Bill Settles)fighting
Black BoxRide on Timemade you fall in love with music
Black Box RecorderAndrew Ridgleyother musicians
The Art of Drivingswitches & buttons
Being Number Onemusic industry
Child Psychologychildren
The English Motorway Systemcars & driving
The Facts of Lifeimmaturity
French Rock’N’RollFrance
Goodnight Kissmakeup
The School Songteachers
These Are the Thingssmall things
Black Country, New RoadSunglasseshats & accessories
Black Eyed PeasWhere Is the Love?September 11 attacks
Black FlagRise Aboveascension
Six Packbeer
TV Partytelevision
Black Francis (see Black, Frank)
Black GrapeIn the Name of the Fathersupergroups
Reverend Black Grapepreachers, priests & religious leaders
Black KeysEverlasting Lightlighthouses & guiding lights
Gold on the Ceilinggold
Black MountainBicycle Manbicycles
Black Rebel Motorcycle ClubGrind My Bonesbones
In Like the Roseroses
Black SabbathBlack Sabbathsound effects
Children of the Sealoss
Electric Funeralfunerals
Heaven and Hellsinners
Iron Mancomics & cartoons
Iron Mantime travel
Lady Evilbest bass lines
Paranoidmental illness
The Sign of the Southern Crosscompass points
War Pigshorror-inspired songs
Black SheepThe Choice Is Yourssongs by duos
Black SorrowsHold On to Metreasure
Black StalinCaribbean Unitythe Caribbean
Black StarAstronomy (8th Light) (ft Weldon Irvine)black
Thieves in the Nightbooks #2
Black UhuruGeneral Penitentiaryprisons
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinnervisitors
I Love King Selassieroyalty
No Loafing (Sit and Wonder)waiting
What Is Life?meaning of life
Youth of Eglingtonshooting
BlackaliciousAlphabet Aerobicschoosing & using words
Chemical Calisthenics (ft Cut Chemist)science
Green Light: Now Begingreen
Sleeprelaxation & leisure
Blackberry SmokeGood One Comin’ Onhedonism
One Horse Townroots
BlackbyrdsRock Creek Parkparks
Blackmore’s NightBarbara Allenredemption
Locked Within the Crystal Ballfortune tellers
Blackwell, ScrapperCarried Water for the Elephant (witih Leroy Carr)the circus
Blades, RubénPedro Navaja (with Willie Colón)Mexico & Central America
West Indian Man (with Son del Solar)the Caribbean
Blake, BlindPolice Dog Bluespolice
Blake, JamesTake a Fall for Me (ft RZA)asking, begging & pleading
Blakey, ArtElephant Walkelephants & mammoths
Ife L’ayo (There Is Happiness in Love) (with the Afro-Drum Ensemble)outstanding percussion
Obirin African (Woman of Africa) (with the Afro-Drum Ensemble)Africa
Tobi Ilu (with the Afro-Drum Ensemble)great drumming
Bland, BobbyTurn On Your Love Lightinfluenced by gospel
Blast, C. L.Somebody Shot My Eagleausterity
BlazeMy Beat (ft Palmer Brown)mood-changing music
BleachThe Head That Controls Both Right and Left Sides Eats Meats and Slobbers Even Todayarresting opening lines
BleechersCome into My Parlourdomestic songs
Blegvad, PeterThe Cryonic Trombone (with Andy Partridge)gases
Goldthe obvious
Hangman’s Hill (with John Greaves & Chris Cutler)hanging
Kew. Rhone. (with John Greaves & Lisa Herman)symmetrical lyrics
King Strutusing your imagination
Magritte (with John Greaves & Chris Cutler)works of art
Powers in the Airsixth sense
BlendersDon’t Fuck Around with Lovesongs offering advice
BlessingHurricane Roomthe Commonwealth
Bleu, ChakraBlack Elephantelephants & mammoths
Bley, CarlaVery Very Simple (as the Carla Bley Band)meta-songs
Bley, PaulM.J. (with Annette Peacock)more questions than answers
Blige, Mary J.Beautiful (Black Star Remix)beauty
