A-Z by Song 2022

Here are the songs making the A List in 2022. To sort alphabetically, click on the up-down symbol beside a column title.

DateSong TitleArtistNominated byTopicGuru
1Jan. 5Thank You for Being a FriendGold, AndrewSuzigratitudePop Off!
2Jan. 5Thank You for the MusicABBASuzigratitudePop Off!
3Jan. 5The Best Things in Life Are FreeMelbourne Ska OrchestraIsabelleForshawgratitudePop Off!
4Jan. 5Thank You (For Loving Me at My Worst)WhitlamsNickogratitudePop Off!
5Jan. 5GratitudeSilver, HoraceBanazirGalbasigratitudePop Off!
6Jan. 5Be Thankful for What You’ve GotDeVaughn, WilliamAltraEgogratitudePop Off!
7Jan. 5GratitudeEarth, Wind & FireamyleegratitudePop Off!
8Jan. 5Gracias a la VidaParra, VioletaswawilggratitudePop Off!
9Jan. 5A Better TimeHammill, PeterTatankaYotankagratitudePop Off!
10Jan. 5Thanksgiving SongCarpenter, Mary ChapinFred EricksongratitudePop Off!
11Jan. 5Gratitude and ThanksMischief BrewEnglishOutlawgratitudePop Off!
12Jan. 5Thank UMorissette, AlanisswawilggratitudePop Off!
13Jan. 5DaysRusby, KateAlaricmcgratitudePop Off!
14Jan. 5Sunshine on LeithProclaimersmegadomgratitudePop Off!
15Jan. 12Love Is Like an Itching in My HeartSupremesAltraEgomallet instrumentsNilpferd
16Jan. 12Monkey ManRolling Stonesamyleemallet instrumentsNilpferd
17Jan. 12Poor Skeleton Steps OutXTCShivSidecarmallet instrumentsNilpferd
18Jan. 12Opus PocusPastorius, JacoNickomallet instrumentsNilpferd
19Jan. 12Autun CarillonCults Percussion EnsembleVikingchildmallet instrumentsNilpferd
20Jan. 12DéliSissoko, BallakéSeth Millermallet instrumentsNilpferd
21Jan. 12Tarrilup BridgeTriffidsParaMhormallet instrumentsNilpferd
22Jan. 12MoonglowBenny Goodman Quartetmagicmanmallet instrumentsNilpferd
23Jan. 12How Is the Weather in ParisRomans, AlainTatankaYotankamallet instrumentsNilpferd
24Jan. 12Cover MeBjörkGeorge Boylandmallet instrumentsNilpferd
25Jan. 12MoulaAnalog Players Society ft Missia Saran Dioubate & Famoro DioubateUnclebenmallet instrumentsNilpferd
26Jan. 12Six MarimbasReich, Stevemegadommallet instrumentsNilpferd
27Jan. 19The Yellow of the FlowersRheingans SistersAlaricmceternityajostu
28Jan. 19Organ EternalThese New Puritansmegadometernityajostu
29Jan. 19Perpetuum MobilePenguin Cafe OrchestraTraktor Albatrosteternityajostu
30Jan. 19Never Ending HappeningFay, BillUnclebeneternityajostu
31Jan. 19Eternal Source of the Light DivineHandel, George FridericSuzieternityajostu
32Jan. 19ForeverlandDivine Comedymegadometernityajostu
33Jan. 19Time in a BottleCroce, JimMarconius7eternityajostu
34Jan. 19Everlasting EverythingWilcoswawilgeternityajostu
35Jan. 19Future ForeverBjörkGeorge Boylandeternityajostu
36Jan. 19EternityHall, Emily with Olivia Chaneyseverineternityajostu
37Jan. 19Perpetual ChangeYesamyleeeternityajostu
38Jan. 26The Clouds Will Soon Roll ByAmbrose & his Orchestra ft Elsie CarlisleseverinhopeDiscoMonster
39Jan. 26Three Little BirdsMarley, Bob & the WailersSuzihopeDiscoMonster
40Jan. 26Harvest for the WorldIsley BrothersmegadomhopeDiscoMonster
41Jan. 26There’s HopeArie, IndiaNickohopeDiscoMonster
42Jan. 26Message in a BottlePoliceamyleehopeDiscoMonster
43Jan. 26ImagineLennon, JohnmagicmanhopeDiscoMonster
44Jan. 26YouthDisturbanceCarpgatehopeDiscoMonster
45Jan. 26Hope Is the Last Thing to DieHolmes, David ft Raven VioletUnclebenhopeDiscoMonster
46Jan. 26Waiting HopefullyD*NoteNilpferdhopeDiscoMonster
47Jan. 26HopeParks, ArlobarbrynhopeDiscoMonster
48Jan. 26This Is the DayThe TheTraktor AlbatrosthopeDiscoMonster
49Jan. 26HopeBauhausCarpgatehopeDiscoMonster
50Jan. 26Love Theme from Spartacus (Zero 7 Remix)Callier, TerryNilpferdhopeDiscoMonster
51Jan. 26Another Day, Another Ray of HopeNelson, BillShoegazerhopeDiscoMonster
52Jan. 26Black BoyCulpepper, JoelLoud AtlashopeDiscoMonster
53Jan. 26Shine a LightRolling StonesIsabelleForshawhopeDiscoMonster
54Jan. 26My Friend the SunLewis, LindaShivSidecarhopeDiscoMonster
55Jan. 26Hope Street, Tomorrow AfternoonJohnson, RobbtreefrogdemonhopeDiscoMonster
56Feb. 2Dawn ReturningGriffiths, Dave & Tim RenwickGlass Halfemptystarting the morningDiscoMonster
57Feb. 2She Bangs the DrumsStone RosesParaMhorstarting the morningDiscoMonster
58Feb. 2Wake Up Boo!Boo RadleysUnclebenstarting the morningDiscoMonster
59Feb. 2Morning DanceSpyro GyraPop Off!starting the morningDiscoMonster
60Feb. 2Daydream BelieverMonkeeshappyclapperstarting the morningDiscoMonster
61Feb. 2All I Wanna DoCrow, Sherylhappyclapperstarting the morningDiscoMonster
62Feb. 2EasyCommodoresLoud Atlasstarting the morningDiscoMonster
63Feb. 2You’re in a Bad WaySaint Etiennehappyclapperstarting the morningDiscoMonster
64Feb. 2Deal Wiv ItMasa, Mura with slowthaivanwolf2starting the morningDiscoMonster
65Feb. 2Morning SunBlock 16 ft Jon Lucienvanwolf2starting the morningDiscoMonster
66Feb. 2MorningBeckMussoliniHeadkickstarting the morningDiscoMonster
67Feb. 2Black Coffee in BedSqueezeShoegazerstarting the morningDiscoMonster
68Feb. 2The LadyDenny, SandySuzistarting the morningDiscoMonster
69Feb. 2SunflashLemon SolNilpferdstarting the morningDiscoMonster
70Feb. 2BlameGabrielsParaMhorstarting the morningDiscoMonster
71Feb. 2Let’s Get It OnGaye, MarvinSeth Millerstarting the morningDiscoMonster
72Feb. 2All Day MusicWarSeth Millerstarting the morningDiscoMonster
73Feb. 2Lay DownMelanieSeth Millerstarting the morningDiscoMonster
74Feb. 2Ba soucis ya week-endFranco et l’Orchestre OK Jazzpejepeinestarting the morningDiscoMonster
75Feb. 2Black Orpheus (Manha de Carnaval)Jones, Quincymegadomstarting the morningDiscoMonster
76Feb. 2Keep Cool BabylonMichael, Ras & the Sons of NegusTatankaYotankastarting the morningDiscoMonster
77Feb. 2It’s My Life (12″ Extended)Talk TalkMakistarting the morningDiscoMonster
78Feb. 2FrontierHerndon, Hollyajostustarting the morningDiscoMonster
79Feb. 2Don’t Stop Believin’JourneyLoud Atlasstarting the morningDiscoMonster
80Feb. 2Open My EyesNazzShivSidecarstarting the morningDiscoMonster
81Feb. 2Fait AccompliCurvehappyclapperstarting the morningDiscoMonster
82Feb. 2I’m CivilizedMenaceCarpgatestarting the morningDiscoMonster
83Feb. 9Strange PhenomenaBush, Kateswawilgsixth senseSuzi
84Feb. 9IntuitionLinxDiscoMonstersixth senseSuzi
85Feb. 9My Intuition Tells MeTurner, RubyMakisixth senseSuzi
86Feb. 9Sixth SenseMay, ImeldaLoud Atlassixth senseSuzi
87Feb. 9Sweet, Sweet IntuitionBjörkseverinsixth senseSuzi
88Feb. 9Sixth SenseBrubeck, DaveBanazirGalbasisixth senseSuzi
89Feb. 9TelepathyTorrini, EmilíanaFred Ericksonsixth senseSuzi
90Feb. 91798Leven, JackieTatankaYotankasixth senseSuzi
91Feb. 9Scarlet BegoniasGrateful Deadamyleesixth senseSuzi
92Feb. 9The Seventh SonMabon, WillieNickosixth senseSuzi
93Feb. 9The Quiet OnesCadaver ClubEnglishOutlawsixth senseSuzi
94Feb. 9Powers in the AirBlegvad, Petermegadomsixth senseSuzi
95Feb. 9Five String SerenadeLee, Arthur & Loveamyleesixth senseSuzi
96Feb. 16Song of ReproductionFlanders and SwannJoellemusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
97Feb. 16Vinyl RecordsSnider, ToddIsabelleForshawmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