Blind Boys of Alabama(Jesus Hits Like the) Atom BombGod & the Devil
Way Down in the Holedefined or redefined by television
Blind MelonPaper Scratcheroddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Blink-182Man Overboardupbeat break-up #2
What’s My Age Again?ages
Bliss, MelvinSynthetic Substitutionsubstitutions
Blitzen TrapperFurrdogs
Bloc PartyHunting for Witchesconfusion & delusion
Block 16Morning Sun (ft Jon Lucien)songs to start the morning
Blondie11:59times of day
Angels on the Balconytheatre
Atomicenergizing songs
Denismultilingual songs
Fade Away and Radiateboring & dull
Hanging on the Telephoneletters, emails & telegrams
The Hardest Partiron & steel
Heart of Glassthe heart
I Know But I Don’t Knowuncertainty
(I’m Always Touched by Your) Presence, Dearunexplained phenomena
One Way or Anotherconfidence
Picture Thiscleansing
Rapturegenre switch
Rip Her to Shredsinsulting songs
Sunday Girl (French Version)songs in French
Blondy, AlphaAfrikiinfluenced by reggae
BloodSewer Braingenre switch
Blood, Sweat & TearsSpinning Wheelspinning
You’re Made Me So Very Happyhappiness
Bloom, BobbyMontego Baythe Caribbean
Bloom, KathBicycle (with Lauren Mazzacane)bicycles
Bloomfield, MikeFarther Up the Roadmoving on
Stop (with Al Kooper)supergroups
Blow, KurtisThe Breaksbreaking things
If I Ruled the Worldconditional phrases
Blue CheerDoctor, Pleasedoctors
Blue DotsSaturday Night Fish Frymeals & mealtimes
Blue HeartsLinda Lindadifferent 7″ versions
Blue MagicSideshowcarnivals & funfairs
Blue MinkMelting Potrecipe songs
Blue NileFrom a Late Night Traintrains
Headlights on the Paradeparades
Over the Hillsidehorizons
Blue Öyster Cult(Don’t Fear) The Reaperdeath
Feel the Thunderghosts
Godzillafamous or notable animals
The Marshall Plancrowds
She’s as Beautiful as a Footfeet
Veteran of the Psychic Warsthe brain
Blues BrothersEverybody Needs Somebody to Lovecollaborations & side projects
Shake a Tail Feather (with Ray Charles)dancing
Blues PillsDevil Manthe Devil
Blues TravelerTrust in Trusttrust
Bluhm, TimRaining Gravelbanks & banking
Blunstone, ColinCaroline Goodbyegoodbye
I Don’t Believe in Miraclesdisbelief
Say You Don’t Mindandrogynous vocals
Setting Yourself Updeceptive appearances
BlurCoffee & TVhome
Crazy Beatrhythm, beat & boogie
Girls & Boysholidays
Sunday Sundaythe weekend
Sweet Songsongs about songs
This Is a Lowbad weather
To the End (La Comedie) (with Françoise Hardy)multilingual songs
Tracy Jacksoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
Trimm Trabbshoes
The Universalthe future
Blyth PowerBind Their Kings in Chainsjudges & trials
Bo, EddieHorse with a Freeze Pts 1&2 (as Roy Ward)stop-start songs
Boards of CanadaAquariusmore questions than answers
Dawn Chorusdawn
In a Beautiful Place Out in the Countryrural songs
B.o.BPast My Shades (ft Lupe Fiasco)eyewear
Bob & EarlHarlem Shuffledance styles
Bob and MarciaPied Piperleadership
To Be Young, Gifted and Blackadolescence
Bob-CatsBig Noise from Winnetkadouble bass
Bobo, WillieFunky Sneakersfootwear
Bobo’s (see Palmashow)
Bocca JuniorsRaise (63 Steps to Heaven)synth pop 1980-2000
Boccherini, LuigiGuitar Quintet No. 4 in D major: IV. Fandangofinger snaps & toe taps
Boden, JonCinnamon Waterswimming & bathing
Boeing Duveen & the Beautiful SoupJabberwockwhimsical songs
Which Dreamed Itambiguity
Bogan, LucilleB.D. Woman’s Blueshomosexuality
Shave ‘Em Drygreat songwriting 1900-1955
Boggs, DockWise County Jailearth, soil & dirt
Bogguss, SuzyLetting Gohigher education
Bogle, EricAnd the Band Played Waltzing Matilda3/4 time
No Man’s Landpeace
Plastic Paddyplastic
Bohren and der Club of GoreMidnight Black Earthgenre defying
Skeletal Remainsbones
Boine, MariGoaskinvielljaraptors
Vuoi vuoi mufrom Nordic countries
Bolan, MarcThe Perfumed Garden of Gulliver Smithgardens
Bomb the BassBeat Disrhythm, beat & boogie
Bug Powder Dust (ft Justin Warfield)literary songs
Sandcastles (ft Bernard Fowler)sand
Bombay SistersBhojanam Seyya Vaarungalmeals & mealtimes
Bon IverFor Emmagirls’ names
I Can’t Make You Love Mecovers by the opposite sex
Bon JoviLivin’ on a Prayerindustry & manufacturing
Bonamassa, JoeBlack Lung Heartachecaves
Mountain Timemountains
BondFuegogirl groups
Bonds , Gary U.S.New OrleansNew Orleans
Boney M.Daddy Coolcoolness
BongwaterNick Cave Dollstoys
Bonnie and the TreasuresHome of the Bravefreedom
Bonnie “Prince” Billy (see Oldham, Will)
BonoboThe Keeper (ft Andreya Triana)peace
Sun Will Rise (with Speech Debelle)determination
Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah BandAli-Baba’s Camelfour-legged livestock
Big Shotfunny songs
The Bride Stripped Bare (by “Bachelors”)music industry
Cool BritanniaBritain
Death Cab for Cutieaccidents
I’m the Urban Spacemanaliens
The Intro and the Outrolist songs
Little Sir Echoechoes
Mr. Apolloforgotten follow-ups
Mr. Slater’s Parrotwhistling
No Matter Who You Vote For, The Government Always Gets In (Heigh Ho)elections
Rhinocratic Oathsstrange & surreal
Sport (The Odd Boy)sport
Trouser Presssurreal songs
We Are Normalnormal & abnormal
Boo RadleysFrom the Bench at Belvideresitting & standing
Lazarusbiblical songs
Martin, Doom! It’s Seven O’Clockconversations
Wake Up Boo!songs to start the morning
Boogie Down ProductionsYou Must Learnlessons in life
You Must Learnknowledge
Booker, JamesJunco Partnerfrom New Orleans
Lifegreat keyboards
Booker T. & the M.G.’sChinese Checkersgames
Green Onionsfood
Time Is Tightslowing down
Bookshop BandA Shop with Books Inlibraries
Boomtown RatsDon’t Believe What You Readreading
(I Never Loved) Eva Braunnarcissism
Booth, WebsterWe’ll Gather Lilacs (with Anne Ziegler)positive songs
Boothe, KenLet the Water Run Drywells
BorisBlood Swamp (with Sunn O))))earth, soil & dirt
Boris (with Merzbow)drone music
Borland, AdrianWalking in the Opposite Directionstubbornness
BostonHitch a Ridehitchhiking
Bostwick, BarryOver at the Frankenstein Place (with Susan Sarandon & Richard O’Brien)lighthouses & guiding lights
Boswell, John D.A Glorious Dawn (with Carl Sagan & Stephen Hawking)eureka moments
Boswell SistersMood Indigogreat songwriting 1900-1955
Bottle RocketsAnother Brand New Yearold and new
Indianapolisstuck or trapped
Boutté, LillianAm I Bluefrom New Orleans
Bow Wow WowC⋅30 C⋅60 C⋅90 Go!shopping
Go Wild in the Countryrural songs
Bowen, LorraineCup of Tea in Bedtea
Ice Cream Ladyice cream
Lemon Disinfectantsmells
Pier Songthe coast
Post Office Blueswritten correspondence
Bowie, DavidA New Career in a New Towninstrumentals
All the Madmenhospitals
Always Crashing in the Same Carcars & driving
Ashes to Ashesmistaken identity
Changeschange #2
Come and Buy My Toystoys
Fashionfear of missing out
Five Yearsmeta-songs
God Knows I’m Gooddeception
Golden Yearswhistling
“Heroes”album tracks better than the singles
Lady Stardustother musicians
Let’s Dancestart with the chorus
Letter to Hermionewritten correspondence
Life on Mars?questions