98Feb. 16My TurntableLee, BenIsabelleForshawmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
99Feb. 16AmplifierdB’sShivSidecarmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
100Feb. 16Wow and FlutterStereolabmegadommusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
101Feb. 16Put Your Records OnRae, Corinne Baileyseverinmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
102Feb. 16Put the Needle on the RecordCriminal Element OrchestraIsabelleForshawmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
103Feb. 16Pumping on Your StereoSupergrassLoud Atlasmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
104Feb. 16SoundsystemReggae Roast ft Brother CultureNickomusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
105Feb. 168-TrackSetzer, BrianFred Ericksonmusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
106Feb. 16I Can’t Live Without My RadioLL Cool Jpejepeinemusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
107Feb. 16C’mon Every BeatboxBig Audio DynamiteParaMhormusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
108Feb. 16He’s Making a TapeChildish, Billy and the Musicians of the British Empiremegadommusic mediaMussoliniHeadkick
109Feb. 23(If Paradise Is) Half as NiceAmen CornerMussoliniHeadkickperfectionLoud Atlas
110Feb. 23The Greatness and Perfection of LoveCope, JulianParaMhorperfectionLoud Atlas
111Feb. 23You’re the TopFitzgerald, EllamegadomperfectionLoud Atlas
112Feb. 23PerfectFairground AttractionseverinperfectionLoud Atlas
113Feb. 23This Perfect DaySaintsseverinperfectionLoud Atlas
114Feb. 23Perfect 10Beautiful SouthswawilgperfectionLoud Atlas
115Feb. 23Sweet and DandyToots and the MaytalsNickoperfectionLoud Atlas
116Feb. 23Ahi Na MaCortijo y Su Combo with Ismael RiverapejepeineperfectionLoud Atlas
117Feb. 23Hit That Perfect BeatBronski BeatDaysinscotlandperfectionLoud Atlas
118Feb. 23PerfectionRun-D.M.C.IsabelleForshawperfectionLoud Atlas
119Feb. 23My IdealBaker, ChetmegadomperfectionLoud Atlas
120Feb. 23I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)Hillside SingersUnclebenperfectionLoud Atlas
121Feb. 23A Perfect DayRobeson, PaulmagicmanperfectionLoud Atlas
122Mar. 2MarthaWainwright, RufusNickosistersGeorge Boyland
123Mar. 2Letter to Sister FriendRucker, UrsulaNilpferdsistersGeorge Boyland
124Mar. 2Sister Rosetta Goes Before UsPlant, Robert & Alison KraussNickosistersGeorge Boyland
125Mar. 2Witches’ SongFaithfull, MarianneAltraEgosistersGeorge Boyland
126Mar. 2Sisters’ ChantMowatt, JudymagicmansistersGeorge Boyland
127Mar. 2SisterKravitz, LennyswawilgsistersGeorge Boyland
128Mar. 2The LodgerThackray, JakeSuzisistersGeorge Boyland
129Mar. 2Little SisterPresley, ElvisSuzisistersGeorge Boyland
130Mar. 2Sister AnneMC5Fred EricksonsistersGeorge Boyland
131Mar. 2Soul Sister, Brown SugarSam & DavemagicmansistersGeorge Boyland
132Mar. 2Papa Come Quick (Jody and Chico)Raitt, BonnieIsabelleForshawsistersGeorge Boyland
133Mar. 2Sheath and KnifePrior, MaddySuzisistersGeorge Boyland
134Mar. 2Half SisterStandard FareLoud AtlassistersGeorge Boyland
135Mar. 9Glastonbury SongWaterboysMussoliniHeadkicklove songs to placesUncleben
136Mar. 9MilanoDalla, LucioJoellelove songs to placesUncleben
137Mar. 9Avalon BluesHurt, Mississippi JohnTarquinSpoddlove songs to placesUncleben
138Mar. 9Skin and BoneHeartless BastardsShoegazerlove songs to placesUncleben
139Mar. 9Llanura Aqui Esta Tu HijoVigoth, Ariespejepeinelove songs to placesUncleben
140Mar. 9Who KnowsProtoje ft ChronixxNickolove songs to placesUncleben
141Mar. 9Dimanche à OrlyBécaud, Gilbertajostulove songs to placesUncleben
142Mar. 9Bahía de CádizCamarón de la IslaMakilove songs to placesUncleben
143Mar. 9New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me DownLCD SoundsystemLoud Atlaslove songs to placesUncleben
144Mar. 9Goodnight JuarezRussell, Tom & the Norwegian Wind Ensembletincanmanlove songs to placesUncleben
145Mar. 9FinlandiaSibelius, Jeanmagicmanlove songs to placesUncleben
146Mar. 16London CallingClashDiscoMonsteromens & propheciesamylee
147Mar. 16Free RangeFallShoegazeromens & propheciesamylee
148Mar. 16Born Under a Good SignTeenage Fanclubhappyclapperomens & propheciesamylee
149Mar. 16I Ain’t SuperstitiousHowlin’ WolfParaMhoromens & propheciesamylee
150Mar. 16JuliusPhishJoelleomens & propheciesamylee
151Mar. 16Estimated ProphetGrateful DeadChris7572omens & propheciesamylee
152Mar. 16Bad NewsBlack Francisvanwolf2omens & propheciesamylee
153Mar. 16The PsychicCrash Test DummiesMarconius7omens & propheciesamylee
154Mar. 16What’s Your Business Here Elijah?Maher Shalal Hash BazShoegazeromens & propheciesamylee
155Mar. 16Weird SistersSparklehorsemagicmanomens & propheciesamylee
156Mar. 16All We Have Is NowFlaming LipsNoodsyomens & propheciesamylee
157Mar. 16The Tea Leaf Prophecy (Lay Down Your Arms)Hancock, Herbie & Joni Mitchellmagicmanomens & propheciesamylee
158Mar. 16VoluspáWardrunaTraktor Albatrostomens & propheciesamylee
159Mar. 23Ouses, ‘Ouses, ‘OusesImagined VillageSuziurban environmentDiscoMonster
160Mar. 23La NiñaRodríguez, MalaMakiurban environmentDiscoMonster
161Mar. 23Beat the StreetRedd, SharonNickourban environmentDiscoMonster
162Mar. 23It Was a Good DayIce CubePop Off!urban environmentDiscoMonster
163Mar. 23Baker StreetRafferty, GerrySweetHomeAlabamaurban environmentDiscoMonster
164Mar. 23TransmetropolitanPoguesUnclebenurban environmentDiscoMonster
165Mar. 23BadalaTata PoundNilpferdurban environmentDiscoMonster
166Mar. 23Wild in the StreetsCircle JerksTarquinSpoddurban environmentDiscoMonster
167Mar. 23Night BusBurialmagicmanurban environmentDiscoMonster
168Mar. 23I Have Travelled the Buses Late at NightBand of Holy JoyTatankaYotankaurban environmentDiscoMonster
169Mar. 23West End GirlsPet Shop BoysNoodsyurban environmentDiscoMonster
170Mar. 23FinisterreSaint Etiennebarbrynurban environmentDiscoMonster
171Mar. 23Street PlayerChicagoSweetHomeAlabamaurban environmentDiscoMonster
172Mar. 23CitiesTalking Headshappyclapperurban environmentDiscoMonster
173Mar. 23No More Ghettos in AmericaWinston, StanleyShoegazerurban environmentDiscoMonster
174Mar. 23Nowhere Like HomeBug CentralCarpgateurban environmentDiscoMonster
175Mar. 30Le Rossignol et la RoseSaint-Saëns, Camille (singer: Edita Grubarova)ParaMhornightingales & thrushesseverin
176Mar. 30Solovey (Nightingale)Go_Amagicmannightingales & thrushesseverin
177Mar. 30Yiddisha NightingaleMaggart, MaudeAlaricmcnightingales & thrushesseverin
178Mar. 30NightingaleKing, CaroleBanazirGalbasinightingales & thrushesseverin
179Mar. 30BlackbirdLady BlackbirdDiscoMonsternightingales & thrushesseverin
180Mar. 30NightingaleVeirs, Laurahappyclappernightingales & thrushesseverin
181Mar. 30A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley SquareCole, Nat Kingmagicmannightingales & thrushesseverin
182Mar. 30One May Morning EarlyBellowheadSuzinightingales & thrushesseverin
183Mar. 30He Can Surely Turn the TideOsbourne, JohnnyNickonightingales & thrushesseverin
184Mar. 30NightingaleDeluca, Rocco & the BurdenUnclebennightingales & thrushesseverin
185Mar. 30NightingaleGil, GilbertoBanazirGalbasinightingales & thrushesseverin