The London Boysyouth cults
Look Back in Angersurprise encounters
Memory of a Free Festivalmusic venues
Modern Lovepunctuality
Moss Gardenonomatopoeia
Neukölnelectronic music to 1983
Oh! You Pretty Thingsoddballs, outcasts & outsiders
The Prettiest Stardifferent 7″ versions
Ragazzo solo, ragazzo solaforeign language versions
Rebel Rebelgender & LGBTQ+
Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicidesuicide
Space Odditywithout a chorus
Speed of Lifedance instrumentals
Station to Stationimpressive intros
Subterraneansindecipherable songs
Timestop-start songs
Under Pressure (with Queen)duets
Where Are We Now?specific or obscure places
The Width of a Circleid, ego & superego
Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloudcapital punishment
Ziggy Stardustsaints & martyrs
Bowlly, AlBlow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (with Ken “Snakehips” Johnson)quoting Shakespeare
Dinner for One Please, James (with Ray Noble & his Orchestra)meals & mealtimes
Goodnight, Sweetheartgreat songwriting 1900-1955
Hang Out the Stars in Indianahanging
Looking on the Bright Side of Life (with Ray Noble & his New Mayfair Orchestra)optimistic songs
Love Is the Sweetest Thing (with Ray Noble & his New Mayfair Orchestra)songs that say what love is
Please Don’t Mention It (with Ray Noble & his Orchestra and Anona Winn)letters, emails & telegrams
Riptide (with Lew Stone & his Band)tides
The Very Thought of You (with Ray Noble & his Orchestra)crooners
You Ought to See Sally on Sundaydays of the week
Bowser and BlueWorking Where the Sun Don’t Shine (The Colo-Rectal Surgeon’s Song)stomach & guts
Box TopsThe Letterletters, emails & telegrams
Neon Rainbowgases
Boy GeorgeKing of Everythingkings
Same Thing in Reverseequality
Boyer, LucienneParlez-moi d’amourgreat songwriting 1900-1955
boygeniusAnti-Curseblessings & curses
Revolution 0notable outros or codas
Salt in the Woundsalt
BoyzoneWhen the Going Gets Toughsymmetrical lyrics
BradButtercupodd couples
Bradley, CharlesAin’t It a Sinfunk
Why Is It So Hardbiography & autobiography
Bradley, JanMama Didn’t Lieinnocence
Brady, Bob & the Con-ChordsEverybody’s Goin’ to the Love-Inobsolete things
Brady, PaulThe Lakes of PontchartrainNew Orleans
Bragg, BillyA13, Trunk Road to the Seaspecific or obscure places
Accident Waiting to Happeninsulting songs
Between the Warsleft wing politics
Bread and Circuses (with Natalie Merchant)bread, cakes, pastry & biscuits
Brickbatgetting older
Christ for President (with Wilco)Jesus
England, Half English (with the Blokes)roots
God’s Footballerfootball
Greetings to the New Brunettebrown
Handyman Bluesdecor
Hot Rod Hotel (with Wilco)hotels
I Guess I Planted (with Wilco)positive songs
Ingrid Bergman (with Wilco)famous people
It Says Herefreedom of expression
Levi Stubbs’ Tearsmusic as nutrition
The Man in the Iron Maskmasks
Must I Paint You a Picturepainting & painters
Never Buy the Sunreading
No One Knows Nothing Anymoreknowledge
The Price of Oilscandal
Remember the Mountain Bed (with Wilco)mountains
Rotting on RemandLiverpool & Merseyside
The Saturday Boyunrequited love
St. Swithin’s Dayfamous last words
Tank Park Salutefathers
There Is Power in a Unionunity
To Have and to Have Notsocial mobility
Waiting for the Great Leap Forwardwaiting
The World Turned Upside Downrevolution
Bragg, JohnnyThey’re Talking About Meconspiracy theories & paranoia
Brahem, AnouarLe Pas du chat noirminimalist songs
Brahms, JohannesWiegenlied (Lullaby) (Opus 49 No. 4) children’s songs
BrakesHeard About Your Bandboastful songs
No Returnhearing, choosing & playing records
Bran Van 3000Speedspeed
Brand New HeaviesMidnight at the Oasisdeserts
Brand, Dollar (see Ibrahim, Abdullah)
Brando, MarlonIf I Were a Bell (with Jean Simmons)bells
Brandt Brauer FrickBopminimalist songs
Branduardi, AngeloHighdown Fairpatterns & sequences
BrandyThe Boy Is Mine (with Monica)harps, lyres & zithers
Brann, ChrisDiving for Pills (as Wamdue Project)dance instrumentals
Brassens, GeorgesLe Gorillemammals
BratmobileGimme Brainsintelligence
BraveryAn Honest Mistakemisunderstanding
Braxton, ToniUn-Break My Heartreversing
BreachEverything You Never Had (We Had It All) (ft Andreya Triana)gifts & giving
BreadThe Guitar Mancrowds
It Don’t Matter to Meindifference
BreathlessHelp Me Get Over Thisnever
Breaux, CléomaRaise Your Window Highfrom New Orleans
Brecht, BertoltDie Moritat von Mackie Messerunsettling songs
BreedersCannonballimpressive intros
Drivin’ on 9travelling
Happiness Is a Warm GunBeatles covers
New Yearnew year
Bregović, GoranKalasnjikov (with the Tzigane Brass Orchestra)ensembles, big bands & orchestras
Brel, JacquesAu printempsspring
La Bièrebeer
La Chanson de Jackypersonal theme songs
La Chanson des vieux amantssongs that give you goosebumps
La Quêtesongs in French
La Valse à mille tempspassage of time
Les Bonbonsseduction
Les Marquisescontentment
Ne me quitte passongs that make you cry
Quand on n’a que l’amourdevoted love
Brenston, Jackie & his Delta CatsRocket 88cars & driving
Brewer, Teresa(Put Another Nickel In) Music, Music, Music (with the Dixieland All Stars)jukeboxes
BrianYou Don’t Want a Boyfriendlosers
Brian and MichaelMatchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and DogsManchester
Brian Jonestown MassacreBout de Doigtsunderrated artists
Reign Onroses
Brides of FunkensteinJust Like Youaudible breaths
Party Up in Herebig and meaty
Bridie, DavidThe Koran, the Ghan and a Yarn19th century life
Briggs, AnneClea Caught a Rabbitrabbits
She Moves Through the Fairghosts
The Time Has Comegoodbye
Bright EyesFirst Day of My Lifestarting over
Hit the Switchdomestic songs
Lover I Don’t Have to Loveanti-love songs
Road to Joyclassical songs
Brightman, SarahI Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper (with Hot Gossip)loss
Brilliant CornersBrian Rixlaughter
Brilliant GreenRainy Days Never Stayschannelling pain
Brinks, StanleyClaudine (with Freschard)detectives
British Sea Power (see Sea Power)
Britten, BenjaminThe Bonny Earl o’Moray (with Peter Pears)indecipherable songs
Cuckoo! (from Friday Afternoons)birdsong
Elegy (O Rose, thou art sick) (from Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings)doom
Nicolas and the Pickled Boys (from Saint Nicolas)resurrection
Night Mail (written by W. H. Auden, narrated by John Grierson)Britain
On a Poet’s Lips I Slept (from Nocturne)inspired by poetry
Proverb 6 (The Hours of Folly)proverbs
String Quartet No. 3 in G major, IV. Burlesquewithout percussion
The Book Loversnerds & geeks
Ominous Cloudclouds
Brockdorff Klang LaborFestung Europaexile
Broderick, PeterI Am Pianopiano songs
Brody, DeanCanadian GirlsCanada
Broggs, PeterNo Ism Pon De Riddimrhythm, beat & boogie
Broken Family BandAlone in the Make-Out Roomarguments #2
Living in Sinsinners
You Get MeValentine’s Day songs
Bromberg, DavidThe New Lee Highway Bluesroad trips
Bronski BeatHit That Perfect Beatperfection