186Mar. 30Wood Thrush’s SongLewis, LauriePop Off!nightingales & thrushesseverin
187Mar. 30NightingaleRoxy MusicCarpgatenightingales & thrushesseverin
188Mar. 30The NightingaleBadalamenti, Angelo & Julee Cruisemagicmannightingales & thrushesseverin
189Mar. 30The Tan Yard Side (Singing with Nightingales)Lee, SamAlaricmcnightingales & thrushesseverin
190Apr. 6Harpsichord ShuffleFrog, Wynder K.ShivSidecarharpsichordpejepeine
191Apr. 6ContinuumLigeti, GyörgyLoud Atlasharpsichordpejepeine
192Apr. 6HunrosGwennoAlaricmcharpsichordpejepeine
193Apr. 6Cyprus AvenueMorrison, VanUnclebenharpsichordpejepeine
194Apr. 6Love Is BlueMauriat, Paul & his OrchestraAltraEgoharpsichordpejepeine
195Apr. 6I Wanna Be Where You AreJackson 5magicmanharpsichordpejepeine
196Apr. 6La HorseGainsbourg, Serge & Jean-Claude VannierNickoharpsichordpejepeine
197Apr. 6For Your LoveYardbirdsamyleeharpsichordpejepeine
198Apr. 6I Need You to Turn ToJohn, EltonSuziharpsichordpejepeine
199Apr. 6Back to NatureBarry, JohnIsabelleForshawharpsichordpejepeine
200Apr. 6Promises (Movement 1)Floating Points & Pharoah SandersNilpferdharpsichordpejepeine
201Apr. 6Violin Sonata No. 12 in D minor, Op. 5, La folliaCorelli, ArcangeloJamesowen475harpsichordpejepeine
202Apr. 13BreakFugazihappyclapperbreaking thingsUncleben
203Apr. 13BrokenA Place to Bury Strangersvanwolf2breaking thingsUncleben
204Apr. 13WindowApple, Fionabarbrynbreaking thingsUncleben
205Apr. 13Television ScreenRadiators from SpaceMax Visconta Nucleroseabreaking thingsUncleben
206Apr. 13EyeoneyeBird, Andrewtreefrogdemonbreaking thingsUncleben
207Apr. 13Wrecking BallWelch, GillianGeorge Boylandbreaking thingsUncleben
208Apr. 13Smash Shit UpDropkick Murphysswawilgbreaking thingsUncleben
209Apr. 13I’m Gonna Tear Your Playhouse DownPeebles, AnnAltraEgobreaking thingsUncleben
210Apr. 13Break Down the WallsDread, MikeyNickobreaking thingsUncleben
211Apr. 13Chains of LoveErasurePop Off!breaking thingsUncleben
212Apr. 13Break AwayBeach Boysmagicmanbreaking thingsUncleben
213Apr. 13The BreaksBlow, Kurtisamyleebreaking thingsUncleben
214Apr. 20Blood Red RosesStingSuzicetaceansGeorge Boyland
215Apr. 20Last Great American WhaleReed, LouseverincetaceansGeorge Boyland
216Apr. 20Whale Meat AgainCapaldi, JimNickocetaceansGeorge Boyland
217Apr. 20Orca SongTulkutincanmancetaceansGeorge Boyland
218Apr. 20The Whale Has Swallowed MeLenoir, J. B.NickocetaceansGeorge Boyland
219Apr. 20Starving in the Belly of a WhaleWaits, TomShoegazercetaceansGeorge Boyland
220Apr. 20DolphinsReader, EddiAlaricmccetaceansGeorge Boyland
221Apr. 20Pacific Ocean BlueWilson, DennisFred EricksoncetaceansGeorge Boyland
222Apr. 20Forever Dolphin LoveMockasin, ConnanShoegazercetaceansGeorge Boyland
223Apr. 20Home of the WhaleMassive AttackNickocetaceansGeorge Boyland
224Apr. 20It Ain’t Necessarily SoBronski BeatUnclebencetaceansGeorge Boyland
225Apr. 20Race to Be KingLakeman, SethSuzicetaceansGeorge Boyland
226Apr. 20Dolphin’s SmileByrdsChris7572cetaceansGeorge Boyland
227Apr. 27Welcome to the VoidMorgenuneasy listeningfairytalesLoud Atlas
228Apr. 27Yellow Brick RoadCaptain Beefheart & his Magic BandGeorge BoylandfairytalesLoud Atlas
229Apr. 27(Hey There) Big Bad WolfSham-Ettesuneasy listeningfairytalesLoud Atlas
230Apr. 27Fairy Tale Song (Cadê)Nascimento, MiltonNickofairytalesLoud Atlas
231Apr. 27RapunzelGeckoToffeeBoyfairytalesLoud Atlas
232Apr. 27Scissor ManXTCParaMhorfairytalesLoud Atlas
233Apr. 27Fairy TalesBaker, AnitaSongBarLandlordfairytalesLoud Atlas
234Apr. 27Once Upon a DreamDel Rey, LanaShoegazerfairytalesLoud Atlas
235Apr. 27Le Rêve de l’oiseau (Koto Djime)Ba CissokoNickofairytalesLoud Atlas
236Apr. 27Goldilox & the Three BearsCollins, Al “Jazzbo”NickofairytalesLoud Atlas
237Apr. 27DotterinePortman, EmilyAlaricmcfairytalesLoud Atlas
238Apr. 27The King Is Half-UndressedJellyfishShivSidecarfairytalesLoud Atlas
239Apr. 27Song of ScheherazadeRenaissanceToffeeBoyfairytalesLoud Atlas
240May 4UndergroundWaits, TomGeorge Boylandbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
241May 4Paranoia of PowerStewart, Mark & the MaffiaShoegazerbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
242May 4SubterraneansFlesh for Luluuneasy listeningbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
243May 46 UndergroundSneaker PimpsShoegazerbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
244May 4Storm CellarElysian FieldsBanazirGalbasibasement & undergroundShivSidecar
245May 4Hold Me Close (Underground)Beautiful SouthMarconius7basement & undergroundShivSidecar
246May 4Waiting for the End of the WorldCostello, ElvisAltraEgobasement & undergroundShivSidecar
247May 4Coincidents on the Circle LineJohnson, RobbTatankaYotankabasement & undergroundShivSidecar
248May 4FazonSopwith CamelUnclebenbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
249May 4I WonSundaysBanazirGalbasibasement & undergroundShivSidecar
250May 4Spiders (In Neal’s Basement)McLuhanFred Ericksonbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
251May 4Porton DownHammill, PeterTatankaYotankabasement & undergroundShivSidecar
252May 4The Temptation of AdamRitter, JoshUnclebenbasement & undergroundShivSidecar
253May 11Graduation DayRover BoysSweetHomeAlabamahigher educationMarconius7
254May 11Letting GoBogguss, SuzySweetHomeAlabamahigher educationMarconius7
255May 11The Whiffenpoof SongVallée, RudyTarquinSpoddhigher educationMarconius7
256May 11CollegeSmoking PopesFred Ericksonhigher educationMarconius7
257May 11Rose Goes to YaleJefferson StarshipFred Ericksonhigher educationMarconius7
258May 11Berkeley Campus BluesRushing, JimmyNickohigher educationMarconius7
259May 11Ohio/Machine GunIsley Brotherspejepeinehigher educationMarconius7
260May 11The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear ShadesTimbuk 3Loud Atlashigher educationMarconius7
261May 11Hard to BeBazan, DavidShoegazerhigher educationMarconius7
262May 11CampusVampire WeekendLoud Atlashigher educationMarconius7
263May 11CollegeGreen, PatFred Ericksonhigher educationMarconius7
264May 11HBCU ThereGriot Bpejepeinehigher educationMarconius7
265May 11University of LifeWebby, Chris ft Madi WolfBanazirGalbasihigher educationMarconius7
266May 18BeeswingMoore, ChristyseverinbeesAlaric
267May 18My GirlTemptationsGeorge BoylandbeesAlaric
268May 18Let’s Do ItFitzgerald, EllaUnclebenbeesAlaric
269May 18A Taste of HoneyBeatlesmagicmanbeesAlaric
270May 18Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)Scritti PolittiShoegazerbeesAlaric
271May 18Flight of the Bumble BeePerrey, Jean-JacquesTraktor AlbatrostbeesAlaric
272May 18Birds and the BeesBird and the BeeBanazirGalbasibeesAlaric
273May 18Dark HoneySimpson, Cutting, KerrSuzibeesAlaric
274May 18Up the MountainSpektor, ReginaSongBarLandlordbeesAlaric
275May 18Honey BeeUnthanksseverinbeesAlaric
276May 18Honey for the BeesMoyet, AlisonPop Off!beesAlaric
277May 18Eric the Half a BeeMonty PythonseverinbeesAlaric
278May 25Love in Vain BluesJohnson, RobertDiscoMonsterheartbreakmagicman
279May 25If You’re Lookin' for a Way OutOdysseyParaMhorheartbreakmagicman
280May 25Pain in My HeartRedding, OtisTarquinSpoddheartbreakmagicman