It Ain’t Necessarily Socetaceans
Smalltown Boy1980s 12” singles
Brooklyn BridgeWorst That Could Happenbeing single
Brooklyn Funk EssentialsIstanbul Twilight (with Hüsnü Şenlendirici)influenced by dub
The Revolution Was Postponed Because of Raindistractions & diversions
Brooks, ElkiePearl’s a Singerbeing lost
Brooks, JuanitaGarden of Four Trees (with the Explosions)gardens
Brooks, MikeWho Have Eyes to Seeeyes
Broonzy, Big BillBlack, Brown and Whitestereotypes
Terrible Operation Bluesillness
Trouble in Mindimpermanence
Brother D with Collective EffortHow We Gonna Make the Black Nation Rise?positive songs
Brother RodneyKeep Your Hand on the Throttleswitches & buttons
Brötzmann, PeterMachine Gunsaxophone
Broughton, Edgar (see Edgar Broughton Band)
Brousal, BarbaraHello (with Dan Zanes)hello
Brown, Arthur (see Crazy World of Arthur Brown)
Brown, BobbyOneness with the Forestforests & woodlands
Brown, Chuck & the Soul SearchersBustin’ Loosemotivation
Brown, Clarence “Gatemouth”Alligator Eating Dogdogs
Loup Garouwolves
Brown, CliffordBody and Soul (with Sarah Vaughan)great songwriting 1900-1955
Parisian Thoroughfare (with Max Roach)Paris
Brown, DennisHalfway Up, Halfway Downcompromise
Malcolm Xsaints & martyrs
Money in My Pocket12″ singles to 1979
Words of Wisdomwords of wisdom
Brown, FoxyCandy (ft Kelis)food
Brown, GregTwo Little Feetexpressing movement of walking
Brown, IanF.E.A.R.acronyms
Brown, JamesAin’t It Funky Pts. 1-2list songs
The Bossboastful songs
Cold Sweatperspiration
Don’t Be a Drop Outeducation
Funky Drummersampling & recycling
Get on the Good Footfictional adverts
Get Up, Get into It, Get Involvedsongs that command or instruct
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machinebridges
Get Up Offa That Thingfunk
Hellheaven & hell
Hot Pantsfads & crazes
I Don’t Want Nobody to Give Me Nothing (Open the Door, I’ll Get It Myself)control
I Got a Bag of My Ownbags & containers
I Got You (I Feel Good)flavour
I Refuse to Losestubbornness
I Want You So Badstop-start songs
It’s a Man’s World (with Luciano Pavarotti)collaborations & side projects
King Heroincocaine & heroin
Please Please Pleaseplease & thank you
Santa Claus Goes Straight to the Ghettoalternative Christmas songs
Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m Proudcall and response
Brown, JoeI’ll See You in My Dreamsmusic for funerals
Brown, MaxineOh No Not My Babygossip
Oh No Not My Babydisbelief
Brown, Oscar Jr.Brown Babybrown
Dat Dereelephants & mammoths
Humdrum Bluesboredom
Brown, Pete & PibloktoThings May Come and Things May Go, But the Art School Dance Goes On Foreverlong titles
Brown, RuthFalse Friend Bluesdeceptive appearances
I Burned Your Letterstarting fires
If I Can’t Sell It, I’ll Keep Sitting on Itfurniture
Brown, SamStop!heartbreak
Brown, ShirleyWoman to Womansongs with talking
Brown, VickyCité propre: gagner de l’argent par les déchets (ft Final D and the city of Douala)trash
Brown, VVShark in the Waterfish & other aquatic life
Brown, Zac (see Zac Brown Band)
Browne, JacksonBefore the Delugeclimate change
In the Shape of a Heartprecious stones
The Late Showfamous last words
The Load-Outconcerts
The Pretendercompromise
Browne, TomFunkin’ for Jamaica (N.Y.)best bass lines
Browning, EmilyAct of the Apostleintelligence
BrownsThe Three Bellsbells
Brozman, BobHana Nu Kajimaya (with Takashi Hirayasu)tradition
Pa’ahana (with Ledward Kaapana)steel guitar