281May 25Without YouNilsson, HarrySongBarLandlordheartbreakmagicman
282May 25Apartment No. 9Wynette, TammyTarquinSpoddheartbreakmagicman
283May 25I’m Nobody’s Baby NowReparata & the Delronsvastarinerheartbreakmagicman
284May 25I’m Still WaitingRoss, DianaParaMhorheartbreakmagicman
285May 25Through the FiresOlsen, AngelTarquinSpoddheartbreakmagicman
286May 25StopBrown, SamAltraEgoheartbreakmagicman
287May 25CryingOrbison, RoyParaMhorheartbreakmagicman
288May 25What Becomes of the Broken HeartedRuffin, JimmyNickoheartbreakmagicman
289May 25The End of the WorldDavis, Skeeterseverinheartbreakmagicman
290May 25Ronan (Taylor’s Version)Swift, TaylorEnglishOutlawheartbreakmagicman
291June 1FlamingPink Floydvanwolf2invisibleNoodsy
292June 1How to Be InvisibleBush, KatemagicmaninvisibleNoodsy
293June 1Secret Cloak of InvisibilityMik Artistik’s Ego TripMax Visconta NucleroseainvisibleNoodsy
294June 1The Boy Who Stood StillFrost*DiscoMonsterinvisibleNoodsy
295June 1Invisible Married Breakfast BluesRosselson, LeonTatankaYotankainvisibleNoodsy
296June 1Invisible PeopleJohnson, RobbtreefrogdemoninvisibleNoodsy
297June 1To Be InvisibleMayfield, CurtispejepeineinvisibleNoodsy
298June 1That Summer, At Home I Had Become the Invisible BoyTwilight Sadvanwolf2invisibleNoodsy
299June 1Mikhi Nathan Mu-TomaKeita, SeckouAlaricinvisibleNoodsy
300June 1Secret GirlSonic YouthDiscoMonsterinvisibleNoodsy
301June 1Perfume do InvisívelCéupejepeineinvisibleNoodsy
302June 1The Invisible DogElectrelaneUnclebeninvisibleNoodsy
303June 1The World UnseenCash, RoseanneFred EricksoninvisibleNoodsy
304June 8Dancin’ FoolZappa, FrankBanazirGalbasiawkwardnessLoud Atlas
305June 8Shy BoyKippington LodgeNickoawkwardnessLoud Atlas
306June 8Please Take a Letter, Miss BrownInk SpotsUnclebenawkwardnessLoud Atlas
307June 8Wrong BathroomTribe 8Max Visconta NucleroseaawkwardnessLoud Atlas
308June 8Does Everyone StarePoliceParaMhorawkwardnessLoud Atlas
309June 8The Train from Kansas CityShangri-LasMussoliniHeadkickawkwardnessLoud Atlas
310June 8I Write Sins Not TragediesPanic! at the DiscoNilpferdawkwardnessLoud Atlas
311June 8Excitable BoyZevon, WarrenMarconius7awkwardnessLoud Atlas
312June 8Wet DreamWet LegseverinawkwardnessLoud Atlas
313June 8Awkward BreakfastArt BrutFred EricksonawkwardnessLoud Atlas
314June 8Dyltgir?Rio RomeoMax Visconta NucleroseaawkwardnessLoud Atlas
315June 8Tongue TiedJohn-Jules, DannyBanazirGalbasiawkwardnessLoud Atlas
316June 8It’s All So Incredibly LoudGlass AnimalsNilpferdawkwardnessLoud Atlas
317June 8Who Is He (And What Is He to You)?Creative SourceNickoawkwardnessLoud Atlas
318June 15Swimming SongWainwright, Loudon IIINickoswimming & bathingseverin
319June 15Learning to SwimSkintsUnclebenswimming & bathingseverin
320June 15Swimming Pools (Drank)Lamar, Kendrickmagicmanswimming & bathingseverin
321June 15Underwater LoveSmoke CityNickoswimming & bathingseverin
322June 15Swim Until You Can’t See LandFrightened RabbitSuziswimming & bathingseverin
323June 15月夜海水浴 (Moonlit Night Beach)Wakusei AbnormalTarquinSpoddswimming & bathingseverin
324June 15BathBjörkVikingchildswimming & bathingseverin
325June 15Wade in the WaterStaple SingersNickoswimming & bathingseverin
326June 15Cinnamon WaterBoden, JonAlaricswimming & bathingseverin
327June 15SwimmingEno, RogerBanazirGalbasiswimming & bathingseverin
328June 15SwimmingThorn, Traceymegadomswimming & bathingseverin
329June 15SwimVictories at Seavanwolf2swimming & bathingseverin
330June 15Swimming in the Longest RiverChaney, OliviaMakiswimming & bathingseverin
331June 15Gone UnderSnarky Puppy ft Shayna SteeleNilpferdswimming & bathingseverin
332June 22Beads of SweatNyro, Lauramegadomperspirationpejepeine
333June 22T.B. SheetsMorrison, VanMarconius7perspirationpejepeine
334June 22SweatJon Spencer Blues ExplosionTraktor Albatrostperspirationpejepeine
335June 22Black DogLed ZeppelinMakiperspirationpejepeine
336June 22Cold SweatBrown, JamesNickoperspirationpejepeine
337June 22Lose Yourself to DanceDaft Punk ft Pharrell WilliamsFred Ericksonperspirationpejepeine
338June 22SweatingAlewyaMarconius7perspirationpejepeine
339June 22Black SweatPrincehappyclapperperspirationpejepeine
340June 22Make Me SweatBasement Jaxx ft Roxanne ShantéUnclebenperspirationpejepeine
341June 22Night SweatsFindlayJamesowen475perspirationpejepeine
342June 22La CanciónBalvin, J & Bad Bunnymagicmanperspirationpejepeine
343June 22HeatBryant, DanaNilpferdperspirationpejepeine
344June 29Darktown Strutters’ BallCharioteersNickopunctualityMarconius7
345June 29Me and Mrs. JonesPaul, BillySuzipunctualityMarconius7
346June 29Car on a HillMitchell, JoniseverinpunctualityMarconius7
347June 29Build Me Up ButtercupFoundationsAltraEgopunctualityMarconius7
348June 29Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My BabyWashington, DinahLoud AtlaspunctualityMarconius7
349June 29Come On, Let’s GoTyler, the CreatormagicmanpunctualityMarconius7
350June 29Modern LoveBowie, DavidamyleepunctualityMarconius7
351June 29A Well Respected ManKinksFred EricksonpunctualityMarconius7
352June 29Taking Care of BusinessBachman-Turner OverdriveFred EricksonpunctualityMarconius7
353June 29Nick of TimeRaitt, BonnieSweetHomeAlabamapunctualityMarconius7
354June 29Waiting for the BusViolent FemmeshappyclapperpunctualityMarconius7
355June 29Out of Time ManMano NegraswawilgpunctualityMarconius7
356June 29Enjoy YourselfPrince BustermegadompunctualityMarconius7
357July 6Impossible GermanyWilcoswawilgthe impossibleMaki
358July 60+2=1NoMeansNohappyclapperthe impossibleMaki
359July 6VenusTelevisionUnclebenthe impossibleMaki
360July 6Can’t Kick the HabitDupree, Champion Jacktincanmanthe impossibleMaki
361July 6Boat to BoliviaStephenson, Martin & the DainteesNoodsythe impossibleMaki
362July 6Attics of My LifeGrateful DeadChris7572the impossibleMaki
363July 6I Can’t Let Maggie GoHoneybusGeorge Boylandthe impossibleMaki
364July 6I Can’t Get StartedMcRae, CarmenNilpferdthe impossibleMaki
365July 6The Impossible DreamCarter USMhappyclapperthe impossibleMaki
366July 6Mission: ImpossibleSchifrin, LaloLoud Atlasthe impossibleMaki
367July 13ShamabalaStevenson, B. W.BanazirGalbasiparadiseNicko
368July 13ZionFlamesUnclebenparadiseNicko
369July 13Adam and EveSundae TimesShivSidecarparadiseNicko
370July 13Havoc in HeavenHoop, JescaShoegazerparadiseNicko
371July 13Kingdom of Heaven13th Floor ElevatorsTarquinSpoddparadiseNicko
372July 13ParadiseO’JaysFred EricksonparadiseNicko
373July 13Heaven Is EmptyHarding, AldousmegadomparadiseNicko
374July 13North of HeavenCollins, EdwynShoegazerparadiseNicko
375July 13Cabin in the SkyWaters, EthelMarconius7paradiseNicko
376July 13ParadiseBuzzcocksvanwolf2paradiseNicko
377July 13SacrificeIsaacs, GregoryUnclebenparadiseNicko
378July 13ParadiseSadeswawilgparadiseNicko
379July 13Wondrous PlaceFury, BillyParaMhorparadiseNicko
380July 13Somewhere There’s an IslandSeaman DanJamesowen475paradiseNicko
381July 13Bird of ParadiseParker, CharliemagicmanparadiseNicko
382July 13Paradise ExpressSlapp HappymegadomparadiseNicko
383July 20GlassesSha Na NaFred EricksoneyewearMarconius7
384July 20Eye Examination40meterP ft GUMIajostueyewearMarconius7
385July 2020/20 VisionHaden, CharlieNickoeyewearMarconius7
386July 20Cheap SunglassesHuman HeartsJamesowen475eyewearMarconius7
387July 20Rose Colored GlassesJackson, MillieseverineyewearMarconius7
388July 20Little Magic GlassesCash, JohnnyFred EricksoneyewearMarconius7
389July 20Ft. Walton Wake-Up CallMcMurtry, JamesFred EricksoneyewearMarconius7
390July 20Dark GlassesKershaw, NikFred EricksoneyewearMarconius7
391July 20Past My ShadesB.o.B. ft Lupe FiascoLoud AtlaseyewearMarconius7
392July 20Lady Liberty Needs GlassesWarner, Malcolm-JamalmagicmaneyewearMarconius7
393July 20LibrarianMy Morning JackettincanmaneyewearMarconius7
394July 20Las Gafas de LennonGuerra, PedroMakieyewearMarconius7
395July 20ShadesPop, IggyNickoeyewearMarconius7
396July 27The OwlSlapp Happy & Henry CowTarquinSpoddowlsMaki
397July 27The Owl of LoveClogs ft Shara WordensaneshaneowlsMaki
398July 27California OwlsDeath and Vanillavanwolf2owlsMaki
399July 27Lady FuschiaStrawbsAlison DempsterowlsMaki
400July 27Night OwlRafferty, GerryswawilgowlsMaki
401July 27Nite OwlChandler, GeneMarconius7owlsMaki
402July 27Night OwlDale, DickPop Off!owlsMaki
403July 27An Owl SongCanned HeatShivSidecarowlsMaki
404July 27Owl EyesBanhart, DevendraNickoowlsMaki
405July 27A CorujinhaRegina, ElispejepeineowlsMaki
406Aug. 3Milkcow Blues BoogiePresley, ElvisMarconius7music as nutritionParaMhor
407Aug. 3Move Your FeetJunior SeniorIsabelleForshawmusic as nutritionParaMhor
408Aug. 3Rave OnHolly, BuddyShivSidecarmusic as nutritionParaMhor
409Aug. 3Lilizela MlilizeliMahlathini and the Mahotella QueensTarquinSpoddmusic as nutritionParaMhor
410Aug. 3Add Some Music to Your DayBeach BoysSweetHomeAlabamamusic as nutritionParaMhor
411Aug. 3Listen to the BandMonkeesTarquinSpoddmusic as nutritionParaMhor
412Aug. 3Get in the GrooveHeptonesNickomusic as nutritionParaMhor
413Aug. 3Eat the MusicBush, Kateseverinmusic as nutritionParaMhor
414Aug. 3Sleep on the Left SideCornershophappyclappermusic as nutritionParaMhor
415Aug. 3Pomps and PrideToots and the MaytalsGeorge Boylandmusic as nutritionParaMhor
416Aug. 3Levi Stubbs’ TearsBragg, Billymegadommusic as nutritionParaMhor
417Aug. 3LivingstonCarpenter, Mary Chapintincanmanmusic as nutritionParaMhor
418Aug. 3XOYOPassagemegadommusic as nutritionParaMhor
419Aug. 10The TraderBeach Boysmagicman19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
420Aug. 10The MexicanBabe RuthTraktor Albatrost19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
421Aug. 10Days of 49Dylan, BobGeorge Boyland19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
422Aug. 10Slavery DaysBurning SpearNicko19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
423Aug. 10Harriet Tubman’s BalladGuthrie, Woodymagicman19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
424Aug. 10Follow the Drinking GourdHavens, RichieBanazirGalbasi19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
425Aug. 10The Elephant RidersClutchTraktor Albatrost19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
426Aug. 1040 Acres and a MuleSound Experiencepejepeine19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
427Aug. 10The Ballad of Blind TomJohn, Eltonmagicman19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
428Aug. 10When the Master Calls the RollCash, RosannePop Off!19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
429Aug. 10Sufferin’ Till SuffrageJames, EttaIsabelleForshaw19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
430Aug. 10The Ballad of Billy the KidJoel, BillyFred Erickson19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
431Aug. 10Cabin EssenceBeach BoysTarquinSpodd19th century history – AmericasShivSidecar
432Aug. 10Towers of LondonXTCGeorge Boyland19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
433Aug. 10Spoilt Victorian ChildFallShoegazer19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
434Aug. 10Songs on the TimesChumbawambaMax Visconta Nuclerosea19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
435Aug. 10Two Match LadsMegsonSuzi19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
436Aug. 10IronmastersMen They Couldn’t HangNoodsy19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
437Aug. 10Thousands Are SailingPoguesNoodsy19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
438Aug. 10The Koran, the Ghan and a YarnBridie, DavidNicko19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
439Aug. 10LudwigAmon Düül IIFred Erickson19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
440Aug. 10Vincent Van GoghRichman, Jonathan & the Modern LoversTarquinSpodd19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
441Aug. 10I Like CezanneInnes, NeilUncleben19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
442Aug. 10Comme RimbaudFontaine, BrigitteTarquinSpodd19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
443Aug. 10WaterlooABBATarquinSpodd19th century history – Rest of WorldShivSidecar
444Aug. 17Let’s Get MarriedGreen, Alseverinpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
445Aug. 17Rescue MeBass, FontellaIsabelleForshawpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
446Aug. 17HeyPixiesNoodsypick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
447Aug. 17Quando Bate Aquela SuadadeRubelpejepeinepick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
448Aug. 17The Keys of CanterburyShow of HandsSuzipick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
449Aug. 17I Want to Hold Your HandBeatleshappyclapperpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
450Aug. 17Baby, If We Had TimeHall, CarolFred Ericksonpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
451Aug. 17Step Into My LifeWare, Jessiemagicmanpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
452Aug. 17Do Fries Go with That Shake?Clinton, GeorgeIsabelleForshawpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
453Aug. 17Hey, Good Lookin’Williams, Hankswawilgpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
454Aug. 17Call Me MaybeJepsen, Carly RaeNoodsypick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
455Aug. 17Raised on RobberyMitchell, JoniBanazirGalbasipick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
456Aug. 17I Like You So Much Better When You’re NakedMaria, IdaFred Ericksonpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
457Aug. 17Touch the LeatherFat White FamilyShoegazerpick-up lines & marriage proposalstincanman
458Aug. 24BassologyGaillard, Slim & his Flat Foot FloogiesNickodouble bassLoud Atlas
459Aug. 24Mood IndigoMingus, Charlesmagicmandouble bassLoud Atlas
460Aug. 24Blue Moon of KentuckyPresley, ElvisParaMhordouble bassLoud Atlas
461Aug. 24Seven SeasCohen, AvishaiNilpferddouble bassLoud Atlas
462Aug. 24Three HoursDrake, Nickhappyclapperdouble bassLoud Atlas
463Aug. 24Alice in Wonderland (Take 2)Bill Evans TrioNilpferddouble bassLoud Atlas
464Aug. 24ZebraJohn Butler TrioIsabelleForshawdouble bassLoud Atlas
465Aug. 24My Baby Just Cares for MeSimone, NinaSuzidouble bassLoud Atlas