Brubeck, DaveBlue Rondo à la Turk (as Dave Brubeck Quartet)finish where they begin
The Real Ambassador (with Louis Armstrong and Lambert, Hendricks & Ross)pioneers
Sixth Sensesixth sense
Take Five (as Dave Brubeck Quartet)numbered 1 to 10
Unsquare Dance (as Dave Brubeck Quartet)geometric shapes
Brumel, AntoineMissa ‘Et ecce terræ motus’: Gloriaclose harmony singing
Brun, AneThe Puzzlemysterious & puzzling
BrunettesHolding Hands, Feeding Ducksurban wildlife
Bryant, DanaFoodcooking
The Jackal (with Ronny Jordan)glamour & style
Bryars, GavinJesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yetblood
BTFibonacci Sequencemathematics
B.T. ExpressExpressalarm sounds
Buarque, ChicoCálice (with Milton Nascimento)tyranny & dictatorship
Construçaogreat arrangements
João e Maria (with Nara Leão)famous or notable duos
Buchanan & GoodmanThe Flying Saucer, Part 1songs with jokes
Buck 65Craftsmanshipjobs
Riverbed 3neighbours
Zombie Delightzombies
BucketheadThe Ballad of Bucketheadpoultry
Buckins, Mickey & the New BreedReflections of Charles Brownmelancholy songs
Buckley, JeffCorpus Christi Carolfalsetto
Everybody Here Wants Youslow, sexy love songs
Hallelujahcovers better than the original
Lilac Winewine
Lover, You Should’ve Come Overquoting Shakespeare
Satisfied Mindretrospection
Buckley, TimBuzzin’ Flyinsects
The Earth Is Brokennature
Happy Timehappiness
I Must Have Been Blindmistakes
Once I Waslegacy
Song to the Sirenancient history
Starsailormysterious & puzzling
Strange Street Affair Under Bluebody language
Buckshot LeFonqueI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (with Maya Angelou)empathy
Music Evolutiondouble bass
Budd, HaroldA Stream with Bright Fish (with Brian Eno)fish & other aquatic life
The Plateaux of Mirror (with Brian Eno)fictional places
Budd, RoyGet Carterinstrumental soundtracks
Buddy Rich Orchestra (see Rich, Buddy)
BudgieBreadfanbread & baking
Budos BandThe Volcano Songgeology
Buena Vista Social ClubChan Chancomeback songs
Dancing Shoes (as Rhythms del Mundo) (ft Arctic Monkeys)footwear
De Camino a la Veredasupergroups
Dos Gardeniastwo – part 2
Buffalo SpringfieldBluebirdalbum tracks better than the singles
For What It’s Worthhistorical events
Buffalo TomBirdbrainfools
Taillights Fadelosers
Would Not Be Denieddenial
Buffett, JimmyWingswings
BugCan’t Take This No More (ft Daddy Freddy)start with the chorus
Catch a Fire (ft Hitomi)futility
Poison Dart (ft Warrior Queen)poison
Skeng (ft Killa P & Flow Dan)criminals
Bug CentralNowhere Like Homeurban environment
Bugg, JakeSeen It Allsharp objects
Two Fingersphysical gestures
BugglesVideo Killed the Radio Starold and new
Buika, ConchaJodida Peró Contentaindependence
Oro Santo (with Javier Limón)favourite live versions
Volver, Volverregressing & reversing
Bulgarian State Television Female Vocal ChoirPolegnala e Todorachoirs
Bullet (see Hard Stuff)
Bunyan, VashtiColdest Night of the Year (with Twice as Much)featuring bells
Glow Wormsinsects
Rose Hip Novemberautumn
Rose Hip Novembermonths of the year
BuoysTimothystuck or trapped
Burdon, EricSixteen Tonspower
Burdon, Eric & the Animals (see Animals)
Burgess, TimA Case for Vinylhearing, choosing & playing records
BurialNight Busurban environment
South London Boroughssuburbia
South London Boroughsdebut songs
Burke, SolomonI’m Hanging Up My Heart for Youhanging
We’re Gonna Hold Onsongs with special guests
Burnel, Jean-JacquesDeutschland Nicht Uber Allesnational anthems