466Aug. 24Music EvolutionBuckshot LeFonqueIsabelleForshawdouble bassLoud Atlas
467Aug. 24Big Noise from WinnetkaBob-Catspejepeinedouble bassLoud Atlas
468Aug. 24MelaSpalding, Esperanzaseverindouble bassLoud Atlas
469Aug. 24OverjoyedSpalding, EsperanzaMarconius7double bassLoud Atlas
470Aug. 24Haitian Fight SongThompson, DannyChris7572double bassLoud Atlas
471Aug. 31We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the CitySheik, Kid with John Handy & FriendsBanazirGalbasifrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
472Aug. 31Tell It Like It IsNeville, AaronUnclebenfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
473Aug. 31Junco PartnerBooker, JamesNickofrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
474Aug. 31TipitinaLonghair, ProfessorLoud Atlas/Nickofrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
475Aug. 31Canal Street BluesKing Oliver’s Creole Jazz Bandseverinfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
476Aug. 31Baby Scratch My BackHarpo, Slimtincanmanfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
477Aug. 31Raise Your Window HighBreaux, CléomaTarquinSpoddfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
478Aug. 31Darktown Strutters’ BallJackson Square AllstarsTatankaYotankafrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
479Aug. 31Jock-A-MoCrawford, James “Sugar Boy”Nickofrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
480Aug. 31J’ai été au balLeJeune, IryTarquinSpoddfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
481Aug. 31Ma ‘Tit FilleZydeco, BuckwheatIsabelleForshawfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
482Aug. 31Big MamouLewis, SmileyTarquinSpoddfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
483Aug. 31Get Out of My Life, WomanDorsey, Leepejepeinefrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
484Aug. 31Fortune TellerSpellman, BennyShivSidecarfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
485Aug. 31Here Come the GirlsK-Doe, ErnieShivSidecarfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
486Aug. 31Stompin’ GroundNeville, Aaron & the Dirty Dozen Brass BandUnclebenfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
487Aug. 31Just a Closer Walk with TheeJackson, Mahalia & Louis Armstrongseverinfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
488Aug. 31Why Your Feet HurtRebirth Brass BandUnclebenfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
489Aug. 31Be YouThomas, IrmaGlass Halfemptyfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
490Aug. 31Barefootin’Parker, RobertIsabelleForshawfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
491Aug. 31Under YouBetter Than EzraFred Ericksonfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
492Aug. 31Something’s Wrong with This PictureGalacticNickofrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
493Aug. 31Petite fleurBechet, SidneySuzifrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
494Aug. 31Am I BlueBoutté, LillianParaMhorfrom New Orleans & south Louisianamagicman
495Sept. 7Ark of the CovenantCongosUnclebenformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
496Sept. 7ContractGang of FourVikingchildformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
497Sept. 7Rent CollectorKofiNickoformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
498Sept. 7Complete ControlClashpejepeineformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
499Sept. 7Rent ManRomeo, MaxNickoformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
500Sept. 7Tin SoldiersStiff Little FingersEnglishOutlawformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
501Sept. 7Peace TreatyTosh, PeterNickoformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
502Sept. 7E.M.I.Sex Pistolspejepeineformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
503Sept. 7Confirm ReservationIsaacs, GregoryUnclebenformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
504Sept. 7The ContractU.S. BombsFred Ericksonformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
505Sept. 7Beautiful LocksGladiatorspejepeineformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
506Sept. 7The HandshakeBad ReligionFred Ericksonformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
507Sept. 7Declaration of RightsAbyssinianspejepeineformal agreementsTatankaYotanka
508Sept. 14Shakin’ All OverGuess Whomagicmanbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
509Sept. 14Orange CrushR.E.M.ShivSidecarbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
510Sept. 14Right Side of My NeckWebster, Fayebarbrynbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
511Sept. 14Wear My Ring Around Your NeckPresley, ElvisTarquinSpoddbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
512Sept. 14Kiss Me on My NeckBadu, ErykahFred Ericksonbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
513Sept. 14My Neck, My BackVandalsFred Ericksonbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
514Sept. 14Dry BonesDelta Rhythm BoysGeorge Boylandbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
515Sept. 14My Spine (Is the Bassline)ShriekbackMussoliniHeadkickbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
516Sept. 14I’m a Woman (I’m a Backbone)Rufus & Chaka KhanSongBarLandlordbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
517Sept. 14Ride OnParliamentpejepeinebackbone & neckLoud Atlas
518Sept. 14ShakeCooke, SamParaMhorbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
519Sept. 14South America, Take It AwayCrosby, Bing & the Andrews Sistersmagicmanbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
520Sept. 14Backbone of NightTenor, Jimi & the Riga Symphony Orchestramagicmanbackbone & neckLoud Atlas
521Sept. 21WastelandsSuedeseverinwastelandsGeorge Boyland
522Sept. 21Talkin’ Dust Bowl BluesGuthrie, WoodyseverinwastelandsGeorge Boyland
523Sept. 21Dust BowlTroggsFred EricksonwastelandsGeorge Boyland
524Sept. 21Used to Be a MountainOld Crow Medicine ShowtincanmanwastelandsGeorge Boyland
525Sept. 21Death in the WildernessCale, J. J.Fred EricksonwastelandsGeorge Boyland
526Sept. 21Sodom and GomorrowCongosUnclebenwastelandsGeorge Boyland
527Sept. 21Walking Through a Wasted LandThompson, RichardseverinwastelandsGeorge Boyland
528Sept. 21Newest IndustryHüsker DüUnclebenwastelandsGeorge Boyland
529Sept. 21The Ministry of DefenceHarvey, PJShoegazerwastelandsGeorge Boyland
530Sept. 21No Fracking WayRovics, DavidTatankaYotankawastelandsGeorge Boyland
531Sept. 21The Human GermSnogNickowastelandsGeorge Boyland
532Sept. 21When We RemainCrain, SamanthaUnclebenwastelandsGeorge Boyland
533Sept. 21When the Music’s OverDoorsseverinwastelandsGeorge Boyland
534Sept. 28KokoParker, CharlieNilpferdsongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
535Sept. 28Chega de SaudadeGilberto, Joãomagicmansongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
536Sept. 28M.J.Peacock, Annette & Paul BleyTarquinSpoddsongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
537Sept. 28Virginia PlainRoxy Musicseverinsongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
538Sept. 28Why Theory?Gang of FourCarpgatesongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
539Sept. 28AquariusBoards of CanadaUnclebensongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
540Sept. 28Was Dog a Doughnut?Stevens, CatFred Ericksonsongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
541Sept. 28We Speak MusicReeps One with Second Selfajostusongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
542Sept. 28Wooden ShipsJefferson AirplaneAltraEgosongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
543Sept. 28Rebel Without a PausePublic EnemyMussoliniHeadkicksongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
544Sept. 28A PaléRosalíaMakisongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
545Sept. 28Jenny OndiolineStereolabTarquinSpoddsongs with more questions than answerspejepeine
546Oct. 5TaxationPrince BusterUnclebentaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
547Oct. 5Tax Paying BluesLenoir, J. B.MussoliniHeadkicktaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
548Oct. 5Offshore Banking BusinessMembersmagicmantaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
549Oct. 5Copper KettleDylan, BobGeorge Boylandtaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
550Oct. 5Taxes on the Farmer Feeds Us AllCooder, RyChris7572taxes & wealth redistributionseverin
551Oct. 5#TAXHAVENSMassive Attack with Saul Williams & Gabriel ZucmanNickotaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
552Oct. 5Don’t Pay the Poll TaxExploitedCarpgatetaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
553Oct. 5Death and TaxesCaesar, Danielmagicmantaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
554Oct. 5Pay Your RatesFallUnclebentaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
555Oct. 5La LiebreLos Tigres del NorteMakitaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
556Oct. 5Anarchy in the T.A.X.Village Man’s Storeajostutaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
557Oct. 5Paye (Pay as You Earn)Mighty SparrowJamesowen475taxes & wealth redistributionseverin
558Oct. 5California Über AllesDisposable Heroes of HiphoprisyTraktor Albatrosttaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
559Oct. 5What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes?Jones, Sharon & the Dap-KingsLoud Atlastaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
560Oct. 5Tax SexRip Rig + PanicNickotaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
561Oct. 5I’m Payin’ Taxes, What Am I Buyin’?Wesley, Fred & the J.B.’smagicmantaxes & wealth redistributionseverin
562Oct. 12Why Do You Exist?WeirdosTarquinSpoddmeaning of lifeUncleben
563Oct. 12Life Is a JourneyFearon, ClintonShoegazermeaning of lifeUncleben
564Oct. 12Get a LifeSoul II SoulNoodsymeaning of lifeUncleben
565Oct. 12Our Lives Are Shaped by What We LoveOdysseypejepeinemeaning of lifeUncleben
566Oct. 12Closer to FineIndigo GirlsNoodsymeaning of lifeUncleben
567Oct. 12What is Life?Black UhuruShivSidecarmeaning of lifeUncleben
568Oct. 12Young PilgrimsShinshappyclappermeaning of lifeUncleben
569Oct. 12Life Is Just a Bowl of CherriesVallée, RudySuzimeaning of lifeUncleben
570Oct. 12Eat, Sleep, RepeatEllis, Joyajostumeaning of lifeUncleben
571Oct. 12Born for a Purpose / Reason for LivingDr AlimantadoNickomeaning of lifeUncleben
572Oct. 12Dream Within a DreamPropagandaMakimeaning of lifeUncleben
573Oct. 12CabaretMinnelli, LizaParaMhormeaning of lifeUncleben
574Oct. 20Steel Band MusicLord KitchenerNickosteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
575Oct. 20Wings of a DoveMadnessvastarinersteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
576Oct. 20Northern LitesSuper Furry Animalshappyclappersteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
577Oct. 20If I Find You AgainJamal, AhmadNilpferdsteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
578Oct. 20FranceGrateful DeadChris7572steelpan bandsLoud Atlas
579Oct. 20Cantina BandWilliams, Johnpejepeinesteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
580Oct. 20Jane SaysJane’s Addictionhappyclappersteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
581Oct. 20KokomoBeach Boysseverinsteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
582Oct. 20Liberty CityPastorius, Jaconosuchzonesteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
583Oct. 20Tribute to Spree SimonLord KitchenerNickosteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
584Oct. 20Hookin’ MehInvaders Steel Orchestramagicmansteelpan bandsLoud Atlas
585Oct. 27Good Morning JudgeHarris, Wynonieseverinjudges & trialsNicko
586Oct. 27On a MondayLead BellyTarquinSpoddjudges & trialsNicko
587Oct. 27Bind the King in ChainsBlyth PowerShivSidecarjudges & trialsNicko
588Oct. 27Oswald Defence LawyerFallhappyclapperjudges & trialsNicko
589Oct. 27Eight Men, Four WomenWright, O. V.Fred Ericksonjudges & trialsNicko
590Oct. 27Judge, Jury and ExecutionerAtoms for Peaceswawilgjudges & trialsNicko
591Oct. 27TestifyCommonUnclebenjudges & trialsNicko
592Oct. 27You Can Leave, But It’s Going to Cost YouGaye, Marvinpejepeinejudges & trialsNicko
593Oct. 27Judge Harsh BluesLewis, FurryTarquinSpoddjudges & trialsNicko
594Oct. 27Better Get a LawyerCruel Seaajostujudges & trialsNicko
595Oct. 27Little SadieCrooked StillLoud Atlasjudges & trialsNicko
596Oct. 27Please JudgeErickson, RokyTarquinSpoddjudges & trialsNicko
597Oct. 27Seven CursesTabor, June & OysterbandSuzijudges & trialsNicko
598Oct. 27Two Good MenGuthrie, Woodytincanmanjudges & trialsNicko
599Oct. 27Tougher Than Tough (Rudie in Court)Morgan, DerrickGeorge Boylandjudges & trialsNicko
600Oct. 27Battering Down SentenceWailer, BunnyUnclebenjudges & trialsNicko
601Nov. 2We Are the BoyzPulpMax Visconta NucleroseagangsParaMhor
602Nov. 2Rebel GirlBikini KillMax Visconta NucleroseagangsParaMhor
603Nov. 2London GangsSaultUnclebengangsParaMhor
604Nov. 2Sorority GirlsMommy Long LegsUnclebengangsParaMhor
605Nov. 2Can I Join Your BandCreationTarquinSpoddgangsParaMhor
606Nov. 2Crew LoveDrakemagicmangangsParaMhor
607Nov. 2Jet Set JuntaMonochrome SetTraktor AlbatrostgangsParaMhor
608Nov. 2Show MeDexys Midnight RunnersCarpgategangsParaMhor
609Nov. 2Bad Man PosseeMurvin, JuniorTatankaYotankagangsParaMhor
610Nov. 2All Things Are Quite SilentCollins, ShirleyShivSidecargangsParaMhor
611Nov. 2Lippy KidsElbowShivSidecargangsParaMhor
612Nov. 2JunglelandSpringsteen, BrucetincanmangangsParaMhor
613Nov. 2Baader MeinhoffCabaret VoltaireMussoliniHeadkickgangsParaMhor
614Nov. 9TimePink FloydParaMhorfear of missing outLoud Atlas
615Nov. 9Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go to the PartyBarnett, CourtneyShoegazerfear of missing outLoud Atlas
616Nov. 9FashionBowie, Davidajostufear of missing outLoud Atlas
617Nov. 9Green DoorShakin’ Stevenspejepeinefear of missing outLoud Atlas
618Nov. 9Missing OutShed SevenBanazirGalbasifear of missing outLoud Atlas
619Nov. 9I’m on the Outside (Looking In)Robinson, Smokey & the MiraclesMussoliniHeadkickfear of missing outLoud Atlas
620Nov. 9GeoffJeays, PhilipTatankaYotankafear of missing outLoud Atlas
621Nov. 9Gotta Get Into SomethingClark, Gary Jr.tincanmanfear of missing outLoud Atlas