Burnett, FionaFlutterby, Butterflybutterflies & moths
Burnett, T BoneThe Murder Weaponsharp objects
Burning HeartsInto the Wildernesswilderness
Burning HellThe Roadfixing & repairing
Burning SpearBlack Wa-Da-Datautonyms
Elephantselephants & mammoths
Joe Fraziermisleading or incongruous titles
Man in the Hillsrural songs
Marcus Garveypoliticians
Marcus Say Jah No Deadspiritual songs
Pit of Snakescollective nouns
Red Gold and Greencolours
Slavery Days19th century life
What a Happy Dayhappiness
Burnside, R. L.Fireman Ring the Bellbells
Wish I Was in Heaven Sitting Downsitting & standing
Burroughs, WilliamWords of Advice for Young People (with the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy)advice
Buscaglione, FredJuke BoxItaly
BusdriverImaginary Placesitching & scratching
Bush, KateAn Architect’s Dreamworks of art
And Dream of Sheeprelaxation & leisure
Army Dreamerswar
Breathingnuclear war
Constellation of the Heartadventure
Deeper Understandinginternet
The Dreamingodd noises & instruments
Eat the Musicmusic as nutrition
The Fogfamily
Get Out of My Housebooks #2
Hounds of Lovefear
How to Be Invisiblethe invisible
Mrs. Bartolozzicleansing
Nocturnthe coast
Oh England My LionheartEngland
Preludeanimal sounds
The Red Shoesinspired by or about films
Rocket Manspace
Rubberband Girlresilience
Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God)defined or redefined by television
The Sensual Worldsexy songs
Snowflakesmall things
Something Like a Songmythical beasts
Strange Phenomenasixth sense
Them Heavy Peoplelessons in life
This Woman’s Workmothers
Under Icesnow & ice
Under Iceunderwater
Waking the Witchvolume changes
Watching You Without Mebirdsong
The Wedding Listrevenge
Wuthering Heightscan’t live with or without you
BustedWhat I Go to School Forschool
Year 3000time travel
Butler, JerryGiving Up on Loveanti-love songs
Hey, Western Union Manletters, emails & telegrams
Butler, John (see John Butler Trio)
Butler, RichardGood Days, Bad Daysreversing
Butterbeans and SusieI Wanna Hot-Dog for My Rollinnuendo
Butterfield Blues BandWalkin’ Bluesharmonica
Butthole SurfersI Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gasbodily fluids
BuzzcocksA Different Kind of Tensiontwo – part 2
I Don’t Mindauthenticity & fakery
Late for the Traintrains
Love Batteryelectricity
Nostalgiatime travel
What Do I Get?questions
Why Can’t I Touch It?touch
Byas, DonLaurainstruments imitating voice & vice versa
Byrd, DonaldWhere Are We Going?change #2
Byrd, Gary & the GB ExperienceThe Crownancient history
Byrd, JonathanDiana Jonesprostitution
I Was an Oak Treetrees
The Waitressrestaurants & cafes
ByrdsArmstrong, Aldrin and Collinsspace travel
Chestnut Marehorses
Dolphin’s Smilecetaceans
Draft Morningcoming of age
Eight Miles Highmarijuana
Hickory Windtrees
Hungry Planetenvironment
I Come and Stand at Every Doornuclear war
I’ll Feel a Whole Lot Betterclose harmony singing
Mr. Spacemanaliens
My Back Pagessongs for your teenage self
Pretty Boy Floydsmuggling & stealing
Renaissance Fairmarkets & fairs
She Don’t Care About Timeindifference
Tomorrow Is a Long Ways Awaytomorrow
Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)change
Wasn’t Born to Followfate & destiny
What’s Happening?!?!uncertainty
Whyarguments #2
Byrne, DavidDon’t Fence Me Inunlikely cover songs
Glass, Concrete & Stonebuildings
The Jezebel Spirit (with Brian Eno)ghosts
This Is a Life (with Son Lux & Mitski)distractions & diversions