622Nov. 9DriveLawrence, LizParaMhorfear of missing outLoud Atlas
623Nov. 9Delicious ThingsWolf Alicehappyclapperfear of missing outLoud Atlas
624Nov. 9I Do This All the TimeSelf EsteemDiscoMonsterfear of missing outLoud Atlas
625Nov. 9Free BirdLynyrd Skynyrdseverinfear of missing outLoud Atlas
626Nov. 9After HoursVelvet UndergroundTarquinSpoddfear of missing outLoud Atlas
627Nov. 16Dinah-Moe HummZappa, Frank & the MothersBanazirGalbasiorgasmsmagicman
628Nov. 16The Bonny Black HareFairport ConventionSuziorgasmsmagicman
629Nov. 16Push the ButtonSugababeshappyclapperorgasmsmagicman
630Nov. 16Rocks OffRolling Stonesamyleeorgasmsmagicman
631Nov. 16WAPCardi B ft Megan Thee StallionParaMhororgasmsmagicman
632Nov. 16Love Won’t Let Me WaitHarris, MajorSweetHomeAlabamaorgasmsmagicman
633Nov. 16Little DeathBethsajostuorgasmsmagicman
634Nov. 16French KissLil LouisUnclebenorgasmsmagicman
635Nov. 16Afternoon DelightStarland Vocal Bandamyleeorgasmsmagicman
636Nov. 16Turn Off the LightsPendergrass, TeddyFred Ericksonorgasmsmagicman
637Nov. 16RelaxFrankie Goes to HollywoodSuziorgasmsmagicman
638Nov. 16Do Me, BabyPrinceNickoorgasmsmagicman
639Nov. 16Let Me Be Your Dirty Fucking WhoreMachine Gun FellatioNickoorgasmsmagicman
640Nov. 16HentaiRosalíapejepeineorgasmsmagicman
641Nov. 16Between the SheetsIsley BrothersFred Ericksonorgasmsmagicman
642Nov. 23Armstrong, Aldrin & CollinsByrdsIsabelleForshawspace travelShivSidecar
643Nov. 23Sputniks and MutniksAnderson, Ray & the Home FolksNickospace travelShivSidecar
644Nov. 23E.V.A.Public Service Broadcastingmagicmanspace travelShivSidecar
645Nov. 23Space Travel Is BoringModest MouseGeorge Boylandspace travelShivSidecar
646Nov. 23Climb on BoardLabrinthmagicmanspace travelShivSidecar
647Nov. 23Astral TravellingSanders, PharoahSeth Millerspace travelShivSidecar
648Nov. 23Lopin’ Along Thru the CosmosSill, JudeeTatankaYotankaspace travelShivSidecar
649Nov. 23Rocket ManJohn, Eltonamylee/AltraEgospace travelShivSidecar
650Nov. 23Space AgeSmiley, BrettMax Visconta Nucleroseaspace travelShivSidecar
651Nov. 23Space GirlImagined VillageSuzispace travelShivSidecar
652Nov. 23Crimson StarHen Ogleddvanwolf2space travelShivSidecar
653Nov. 232000 Light Years from HomeRolling Stonesamyleespace travelShivSidecar
654Nov. 23Astronomy DominePink Floydmagicmanspace travelShivSidecar
655Nov. 23Subterranean Homesick AlienRadioheadParaMhorspace travelShivSidecar
656Nov. 23Ghosts of American AstronautsMekonsShoegazerspace travelShivSidecar
657Nov. 23A Deep Space Romance (Ariane)Honeymoon Killerspejepeinespace travelShivSidecar
658Nov. 30Pink, Purple, Yellow and RedSorrowsNickopinkseverin
659Nov. 30Pink MoonDrake, NickTatankaYotankapinkseverin
660Nov. 30Hot PinkLet’s Eat Grandmabarbrynpinkseverin
661Nov. 30La Vie en roseArmstrong, Louis & his Orchestraamyleepinkseverin
662Nov. 30La Vie en rosePiaf, ÉdithSuzipinkseverin
663Nov. 30Hot PinkMeat Puppetsvanwolf2pinkseverin
664Nov. 30Pink MoonSultana, Tashajostupinkseverin
665Nov. 30Pink ElephantLenaMarconius7pinkseverin
666Nov. 30Sakura SakuraUnknown singerNickopinkseverin
667Nov. 30Salmon Coloured ManMaliaFred Ericksonpinkseverin
668Nov. 30Pink ChampagneLiggins, Joe & his HoneydrippersNickopinkseverin
669Nov. 30Pink Champagne BluesGnodvanwolf2pinkseverin
670Nov. 30SakuraYanawarabaTarquinSpoddpinkseverin
671Dec. 7Give Me the Simple LifeJones, EttaNickosimple pleasuresbarbryn
672Dec. 7Simple LifeSherman, BimNickosimple pleasuresbarbryn
673Dec. 7Simple JoysYoung, KennyFred Ericksonsimple pleasuresbarbryn
674Dec. 7Fly HighSt. John, BridgetShivSidecarsimple pleasuresbarbryn
675Dec. 7Sitting in the SunValentine, HiltonFred Ericksonsimple pleasuresbarbryn
676Dec. 7Out in the CountryWilliams, PaulFred Ericksonsimple pleasuresbarbryn
677Dec. 7Ain’t That EnoughTeenage Fanclubamyleesimple pleasuresbarbryn
678Dec. 7Birds on a FeederEdwards, Kathleentincanmansimple pleasuresbarbryn
679Dec. 7Favorite Time of LightOver the Rhinetincanmansimple pleasuresbarbryn
680Dec. 7I Like London in the RainDearie, Blossompejepeinesimple pleasuresbarbryn
681Dec. 7Java JiveInk SpotsBanazirGalbasisimple pleasuresbarbryn
682Dec. 7The Bare NecessitiesHarris, Philhappyclappersimple pleasuresbarbryn
683Dec. 14Stopped by Woods on a Snowy EveningLeven, JackieTatankaYotankawinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
684Dec. 14Ice FishingMorrissey, Billtincanmanwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
685Dec. 14Snow CampingVeirs, LauraUnclebenwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
686Dec. 14AliceWaits, TomSongBarLandlordwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
687Dec. 14Elfstedentocht Part 1Public Service BroadcastingTon Bukkemswinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
688Dec. 14LangrennTungtvannTraktor Albatrostwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
689Dec. 14BiathlonPapaokeBanazirGalbasiwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
690Dec. 14The Hockey SongConnors, Stompin’ Tomtincanmanwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
691Dec. 14Tournament of HeartsWeakerthanstincanmanwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
692Dec. 14Hobbin and A BobbinRagamuffins ft Bob AndyBanazirGalbasiwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
693Dec. 14Tonya HardingStevens, Sufjanamyleewinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
694Dec. 14Sleigh MeEmmy the Great & Tim WheelerShivSidecarwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
695Dec. 14Sleigh RideCount Basie Orchestraseverinwinter sports & pastimesMarconius7
696Dec. 21Jumpin’ at the WoodsideBasie, Count & OrchestraMarconius7ensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
697Dec. 21Mi SaocoMoré, Beny y Su Orquestapejepeineensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
698Dec. 21PerdidoEllington, Duke & his Famous Orchestramagicmanensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
699Dec. 21Peter GunnMancini, Henry & his OrchestraMarconius7ensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
700Dec. 21What Is Hip?Tower of Poweramyleeensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
701Dec. 21White CityPoguesShivSidecarensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
702Dec. 21KalasnjikovBregović, Goran & the Tzigane Brass OrchestraPop Off!ensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
703Dec. 21Soon It Will Be FireHypnotic Brass Ensemble ft Moses Sumneybarbrynensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
704Dec. 21Short Ride in a Fast MachineAdams, John (performed by Simon Rattle with City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra)Chris7572ensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
705Dec. 21Someone to Watch Over MeFitzgerald, Ella with Nelson Riddle OrchestraParaMhorensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
706Dec. 21No DiscriminationAllen, Tony & the Afro MessengersNickoensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd
707Dec. 21Mount the AirUnthanksseverinensembles, big bands & orchestrasNilpferd